PeZook wrote:Okay,now i feel kinda weird for annoying people like that
I just feel that if the UN is officially supposed to frown on blasting planets to bits, they should, some frowning when that happens
My thoughts on the matter are best illustrated (god help me) with a quote from Tuco of
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly fame: "If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk!" If the UN frowns upon it, it frowns upon it. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Either is ultimately fine by me, and I'll merrily RP the consequences. But it's people going on in the OOC threads about potentials that never materialize that I find very irritating, much as it did in previous games. After all, how am I supposed to weigh the benefits of a course of action versus the possibility of, say, UN intervention if all I've ever read about UN intervention was people cracking "freaking jokes"? Because it'll be "freaking jokes" until suddenly it isn't, and how am I supposed to figure out which is which?
An OOC thread should serve to explain and clarify in-game action, not to crack jokes that make the ramifications of a given course of action more unclear than they would otherwise have been. Finally, "lol I could kick your ass you know" is never a funny joke to begin with, and if one doesn't want to imply such a thing then one should probably not post things that are easily misconstrued that way. So if the UN is going to object in-game, then post the damned objection. If it isn't, then don't speculate about it in the OOC thread. Don't muddy waters that needn't be muddied in the first place.