STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by RogueIce »

Thanas wrote:*************
RogueIce wrote:Marshal Jir's cruiser jumped out of hyperspae at the edge of the system and transmitted diplomatic codes, asking for an audience. They were escorted in by a pair of SCE corvettes, and then Marshal Jir was presented before the Emperor.

"Greetings, Marshal. Welcome to Corellia. I hope you will stay as my guest? I am sure we have much to talk about."
"Of course, your majesty. Permit me, as a military man, to cut straight to the chase: We would like to present you with an offer of a defensive alliance treaty with these terms...."

[OOC: For the terms, check above]
The Emperor reviewed the terms presented, and nodded his head. "These are more than acceptable to me. I will gladly join such an alliance. I am sure there will be some formal signing ceremony? I will of course be most honored to be there for it.

"If I might also ask, who else might be joining this alliance?"

Edge of the Ord Cantrell system
The Arrow had arrived in Remnant space, and Ambassador Bob Conrad requested an audience with Remnant officials.
The arrow was escorted in by a vindicator cruiser and soon, Ambassador Conrad was lead into D-Purteen, the luxury resort of Ord Cantrell, being soon greeted by the Regent.
"Welcome, ambassador. It looks like talks are already in place between Marshal Jir and your emperor at Corellia. Therfore, it would make more sense to wait for the conclusion of those talks. However, in the meantime, would you like some refreshments? The Namana fruits of Bakura are excellent this year."
"I thank you for your generous offer, Excellency. I imagine my Emperor and Marshal Jir will have a similar discussion, but I know we would be interested in a trade pact."
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »


RogueIce wrote:The Emperor reviewed the terms presented, and nodded his head. "These are more than acceptable to me. I will gladly join such an alliance. I am sure there will be some formal signing ceremony? I will of course be most honored to be there for it."

"If I might also ask, who else might be joining this alliance?"
"Your majesty, we hope the Star Empire of Manticore and the Core Protectorate will sign it, as well as any other faction that desires peace in the galaxy. We have only made offers to the two factions mentioned above, though, as we do not know about the possible commitment of others."

Marshal Jir then looked at the treaty. "As you can read under section E.4, the alliance is to be signed on Coruscant. I am sure if you coordinate with Moff Saenger's office, he will be more than accommodating."

Ord Cantrell
"I thank you for your generous offer, Excellency. I imagine my Emperor and Marshal Jir will have a similar discussion, but I know we would be interested in a trade pact."
"Of course, that would be acceptable. In fact, if our envoy succeeds, I believe that this may very well be your permanent home."

- The core alliance has a third member
- Trade pact signed between the Second Corellian empire and the Remnant
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by RogueIce »

Thanas wrote:Corellia
"Your majesty, we hope the Star Empire of Manticore and the Core Protectorate will sign it, as well as any other faction that desires peace in the galaxy. We have only made offers to the two factions mentioned above, though, as we do not know about the possible commitment of others."

Marshal Jir then looked at the treaty. "As you can read under section E.4, the alliance is to be signed on Coruscant. I am sure if you coordinate with Moff Saenger's office, he will be more than accommodating."
Emperor Bell grinned in amused chagrin. "Of course. I was a formal Imperial Admiral, you know. So it shouldn't be a surprise I sometimes miss the obvious." They both laughed at the old stereotype. Though the real reason, of course, is that I really should have paid more attention, he thought to himself. With all these proposals I guess I started taking them for granted. I won't make that mistake again.

Ord Cantrell
"Of course, that would be acceptable. In fact, if our envoy succeeds, I believe that this may very well be your permanent home."[/quote]
"This is a most beautiful planet. I think I would be quite happy to call it home."
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

SiegeTank wrote:Esteemed gentlebeings,

Greetings from the Gordian Dominion. We are a small state located between the Hydian Way and the Daragon Trail, looking to come in touch with the greater galaxy. It is our belief that trade and diplomacy are the way toward a prosperous galaxy, and as such we were hoping to begin negotiations on these subjects with you.


Marlos Durell
Governess, Gordian Dominion
To: Marlos Durell,

Dear Mdm,

The Kuat Imperium looks forward to trade and peaceful diplomacy with the Gordian Dominion. We are open to negotiations and the exchange of ambassadors, as well as a possible state visit. Thank you.

Hadrian Kuat of Kuat,
Emperor of the Kuat Imperium
RogueIce wrote:Kuat System

The Pride exited hyperspace at the edges of the Kuat system, and began transmitting diplomatic codes. Captain Valin Drago looked over to his embarked diplomat, Ambassador Jacen Korr. "Looks like a pretty strong response to visitors, Ambassador," commented Drago as various Kuati ships set course for them. Ambassador Korr merely nodded.

"Captain, transmission from the Kuatis, sir."

"Very well, put it through..."
"This is Captain Yaren Vorn of the IKS Grey Knight (A Venator Star Destroyer). To whom am I speaking and of whom do you represent."

"This is Jacen Korr of the Second Correllian Empire. We would like to speak to someone of importance in the Kuat Imperium."

"Hold on, stand by for approval from Kuat Segmentum Command."

Shortly later, Captain Yaren Vorn spoke, "Ambassador, your ship is cleared to dock at hanger AA1. Chairman Slavo-Kuat will speak to you, in lieu of Emperor Hadrian Kuat of Kuat."

The corvette docked in the large hanger, and then was met by Macharius Slavo-Kuat.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Alas, Simon's very optimistic appraisals of various people's eagerness to join the League Militaire proved to be just as premature. While the Herglics of Giju were just as willing to join up with the League as they were with the New Republic, the Gran of Kinyen, the Givin of Yag'Dhul, and the Humans and Herglics of Pelagon and Achillea all had their own reservations...

Kinyen Prime, Kinyen

The Gran were naturally a very peaceful race, and while their liberation from the Empire did come, it was a slow process, as they were very insistent that no overt military actions be carried out on their homeworld. With the collapse of the New Republic in 11 ABY, Kinyen was cut off from the rest of the galaxy; when the League Militaire officially arose in 13 ABY, the Gran were naturally very hesitant to accept its overtures. Everything about the League reminded them of the Old Republic just prior to its transformation into the Galactic Empire, and they were very concerned that the League would fall prey to the same rampant militarism and totalitarianism that characterized the old Empire.

"What assurances do you have that the League Militaire will be able to defend us from the Imperial remnants?" Kharrus Leem, the Gran representative sent to negotiate with the League, forcefully asked his counterparts.

"The remnants are just that, remnants," one of the League diplomats, a female Twi'lek named Numa Vao, responded. "They are fractious, with each one believing that they are the only ones worthy of reforging and leading the New Order to renewed glory. If you have several factions all competing for one spot, what do you suppose they'll do?"

"They'll fight for it, and they'll keep fighting until only one is left standing. To the victor go all the spoils," Kharrus said. He may have been a pacifist at heart, but he still understood why people fought.

"Exactly," Numa said. "Considering how the old Empire oppressed your people, would you really consider joining up with one of its successors? Are you willing to offer up your planet as yet another battleground for them as they fight for dominance of the galaxy? Perhaps League membership may not be such a bad alternative after all."

Kharrus' three eyes blinked simultaneously. "We'll think about it," he curtly replied.

Dodecapolis, Yag'Dhul

During the Clone Wars, the Givin offered their shipyards and their famed mathematical prowess to the Confederacy of Independent Systems' war effort against the Old Republic. As punishment for this treason, Yag'Dhul's shipyards were destroyed by the Galactic Empire shortly after the end of the Clone Wars; while its government was largely cowed into following the Empire thereafter, various Givin factions openly supported the Rebel Alliance, going so far as to allow the construction of the space station Yag-prime over their world as part of the Alliance war effort. In 11 ABY, Yag'Dhul was devastated once more by the combined death throes of the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, with its rebuilt shipyards and the Yag-prime station either destroyed outright by the Imperials or self-destructed by the Republic to prevent their capture.

While the Givin had retreated into isolationism in the interim, they were willing to give League Militaire diplomats a chance when they came to Yag'Dhul in 13 ABY with an offer of membership. The actual negotiations, however, were not going nearly as well as Simon had insinuated to Kamina. The Givin were known for their arrogant attitude towards species incapable of surviving in vacuum as they could; on the flip side, since many non-Givin were incapable of solving the mathematical problems used as introductions in polite Givin society, the Givin found most aliens to be quite rude to them.

The lead Givin diplomat tasked with negotiating with the League, Sho Minami, was a particularly arrogant (even for a Givin) and easily offended individual with a verbal tic involving mathematical functions and prefixes. "Listen, you zetta sons of digits, I'll make this clear," he barked at the pressure-suited League diplomats seated before him. "If none of you can solve this set of very simple quadratic equations, then I won't waste my time speaking with you. Any takers?"

After a few moments of deliberation, one of the League diplomats, a female Human named Mitsuru Konishi, stepped forward to answer the Givin diplomat's challenge. After a minute silently entering calculations into her datapad, she wrote out her answers (and showed her work, too!) on a sheet of flimsiplast and handed it over to Sho. He glanced at the sheet briefly before setting it down on the table in front of him. "Well, excuse my dear Aunt Sally. Now, what the factor took you so long?" Sho finally said after a brief pause; he didn't really show it, but he was surprised that the softskin had actually been able to solve them satisfactorily.

"I'm only Human, after all," Mitsuru replied. "Now, you said that if we were able to solve those equations, then we'd finally get down to negotiations. Now, how about it, o esteemed representative of the Givin Body Calculus?"

"...Oh, right, right," Sho said. "Now, why exactly do you want us to join your 'League Militaire'? Our planet has already been devastated twice by the Empire, and even though it has fractured, what makes you think you can defend us from the remnants?"

This is going to take a while, Mitsuru thought. "Miss Yashiro, get the charts and graphs ready."

Pelagar, Pelagon

The ocean world of Pelagon, seat of power of House Pelagia, had fallen on very hard times after the rise of the Galactic Empire. During the Mecetti Purge, all but two of its platform cities were destroyed by Imperial bombardments; pollution resulting from the destruction of the cities and from the wrecks of hundreds of starships plummeting into the seas resulted in the extinction of 90% of the planet's aquatic life. The survivors of the Mecetti Purge, with help from their allies in House Caadrian, immediately set to work reconstructing the cities and building up military hardware for defense against further House Mecetti depredations, though it was a slow process; by the time of the Battle of Hoth, House Pelagia had only managed to acquire a few second-hand warships and scrape four new platforms together from the ruins of the old ones.

When the Galactic Empire came calling again in the Tapani Sector to retake Fondor, the surviving members of House Pelagia feared that the Empire and their House Mecetti stooges had come to finally finish the job they had started during the Great Jedi Purge; in the end, however, the New Republic won out, albeit at a very great cost. The New Republic collapsed into dust, and the League Militaire arose. Houses Pelagia and Caadrian were initially eager to join, but their enthusiasm was soon dampered by the fact that there were still Imperial holdouts roaming the Tapani Sector, not answering to any authority but their own. While the League was able to suppress these threats to its continued existence, House Pelagia was still not convinced.

The capital city of Pelagar was one of the two that had survived the Mecetti Purge, and it was on this platform that representatives of the League and Houses Pelagia and Caadrian met to discuss League membership and the problem of remaining Imperial holdouts. "I do not know about my esteemed colleagues in House Caadrian, but House Pelagia will not join the League until the last Imperial on the last planet in the former Mecetti Province is dead," High Lord Theux Paddox boomed.

"The League Militaire is currently working on cleansing the Tapani Sector of any remaining Imperial influences," Zanthe Nadia, herself a member of House Pelagia and a former Rebel Alliance guerrilla leader, said. "Their days are numbered, I assure you."

"Let us hope that day will come soon, then," the Herglic representative of House Caadrian, Lord Dal Porpus, said.


Simon's reports of Gran, Givin, and Tapani noble willingness to join the League Militaire prove to be VERY MUCH exaggerated.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Edge of League Militaire territory

Imperial holo-magnate Mahd Windcaller's corvette dropped out of hyperspace and transmitted diplomatic codes, asking for an audience with the leaders of the league.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by DarthShady »

Shinn Langley Soryu wrote:League Militaire Private Communique
FROM: League Militaire
TO: Core Protectorate; Imperial Remnant; Kuat Imperium; Second Corellian Empire; Shadow Empire; Star Empire of Manticore

Dear sirs,

Though our nations were on opposite sides during the Galactic Civil War, now is not the time to pursue old grudges and vendettas. The restoration of peace, order, and unity to the galaxy takes precedence above all else, and we must set aside what differences we may have had in the past if we are to see that goal accomplished. To that end, we propose an exchange of ambassadors in the hope that our respective nations may see closer cooperation in the future.


President Kamina
Commander-in-Chief of the League Militaire
FROM: The Shadow Empire
TO:League Militaire

This is acceptable to us. An Imperial Diplomat will be dispatched at once.


Moff Kull

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: A few days later

"Take care of matters here. Is the board almost ready with the budget proposal?" Hadrian Kuat of Kuat walked towards the waiting shuttle.

"Yes they are. They would be ready when you return," said Macharius.

"Good. The restoration of Kuat Drive Yards must be begin with earnest."

The shuttle headed out to the waiting IKS His Will, where Admiral Slaydo waited. Shortly later, the ship set course for Koros Major, and engaged the hyperdrive.

[OOC: Shady, take it from there. We will have a private meeting at your palace]
The IKS His Will exited hyperspace in the Koros Major system and approached the planet, only to be greeted by a massive fleet in orbit. After the exchange of diplomatic codes the IKS His Will was allowed to approach the planet and from it exited a shuttle carrying the Emperor of Kuat, Hadrian Kuat of Kuat. The shuttle landed on the surface and Emperor Hadrian of Kuat was escorted to the Imperial Palace, where he would meet with Emperor Shady of The Shadow Empire.

Hadrian Kuat of the Kuat Imperium entered the throne room alone, his bodyguards remained outside. He approached Emperor Shady and began to speak...

OOC: Fin, I'm thinking, since we are both Sith...perhaps we can write up something special for this meeting. :D I'll let you know of what I have in mind via G Talk.
SiegeTank wrote:All over the galaxy, the ambassadors would deliver the same message:

Esteemed gentlebeings,

Greetings from the Gordian Dominion. We are a small state located between the Hydian Way and the Daragon Trail, looking to come in touch with the greater galaxy. It is our belief that trade and diplomacy are the way toward a prosperous galaxy, and as such we were hoping to begin negotiations on these subjects with you.


Marlos Durell
Governess, Gordian Dominion
The Shadow Empire is quite willing to engage in trade and diplomacy with the Gordian Dominion. We will dispatch an ambassador to your throne world at once.


Moff Kull

OOC: It is quite possible that I missed someone. :D If I did, please mention it in OOC and I will respond.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Agent Sorchus »

"That indeed is a fair question to ask and a fairly tricky one. Various empires have their own ideas of economic exclusion zones and so forth. This might require actually a larger kind of agreement and we are indeed open to possible suggestions on what constitutes as 'space'. I note that some empires are not singular monolithic entities but someone scattered across the galaxy, just as the Kuat Imperium itself lays claim to Gyndine and Rothana, which are far away from the Kuat Sector."
"Furthermore, I might just as well inform anyone present that the idea of economic exclusion zones are somewhat baffling to me. Unless there are special circumstances present, my government will not recognize any such zone. Maybe some can make sense out of them, but I am just a simple commando. We recognize the need for nations to defend themselves, but we see no use in any exclusion zone or even border zone outside the edge of a system. It would add little to the defence of any nation with hyperdrive capable ships. And I am confident noone here is suggesting anybody dividing the galaxy, as that sounds like a pretext for expansion and annexation."
The Kuati Ambassador turned and looked at Mirth Sinn. "While the gentle lady has a point, the Kuat Imperium views defense in depth to be a valuable asset. Further, it also will ensure that no state will feel threatened due to encroachment by a rival, and thus prevent possible future disputes and tension. However, given the very arbitrary nature of this, the Kuat Imperium is willing to for now, view borders to be as delineated by systems."
"Deal, system borders shall be agreed upon and when new systems join a signatory nation the ambassadors shall communicate this to the other signing nations."
RogueIce wrote:After the others had made their offers, Ambassador Lilian Shoshana stood up. "I had a nice speech prepared, but my distinguished colleague from the Imperial Remnant seems to have beaten me to the punch," she said with a smile and nod to the mentioned representitive. "Our proposal is essentially the same as their own."
Thanas wrote:Mirith Sinn rose and used what others had described as her command voice to make herself heard.
"First, the Remnant agrees to a trade deal, but would like to emphasize that any warship entering our borders will be searched and be placed under strict supervision. We would therefore prefer an exchange of goods at the edge of the Axum system in order to prevent any hazzle or mishaps.
Other than that, I have no objection and would like to have this treaty signed as soon as possible. I'll have my people prepare a draft and submit it to you as soon as possible."
"Both Proposals are welcomed. While we do not wish to seem to rush into this, it is understandable that one would want to have some sign that the times of chaos are over. As such preparations for the ceremony shall begin shortly. If neither of you do not mind it will be a joint ceremony."
OOC> I assume no objections and will get right to posting the actual ceremony.
Mirith Sinn looked around and then decided to test the waters. "If I may ask, what is your policy regarding force users, especially the sith?"
Gus Antipater stepped up to answer this, " It is not something that should comes up often, but I feel safe to say that we do not feel that the force should be treated with honor or prestige. Rather the Individual who weilds it should be recognized for their actions, whether this is with accolades or infamy is entirely up to the actions of the individual; same as any other citizen."
"However the Citizens of Balmorra and Foundry both have their own reasons to be wary of the sith."

Arthur Signus had one last question for the visitors. "If it is to your pleasure, we would appreciate it if you would relay any knowledge about other nations that you have come in contact to back to us so we can contact them ourselves so that peace can be maintained?"
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Coyote »


Admiral Gavriel Antilles strode out to meet the new arrivals, pleased that they had answered his call-- and that Her Majesty the Queen had proven amenable to his idea. With Coruscant firmly in the hands of the Imperial Remnant, they'd been looking for a home. Hopefully, Admiral Antilles had found them one.

"What's up, Gav?" the man asked as he jumped from the cockpit of the X-Wing. Gavriel Antilles looked closely-- the body frame, the movement were all wrong.
"Wedge?" he asked. They were distantly related-- second cousins removed something-or-other-- and the 'Antilles' name had sometimes been a help and a hindrance to Gavriel's career.

"'Fraid not, I'm sorry," the man said, taking off his helmet to reveal another man, about the same age and look as Wedge Antilles, but definitely different. "I'm Arhul Narra. You... you weren't told?" he asked, extending his hand with a concerned look on his face.
"Told what?" Admiral Antilles said, shaking the man's hand.

"Um," Arhul said, looking around briefly, "Wedge bought it over Coruscant. I'm sorry."
"That was two years ago," Gavriel said, his voice feeling distant in his own throat. In truth, he had not known his famous cousin too well, they'd only met briefly at a couple of events... but still...

"I'm sorry," Arhul Narra said again, "But with civil war and the general breakdown of authority, the loss of records and communications.... we've been mobile. I... I guess word never caught up to you."
"No, no it didn't," Gavriel said. "So that was you who got my message?"
"Yeah, we just managed to dodge some crazy CIS remnant force up by Ord Mantell when your message came in. We were low on food, fund, fuel and munitions when I heard from you. We sold a few parts at Muunilist to fuel up and made the jump here."

Gavreil Antilles looked at what was left of Rogue Squadron. A couple fighters short, and some with extensive battle damage and in need of rest and support. "I can see to it you have what you need," Gavriel said, "The Queen is open to hosting your squadron... if you guys want to stay here."

"Well, from your message you indicated a strong Imperial presence left here," Narra said. "What do you mean?"
"The left over portions of Sector Group Chommel," Gavriel said. "They have a lot of ships and a lot of influence, politically. We need them, because my tiny fleet would never be able to defend the Concordat. But... I'd like to have you guys here as well, providing some sort of, well... ideological counterbalance, if you know what I mean."

"Well..." Narra said, looking at his tired, bedraggled command. "I think we can work something out..."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Agent Sorchus »

SiegeTank wrote: Esteemed gentlebeings,

Greetings from the Gordian Dominion. We are a small state located between the Hydian Way and the Daragon Trail, looking to come in touch with the greater galaxy. It is our belief that trade and diplomacy are the way toward a prosperous galaxy, and as such we were hoping to begin negotiations on these subjects with you.


Marlos Durell
Governess, Gordian Dominion

The message was disseminated on all standard diplomatic frequencies, and would be repeated for a week, hoping for some kind of reaction from the locals.
The signal was located only minutes after it had started and Deep Field Response Group 7 sent the commanding Liberator into hyperspace to intercept it.
Unfortunately the captain of the corvette was expecting one of the in-system vessels to respond to the signal, not one that was laying in wait 9 light-hours out.
"This is the TSAB Vessel Quickfire, it is in your best interests to present your captain and credentials. It is also requested that you cease transmitting the general signal and switch to a direct transmission with the Quickfire."

It was a good week for the Diplomats, but really almost hell for the Enforcers and other peacekeeping elements of the TSAB. The diplomatic corps were adamant about the necessity to keep the other nations in the dark about the general discontent of the Balmorran populace. It all keep Alicia on her toes keeping the peace on the signing night. Bah sleep was overrated anyway, you could get enough rest by waiting for an alert or on the way to a raid drop. Twice she actually went out on the raids herself so that the regulars could get enough sleep.

Pure Hell. And she had to look nice for the actual signing ceremonies.

The arboretum would house the ceremony. Vice Admiral Ares Srecko was going to come down from the Golan 3 to preside over the treaty signing, a tradition held over from the old days as mercenaries. Writhe was still here and was planing on holding a review of the Enforcer corps after the diplomats had left.
Alicia had the slow exhausted realization that her comlink was teh one beeping in the reception hall. Command frequency eh? Please, by the Force, let it not be a riot. It had to be worse though. It was Oanez Miriam, the VAdm's aide.

"Commodore Testarossa? The Admiral has an emergency that he has to deal with. Deep Field reports a contact and need flag confirmation to continue. As such he has ordered you to preside over the ceremonies, the order has been sent to your com-padd along . I am sorry for this."
"I confirm the order," not early enough to learn the full speach, just the necessary actions.

Finally the time came for Alicia to take the podium and address the diplomats.

"Honorable representatives, we are here to sign a treaty that shall bring us closer to the universal goals of peace and prosperity. As we are all aware these lofty goals have remained out of sight for the last several years. As such it is pleasing to see once more a new step in that direction after so long a time. Hopefully their will come a time when all warriors and mercenaries can set down their arms and take a long rest from war."
"As such Fleet Command ratifies this treaty."

Cirrus Writhe stood. "The First council agrees with fleet command. It shall be that as the ruling authority of the Balmorran people the TSAB council finds this treaty to be staisfactory"

OOC> I can edit in Fin's treaty when it is finalized.
Trade Pacts Between TSAB and the Imperial Remnant and the Second Corellian Empire
Embassy projects started
Borders recognized
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Master_Baerne »

Encrypted Communique
FROM: Star Empire of Manticore MFA
TO: Imperial Remnant Diplomatic Service

Ladies and Gentlebeings,

It is the distinct privilege of His Imperial Manticoran Majesty's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to announce His Majesty's intention to sign the CORE Alliance treaty.

William Alexander
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Mr Bean »

"Governor, we feel that your state and mine has much in common. We applaud you for your success in dealing with pirates and upholding order. And as a politician, might I just say that your manipulation of the press with the holonet remains was masterful."

Saenger produced a datapad.

"On this are the formal provisions our government has drawn up, signed by all members of the Imperial council."

Green took it and read the following:

-Snip Agreement-
Governor Grenn, looked up from the datapad.
"The simple fact you were escorted here directly should indicate to you how the Admiral feels about reestablishing the Core. Furthermore he had a good idea that such a offcer or a similar one might come soon and left me with instructions on the matter. Please take the following response back to your government.

The Core Protectorate is not just a name, it is an accurate representative of the status of these worlds, the Admiral has intended from day one that the CP will not be a fiefdom or his own personal kingdom. On reestablishment of galactic central government the the CP will cease to exist, and it's member worlds will peacefully reintegrate into that government. The Core Protectorate seeks peace and stability for this galaxy. This offer goes a long way towards making that goal a reality.

The Core Protectorate will sign, of that I can assure you.
Chandrila System
Orbit of Quenus

The meeting Ambassador Faye Hundi was brief and to the point, the Corellian government wanted to open up trade negotiations, for now that meant they wanted access to Brentaal. Both of the prime hyperspace lanes cut through the system and nearly all ships had to drop out of hyperspace to realign. The security brought by the CP's heavy Patrolling of the area had encourage the independent operators to return to the area. In fact there had already been half a dozen Corelleian consortium transports of one sort of another seen in the system during the last standard month. They were using the system anyway. Best to make it official.

The Admiral agreed to the Ambassador's terms and notified him there were half a dozen abandon buildings owned by various Corellian corporations on Brentaal itself, while empty for several months was available if his government wished to claim any as an Embassy or if those Corporations wished to re-open for business in the system.

OOC:Signed agreement

Brentaal System
Orbit of Brentaal

The two smaller objects slid out of the shipyard side by side, their hulls still unpainted where the yard workers had labeled over them reconfiguring their escape pods to in effect individual Hanger bays. In the end the brass had decided to name this new Corvette type the Shepard. The CR-90 was a good workhorse of a ship. It mounted large enough weaponry to engage ships right up to the Cruiser classes. It's high speed and ample storage space made it easy to reconfigure for a dozen different tasks. These were configured as system patrol craft. Their on board storage space filled with everything needed to board and search various types of craft. Each ship had a small contingent of troops, several squads, some made up of Naval personnel, some Army. The luck few had a training group made up promising recruits and a handful of the legendary 501st itself.

These new craft were not far different from any one of a half a dozen modifications preformed in the past. The one ventral landing bay had been widen slightly so a Sentinel landing craft could just just fit inside. However few ships had one of those high class transports, making due with the traditional workhorse of the fleet, the Lambda shuttle. The ventral bay modifications had only been an afterthought. The real serious work had been modifcation of the four former escape pod hatches. Where once had hung the escape pods designed to save a crew's life in the event they had to escape the ship, now sat a series of channels cut into the metal and an additional armored plate cut into the hull itself. The hatch leading to the pod attached had been reinforced and narrowed. Now with some decent piloting a TIE fighter could dock itself here, sitting underneath the corvettes shield until required. The latest two of the CR-90's to receive these modifications, the CR Shepard Class Corvette now moved smoothly out to rejoin the fleet. It had taken the Star-bases nearly nine weeks to complete the modifications. The next two sets had taken between eight to six weeks to complete. And now this latest conversion had taken them only five weeks and a day. With luck it was hoped the conversion rate could be cut down to four weeks, faster than that was simply unsafe the Shipyard personnel had reported.

As the CP Kor's Moon moved to a orbit near the shipyard, the finishing crew moved closer to begin doing the last minute touch up work, the repainting, the structure testing. It was being rush but still the newest Shepard Class Corvette's were given a full week of shake-down before her and her sister ship would rejoin the fleet and begin operating in the system.

OOC:My Night Caller Corvette Mod gets a class name and we keep up with how many ships have been converted. To note it's roughly twelve out of one hundred forty or so ships.

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

(OOC: A very long overdue introduction I know. My OOB's not done yet, but I don't plan on starting any fights soon.;) I also invite any faction that's interested in diplomatic relations to contact the Foreign Service of the Rim Alliance (the branch of my government primarily concerned with diplomacy. A warning, I feel, is due however. My faction will be most friendly to Republic and democratic factions.

Also, a note on a couple things not (yet) in my OOB: AFS stands for Alliance Fleet Ship. My leader is a former Sepperatist captain and intelligence officer who went into hiding in the Outer Rim after the Clone Wars. He is not, however, seeking to recreate the CIS, which he feels betrayed the ideals he was fighting for. My faction is also engaged in an on-going low grade state of war with various outlaw factions and especially the Hutts, who I presume are an NPC faction. Lastly, I included a list of various EU characters who are wanted felons in my territory. I hope that those I picked are sufficiently minor not to infringe upon the premise of this game, but if its a problem I can retcon it in a later post.)

The AFS Liberty dropped out of hyperspace some distance from its destination at the Moon of Kessel. Only a fool captain risked the perils of the Maw, and Commander Erik Janson was no fool. He was young for his rank, or would have been in most pre-collapse navies, but in building a fleet from scratch in the Outer Rim, the new Rim Alliance had been forced to promote anyone who showed a hint of talent to positions of command. So here he was, 27 years old, commanding a pair of CR90 Corvettes and an Old Republic Dreadnought design as they escorted several improvised prison ships carrying the latest group of convicts to be shipped out to Kessel. The Alliance had liberated the system some time before, but had continued to use the prebuilt prison facilities, upgraded to Alliance standards of humanitarianism. The cleanup of Tatooine's underworld and a major campaign against piracy and smuggling in Alliance territory had kept every possible prison area full.

The convoy fanned out into a defensive formation as it approached Kessel's Moon. It was unlikely that a raid would penetrate this deeply into Alliance space, much less risk the fighter squadrons, Frigate, escorts, and Gollan Arms batteries that defended the Kessel system. But Janson was a cautious officer, all the more because he was aware that by most traditional standards he was young for his rank.

"Convoy A07, this is Kessel Defense Command. Please state your cargo and destination and transmit your security code at the signal." A moment passed, then a single buzz came over the comm.

"This is Commander Erik Janson. Cargo is four prison transports totaling 420 convicts and supplies. Destination, the Kessel Penal Colony. Full manifest is being transmitted. Now transmitting our IDC."

"Transmission acknowledged, please stand by."

Half an hour later, the signal to proceed came through. Erik ordered the helm to put the ship on autopilot and let the tractors guide them in. He didn't relax though, not until the ship was safely docked and the last prisoner had been passed to the custody of the prison staff. As captain he would not neglect his responsibilities.

* * *

Justice Commissioner Garret Remman looked up as his secretary walked in through the door of his office and handed him a data pad. Without looking up he pulled it over and activated it. A three inch tall hologram of an alien's face flickered into view, as print in Huttese scrolled by underneath. Moruth Doole, the slaver and smuggler who had been the proprietor of Kessel until Alliance forces came in and evicted the former owners. That hadn't been much of a fight by all accounts; the smugglers had broken in less than thirty minutes, and most of those that had run had either been chased down by the Alliance picket ships and boarded or destroyed or had flown too close to the Maw in their haste to escape and been sucked into the black holes. Doole, however, had escaped, along with a few top subordinates. Rumor had it he had hid among the prisoners who had been released following the liberation of the prison camp; if that was true, it would be a major embarrasment for the fleet. In any case, a ten minute survey by Alliance Fleet medical personal of some of the freed prisoners had been enough to land the former overseer of the Kessel mines on a list of beings wanted for Crimes Against Sentience. Remman's officers had been quietly tracking down leads on over a dozen Outer Rim worlds and smuggling havens, including Abregado Rae, Tatooine itself, and Brentaal. Now it looked like the search might have paid off. Doole had apparently been sighted by a contact on Brentaal. Unfortunately, that system was in the Core Protectorate, an ex-Imperial faction with which the Alliance had no extradition treaty. It would be difficult to capture him, but not by any means impossible. An operation to retrieve him would however require high-level authorization, and that would require more evidence of Doole's whereabouts than some vague report. He glanced up suddenly, surprised to find his secretary still waiting.

"Yes?" he asked, more irritably than normal. It was damnably hot, even for Mos Eisly.

"Sir, I'm requested to remind you that the Council is holding a special session in two hours, and that your presence is requested."

"Come back in two hours then. I want you to personally deliver a report to Captain Lars in the fifth sector. Confidential."

He sat back up again and eyed the notices pinned to his office wall. A dozen individuals, their net worth in bounties equal to over 1,300,000 credits. The first seven were comparative small timers, wanted more for the brutality and noteriety of their crimes than the scope of their operations. A rapist and bandit who had shot two Federal Security officers, bounty 25,000 credits. The owner of a Cantina not five blocks from the Commissioner's current office, who had run a slave trafficking ring. The report on the conditions in which his "purchases" had lived had not been pleasant reading, even for a former merc and chief law enforcement officer of a minor power in the Rim. 50,000 credits. A three-man assassin team that had done a string of contracts on Federal officers for the Hutts after the Alliance first began to clean out the corruption in the Outer Rim. 50,000 for the ringleader and 40,000 for each accomplice. Two men who had attempted a fortunately half-assed abduction of the First Consul's wife. Bounty: 60,000 apiece. Their accomplices had died in a firefight with Federal Security.

The next three were decidedly more dangerous. Moruth Doole and his top aid filled the next two spots, wanted for 5 counts of Crimes Against Sentience, 7 of Conspiracy to Commit the same, 15 of Smuggling in Alliance Space, 4 of Murder, and 8 of Conspiracy to Commit Murder between them. 100,000 credits each. A pirate lord who had massacred an Alliance convoy and highjacked several lone civilian vessels. 140,000 credits.

The last two were the most notorious, and dangerous. The Commissioner knew that bringing in either would make him one of the most famous and most hunted law enforcement officers in the history of the Galaxy. He studied each in turn. His gaze fell first on Boba Fett, Status: Unknown. The legendary bounty hunter could be alive or dead for all his operatives had found out. But that hadn't stopped the Alliance from posting a 200,000 credit sum for information leading to his capture. And then there was the final entry on the list. Ysanne Isard, former leader of the Empire and one of the most infamous war criminals in the Galaxy. Reward: 500,000 credits. Not that she was likely to be hiding anywhere but an Imperial stronghold, where she would be safely out of reach of Alliance law enforcement. In all likelihood, if her capture were somehow accomplished, the glory would go first to the diplomats or the military, not his office.

Doole, however, he could at least pursue. Pulling out a data pad, he jotted down a coded request for more information. With most of the holonet down, it would have to go by military lines of communication, which might take a day or two, but by the end of the week he expected an update on the situation. His orders were to monitor the suspect covertly, and confirm his identity without provoking local officials or if possible, revealing their presence at all. If they confirmed, they were to set a tail on the suspect, track him if he moved off planet, and wait for orders before proceeding.

Having finished the note he sat back in his chair again with a cup of water from the cooler by the wall. A luxury on Tatooine, for a man of high rank. He still had some paper work to fill out, but he figured he could spare a moment for a midday rest.

* * *

First Consul Kossan Mical sat at his desk, glad for the air conditioning in his office and adjoining chambers. The room was simple, plastered walls reinforced with hidden plating to stop a heavy blaster canon. No windows, by his personal specifications. A desk, water dispenser, and three chairs. A small drinks cabinate to one side. A banner bearing the Alliance emblem on the desk behind him. The desk itself contained datapads, a holoprojector and communications station like one in any civilian vehicle or home but for the presence of military grade security features. It also contained his volumes on linguistics, tactics, and galactic history, rare antiques on printed paper bound in cloth or leather. But for now they were locked away. Stacked on his desk was one of at least fifty datapads that required his attention before the Council meeting today. Most of all those pertaining to the laws, customs, and resources of Myrkyr, the latest world to apply for membership to the Alliance. Its full membership in theory was all but accomplished, but in practice there were thousands of details that had yet to be worked out. It was all part of the never-ending struggle to restore order to the Rim, a struggle Kossan had taken on himself, because he had not felt he had a choice.

He sighed. He knew progress had been made, great progress, more than he had had any right to hope for. But sometimes it still all seemed like too much. When he had lead his militia in taking Tatooine from the last of the Emperor's thugs, he had done so to restore hope to the Rim. He had told them that the Core had neglected the Rim for millennia, and that if they were to ever be more than an abandoned backwater or a source of cheap labor, then they would have to cut their ties and build a future on there own. But since then, things had changed. No longer was the Rim a neglected backwater. The whole Galaxy had gone to hell. Could they sit back and mind their own affairs, when they were no worse off than anyone else?

That attitude would not be popular with the Council. Too many still felt that they needed to regroup, build their strength. And there was bitterness, as well. Why should they help those who had not helped them? That had to end. He would not have his new Alliance built on anger and vengence. He had seen to many dreams fail because of that. He was old now, he knew. He might not want to admit it, but he feared that the years behind now outnumbered those ahead. He would not live forever, but he would not die to see his last hope in ruins. He had spent what should have been the best years of his life on the wrong side, had seen to much death and betrayal. He wouldn't let that happen again.

He rose stiffly, with a sigh. He had too little time, and none for being reflective. Not until after the meeting, at any rate. He checked the time on the desk's monitor. 40 minutes. Time to go through another few pads.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

(OOC: Sorry for the double post, but Thanas just reminded me that I've neglected his ambassador, and I wasn't sure if I should edit it in the other one since that was more just an introductory post. Also, I didn't see the ambassador's gender mentioned anywhere. A mistake in that respect can be attributed to beurocratic incompetence.)

First Consul Kossan Mical walked down the corridor towards the round domed chamber used as a Council meeting hall. A couple aids hurried behind him, hassling him with the contents of various datapads. An official for the holonet state broadcaster followed him as well, asking for an interview. Around the group marched four uniformed security officers, blaster pistols at their sides. Two more flanked the door up ahead.

As they reached the Council chambers, one of the reports caught the First Consul's attention.

"Could you repeat that?"

"Sorry, its from the Foreign Service. There's an ambassador present from the Imperial Remnant. She is waiting in orbit, aboard the Frigate Harkness."

The Imperial Remnant, Kossan wondered. What would an Imperial faction want with what was likely to them no more than the outgrowth of an independent militia? What was this Imperial splinter group's claim to legitimacy over any of the others? Best to proceed with caution. However, he could not reasonably or safely ignore the request for a meeting.

"Inform the Foreign Service I'll deal with it personally. And ask them to transmit a formal request to the Ambassador inviting her to meet with me personally in my office after the Council session, and offering my apologese for the delay. And contact Remman and Federal Security. Ask them to detail a VIP escort. Make sure the arrangements are taken care of, and update me on any developments as nessissary, or upon conclusion of the session."
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Rim Alliance

The CR90 emerged on the far side of the home system of the Rim Alliance, and promptly sent out transmissions indicating that they would like to gain an audience with the leader of the Rim Alliance.



The CR90 emerged into the Chandrilan system, and promptly sent out transmissions indicating that they would like to gain an audience with the leader of the Core Protectorate.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Rim Alliance

The CR90 emerged on the far side of the home system of the Rim Alliance, and promptly sent out transmissions indicating that they would like to gain an audience with the leader of the Rim Alliance.
(OOC: The Capital System is Tatooine.)

Sensors picked up the Corvette almost immediately upon its exiting hyperspace. The transmission came through, and was immediately forwarded to the offices for Foreign Affairs in Mos Eisly while the Golan Arms Stations in orbit transmitted a message to the new arrival.

"Message received and forwarded. Please maintain your position and power down your hyperdrive. Traffic control will direct you to a landing site as soon as you are cleared to proceed."

A few minutes passed, then the stations transmitted another message.

"Diplomatic vessel you are cleared to proceed to docking bay 46, sector seven." There was a crackle of static and a new, more feminine voice came on the transmission. "Greetings, I am Minister Tasari Leigh for Alliance Foreign Affairs. On behalf of the Rim Alliance and First Consol Mical, I welcome you to Alliance space and the world of Tatooine. A VIP security escort will meet you at the docking bay. Your ambassador will be escorted at your convenience to the offices of the First Consul in Mos Eisly. Unfortunately, there may be a short delay in meeting with the First Consul as the Council is currently in session. I must also regretfully request that you bring no more than four security personel, and that there weapons be limited to side arms."
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

In Myrkyr space:

Captain Sa'rok sat in the main command room, listening to the quiet background noise of on-duty officers monitoring systems, intercepting communiques, and directing traffic. Not that there was much of it over Myrkyr these days. Or ever had been. But all that seemed likely to change before much longer. Or so he and the First Consul hoped. He looked up suddenly as his XO approached his chair.

"Yes Maria, what is it?"

"We just intercepted some worrisome communications from a couple of Elegance class message droids." She handed him the data pad. A quick glance had him paying very close attention.

"This right? The Hutts are moving on Neimoidea?" While Neimoidea was neither friend nor foe, any move by the Hutts was a matter for concern. The Hutt clans had not openly challenged the Alliance fleets in months, but it was a poorly kept secret that they funded numerous criminal activities inside Alliance space, including piracy and assassinations. In turn, the Alliance did everything short of attacking Hutt-controlled systems or violating another state's sovereignty to impede their activities.

"There's more." He nodded, and scanned the second report. His face turned very grave and he felt himself go slightly cold.

"Warning of an attack. Convieniant, that we would intercept it. A ruse to distract us or make us panic? Or a genuine warning?" In the end it made little difference as far as his next few actions were concerned.

"Alert Captain Sagan on the Honorable. Transmit both messages to him. Then bring the system to alert level three and run a high intensity scan. Have shields on standby, but take no further action without higher orders. We don't want to start a panic."

As his XO moved to carry out his orders, Sa'rock ran through the possibilities in his mind. If only they had more information. He wondered if he had done the right thing. Their was a chance, albeit slight, that a surprise attack could bombard the city, or at least destroy a few ships with their shields down. Either would be a disaster, and the latter would likely amount to the former if that was the attacker's intention. Still, it would not do to sound a full battle alarm over every vaguely worded warning.

Mos Eisly Spaceport, Alliance Council Hall:

The Council chamber was a mid-sized room, round and 20 meters across with a dome arching 15 meters overhead. Two doors opened into the chamber, each flanked inside and out by armed and uniformed officers of Federal Security. The room itself was like the First Consul's office: white plaster walls hiding formidable armor plating, and banners representing each Alliance member world running around the walls of the chamber. Directly behind the First Consul's chair over the north door hung the emblem of the Rim Alliance, a white star on a light brown background trimmed with a bright red. In the centre of the room was a round metal table surrounded by twenty tall backed chairs, filling most of the chamber's floor space. A glass of water and a holoemitter was placed in front of each seat. Lights placed in a circle around the base of the dome illuminated the room.

Around the table sat the First Consul, the two colonial representatives and three voting members of the Council, the Ambassador for Myrkyr, and the Ministers for each of the four main Federal agencies: Justice, the Civil Service, Defense, and Foreign Affairs. A secretary or assisstant accompanied each high-level official, filling out the total of twenty seats. The meeting had only just begun, but already tempers were rising despite the cool in the temperature controlled room.

"I must again express my government's respectful concern over the slow progression of recent negotiations. In theory, my world is already a member, but we have not yet been granted full protection by the Alliance fleet. The pirates are not so tame that we can afford to be without that protection." The speaker was Ira Zan, a tall, dark haired woman who looked to be about thirty, fairly attractive by human standards but with a surprising temper for a diplomat. But perhaps, thought Kossan, that was to be expected. She must be even more frusterated by her home world's lingering position between protectorate and full member than he was.

"You still have not made clear exactly what your world can offer in return to pay for the deployment of a full system defense fleet already sitting in orbit." That stream of clicks and deep throated chirps came from the vaguely insectoid representative for Geonosis. His world had not welcomed the addition of Myrkyr to the Alliance, if only because this small world's vote threatened the balance of power held by Geonosis in many Council votes.

"With all due respect, have you forgot the valuable resource my world controls? One which we have willingly offered full access too for the Alliance in exchange for your protection?" The Ambassador was certainly angry now. If someone didn't intervene, the meeting would simply descend into another futile few hours of partisan bickering. Kossan raised a hand, cutting off what would have surely been an equally angry reply from the Geonosian delegate.

"That is all very well, Ambassador. No one here can question that your world has offered most generous contributions to the Alliance. Nor do we wish to compromise your security. We believe the forces already in place will be enough to protect against most smugglers and pirates for the time being.

As for integrating your local forces fully into the Alliance, that depends upon the final ratification of the documents of membership and the Alliance Charter by your local government. The details would at that point be overseen by Admiral Djerik, so perhaps you should take the matter up with him or Minister Rossan here. In fact, Minister Rossan, I'd appreciate an update on the status of our defensive forces myself. Motion to move to discussion of fleet deployments, especially in the vicinity of Myrkyr, and resume discussion of Myrkyr's membership status in one hour's time?"

The motion was quickly seconded by the Tatooine Councilor, and most of the Council approved, with the notable exceptions of the Myrkyr and Geonosis representatives, who still eyed each other with unconcealed hostility. The next hour was spent in the discussion of military deployments, and Commissioner Remman managed to slip in a few remarks about the status of domestic security. Of particular note was his report on Moruth Doole. Kossan approved the continued survailance immediately, and the Council almost unanimously agreed, but it was decided to withhold from further action until more intelligence had been gathered to allow an anticipation of a probable response by the local Imperial splinter state to Alliance intervention. The discussion then returned to Myrkry, where the various delegates seemed to recognize that further bickering would not be accepted. The meeting proceeded slowly, but before sundown, a number of key points had been finalized, or so Kossan allowed himself to hope. Finally, he called the meeting to a close, rose, and exited the chambers, heading towards his office to meet with the delegates from the Imperial Remnant and the Kuat Imperium. He had considered weather to meet them sepperately, but now decided that it would be better to meet them both at once. He entered his office, sent out a few messages, and poured several glasses of wine from the new Dantooine farms. Then he signaled one of his aids, who was waiting with the foreign VIPs.

"Alright, show them in."

(OOC: Results: system alert level raised for Myrkyr forces, and contents of messages relating to possible attacks forwarded to Command. The Council moves forward on Myrkyr membership in the Alliance, and on the effort to arrest wanted slavery, smuggler, and violator of Sentient Rights Moruth Doole. First Consul Kossan Mical prepares to meet with representatives of the Kuat Imperium and the Imperial Remnant.)
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

The Romulan Republic wrote:"Inform the Foreign Service I'll deal with it personally. And ask them to transmit a formal request to the Ambassador inviting her to meet with me personally in my office after the Council session, and offering my apologese for the delay. And contact Remman and Federal Security. Ask them to detail a VIP escort. Make sure the arrangements are taken care of, and update me on any developments as nessissary, or upon conclusion of the session."

Clan leader Secura had taken many slights in his life. He had been nearly enslaved by Imperials. Then he had to approach the Imperial Remnant and beg them for assistance. Which was followed by having to hear Praji drone on about how the empire could not afford helping "underdeveloped savages". His planet's entry into the remnant had been approached by the news that the core worlds would not send aid and it had been greeted overwhelmingly by the Remnant Press as "just another useless drain on resources better spent on Coruscant".

But nothing of that had come even close to having to sit in orbit of this kriffing world for three days and then being told that the Alliance had decided to finally grant him an audience and asked whether the "madam ambasssador" needed anything special.

And now, as he watched the smoldering remains of his coffee table, he wondered whether Lord Praji had been right in proclaiming that "Base Delta Zero might be messy, but it provides a clean solution to about anything". The application of it to this world suddenly had some...appeal.

But no matter. He was an imperial Privvy Councilor, clan leader and honored representative of Ryloth. He would carry himself with dignity not only earned by birth, but through hard toils as well. So when the shuttle arrived to take the "madam ambassador" planetside, he merely smiled a toothy smile at the pilot.

But when he was informed that he had to "wait a while" for the first consul to complete "a very important meeting", he wondered how many ships it would take to glass the planet.

Results: A very angry Twi'Lek arrives at Mos Eisley.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Deputy Ambassador Corran stepped forward into the docking bay, flanked by a pair of Alliance security who maintained a discrete distance. At a glance he could tell that the Twi'Lek Ambassador was angry. Which mean that it was his job to be smoothed over. It was difficult to keep the surprise, followed shortly by a smile off his face however. Whatever this Ambassador was, he was clearly not female. Someone in the Foreign Affairs office was going to get fired over this. He just hoped it wasn't him. He stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Greetings, Ambassador. I must apologise for the delay, and for certain... miscommunications. Unfortunately the First Consul was compelled to attened a pre-schedualed meeting of the Alliance Council today, but the meeting should be concluding presently and I trust he is most eager to meet you. The First Consul takes diplomatic relations with other states very seriously, and considers the Alliance's relations with the rest of the Galaxy to be a matter of top priority. If you'll follow me, I can escort you to the Council Buildings at once. It isn't far."

Ten minutes later the party stood outside the door to the First Consul's office. A minute passed, and Corran wondered why the First Consul was keeping them waiting. Then, to his relief, the buzzer sounded and the Consul's voice came through.

"Alright, show them in."

The door slid open, and the First Consul beckoned for the Twi'lek diplomat and his personal aid to enter, then waved the Ambassador and the guards out the door. When it slid shut, he turned to the Ambassador.

"Welcome to Tatooine. I must apologise for the delay, but the affairs of state are many and pressing. Please, be seated. Would you care for a glass of wine? Or something colder?" His aid hurried to offer the Ambassador a drink, and Kossan took a seat.

"I suppose we should begin with formal introductions. I am First Consul Kossan Mical, elected Head of State of the Rim Alliance. And I have been informed that you are Clan Leader Secura of Ryloth, Ambassador for the Imperial Remnant. So tell me, what does the Remnant wish to discuss with the Alliance?"

Once the formalities were out of the way, the Ambassador introduced the Remnant's intentions. The first request was straightforward, if more open than Kossan would have expected for a first meeting. The others were also simply, perhaps more so, though they also presented their own problems. First, they wanted a full trade pact, with a garuntee of no tariffs imposed upon either party. Second, they demanded that the Alliance recognize the Remnant's right to fix prices on Coruscant and Anaxes. And finally, they wanted a pledge from both parties to combat piracy. More disturbing was the suggestion of trade in the valuable Ysalamiri from Myrkyr. Kossan considered carefully how to respond to everything he had just heard.

"First of all, I must thank you for your open and generous offer. It is a sign of hope that there are those willing to build peace and prosperity in these dark times.

However, and I hope you will forgive me for stating the facts bluntly, there are significant political obstacles to trading with an Imperial affiliated faction. I mean no disrespect, but merely to state the truth, when I say that much of what the Empire did is regarded as illegal here. The Empire's highest officials are held as war criminals in the Alliance, and the sad reality is that if you claim their legacy, then you claim that part of it as well. Politically, a free trade deal such as you describe is probably not politically feasible at this time.

That said, we have no hostile intentions against your worlds at this time, or at any time in the forseable future either. Accordingly, I would like to negotiate a formal pact of non-aggression between our states, to be put before the Council at its next session for ratification. Also, there are some matters on which we can cooperate. As far as piracy is concerned, it is everyone's interest that we do all we can to oppose it, and restore order to the Rim. Likewise, the reestablishment of a galactic holonet should be a matter of top priority.

Regarding your efforts to rebuild Coruscant and Anaxes, I first with to express my deepest sympathy for what these worlds have undergone. I would be happy to provide what small aid we can to rebuild them, but the Council will want something in return. Fortunately, our interests are mutual here. I would like to propose a formal extradition treaty, also to be ratified at the Council's next session, by which anyone wanted by the Alliance and captured in Remnant space will be extradited to us. Likewise, unless Imperial legal procedure has changed greatly, I must request that Alliance citizens arrested in Remnant space be returned to us. They will be disciplined for violating your laws, however, to subject our people to Imperial forms of justice would endanger any relations between us. I regret that our relations cannot be more open at this time. But we must all deal with the consequences of the past, must we not?"

Kossan sat back and waited for the Ambassador's reply. On the matter of aid and extraditions, at least, it seemed simple enough.

"We welcome all aid, but we are of the opinion that trade is a more reliable and permanent source of income... for both of us.

As for this extradition treaty, it would depend on who you have decided to label as criminals. For example, this would obviously not include any individual being currently in Imperial service."

Kossan nodded. It was better than he had expected.

"The details can be worked out at between our governments, but that should be more or less acceptable. Do you have anything else you wish to address?"

(OOC: I already had your answer on the extradition and aid, but there's a number of other matters that have been raised that I'll leave you the opportunity to address in detail.)
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Kon Secura took a deep breath and reminded himself that he had to be polite. Then he remembered that they had kept him waiting and now wanted to swallow their pretty words without getting anything tangible in return? And accusing him of sharing the legacy of Palpatine?

No, kriff them.

"Yes, in fact there are a matter of things I have to address.

First, I did not fight for the freedom of my world from slavers to be accused of being one myself. I bet Cmdr. Sinn, a former rebel commando and Prime Minister Captison, who led her world from independence from the empire, will just be thrilled to hear your high opinion of them. In case you somehow didn't have the time to read the dossier on the remnant, half of our member states are democracies and three councilmembers have rebel backgrounds.

When was the last time you saw a Twi'Lek representing the Galactic Empire? Oh, that's right, never. Why am I here? Because I represent the Imperial Remnant, note the distinction. Oh, and currently Remnant soldiers are the only thing standing between my people and slavers. Would you like me to read you the casualty lists?

And you are pretty sanctimonious, preaching to me when you have included the geonosians, a species that enthusiastically supported the seperatists. Tell me, how many words did they glass under their beloved Grievous? Certainly more than all members of the Imperial Ruling council combined. Tell me, does your war criminal list also include all the pirates the rebels hired? And all the vile scum you let loose in the rim to prey on imperial civilians? Or the bomb squads that were less concerned about civilian casualties than about getting their targets?

Oh, and how nice. You want us to hand over citizens from our worlds to your justice, but do not trust us to do the same when it comes to your criminals. I do not know whether I am supposed to be amused or insulted by that.

You want us to sign a treaty of non-aggression, to recognize your borders but with the same breath you deny us Yalsamiri, the only means of defending our borders against the Sith? How noble of you.

Tell me, with whom would you rather like to trade? The openly sith shadow empire? A true Imperial faction like the Kuat Empire which unlike us does not even have local elections or former Rebels among their leaders? Or maybe you realize that the old duality is a thing of the past?

Furthermore, my title is not Ambassador, or Madam Ambassador or any variation thereof. It is Clan leader, Representative or Councillor, whatever suits you best. I also do not appreciate being told to wait for three days before hearing a half-hearted apology about some meeting and being escorted by your security detail as if I were the next sith lord. "

Recognizing that he had risen during his speech, Secura forced himself to sit down and to close his eyes. After a while, he opened them again.

"I apologize for my outburst. Now, would you like us to try this again and maybe this time skip the insults? Or would you prefer we continue in this fashion and trade turbolaser bolts next?"

OOC: Angry Twi-Lek + being suggested him carrying palpatine's legacy=disaster.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Koros Major


Deep inside the vault within the palace on Koros Major, two Sith, trained under the same master and both brothers, sat together. The room was shielded against eavesdropping, and their guards stood outside. The place sung with the Dark Side of the Force. This was where many Sith Alchemy experiments were conducted, when the Krath had seized power and taken the Empress Teta system. The experiments left their imprint on the Force, and to the Sith, it was a seductive song of power that was perilous for a Jedi to listen.

"We have much to discuss," said Hadrian Kuat of Kuat. He was now Darth Mechanicus, famed for his skill with machinery, as well as using the Force to manipulate people's thoughts, words.

"Indeed we have," says Emperor Shady. "I hear that the Imperial Remnant, has contacted you." He was now Darth Imperius, a son of a Kuati high noble. Here on Koros Major he was master, and the population here to some extent, still remembered the glory days of the Krath and some still yearn to relive them.

"Suspicious bastards. They brought ysalamiri with them. There are reports that some factions have developed an allergy for Force users. As preposterous as it is, one wonders if this is simply pure jealousy, fear of the unknown, or because they feared what another Jedi/Sith war would do."

"Indeed. Everyone right now is trying to gain a feel of each other. To see who they can trust, to see who they could form alliances with. For the moment, some alliances are best kept secret."

"Yes. For starters, let's keep up the pretenses for now. We should obviously sign trade treaties, and indulge in some joint research projects. I believe it is time to either introduce a new Imperator class variant, or a totally new design with similar specifications to the existing Imperator II variant. I also believe Sienar Fleet Systems might be a potential candidate to talk to on possible collaborations on starfighter technology."

Darth Imperius laughed, "Ah brother. Ever the technologist. This is why you returned to head Kuat Drive Yards, and I am here."

Darth Mechanicus chuckled, "Indeed. And for now, let's keep most of our collaborations under wraps. We have also need for a special technology, before it is lost altogether."

"Where would we find this technology?"

Darth Mechanicus passed him a datapad with the relevant details. Darth Imperius' eyes narrowed, then nodded. "Certainly worth a look. We will do this with discretion of course."

"There is also the other matter of rival Sith. There are stirrings of the Force somewhere close by. I cannot pin point it. Certainly, some Sith trained by our Master or his allies remain. And some of them are using probably a place strong in the Dark Side to hide their existence."

"The old worlds of the Sith Empire? We should send expeditions to the old worlds of the Sith, particularly those of the New Sith Empire that attacked the Republic after the defeat of Revan and the Sith that followed him. A mixture of probe droids and scouting parties."

"It's times like this I wonder what happened to Revan when he went to the Unknown Regions to battle the 'True Sith'," Darth Mechanicus laughed. "A pity much of the records are lost."

"What do you think we should do with the ysalamiri?"

"Their existence gives those blind to the Force hope, for some obscene reason. Only a fool for a Jedi or Sith goes fighting armies alone, or without subterfuge. We will watch the world that gave birth to those wretched creatures very carefully."

"And the Jedi?"

"The pompous fools. If any are left, we should watch them closely. Skywalker appears to have perished, along with Palpatine, curse be upon that fool too."

"We will keep watch, and my Dark Jedi will hunt them down."

"No, we should do what Revan did. Bring them to a wound in the Force, and then break them and turn them into tools for our use. If that doesn't work, then we kill them."


Tantooine System

The CR90 corvette landed as in the assigned hanger, and diplomat from the Kuat Imperium waited in the assigned area with the stipulated bodyguards.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Thanas wrote:Kon Secura took a deep breath and reminded himself that he had to be polite. Then he remembered that they had kept him waiting and now wanted to swallow their pretty words without getting anything tangible in return? And accusing him of sharing the legacy of Palpatine?

No, kriff them.

"Yes, in fact there are a matter of things I have to address.

First, I did not fight for the freedom of my world from slavers to be accused of being one myself. I bet Cmdr. Sinn, a former rebel commando and Prime Minister Captison, who led her world from independence from the empire, will just be thrilled to hear your high opinion of them. In case you somehow didn't have the time to read the dossier on the remnant, half of our member states are democracies and three councilmembers have rebel backgrounds.

When was the last time you saw a Twi'Lek representing the Galactic Empire? Oh, that's right, never. Why am I here? Because I represent the Imperial Remnant, note the distinction. Oh, and currently Remnant soldiers are the only thing standing between my people and slavers. Would you like me to read you the casualty lists?

And you are pretty sanctimonious, preaching to me when you have included the geonosians, a species that enthusiastically supported the seperatists. Tell me, how many words did they glass under their beloved Grievous? Certainly more than all members of the Imperial Ruling council combined. Tell me, does your war criminal list also include all the pirates the rebels hired? And all the vile scum you let loose in the rim to prey on imperial civilians? Or the bomb squads that were less concerned about civilian casualties than about getting their targets?

Oh, and how nice. You want us to hand over citizens from our worlds to your justice, but do not trust us to do the same when it comes to your criminals. I do not know whether I am supposed to be amused or insulted by that.

You want us to sign a treaty of non-aggression, to recognize your borders but with the same breath you deny us Yalsamiri, the only means of defending our borders against the Sith? How noble of you.

Tell me, with whom would you rather like to trade? The openly sith shadow empire? A true Imperial faction like the Kuat Empire which unlike us does not even have local elections or former Rebels among their leaders? Or maybe you realize that the old duality is a thing of the past?

Furthermore, my title is not Ambassador, or Madam Ambassador or any variation thereof. It is Clan leader, Representative or Councillor, whatever suits you best. I also do not appreciate being told to wait for three days before hearing a half-hearted apology about some meeting and being escorted by your security detail as if I were the next sith lord. "

Recognizing that he had risen during his speech, Secura forced himself to sit down and to close his eyes. After a while, he opened them again.

"I apologize for my outburst. Now, would you like us to try this again and maybe this time skip the insults? Or would you prefer we continue in this fashion and trade turbolaser bolts next?"

OOC: Angry Twi-Lek + being suggested him carrying palpatine's legacy=disaster.
Kossan was stunned, though he kept it well hidden. He realized that despite his intentions the result had not been a desirable one, and that he had to repair the damage. However, he was also angry. Wasn't there enough chaos in the Galaxy without this arrogant fool making threats? Nonetheless, he could remain calm when the situation required it. He would not have survived otherwise. After a moment's reflection, he decided to get the difficult part out of the way first.

"First of all, I believe you have misunderstood my words, and I am sorry for the misunderstanding. There are a number of points I would be happy to explain, and I think you will find that our positions on certain matters are not so far apart as you believe. However, you should remember that it is you who have just suggested war between the Remnant and the Alliance, two sovereign nations, in a time when clearly the last thing either of us needs is another war. I am willing to negotiate with the Imperial Remnant, but I will not tolerate attempts at intimidation.

Now, Councilor, there are a number of points I feel I should clarify. First, when I spoke of claiming the Empire's legacy, I referred to the Imperial Remnant as a whole, not to you, the Twi'lek people, or to Ryloth. Moreover, I recognize that this legacy is not entirely a dark one. The Empire brought order to many worlds, whatever the price. Nor do I presume that your Empire is unchanged from that of Palpatine. I have indeed read the preliminary intelligence reports on your worlds, I am aware that some of your member states including Ryloth are democratic, and I applaud the freedom that you have granted to people who did not know it under Palpatine. It is a dream that we too are trying to fulfill.

As for the delay in meeting you, I must take exception to the idea that a preschedualed Council session to discuss matters of critical import to our security is a poor excuse. I cannot simply dismiss the other duties of my office for anyone, whatever their position or whoever they represent. I am sure that, as a leader yourself, you understand this. The prior delay of three days was indeed unacceptable, and I assure you that disciplinary measures will be taken if we can determine who is at fault for this incompetence. Regarding the security detail you take exception too, it was primarily intended as an honor guard, but as far as security is concerned, it was for your safety as much as mine. This is the Outer Rim, and whatever strides we have made in pacifying Mos Eisly, it is not entirely safe. Perhaps you can appreciate the position my government would have been in if a mugger had knifed you in the streets? Such is the reality we deal with here. Last time I checked, host nations were expected to provide a measure of security for visiting dignitaries.

Now, regarding the particulars of my proposals, I must first point out that as First Consul I cannot speak unilaterally for the entire Alliance. I do not have the power to override a Council vote; at best I can break a tie between parties, and lend my voice to the debate. So the extent of relations with the Remnant's worlds will ultimately rest in the Council's hands.

On the subject of Ysalamiri, we are greatly disturbed by the reports of Sith activity as well, and I will gladly recomened that Myrkyr provide your government with Ysalamiri. Alternatively, I am prepared to purchase some for your government out of my own pocket. Their are limits to the supply of available Ysalamiri, but whatever differences lie between us, this is a matter of critical security. Likewise, I will repeat my offer of aid for Coruscant and Anaxes. It seems to me that you are in fact getting a very fair offer: at least some Ysalamiri and aid with practically no strings attached in exchange for a simple non-aggression pact and the extradition treaty, the details of which would most certainly be open to negotiation."
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Mr Bean »

Chandrila System

The CR90 emerged into the Chandrilan system, and promptly sent out transmissions indicating that they would like to gain an audience with the leader of the Core Protectorate.
After a minor delay the Kuat based Corvette was sent a message indicating the Admiral was currently out of system along with a follow up message offering to either directed the ship to Quenus and a holding orbit while the Admiral was contacted or an offer offer of escort to Esseles where the Admiral was currently there preforming a system's tour.


Esseles system
Trinkatta Starships main production floor

The two kilometer length building where once droid fighters by the dozens had been produced sat idle. In time it had been used by the Empire to produce TIE Bomber's and had long been used a secondary production facility. The factory had sat idle for close to three years now. But from the Admiral's vantage point he could could see in the far distance the giant docks that once removed fighters had been moved direct to the waiting transport ships which had landed at the giant field beyond the building. There were a dozen similar building just like this, most having been stripped of anything useful as Trinkatta had faded from history with the end of the clone wars. But the buildings were still there, the parts were still there. And when the Admiral staff had been looking for a place to set up fighter it had seemed and obvious to simply reuses what Trinkatta had spent sixty standard years building. Now droids and inspectors crawled over the entire building, checking things like power lines, basic terminals, the wear on the floor where great automated assemblers had been installed. It would be some time yet before this planet or the trio of smaller scale cousins re-opened and the budget people were still arguing exactly how much the entire product would cost but those things would come in time. For now it was important that such ideas be explored in full. The resources to do so were trivial compared to those that it would take to get such projects off the ground....


Brentaal System
Outer orbit

Moruth Doole knew he was dead from the instant the trio of Corvette's had overtaken them. There stolen Lambda shuttle had been one of the ancient original Imperial shuttle that had been sitting around mostly unused during his tenure there. Everything had been so nice, so ordered. He took the credits, his customers got the spice they wanted and the Imperial's were oblivious to it all. And then those bastards had taken it all away from it. The only consolation that Moruth could draw was the fact that he at at least manage to escape with two of his harem and a large cache of spice. Except he was a wanted man now, HIM. Before he and Skynxnex could unload the cargo they had been forced to flee not once but twice, and the second time before they even made landfall. Who would have thought Tatooine of all places would attract a Government? Worse the very one which wanted them dead?

Life was so unfair

He could console himself at the very least that Arb would at least kill a few of the bastards before they both went down. This was a Imperial shuttle after all, no hidden smuggling compartments, the fortune in spice they had was just out sitting in the rear hold. It had driven him to desperation and in the end he had taken out the emergency shelter from the shuttle small cargo store and throw it over the large lockers. This did nothing for stealth but it made Moruth feel a tiny bit better. Even if could swear Arb was laughing quietly every time he passed by the open hatch.

There it was, all the evidence needed to convict him, he had no fake ID, he'd never need one before. Arb had a dozen but he had none and that doomed Arb. He had thought his former right hand man would dump him out the airlock long since then. But for whatever reason the tall scarecrow of a human had stuck with him. He dared not think about it least it show on his face and Arb think of it too. Yes that was the trick, if he did not think of it Arb never would, it had always been like that right? The Imperial ships drifted closer, the ion blasts had shorted out half the ships system's in the second shot, they were unarmed to begin with and slower so it was not as if they had any choice but to hope to luck. He sat there staring at them come closer, Arb was stroking his blaster and looking toward the hatch they would enter from. Moruth thought for a second about piling up spice crates out to make a barricade to fire from but it all seemed so pointless.....

The sharp hiss of air indicated where Corvette's had made a good seal. Moruth suddenly remembered with terror that he had left his blaster in his stateroom. He did not like carrying the thing around, it was heavy and his focusing eye was heavy enough as it was. He was going to die without even firing a shot, he considered running, but terror had him. He stared, beside him Arb was tensed, ready to speed draw as half a dozen humans and poured into hatch in mere seconds. There armor was not the full armor of stormtroopers. Something thinner, yet bulkier in places as well. Such details one notice at a time like this. Behind them standing in the hatch was a real Storm trooper in odd red-stripped armor and next to him a human in a familiar Naval uniform. They stood beyond the hatch, the six members of the boarding party spread out quickly and efficiently checking the entire ship, he heard the rustle as one moved the emergency shelter aside and he raised half a hand as they opened his stateroom and a wild idea occurred to him.

"Careful gentle-beings, be ware my wives are in mating lost, if you let them lose they will attack you!" His shout brought four blasters to bear on him and a look from Arb. But to his shock the Naval officer spoke up. "Careful 5, I don't know much about Rybet relations but I can remember that Rybet females often kill the males during mating season". The trooper hesitated then waved and two other troopers moved slowly in the room. They emerged a second later apparently satisfied and gave small half waves. Seeing this the gesture was repeated by the other two troopers and the officer stepped through the hatch, the red stripped stormtrooper a shadow behind him. And that's went Moruth Doole life changed.....

Twenty standard minutes later Moruth was sitting shocked in the passenger seat as Arb brought the shuttle in for a landing on Brentaal. The officer had merely asked who they were, where they were coming from, sent a second much more through team aboard to scan his ship looking for something, they did not say what. They even set a talkative tech over to help repair the damage the Ion cannon had caused and then left after the officer had given a stern warning about disobeying official orders with a note that if it happened again their ship would be taken and sold. They had totally ignored the spice canisters. The scanning team had even gone so far as to have Arb help them move some so they could more closely scan the cargo area. They ID's had been run, Arb's false ID had passed with flying colors and to his surprise his own ID had passed as well. His own REAL ID. Apparently this Imperial factor did not consider his overthrown of the Imperial officers there a crime, or maybe they had forgotten about it. Instead the tech had asked him what he had used to do and in his dazed state he had given the truth, he had used to be an Imperial official working on Kessel. The talkative tech had not even batted an eyelash and had gone on about a distant cousin who had been set to Kessel.

So here they were, on Brentaal, with a second hand ship and the last load of spice of Kessel in perhaps a very long time.
It occurred to him that time Humans preferred to get intoxicated. He had an idea it might not be such a bad idea, after all after a drink or two he could see how the universe was going to fall on him. It can't have gone this well could it have?
Good things don't happen to people like Moruth do they?
Could things be looking up for... no best not to finish that thought...
He turned to Arb Skynxnex
"Skynxnex? I think... I think I could use a drink"

OOC:Kuat ambassador delayed or directed, Admiral Rowan explores the possibility of reactivating old fighter factories but with no concrete plans yet. And rumors of Moruth Doole being on Brentaal are true but unconfirmed as of yet. FYI Red stripe is a designation for a 501st NCO who sat in on the boarding. He will have nice words to say about the first ten seconds of the boarding, and many nasty words for the rest of the boarding. OAN, Spice use and smuggling something the CP cares nothing about, they are pretty much tied up hunting down Pirate groups, and care nothing for a little drug traffic into Brentaal, but only Brentaal.

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Master_Baerne wrote:Trade pacts were also proposed with all the Imperial states and with the TSAB.
"An excellent proposal, sire, and one which we'll gladly accept."

Result: trade pact signed with Manticore.
RogueIce wrote:Emperor Bell looked up from the message and smiled. "I believe we can work out details for a trade agreement and exchange of diplomats."
"Splendid, sire. We'll be more than happy to help draft a preliminary proposal."

Result: trade pact signed with the Second Corellian Empire.

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:To: Marlos Durell,

Dear Mdm,

The Kuat Imperium looks forward to trade and peaceful diplomacy with the Gordian Dominion. We are open to negotiations and the exchange of ambassadors, as well as a possible state visit. Thank you.

Hadrian Kuat of Kuat,
Emperor of the Kuat Imperium
"The Gordian Dominion reciprocates the sentiment and welcomes friendly relations with the Kuat Imperium. I would gladly visit your fair shores at a time of your convenience and choosing."

Result: trade pact signed with the Kuat Imperium, state visit proposed.

DarthShady wrote:The Shadow Empire is quite willing to engage in trade and diplomacy with the Gordian Dominion. We will dispatch an ambassador to your throne world at once.


Moff Kull
"Excellent. We will begin looking for a building suitable to house your embassy at once."

Result: trade pact signed with the Shadow Empire.

Agent Sorchus wrote:The signal was located only minutes after it had started and Deep Field Response Group 7 sent the commanding Liberator into hyperspace to intercept it. Unfortunately the captain of the corvette was expecting one of the in-system vessels to respond to the signal, not one that was laying in wait 9 light-hours out. "This is the TSAB Vessel Quickfire, it is in your best interests to present your captain and credentials. It is also requested that you cease transmitting the general signal and switch to a direct transmission with the Quickfire."
"My my, they are a testy bunch aren't they?" Ambassador Duress frowned as she read the communique from the Quickfire. "But since we're in their space, let's just do as they say shall we?"

"Very well ma'am", the captain nodded and the diplomatic corvette switched to a direct transmission with the approaching vessel. In a short burst transmission the corvette presented its credentials as well as its mission: to establish diplomatic relations with the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra.

Result: The TSAB is approached in a careful manner.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Now, regarding the particulars of my proposals, I must first point out that as First Consul I cannot speak unilaterally for the entire Alliance. I do not have the power to override a Council vote; at best I can break a tie between parties, and lend my voice to the debate. So the extent of relations with the Remnant's worlds will ultimately rest in the Council's hands.

On the subject of Ysalamiri, we are greatly disturbed by the reports of Sith activity as well, and I will gladly recomened that Myrkyr provide your government with Ysalamiri. Alternatively, I am prepared to purchase some for your government out of my own pocket. Their are limits to the supply of available Ysalamiri, but whatever differences lie between us, this is a matter of critical security. Likewise, I will repeat my offer of aid for Coruscant and Anaxes. It seems to me that you are in fact getting a very fair offer: at least some Ysalamiri and aid with practically no strings attached in exchange for a simple non-aggression pact and the extradition treaty, the details of which would most certainly be open to negotiation."
"Your apology is accepted. Now, with regards to the treaties -

The Imperial Remnant is prepared to recognize all your borders and will not take any measures to destabilize them if a continous supply of Yalsamiri can be established. A continous supply would be a first purchase of 4000 Yalsamiri plus a yearly supply of 1000 more. This should be rather trivial for the ecosystem of Myrkr to handle. Thrawn himself removed way more with little trouble.

With regards to the extradition treaty, I believe the council will find the following acceptable - The Remnant will extradite any criminal after their guilt has been proven in an Imperial Court. The Imperial Ruling Council may veto any extradition. The Remnant will also chose to punish any alliance criminal caught on their worlds according to whatever punishment the law provides.

In return, the alliance will hand over any war criminal on their side after their guilt has been proven in one of your courts, with your council having a right to veto as well. The Alliance will also have the right to punish any Imperial criminal caught on your worlds according to whatever punishment your law provides as well as veto anything.

We would welcome all aid, but I was wondering - what quantities were you talking about? Because unless I do not know that, I am not sure how much forces I can commit to convoy defence."
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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