Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by White Haven »

A new system, void of inhabitants, ready for the taking. The fact that it lacks habitable worlds is largely irrelevant to the citizens of the Novogord Colonial Authority; one of its member systems doesn't even possess planets at all, so the hardship is minimal. With the announcement that the NCA fleet has secured new territory, a blitz begins that would be called a gold rush if gold was as valuable as asteroid mining rights, shipyard contracts, and the like. It isn't, but 'industrial exploitation rush' just doesn't have a ring to it, so gold it is. The NCA retains strict regulatory controls on who can build where, at least on a system level, and that creates certain pressures, pressures that a suddenly-opened frontier can relieve. At the word that the frontier was no longer verboten, freighters and mobile miners and other industrial elements begin to pour out of the node linking the as-yet-unnamed system to NCA space. Suicidally-fast survey ships howl across the virgin space, pointers racing to evaluate and claim resources before a competing corporation can do the same. Alongside them are a spread of independent civilian vessels, the malcontents and wanderers of Novogord given an outlet if they can only find something to stake claim to before someone else. The only law is the law of the gun...or, more specifically, of the many guns the NCA Navy has flying patrols throughout the system, enforcing one simple iron-clad rule - Thou Shalt Not Fight, Or I Will So Get The Paddle And You Will Regret It.

Such chaos is, of course, unsustainable in the long term, but it doesn't have to be...ships have been stacking up for weeks on carefully-distributed rumors of a new frontier opening here, and all involved know that in a week's time the rule of NCA law will come into effect and such mad dashes for property will be curtailed tremendously. It is, after all, amazing what capitalist pressures will do when properly channeled.

At the same time, the picket heavy cruisers near each outgoing node translate through, standing sentry on the far side of budding NCA colony.

The quiet eyes of the nameless scout vessels are already there, of course, but it wouldn't do for the citizens of the yet-unnamed system to that no one was watching the borders.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Thirdfain »

A Communique From the Speaker of the Hajr
To the Llaelarese Government

<<It has come to the attention of this office that privateers basing out of Llaelarese corporate holdings in the Southwestern Passage have engaged in a series of acts of brutal piracy against vessels moving through territory reserved for the Diaspora. These acts are a direct threat to the mission of the Hajr, as well as all civilized standards of action. Moreover, recent events have made it clear that, as a governing body, you have completely failed to preserve the peace within your own territory. Not only have peaceful vessels of the Kaeleer Empire been attacked, but there are reports of brutal terrorist actions aimed against officials involved in your commercial dealings with the Hajr. As the territory currently under your tenuous 'protection' is absolutely vital to the commerce of the Hajr and the Diaspora, it is my duty to take immediate action to preserve peace, for your own good as well as for the good of the Hajr. Accordingly, units of the 23rd Expansion Arm will be entering your space tomorrow afternoon to establish Hajr observation and patrol bases, as well as to take up strategic positions for the defense of trade lanes and the maintenance of order. With them will come ambassadors with authority to negotiate for the establishment of international peacekeeping forces within your Republic. Your co-operation in these matters is absolutely essential if you wish to maintain the independence of your people and the survival of your government.>>

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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Raj Ahten »

The news coming out of the Llaelar Republic infuriated many people in Far Reaches Free Republic. Another Republic was under attack! By the retrograde Star Kingdom of Kaeleer of all people; most ardent revolutionaries already had a dislike of them due to their political system. To them, this was proof that Kaeleer must be stopped before they decided to attack another republic.

Parliament was in an uproar. Most wanted to take some action but wanted to at least see what the international response would be. The committee of arms appropriations, which was controlled by revolutionary fanatics, wanted faster action. They forced a floor vote on a measure that would send volunteer forces to fight under the flag of Llaelar. The measure passed by a slim margin.

Very quickly the news went out throughout the Republic that volunteers were needed to protect to safeguard democracy and the revolution. A number of enthusiastic but untrained volunteers started flooding towards the Llaelar Republic. Far more significantly, the arms appropriations committee was able to get a large amount of equipment under their control. Along with volunteers from throughout the army, the National Guard and gendarmes they formed the Volunteer Guard. It was a formation of roughly Corps strength and its services were offered to the Llaelar Republic.

They would be going nowhere however if the Chamaran's didn't let them transit through their space. A message was sent to their embassy about the matter.

The Volunteer Guard is a ten point army force. Earth shattering it is not.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Darkevilme »

Chamaran space

Decisions have already been made regarding the Llaeler problem. Emergency cabinets called at nap hours and then annoyingly reconvened again. The Essena clan's fleet standing ready to deploy southwards to help oppose this Landgrab should it spread north of Narmathar, an action for which they believe should it be necessary their potential trading partners better be ancestor's damned grateful for it. They were currently trying to negotiate the other clans participation and in time they'd be able to get the Arnor fleet ready to protect potentially exploitable markets as well.

As for the revolutionary volunteer army? Well, transports without capship support are no threat to Chamara and it serves their interests to an extent to let this force through and further muddy the waters. Though the FRFR had to pay an increased shipping fee for the privilege.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Dahak »

From: Imperial Office of the Emperor of the Sky
To: Llaelar Government

Due to recent unprovoked actions against civilized star nations, executed by arms of your Government, the Empire of the Sky cannot stand idly by and let you further disrupt vital trade of utmost importance to the Empire.
Thus, Our forces in the Narmathar system will observe and maintain order and security of Imperial trade, in accordance and consultation with Kaeleer and Hajr forces and complete cooperation by you.
Failure to comply will lead to a reassessment of your Government's further relevance to history.

Signed and Sealed,
Emperor Gondrian XII.


The fleet under Battle-Mage Frash had received additional orders that went with the communique, and led his fleet to the node leading to other Llaelarese territory with the intent to stop Llaelar forces coming to Narmathar's aid.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Raj Ahten »

While the international community debated the attacks against Llaelar, the Far Reaches Free Republic agreed on action. A bill was passed that would give any Llaelar citizen who reached the Far Reaches asylum. The Far Reaches government would also pay any transit fees that the refugees had to pay to reach sanctuary. It was a largely symbolic gesture.

The Parliament also sought assurances from the Chamarans that refugees would be given passage at normal transit rates.

All trade ties with the Empire of the Sky, Star Kingdom of Kaeleer and the Ousters were also severed. This action was unlikely to amount to much beyond a wine shortage in the affected nations as trade links in these nations with the Far Reaches were limited.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Master_Baerne »

Prince Regent's Office
The Keep
Ebon Askavi, The Star Kingdom of Kaeleer

The situation was a mess. Duke Yaslana, the arrogant Eyrien incompetent, had managed to bungle affairs in Narmathar to a degree Saetan had not thought possible. Countess Nehele had done the best she could on Unity Station, but the truth could only be bent so far before it snapped, revealing the clumsily-executed attempt at framing the Llaelar government for the attack on HDMS Violet. The technical aspects of the operatin had been flawless - the Hourglass had made sure of that side of things - but from the circumstances? Refueling three days out from a major fleet base? Yaslana would be reprimanded for that blunder.

So, what to do? That was the question at the forefront of the Regent's mind as he paced before the huge pane of blastglass that admitted what little light remained in the sky so late in the evening. To stay the course was to invite international sanctions, which, even with the support of the Empire of the Sky and the Hajr, would be unpleasant. He could not very well admit to having ordered the operation himself, nor could Yaslana be implicated. The Queen was unaware of his scheming, and that must remain so, for she had inherited her mother's temper - slow to rise, but once provoked she was capable of a level of implacable violence that terrified those around her - which rather limited his options. Hiding information from both sides of a conflict was difficult, to say the least.

The solution, therefore, would seem to be another deception, albeit one much more easily palatable. The United Nations suspected Kaeleeri warmongers? He would give them some.


Queen's Audience Chamber
The Keep
Ebon Askavi, The Star Kingdom of Kaeleer

"Prince Saetan, We are not pleased with the progression of the Narmathar situation. Have those responsible for the deaths of Our subjects been located yet?"

"In a...manner of speaking, Your Dark Majesty." Saetan was nervous enough that the slight hesitation was not feigned in the least.

"Your meaning, Prince Regent?"

"It...appears that the Hourglass was mistaken. The irregularity of the situation, combined with the justified anger at the deaths of Your Dark Majesty's subjects led the investigators to reach conclusions that may not necessarily have been accurate."

"Do you mean to suggest that, in their desire to have vengeance for Our murdered subjects, the Hourglass provided false evidence that directly led to Our forces' attack upon, if this is true, an entirely innocent star nation? We are most displeased, Prince Regent." The Queen's voice lacked the fury that would have been present with anyone else, but that only made it more terrifying. When the Queen of the Darkness went cold, others did too...but more permanently, and not before they suffered a very great deal.

"Yes, Your Dark Majesty."

"How many people died aboard the Llaelar fleet Admiral Yaslana's ships destroyed?" This was addressed to one of the functionaries standing to the side, whose duty it was to keep track of whatever data the Queen might require.

"Approximately thirty thousand, if it please Your Dark Majesty. Three thousand, five hundred and eighteen managed to reach escape pods and were captured."

"It does not please Us. Prince Regent."

"Your will, my Queen?"

"Our will, Prince Regent, is for the Hourglass investigation team responsible for this violation of veracity to be brought to Ebon Askavi. I would have...words...with them." The Queen's use of a personal pronoun chilled Saetan. It indicated a degree of rage that surpassed even what he had suspected this would provoke.

"As you will, Your Dark Majesty. There is more, however."


"Your Dark Majesty, as you are aware, certain delegates to the United Nations suspect Kaeleeri warmongers of orchestrating the explosion? Members of Naval Intelligence have discovered documents indicating that these suspicions may be justified. Moreover, it would seem that Hourglass operatives and Royal Navy officers, who must go unnamed, given the public nature of this moment, conspired to frame the Llaelar Republic for an act of war against the Star Kingdom of Kaeleer." Without particularly noticing it, Saetan slipped into the formal language he was most comfortable with.

"Prince SaDiablo, Our will on the subject is best expressed in these words: For remembrance. As a reminder." And as the entire Dark Court gasped in shock at the implications of the her words, Jaenelle II Angelline, the Black Caste Queen of the Darkness and of Kaeleer, swept out of her audience chamber, her ebony-colored robes flapping in a slight draft.

Note: "For remembrance. As a reminder." Is possibly the most important phrase in the Kaeleerian religion, uttered by the first Witch (effectively a prophet) before executing a traitor in the most elegantly vicious way imaginable.

Results: The Regent has realized that the game is up, and is blaming the Hourglass and Admiral Yaslana for it. The Queen, who is much less amoral than her regent, is going to have them executed in a particularly gruesome fashion, unless the Llaelar Republic would like them instead.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Dahak »

Itan system

Crown Prince Elohan stretched his muscles and yawned. He looked at Biran lying next to him, still sweaty and smiling. He liked this little...meetings. Nothing better to discuss strategy with a nice supporting programme.
"You know, "Elohan said, "this whole Narmathar affair could have gone smoother for us if the Kaeleer wouldn't have been the first to hit."
"Maybe, but it's nothing we can change now. We're left with whatever we can salvage."
Elohan mumbled something. "Turanat should be busy right now trying to be as annoying as possible. And knowing him, that would be a lot. So I guess this whole UN thing won't bother us in too short a time. Still, we need to do something."
"Frash has everything under control, militarily. Especially with the Kaeleer and Hajr forces."
"We could blow up some of our installations on the planet. There are some Imperial companies there, or the embassy. Might make for a nice incident. Or incite riots so we can 'pacify' them." For other Empires, discussing the willful death of its own citizens might be a source for an uprising or public outrage if it ever came out. For Itan, it was more or less the way of life. Somewhere between a autocracy and a ochlocracy, death was a daily affair, and all expected nothing less from the Emperor and family. After all, might makes right, does it not?
"Always an option," Biran said thoughtfully. "Even though it might be suspicious. We would need to be more careful than Kaeleer. But I guess you'd have it under control, being the Assassin in this romm."
"Probably. I will think of something. But I try to keep it below, say, 100 Itan? Nothing too bloody. But now, to something fun again, I am bored," he said with a wicked smile.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Darkevilme »

Ooc note: I've forgotten what the second system down of the Llaeler republic is called, i'm assuming it's Scaldr.

The 'Zenith of glory' Dominion class Flagship, Essena fleet staging point

Rin'ulara stirred slowly from her trancelike slumber at the sound of the screen heralding an incoming message. But she stirred more swiftly as the priority one message cuts off the tonal relaxor's soothing melody. The feline uncurling swiftly as the bridge controller's face appears on screen “What have you to report?”
“Hajr vessels have been reported in motion to occupy Llaeler systems, their intent to occupy all areas currently held sovereign by Llaeler has been made clear.” says the controller.
Rin smiles grimly “We have our orders, the fleet is to move out. Awaken me again when we have crossed into Llaeler territory.”
“If it is the matriarch's will, bridge out.” the controller vanishes from the screen again.
Rin turns on the Tonal again and tries to slip back into sleep, shifting fitfully with her concerns for the future. The battlemistress still holds optimistically to the idea that if they simply move south to say that Llaeler cannot be trampled the Hajr will back off...but what if they don't, they're an unknown force after all. She can only hope the matriarch knows what she's doing or this might be a prelude to war.

The Essena fleet moves out towards the Llaeler node, the fleet tailored for the maximum show of force Essena can muster. The flagship is escorted by the clan's two Armada class crescent's brimming with missiles and the two Shikon's slicing their way through the night at the vanguard for the trip to the node. A pre-recorded message sent ahead of them to the Llaeler authorities.

<This is battlemistress Rin'Ulara of clan Essena aboard the Zenith of Glory. Our matriarch cannot condone the trampling of your sovereign rights by the Hajr forces intending to occupy your systems. In accordance with this deeply held outrage we are now in transit to secure Scaldr and halt their advance. It is in your best interests to permit us safe passage to our destination.>
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Nephtys »

The Llaelar system patrol fleets, clearly on high alert given the impending multi-national invasion of their home territories, seem odd in their acquiescenceof the Essena Fleet's transits through their space. Concentrated now in defensive formations at their Jump Nodes to Hajr and Kaeleerian Held systems, uneasy silence fills many observers aboard the dozens of ships.

Aboard one of the Heavy Cruisers of the Scaldir System fleet, a young politically-appointed Flag Officer nods his head gravely to the newly-arrived sublight transmission. "Open a secure channel to that Battleship. Have all forces remain on alert, but do not approach the Chamaran fleet." he says, voice holding back his unease at the alien fleet now passing through his command area.

"Battlemistress Rin'Ulara of Clan Essena. My orders are to allow your fleet transit and to assist in the repulsion of Hajr forces from our home systems. We will remain on station at the Node to cover it from enemy penetration, and provide you with whatever logistics you may require. Admiral Duvann, out."
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Darkevilme »

Scaldir system

The Essena fleet having acknowledged the transmission from the Scaldir defence forces now takes up station in solar orbit to await the arrival of Hajr elements and prevent them from occupying this or further systems. A confrontation seems inevitable, the Chamarans can only hope it does not turn out to be a bloody one. If it does however they are prepared, a trailing convoy of ordinance freighters arrives in their wake between two escorting outriders and this is added to the weight of their fleet.

Chamaran misc. policy statements
The Chamaran Dominion allows any refugees from Llaeler passage to the FRFR though will waive fee for any refugee choosing to settle in Chamaran space.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Master_Baerne »

Aboard HDMS Unbending
Flagship, Remembrance Fleet
Orbiting Narmathar, Narmathar System, Llaelar Republic

The small shuttle, direct from HDMS Messenger, itself direct from Ebon Askavi with orders for the fleet, set down with scarcely a wobble in the huge superdreadnought's Number Three Boat Bay. This was entirely normal, but when the hatch slid open to reveal the glittering uniform of a Fleet Admiral, surrounded by a squad of power-armored Royal Marines, the lieutenant in charge of the boat bay knew something was wrong.

The admiral stepped down onto the deck, her long black hair waving slightly due to the mild pressure change. She spoke in a clear soprano, and her voice left no doubts that whatever was going on, it was deadly serious.

"Lieutenant. I am Admiral SaDiablo, Gray Caste. You will escort me to Admiral Yaslana, by order of the Queen."

"Aye, Ma'am." There was no other response to give, especially with the Marines staring menacingly at him, their armored forms filling the young man's field of vision.


The party arrived at the door to Admiral Yaslana's cabin. The lieutenant pressed the chime, while the sentries at the door stood aside for the Admiral and her guards. Yaslana himself answered the door, wearing a slightly rumpled uniform and a cape with slits to accommodate his wings.

"Admiral SaDiablo. What a pleasant surprise!"

"Admiral Yaslana. I wish I could say the same." She pulled a small scroll, tied with a black ribbon, out of her pocket, unrolled it, and said: "By the will of Her Dark Majesty the Queen, you are hereby under arrest pending a court-martial to determine your guilt or innocence in one count of conspiracy to commit Grand Treason, one count of Grand Treason, one count of conspiracy to commit criminal misconduct, one count of criminal misconduct, one count of conspiracy to commit murder, two thousand one hundred and three counts of attempted murder, and thirty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-three counts of murder in the first degree." The Marines seized Yaslana before he had quite processed the information, marching him down the corridor towards the brig.

Admiral SaDiablo pulled out her comm unit. "Captain Shalador. This is Admiral SaDiablo, the new commanding officer of Remembrance Fleet. Admiral Yaslana has been imprisoned pending a court-martial. You are to instruct the fleet to maintain position until ordered otherwise. SaDiablo clear."

Results: We've arrested the scapegoat, he'll stand trial, and we'll turn him over the the Republic for whatever punishment they deem fitting.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Darkevilme »

Majesty star system
Newly claimed by The Chamaran Dominion
Bordering Tathessi space.

Chamara two can move swiftly when it needs to. Ever since the flag went up freighters have been flooding into the system at a fantastic rate, new opportunities attracting every ambitious clan that can get a spacecraft or passage planetside to one of the system's handful of rocky bodies. The situation getting chaotic with hundreds of prospectors, each barely large enough for a single family, flit around anything rockey enough to have anything valuable in it. Radio bands thick with a flurry of clans announcing their claim to patches of planet surface and asteroids. Homestead domes forming on the inhospitable surface of the second world, each the center of a pioneering effort to tear the ground asunder and yield up the unexploited minerals. A hub has already formed for efforts in system, an enterprising clan establishing a rugged prefab spacestation in orbit of the fourth world to harvest its hydrogen rich atmosphere and sell it as fuel to all comers. The station a glinting spec slung between the gas giant and its moon, a whispey strand of hydrogen telekinetically being siphoned up from the surface to the funnel mouth at one end of the station.

Clan kitzal watches on without intervening, their fleet orbiting the true prize here, the world spinning slowly beneath them has gravity within a margin of the homeworld and its illumination will prove ideal for crop growing. But Kitzal plays the long game here, terraforming the atmosphere will take many years and vast machinery, but when they yield their crops they trust that the industries forming elsewhere in the system will be a developed enough market for their products.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Ohma »

Epsilon System, Network Space

Galei watches the craft move towards the intercept point, he pauses a moment to admire the way it stands out against the rest of the background radiation in the EM spectrum before engaging his Domel’s jammers.

In a split second, the small freighter is rendered blind, deaf, and mute to the universe around it. The operation is swift, in only a few minutes, the Deslar has retrieved the four smaller craft, and is on its way back to Guymelus.

There is only a cloud of debris where the Yuli freighter once was.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Dark Hellion »

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Ernarn Space

The small transported vessel was silhouetted against the starry background, its cargo of heavy metals and industrial construction materials locked firmly in the belly of the craft. It glided at a leisurely pace, in no great hurry to deliver the fortune of product it carried.

The Chit destroyer moved much more quickly, gliding in on its inertia and using only its most undetectable drive systems for maneuvering. At 2000 km its stealth systems disengaged. Gun ports were aimed and communication channels opened.

"Please halt your ship and prepare to be boarded. If you come peacefully and give us your cargo none will be hurt."

The Ernarn captain was no fool. A destroyer could blow his ship away a thousand times before he could make any rash movement. He was not a callous lizard either and quickly evacuated his crew to the safety of the command deck. They shuddered as the boarding pod attached.

In the pod a dozen techs quickly hacked the civilian lock codes on the airlock they had attached to and 25 boarding rats streamed in. The security systems of the ship then went dead.

The Captain and his crew waited, guns holstered but ready if action occurred. Then suddenly the doors to he command deck sprang open. 10 rats moved in, pikes held horizontally, a shimmering energy field blocking all lines of fire. Behind them, the pirate commander appeared. Over one eye was a patch, the other beady eye starring behind cybernetic lenses. He held a saber in hand, molecular cutting field glowing faintly. From behind his yellow buckteeth he held a cigar which he removed and addressed the crew.

"I be thanking you for the booty mates. It be worth a great deal to me an' my crew. Sorry to be inconveniencing you as such, but thems the rules of this game. Have yourselves a pleasant night."

He walked back and waited while a smaller rat with a data pad stepped forward. He looked very nervously around and walked to the edge of the field before he spoke.

"Would it be alright if I approached captain? I have some minor business to take care of."

The befuddled captain gave a short, shallow nod. The rat stepped out of the energy field, raised the datapad and spoke rapidly.

"Thank you for experiencing the Commander Blackheart pirate adventure. You will find your cargo very safely secured still. In addition we will be paying each crew member a quarter kilo of platinum for your troubles. If you have enjoyed this adventure please tell your friends and family. We and our sister ships are available for all forms of parties and other entertainments. Prices are negotiable. Thank you again and good night."

The rats quickly left the ship, leaving the captain to sit haggardly and open a beer.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Tanasinn »

Epsilon System
Network Space

As one of the more lightly-defended systems in Network space, the response to the Yuli freighter's demise was not immediately noticed...but the delay was brief. First to show up were the systems patrol craft - light anti-piracy vessels, fairly primitive, and the only Yuli warships tolerated by the Network. Almost immediately after arrived Network probe vessels from deep in the system; the Network navy did not have a patrol active in the system at the current time, by the prospecting sensors and light drone load were more than enough to handle investigating the wreck. About this time, too, system sensors confirmed an unusual sensor ghost - a single contact in the dark that was there and gone before being identified as anything but fairly large.

The Network investigation of the wreckage was swift - no (whole) bodies, no survivors, and a single sensor log that seemed to indicate four light attackers. A quick background check revealed that the sensor data matched mostly closely a known variant of ship hailing from Guymelus.

It was only a matter of time before the information of the freighter attack (with only some vague details) hit the Yuli media, picked up on for the fact that it didn't appear to have been mere belt pirates. The Yuli's defensive navy were not known for their discretion, to the vague annoyance of the Network at large. Worlds away, a Network diplomat and his Yuli aide received data on the incident, and the wheels of a potential political incident began to turn.
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Re: Space STGOD Main thread(2K9)

Post by Rogue 9 »

NRS Warspite
On Exercises, Pinnacle system Oort cloud

"Conn, Sensors. New contact, bearing 114 mark 58, range 20,000 klicks. Classify as hostile warship, heavy destroyer class."

Captain MacKenzie snarled. "How the hell did they get so close? Gunnery, task the rear starboard beam emitters to the new target, all other batteries as before."

"Aye!" The beam cannons rumbled to life as the lieutenant spoke, rotating their focus lenses slightly and then emitting a pair of devastating energy beams towards the target. The Guardian class cruiser was taking damage, her escorting destroyers blasted out of the void a few moments before. A slight shudder heralded another time-on-target missile volley directed at the enemy heavy cruiser to the forward port quarter. If something wasn't done fast, they'd be done before their reinforcements arrived.

"Incoming! Missile volley inbound from the new contact; looks like they're homing on our engines."

Countermeasures and flak batteries opened up even as all the heavy turrets on the attack cruiser fired to full capacity, but it wasn't enough.

"Conn, Helm. Starboard engine nozzle is hit; I have to shut down the port side or we'll start spinning."

"Do it." The sound of the engines died and the cruiser began to drift along its course. "Ideas, gentlemen?"

"The jump drive still works. We're close enough to the node that it might take us in. We can't hold the objective, Captain; there's no point in staying."

"Negative, the engine hit has compromised reactor containment. The power strain of a jump could tear the ship apart!"

"INCOMING!" The countermeasures worked furiously, but it wouldn't be enough, and everyone on the bridge knew it.

"New contact coming through the node. Captain, it's the Courageous!"

The beleaguered bridge crew cheered as the heavy battleship they'd been waiting for emerged from the jump node they were holding and began throwing fusillades of beams and railgun shells into their attackers. Then all the lights on the bridge went red.

"Damn," MacKenzie said, pounding his fist down onto the armrest of his chair. "End simulation."

The lights came back up. "Captain, I regret to inform you that the Warspite has been destroyed."

The captain chuckled at the AI's pronouncement. "Yes, well it's a jolly good thing your average pirate isn't packing heavy cruisers and stealth destroyers then, isn't it? I suppose the exercise is completed, then."

"Yes," answered the ship. "However, the exercise was designed to put the Guardian class into a role she was not meant for. All in all, the crew's performance was excellent under the circumstances."

"Excellent's not good enough if you're dead at the end of it. Comms, signal Command. Inform them of the exercise results and request leave to run it again during tomorrow's drill cycle."

"Aye, Captain."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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