SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Ares Blog

Social Internet applications causing Cyberwar
Social networking websites on the web, such as Stalkbook and Twatter, are being used by patriotic citizens globally to stage flash mobs and initiate DDOS attacks. The conservative talkshow pundit Bush Lumberg posted a link on his twatter feed which allowed followers to participate in DDOS attacks on NFT government and commercial websites. Several financial and utility websites have been taken off line as of 2100 last night, causing inconvenience for many NFT citizens.

Similarly, hackers from the NFT vandalized the official website of the Lord Protector, replacing all the internet address archives with music videos from rock group "Dimeback". A spokesman from the Lord Protector's office has vowed to "hunt down, try, and execute the perpetrators."...[More]

Tensions increase as the Old Dominion confirms deployment of Dominion Hawks
The Old Dominion has confirmed that Dominion Hawk drones will be patrolling 18 miles off the cost of the NFT for "the indefinite future". Ares blog has learned that the patrol pattern of the Dominion Hawks is such that attempted long distance jamming will adversely affect commercial air traffic. Said one ODAAF airman: "Basically, they would have to get a whole lot closer to localize the jamming, and the only real tool they have that can reach 80,000 ft are SAMs."...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Beowulf »

Black Sands Test Range
North Tian Xia

Despite the geopolitical situation, testing continued at Black Sands. One of the new weapons was a variant of the Midgetman designed to utilize a hypersonic boost-glide vehicle instead of the normal third stage and warhead. Reduction in range, but it converted it from a ballistic warhead into a highly manueverable aero vehicle. It would be able to be fired from both existing HMLs, as well as the new Mk58 VLS launchers installed on the CGN-1 class ships.

The Mk58 VLS launcher wasn't originally supposed to be able to launch the Midgetman, but was instead designed to carry and fire the KEI missile developed in the Old Dominion. However, with a bit more tweaking for extra length, it'd be able to do so just fine. It was a refit, replacing the existing 64 cells of Mk41 amidships on the CGN-1s with 16 Mk58 cells, but that was a price to be paid. They had been designed for the eventuality in the first place, anyway, and wouldn't result in too great of increase in topweight.


Anonymous 05/26/16(Thu)20:51:41 No.142047849
Fuck the NFT! Let's fuck up their shit

Anonymous 05/26/16(Thu)20:52:41 No.142048362
Yeah! Let's DoS their websites
[ooc] Yay, DDoS by Anonymous.[/ooc]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by K. A. Pital »

Sary-Shagan testing range, steppe near Priozersk, U.C.S.R.
- Comrade Bunkin, we have the target satellite here. It has accumulated a high dose of radiation and is no longer functioning as intended, although it's still transmitting data on demand, so it's a perfect target. It has also been stricken from register of actively maintained satellites and slated for deorbiting. It was a testbed of our RORSAT surveillance systems, just space junk now. The data shows it doesn't have a nuclear powerplant.

Doctor Bunkin, the architect and commander of the Terra-3 military experimental laser complex, walked around the control center of the testing range 38. This testing range formerly served to hammer out the A-35 ABM system - the first version of the now operational A-135 which was guarding the skies of the SNC from a possible ballistic missile attack.

- You sure checked that it's one of the first non-nuclear RORSATs? In that case, everything's in order. We have been given the orders to perpare the strike. The beam should be enough to knock it's remaining functions out. Feeds from the Don-2NP space control center received?

- Fully accepted and processed by our computers, comrade.

- Commence primary ignition!

MESS Space Control Center
- We have detected a massive focused laser strike impacting one of the old Crimson satellites some 30,000 km away from Earth. It was on a highly elliptical orbit. The laser can be traced back to a UCSR testing range. The satellite stopped transmitting - apparently it was stricken from their active spacecraft register due to getting a high rad dose and malfunctions.

- We are relaying the data to all relevant commitees.

"Ural", the command ship of the Frequesuan Expeditionary Forces, testing equipment in the Northern Gulf. The space tracking complex control room.
- We're getting the telemetry data, and the signals from Cosmos-1747 ceased alltogether. There definetely was a hit. As for the damage, it's hard to say how much damage we dealt to that thing - it already had a hefty rad dose, so we might just touched it gently and it was enough. But I do think the ground-rats have something going there, definetely. Have seen such shit since the "Dixon" tests. Too bad "Dixon" ceased operation, - said one of the operators.
- You're behind the tech pal. Solid state lasers are replacing their old toys with toxic chemicals. At least, so I heard, - replied another, a lieutenant.

- Ah... too bad then. Operating with the "Dixon" folks was fun. We track the missile, they fire... every time the downing didn't happen, they tried to pin the blame on us. We paid them with the same. Fun times, Kolya, fun times, - the operator stood up from his chair to relay the results to superiors. His rank was that of a PCIA major.

- By the way, I heard we have orders to move out to Northern Frequesuan seas. The command says, we'll be under carrier protection, sipping the info on space and aerial launches in that region, here and there a little. How classified is our mission, comrade commander?

- Secrecy level's usual, - the major replied, - we should also prepare the equipment here for maximum efficiency when relaying data to the new carrier that'll be our company and protection. We had this stuff mostly configured for Ulyanovsk and it's airwing, but I heard the new carrier has some funky stuff in it's suite. The destroyers will be meeting us around the opzone, but before that, it's a long road alone.
Results: nonbelligerent ASAT ground-to-space laser test from the Terra-3 complex, UCSR nuclear ships are slowly moving out to the Northern Frequesuan seas as ordered.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

This is Worldwide One, news and entertainment straight from the heart of San Dorado!

Sabika votes to join NFT

With a slim majority vote today the Sabikan parliament elected to apply for full membership status in the North Frequesuan Trust. 98 of the 150 MPs voted in favor of the motion, narrowly making the sixty percent majority required to pass the proposal.

The New Sabika party of sitting president Henry Kalawi was instrumental in securing the motion, supplying 52 of the 98 votes in favor and convincing the center-right United People’s Movement and socialist-progressive Freedom Front to support the measure. The nationalist Popular Party is the main loser of the election. The main opponent of NFT membership, the PP claims that membership of the NFT will unduly increase the risk of Sabika ending up in a war and will cost the country its hard-won sovereignty.

Initial expectations held by many that the vote would pass easily were dashed by the recent international tumult involving the NFT and certain members of the MESS alliance. A fierce debate raged for hours in parliament with proponents and opponents of the measure nearly coming to physical blows several times...
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

Heart Break


Presidential Palace, Central Districts, San Dorado City, NFT

“... yes, general, I do understand. I’m not an idiot for crying out loud. No, of course not. Because I changed my mind! I’m the president, it’s my prerogative! Yes! Now was there anything else, general?” President Sidney Hank stopped pacing through the lounge room, phone seemingly glued to his ear, face red and mottled. Then: “Do we want launch capability for Energia? Are you seriously asking me this? Does the Latin Patriarch shit in the woods? Yes, general, that is exactly what I think. Well, I’m glad there’s something we agree on. Yes, general Masterson. Now if there’s nothing else? Well then.”

In a fit of anger the president threw the phone into a couch. “Sweet Fortune on a stick”, he cursed. “Show some initiative for a change...”

On the couch Daphne Sinclair, his wife and President of San Dorado in her own right, glanced up from the stack of files she was going through. “Honey, you seriously need to relax.”

Sidney Hank began pacing the room. “How am I supposed to relax when I’ve got an international crisis on my hands? When it seems the entire damned world is out to get me?”

Daphne sighed. “Honey, there’ll always be another crisis. We got through the ones before, we’ll get through this one too. You really shouldn’t be so hard on yourself and calm down a little.”

“Well, I’ll sleep when I’m…” The president paused mid-sentence. His face turned suddenly ashen. Daphne frowned. “Sidney? What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure”, the President murmured and clutched his chest. “But I’ve got this sudden pain…” He slurred something incomprehensible, grasped at a chair as if to steady himself, and collapsed to the floor.

“Sweet Lady Sidney!” Sinclair rushed to his side, scattering files and folders across the lounge. “Somebody get a doctor!”


Rutherford Memorial Hospital, downtown San Dorado City, NFT

The nurse shook her head. “Ma’am president, you were lucky to get to him without delay. Your fast reaction has in all likelihood prevented sustained damage to the heart. We stabilized your husband, but his condition is still serious. His blood pressure is through the roof, his cholesterol is bad—and it’s not just his heart, his liver is in horrible shape... Did none of the check-ups catch this before now?”

“They did” Sinclair’s voice was still numb with shock. “Sidney’s just not the kind of man to moderate himself.”

The nurse frowned. “I see. Well, to be frankly honest his heart has deteriorated to the point where he’ll need emergency bypass surgery. Possibly a new liver too. And I have to be honest with you: there is a risk involved...”


Syndicate headquarters, Central Districts, San Dorado City, NFT

“A heart attack?” Iago Morgan sounded incredulous. “Sweet Fortune.”

“A bad one, too. He’ll be out of the running for weeks, maybe months”, Sinclair reported dully, her face transmitted digitally from Rutherford Memorial Hospital. “If he recovers at all” she added hesitantly.

In his office in the Sabikan capital of Shipborough, President Henry Kalawi shook his head. “I admit this was not how I’d imagined my first VTC with the NFT would go.”

“We’ll have to appoint an interim”, said Eckhart.

“Ever the pragmatist.” Rory Lorenz, the chairman of Coilerburg, smiled thinly. “I agree, of course. But it’s going to be a tall order. Sidney Hank built this organization from the ground up. It’s going to be nigh impossible to find someone who can replace him.”

“Well someone will have to”, Sinclair added, her voice more venomous than she’d intended. “Because Sidney isn’t getting up for a while. They’re keeping them under narcosis. He’s going into surgery in an hour.”

Lorenz shook his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“I know, I know”, suddenly Sinclair sounded very tired. She changed the subject. “We’ll have to notify the public.”

Cordelia Cordova nodded. “I’ll arrange a press conference, and an emergency session of the entire Syndicate.” She sighed and massaged her temples. “And I just bet the protocol for this sort of situation hasn’t been written yet...”

Last edited by Siege on 2009-06-18 06:36am, edited 1 time in total.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »

Telex: PeZookian Foreign Ministry

I have received instructions from His Majesty to extend the offer of any and all aid that may be requested of us WRT president Hank's medical emergency.

PeZookian medical facilities, including the Providence Organ Transplantation Clinic, are at your disposal.


Mateusz Buczynski, Foreign Minister, PeZookia
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR
"Comrade President, I have some bad news.", Yuri said as he entered the Presidents office, "It seems Sidney Hank just suffered a heart attack." President Shady shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "What?", he asked with a concerned voice, "Is he ok?" Yuri sat down at one of the chairs in the office and frowned. "He's still alive, but his condition is critical.", Yuri said, "The Doctors are doing everything they can."

"They better be.", President Shady said with a frown, "I want you to contact the NFT and offer our help, anything they need to keep him alive will be provided to them." Shady paused for a moment. "Sidney has been a good friend and a valuable ally, we cannot afford to lose him.", he said, "It never stops, does it Yuri? The goddamn problems!" Yuri simply looked at the President for a moment and then smiled. "I am sure it will end well for our friend.", he said, "You need to be carefull, or you'll end up just like him - or worse."

"I doubt it.", Shady answered with a wry smile, "But it doesn't hurt to be careful."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by RogueIce »

Co-written with PeZook
RogueIce wrote:He picked up the phone to Warren Wright, his Secretary of State. "Get in touch with the PeZookian ambassador. Tell him I need to see him urgently. I'll come to the embassy. And that I don't want a media circus out of it." Then he got on the horn to the head of his protective detail, telling him he'd be departing for the PeZookian embassy. "But I don't want the full motorcade. I want this done quietly, without attracting attention." Cradling the receiver once more, he stood up, put on his coat, and with the file in hand, left his office to go to the basement of the Shinra Building.
The obvious urgency of this meeting was a surprise for the staff of the PeZookian embassy. Not an unexpected one though, in light of the crisis, even if they did not expect the President himself to come and pay a visit.

Appointments were cancelled and security was steeped up quickly and discreetly. By the time Rufus Shinra arrived, the Ambassador was waiting. Pleasantries were conducted quickly, before both officials retreated to the Ambassador's study.

"Well then, Mr. may I be of assistance to the Republic?"

"As I'm sure you have guessed, I'm here about the growing crisis between the NFT and Old Dominion. I have a rough idea for a solution, but I would very much like to have King Paul's guidance on my plans. Additionally, my idea does require his assistance to implement, whatever form it may take. I know that simply calling His Majesty doesn't require me to come over here, but this part of it does." He handed the ambassador the folder concerning the Wilkonian findings. "I'd like you to take a look at that, and then transmit it to King Paul using whatever secure, but rapid means are available. I'm sure you can appreciate the time pressures we face with this, and my haste in wishing to pursue a solution."

The ambassador reviewed the folder, and almost managed to hide his surprise on seeing what was inside it. While he was not a military man and did not understand much of the terminology, a summary by a Shinran intelligence analyst said it all.

"I...will transmit it immediately. Would like me to arrange a VTC with King Paul as well? We can do it from here, all necessary equipment is on the premises.."

"Yes please," replied President Shinra. "If such is acceptable to His Majesty, I would invite your counsel as well regarding this matter. To paraphrase an old saying, three heads are better than two."

"Certainly. Please give me ten minutes to make the necessary arrangements."

The President nodded, and the machine was set in motion. Urgency of the matter could be felt in the air, and embassy comms staff quickly set up the necessary equipment inside the main conference room. Not fifteen minutes later, both the Ambassador and president Shinra were seated in comfortable leather chairs.

"We're ready. Other end of the line reports some technical problems...", a crypto technician whispered into the Ambassador's ear. An assistant brought in tea, before the room was locked out and antisurveillance systems activated - and then, finally, the lights were dimmed and the large folding screen came to life, showing King Paul - in his own leather chair, looking a bit haphazard and tired.

"Mr. President...I received the data you so graciously provided.", he began, "And I will bring it up when I speak to Sidney...president Hank later today. I was also informed that you mentioned having a rough idea for a solution to the crisis? I'll admit, I'm out of ideas, so any are welcome."

"Essentially, my idea is that we pressure them both to back off. I was thinking, that if CATO privately told President Hank that they wouldn't have his back in any aggressive war, that might make him more cautious. Not just in this current crisis, but in other matters as well," Rufus said, indicating the Japanistan incident. "The MESS will of course make the same thing known to the Old Dominion, although we would have to supply other pressures, I'm sure, as no alliance backing may not be enough on its own to convince the Dominion to alter course. I was thinking economic pressure, perhaps withdrawing assistance from his various reconstruction efforts if he keeps it up. That might send a clear message to him.

"On the public arena, we would issue statements reaffirming that both alliances are defensive, not offensive, and would only take such action for a good cause...such as stopping genocide and similar situation," Rufus continued, obviously including the Sirnoth and Costas operations in this one. "And privately, we let them both know that no matter who feels wronged here, the alliance will consider any armed conflict to have been the result of aggression on both sides, regardless of who shoots first or other considerations. Essentially, we're not going to have a global war because of this dispute between them, and if either alliance were to get involved it could easily spin out of control into such a conflict. And frankly, I don't think the Lord Fairfax's pride is worth such a thing, and I don't think President Hank's pride is worth it either on your end, would you agree?"

Paul listened quietly, and then leaned back in his chair. Several uncomfortable minutes passed as the King considered the proposal.

"Mr. President...", he finally began, cautiously, "You're asking us for a serious favor here. President Hank may see us pressuring him as a breach of trust, and I hope you understand that I will need some sort of guarantee for your part of the deal. As far as I understand it, this idea is yours alone, and hasn't been consulted elsewhere, correct? Again, I trust you and your word, but this isn't necessarily true of everyone, and especially the NFT. If we can get them to back down, can you guarantee that the Old Dominion will as well? I'd hate to see a situation where NFT backs down and are rewarded with a cheap shot from the Lord Fairfax, looking for some sort of 'victory'."

"I understand your concerns. I believe that Wilkonia and Canissia would go along with this plan, as I do not believe either of them wish to see a war happen. For guarantees, I think we would do well to work out a phased drawdown of sorts between them. The Old Dominion withdraws their Global Hawks, which have almost assuredly been deployed by now, and the NFT stands down whatever their response will be. That sort of thing. Additionally, I may be able to work out that the other MESS states would withhold reconstruction assistance; and I am sure CATO nations wouldn't exactly be rushing to fill in the gap. Such an economic shock as that may be enough to get their attention."

He took a deep breath. This next part was really him going out on a limb, and he had no idea if anyone else would back him on it. "As for the Dominion trying to score a cheap shot...were they to do so, I know I personally would be seriously reconsidering how much they contribute to the alliance, against how much harm they can bring to all of us."

Paul was obviously surprised with the President's statement, despite trying not to show it.

" this case, I am willing to try this plan. I will pass this information along to other CATO states, then ask the NFT some tough questions...I propose we meet in person in, oh...three days? To discuss details of the drawdown, if we manage to arrange it."

Paul smiled, but was interrupted by something happening off-camera. An assistant could be seen handing him a handwritten note.

"Oh....shit!", the King uttered in a most unroyal way, "We may have a problem when it comes to talking with Sidney Hank..."

Rufus looked worried. "What's happened?"

"President Hank has just been admitted to the hospital due to a heart attack, and it looks like he has other problems, too..." Paul trailed off, still trying to process the information.

"Damn it," cursed President Shinra. His PDA buzzed, and he quickly pulled it out. "All over the airwaves...that was my Secretary of State. He heard it from Worldwide One and passed it on." Rufus considered the situation for a moment, and then continued. "Well, first things first: we need to get up to speed on Sidney Hank's condition. Both for the practical reasons, and personal: despite everything, I still think of him as a good person. Trying to do right for his people, even if I don't always agree with his course. But we also need to talk to our allies, and soon. As unfortunate as Hank's situation is, there are bigger problems facing us. I think he'd agree with that."

"Exactly. It's important he makes it, though - I think he'd agree to your proposal. Other cabinet members of his? I have no idea.

Anyway, I will contact everyone ASAP and pass the word. Hopefully, we'll avoid any more deaths because of this whole clusterfuck. Fuck. Everything was much simpler on Old Earth..."

And with that, the VTC finished. The ambassador looked quite...taken aback at the King's use of rough language, but he was a professional, and didn't comment on it in front of a foreign leader.

PeZook OOC: Yeah, I know Paul let something slip :) He was upset and didn't even realize that.

Rufus, completely ignoring the reference to 'Old Earth' merely stood up, thanks the ambassador for his assistance, and departed. There was much work to be done.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Ares Blog

Bulwark enters yard for extensive refurbishment
The ODN's first CVN, which was commissioned in the early '80s, is entering the Gosport Naval Yard for an extensive yardtime intended to stretch it's service life to 2030, when the it's replacement is due to enter service. This coincides with the ODN's stated goal of maintaining a 3-carrier force. The costs of the yard time, and it's unavailability time, are enormous: $320mil ROB over a 26 month period…[MORE]

Give me some of that Old Time Religion
While the Old Dominion government has sent an official "we hope you get well soon" message to NFT President Hank, the Latin Patriarch of Shepland has some…choicer words. "The Ungodly Merchant has suffered the Lord's Vengeance," Said Latin Patriarch Gregory XIX. "His impudence is legendary, and he is deserving of the attack." You can read the entire statement here.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Beowulf »

Tian Jiao

The profusion of missiles moving closer to the northern border had prompted some concern. As a result, a multitude of units had been activated. Mobile Patriot batteries had been activated. THAAD battalions had been flown in from Tian Xia and the Old Dominion. Even a pair of mobile LASER systems had been flown in to bolster defenses. Critically, however, no real offensive units had moved. Troops that weren't detailed to ADA remained in garrison. No increase in readiness could be noted.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Darth Coyotus »

JNN: Japanistan New Network


"Good Evening Japanistan and the entire Co-Prosperity Sphere. Today, we have big news; the Imperialist puppet state of the North Frequesquean Trust has absorbed yet another nation into its expansionist umbrella. With the recent, carefully-staged election held in Sabika, the state that once fiercely fought for its freedom has mysterious decided to throw its lot in entirely with the all-consuming NFT.

"The NFT, once a minor regional power known as San Dorado, signed an alliance with the mighty CATO bloc of Imperialist nations. Since this most fortuitous alliance, San Dorado has since managed to absorb neighbor Coilerburg and Sabika, all in rapid succession, and spreads its influence into other naeighbors such as the Tanstaafle Raj and Indhopal. Beware, Taanstafl Raj and Indhopal! Friends of the NFT have a mysterious way of ending up on the dinner plate-- and with mighty CATO backing, there is nothing you can do about it!

"The NFT is also suspected as being the primary culprit in the mass murder of several Japanistani scientists and researchers on the sandbar colloquially known as 'Flyspeck Isle'. With neither warning nor prior diplomatic protest, the scientists were killed by a cruise missile launched from a submarine. The incident took place in international waters, and Japanistan is investigating this and pursuing diplomatic and peaceful means to attempt redress for this act of barbarity.

"In other news, the Colonialists of the world, in the form of the MESS alliance, continue to withhold assistance to any nation threatened by CATO unless they join their own web of slave states. With the recent re-colonialist conquest of the Vinlands still fresh on the world stage, and their past subjugation of the peoples of Katangwaland already largely forgotten, the MESS now attempts to annex the entire Impact Archipelago for their own perfidous desires. Not content with the genocide carried out against the innocent defenders of Shepistan, the militaristic robber barons of the MESS will now steal a large portion of the world's resources by cordoning off the neighboring island chains, daring the world to do anything about it.

"This is Midori Nokuri, and this has been Japanistan News Network Headline News update."
ATTENTION: This account is an authorized sockpuppet belonging to Coyote. It is for the sole purpose of posting 'Bad Guy' plots and storylines in the STGODS forum.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Coyote wrote:"Well, I agree," Arik said, "And I wish I had quick and simple answers for you. Believe me, if I had, I'd've brought them up," he said. "All I can say is that actions speak louder than bluster. We're setting up an INTERPOL; we were at one point making progress on ISCA but now with the Archipelago thing, that looks to be dead in the water, too... pardon the pun.

"As far as Canissia goes, I'm still working with you on the solid-state lasers thing; I participate in FASTA at least a little bit still, and there's the trans-continental nuclear train and the giant bridge with Shroomania we're building. It seems to me that underneath a lot of blistered egos there's some real substance going on that gets overshadowed by, well... whining, if I may be so blunt.

"I'll be honest with you, I think there's a certain core group of nations that always end up trying to put out the fires, thankless job that it is, and there's always a core group of nations trying to play with matches. I'm only half joking when I sometimes toy with the idea that you, me, PeZook, Shroom and Rufus should jettison the rest of them and form our own alliance. But that's totally unofficial; an expression of frustration,"

"I understand completely," Heraclius laughed. "What can the 'Fire Brigade' do in the current situations?"

"Realistically? I think we need to agree on what our goals are as alliances-- what exactly does th eMESS want? What exactly does CATO want? And find out what the common ground is and what is incompatible, and see what the hell we can do about it to alleviate the incompatibilities while building on the common ground."

"A very broad series of questions," Heraclius said, "I foresee this bogging down into another conference with all the seriousness of that las one."
"Well, not a conference between our alliances," Arik said, "But defining our own alliances. An internal review; setting priorities, agreeing to mission statements, whatever... Then coming to the table with a clear sense of where we're going in regards to each other. The last conference failed because people were looking for a debate platform to exacerbate the cross-purposes we are working towards. I admit, some of us probably support our allies reflexively, without asking if what our allies are doing is really for the best interests of all involved."

"And what if it turns out that the alliances cannot agree amongst themselves on their common interests?"

"Then we are in a poor position to be telling each other what to do," Arik said, "And we are in even poorer positions to be dealing with any so-called unity against, say, Japanistan," he added. "If we can't get our houses in order, then we can't settle our differences between MESS and CATO on any honest level. And that will mean that our efforts will have gaps in them-- gaps that Japanistan or others may try to exploit."
"Actually," Heraclius chuckles, "While research in solid state laser continues on many fronts, including fiber lasers, some among my scientists are pushing for a different type of laser with a higher upper bound in power, namely Free Electron Lasers. Perhaps some arrangement and collaboration can be achieved with caveats of course which must be worked out.

And indeed there must be a setting of priorities. It doesn't take much for an alliance to look bad because of some bad actions by some members, and some feel rather.. threatened when encroached by larger nations and react defensively. CATO has and remained a defensive alliance, and we do not like when smaller nations get bullied around, even if some things they have done can be rather aggressive. Diplomacy and dialogue must be broached first in my opinion, and imposing ourselves on one another simply makes people rather reluctant to talk.

And yes, Conferences are meaningless, since they are platforms to shower rhetoric rather than get anything done. Mechanisms and so forth are worthless if everyone just wants to get their way and damn all. What's the point of opportunities of cooperating when at the first sign of trouble, everyone wants to whack each other to prove a point?"
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Steve »

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

NFT President Hank suffers heart attack; is in 'critical condition'

Reports from San Dorado have confirmed that President Sidney Hank, head of state for the North Frequesue Trust, has been stricken by a heart attack. He was rushed to Rutherford Memorial Hospital in downtown San Dorado, where doctors are said to be preparing President Hank for emergency bypass surgery. So far there has been no further word as to his condition.

A statement has now been released to the press by the President's Press Office, stating that President Garrett has already contacted Hank's wife, San Dorado President Daphne Sinclair, to extend his best wishes for Hank's recovery and offer any aid Cascadia can provide to ensure the President's recovery.

Experts are now left to speculate on whether this will have any effect on the current tensions between the NFT and the Old Dominion. Starting with the shootdown of an Old Dominion bomber by NFT naval forces, it has since escalated to the Old Dominion barring NFT economic interests from the internal waters of the Crater Archipelago. Some concerns have been made by the increased alert level of NFT forces and that newly-aggressive patrols toward their territory by the Old Dominion would cause another incident.

New high-atmosphere interceptor to enter RCAF service.

Air Force officials have confirmed that test flights have begun on new high-altitude interceptors, meant to replace the AIE-12 "Eagle" interceptors that were put into service in the 1980s and 1990s. Instead of a competition, Boeing and North-Lockheed are cooperating on what they call the Joint High Altitude Interceptor Concept, or J-HAIC for short, with the blessing of the Cascadian Defense Department out of concerns that the two companies might bankrupt themselves with failed designs.

Although much of the material on these new craft remains classified, what has been released to the public is the Air Force's desire for a design that will primarily service to intercept high-altitude aircraft violating Cascadian airspace, to provide a weapons platform for smaller ASAT missile designs that can reach targets in lower Earth orbits, and capable of high-altitude reconassiance missions that can be done more safely and accurately than the current method of rigging gear into Cascadian airlift planes.

Supreme Court rules in favor of father in Kingdom of Zoria v. John Burley.

The Supreme Court has ended the six year long drama of the Mayuko Burley case with a 6-3 decision in favor of Mayuko's father John Burley. Chief Justice Lawrence Shackleton wrote the majority opinion, which ruled that "under the law of many modern states a child's immediate parent has the greater claim to custody save in special circumstances. Evidence has shown that Zorian courts have followed this sentiment just as often as other nations. That they ruled against Mr. Burley in favor of his Zorian in-laws without clarifying any such circumstances cannot be interpreted as anything but a case of bias against Mr. Burley as a non-Zorian. It was a violation of his rights as the child's father and we nor any Cascadian court are obligated to uphold the Zorian court's ruling. Mayuko Burley deserves to be with her father and she shall remain with him." Chief Justice Shackleton had earlier been a dissenting voice in the 5-4 vote that agreed to hear the Zorian government's appeal.

Leading the three dissenters was Justice Peter Hallwood, who in a dissenting opinion wrote that, "It is not the place of our judicial system to rule on the fitness of another nation's custody case but rather solely on its merits. Mayuko Burley had been raised in Zoria by her parents, it was the place she knew as home. The Zorian court had a good reason to rule in favor of the girl's grandparents against her father given his own insistance on moving her out of Zoria immediately and his refusal to permit the Sagamoto family to see their granddaughter. He then complicated this offense by fleeing Zoria after the court ruled against him. It is a travesty of justice that our judiciary has become complicit in an act of custody interference if not outright kidnapping."

Schatten & Miller, the law firm that represented Mr. Burley, hailed the ruling. "The Supreme Court has finally put an end to the Zorian obsession with persecuting Mr. Burley for wanting to raise his daughter in Cascadia, a six year long period of persecution and terror that has finally ended for him and Mayuko. They can finally rest and enjoy life as father and daughter."

Ambassador Jan Torgensson had his own statement. "This ruling has done untold damage to the normally-peaceful, friendly relations between our nations. It has shown to the people of Zoria that there is an immense undercurrent of distrust and bias against them in the Cascadian Republics and will certainly provoke similar sentiment from His Majesty's subjects." Finally, Torgensson showed no sign of being defeated, stating, "This is not over. Zoria intends to get justice for the Sagamoto family. We will call upon the Cascadian legislature to show their commitment to a strong Pan-Pacific relationship by passing whatever resolution or law is necessary to see Mayuko returned to her family in Zoria. We also intend to see about the pressing of criminal charges against John Burley for his act of kidnapping."

The threat of charges, often levied during the case's history, has never been followed through as of yet due to what experts believed was Zorian concern that it would simply "poison the well" in their case or drive Burley and his daughter into hiding. On this matter, Law Professor Jenny Patterson of the University of Olympia Law School stated, "Before the Zorians had too much to lose if criminal charges against Burley backfired. It would have only intensified the anti-Zorian sentiment that the Burley case was creating at a time when Zoria was embroiled in Eastern Veleria and needed all the international support it could get. It might have also driven the Burleys into hiding in the midst of a sympathetic populace, meaning any court victory would be meaningless. Now, though, they don't have as much to lose. Their court case has already failed. It may very well be that their only chance to get Mayuko back into Zoria would be to have her father arrested and to clear the way for them to renew the custody challenge, this time without having to deal with the powerful precedent of parental rights."

When asked about this possibility, Luis Gabbiani of Schatten & Miller stated, "Even if they convince a judge that the statute of limitations on the charge of custody interference hasn't run out yet, they have to argue against the precedent of this case, which states that Mr. Burley did not commit a crime but exercised parental privilege in choosing where his daughter was to live. If charges are pressed in Zorian courts then they have to file for extradition which would lead down the same road. They're welcome to try if they want to deal with a countersuit of harassment, but our firm feels that this case is truly over and that Mr. Burley can raise his daughter in safety."
Last edited by Steve on 2009-06-18 02:57pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Karmic Knight »

News from the Vinish Press in Brief

Response to the 'Escalating Conflict' delayed following the announcement of President Hank's heart attack

General says SAA "severely underfunded"

Transfer from S-400 ADS to MESS Systems behind schedule.

Azzan Airfield announces frequent drilling of emergency defence procedures to start later in the week

Vintendo releases Shroomania: An Empire Under the Sun II for the PC

Vintendo releases Gears of World War II for the DEGENATRON
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »


At an extraordinary session tonight business counselor and ‘corporate fixer’ Willy Bank has been appointed president-CEO of the NFT ad interim by the Syndicate and the heads of state of all three member nations. Mr. Bank is to manage the NFT in the absence of President Sidney Hank, who yesterday suffered a serious heart attack and remains hospitalized.

The founder and CEO of La Palma-based troubleshooting firm Willy Bank Consulting, Mr. Bank has a world-class reputation as a hard-talking corporate shark based on twenty-six years successfully restructuring, rebranding or reimagining a multitude of corporations as well as several branches of the San Dorado corporate government. He was thrust into the public spotlight in 2014 when he was hired to manage the incorporation of Coilerburg. During his tenure as regional manager Mr. Bank became infamous for firing then-acting president Trudeau and half of the Coilerburger administration and bureaucracy citing ‘gross corruption and gross incompetence’.

According to independent political strategy consultants Rotherburgh Strategic Intelligence Inc. the choice to appoint Mr. Bank to an interim position instead of elevating a sitting member of the Syndicate to the presidency is based mainly on the hope that President Hank will recover, and partly on Mr. Bank’s experience integrating Coilerburg into the greater NFT power structure -- experience that will be sorely needed now that Sabika has voted to join the Trust. It is also likely that the member states feel more comfortable temporarily hiring an outsider instead of having to suffer prolonged debate over which nation gets to supply the next president, a delicate political matter that would take time to resolve -- time which in the current geopolitical climate simply cannot be wasted. Mr. Bank’s appointment still has to be approved by the member state legislatures, who are expected to vote on the matter over the course of the coming week.

The Syndicate meanwhile has not yet released any new information concerning the health of President Hank. The president remains hospitalized in Rutherford Memorial Hospital, an elite medical clinic in the heart of San Dorado City. According to sources with the hospital staff his condition is 'very serious'. The president suffered an unexpected heart attack yesterday and had to undergo coronary artery bypass surgery. He is currently kept under narcosis until his condition has stabilized sufficiently for him to receive a liver transplant. One doctor who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the matter divulged to this publication that the president’s physical condition is "beyond merely bad. He’s burned the candle on both ends for quite some time, and the results aren’t pretty".
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

Indhopal Announces Major Force Restructuring

The President released details of his Armed Forces restructuring plan today at the launching ceremony for Indhopal's four latest Barracuda class nuclear attack submarines. The plan, called New Horizons, would radically restructure Indhopal's military over the next few years. The army would be drastically downsized under the New Horizons plan with the 2nd and 3rd divisions slated to be completely demobilized. The Navy and air Force also did not escape cuts. The plan calls for the navy to decommission its four Halifax frigates and Arleigh Burke destroyers as well as two Standard class destroyers and one Sachsen class vessel. The six corvettes in the force will also be cut. Meanwhile the air force is slated to lose its entire force of mirage and harrier jets and eventually cut its force of Gripen fighters in half.

The cuts are considered necessary to transform Indhopal's military into a platform based on strategic deterrence. To do so the Navy will continue to acquire many more submarines. New Horizon's calls for the constructions of an additional 24 type 212 submarines, with 12 being a variant with vertical launch tubes for a variety of missiles. An additional 4 improved Vigilant class SSGN's will also be produced on top of the 2 already under construction. The Navy also plans to build an additional 14 Barracuda class SSN's to join the six already in its fleet. To support the submarines two new underway replenishment vessels are also planned. The surface fleet will get a class of six new corvettes for patrol duties. The design of these new ships will be open to foreign bids.

The air force meanwhile is slated to acquire a much larger long range bomber force and plans to acquire 5th generation fighters to replace its current fleet of Gripen's. Where these bombers and 5th gen fighters are supposed to come from is unclear. The New Horizon's plan calls for domestic production if possible but foreign acquisition is considered far more plausible in a realistic time frame. An additional 4 large AWACS aircraft and 22 tankers are also expected to be procured to support the hypothetical bomber fleet.

The army was the big loser in New Horizon's. The President explained cutting the force in half as logical given that the border situation has stabilized in recent years. Analysts say cutting the army is also logical given that Indhopal is moving to a defense plan based on strategic deterrence and that if the MESS or CATO wanted to attack Indhopal the army would be of limited utility against such opponents.

Results: Indhopal is now switching to a nukes or nothing approach to defense and cutting conventional forces a lot to do so. Not in the press release is that Indhopal is building a multitude of sub pens in the islands off the coast and small airbases all over the country in order to ensure that the navy and air force could operate for awhile if under attack by a massively superior opponent. Construction of a truly integrated air defense system also continues.

The Diplomatic Front: Japanistan

President Ahten had agreed to ask around about San Dorado's possible involvement in attacking Japanistan's outpost. Indhopal's President had an offer of his own: He suggested that Indhopal and Japanistan sign a defensive pact. The exact terms were negotiable but Indhopal wanted joint military development projects as part of the deal. The agreement would also have to spell out its defensive nature explicitly. Indhopal would not for instance support Japanistan if it decided to start a war of aggression.

Results: this speaks for itself I think (BTW what ever happened to having ships from both nations make visits to each other's capital's? :P )

The Diplomatic Front: the NFT

Indhopal had promised to look into the NFT's possible destruction of a Japanistani outpost on Flyspeck Isle. The job had fallen to both the intelligence and diplomatic organs of Indhopal. The Diplomats decided to take the direct approach. Mr Chistophe the foreign secretary placed a call to his counterpart in the NFT.

edit: to clean up some typos
"I know this is a bad time with the condition President Hank is in and all, but I have an unpleasant question for you. A lot of rumors have been flying around and it has come to our attention that the NFT might be responsible for attacking the Japanistani outpost on Flyspeck Isle. Is there any truth to that?"
Last edited by Raj Ahten on 2009-06-19 12:30pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

Raj Ahten wrote:The Diplomatic Front: the NFT

"I know this is a bad time with the condition President Hank is in and all, but I have an unpleasant question for you. A lot of rumors have been flying around and it has come to our attention that the NFT might be responsible for attacking the Japanistani outpost on Flyspeck Isle. Is there any truth to that?"
High Commissioner for External Relations Charlie Duquesne knew quite well that there was truth to the accusation. She also knew that Indhopal, though an ally, was itself leaning dangerously toward Japanistan and could therefore not be trusted with that information. So she lied. She was an excellent liar too -- like anyone with so many years in the diplomatic service would be. "Mr. Christophe, I'm not sure where you heard these rumors but I can assure you there is no basis for them. We are as shocked and outraged at the destruction of the outpost as anyone, and we are saddened that Japanistani propaganda would see fit to accuse us of such a draconian act."

She paused briefly and innocently scratched her chin. "Though I have to admit that NFT assets were in the region when whoever did it launched their attack. Monitoring piracy, you see. When the NFCG moved in to check out the explosion one of their cutters spotted and intercepted a ship carrying a large amount of illicit Shepistani weapons toward the continent. Our interrogators haven't managed to pry much out of the pirates so far... Perhaps you can ask your newfound allies about it. They might know more -- they were in the area, after all."

Having thus firmly planted the obvious suggestion without uttering it aloud, Duquesne waited to see if the Indhopali secretary of state had any more questions.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Ares Blog
Contracts awarded for Sirnoth
An Old Dominion-Tian Xia consortium has been awarded a contract for 400 JLTV-Bs, and 1,000 JLTV-As for the Sirnothi army. In addition a Old Dominion-Tian Xia Consortium, led by Tian Xia Telephone, has been awarded a comprehensive contract to restructure the Sirnothi civilian telecommunications network. Shin-Ra Electric Power Company has been awarded a comprehensive contract to bring the power grid up to pre-war capacity, as well as replace much of the 1930's era grid with "smart" technologies. Dominion Power will be a major subcontractor, as will Energy Metals, Inc…[More]

Sirnothi Naval personnel training in the Old Dominion, Tian Xia, Shinra Republic
In preparation to taking custody of a "new navy", Sirnothi personnel have been undergoing intensive training on their new vessels in the Old Dominion, Tian Xia, and Shinra Republic. The new Sirnothi navy will be largely limited to 14 frigates and two small "influence" LHDs around 16,000tons in size, a clear departure from the large power-projection oriented force of the Principality of Sirnoth…[More]

Sirnothi Government condemns "Wanton CATO aggression"
Noting the massive shift of CATO assets to the F-ing continent in response to, as Rhee Anh Sheppard put it, "3 drones and a destroyer", the Sirnothi government has condemned CATO and will "be making haste to join the MESS at observer Status." Sirnoth joined OICAS after a chairman of the PCA was named, but this is the clearest message yet that the nation will be joining the MESS itself…[More]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

Omagan Borders To Be Demilitarized

Fort on the Sabika-Omago border.

The North Frequesuan Army is set to demilitarize the Omagan frontiers. According to an Army press release forts on both the Sabikan and Coilerburger borders are to be dismantled or downsized significantly. Fully half of all troopers manning the border forts will be redeployed elsewhere.

“Once the integration of Sabika into the NFT is complete it simply does not make sense to keep such a large force tied up on the Omago border” explains one NFA press officer. Under the San Magdalena peace accord the militaries of Sabika and Omago are severely restricted in size and capabilities. The Omagan army may not exceed 7,500 combat troops and isn’t allowed to field artillery with a range greater than ten miles, or military ground-attack aircraft.

Omagan officials have welcomed the NFA's decision. “We now share an enormously long border with the NFT, in fact we're pretty much surrounded, so this demonstration of good faith is very welcome indeed”, was the analysis of one Omagan government official. In the Omagan parliament the Green Party has proposed to dismantle the Omagan army in its entirety as “clearly there is no longer a threat to our borders”. The motion is unlikely to go far as the ruling center-left majority coalition has already announced they will not support it.

The decision to disarm the frontiers represents a sea change in the status quo in North-Eastern Frequesue. At the start of the 21st century the Sabika-Omago-Coilerburg frontier was one of the most heavily militarized regions of the continent, owing mostly to resentment and distrust after Iler’s War, the attempt by dictator Joseph Iler to create a ‘Greater Coilerburg’ in the early 1980s. Shooting incidents on those borders, until recently very common, have not occurred since the 2014 incorporation of Coilerburg.

With Sabika entering the NFT and the Omagan, Minoy and Costa borders quiet the Syndicate is strongly considering a reduction in army force levels. “None of the nations bordering the NFT pose a danger to our interests or territorial integrity” says one Syndicate memo. “All credible present and future threats must be universally seen as originating outside of our continent.” It is likely that future funding of the armed forces will reflect this conclusion and will be aimed at combating such threats, at the expense of the ground forces.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

SiegeTank wrote:
Raj Ahten wrote:The Diplomatic Front: the NFT

"I know this is a bad time with the condition President Hank is in and all, but I have an unpleasant question for you. A lot of rumors have been flying around and it has come to our attention that the NFT might be responsible for attacking the Japanistani outpost on Flyspeck Isle. Is there any truth to that?"
High Commissioner for External Relations Charlie Duquesne knew quite well that there was truth to the accusation. She also knew that Indhopal, though an ally, was itself leaning dangerously toward Japanistan and could therefore not be trusted with that information. So she lied. She was an excellent liar too -- like anyone with so many years in the diplomatic service would be. "Mr. Christophe, I'm not sure where you heard these rumors but I can assure you there is no basis for them. We are as shocked and outraged at the destruction of the outpost as anyone, and we are saddened that Japanistani propaganda would see fit to accuse us of such a draconian act."

She paused briefly and innocently scratched her chin. "Though I have to admit that NFT assets were in the region when whoever did it launched their attack. Monitoring piracy, you see. When the NFCG moved in to check out the explosion one of their cutters spotted and intercepted a ship carrying a large amount of illicit Shepistani weapons toward the continent. Our interrogators haven't managed to pry much out of the pirates so far... Perhaps you can ask your newfound allies about it. They might know more -- they were in the area, after all."

Having thus firmly planted the obvious suggestion without uttering it aloud, Duquesne waited to see if the Indhopali secretary of state had any more questions.
Frankly Chistophe didn't want to pry too hard on this matter. He had gotten the official response which was a denial and that was all he needed. The implication that Japanistan might be involved in arming pirates was also somewhat disquieting. That would have to be investigated further. If true, Indhopal would have to tread even more carefully with Japanistan than it already planned on doing.

"Thank you for clearing this matter up. Interesting to hear about the pirates though. My people thought they were getting weapons from off continent and we'd love to hear what you find out from your investigations. I also hope to be hearing from President Hank soon and wish him a quick recovery."
edit: typos
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Darth Coyotus »

Raj Ahten wrote:Indhopal Announces Major Force Restructuring

The President released details of his Armed Forces restructuring plan today at the launching ceremony for Indhopal's four latest Barracuda class nuclear attack submarines.
...The plan calls for the navy to decommission its four Halifax frigates and Arleigh Burke destroyers as well as two Standard class destroyers and one Sachsen class vessel. The six corvettes in the force will also be cut....

... New Horizon's calls for the constructions of an additional 24 type 212 submarines, with 12 being a variant with vertical launch tubes for a variety of missiles. An additional 4 improved Vigilant class SSGN's will also be produced on top of the 2 already under construction. The Navy also plans to build an additional 14 Barracuda class SSN's to join the six already in its fleet. To support the submarines two new underway replenishment vessels are also planned. The surface fleet will get a class of six new corvettes for patrol duties. The design of these new ships will be open to foreign bids.

The air force meanwhile is slated to acquire a much larger long range bomber force and plans to acquire 5th generation fighters to replace its current fleet of Gripen's. Where these bombers and 5th gen fighters are supposed to come from is unclear. The New Horizon's plan calls for domestic production if possible but foreign acquisition is considered far more plausible in a realistic time frame. An additional 4 large AWACS aircraft and 22 tankers are also expected to be procured to support the hypothetical bomber fleet....

...Results: Indhopal is now switching to a nukes or nothing approach to defense and cutting conventional forces a lot to do so. Not in the press release is that Indhopal is building a multitude of sub pens in the islands off the coast and small airbases all over the country in order to ensure that the navy and air force could operate for awhile if under attack by a massively superior opponent. Construction of a truly integrated air defense system also continues...

The Diplomatic Front: Japanistan

President Ahten had agreed to ask around about San Dorado's possible involvement in attacking Japanistan's outpost. Indhopal's President had an offer of his own: He suggested that Indhopal and Japanistan sign a defensive pact. The exact terms were negotiable but Indhopal wanted joint military development projects as part of the deal. The agreement would also have to spell out its defensive nature explicitly. Indhopal would not for instance support Japanistan if it decided to start a war of aggression.


Ambassador Hokuzai replied with good news: Japanistan sincerely accepts the offer to a mutual defense pact, and will glad assist in any way possible in Indhopal's desires for a powerful, integrated air-defense network. Military co-operation projects are eagerly anticipated.

"In fact," the Ambassador said, "If you like, why not keep a brigade of one of your Divisions to be demobilized and set up a base in our Velerian holdings? It would provide an excellent opportunity to rotate formations and Reserves through an area they do not normally train in."

"That might be worth considering," the President replied.

"We would also like to bid on the heavy construction for the sub pens, and perhaps we can share development of some of your new naval ships and submarines, as well as your air force and bomber fleet production. The Japanistani fleet has, unfortunately, not kept pace with modernization in the same way that our Air Force has. In fact, we'd like to begin by purchasing the ships you are ready to decommission."

"I will discuss that with my defense minister," the President said.

Japanistan and Indhopal sign a defense pact.
Treaty does not obligate either nation to support aggressive wars, only defense.
Japanistan seeks to buy the Halifax, Arleigh Burke, Standard, and Sachsen class ships being decomissioned.
Japanistan put sin a bid for Air Force and ship upgrades, and sub pen construction.
Japanistan will gladly help upgrade air defenses and work towards nuclear defenses as partners.
Japanistan invites Indhopal to establish a Brigade-sized base in Veleria.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Revision of VLS structure of Exarch and Praetor class warships

The Ministry of Defence has issued a statement saying that it plans to either introduce a new VLS to accommodate the S-500F system, or introduce an adapter to allow for each universal VLS (or UVLS) cell to accommodate a full 4 S-500-D/E missiles. The MOD is studying the various plans now and has authorised the trials for 2 solutions, of which should begin some time the end of this year.

Progress on the 100KW FEL laser system

The Defence Science Institute reports that its work with Kontos Munitions and Thessaloniki Technical University on FEL lasers is bearing fruit. Reports say that the research teams are in the process of constructing a FEL laser that could deliver 100KW of laser power and provide tunability from UV to far IR. A 2.2MW class FEL laser, utilizing an 18m long cavity is currently under study. Solid State Laser work continues in many areas, especially in fiber lasers where their telecommunication applications.

Chip scale Atomic Magnetometer under goes trials

A chip scale atomic magnetometer is currently undergoing trials. The magnetometer promises accuracy several orders of magnitude better than standard magnetometers, and may see use within the military.

Discussions on stopping production of B-3 Black Tiger Tanks

Reports indicate that the Army is discussing about stopping to production of B-3 Black Tiger Tanks and only equip Legacy Legions and possibly some Guards Kataphrateoi Legions. Thus far, only 35% of armored units have received the tank, and production has been slow. Production of the tank would continue at a low rate to provide spares and replacement units. Existing B-2 Black Panther tanks will be upgraded to a new standard including a second generation ETC cannon. Production of the B-4 Black Thunder Heavy Artillery Tank is said to begin soon end of this year and each Legion would receive a batallion of the B-4 Black Thunder under the direct command of the Tagmata Strategos.

Byzantine Airlines in talks to buy more Sonic Cruisers

Byzantine Airlines has indicated that it is in talks with Dominion Boeing to purchase another 12 Sonic Cruisers. "We have relooked at our requirements and decided that 24 aircraft will not be sufficient to meet our needs over the next 5-10 years. The airline has also indicated that it has interest in a new BAM-Sukhoi Hyperjet aircraft, which BAM and Sukhoi are working on jointly and is expected to offer high fuel efficiency and near MACH 1 speeds and seat 100 passengers.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-06-20 08:52am, edited 1 time in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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K. A. Pital
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by K. A. Pital »

High over the Old Continent

Alexander, one of the Byzantine test group pilots, was driving the test hull of the Igla interceptor down through the air.

- All indicators stable, initiating intercept, - he spoke.

- Unit-00, we are tracking your progress. Please keep an eye on hull vibrations and temperature, - a voice spoke, it was filled with clutter. Establishing a solid translation to a craft moving at hypersonic speeds was not an easy task in itself.

- Opening missile bay... - this was the most important part. Pressured ejection with a slight backwards tilt was a system yet tested only at smaller hulls. - It's away! Report, it's away, - the pilot was elated, but still swiftly ran through all the tables and displays with his eyes - even a minor failure could mean the destruction of his aircraft.

- Unit-00, launch confirmed. This is ground control, mission accomplished.

Result: CATO Igla hypersonic interceptor hull conducts a missile launch in the upper atmospheric layers

Continental Military Journal: Severomorsk Shipyards, "Northern Star"

Today the city celebrated the keel being laid for the first hull in a new series of nuclear guided missile cruisers, the "Contradiction"-class. Those cruisers, developed in tight cooperation with Shroomanian naval architects, represent a new step in escort capabilities for the mighty Union Navy.

According to the data disclosed by the Commitee for Defense, the cruiser has a medium displacement of around 15,000 ton, a nuclear powerplant and over 200 missile emplacements, as well as newest counter-torpedo systems available in the Union. There is wild speculation in the blogosphere as to what the larger cells of this cruiser could carry, as well as a lot of speculation about the S-500 relays and radar systems which would be fully integrated in the new cruiser.

Some say that the design has already been licensed by the Shroomanians for domestic production, making it one of the new breed of international, CATO cruisers - but it's unknown whether other nations would do the same.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Raj Ahten
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

Indhopal Signs Defense Pact With Japanistan

Today the President Signed and the Parliament ratified a Defensive Pact between the republic of Indhopal and Japanistan. The vote in parliament was contentious, as some of the presidents usual left wing allies abandoned him on the vote saying that Indhopal should not ally itself with Japanistan, a nation with an atrocious human rights record and history of Imperialistic behavior.

The Measure still passed with broad support as virtually the entire nationalist wing of parliament voted in favor of the measure. As part of the bill Indhopal agreed to sell its just decommissioned vessels to Japanistan. The eleven warships will be handed over to the Japanstani navy in a ceremony later this month. The Parliament also approved measures that would begin several joint defense projects, many of which are to remain classified. Known projects include construction of new military bases and work on the air defense system.

The Japanistani's also offered to host a brigade of Indhopalese troops in Velaria, but that measure is seen as very controversial given Japanistan's history on that continent. Most analyst's believe that measure will be blocked in parliament.

-Indhopal officially signs defensive pact
-4 Burkes, 4 Halifax, 2 standard and 1 Sachsen class warships will be sold to Japanistan.
-Indhopal agrees to let Japanistan construct some sub bases, while others are built by local firms.
-Indhopal gladly accepts Japanistani help with the air defense network and seeks to form joint aircraft and sub programs.
-Highly covert sharing of nuclear tech will begin.
-The brigade sized force in Velaria dies in committee.
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Royal Palace, Ashford City

"Damn fringe-world yokels, don't know where their true loyalties lie..." Lelouch muttered angrily.

"If you're talking about those damn Indhopalis, there's absolutely squat we can do about them," Cornelia said. "They've made their bed with those damn Japanistanis, and they're lying in it together."

"We're all familiar with the reports of just how backwards the Japanistani navy is compared to its MESS and CATO counterparts," Chief of Naval Operations Murrue Ramius chimed in. "Their most sophisticated air defense ships are ripoffs of the UCSR Udaloy and Kara classes retrofitted with ripoffs of the S-300. Even if they get their hands on relatively simple Aegis or early-generation APAR and SMART-L systems and manage to reverse-engineer them, that still represents a very significant leap in anti-air capability for them. That's something we simply cannot afford to have."

"Still, there's nothing we can do about it, except watch helplessly as Japanistan starts to bring its navy up to par with everyone else's with these new acquisitions," Lelouch said, still somewhat angry. "I think I'm gonna go throw up now."

As Lelouch reached for a wastepaper basket so he could vomit in it, Murrue asked Cornelia, "So, I assume we're still going to be bidding on Indhopal's offer for new corvettes?"

"Fuck them," Cornelia scoffed. "They want corvettes, they can go suck the cocks of their new Japanistani 'friends' for them."

Anonymous xx/xx/17(xxx)19:40:30 No.143037948
Damn Indhopalis! Let's fuck up their shit and show them the cost of allying with those fucking Japs!

Anonymous xx/xx/17(xxx)19:41:30 No.143038461
DDoS y/n?

Anonymous xx/xx/17(xxx)19:42:41 No.143039471
fuck yeah seaking

Anonymous xx/xx/17(xxx)19:43:29 No.143040360
All right chums, time's up, let's do this

Lelouch would like you to know just what he thinks of Indhopal's defense pact with Japanistan.

Also, Anonymous strikes again!
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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