So for my side of the story, naturally the Shinra Republic would not accept or condone any such genocidal actions from anyone. Just putting that out there.
To address a few other things:
I believe I did make clear my nation's misgivings regarding including the Imperium on this. Of course that's purely OOC so IC valid questions are raised, but it sums up to roughly, "They can deploy Battle Barges and we can't." We'll still watch them as closely as possible, and I'm sure so will Anglia and others who aren't into the whole megadeath thing.
As to the MEH itself as opposed to others, well... I suck at backstory, but my intention for the Shinra Republic was that, until relatively recently, we were very much an inward looking power. So things which went down prior to around 3385 (roughly when Cid Shinra took office) is not something we would have dealt with. Granted it's hard to even read between the lines on that, and the only real hint I gave was in just how many patrol ships I started off with, relative to heavier warships (though that is changing now). So, a little like Umeria in that we're 'recent' members of the whole interstellar expeditionary stuff. And it'd be implausible to go around and try to right all the past wrongs of the galaxy.
To tackle a few of the examples:
My understanding is that most of the worst of Shepistan's anti-psion stuff happened in the past, and they've more or less 'bred out' most psions? And those that do get born still are exiled? If that's not the case, OOC fail on my part, and I'd chalk it up to limited knowledge. I have stated that we have very little diplomatic contact and all. Plus, the MEH pulling their stuff is in my little 'corner' of the galaxy, where Shepistan is on the other side of it.
As for the Imperium and Bragulans, well, we don't want to get entangled in the K-Zone. So we're not going to go righting wrongs there. A bit hypocritical, yes, but that's life in foreign policy alas. And I mentioned above how we kinda consider teaming up with the Imperium a bit of a Deal With The Devil, in a way.
So yeah, I do think there is
enough IC justification to wage war, and for me personally to invest relatively heavily in ships, as they have big crap and I don't, so I need the numbers to match up. It may not be perfect and without any question, but well, that's what keeps things interesting, isn't it?