SD.Net World(RAR!) MK II
From the Vedra Tribune:
Grand Opening of VNTV
This day marks the formal opening of Vedra National Television (VNTV), the country's first nationwide TV broadcasting station. In addition to vital news and state proclamations, a number of entertainment programs personally selected by President for Life Setzer will be aired.
Of particular interest is a military exercise, footage of which will be on the 8 o' clock news. Given the recent saber rattling by the MESS, President for Life Setzer wants to ensure that the armed forces stand ready to defend our Republic.
The exercise will consist of armored manuevers by the First Combined Arms Regiment, numerous MOUT operations by various infantry regiments, and CAS runs from our helicopter gunship unit.
Grand Opening of VNTV
This day marks the formal opening of Vedra National Television (VNTV), the country's first nationwide TV broadcasting station. In addition to vital news and state proclamations, a number of entertainment programs personally selected by President for Life Setzer will be aired.
Of particular interest is a military exercise, footage of which will be on the 8 o' clock news. Given the recent saber rattling by the MESS, President for Life Setzer wants to ensure that the armed forces stand ready to defend our Republic.
The exercise will consist of armored manuevers by the First Combined Arms Regiment, numerous MOUT operations by various infantry regiments, and CAS runs from our helicopter gunship unit.

- Vohu Manah
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 775
- Joined: 2004-03-28 07:38am
- Location: Harford County, Maryland
- Contact:
Transcript of Grand Duke Vohu Manah's speech before the Qudlivun Free State Parliament
To thunderous applause, His Grace steps up to the podium before the Qudlivun Free State Parliament. At the behest of the Grand Duke and Prime Minister this special session has been called to outline a plan to ensure the continuity of his nation in the event of a world-wide WMD exchange. An act that His Grace deemed inevitable as highlighted by the recent O.M.S.K. and MESS alliance tensions reverberated around New Earth.
"Before I begin I'd like to thank this august body," began Grand Duke Vohu Manah, "for the hard work it does ensuring this great nation's continued existence." The Grand Duke paused for the brief burst of applause, "Once again I call upon this august body to make a series of painful but necessary decisions and continue the tradition of leadership that has been evident in this nation's short history."
Pausing to take a sip of water, "I will not lie to anyone, given the current state of New Earth and its competing alliances I believe the exchange of nuclear weapons is inevitable despite recent moves to de-escalate tensions between the two major military alliances. Most of the larger nations, if not independent antagonists, are locked into these military alliances that appeared to be on the brink of war. Even if our great nation today had the technology and sufficient means to prevent a nuclear exchange such abilities will only bring war to our people. We'd quickly become the targets of either major alliance or one of the individual antagonizers. The first line of defense for our nation is to ensure we provide no power with any justifiable reason to aim their weapons at us.
"Thus I refuse to engage other nations in such a manner, and therefore I am looking to defend our people and ensure our nation's continued existence. First and foremost, we must defend our people from direct threats of military force and doing so means hardening our infrastructure to prevent their loss in war while providing the means for our people to survive such assaults. While this government has already moved to provide such defense to our people our baby-steps are clearly insufficient in light of recent international actions. To better ensure the security of the populous I am proposing a multi-year construction project to harden our cities against conventional and NBC attacks to better protect our people. This project, expected to last five to ten years, will start with existing critical infrastructure such as our airports, terminals and agriculture and end with the hardening of every home in the Qudlivun Free State. All new construction within our nation must meet new government construction standards to ensure their survivability in the event of war
"While these measures may protect our buildings and infrastructure, they will not alone ensure the lives of our citizens. As such our self-defense forces shall include in the kits for both volunteer soldiers and conscript militia the necessary tools to protect oneself from NBC attacks and the means to care for that equipment. As part of the public school curriculum our children shall be fitted and trained with their own NBC gear in the event of such an exchange. We expect that within one year we can incorporate such plans into our nation's schools and within five years every man, woman and child above age nine be trained in and possess properly fitting personal NBC equipment."
There was a brief pause for some applause but it was clear that some members of Parliament felt that the Grand Duke was either being far too ambitious in his planning or was overstating the threat.
The Grand Duke continued, "My last project is by far the most ambitious as it concerns our nation's defense. I wish to construct an underground arcology within the aptly named Sanctuary Fortress, our highest point in all of the Qudlivun Free State, to serve as a final line of defense for our nation. In addition to being a military fortress capable of withstanding a conventional siege almost indefinitely, this structure will provide a permanent evacuation point in case of almost any kind of disaster that could befall our people. I intend to have this arcology built to hold as many as two million people and build two artificial canals leading to a protected port to service any vessel our fair nation may obtain. Included in the plans for this facility are pre-constructed underground evacuation routes to ensure the swift transit of civilians from our cities to this arcology and these tunnels will be designed to deter their use by foreign adversaries in the event of invasion should the need arise.
"I expect this project to take as many as five years to plan and begin procuring the necessary materials. On year five construction will begin with a total alloted construction time of twenty-five years." There was little obvious reaction from the crowd.
"While we provide security for our people we should strive to preserve the future of our New Earth in the event my fears are wholly unjustified." stated the Grand Duke, almost as if he anticipated some within the Parliament might have believed he was being paranoid. "Beginning immediately, I intend to drive our nation to be a leader among the world in environmental policy. As part of a complete ten year project I wish to convert all power production within Qudlivun to renewable resources such as wind and solar. Geo-thermal heating and cooling systems will be explored for all existing structures and an attempt to mandate their use in new construction shall be considered. In addition we shall construct a large bio-diesel production facility and convert all existing power plants and engines using petrolium-based fuels to use this fuel. It is my goal to permanently close our existing oil fields at the earliest possible convenience and render our need for such facilities moot. When the eventual world wide oil crunch hits New Earth within the next century I want to see Qudlivun immune to its effects.
"Most importantly I expect our nation to streamline our waste management system to include a large amount of environmentally friendly recycling methods. This shall be done in manner that is completely transparent to the citizen, no sorting of your garbage as was done on Old Earth, to ensure that every bit of waste that can be reused is saved in any imaginable but reasonable way. My environmental plan, as outlined, has an ambitious timeframe of ten years for all necessary planning and construction and an additional five years for engine and power plant conversions.
"As noted with recent diplomatic exchanges we can only truly depend on ourselves to ensure our nation's survival and the continued comfort of our citizens. As expected little in the way of international pressure is being placed on various rogue states openly taking provocative actions in or near strategically vital regions. I expect these threats of action against our people to continue to further isolate us. Do not let these fools weaken your resolve and prevent you from taking what is essentially the correct if unpopular course of action.
"I ask the Parliament of the Qudlivun Free State to debate the measures set forth today with all due diligence. Do not allow the difficult international situation to cause undue strain on your proceedings. I believe the plans I have put forth will be of great benefit to our great nation and if these projects are approved in the coming days we can begin them in earnest within the month. I once again thank this august body for giving me their precious time today and I hope for good news in the future." The Grand Duke left the podium to more thunderous applause. Parliament will begin debate on his wishes starting tomorrow morning.
To thunderous applause, His Grace steps up to the podium before the Qudlivun Free State Parliament. At the behest of the Grand Duke and Prime Minister this special session has been called to outline a plan to ensure the continuity of his nation in the event of a world-wide WMD exchange. An act that His Grace deemed inevitable as highlighted by the recent O.M.S.K. and MESS alliance tensions reverberated around New Earth.
"Before I begin I'd like to thank this august body," began Grand Duke Vohu Manah, "for the hard work it does ensuring this great nation's continued existence." The Grand Duke paused for the brief burst of applause, "Once again I call upon this august body to make a series of painful but necessary decisions and continue the tradition of leadership that has been evident in this nation's short history."
Pausing to take a sip of water, "I will not lie to anyone, given the current state of New Earth and its competing alliances I believe the exchange of nuclear weapons is inevitable despite recent moves to de-escalate tensions between the two major military alliances. Most of the larger nations, if not independent antagonists, are locked into these military alliances that appeared to be on the brink of war. Even if our great nation today had the technology and sufficient means to prevent a nuclear exchange such abilities will only bring war to our people. We'd quickly become the targets of either major alliance or one of the individual antagonizers. The first line of defense for our nation is to ensure we provide no power with any justifiable reason to aim their weapons at us.
"Thus I refuse to engage other nations in such a manner, and therefore I am looking to defend our people and ensure our nation's continued existence. First and foremost, we must defend our people from direct threats of military force and doing so means hardening our infrastructure to prevent their loss in war while providing the means for our people to survive such assaults. While this government has already moved to provide such defense to our people our baby-steps are clearly insufficient in light of recent international actions. To better ensure the security of the populous I am proposing a multi-year construction project to harden our cities against conventional and NBC attacks to better protect our people. This project, expected to last five to ten years, will start with existing critical infrastructure such as our airports, terminals and agriculture and end with the hardening of every home in the Qudlivun Free State. All new construction within our nation must meet new government construction standards to ensure their survivability in the event of war
"While these measures may protect our buildings and infrastructure, they will not alone ensure the lives of our citizens. As such our self-defense forces shall include in the kits for both volunteer soldiers and conscript militia the necessary tools to protect oneself from NBC attacks and the means to care for that equipment. As part of the public school curriculum our children shall be fitted and trained with their own NBC gear in the event of such an exchange. We expect that within one year we can incorporate such plans into our nation's schools and within five years every man, woman and child above age nine be trained in and possess properly fitting personal NBC equipment."
There was a brief pause for some applause but it was clear that some members of Parliament felt that the Grand Duke was either being far too ambitious in his planning or was overstating the threat.
The Grand Duke continued, "My last project is by far the most ambitious as it concerns our nation's defense. I wish to construct an underground arcology within the aptly named Sanctuary Fortress, our highest point in all of the Qudlivun Free State, to serve as a final line of defense for our nation. In addition to being a military fortress capable of withstanding a conventional siege almost indefinitely, this structure will provide a permanent evacuation point in case of almost any kind of disaster that could befall our people. I intend to have this arcology built to hold as many as two million people and build two artificial canals leading to a protected port to service any vessel our fair nation may obtain. Included in the plans for this facility are pre-constructed underground evacuation routes to ensure the swift transit of civilians from our cities to this arcology and these tunnels will be designed to deter their use by foreign adversaries in the event of invasion should the need arise.
"I expect this project to take as many as five years to plan and begin procuring the necessary materials. On year five construction will begin with a total alloted construction time of twenty-five years." There was little obvious reaction from the crowd.
"While we provide security for our people we should strive to preserve the future of our New Earth in the event my fears are wholly unjustified." stated the Grand Duke, almost as if he anticipated some within the Parliament might have believed he was being paranoid. "Beginning immediately, I intend to drive our nation to be a leader among the world in environmental policy. As part of a complete ten year project I wish to convert all power production within Qudlivun to renewable resources such as wind and solar. Geo-thermal heating and cooling systems will be explored for all existing structures and an attempt to mandate their use in new construction shall be considered. In addition we shall construct a large bio-diesel production facility and convert all existing power plants and engines using petrolium-based fuels to use this fuel. It is my goal to permanently close our existing oil fields at the earliest possible convenience and render our need for such facilities moot. When the eventual world wide oil crunch hits New Earth within the next century I want to see Qudlivun immune to its effects.
"Most importantly I expect our nation to streamline our waste management system to include a large amount of environmentally friendly recycling methods. This shall be done in manner that is completely transparent to the citizen, no sorting of your garbage as was done on Old Earth, to ensure that every bit of waste that can be reused is saved in any imaginable but reasonable way. My environmental plan, as outlined, has an ambitious timeframe of ten years for all necessary planning and construction and an additional five years for engine and power plant conversions.
"As noted with recent diplomatic exchanges we can only truly depend on ourselves to ensure our nation's survival and the continued comfort of our citizens. As expected little in the way of international pressure is being placed on various rogue states openly taking provocative actions in or near strategically vital regions. I expect these threats of action against our people to continue to further isolate us. Do not let these fools weaken your resolve and prevent you from taking what is essentially the correct if unpopular course of action.
"I ask the Parliament of the Qudlivun Free State to debate the measures set forth today with all due diligence. Do not allow the difficult international situation to cause undue strain on your proceedings. I believe the plans I have put forth will be of great benefit to our great nation and if these projects are approved in the coming days we can begin them in earnest within the month. I once again thank this august body for giving me their precious time today and I hope for good news in the future." The Grand Duke left the podium to more thunderous applause. Parliament will begin debate on his wishes starting tomorrow morning.
“There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
"You just don't get it, do you Matt?"
He looked around the assembled faces, meeting everybody's eyes.
"Shep detonated a huge fucking nuke, and the world went apeshit. Stas gets into a tantrum over that, blaming us for somehow causing all that. For Christ's sake, you even released a statement saying that we didn't mind the pursuit of nuclear weapons and Stas was still going off his rocker!
"We had all the cards and you pissed them all away!
If you had just fucking filed a complaint about the airspace violations and left it at that, things would have been much better for us. But no, you had to push, and push, and break off relations and stick your military on alert. Beo had to fucking play hardball over that drone crash."
He looked quickly at Beo, and added, "Look, I don't like the fact your people died but you pushed things too far.
"And then you two cut off ties. Beo fucking blows up his embassy in the RT! You two go on alert, and Stas pulls back. Now he's the fucking hero for de-escalating a situation he started in the first place!" He was, of course, referring to recent comments from Vedra blaming the MESS for "saber rattling" and PeZookia's comments praising Stas for his role in pulling back.
"Look you guys, if he flew drones over my nation I'd be pissed too. But you know what? He was in the wrong and I'm sure the rest of the world would have seen it. But no, you had to push, and push, and satisfy your God-damned egos and once again, the MESS are the fucking bad guys!"
He looked around, and saw that Matt was about to speak. But Rufus was far from done.
"I am sick and tired of getting painted by the 'war-mongering MESS' brush over this. Why the fuck couldn't you just let the shit go and play the wounded party card? Is it that fucking hard to put your damn ego on hold and just let it go? You know, so we're not the motherfucking bad guys everytime someone gets in a hissy fit but the 'big bad evil MESS' refuses to back down?"
He sat back in his chair and sighed, taking in the various expressions, running from anger to shock and even some sadness. When he saw Matt getting ready to speak again, he knew it wasn't going to be pleasent.
But he'd finally gotten his frustrations with his allies off his chest. I needed to do that, regardless. He sat forward and prepared for whatever the consequences might be.
He looked around the assembled faces, meeting everybody's eyes.
"Shep detonated a huge fucking nuke, and the world went apeshit. Stas gets into a tantrum over that, blaming us for somehow causing all that. For Christ's sake, you even released a statement saying that we didn't mind the pursuit of nuclear weapons and Stas was still going off his rocker!
"We had all the cards and you pissed them all away!
If you had just fucking filed a complaint about the airspace violations and left it at that, things would have been much better for us. But no, you had to push, and push, and break off relations and stick your military on alert. Beo had to fucking play hardball over that drone crash."
He looked quickly at Beo, and added, "Look, I don't like the fact your people died but you pushed things too far.
"And then you two cut off ties. Beo fucking blows up his embassy in the RT! You two go on alert, and Stas pulls back. Now he's the fucking hero for de-escalating a situation he started in the first place!" He was, of course, referring to recent comments from Vedra blaming the MESS for "saber rattling" and PeZookia's comments praising Stas for his role in pulling back.
"Look you guys, if he flew drones over my nation I'd be pissed too. But you know what? He was in the wrong and I'm sure the rest of the world would have seen it. But no, you had to push, and push, and satisfy your God-damned egos and once again, the MESS are the fucking bad guys!"
He looked around, and saw that Matt was about to speak. But Rufus was far from done.
"I am sick and tired of getting painted by the 'war-mongering MESS' brush over this. Why the fuck couldn't you just let the shit go and play the wounded party card? Is it that fucking hard to put your damn ego on hold and just let it go? You know, so we're not the motherfucking bad guys everytime someone gets in a hissy fit but the 'big bad evil MESS' refuses to back down?"
He sat back in his chair and sighed, taking in the various expressions, running from anger to shock and even some sadness. When he saw Matt getting ready to speak again, he knew it wasn't going to be pleasent.
But he'd finally gotten his frustrations with his allies off his chest. I needed to do that, regardless. He sat forward and prepared for whatever the consequences might be.

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
[LINK]Vohu Manah wrote:1) I don't recall any such offer.
Not to you exactly, and that exact deal wasn't offered but now it is
We might be persuaded to offer the airframes and engines at a discount rate allowing your industry to continue to make the avionics, and ground systems. You would also get the advantage of immediately deliverable airframes, instead of waiting for your factory to be built.2) True, my solution is more expensive but the money goes back into my own economy rather than funding a third party, especially a third party prone to outrageous claims.
New Patria will back off it's claim of IP theft, and in the interest of civil dicourse issues an apology for the accusation. However some statements by your government are false (there were two of your citizens in New Patria just 8 weeks before your drone program announcement) We do request clairification on this point.3) No deal will even be considered until your publicly back off your claim of IP theft and issue a formal apology.
"I believe in the future. It is wonderful because it stands on what has been achieved." - Sergei Korolev
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Bear Republic Neews:
Trisha Clemons isn't feeling well this week, so we have a new Host, please welcome Cindy Vasquez whose temporarily filling Trish's job while she's out.
Today The Bear Republic inducts a new class of "Peacemakers" these law enforcement specialists have been well trained, including anti-noctodile and counter terrorist training, lets see that view live from Remote.
The image changes as various politicians are on hand for the induction of the new SWAT/Counter Terrorist Police, in the back ground a fuel truck's cab suddenly stalls and begins smoking. A second later the image flares solid white and then static.
Cindy: Mobile 3, what's going on, we've lost your signal.
Trisha Clemons isn't feeling well this week, so we have a new Host, please welcome Cindy Vasquez whose temporarily filling Trish's job while she's out.
Today The Bear Republic inducts a new class of "Peacemakers" these law enforcement specialists have been well trained, including anti-noctodile and counter terrorist training, lets see that view live from Remote.
The image changes as various politicians are on hand for the induction of the new SWAT/Counter Terrorist Police, in the back ground a fuel truck's cab suddenly stalls and begins smoking. A second later the image flares solid white and then static.
Cindy: Mobile 3, what's going on, we've lost your signal.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
- Vohu Manah
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 775
- Joined: 2004-03-28 07:38am
- Location: Harford County, Maryland
- Contact:
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Grand Duke and Prime Minister of the Qudlivun Free State, accepts the apology of the Kingdom of New Patria in regards to claims of intellectual property theft. A bill rescinding both the full travel ban and the severing of contact will be submitted to our Parliament.MariusRoi wrote:New Patria will back off it's claim of IP theft, and in the interest of civil dicourse issues an apology for the accusation. However some statements by your government are false (there were two of your citizens in New Patria just 8 weeks before your drone program announcement) We do request clairification on this point.
In regards to the requested clarification the only travel by bearers of Qudlivun passports or claiming Qudlivun citizenship this year was to The II Republic of Pezookia. Assuming for a moment that these records are in fact in error, it should grievously concern any nation that foreign nationals can without proper security vetting make contact with personnel with access to or possess intimate knowledge of military equipment. We will provide any additional assistance requested in regards to this matter.
If delivery of any equipment can be guaranteed before the end of the first half of the current year, we will agree to purchase 21 airframes and associated ground control equipment.MariusRoi wrote:We might be persuaded to offer the airframes and engines at a discount rate allowing your industry to continue to make the avionics, and ground systems. You would also get the advantage of immediately deliverable airframes, instead of waiting for your factory to be built.
“There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
- K. A. Pital
- Glamorous Commie
- Posts: 20813
- Joined: 2003-02-26 11:39am
- Location: Elysium
The Republic of Vedra is being accepted into the OMSK by the Security Council majority decision
(OOC: Setzer, I need a map to place you on the world map)
Red Technocracy makes no public statements regarding the MESS Summit and related news
Another set of caricatures appeared today in the "Echo of the Planet" illustrated journal.

OMSK Security Council expansion
Byzantium included as a standing Security Council member with a vote in OMSK SC decisions.
(OOC: Setzer, I need a map to place you on the world map)
Red Technocracy makes no public statements regarding the MESS Summit and related news
Another set of caricatures appeared today in the "Echo of the Planet" illustrated journal.

OMSK Security Council expansion
Byzantium included as a standing Security Council member with a vote in OMSK SC decisions.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...
...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...
...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
Assalti Frontali
News by the Metric Tone
First ore ship leaves Port Morasia, bound for Red Technocracy
The rioters of last week have been replaced by dignitaries and dock workers as, under an ore shipment contract with the Red Technocracy, a converted RT container ship filled her holds with iron ore and pulled smoothly away from the docks. This is the first of many RT ships that will be loading up on N'ton ore under the current contract. Payment details are among the items still to be worked out in the contract.
Fort Sam Houston, outside of San Antonio
Lonestar folded his arms.
"(1)I never cut off ties with the RT, they did with us and ordered my embassy personnel out of the country. (2)All my planes are still on the ground and my ships in port. What are you talking about 'putting my forces on alert'? And (3)Sending high speed drones over the LSR, when we can make a reasonable assumption that much B-70 research is going on, is far more aggressive than a underground weapons test."
Lonestar peered at RogueIce. He noticed that he seemed to be sweating profusely.
"Are, are you alright?"
Lonestar folded his arms.
"(1)I never cut off ties with the RT, they did with us and ordered my embassy personnel out of the country. (2)All my planes are still on the ground and my ships in port. What are you talking about 'putting my forces on alert'? And (3)Sending high speed drones over the LSR, when we can make a reasonable assumption that much B-70 research is going on, is far more aggressive than a underground weapons test."
Lonestar peered at RogueIce. He noticed that he seemed to be sweating profusely.
"Are, are you alright?"
Last edited by Lonestar on 2008-04-26 10:28pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Beowulf Comments on the Embassy Evacuation
"It's not a surprise that no one was hurt, there is a wall around it, after all, and they were only blowing equipment that we couldn't take with us. It's not as if we blew up the embassy. The wall would have contained most of the debris from the over enthusiatic engineers. The company commander is now a lieutenant though."
Kelly Field Annex
It was interesting to be back here. Last time he was here, it was basic training. If the area was truly as similar as it looked, he had an aunt in the area. He figured he should go visit her sometime. After the summit, probably.
As he had flown in, he could see in the distance an interestingly shaped dust cloud. It was obvious that he'd missed the promised fireworks.
He reached the top of the steps that had been rolled to the plane, took his wife's hand, and waved at the cameras, before walking down to the waiting limo.
Fort Sam Houston
"Hey Matt, I don't think you've met my wife yet. Call her Bibble. She's been on the other side, mostly. I thought it was important to bring her to this though. Fireworks go off okay? What'd I miss?"
"It's not a surprise that no one was hurt, there is a wall around it, after all, and they were only blowing equipment that we couldn't take with us. It's not as if we blew up the embassy. The wall would have contained most of the debris from the over enthusiatic engineers. The company commander is now a lieutenant though."
Kelly Field Annex
It was interesting to be back here. Last time he was here, it was basic training. If the area was truly as similar as it looked, he had an aunt in the area. He figured he should go visit her sometime. After the summit, probably.
As he had flown in, he could see in the distance an interestingly shaped dust cloud. It was obvious that he'd missed the promised fireworks.
He reached the top of the steps that had been rolled to the plane, took his wife's hand, and waved at the cameras, before walking down to the waiting limo.
Fort Sam Houston
"Hey Matt, I don't think you've met my wife yet. Call her Bibble. She's been on the other side, mostly. I thought it was important to bring her to this though. Fireworks go off okay? What'd I miss?"
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Unfortunately we can only guarantee a total of 15 new-build airframes in the first half of this year (the remaining 6 would take another 2 months), however in the intervening period we can offer the services of 6 low flight-hour airframes currently in service with the NPAF (deliverable immediately).Vohu Manah wrote:If delivery of any equipment can be guaranteed before the end of the first half of the current year, we will agree to purchase 21 airframes and associated ground control equipment.
"I believe in the future. It is wonderful because it stands on what has been achieved." - Sergei Korolev
- Vohu Manah
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 775
- Joined: 2004-03-28 07:38am
- Location: Harford County, Maryland
- Contact:
So 15 by the end of June with the other 6 by the end of August? I don't need to borrow airframes in the mean-time. The slight cost overrun from the original budget allocation can be corrected.MariusRoi wrote:Unfortunately we can only guarantee a total of 15 new-build airframes in the first half of this year (the remaining 6 would take another 2 months), however in the intervening period we can offer the services of 6 low flight-hour airframes currently in service with the NPAF (deliverable immediately).
“There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
Yep. The first batch (7 airframes) are already in storage ready to be released for pick up.Vohu Manah wrote:So 15 by the end of June with the other 6 by the end of August? I don't need to borrow airframes in the mean-time. The slight cost overrun from the original budget allocation can be corrected.
"I believe in the future. It is wonderful because it stands on what has been achieved." - Sergei Korolev
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Transcript of a Nukistani News Network LIVE Interview with a sailor

CPO M. Bouchier of RSS Maryland, CGN-74; in a establishment of ill repute
"So there I was getting ready to go out for some shore leave after spending the last eight hours shutting down the damn reactor; when orders come down on high to to restart it up. Okay, fine, whatever. Only half way through the process; orders come back down again to shut it down again."
"Fucking Navy. Uh, that's off the record is it?"
"Uh, no sir, Mr Bouchier."
"Damn it."
*phone rings*
"What? They're recalling everyone again? Why the fuck?"
"Courtesy visit to Shroomania? At least we'll get some fun times out of that."
"Uh, Mr Bouchier, aren't you aware of the notorious Shroomanian 'gay dockyard worker' calendars?"
"Damn it."

CPO M. Bouchier of RSS Maryland, CGN-74; in a establishment of ill repute
"So there I was getting ready to go out for some shore leave after spending the last eight hours shutting down the damn reactor; when orders come down on high to to restart it up. Okay, fine, whatever. Only half way through the process; orders come back down again to shut it down again."
"Fucking Navy. Uh, that's off the record is it?"
"Uh, no sir, Mr Bouchier."
"Damn it."
*phone rings*
"What? They're recalling everyone again? Why the fuck?"
"Courtesy visit to Shroomania? At least we'll get some fun times out of that."
"Uh, Mr Bouchier, aren't you aware of the notorious Shroomanian 'gay dockyard worker' calendars?"
"Damn it."
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
speculation on the blast that tore through the "Peacemaker" ceremonies earlier today. So far no one has claimed responsibility, a news camera showed a double tanker truck showing signs of distress, as it's cab started smoking, and burning seconds before the blast. It's believed that the tanker truck may have been carrying flamable contents.
the television pulls back into a darkened room elsewhere.
a digitally scrambled voice talks unseen, in the darkness. "Well that test went well, just simply hydrogen, oxygen and fuel vapors under pressure, a primative MOAB if you will." I need a spokesperson, someone the sheep trust to deliver my message. you shall be my messenger. Bear Republic News Anchor and Celebraty Trisha Clemons stared into the darkness, eyes wide with fear.
the television pulls back into a darkened room elsewhere.
a digitally scrambled voice talks unseen, in the darkness. "Well that test went well, just simply hydrogen, oxygen and fuel vapors under pressure, a primative MOAB if you will." I need a spokesperson, someone the sheep trust to deliver my message. you shall be my messenger. Bear Republic News Anchor and Celebraty Trisha Clemons stared into the darkness, eyes wide with fear.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Constantinople Times
News Headlines
The Emperor is Grateful for a place in the Security Council of OMSK
The Emperor announced that he is grateful for the position in the Security Council, and it thus lays to rest any previous misunderstandings that arose from the nuclear test. The Emperor vowed to work closely with its allies to ensure strong deterrence and prevent any future conflict. "Byzantium does not like war, and views war as excessively expensive." says the Emperor.
Parliament continues to debate the military expansion. If agreed, one new Justinian class carrier would be constructed and deployed, along with many other escorts.
News Headlines
The Emperor is Grateful for a place in the Security Council of OMSK
The Emperor announced that he is grateful for the position in the Security Council, and it thus lays to rest any previous misunderstandings that arose from the nuclear test. The Emperor vowed to work closely with its allies to ensure strong deterrence and prevent any future conflict. "Byzantium does not like war, and views war as excessively expensive." says the Emperor.
Parliament continues to debate the military expansion. If agreed, one new Justinian class carrier would be constructed and deployed, along with many other escorts.

Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
- Contact:
[This has been in the making for some time.]
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel
Prime Minister Shroom the 777th spared no time after his return, immediately calling for an emergency session of Parliament and then communicating with his allies in the FUNGAL AXIS and the League of Unaligned Nations in a massive multi-national teleconference.
The Parliament concluded with a rare bipartisan agreement, and the quick FUNGAL-LUN talks that followed showed the allied nations unanimous in their resolution - ratifying a plan that has been in the making ever since the beginning of the OMSK-MESS tensions.
After a quick rest stop in his private residence, the Prime Minister called for a press conference, live, and beamed throughout the New World via ShroomSatTV.
In the conference, the Prime Minister addressed not only the citizens of Shroomania, but also the FUNGAL AXIS, the LUN, the OMSK Pact, the MESS, and the whole world - Terra Libertia and Saddamistan included.
"I'm back," the Prime Minister said solemnly, to the nervous applause and laughter of his audience (many of whom have questioned the Prime Minister 's state of mind even before his mysterious disappearance). He flashed a warm smile to a crowd of onlookers, and they whooped and cheered - despite the doubts of many, most were grateful for the return of their leader. "And I've got something to say."
"These last few days, weeks, and months have been arduous for all of us in Shroomania and for the whole world as well. Together, we have faced many a challenge, and together we have prevailed - intact and, for the most part, whole."
"In light of recent events, and knowing fully well what we have faced and what may lie ahead of us in the future, we cannot fault any nation for developing defenses to protect its own people. We cannot condemn that."
"But we also cannot condone the creation of weapons that can wipe out thousands, if not millions, in a single strike. We cannot condone the development of nuclear technology for the purposes of destruction."
"We Shroomanians haven't made much noise about the development of nuclear technology. There have been a few protests, but most of us acknowledge the necessity of the atom's peaceful applications. We have nuclear power, we are working with N'ton to build ships that can sail the seas with atomic engines. We are proud of that."
"We are also proud of our efforts to protect ourselves. We Shroomanians know it is vital to defend our homes, our family, our friends. There were no large protests against the development of our titan guns, of our submarines, of the deployment of our Mushroom Marines in hotzones throughout the Central Sea Area."
"Yet we also know the importance of peace. We also know the value of trust, friendship, and solidarity with nations whose goals are one with ours. Goals of prosperity and freedom. Thus we have discarded our titan guns, docked our submarines, and have sought not to raise rhetoric or proceed with provokations against our neighbors."
"Both the OMSK Pact and the MESS acted for the security of their nations. But, from the state of things, it does not seem that the world is any more secure today than it was during the crises of Shadow-Mangka, Syndromia or Libertopia. We stand at the brink of disaster."
"Yet neither sides can be faulted or blamed. For enough of that has gone around already. I have opted to maintain our open diplomatic relations with all nations to continue dialog in the hope that someone will listen. That cooler heads will prevail. As ever, we are optimistic, and our military's alertness has not been raised. Some would call that foolhardy, but it is a gesture of our goodwill and our faith in our friends and allies, in both the OMSK Pact and the MESS."
"Yet, despite our faith in our friends, it is obvious that we have seen a failure in many things. The failure to communicate. The failure to trust. The failure to listen to reason."
"I am here today to announce the dissolution of the FUNGAL AXIS."
Audible gasps could be heard, but the Prime Minister ignored that, ignored the cries of outrage and shock, and continued - stronger now.
"Many of you have wondered what 'FUNGAL' meant. That word, though its obscure connotations, stood for the Free and United Nations General Alliance for Liberty. Despite the hardships and the setbacks, even the occasional indecision, the FUNGAL AXIS has done great many benefits to its constituent nations. Opening up trade between economies, fostering diplomacy between nations, and helping smaller nations with their security. The Sovereignty of Shroomania has done a lot of good by nurturing the many nations clustered around the Central Sea, nations that otherwise might have fallen prey to piracy, civil unrest, and the depredations of larger and less-peaceful nations. By this altruistic duty, we stood by our allies in the League of Unaligned Nations in our quest for peace."
"Yet times have changed. Lines are being drawn in the sand, divisions and boundaries are being formed between nations, and it is imperative that those of us who do not wish to be washed away by this tide of hostility and silent conflict must band together stronger than ever, in solidarity. A union of many, though small as some of us are, will show to those few but divisive that we do not want our world to be divided between hostilities and belligerence and military treaties."
"We will not change the world through force of arms, we will not influence others through hostility or intimidation. We will communicate our ideals and our want of a better world, our hope for peace and prosperity. Rather than close ourselves to others, we will open ourselves up to those who do not want boundaries or divisions to cut lines that will become wounds, wounds that may not heal with time."
"I am here to announce the Fungal Union of Nations. The FUN will be founded on the principles of trade, diplomacy, and security, and it is open for all of those who seek prosperity with their neighbors and their fellow man. We will progress forward to the future, and welcome new friends to a new age of international cooperation. By this, we hope to heal the rifts formed between the OMSK and the MESS, and we are open to everyone irregardless of member organizations, alliances, pacts and treaties."
According to the Prime Minister, the former-FUNGAL AXIS and some of the LUN nations have already agreed to join the FUN.
Amongst the FUNGAL nations that have ratified the FUN are:
The Sovereignty of Shroomania (me)
II Republic of PeZookia (PeZook)
Glorious People's Republican Democracy of Blasitification (Losonti Tokash)
Kingdom of Republicburgstatesville (NeoGoomba)
Kingdom of Tiriolia (Tiriol)
The Vortex Empire (The Vortex Empire)
Grand Duchy of Vanaheim (Vanas)
The Shadow Empire (Darth Shady)
Rail Republic of Caniba (Redleader34)
Republic of One (Zablorg)
New Gottland (Decue)
Republic of Vulpesia (WesFox13)
Sovereign Duchy of Baerne (Master_Baerne)
Duchy of Langley (Shinn Langley Soryu)
Republicof N’ton (Dave)
[Some of them don't have maps... and Zablorg is dead.]
In other news, Shroomania has dispatched 40 Halifax frigates to conduct maritime security and anti-piracy patrols along the Central Sea, working together with friendly FUNGAL and LUN nations and docking at their ports to refuel and relax their crews.
FUNGAL F-18s based on New Gottland, the Duchy of Baerne and (surprisingly) Syndromia are also contributing to the maritime naval security operations.
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel
Prime Minister Shroom the 777th spared no time after his return, immediately calling for an emergency session of Parliament and then communicating with his allies in the FUNGAL AXIS and the League of Unaligned Nations in a massive multi-national teleconference.
The Parliament concluded with a rare bipartisan agreement, and the quick FUNGAL-LUN talks that followed showed the allied nations unanimous in their resolution - ratifying a plan that has been in the making ever since the beginning of the OMSK-MESS tensions.
After a quick rest stop in his private residence, the Prime Minister called for a press conference, live, and beamed throughout the New World via ShroomSatTV.
In the conference, the Prime Minister addressed not only the citizens of Shroomania, but also the FUNGAL AXIS, the LUN, the OMSK Pact, the MESS, and the whole world - Terra Libertia and Saddamistan included.
"I'm back," the Prime Minister said solemnly, to the nervous applause and laughter of his audience (many of whom have questioned the Prime Minister 's state of mind even before his mysterious disappearance). He flashed a warm smile to a crowd of onlookers, and they whooped and cheered - despite the doubts of many, most were grateful for the return of their leader. "And I've got something to say."
"These last few days, weeks, and months have been arduous for all of us in Shroomania and for the whole world as well. Together, we have faced many a challenge, and together we have prevailed - intact and, for the most part, whole."
"In light of recent events, and knowing fully well what we have faced and what may lie ahead of us in the future, we cannot fault any nation for developing defenses to protect its own people. We cannot condemn that."
"But we also cannot condone the creation of weapons that can wipe out thousands, if not millions, in a single strike. We cannot condone the development of nuclear technology for the purposes of destruction."
"We Shroomanians haven't made much noise about the development of nuclear technology. There have been a few protests, but most of us acknowledge the necessity of the atom's peaceful applications. We have nuclear power, we are working with N'ton to build ships that can sail the seas with atomic engines. We are proud of that."
"We are also proud of our efforts to protect ourselves. We Shroomanians know it is vital to defend our homes, our family, our friends. There were no large protests against the development of our titan guns, of our submarines, of the deployment of our Mushroom Marines in hotzones throughout the Central Sea Area."
"Yet we also know the importance of peace. We also know the value of trust, friendship, and solidarity with nations whose goals are one with ours. Goals of prosperity and freedom. Thus we have discarded our titan guns, docked our submarines, and have sought not to raise rhetoric or proceed with provokations against our neighbors."
"Both the OMSK Pact and the MESS acted for the security of their nations. But, from the state of things, it does not seem that the world is any more secure today than it was during the crises of Shadow-Mangka, Syndromia or Libertopia. We stand at the brink of disaster."
"Yet neither sides can be faulted or blamed. For enough of that has gone around already. I have opted to maintain our open diplomatic relations with all nations to continue dialog in the hope that someone will listen. That cooler heads will prevail. As ever, we are optimistic, and our military's alertness has not been raised. Some would call that foolhardy, but it is a gesture of our goodwill and our faith in our friends and allies, in both the OMSK Pact and the MESS."
"Yet, despite our faith in our friends, it is obvious that we have seen a failure in many things. The failure to communicate. The failure to trust. The failure to listen to reason."
"I am here today to announce the dissolution of the FUNGAL AXIS."
Audible gasps could be heard, but the Prime Minister ignored that, ignored the cries of outrage and shock, and continued - stronger now.
"Many of you have wondered what 'FUNGAL' meant. That word, though its obscure connotations, stood for the Free and United Nations General Alliance for Liberty. Despite the hardships and the setbacks, even the occasional indecision, the FUNGAL AXIS has done great many benefits to its constituent nations. Opening up trade between economies, fostering diplomacy between nations, and helping smaller nations with their security. The Sovereignty of Shroomania has done a lot of good by nurturing the many nations clustered around the Central Sea, nations that otherwise might have fallen prey to piracy, civil unrest, and the depredations of larger and less-peaceful nations. By this altruistic duty, we stood by our allies in the League of Unaligned Nations in our quest for peace."
"Yet times have changed. Lines are being drawn in the sand, divisions and boundaries are being formed between nations, and it is imperative that those of us who do not wish to be washed away by this tide of hostility and silent conflict must band together stronger than ever, in solidarity. A union of many, though small as some of us are, will show to those few but divisive that we do not want our world to be divided between hostilities and belligerence and military treaties."
"We will not change the world through force of arms, we will not influence others through hostility or intimidation. We will communicate our ideals and our want of a better world, our hope for peace and prosperity. Rather than close ourselves to others, we will open ourselves up to those who do not want boundaries or divisions to cut lines that will become wounds, wounds that may not heal with time."
"I am here to announce the Fungal Union of Nations. The FUN will be founded on the principles of trade, diplomacy, and security, and it is open for all of those who seek prosperity with their neighbors and their fellow man. We will progress forward to the future, and welcome new friends to a new age of international cooperation. By this, we hope to heal the rifts formed between the OMSK and the MESS, and we are open to everyone irregardless of member organizations, alliances, pacts and treaties."
According to the Prime Minister, the former-FUNGAL AXIS and some of the LUN nations have already agreed to join the FUN.
Amongst the FUNGAL nations that have ratified the FUN are:
The Sovereignty of Shroomania (me)
II Republic of PeZookia (PeZook)
Glorious People's Republican Democracy of Blasitification (Losonti Tokash)
Kingdom of Republicburgstatesville (NeoGoomba)
Kingdom of Tiriolia (Tiriol)
The Vortex Empire (The Vortex Empire)
Grand Duchy of Vanaheim (Vanas)
The Shadow Empire (Darth Shady)
Rail Republic of Caniba (Redleader34)
Republic of One (Zablorg)
New Gottland (Decue)
Republic of Vulpesia (WesFox13)
Sovereign Duchy of Baerne (Master_Baerne)
Duchy of Langley (Shinn Langley Soryu)
Republicof N’ton (Dave)
[Some of them don't have maps... and Zablorg is dead.]
In other news, Shroomania has dispatched 40 Halifax frigates to conduct maritime security and anti-piracy patrols along the Central Sea, working together with friendly FUNGAL and LUN nations and docking at their ports to refuel and relax their crews.
FUNGAL F-18s based on New Gottland, the Duchy of Baerne and (surprisingly) Syndromia are also contributing to the maritime naval security operations.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Private Members only confrence at Atlantis
Emporer Colin puts forth the suggestion of a "Shadow Alliance" or Darkside alliance, for the purposes of countering terrorism, and for the need to preform covert actions against other hostiles.
Emporer Colin puts forth the suggestion of a "Shadow Alliance" or Darkside alliance, for the purposes of countering terrorism, and for the need to preform covert actions against other hostiles.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
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Prime Minister Shroom, in tele-conference, is open to the idea but suggests a catchier name 
And the FUNGAL AXIS/FUN is interested in opening moar trade with the Bear Republic. Agricultural products would be excellent, as would booze.

And the FUNGAL AXIS/FUN is interested in opening moar trade with the Bear Republic. Agricultural products would be excellent, as would booze.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
The Bear Republic does recognize that FUN and Canissa are the primary trade partners. Though not wanting to endanger trade with Canissa and getting the senate to recognize/join FUN would be difficult. (damn multi-party system even if I do have absolute power, getting a group of five hundred self important assholes, who all have their own agendas to agree gets difficult. Yes my government is designed to barely work.)
I am however willing to recognize the simple fact that both Coyote and you are my "Most Favored Trade Partners"
I am however willing to recognize the simple fact that both Coyote and you are my "Most Favored Trade Partners"

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
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No matter, me and Coyote are pretty tight.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Bear Republic Sniper course:
Smith looked over at her spotter.
"you did it again, Headshot."
"look I know your just the spotter, but would you quit doing that?"
"Why, I'm still doing my job?"
"Because you could have been a sniper in your own right rather then a spotter, but you keep targeting the crotch instead of where your supposed to aim for. I mean the last time we gave you a laser pointer you guided a presion munition right into the lap of the target in the back seat of a pirate gunboat."
opps wrong place, that said, feel free to use Lt. Smith and her spotter "Headshot Helen"
Official Note:
Lt. Gunhilda Smith and Spotter Sgt. Helen "Headshot" McDonnel are being reassigned to Shroomania for training and possible assignment to an international anti-pirate/anti-terrorist unit.
Smith looked over at her spotter.
"you did it again, Headshot."
"look I know your just the spotter, but would you quit doing that?"
"Why, I'm still doing my job?"
"Because you could have been a sniper in your own right rather then a spotter, but you keep targeting the crotch instead of where your supposed to aim for. I mean the last time we gave you a laser pointer you guided a presion munition right into the lap of the target in the back seat of a pirate gunboat."
opps wrong place, that said, feel free to use Lt. Smith and her spotter "Headshot Helen"
Official Note:
Lt. Gunhilda Smith and Spotter Sgt. Helen "Headshot" McDonnel are being reassigned to Shroomania for training and possible assignment to an international anti-pirate/anti-terrorist unit.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
"Sorry Matt. Obviously my foreign and intelligence people are slipping. Given everything going down recently..." He sighed aduibly, then continued, "Well, there will be adjustments made.
"I'm just so sick of getting lumped into the 'bad guy pool' when this shit goes down. We need to do something to keep our positions and responses better coordinated. How the hell am I supposed to be able to get things to quiet down if someone else in the MESS is posturing aggressively? I know full well we'll never have a totally unified system here, but damn it we need to cooperate better when it comes to things like this! Don't you agree?"
"I'm just so sick of getting lumped into the 'bad guy pool' when this shit goes down. We need to do something to keep our positions and responses better coordinated. How the hell am I supposed to be able to get things to quiet down if someone else in the MESS is posturing aggressively? I know full well we'll never have a totally unified system here, but damn it we need to cooperate better when it comes to things like this! Don't you agree?"

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
- Crossroads Inc.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 9233
- Joined: 2005-03-20 06:26pm
- Location: Defending Sparkeling Bishonen
- Contact:
Breaking News! Crossroadia Ends self imposed Isolation.

Headline news from Bishotropolis
After months of silance and only the occasional comment from the Lord CEO of Crossroadia, the Great leader has spoken out at length this evening on a host of issues as he officially reopens ties to all the Nations of the NewWorld. For more on this hour long speech, we go to an overview by Guy Guyverson.
“The Lord CEO started this evening with a speech essentially welcoming back the nations of SD.Net and the NewWorld. He restated his nations main concerns of Space and Scientific exploration, as well as the NewWorlds current hub for Gay and alternate Lifestyles ((OOC until such time as Einy every comes to play)).
The main thrust of the speech was outlining what Crossroadia has been up too all this time. The greatest aspect seems to be the completion of the fabled “Crossroads Central Control Tower. This Megalithic Structure was built as a self-contained City. At almost 1000’ metres tall, it dominates the Island Nations and can be seen from almost any spot on the island. The Immense tower has centralized much of the work on Crossroadia, housing many key important government facilities as well as military and industrial. The CityTower is home to almost 80,000 people who live and work in it’s immense facilities.
Continuing from his glowing assessment of the CCC Tower, the Lord CEO went on to talk about the role of his military, or the apparent lack of it in the seas of SD.Net. Here we have a short sound clip from the speech:
”the NewWorld of SD.Net is a crowded and often dangerous place. It is often discomforting to know that there are nations that dwarf your own defence forces by several orders. Rather then dwell on such things, Crossroadia has chosen to embrace it. With its recent application into the OMSK Pact Crossroadia can feel safe that if it ever is assaulted, it has more then enough treaty members to protect it from virtually any offence. Our military forces that we do have, have recently been heavily modified to patrol our waters not from Human aggressors, but to keep our harbours and shores safe from the prolific MegaFauna that seems all too prolific is this NewWorld.
“The speech continued outlining a new push for the Nation, expanding itself toward its member nations with what seems a bright and gleaming new Future! This is Guy Guyverson with SD.Net-News”
High Attop the CCCT, central Penthouse
A darkened figure clicked off the news as he turned to look back at his advisors.
“Not bad, good way to come back onto the world stage, I just wish it wasn’t in such hand wringing times” The Lord High CEO spoke as he slumped back into the chair.
“OY! I leave for a while and this place sinks into infighting and threats of nuclear war. Flying Spaghetti Monster help us! We were given this place, a Paradise for us to play with, and we end up almost pissing it away with petty arguing and… politics.” He said and shivered before standing at last.
“Hugo, get on the Horn with the people of Red Technocracy, find out exactly what their side of the story is as well as just who Has nukes and who doesn’t. By the FSM, nuclear power is the best future this world has for energy, but Nuclear Weapons… Ungh, Damned Shep and his lust for big explosions…
Frdedrick? I need you and the rest of the navy brass to put on a show for the media, keep feeding them that bit about overhauling our ships for “MegaFauna” an such, I know we don’t have the resources of the “Big Boys” around here but I still want a respectable force. I’ll have Walter down in Finical to give you another couple Billion for your ships.” He said as an underling ran into the room.
“Your Lord CEO’ness! A thousand pardons, but the Prime Minster Shroom is speaking on all networks! Seems he is voicing out on the current situation!” The Lord CEO nodded, dismissing the Underling as he flicked back on the news net-works.
“Hugo! After your down with StasBush from the Red Technocracy, call up Shroom for me, it’s time I had chat with my old friend, I think, hes going to be key in resolving this mess.

Headline news from Bishotropolis
After months of silance and only the occasional comment from the Lord CEO of Crossroadia, the Great leader has spoken out at length this evening on a host of issues as he officially reopens ties to all the Nations of the NewWorld. For more on this hour long speech, we go to an overview by Guy Guyverson.
“The Lord CEO started this evening with a speech essentially welcoming back the nations of SD.Net and the NewWorld. He restated his nations main concerns of Space and Scientific exploration, as well as the NewWorlds current hub for Gay and alternate Lifestyles ((OOC until such time as Einy every comes to play)).
The main thrust of the speech was outlining what Crossroadia has been up too all this time. The greatest aspect seems to be the completion of the fabled “Crossroads Central Control Tower. This Megalithic Structure was built as a self-contained City. At almost 1000’ metres tall, it dominates the Island Nations and can be seen from almost any spot on the island. The Immense tower has centralized much of the work on Crossroadia, housing many key important government facilities as well as military and industrial. The CityTower is home to almost 80,000 people who live and work in it’s immense facilities.
Continuing from his glowing assessment of the CCC Tower, the Lord CEO went on to talk about the role of his military, or the apparent lack of it in the seas of SD.Net. Here we have a short sound clip from the speech:
”the NewWorld of SD.Net is a crowded and often dangerous place. It is often discomforting to know that there are nations that dwarf your own defence forces by several orders. Rather then dwell on such things, Crossroadia has chosen to embrace it. With its recent application into the OMSK Pact Crossroadia can feel safe that if it ever is assaulted, it has more then enough treaty members to protect it from virtually any offence. Our military forces that we do have, have recently been heavily modified to patrol our waters not from Human aggressors, but to keep our harbours and shores safe from the prolific MegaFauna that seems all too prolific is this NewWorld.
“The speech continued outlining a new push for the Nation, expanding itself toward its member nations with what seems a bright and gleaming new Future! This is Guy Guyverson with SD.Net-News”
High Attop the CCCT, central Penthouse
A darkened figure clicked off the news as he turned to look back at his advisors.
“Not bad, good way to come back onto the world stage, I just wish it wasn’t in such hand wringing times” The Lord High CEO spoke as he slumped back into the chair.
“OY! I leave for a while and this place sinks into infighting and threats of nuclear war. Flying Spaghetti Monster help us! We were given this place, a Paradise for us to play with, and we end up almost pissing it away with petty arguing and… politics.” He said and shivered before standing at last.
“Hugo, get on the Horn with the people of Red Technocracy, find out exactly what their side of the story is as well as just who Has nukes and who doesn’t. By the FSM, nuclear power is the best future this world has for energy, but Nuclear Weapons… Ungh, Damned Shep and his lust for big explosions…
Frdedrick? I need you and the rest of the navy brass to put on a show for the media, keep feeding them that bit about overhauling our ships for “MegaFauna” an such, I know we don’t have the resources of the “Big Boys” around here but I still want a respectable force. I’ll have Walter down in Finical to give you another couple Billion for your ships.” He said as an underling ran into the room.
“Your Lord CEO’ness! A thousand pardons, but the Prime Minster Shroom is speaking on all networks! Seems he is voicing out on the current situation!” The Lord CEO nodded, dismissing the Underling as he flicked back on the news net-works.
The Lord CEO smiled as he turned away and began to walk outShroom Man 777 wrote:"These last few days, weeks, and months have been arduous for all of us in Shroomania and for the whole world as well. Together, we have faced many a challenge, and together we have prevailed - intact and, for the most part, whole."
"In light of recent events, and knowing fully well what we have faced and what may lie ahead of us in the future, we cannot fault any nation for developing defenses to protect its own people. We cannot condemn that."
"But we also cannot condone the creation of weapons that can wipe out thousands, if not millions, in a single strike. We cannot condone the development of nuclear technology for the purposes of destruction.---"
“Hugo! After your down with StasBush from the Red Technocracy, call up Shroom for me, it’s time I had chat with my old friend, I think, hes going to be key in resolving this mess.
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!
- K. A. Pital
- Glamorous Commie
- Posts: 20813
- Joined: 2003-02-26 11:39am
- Location: Elysium
PRAVDA: Memorial to the soldiers died in the Syndromian conflict opened today
A memorial commemorating the soldiers who died doing their duty for peace and security in this fragile world, during the Syndromian conflict in 2008, was opened today by Air Force Marshal Anna.
The memorial is a huge concrete half-torus, with names of all dead soldiers inscribed inside of it in gilden bronze letters:

Three Eternal Flame Torches rise up for each military branch: Navy, Airforce and Army. Here, a close-up of one of those torches can be seen:

A statue of a war-tired soldier is placed in the middle of the half-torus, over a common grave for some 113 servicemen whose relatives could not be found for proper hometown burial. Today, wreaths were laid by the public to the Unknown Soldier:

Air Force Marshal Anna, together with Mitropolit Sergei, also opened a small Orthodox Temple for believers to pray and put candles.

Anna, a long-time liberal Orthodox believer, announced in a joint speech with Mitropolit Sergey that the Technocracy Eparchia seeks a blessing from the Patriarch who resides in Byzantium, and possible material, worldly help for the construction of a Central Temple in the capital of the Red Technocracy, OMSK.
The Temple would be christened in the name of Saint Nikolai the Miracle Maker.
"By the grace of God we open this Church today, may the names of the martyrs who shed their blood in the name of peace be always in our hearts and prayers. Our humble Eparchia, with the support of our government, seeks also the blessing of the Byzantine Patriarchat and the Vladyko Patriach himself", - quotes PRAVDA the speech of Mitropolit Sergei.
Some staunchly scientifically atheist factions in the Red Technocracy Supreme Council today voiced opposition to the project.
- This is not a sign of religious tolerance, but instead, of backwardness and religious fanaticism!
However, they failed to amass a majority for a proposal to ban construction of Orthodox Temples in the city of Omsk.
A memorial commemorating the soldiers who died doing their duty for peace and security in this fragile world, during the Syndromian conflict in 2008, was opened today by Air Force Marshal Anna.
The memorial is a huge concrete half-torus, with names of all dead soldiers inscribed inside of it in gilden bronze letters:

Three Eternal Flame Torches rise up for each military branch: Navy, Airforce and Army. Here, a close-up of one of those torches can be seen:

A statue of a war-tired soldier is placed in the middle of the half-torus, over a common grave for some 113 servicemen whose relatives could not be found for proper hometown burial. Today, wreaths were laid by the public to the Unknown Soldier:

Air Force Marshal Anna, together with Mitropolit Sergei, also opened a small Orthodox Temple for believers to pray and put candles.

Anna, a long-time liberal Orthodox believer, announced in a joint speech with Mitropolit Sergey that the Technocracy Eparchia seeks a blessing from the Patriarch who resides in Byzantium, and possible material, worldly help for the construction of a Central Temple in the capital of the Red Technocracy, OMSK.
The Temple would be christened in the name of Saint Nikolai the Miracle Maker.
"By the grace of God we open this Church today, may the names of the martyrs who shed their blood in the name of peace be always in our hearts and prayers. Our humble Eparchia, with the support of our government, seeks also the blessing of the Byzantine Patriarchat and the Vladyko Patriach himself", - quotes PRAVDA the speech of Mitropolit Sergei.
Some staunchly scientifically atheist factions in the Red Technocracy Supreme Council today voiced opposition to the project.
- This is not a sign of religious tolerance, but instead, of backwardness and religious fanaticism!
However, they failed to amass a majority for a proposal to ban construction of Orthodox Temples in the city of Omsk.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...
...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...
...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
Assalti Frontali