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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

any ideas of what we should be calling the TV series that shall be using footage from the current BR deployment into Fungal Axis waters/airspace?

we will be sending location scouts, construction crews (blimps require special hangers), and some beginning camera crews (location shots people!)

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Post by Dave »

The Republic of N'ton also holds dual membership in the LUN and the Fungal Axis.

We also would like to join the Alliance of Advanced Nuclear Research and Space.

We suggest (for mapping purposes) that the allegiance of a nation be marked by small colored dots, one dot for each treaty or alignment.
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K. A. Pital
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Post by K. A. Pital »

We suggest (for mapping purposes) that the allegiance of a nation be marked by small colored dots, one dot for each treaty or alignment.
For the smaller nations this proposition is impossible to realize, as they are too small to allow for several colors. For larger nations, this would greatly hamper ease of understanding power alliances (which is the purpose of the map in the first place).

Maybe dual treaty membership should be noted manually by typing an addendum for each multi-treaty member nation, and the color used to represent the first treaty bloc the nation chose to enter at the beginning.
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Post by DarthShady »

The Shadow Empire would like to announce that due to the growing concerns of it's allies on Mangka's biological weapons development, the great and wise Emperor Shady has ordered a covert attack by Shadow spies.
This attack was executed just a few hours ago, and according to recently received reports from our operatives, it was successful. Shadow operatives have managed to destroy 2 Biological weapons plants, and damage 1 more.

Behold the destruction of this great threat to our world

Shadow Empire's spies have also discovered a prototype of a INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE which apparently was designed for the purpose of launching attacks on our nations.
Testing of the prototype

The Great Emperor Shady would like to request that all nations of the world unite in a military campaign to eliminate this threat to our people.
The Emperor would personally invade this rogue state, but his forces are currently away on peacekeeping missions in Syndromia.

The Emperor promises to inform his allies of the FUNGAL AXIS and other nations, if any further information is obtained by shadow spies.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

:shock: :lol: :wink: (OOC: Brave call Shady, covert attack is not a war and thus still unregulated. I still suggest you call the leader of Mangka and tell them about this... :lol: /OOC)

The Red Technocracy government is so far contemplating the wording of it's official statement.
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Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Sovereignty of Shroomania wishes to express that in no way does it condones the action of the Shadow Empire and that the Shadow Empire's acts of espionage and sabotage were in no way authorized by any other nation in the FUNGAL AXIS, that the other AXIS members only knew of the Shadow Empire's operations after the fact.

Prime Minister Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh wishes to convene with the fellow leaders of the FUNGAL AXIS to discuss the actions of the Shadow Empire. At the same time, prominent members of the Shroomanian parliament have demanded that the Shadow Empire be placed under 'ideological review' for its brash actions.

Be that as it may, Shroomania nonetheless condemns the Republic of Mangka's development of biological weaponry and looks to its allies in the LUN and the OMSK Pact - who are currently in conference - for counsel in handling this tenuous situation.


The front page of most prominent newspaper in Shroomania, the Shroomanian Sentinel, features a picture of Prime Minister Shroom - upon hearing news of the Shadow Empire's covert strikes - exclaiming: "Damn!" :lol:
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2008-04-06 11:01am, edited 1 time in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Mangka Daily News

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Mangka has issued a press release, condemning the recent terrorist attack from an unknown party on the 3 pharmaceutical plants. The facilities, the MOFA claims, are essential for Mangka's medical supplies.

"We are a small nation, but we are part of an international community and will see to it that the terrorist organization will be eliminated." J.S. Jan, the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.

During the press conference, reporters asked about the recent tension over biological weapons, Spokesman Jan replied, "Thank you for the comments, everything is done legally."
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Post by consequences »

The thing about covert attacks, is that they are covert. You know they are covert, because governments don't go blabbing about them on international news.

The thing about rumours about bioweapons, is that they are rumours. As in Unconfirmed.

I'd like to thank DarthShady for in all likelihood initiating the first curbstomping of this little shindig for the education of everyone else who didn't know better, while condemning him for making me have to finish the write up for Pepsi Presents the People's Republic of North Pornistan quickly before he gets torn to pieces.
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Post by Zixinus »

My nation:
Monarchy of the Mermaid

Note: the big, black circle in the valley is called Nunblable, an university town where research is conducted. I kinda forgot to mark it.

Size: Roughly 7000 square km
Population: 200 000, first-world level wealth, exact number is unknown due to small rural communities.
Military: 500 strong and armed, plus 100 strong as my personal guard and personal enforcers (which pretty much amounts to delivery and massager duty, and occasional parades), with additional 400 support and technical personal that are part of the military but have not partaken basic training. They mainly form to ensure security, both inland and on sea. Note that the military polices the sea for predators and helps scientific research. The Floating Base, a recent technical achievement given by allies, helps support passing-by military ships by both repairs and fuel and ships in distress. Even friendly, non-allied ships may dock, for a price.

Economy: Over 20% fishery, 30% agriculture, 20% service and remaining percent industry. There is no real export of note, except perhaps birth-control products, some exotic foodstuff and certain... art. Also, there is a vain of rich, heavy materials in the mountains due to volcanic activity that is currently mined and refined. It is not a significant industry as of yet, as the efforts for it are more explored then used.

General tidbit :The name comes from an old legend that is supposedly from the island's founder. The story is a bit long, but in essence, it involves a horny mermaid helping a lost ship find this island. The mermaid supposedly stayed as she fallen in love with the first tribal leader (she was able to change its fins to legs when wished, in case you are wondering). The island was large enough for its economy to grow and eventually reached a point where it was able to form a central government.

History: Thankfully, the island's history is quite bloodless, apart from a few incidents in its distant past due to food shortage. Each new settlement was founded quite early and after taking opportunities in that area. For example, for a long time, Kiki village was a summer resort for most of the time, picking and tending various fruits over the summer.
Otherwise, most of the island's history boils down to various business between various towns and villages, a romantic tale here and there.

Religion: Freedom of Religion protected. There is one monastery that now serves more as library and tourist attraction. There were a few Churches but most are abounded, with the exception of one or two.
Noteworthy is the local polytheist religion, that still survives in the more rural areas and has smaller followings in the cities. This by itself may look rather harmless, as it is mainly hedonistic, but there is a history to them regarding violently-held polygamies. While most practitioners are casual and actually just use the religion as an excuse for their hedonistic practises, police still keep a close eye on mayor followings.

Infrastructure: The Kingdom of the Mermaid has its main farmlands next to Cupil, its two main fishing towns being Callipo and Lunda, Callipo a harbour being open for trade. Lunda also houses a research facility for the Lungfish and Saber project and serves as a landing strip.
The town's roads have been improved over history and are in a state that one with a bicycle can leisurely get around the entire island under a day. There are no cars on the island, however motorcycles are popular (although, I do encourage bicycles for casual travel). There are small trucks that currently transport goods between the islands. A railway system is planned for transporting goods, but we do not have the expertise and necessity to produce it.
Note that small communities also live in the large jungle, these are unmarked as these are usually insignificant and hard to keep track of. Scout towers and ranger huts are also not marked on this map.

Power: One may notice the radiation symbol, the island's sole power plant that supplies over 70% of the power, it is called Mugave, the son of the volcano Hangave (the volcano has been dormant for several centuries). Additional power is drawn from government sponsored solar panels and wind farms near the coast. Some geothermal plant plans have been also made, but are rejected as of yet due to the fact that the island has plenty of power.

Request regarding map: Put me Northwest of Surlethe's island/continent.

EDIT REASON: Gah, curse my spelling.
Last edited by Zixinus on 2008-04-06 11:47am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

Today, Parliament is heavily divided on the issue of the Shadow strikes on the Republic of Mangka and the disturbing information the Shadow Empire has procured.

Influential Mushroom Ministers of the Paleopacifistic Party have pointed out that the Shadow Empire has also initiated hostilities against Shroomania in the past, and though a short military campaign led to the Shadow Empire's defeat and apology, the Ministers state that the Shadow Empire is now using its newly acquired membership in the FUNGAL AXIS as a cover for the resumption of its aggressive actions - this time directed at the Republic of Mangka.

However, other Ministers - this time from the Conservo-Regressionist Party - have pointed out that the Shadow Empire's actions have brought to light disturbing information about the Republic of Mangka's biological weapons program - confirming recent rumors of the Republic's ties to terrorism. These Ministers have speculated on the Mangka Republic's possible links to the Syndromian insurgency and the danger of proliferating biological weapons to insurgents in Syndromia.

At this time, experts in the Mushroom Military and the Shroomanian Secret Service have not yet released statements regarding the intelligence provided by the Shadow Empire, though they say that they have relayed the intelligence to OMSK Pact nations.

Prime Minister Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh states that any international action on the Republic of Mangka should be decided by the OMSK Pact, due to their closer proximity to the Republic of Mangka.

Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:The massively crowded (30% of the island's population) Wanhua City is also the home to various Triad societies. These societies are currently in a balance of power and are eager to expand to foreign nations. Governmental officials and representatives are highly connected and sometimes complicated reasons are the cause of the deaths of politicians or other crime activity. Nonetheless, people have accepted the fact that the Triads actually maintain a noticable portion of a stable society.

Rumor is that the government is developing biological weapons including those focused on bioterrorism. There are also rumors that the government is funding international activity of the Triads.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by DarthShady »

The Great Emperor Shady would like to apologize to his allies of The FUNGAL AXIS and other nations of our great world, but must ask them to realize that this threat could not be tolerated. The Emperor has decided that no further action shall be taken against the Republic of Mangka, without agreement from fellow members of the FUNGAL AXIS and it's allies.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Urgent conference of the Red Techocracy Supreme Council lasts way into the late night in the Supreme Council Hall (click for WP-size image)
The Red Technocracy are very concerned about the developing diplomatic crisis and, allowing no further hesitation, propose to the honorable leader of Shroomania to put up the following proposal to the leaders of Mangka:
Proposed communique to Mangka wrote:A joint mission of Shroomania and Techocracy weapon inspectors shall arrive in the country and examine the objects which cause international concerns.

As only 1 GLADOS satellite launched by our very first, most simple rockets is only operative as of now, we cannot rely on satellite data alone.

In case the Government of Mangka refuses to cooperate, we will contemplate international sanctions, as some SD Nations have already done.
This proposal comes at a point when the militaries of Shroomania and the Techocracy are still bound by long-duration missions in the Syndromian territory (hell, we have a CVN Group stuck there and this is probably the reason why we manage to keep our part of occupation zone relatively stable).

The militaries - and first of all the Navies - of both nations currently can hardly freely operate in another armed conflict, and due to overstretching concerns, contemplating military ultimatums to Mangka is so far out of the question until the O.M.S.K. conference is finished.
Zixinus wrote:Request regarding map: Put me northwest of Surlethe's island/continent.
We are pretty confident Surlethe's nation is not yet mapped on the great world map of SD.n so far, and as the honourable Senator is on hiatus for all things sans Coliseum and Armageddon, this is unlikely to change ;)
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Shroomanian Parliament fully ratifies the Red Technocracy's proposal to the leaders of Mangka.
Stas Bush wrote:
Proposed communique to Mangka wrote:A joint mission of Shroomania and Techocracy weapon inspectors shall arrive in the country and examine the objects which cause international concerns.

As only 1 GLADOS satellite launched by our very first, most simple rockets is only operative as of now, we cannot rely on satellite data alone.

In case the Government of Mangka refuses to cooperate, we will contemplate international sanctions, as some SD Nations have already done.
Though the Mushroom Military has two super-heavy submarines and a newly-acquired CVN currently undergoing testing and training, it too is hard-pressed to make another long-term commitment. This is a fact that the Ministers of Shroomania's Paleopacifistic Party are quick to point out.

The nation of Shroomania looks keenly at the O.M.S.K. conference, though the Red Technocracy has clearly voiced itself, the United Kingdom of Blackadder (Mr.Bean) has been oddly silent on recent issues.

[OOC: I gotta hand it to DarthShady for stirring shit up. Those are brass balls you got, mang, and now things have gotten even more interesting :P]
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Simplicius »

I've finally got a map and some data up. "Location" is obviously obsolete now because the map kept changing (I started writing all that back at page 5 or so), but I'd like the 'somewhat distant' aspect retained if possible.

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Post by K. A. Pital »

[OOC]Well, you are on the outskirts, but to the Southwest! Pardon me...[/OOC}
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Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:any ideas of what we should be calling the TV series that shall be using footage from the current BR deployment into Fungal Axis waters/airspace?
The BEAR SYNDROME! :twisted:

It's not BR deployment into FUNGAL AXIS waters/airspace, though. It's in Syndromian waters/airspace, since Syndromia was a rogue nation that got pacified.

Several Shroomanian media corporations express interest in working together with the Bear Republic's film companies. The World of SDN is currently lacking in big blockbusters, TV serieses, and Reality TV! :twisted:
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by DarthShady »

[OOC: I gotta hand it to DarthShady for stirring shit up. Those are brass balls you got, mang, and now things have gotten even more interesting Razz]
[OOC: It is my goal to make this thread even more AWESOME.]
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Post by Zixinus »

We are pretty confident Surlethe's nation is not yet mapped on the great world map of SD.n so far, and as the honourable Senator is on hiatus for all things sans Coliseum and Armageddon, this is unlikely to change Wink
Then put me near any other Alliance islands then. Preferably the bigest one.
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Post by WesFox13 »

[OOC]I do have a question can we be part of multiple alliances?[/OOC]

The Republic of Vulpesia had applied for membership in the Fungal Axis some time ago and never got a reply from Shroomania. If it is possible I am also seeking an alliance in the Omsk Pact as well.
My Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90

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Post by Zixinus »

Oh and:
We also would like to join the Alliance of Advanced Nuclear Research and Space.
I vote for the Republic to enter on the condition for postponing its NSWR project.

The reason for this circumstances is fears regarding the environmental damage this project may inflict due to its rather forceful nature (continuous, controlled nuclear explosions). Also, if allied, resources would be taken from more promising and near-term projects, like the Sabre project.
If Codename Helios succeeds, NSWR would be redundant anyway.

[OCC]Also, regarding on the separate tread, I say that move all current world status maps there, along with the post introducing the the member's nation. This tread should be there to for rulers to make announcements.[/OCC]
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

[@ WesFox13: Truly? Damn, I must've missed it!]


Prime Minister Shroom apologizes to the leader of the Republic of Vulpesia for the Sovereignty of Shroomania's untimely response. The Prime Minister has been distracted by the media constantly hounding him and taking pictures of him doing spit-takes in light of shattering news events.

The acceptance of the Republic of Vulpesia (WesFox13) into the FUNGAL AXIS also marks another event in the AXIS' history.

The nation of Shroomania wishes to convene FUNGAL AXIS nations, both old and new, for a conference regarding the brash actions of the Shadow Empire and how it affects the FUNGAL AXIS' mandate of peace.

Shroomania (me)
Glorious People's Republican Democracy of Blasitification (Losonti Tokash)
Kingdom of Republicburgstatesville (NeoGoomba)
Kingdom of Triolia (Triol)
The Vortex Empire (The Vortex Empire)
Grand Duchy of Vanaheim (Vanas)
The Shadow Empire (Darth Shady)
Rail Republic of Caniba (Redleader34)
Republic of One (Zablorg)
New Gottland (Decue)
Republic of Vulpesia (WesFox13)

(Tell me if I have missed anyone!)
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by K. A. Pital »

It is harder to enter the OMSK Pact, because we are not a lead-nation alliance like FUNGAL AXIS. Membership, enterance and leave in the FUNGAL AXIS are administered by the honourable Government of Shroomania, whilst to enter the OMSK Pact, a member vote quorum is required. Which means that I need either Shep or Mr Bean to agree with you being included into the mighty Pact.

[@ Zixinus: thy wish is granted]
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
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Post by Decue »

New Gottland supports Shadow Empires effort for a peaceful and terrorist free world. We believe a forceful disarment is necessary if the Republic of Mangka wishes to continue its biological weapons program.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

The Red Technocracy has some important news!
[img=left][/img]The ailing King Tithonus has been taken in custody by Red Techocracy military. He turned himself in and demanded asylum.

With him, he carried a case of government documents that has shown he was not personally complicit in war crimes; instead, being a mere figurehead, he fell prey to the powerplay of a junta of militaristic generals. He was reported that the invasion of Zoria was going well whilst at the same time his own military was decimated and his land already invaded.

He relayed the following message:
King Tithonus wrote:I saw that the invasion had commenced without my input and that Zor landed and massacred my men without even pausing to ask for my surrender, which I would have likely given seeing the array of forces en route to blockade me, so I will gladly hand over my island chain and politely ask, not demand as a condition of surrender, that Zor be penalized for his zealous invasion.
The Red Techocracy's Supreme Council has been divided on the issue, but voted in favour of the decision 170-148 seeing as prosecutory actions or deportation against King Tithonus may lead to yet greater civil unrest and destabilization in Syndromia, especially in the light of him being not involved in the war crimes, as well as granting documents which could be crucial to locating the Generals implicated in war crimes.

King Tithonus also expressed agreement with the foreign administration of Syndromia. Seeing as Syndromia's power structures have fallen apart and ex-military warlordism is taking over some portions of the nation, this raises further questions about whether Syndromia should remain independent, and not just the possibility but the desireability of independence, given the shaky sociopolitical and economic situation in Syndromia.

The Red Techocracy relays this news to all members and surveyor parties of the APCS (Allied Peacekeeping Commitee on Syndromia): Zoria, Shroomania, Pezookia, Duchy of Vanaheim and other LUN nations.

[@ APCS members: this is so, Tithonus has exited the game in a polite way - in the light of this I say we run a discussion on what to do with Syndromia in the future...]
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Post by Simplicius »

Stas Bush wrote: [OOC]Well, you are on the outskirts, but to the Southwest! Pardon me...[/OOC}
[OOC] Whoops, I missed the latest alliances map completely. Color me foolish...[/OOC]

The Kingdom stands in official opposition to the proliferation of biological weapons, but cautions against the export of unilateral aggression so close to its own borders.

In light of current developments, all three Territorial Patrol Groups are monitoring inbound and outbound shipping and a Level 2 port security regime is in effect. Meanwhile, the Foreign Office seeks to open up a bilateral discussion with the Republic of Mangka on matters of economics and regional affairs. The Kingdom sees an opportunity for trade in the areas of biotech, aerospace, and electronic components, and common causes in the areas of fisheries protection and regional stability.

The Kingdom expresses hope that this discussion will be fruitful and that further conflict can be circumvented. If not...the destroyers RSGS MARIGOLD, RSGS EXCELLENT and RSGS HAZARD and the logistics ship SGMS INCHCLIFFE CASTLE are ready to put to sea, and certain military peronnel have been recalled from leave.