At the Conference...
"If you had cared to do your homework and read the Treaty of Incorporation", Duquesne replied icily, "you would know that it specifically mentions the NFT as being beholden to the BIOCOM treaty. Something which BIOCOM itself would've been able to tell you as well. What the agency also would be able to tell you is that the NFT has no biological weapons program, irregardless of whatever you may happen to believe. But by all means, don't let such droll things as facts get in the way of your scaremongering."Lonestar wrote:"Commissioner," Boomed Vladimir Berman "Since you have so casually tossed FTO to the wind, are we to assume that you've tossed BIOCOM as well? It would, after all, make your weapons programs much easier to develop without nasty little things like 'legality', in the way, wouldn't it?"
For a scant few seconds Duquesne simply stared at the Tian Xian ambassador. Finally she replied, her voice thick with sarcasm: "Thank you for sharing that fascinating insight into the paranoid mind of your Empire, Mr. Doyle. Now if your little outburst is quite done, I suggest we get back to the main issue of this summit. Unless any of you have any other 'objections' to the wily ways of the NFT? We'll be glad to note them; I'm told there's going to be a ticker tape parade in San Dorado soon and I bet they can use the paper."Beowulf wrote:"Right, you didn't want to have to follow the terms so that you could abandon the very organization you spearheaded, and leave it to wither. Of course the sovereign Empire of Tian Xia didn't sign that idiotic pact. There was much to lose, and nothing to gain from doing so. Yet, we did act as if the strictures of the pact applied until your own nation decided to invite further foreign forces into Frequesque.
"It was doomed from the start anyways. There are ways to have done what you wanted, but that wasn't one of them. Of course, those ways would have required a will, which was sorely lacking. We don't object to the San Doradan presence in the northern buffer zone of Costa. We do object to the way you sold out your allies in order to become the lapdog of the Communists. Conveniently for you, there is no enforcement provision in the pact, so there are no consequences to your blatant and unrepentant violations of the pact."