Zablorg wrote:
The Republic of One answers The Republic of N'ton's request for aid, but refuses to attend any meetings unless there is a bowl of donuts and other executive pastries for each seat.
Refreshments of all kinds will be provided.
Stas Bush wrote:
For a lack of response by the naval powers, one ailing refugee ship from Syndromia has been lost, only 413 people oout of 1000 were saved by the internvention of Red Technocracy military vessels which traversed 200 kms to the point of catastrophe in the Vahaneim Straits.
The Republic of N'ton offers its condolences to the families and friends of those who perished, and pledges to send aid to the inhabitants of Syndromia in the form of bulk quantities of construction materials to rebuild their infrastructure. We will also be sending 3 fast-attack craft and a fast combat support ship to help make sure preventable accidents like this will not happen again.
The Republic of N'ton was planning to release this press release and aid earlier, even before a refugee ship was lost, but one of our secretaries does not appear to know how to use a stapler, and it got lost in the paper shuffle. She has since been sacked.
Zixinus wrote:
1. Then wouldn't it be more practical-minded to develop the chemical rockets first, THEN start researching the NSW rocket?
2. Even if you are in orbit around the planet, the radioisotopes will decay their orbit and still fall to the ground.
3. How will you do the tests then?
I thought it was implied that I had already developed chemical rockets, but we can say that I didn't and have to develop those first.
Since I obviously know nothing about propulsion, what kind of engines would you suggest? IIRC, proton-boron polywell fusors released no neutrons, and so were a clean form of fusion.
And I don't understand your third question at all.
PeZook wrote:
The Parliamentary members have come to the following conclusion: The Act's humanitarian merits are without question. While a real danger exists of uncotrolled outflow of students seeking education abroad, a statistical analysis based on opinion polls revealed that should such an outflow occur, the majority of emmigrating students would plan to return from abroad to settle back in their home country.
It was therefore agreed that the Student Immigration Act be passed in its proposed form ; With added incentives for students to return home after completing their education.
We thank the II Republic for their consideration of the possible consequences of the SIA, and applaud their creation of an acceptable solution. The Republic of N'ton would like to send students to the II Republic under this program, and will reciprocate (with our limited capability) by opening our distinguished metallurgical chemistry and metallurgical engineering study programs to our allies under a similar agreement. This is, of course, pending approval from the Ministry of Finance, which is swamped with requests, and is still trying to figure out which color pen to use for the bottom line.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Here ye, Hwere ye,
It has come to the Lord High CEO's attention that there may be more then one Smaller Nation boasting claims that are far beyond said nations resource ablities. It is Proposed that a council shall be conveinged to take a tally of all nations resources and ablities that have been "claimed" and see if they conflict wiht what said nation is capable of supporting or producing.
Additional, It is now evident that the forum in which we are currently holding all international discussions have surpassed all previous expectation in the range of size and scope that it has reached.
It is herby motined to the rest of the UN of SDnet, that a new 'Thread' be opened that wish we can continue, with a fresh start, our poltical discorse. While at the same time, preserving this immense bastian to "Rarw" for all time.
The Republic of N'ton is probably one of those nations that makes claims far beyond its resources allow, however it still seconds the motion to create a council to tally each nation's capabilities and restrict their claimed output accordingly. We also plead ignorance and the inability to grasp the scale at which a government operates.
Also, due to our proximity to Shroomania, The Republic of N'ton formally requests permission to join the Fungal Axis.