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Post by Coyote »

Port Hadera

The Royal Marines moved out smartly, taking positions along the piers that flanked either side of the RMS Neptune. The entire MEU was re-positioning, setting up along the harbor-- where previously they'd tried to give a wide berth to local authorities, so as not to challenge the civil council's power. But times had change since the riots, and the police had admitted they were incapable of providing adequate security for the docks-- it was, eventually, the police chief who begged the council to allow the Canissian Marines to take over harbor security.

Admiral Dayan had also hinted that, after letting in IRT over his objections, the council had some tit-for-tat to own up to. Grudgingly, they agreed, so long as the Admiral made no move to curtail shipping. Nothing could have been further from his mind-- he wanted shipping to come in, for a economically stable West Neverhood was a West Neverhood that would be calm and peaceful.

But there was a public safety angle to it all, too-- amateur divers, from well-equipped SCUBA hobbyists to shirtless would-be "Pearl Diver" types, had congregated near the docks to dive into the water to try their hand at retrieving the gold.

So far, at least two people had been killed by ships, and several maimed, unable to get away from the vortex of whirling blades of underwater propellors. The water was muddy, oily, and full of wreckage and garbage, and the ships' propellors, even at low speeds, churned it all up into a morass of undersea goo that blinded and disoriented divers, and all too often they were helpless as multi-thousand ton monsters plied the waters, unaware of the tiny people sharing the waterways with them.

The wreck of the container ship, another Libertian flag-of-convenience rustbucket called the Hesperus, sat blocking the harbor, partially, the bridge and mast still sticking above the water at low tide. Admiral Dayan had turned away the owners of the various containers several times already, as they desperately laid claim to what was out there.
"Too dangerous," Dayan said, "Too many mines"

Still, minor "pirates"-- people in privately-owned boats-- were constantly trying their luck at night, sneaking out to cut into the tops of the containers and salvage what they could.

Dayan knew that sooner or later, he'd have to pull the damn containers out-- they were just too tempting for the people of the city to leave alone. The LSR was sending a ocean-going tug to help with the operations, but would it be enough?


That Night:
Port Hadera, Red Light District

Jackson Blackpelt held the garrote while Kelah Bonesteel made sure that the nonmetallic carbon-filament knife caught just enough light to assure the man that it was, indeed, a real weapon. The takedown had occurred in lightning speed in the middle of the night, and Kelah was beside herself with excitement.

"Nothing personal," she growled, "But we need to talk. Business proposition." The man, a thirty-ish Neverhoodnik of Slavic extraction, was transfixed by the knife tip just centimeters from his right eye. The fear from the man was palpable, filling the tight confines of the cold alleyway.

The man-- Stepan was the only name that Lukin had gotten-- seemed to be the guy primarily in charge of drug smuggling for the neighborhood. He was the local contact and the one who regularly met with some of the smuggler boats that snuck into the harbor to offload pilferage from the Hesperus. Lukin Grey had managed to figure the man's movements and regular hangouts-- he was rather an amateur, really, but then Hadera, before the chaos, had been a small operation. It had been child's play to wait for the man to come out of the back of one of the numerous cheap home pubs that had been set up in one of the old warehouses in the dark section of the city.

Blackpelt had the garrote around him so quickly and smoothly that the man had even tried to walk another couple of steps before realizing he wasn't getting anywhere. He was a bit drunk but sobered up quickly at the sight of Kelah and her knife. Blackpelt rummaged through his pockets and found over 1200.00 West Neverhood Sheqels and a couple small bags of cocaine, and a small 6-shot .380 Kel-Tech.

"You're sloppy," Kelah hissed at the man. She trembled, wanting nothing more than to hurt the slimy creature before her, now whimpering in Blackpelt's strong grip. She wished she could take off her mask to spit in the man's face as he richly deserved.
"You're going to introduce us to your friends," she said, reaching for the drugs and gun, "The ones that hook you up with this."

"It is not mine," the man squealed, earning a harsh slap from Kelah.
"Fuck you," she said, "You fucking amateur, we had you scoped out within three days," she said, "Next time that ship lands you're going to have new business partners. Introduce us. Make it easy, man-shit, and I'll let you keep your eyes." Stepan shivered at that, and Blackpelt chuckled cruelly in his ear.

"Where does the shit come from?" Kelah growled.
"East Neverhood," he breathed, "New Sydney, thereabout. Viper Kings Syndicate."
"When't the next drop?"
"Three days..." Kelah nodded. In the earpieces she and Jackson wore came Lukin's voice.
"Two cops, car from west," he whispered. Blackpelt backed up, behind a dumpster, dragging the man along. Kelah hid alongside them while the car slid by, oblivious.

"We've got your whole operation figured out," Kelah whispered, "Every stop, every payoff, every goddamn prostitute. Fuck with us and we rat your whole gig here, and you spend the next fifty years getting traded for cigarettes, pretty boy. Got that?" The man nodded. Kelah smiled but the effect was lost behind her mask. She placed the drugs and money back in the man's pocket, but the pistol went back to Jackson.

"Always a pleasure doing business with you," she said sweetly, "We'll meet you in three days," she said, and Jackson Blackpelt let the man drop, where he crumpled to the ground and massaged his throat, sobbing in fear-- and willing to do just about anything the vicious revolutionaries asked...

Lukin sighed and went back to the tent where Askar was working dubiously on the stolen submachineguns, cleaning the cosmoline off and wondered where all this was leading them. He wasn't too sure he liked some of what he saw ahead of them.

RUF expanding into drug trade.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Decue »

Shroom Man 777 wrote: "How does that sound, guys?"
"Sounds great, I'll chip in another cool hundred million."
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Post by Coyote »



MESS military personnel will engage in stability, security, and peacekeeping operations in the port cities of the West Neverhood state.

Create areas of law and order and stability in the port cities, and use these as building blocks to establish a popular government and re-assert control over the West Neverhood state. The West Neverhood is currently considered a MESS Protectorate; if stability and popular government can be established, then the area will be admitted as a full participating MESS member.

Friendly Forces:
Port New Hadera: 1st MEU of the Canissian Royal Marines.
Port Eilatia: Shinra Republic's 9th Air Assault.
Eshkelon Bay: The 15th Tian Xia Infantry Regiment(Air Assault)
New Haifa: LSR Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 1, LSRN "Seabees"
West Jaffa: --no friendly forces have moved in yet.

Enemy Forces:
A variety of militias, mafias, rebel and revolutionary groups run the areas surrounding the cities; they frequently stop traffic and demand "tolls" or resort to kidnapping and blackmail. A variety of militias have been identified and will be outlined in the accompanying S2 folder.

The People's Republic of Canissia will be providing materiel service & support as needed. The Canissian Royal Navy patrols the coast of West Neverhood and will be engaing in anti-mine operations.

Harbors have been surrepticiously mined by (suspected) Shepnukistan forces, so heavy ship travel is not advised until mines can be identified and removed.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Coyote »


"Ahh, Emperor Heracletius, good to see you again," King Arik said as they shook hands.
"And you too, Arik. Welcome, finally, to Byzantium!"
"I like it," Arik said. He introduced the Emperor to his Assistant, Samira, and the aide-de-camp, Colonel Kynas Rassnar.

"I was hoping you could come here and relax, have a little vacation," the Emperor said, "I hope that is still in the cards, although I have a feeling that there will be much business discussed as well."
"Sadly, that is so," Arik said, "You and I have talked about our ...reservations regarding the Terra Libertia situation," the Canissian leader said, offering his peer a cigar.
"Yes," Heracletius said, "I'm not exactly an enthusuastic supporter of the idea."

"Well, I sent token forces," Arik said, "Mostly just to show MESS solidarity; I beasically gave Rufus operational command of my Central and Southern Seas Fleets. That means that you and I are sittin gon excess capacity up here."

"I see," the Emperor saw where this was going, "You want some help with the Neverhood thing, I take it?"
"The thought crossed my mind," Arik said, "I feel that, unlike Libertia, the Neverhood was a paeaceful place, if not exactly an economic powerhouse. The people there have no ethnic axes to grind and would like to go back to peaceful existence if they could."

"Technically true," the Emperor said, "But they do have ideological axes to grind... Loyalists vs. Nationalists... it can be as bloody as any race or religious war."

"True," Arik said, "The religious militias were quick to back down... they hadn't spilled enough blood to make it personal. But the political divide is deep and fierce, I don't deny."

"So... what do you want from me?" Heracletius asked.
"Well, I understand you may be reluctant to send troops... although we could use some in West Jaffa. But your location is ideal for my ships to refuel and take brief liberties; we can reprovision, and maybe you can sell supplies, maybe contribute ships to help patrol the West Neverhood coastline."

"Looking for... what?"
"Infiltrators, spies, saboteurs, smugglers... and Nukistani subs that may be laying mines."
"I.... I don't want to start something with Shep."
"You won't be expected to. Just give me a call, I'll send my ships."

"I'll think about it.... meanwhile," he said, "Why not put business aside, and let the Parliaments handle it? Relax, unwind, and see the Hagia Sophia..."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Acadia, T.M.C.K St. George, a couple of months ago...

The Sultan and General Zahedi glared at each other. No one mentioned a word. The Shinra Republic representative cleared his throat, and announced, "Well let's begin. Currently, the...."

Sultan Ibrahim halted the representative and snapped at Zahedi. "I retracted the Jihad. You didn't obey. We're at civil war. Our nation is going to suffer while the southern regions of Terra Libertia are beginning to prosper."

Zahedi coldly replied. "A Jihad is a Jihad. It is by the Lord's Will. No one can retract that."

The Sultan banged the table, "How can you be so ignorant? Only a righteous Jihad is the Lord's Will. Anything else is just an empty struggle."

"'Empty struggle?'. Muslim Brothers are heeding worldwide to this Jihad. Today it's President Lonestar, tommorow, it is all the heretic infidels! No one can go against Our Lord Allah's Holy Will!!"
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
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Post by Coyote »

Congratulations to President Lonestar!

The King of the People's Republic of Canissia, His Majesty the King Arik Coyotus-I, extends his heartfelt congratulations to President Lonestar for his re-election over the likeable enough candidate, Edward McFibblestein. The people of the LoneStar Republic have chosen well!

This has been a tumultuous year fro the LSR, with the attempted assassination of their President, the conflicts in Libertopia, and the re-election campaign. But the LSR has shown strength and guile, and will play a leading role in the years to come!

We thank the LSR-- as well as the Shinra Republic and Tian Xia-- for their support in Operation Northern Star, the ongoing effort to bring peace, stability, and prosperity to the people of the Neverhood!

We extend our deepest respects and sympathies to those nations recently ravaged by the deadly Tsunami, even the peoples of Libertia and Saddamistan, with whom we may not see eye-to-eye politically, but we still do have compassion for as human beings. Canissian airships will deliver supplies, through Adrianopolis, to all afflicted areas that will have them.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by RogueIce »

Port Hadera

Admiral Micha Dayan was back before the city council, discussing once more the Tonkin mining agreement.

"I realize that, as this is largely an internal matter, you have every right to allow the Tonkin miners in here. But when it comes to the uranium mines and the possibility of their contents being exported to the IRT, that makes it a foreign policy matter, especially after their little stunt in the Central Sea.

"As a result, the MESS is intervening on that front. Under the terms of the Neverhood's Protectorate status, we are going to issue an order barring IRT exports of any uranium they mine from the Neverhood. This is, of course, unless they give us assurances it is not going to the UAR and will only be allowed for peaceful energy-producing purposes. With suitable international inspection, of course."

He looked pointedly at the Tonkin Mining Group representitive, who was sitting in on this meeting. "The other option is that it is sold back to the government of the Neverhood. Unless, of course, you simply decide not to mine the uranium at all."

He paused briefly for effect, and finished. "And if you try to be cute about this, don't be at all surprised if you find MESS military personnel 'supplementing' ProTec in providing your security. After all, we wish to keep you as safe as is possible."
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by DarthShady »

Sarajevo, Shadow Empire

Something-something hours, Unreal Time

"How does that sound, guys?"

"Sounds, good to me"- Shady said.


Meanwhile, back in real time

Shady was standing near the window, watching the sunset. "Such a beatiful sight"- he thought to himself, "lets hope it lasts". His thinking was interrupted by Elena's arrival. "My lord"- she said, "You called."

The Emperor turned around to face her, she looked beautiful. "I have made a decision, i am creating a new intelligence agency to replace the W.I.T.C.H."- he said and gestured for her to sit down. "The W.I.T.C.H has done a good job so far, but i cannot ignore the fact that you were unable to stop General Karic and because of that mistake i could have died."

"But my lord, we did the best we could"- Elena said in protest. "I know, but your best was not good enough"- Shady said, "You should have done more, but that is not important right now." The Emperor raised his hand and stopped Elena before she could speak. "The new agency will consist of former members of the W.I.T.C.H. and will have additional personnel, the agency will be a part of the FIA and will be called The FIST."- he said and smiled. "The FIST?"- Elena asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yes, The FIST, The Fungal Intelligence - Shadow Terminus "- Shady continued. "It will be a part of the interlinking FUN Agencies, that will ensure the security of our great alliance." Elena placed her hands on the table and spoke gently, "My lord, won't that leave us exposed in case the FUN dissolves". The emperor laughed. "The FUN will not end like that"- he said, "Our alliance is built on the friendship of it's leaders and a desire for peace."

"Thats good to hear, lets hope its true."- Elena said, "I hope you know what you are doing."

"Trust me."- Shady said, "There is always a backup plan." Elena smiled and folded her hands. "What might that be?"- she asked.

"SALVATION"- the emperor responded. "What?"- she asked.

"Shadow's Arm is Legion, Vigilance has Awoken, Terminal Insurance an Obelisk in the Night-SALVATION"-Shady responded laughing.

"Poetry? SALVATION?"- she said, "Thats a rather strange name for a backup plan." Shady stopped laughing and handed Elena a folder. "It is a second agency whose priority will be to ensure the security of the empire and its allies, it will remain secret, only a select few will know of its existence."

"Interesting"- she said, "But the name is..."

"Its original and i like it, that is my decision"- Shady said, "Now leave me."

"Yes my lord"- Elena said and walked away.

-THE W.I.T.C.H. is no more
-Two new intelligence agencies now exist in the Shadow Empire, The FIST and SALVATION

[[OOC:My thanks to Shroom for the agency names. :D ]]
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Post by RogueIce »

First Marine Regiment to be Founded January 1st, 2011

The First Marine Regiment of the Shinra Republic Marine Corps (SRMC) is set to be officially formed January 1st, 2011. Placed under the Shinra Republic Navy (SRN) they will be tasked to provide security both aboard the naval warships of the Republic and shore-based naval facilities.

While currently there are no plans to develop a dedicated Marine expeditionary capability, planners do not discount the possibility of such a development in the future.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Decue wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote: "How does that sound, guys?"
"Sounds great, I'll chip in another cool hundred million."
oh and if you want my techies over at Minas Morgûl have built a "Lillith" deep space probe that can get us some data on the other planets before comming to rest on the outer most planet of the system. We expect it to touch down some 15 years after launch. We can provide the probe and the rest of us can provide the launch.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

also Shady you also have Pentat agents in your turf. Don't worry about them too much, they are more high tech then anything else. Just make sure no one from FIST or Salvation takes too much interest in those younger types who eat a lot of pizza.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

King Arik welcomed to Constantinople with great fanfare

The Emperor welcomed King Arik of Cannissia to Constantinople with great fanfare. The King was met by the Emperor at the airport and then given a Roman Triumph and greeted by the citizens of Constantinople.

Byzantium wins the bid for the used Nimitz Carrier.

Byzantium won the bid for the used UKB Nimitz Carrier. At 6.5billion, the carrier was bargain by all accounts, and the navy was eager to take possession of the vessel. Navy officers and crewmen and officials from Constantinople Shipyards Inc, headed to the UKB to assess and make ready to bring the carrier back to Byzantium. The carrier will be christened, IBNS Constantine.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-05-31 01:33am, edited 1 time in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

News briefs from the Qudlivun Free State

Prime Minister's office confirms additional ship and helicopter purchases
At the behest of Qudlivun Free State news agencies the Prime Minister's office has confirmed today that an additional 5 Halifax-class Frigates have been purchased from the U.K.B. The hulls were military surplus retired by that government. Upon delivery the ships will undergo security screenings and modification to carry the MH-60R Seahawk helicopter. The requisite helicopters have been ordered from internal industry. The MSDF has already stated that the ships will be named and assigned as deemed appropriate and that no further announcement will be made.

FUN Conference
Shroom Man 777 wrote:[OOC: It's about time to wrap the FUN CONFERENCE up, guys.]

Sarajevo, Shadow Empire
Something-something hours, Unreal Time

"So," Prime Minister Shroom began as he closed the paper-filled folders littering his desk. He glanced at his compatriots, his FUN Friends. "I assume that because no objections have been raised, we've come to a consensus on the following outlined matters:

1.) All FUN members will have an equal say in the Administrative Committee.

2.) The FUN will begin a space program, the Fungal Air and Space Technology Administration (FASTA) in order to have independent space capabilities. We will contract the UKB for civilian purposes, while we may do our own space launches for our military assets - such as communications satellites.

3.) We will make our military communications networks compatible and will pool resources into the FUN Defense Fund. For starts, Shroomania is contributing $10 billion to the Fund.

Also, we will create the Fungal Advanced Reaction Taskforce - the FART. An international rapid-response unit that will be under the command of the FUN Force. It will answer any unforeseen domestic crisis within the FUN, like the recent civil war that happened right here in the Shadow Empire.

4.) As for the situation with the Unified Atomic Republic... we will not involve ourselves in foreign military conflicts. But because the current situation has gone out of hand, we have blacklisted UAR nations from doing any business with the FUN and, practically, in the Central Sea, as a form of protest over the happenings in Terra Libertia and the Neverhood. If the situation changes, then we will rescind this 'lockdown'.

"How does that sound, guys?"
On item 1 the Qudlivun Free State believes that all FUN members can be given an equal vote in all matters pertaining to the alliance while granting the alliance flexibility in response. We believe that a central administrative body should be named if only to provide quick response in regards to the proposed Fungal Advanced Reaction Taskforce.

In regards to item 3 we will provide use of our MSDF Outer group once formed. We will also provide the equivalent of $100 million USD annually starting in FY2011.

On items 2 and 4 the Qudlivun Free State supports these positions with no comment.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"You were mentioning Neverhood and infiltrators I believe?" the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius said as he and King Arik walked in the Hagia Sophia and admired the interior.

"Why yes. We were hoping that, given your proximity, you could help."

"Actually, a mutual friend of ours, and me, have taken an interest in one of the rebel groups, namely the Neverhood Victory Army or NVA."

Arik turned and in a low voice, "I see, and so the latest batches of equipment..."

The Emperor winked. "As for direct aid, I believe I can help. I have mined my coastline quite thoroughly and the coastal defences have been steadily increasing. Diesel Submarines, frigates and corvettes patrol the eastern coast. Given our proximity, nothing happens on the western Neverhood coast without us noticing. So we can monitor and slip in a few ships of with Imperial Byzantine Navy Marines and Byzantine Intelligence Agents on board bearing gifts."

King Arik nodded. The Emperor added, "Additionally, I believe we should foster closer cooperation between our two navies as well. Perhaps some exercises and visits to get the admirals acquainted?"
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:[OOC: It's about time to wrap the FUN CONFERENCE up, guys.]

Sarajevo, Shadow Empire
Something-something hours, Unreal Time

"So," Prime Minister Shroom began as he closed the paper-filled folders littering his desk. He glanced at his compatriots, his FUN Friends. "I assume that because no objections have been raised, we've come to a consensus on the following outlined matters:

1.) All FUN members will have an equal say in the Administrative Committee.

2.) The FUN will begin a space program, the Fungal Air and Space Technology Administration (FASTA) in order to have independent space capabilities. We will contract the UKB for civilian purposes, while we may do our own space launches for our military assets - such as communications satellites.

3.) We will make our military communications networks compatible and will pool resources into the FUN Defense Fund. For starts, Shroomania is contributing $10 billion to the Fund.

Also, we will create the Fungal Advanced Reaction Taskforce - the FART. An international rapid-response unit that will be under the command of the FUN Force. It will answer any unforeseen domestic crisis within the FUN, like the recent civil war that happened right here in the Shadow Empire.

4.) As for the situation with the Unified Atomic Republic... we will not involve ourselves in foreign military conflicts. But because the current situation has gone out of hand, we have blacklisted UAR nations from doing any business with the FUN and, practically, in the Central Sea, as a form of protest over the happenings in Terra Libertia and the Neverhood. If the situation changes, then we will rescind this 'lockdown'.

"How does that sound, guys?"
"Agreed on all points, Your Excellency," Lelouch said enthusiastically. "While we need as much money as possible for our own personal military endeavors, I suppose a $100 million donation to the FUN Defense Fund can't hurt us too much." The Duke chuckled. "All in all, this has been very productive for all of us, and it's been an honor."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Post by Coiler »

Massive nationalistic rally in Coilerburg

Thousands of Coilerburgian citizens gathered for a large nationalist rally in the capital city. They were treated to a military parade of the nation's army, a mass chant of Iler is great!, and a speech by the President-for-life himself.

Dressed in an immaculate yet garish military uniform, PFL C. O. Iler addressed the nation. The main focus of his speech was the promise of Coilerberg exerting power far beyond its small size.

Excerpts from PFL Iler's speech:

"Coilerberg is small and seemingly insignificant. Note the word 'Seemingly'. It is not true! We are small in proportion to many other nations, but that does not mean that we cannot be as strong as those nations! Far from it!"

"I will not lie to you-the path to strength will not be a cakewalk. It will require the hard work of every Coilerburgian citizen. Is that something you are willing to endure?" The crowd answered a resounding "YESSS!" after PFL Iler asked that question.

The speech came to a close with PFL Iler announcing that "The Great Mobilization begins now!" to roaring applause and loud cheers.

In other Coilerburg related news, posters and statues of PFL Iler are becoming more and more common all throughout the the country.[/b]
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Post by MKSheppard »

The People's Armed Police Lays down barbed wire

As part of a development program, the Inner Neverhood Border (INB) is being fortified by the PAP, acting under the NPCC's orders; currently, the INB is just a light screen of barbed wire and other light fortifications, but plans are for it to be thickened up as time goes on.

Also, accordingly in concert with the INB program, the NPCC has ordered the creation of the SHP -- Strategic Hamlet Program; to allow loyalist leaning villages and towns to be secure from any rebel depredations.

Nukistani Presidental Residence

"How goes the planning for the GNFN?" asked Sheppard.

"Sir, we're still in the planning stages; but most likely the Group of Nukistani Forces Neverhood will consist of the current Nukistani Armored Corps there and a single Neverhoodian Corps, with tertiary echelons of war reserve units."

"Here's the current Organization we have planned."

Sheppard read the paper.
Group of Nukistani Forces Neverhood (71,030 men peacetime, 137,060 wartime)

Category A Divisions (wartime readiness, 75% to 110% of manpower)

VI Armored Corps (Nukistani) (928 tanks, 772 IFVs, 317 CFVs, 230~ SPHs, 150 Attack Helos, 162 Scout Helos, 81 Transport Helos, 49,489 men)
---80th Infantry Division "Blue Ridge"
---11th Armored Division "Thunderbolt"
---38th Infantry Division "Cyclone"

IX Infantry Corps (Neverhoodian) (162 LAV-25s, 486 LAV-APCs, 29 x Attack Helos, 31 x Scout Helos, 17 x Transport Helos, 18 x 105mm Howitzers, 8 x 155mm Howitzers; 21,541 men)
---90th Armored Infantry Division
---94th Armored Infantry Division

Category B Divisions (deployable in 10-30 days from mainland)

III Armored Corps (Nukistani) (928 tanks, 772 IFVs, 317 CFVs, 230~ SPHs, 150 Attack Helos, 162 Scout Helos, 81 Transport Helos, 49,489 men)
---34th Infantry Division "Red Bull"
---69th Armored Division "Fighting 69th"
---100th Infantry Division "Century"

Category C Divisions (deployable in 60-75 days; cadre, has 10-35% of troops and 35-50% of equipment on hand)

XIV Light Corps (Neverhoodian) (325 LAV-APCs, 18 x 105mm Howitzers, 8 x 155mm Howitzers, 16,541 men)
--104th Light Division "Timber Wolf"
--106th Light Division "Golden Lions"
"Good. I approve. Now about, the Libertopian business...."

[OOC; yes I'll get around to the libertopian stuff eventually[/ooc]
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Coiler »

Negotiations begin with UAR over arms purchases

While the Great Mobilization has just barely started, military and diplomatic staff from Coilerburg and the UAR are already busy with negotiating the arms purchases needed to make it succeed.

PFL Iler has made it clear that the Colierburg Navy is what he considers the most important part of his nation's military, and would like the UAR leadership to keep that in mind.
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Post by Mr Bean »

UKB Announces development and possible export of new Urban IFV
Announced today in a news conference by the Defense Ministry, the Namer the 44 APC based off Merkava MK I/MK II tanks is going to be further modified to produce a 50 ton IFV. The initial design has been on the drawling board for close to six months now, that of taking the Namer tank chassis APC and turning it into a ultra-heavy IFV for Urban and other high threat environments.

The UKB has close to 3,000 Namer conversions either in active service or sitting in storage, and with budget cuts it's look for ways to reduce the numbers of it's forces everywhere. There are hundreds of surplus Namer's sitting around so the decision has been made to convert them to something similar to the Russian "Terminator" Urban IFV to provide a small supply for the UKB and to export them to other countries for conflicts.

The Namer is however even better armored than the Russian efforts, since it's based off the Merkava II chassis, a sixty four ton tank body.
The Namer is also built on APC lines, featuring a rear door and firing ports for the crew, and because of the need to operate button up for large hours even includes a built in toilet for the six soldiers it can carry in addition to the crew.

The UKB produced IFV has yet to be named but the initial testing is even now being conducted, with the final version to go into production in late 2011 at domestic cost of roughly 3.8 million. 4.2 million is the named export cost at this time. The name of the final IFV has not yet been announced.

(OOG:For those not clear, I have close to 3800 Merkava's sitting around, about 800 are the MK IV's but most are old MK I/II's, embracing the Soviet motto of never throwing anything away these were goverented into Namer APC's. I'm now converting the Namer's into the mother of all IFV's with a few tons of composite armor, Chobham, reactive armor and the Trophy Anti-RPG system.)

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Post by phongn »

RogueIce wrote:He paused briefly for effect, and finished. "And if you try to be cute about this, don't be at all surprised if you find MESS military personnel 'supplementing' ProTec in providing your security. After all, we wish to keep you as safe as is possible."
The negotiator snorted at that last, amused at the transparent lie. "No, you'd prefer us to cause a major incident to rile up the locals and find an excuse for the local government to kick us out. "

"As I noted earlier, we will follow the requirements of the contract and local authority to the letter. The corporation really are simply interested in development of the country and our ability to profit off of it. "

Besides, he thought, he has absolutely no authority in East Neverhood
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Post by phongn »

Tonkin-Alexander Development Corporation Proposes Air-Traffic Control Radar in Alexandria

In order to improve international air safety efforts around the world - irrespective of any international air embargoes against the Republic itself - the TADC is proud to announce that a new radar will be built in Alexandria to facilitate long-range tracking of aircraft. Building on the successful projects now fast approaching completion in the Republic proper, this radar will improve safety and efficiency everywhere. The project is also expected to provide many jobs within Alexandria as well as bolster development opportunities ...
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

BAM and Kontos Munitions commissioned to design a radar detection network for use in Byzantium and Shroomania.

Byzantine Air MacMillian and Kontos Munitions will both share their radar expertise and build a radar network for use in Byzantium and Shroomania to ensure complete air coverage for both nations. Both nations have an interest in air defence, and the network would provide the necessary data required to coordinate defences of both nations.

The type of network is currently unknown, but OTH-B and OTH-SW are being studied in conjunction with other known systems.
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Post by Raj Ahten »

News from Alexandria
The Grand parade of Alexandria’s military went off exactly as planned in the Capital. Security was very high, with Iron Guard and ProTec snipers lining the rooftops and no civilian vehicles allowed within 2 blocks of the parade route. Alexander showed off the Iron Guard's newest unit, an armored regiment. Towed artillery and newly armed infantry units were also on display.

The launching of the Alexandrian Mark was less successful. Inflation was a problem immediately and in outlying areas many people refused to use the money, continuing to use the barter system instead. Many others were forced to use the currency, as all foreign companies were supposed to now pay workers in the new money.

Alexander also welcomed the formation of an air traffic control system.

ProTec's Operations
After a detailed investigation of matters on the ground in Neverhood, ProTec decided they could continue to train the PAP. Selection would be key. Units were carefully screened to keep former militia members and anyone rumored to be involved in atrocities out. Several whole units had to be disbanded, and building new ones was slow. Finding good recruits was a problem. They got top training, in which a great deal of time was spent. Quality was emphasized over quantity. Shepnukistan was meanwhile providing top notch equipment. Until the PAP was up to speed, numerous ProTec attempted to at least monitor local militias and police by having observers scattered throughout the region. Inspectors also made unannounced visits to PAP units to see what they were up to. A fast reaction team of ProTec personnel was also formed to respond to attacks by forces from West Neverhood or to check rogue PAP units if necessary. Guarding Tonkin’s miners was a much simple proposition but ProTec took its responsibility there very seriously as well.

ProTec contractors also quietly protected aid convoys working to provide aid to tsunomi victims. It was bussiness as usual.

News from Indhopal
The government of Indhopal was quite glad with the progress of defense programs. Their AA and ABM assets were now in place, wit more scheduled on the way. Numerous bunkers and shelters had also been built and stocked in case of invasion or an NBC attack. Civil defense programs were also making progress. With new contracts by ProTec, it also looked like the education and health programs wouldn't have to b cut after all. ProTec arms producing subsidiary was also booming, with their being a high demand for their high end small arms. It was also announced that bids were now being accepted from companies looking to develop Indhopal’s mineral resources. Requirements included hiring local workers and mitigating environmental damage. Things looked good.

The Invisible Hand was ready. The mother ship deployed four speedboats, and then turned away from the coast of Indhopal. Each speedboat had 8 heavily armed men aboard. In groups of two, the speed boats heeded towards the coast. It was a pitch black moonless night. The former pirate boat crews were right at home.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The prototype stratellite airship over the Shroomanian mainland. Its signal coverage spans the entire nation.

The MacMillan Multicorporation (in conjunction with Byzantine Aeronautics, under the BAM) has proposed the use of its stratellite technology for the air defense network needs of both Shroomania and Byzantium.

The stratospheric satellite is currently undergoing testing and has so-far shown very promising results. The MacMillan Multicorporation is planning to sell these multi-purpose stratellites to the nations of the FUN and the MESS.

The stratellite is a high-altitude airship capable of carrying a variety of equipment - from communications devices, to radar and other sensor apparatuses. Though MacMillan manufactures its own airships, it has gained the technology by purchasing licenses from the Bear Republic - among the New World's pioneers of zeppelin technology.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Annual Defence Review

It is the start of FY2011 and the Defence Ministry has outlined the priorities for this year.

First off, Red Technocracy is completing the remaining orders and another 5 Tu-160 are expected to arrive this year. The bomber force would be used for various exercises, including a simulated mass bombing mission. More Tu-160 will be ordered if deemed necessary.

Second, the procurement of a Nimitz class carrier is a welcome addition to our forces, and long awaited. The Navy is understandably happy with the new procurement, as it grants the force more flexibility than before. The refit of the 4 Komnenos destroyers from Wilkonia is complete and the 4 destroyers will join our forces. The Navy also requests that new F-35Cs be part of the carrier airgroup to be assigned to the new carrier in addition to the EA-6B Prowlers and other carrier aircraft. F-35Cs will also replace the F/A-18 E/Fs on the IBNS Justinian.

Third, the airforce and army will collaborate and set up a nationwide air defence network. New radars will be constructed and procured if necessary. The THAADS procured from Tian Xia will greatly boost our defence capabilities. A new S-300 and S-400 regiment will be added to our forces. It has been suggested that we mount SM-3/2s to deal with possible mass attacks of enemy cruise missiles. That issue is being studied. The new Beriev Phalcon radars will be integrated into our air defence network and be used to coordinate our defences. Stratellites are also being studied in conjunction with Shroomania.

Fourth, civil defence is an issue that hasn't been properly dealt with. We advocate the mass construction of sufficient underground shelters for our citizens to protect them from a nuclear blast. The construction of the deep underground complexes continue and we are studying the possibility of integrating the shelters into the underground complex. It is understood that biodefence is also a matter being studied but the matter is largely classified.

Fifth, we advocate that the military enhances its ties with the MESS militaries, in particular Cannissia, given our close proximity.

Finally, we should boost our coastal defences in preparation for a sea attack. The military should study this and act appropriately. Currently, artillery guns, SAMs and Harpoon missiles are being installed on the our coasts. Installation of hypersonic missiles are under study and the Bramos presents an interesting option.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-06-01 08:48am, edited 2 times in total.
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