Steve wrote:Okay, let me get this straight. You didn't avail yourself of the many military experts here before drawing up your intricately planned forces, and whenever you find out there's a weakness to them you demand that the weakness be ignored?
No. I only care about weaknesses that are just cripplingly bad and/or completely destroy my strategy because some technicality that I either failed to see or would've had to do some serious research to find out. "Oh by the way did you know that x? No? Well, I did, so I effortlessly steamroll your stuff in this scenario that we're in right now.

" is getting old fucking quick.
For example, my 'monitors', which I built on the (admittedly misinterpreted) advice of one of those experts. Turns out they can't actually harm anything. So like half my fleet tonnage is wasted on slow, junky ships that Wilkens' stuff just laughs at. I may as well be an NF 1 or something.
I actually decided that my fleet would be so modern that it wouldn't include any ships older than 1920. As a result I didn't use up all my fleet tonnage because I determined that I wouldn't be able to build that much stuff in five game years. But I did that knowing full well what it implied, so you won't see me complaining about that even if it fucks me over in the end.
On the other hand stuff like my armies sucking at jungle fighting because I gave them lots of artillery so that they'd be
good at jungle fighting because they'd have more readily avaliable fire support due to it being indirect is whineworthy, in my humble opinion.
Jesus fucking Christ, your entire strategy as it stands is to dig in before the Canal and stop Wilkens cold, then blast him to bits with your fucking over-done artillery forces using, well, the very same things he mentioned; all the guns and batteries pre-ranged so the crews know immediately what elevation and charge to use so they can rain deadly steel on advancing Mexicans trying to break through your trenches, aided by spotters behind the immediate trenches phoning in fire missions.
Yeah. That is my strategy, which had to be adjusted because it turned out that Wilkens could liesurely stroll in with a massive army and kill 30 000 troops while losing less than a third of that in return in spite of things like those troops having plenty of artillery attached, the home advantage, prepared for a defense, etc.
I'm not suggesting they could've held them off at all, by the way, but I don't think it hurt nearly as much as it should've.
But yet because a flaw in your military system was pointed out - that your guns have limited use in on-the-fly situations without spotters and intact phone lines and your divisions are understrength for close-quarter battles for lack of infantry - you start whining like a little bitch and demanding you be given a pass from realism because "WHA WHA I HAVE A FLAW IN MY MILITARY I MUST BE COMPLETELY PERFECT!!!"
No, it just happens to suck in all the worst ways it possibly could. See, according to Wilkens, I have a country in a fucking jungle that sucks at fighting in the jungle. How the fuck does that make sense?
And my defensive navy sucks at, well, defending, even though I was
told that NF
2 with my monitor designs and some cruisers would've been sufficient for that.
Just about the only thing that's functioned as intended at all is my coastal forts, and we all know how much everybody hates those now because of a goddamned typo...