SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coyote »



The Katangwan Air Corps got its first shipment of 20 C-160 Transall air transports today, something that will help the fledgeling nation with its vast swathes of wide-open bushland.

"Many areas of Katangwa are completely isolated except by air," Colonel Johan S'vimbi said today, in his statement of thanks to the Canissian government, "These transport aircraft will help unite our people."

Air Corps pilots are getting training on the Transalls, which will primarily serve the small Katangwan National Army as it morphs into a unified, serious defense force. Eventually, however, civilian medium-range aircraft will be available for Katangwa to form its first civil airlines.

No word has yet been said about the formation of a Katangwan Navy or merchant marine.

"The Katangwan people do not have a very robust maritime tradition," said Foreign Minister Haim Meltzer, "Aside from a handful of fishing canoes in seaside and lakeside villages, there's never been much of an interest in water travel. It's an aspect that will be start from, pardon the expression, the ground up."

The Katangwan Air Corps now has 12 OV-10 Broncos, 22 AT-314 "Little Hawks", and 20 C-160 Transalls in its inventory. There are no helicopters or high-performance jet aircraft in the KAC as yet, and while helicopters may be considered eventually, there ar ecurrently no plans to expand into jet aircraft just yet.

"Let's get them into developing a professional air corps, and then we'll go from there," FM Meltzer said, "Besides, for the most part, these smaller, lighter aircraft fit the bill perfectly for the relatively light demands placed on the Katangwans at his time."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Hall of Tigers, Ministry of Defence

General Smith showed the map to the Joint Staff. It showed the proposed locations of the THEL sites which would be set up at the main cities and important airports and harbours. The Staff had no problem with them.

Progress on the Good Mountain Project also restarted now that sufficient funds were coming in. It was on schedule, and it would be ready to receive the new F-22s as well.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"So this is one of the new underground cities under construction," said the Emperor as he walked in the deep underground cavern, somewhere in Anatolia.

"Yes sire, this is one of the two Anatolian cities. There are also two in Greece, and two in Asia itself," said the Strategos of the Fortification division.

"Impressive. And this is after... years of work?"

"Yes Sire. The construction of these actually began back in the last major world war. As you predecessor described it, it was imperative that Byzantium steadily stock piled munitions underground, as well as our manufacturing facilities. As per your order at the start of your reign, we began construction of these underground facilities. It will take another 3-5 years to finish them, along with the necessary transportation networks to guide the population here, but they will be done. What's more, we have been developing a series of air recyclers."

"I see. Of course, if the enemy has deep radar satellites, these caverns are detectable?"

"Yes Sire. We are... working on possible ways to confuse such radar."

The Emperor looked around in the cavern and there was a certain disquiet. The city was empty. There was no other soul in the city other than himself and a few others. "Strategos, I hear the military wants to talk to me about the recent... biological attack on Astaria."

"Yes sire. Some among us are asking if we should... develop such weapons especially when it will take years before our nuclear weapons stockpile accumulate to critical.. point."

The Emperor was silent. "This requires some thought. I will need to give this thought."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles
PeZook wrote:"I believe so, yes, provided we take propaganda action now - so as to make our populations used to the idea."
"The problem gentlemen, is this situation requires more than mere propaganda action," said the Exarch as he stood up. Decius looked around and looked at everyone in the eye. "I am with my PeZookian colleagues in that Byzantium opposes attempts to enact regime change in Astaria. More so, the recent attacks on Astaria demands that the rest of the world, who opposes not just the use of biological weapons, but also attempts to terrorize a state."

Gesturing to an aide, the aide brought up a projector and displayed a series of pictures of Firebees. "Byzantine agents, working in Astaria, uncovered many of these drones and sent the samples of the fluids in them to Byzantine labs to examine their contents. We ascertain that a few weeks ago, an attempt was made to destroy Astarian agriculture via the use of biologicals and defoliants. While I understand that many of us here are dead against slavery, we must also understand that the Astarian economy now teeters on the edge of collapse. They have made positive steps towards eradicating slavery, but we must first and foremost aid them in the transition to a non-slave based economy. We cannot expect them to convert to a modern economy where all men have equal rights, when the end result will not be freedom, but bloody anarchy. If we want the Astarians to eradicate slavery altogether, we must instead aid them to develop local industries and to find a way to persuade them to open themselves up to the outside world without destroying their own economy in the process."

Decius paused to let these facts sink in. Then he continued, "Understandably, there is plenty of cloak and dagger going on right now. There are also only so many nations in the world who would use defoliants and biological agents blatantly. While some are impatient for change, but that is simply unrealistic. Either we help them, or the same power that attacked them in such a manner would try again and attempt to starve the population to death. I can only hope that patience is a virtue that everyone would adhere to, and not resort to arms."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by K. A. Pital »

CSR, Ministry of Heavy Industry. NKTP Special Planning Commitee.
- Please, could you get me someone... Decius? - Andropovsky seemed rather delighted. - Hello, and excuse me if I am taking your time. I just departed from Novaya Zemlya and I don't have much time now that I'm here. I used this government hotline to relay our new plan...

You see, the Mediterranean control is crucial for Byzantium's strategic interests, isn't it? Likewise for the Crimson Star Republic, since our Black Sea Crimson Banner Fleet depends on the Mediterranean control to leave the straits un-threatened and come out into wild oceans to become a strategic asset.

You planners have informed you of the tests of our newest S.N.C. weapon, the thermo-nuclear bomb, as president Stanislav calls it, right? Very well, very well. The MESS code SS-26 missile, the Iskander-M, as you know, is the latest in high-precision CSR semiballistic weaponry - very similar to the Japanistan "Igo" series, which is why Japanistani equivalents have been called "Igo-26". We have designed a several kiloton warhead to be fitted on those SS-26s... what? Ah, yes, of course. Our real goal is true control of the Mediterranean and the ability to wipe enemy fleets out with a press of a button.

As you might know, the SS-26 has a very good CEP, depressed trajectory making it harder to kill with ABM, tremendeous speed, last-stage evasive maneuvers and a range which, if employed from your island assets in the Mediterranean, would cover the entire sea and then some. Imagine the possibilities: foreign warships could be hit with incoming SS-26 with nuclear warheads at the very moment of their detection, just several hundred seconds after we press the button! Moreover, Japanistani coastal bases, and naval assets, would be equally susceptible to a strike. Most our current ground OTH and ABM radars have the reaction time measured in minutes. A short-range BM has a very limited flight time, and could be even deployed as a strategic deterrence weapon against Japanistani coastal cities, or a weapon of surprise attack.

The best part? The SS-26 is deployed on mobile launcher vehicles - incidentally the chassis is rather similar to many other military chassis, including S-300 and S-400 SAM series and other weapons. They could be brought to the Crete island, which as I understand is a military facility anyway, covertly like a usual munitions shipment, stored in simple hangars and totally hidden from enemy aerial surveilance until the time of great need comes.

And if we have a problem with enemy ABM, we can always utilize some of those SS-26 missiles as EMP airburst devices, since the SS-26 supports in-flight detonation at any moment.

Oh... yes. The proposal itself: the CSR supplies you with nuclear warheads for the SS-26, and the Byzantine army deploys some of them for strategic deterrence on the Crete military base. Covertly, of course.

Why didn't I use official channels? Well, this line is not tracked. And it's more of the kind of things that need to remain speeches, for most. Paperwork leaves trails. Trails could make the whole plan lose a good chunk of strategic value. Thank you. I will await your reply.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Setzer »

"When faced with national annihilation, any alternative is preferable. We could provide aid to the country. I'm sure Astaria would be appropriately grateful. It would be difficult for the international community to condone an attack on humanitarian aid shipments. Not that there isn't a risk of attacks regardless. I wouldn't put it past Shepistan. But it would make it easy to garner sympathy for Astaria, pictures of starving war orphans and videos of burning cargo ships on the evening news. Astaria has been devoting significant effort to their propaganda campaigns, but it seems anything they say falls on deaf ears. 50% of propaganda is picking the right messenger."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Decius just returned back from Shroomania when he received the call. Writing back, he wrote, "Andropovsky, I believe we met once. Yes, Byzantium is interested in such weapons. We can manufacture our own nuclear warheads ourselves, since as part of our joint collaboration, we also shared the manufacturing know how, and we ourselves have retooled a number of reactors to produce Pu-239. At the moment, we acquired some SS-26 missiles mostly with a conventional warhead for the army.

We are indeed interested in the idea of using SS-26 Iskander missiles with nuclear warheads as a deterrent from Crete. In fact, we might want to consider mounting these in some indiscrete manner, be it camouflaged areas, or nondescript ships etc. We will be willing to cooperate with you and to share our own industrial base as well."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by RogueIce »

PeZook wrote:"Goddamned Shepistanis", Paul murmured under his breath, flipping the pages.
"Is something wrong?" King Paul handed Rufus the folder, and the President read what was inside.

"Well, technically, we don't know who did it, though I'm sure I could guess." Seeing the expression on Paul's face, he knew they were on the same page about that, at least.

"Well, I will agree with you. Regime change is not the way to go. Not now. I think I'll have my staff prepare a response, and welcome the encouraging signs from Astaria concerning certain questions about human rights; I think I'll avoid the words 'abolition' and 'emancipation' for the moment. Since this appears to be a deceit of the populace to make it work, I'd rather not screw that up for them.

"I will also offer what aid we can provide, be it foodstuffs, medicine, observer teams, whatever. And I'll have the State Department inquire about opening a consulate in both nations as a tentitive step towards welcoming them back to the international community."

  • * Discussion with King Paul ongoing.
    * Shinra Republic offers to open consulate in Astaria, invites Astaria to do the same here.
    * Shinra Republic offers aid in whatever form needed by Astarian government, subject to some negotiation, of course.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

Japanistani Radar Search And Rescue satellite launched

Launching on a warm March morning from Atlas-Sputnik Pad B, the Atlas-Sputnik launch vehicle has inserted a japanistani-designed satellite into a stable orbit.

This satellite is the first of three satellites which will be launched from FASTA facilities in exchange for Japanistani permission for manned overflights of their territorry.

Mercury 2b launches, puppies fare just fine

The Mercury 2b mission lifted off from the Jerusalem Space Center yesterday, inserting a Mercury capsule bearing two Golden Retriever puppies, Luna and Venus, to orbit.

The puppies shall orbit the Earth for five days before the capsule is deorbited. For safety, Mercury 2b will land in the Atlantic Ocean, where a PeZookian battle group is already on station for recovery duties.

"Luna and Venus are both just fine, and handled the launch excellently. They're comfortably placed in two life support rigs which will make sure they do not damage the capsule. We'll be monitoring their life signs all the time, of course - this is the main focus of the mission.", Common Carter Connoway, mission controller of Mercury 2b, had been quoted as saying.

Launch schedule for Mercury 2c, d and e missions

Mercury 2c: will lift an adult dog to orbit. To be launched on April 21st, last for six days

Mercury 2d: will carry an adult chimpanzee. Planned for May 12, will last for six days.

Mercury 2e: will carry a second chimpanzee, last for eight days. Launch planned for June.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

RogueIce wrote: "I will also offer what aid we can provide, be it foodstuffs, medicine, observer teams, whatever. And I'll have the State Department inquire about opening a consulate in both nations as a tentitive step towards welcoming them back to the international community."
"I also think that we need to start heavily publicizing the fact they just abolished slavery. Support of our people is critical here - we won't be able to reach our goals in Astaria without it."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »

Excerpt from the diary of Gwen Tate

January 23, 4706

Today, a couple of men came to talk to my parents. They came during a civil defense drill, so we had the day off from school, and Mom was at home. They say the Huang Di wants me to go live with him. Mom and Dad were kinda hesitant about it, but they let me go. I always wished that some prince would come to take me away, but I never really expected it to come true! They had me pack my bags and come with them right then. They said something like "Time is of the essence." They took me in a really cool limo. It had drinks available, but they only let me drink the sodas.

After the limo, we had our own private jet. It was so cool! Big comfy leather seats, not at all like the cramped plane ride I had last. It was a short flight. I lived on the east coast, so it wasn't far from the capital. They had a car waiting when I got off the plane. It was a bright blue sports car. A man in a black suit stood next to it. The agents introduced him as Frank Martin, and said he would be my driver to the palace. He wasn't very talkative during the ride. Only thing he said was "You seem a bit young."

I didn't realize what he meant until we got to the palace. When we got to the gate, more guys in black suits were waiting at the gate. Frank showed them a badge he took from the inside pocket of his coat, then handed over a paper the agents gave him at the airport. After that, we drove down to an underground garage. Right at the entrance were a bunch of tanks, some of which had guys working on them. Seeing me look at them, Frank said, "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."

Once actually inside the palace, Frank took me down a maze of passageways to meet Agatha, who introduced herself as "Harem Mistress and mad scientist." She took me to my room, then took me to "get issued" stuff. First stop was to get a cart. It did end up being alot of stuff. From there, we picked up some clothing and bedclothes. Then we went over to the computer shop and I got this cool tablet PC.

Agatha says we have PT tomorrow morning, and she'll come wake me up and help me dress for it.


Ares Blog

The TXN has declared IOC for the SM-2 Block IV upgrade. This upgrade was designed to provide enhanced lethality against ballistic targets and sea skimming missiles. It is known to have a dual mode RF/IIR seeker. Concurrently, the SM-3 Block II upgrade has also reached IOC. This variant includes both a dual mode RF/IIR active seeker, and reaction control to provide control authority at high altitudes.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by CmdrWilkens »

First Phase of "New Horizons" declared ready for Initial Field Procurement and Operational Readiness Procurement

The Minsitry of Defense today announced that after the last series of successful tests at Centennial Weapons Range they were certifying the RIM-168 (SM-4A), the MIM and RIM-169 (SM-4) as ready for both Initial Field Procurment and Operational Readiness Procurement. At the same time continued success of the RIM-172 (SM-4B) has allowed for the government to beginning biding Low Rate Initial Procurment (LRIP) contracts. Already Lockheed Forrester of Laurel and Martin Marietta of College Park are expected to be granted portions of the IFP and ORP contracts resultsing in upticks for both stock issues. State officials, meanwhile, continued to indicate that the RIM-172 would continue to pricnipally be developed by contract with Tian Xia.

Already ballic targeting and tracking software is being loaded on all in port elements of the Imperial Navy with several vessels expecting to be outfitted with the remaining LRIP stocks before the end of the quarter. Already the CGN-1 and DDGN-1 programs have begun integrating the finalized targeting and guidance software into the final pre-production trials.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Proposals to upgrade existing destroyers with new combat system and SPY-3A radar

The Ministry of Defence is evaluating proposals to upgrade existing destroyers with a new combat system and SPY-3A radar, along with SM-4 missiles. The ministry does not anticipate issuing orders for the new New Horizon destroyers from Constantinople Shipyards any time soon.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by RogueIce »

OOC: Ok, fuck it. I'm tired, I have to get up in the morning, but I want to start this shit off. So I'll do one of those actions posts and then make it a story one later on.

Basically I'm instituting that Rangatara mini-conflict. Al-Fakim of Shepistan under an alias provokes a nationalist coup amongst the military. They threaten to kick Tonkin out. Cue backroom dealing and the Shinra Republic gets pledged to put the old regime back into power. They'll get support from the IRT (after paying handsomely for it, of course) and maybe if anyone else wants to help out.

Basically Battlegroup Three, led by the SRS Republic uses their ARG and MEU to stop the initial push to shove the Tonkin Mining Group out, backed by air strikes from the carrier, as well as Air Force F-15E and A-10s, part of a training mission earlier declared to be in the Akori Republic. Further assets are heading in, such as Battlegroup Four which will reinforce BG-3, the Army's I Corps and a full Marine Regiment. As well as various special forces and whatnot.

Big speech made, mission announced, yadda yadda. I'll dress it up later, but you may consider this plotline officially started. :D
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

Midgar, Shinra Republic - Shinra Building

While King Paul and President Shinra discussed matters of state, the PeZookian delegates were getting ready for bed - or already in it. For some reason, Kamila was being unusually tired by her work here, and so she always went to sleep earlier than was typical for her.

She mused on why that was, staring at the ceiling. Perhaps the microclimate here wasn't doing her any good? Or maybe the people she worked with were energy vampires, or something...

She finally fell asleep, after deciding it was useless trying to figure this out...she would just do her job and everything would sort itself out when she got back home.

Six hours later, she woke up suddendly and sat up on her bed, scared. The dream she had wasn't exactly a nightmare...

"Oh, Jesus Christ...", she said to herself and buried her face in her hands. Why the hell would she dream of a wedding in a ruined chapel...with Rufus Shinra of all people?

She was just glad she woke up before the wedding night.

"Damn, I need a shower"
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

This... Is Station One, San Dorado's News Source Supreme!


Precisely at noon today the thirty-second communications satellite of the FreeCom/GrapeVine/MacMillan Alliance global communications network was launched from the Camp Kittyhawk Rocketfields atop a Lucrelance I B lifter rocket. Thirty-five minutes later, the rocket deposited the satellite in a precise orbit many hundreds of kilometers above the planet. It was the final GloboDyne satellite to be launched, the last chip in a mosaic of artificial moons and stratellites launched over the last year and a half. Together they form a network of thirty-two satellites and thirty-five Shroomanian stratellites capable of broadcasting their signals anywhere on the planet.

This new satellite constellation will be used to provide worldwide wireless telephony as well as satellite TV and radio to the world. Starting today, all citizens of the world will be able to receive these signals for free. All they need to do is aim a satellite dish in the right direction and the three TV and three radio channels currently broadcast by the network are theirs to watch. At this time, each participating nation will provide one continuous-coverage channel, broadcasting 24/7, the whole year through. For San Dorado, this will be Worldwide One, providing the citizens of the world with the best news, advertorials and entertainment straight from the capital of fun, San Dorado City!


That was the day that changed television history. From the endless icy wastes of Siberia to the steaming jungles of New Sumatra, from the burnt-out husks of Border State cities to the steel-and-glass conurbations of Messica, and from the militia-ridden wastelands of the CFR to the Shepistan-Old Dominion DMZ, some people found out they could suddenly tune into something new and fresh. Noisy advertorials, ruminations about wines and cognacs, and bizarre Shroomanian TV-series flared to life on TVs and radios worldwide, beamed into houses straight from space.

The world would never be the same again.

Result: the Shroomanian/Vineyardian/San Doradan worldwide communications network goes live, after more than a year and a half of launching satellites and stratellites. Anyone with a satellite dish can pick up these channels, conveniently circumventing state monopolies on cable television.
Last edited by Siege on 2008-10-25 10:32pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Space Telecommunication Inc. formed as a joint venture between Icarus Electronics and Byzantine Telecom

Archimedes Software, Byzantine Telecom and Icarus Electronics have agreed to form a joint venture company named Space Telecommunication Inc. The company aims to develop a high bandwidth worldwide communication network aimed at providing content and communication services throughout the world. "We are leveraging on Byzantine Telecom's far reaching fiber optics network throughout the Old Continent and established working relationships with foreign telecommunications companies, together with Archimedes Software's software expertise and Icarus Electronics' technical expertise. Space Telecommunication Inc. intends to

1. Launch a new Internet Search Engine employing advanced search algorithms
2. Launch a continental wide internet television service streaming hundreds of channels across the world.
3. Capture a portion of the worldwide online and television advertising market
4. Launch locally developed communication satellites from Jerusalem Space Center, or stratellites from BAM
5. Expand the existing underwater cable networks

The company will have an initial capital injection on the order of 20 billion dollars from 3 companies, with equal shareholdership. It is expected that the first satellites will be launched at the end of the year.

Byzantine Weather Service orders a Weather Satellites from Byzantine Aeronautics

Byzantine Weather Service, the state weather service, has placed an order for weather satellites from Byzantine Aeronautics. The satellites will be launched from Jerusalem Space Center at the end of the year.

JetKon budget airline launched. Seeks to provide no-frills air service across the Old Continent.

JetKon is a private venture formed by entrepreneurs and seeks to provide no-frills service across the Old Continent. Targeting travelers on a budget, the airline seeks to carve itself a niche in the airline market. It has placed an order for 20 BAM A321-200 aircraft with 10 on option. The aircraft will be powered by Byzantine Heavy Industry Trent V2500 engines. Byzantine Airlines gave no comment on the new upstart competitor.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

Midgar, Shinra Republic

"...and this is why, I think, we should abandon visas between PeZookia and Shinra. It worked very well with Canissia, and as far as I understand it, it would make trade easier between the Continents.", Paul was gesticulating with a fork.

The unofficial meals were his preferred way of doing this kind of business. Official receptions always had the burden of sycophants and politicos trying to play games, and of course the ever-present reporters who caught even slightest breaches of protocol.

"I will have to think about it.", President Shinra promised

"There is another matter which I think warrants discussion...I was thinking about ways that the FASTA and MSA could co-operate with each other when it comes to the manned space program...some standarization of equipment would probably be beneficial in the long run. Remember the joint docking ports we came up with last time? We could use some more standards in..."

Karol, the King's aide interrupted the breakfast briefly, bringing in a daily briefing folder.

"Thank you", the King said and put the folder next to his plate, "Anything else?"

"Kamila wanted me to tell you she isn't feeling very well, and won't be able to accompany the delegation today..."

Paul raised an eyebrow, "She seemed fine yesterday..."

"Yes...she said it seems to be mild food poisoning...she briefed her assitant fully, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Paul nodded, "Very well. Let me know when she gets better."

After Karol left the room, the King looked at Rufus, "Sounds like a classical excuse...strange...", he cleared his throat, "Anyway, as I was saying..."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Karmic Knight »

Call Record, Alexander Luzar’s Office, <CENSORED> wrote:Call Start: 1:13
Luzar: Hello?
<Censored>: Hello, Minister, how are you this fine morning
Luzar: Fuck you, <Censored>, what the hell is so important?
<Censored>: Simple, I believe we need to discuss a deal I’m offering to you and your colleges
Luzar Hangs Up at 1:14

Call Starts: 1:17
<Censored>: Just hear me out, seriously, I think this will work out for the best.
Luzar Hands up at 1:17
Voice One: “See a pattern, Director Shrubber?”

Voice Two: “Yes, well, apparently we have some untouchables in charge, someone counter the Naval, Army and Airborne Intelligence assets.”

“At Once, Director.”

“Now, onto the condemned, has the team been able to find any internationality to the assassin?”

Voice Three: “Actually, yes, apparently the man is of Sabikan decent, which implicates the, ‘Sons of Sabika,’ I think.”

“Well now, that is an interesting development.”

“Sir, the connection is tenuous at best, and we have no other evidence to corroborate, and the Sons have nothing to gain from killing King Brandon.”

“Well, we’re going to run with it.”

<hushed> “We’re doomed.”

Hall of the Grand Assembly, Commonwealth of Vineyards

Brandon watched as the Communication Cartel’s worldwide network went online, waiting for the meeting of the Gran Assembly to start. This was taking so long due to the various rituals used by the various legislatures to open their meetings, and the Triumvirate unwillingness to stop each and every little ritualistic thing to go undone. During his wait, Brandon’s phone rang, again punctuating the wonders of the Communication Cartel‘s good deeds, “Yes?”

“Ah, sire, I need your approval on something,” Roger Shrubber, Director of VEIL started, “We are hoping to bring the entirety of the FTO into the operation.”

“And what witch hunt do you need me to sign off on now, Mr. McCarthy.”

“Mr. McCarthy? No, wait, I don’t want to know. I just need your approval to send a message warning that the Sons of Sabika were behind your assassination.”

“Were they?”

“Possibly, the jury is still out, but he was Sabikan.”

“What colour is the Sabikan flag? I hope it is red ... I mean, sure, whatever, release the hounds.”

“Enjoy your speech, sire.”

“Shut up.”
VEIL Report wrote:TO: All FTO Nations
After investigating the attempted murder of Supreme Sovereign Brandon, VEIL, along with a Baernish official have discovered a hidden plot behind the attack. This attack was planed by the Sons of Sabika, and VEIL believes that it is imperative we stamp this out before they strike again.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Ministry of War
Deployment Orders - Pending Approval of FTO Central Command
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Truman, Minister for War

Sirs and Madames,

You are requested and required to execute Operation Hammer and Anvil at your earliest convenience.

Baerne Invictus,
Countess Truman

Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Private Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
TO: FTO Central Command

Your Excellencies and Majesties,

We look with fury upon the recent attempt on His Majesty King Brandon's life, especially since it was committed by the Sons of Sabika, who claim to represent a nation that we have been nothing but gracious to since the late unpleasantness with Coilerburg. We had prepared for the eventuality that the Sons of Sabika could prove dangerous, and the BIS has identified what we believe to be the large part of their camps and bases inside Sabika.

Operation Hammer and Anvil, which was authorized today, pending Your Excellencies and Majesties' approval, will consist of massive airstikes against these camps, followed by ground assaults by the First Marine Brigade, which would be inserted into Sabika via an amphibious operation the night before. Do we have your approval?

Countess Domizia
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Karmic Knight »

News from the Vinish Press

King Preaches Centralization in the Grand Assembly

SciFi Goes Worldwide

The New SciFi Logo

GrapeVine’s greatest Frequesuan channel, SciFi, is now going to be broadcast across the world on the new Satellite constellation launched by Shroomainia and San Dorado. The station is getting a bit of a face lift with its new audience, shows like Science Fiction in the News, are getting broader topics to cover, and MST Shroom000 is going to be moved to a worldwide primetime slot.

Arms Deal between the Commonwealth and San Dorado nets a major Air Force upgrade.

The Rafale, one of the major proponents of the arms deal

The Commonwealth Air Force’s Minister, Andrew, should be a very happy man this week, as the Air Force gets the great end of VD6Bn deal for 100 Rafale Fighters, and 50 Mirage 2000-5s, to be integrated into the Commonwealth Air Force. Another part of the deal involves designs for the F-111F being leased to Gizmonic for use in building a new ground attack fighter for the Commonwealth Air Force. The deal has cost 6bn dollars for the planes themselves, and an unknown amount for the designs of the F-111Fs. The deal is shaping up to be one of the few military purchases by the Sovereign this year. That isn’t to say that he may buy more for the nation, it just isn’t looking likely from his history.

Zeppelins in the Skies, the Commonwealth Civil Defence Force Receive Communication Airships

A Communication Stratellite in a hanger in Shroomainia

The CCDF, after complaints that the communications amongst the various corners of the Commonwealth were strained, as they had to be done over public equipment, have had Zeppelins purchased on their behalf from BAM. The new Stratellites will be providing the CCDF with better communications. The cost was not disclosed.

Gizmonic Heiress to marry the King Brandon

After King Brandon spent 6Bn dollars on San Doradan aircraft, and an undisclosed amount on Shroomainian Stratellites the King needed to do something to win back the graces of the biggest arms manufacturer in the Commonwealth. The King secured support from Gizmonic by buying it, indirectly. The King has asked Gizmonic Principal Owner, CEO, and Board Co-Chair of Gizmonic’s daughter if she would be willing to marry him as a political necessity, using those exact words.

Artic Monkeys, Oasis, and The Killers to go on tour of the Commonwealth

Oasis, in concert at New Sheoth Auditorium

Three of the most famous bands in the Commonwealth are going on a Commonwealth tour, going to Grand Rapids, Eastlake, Shroomston, and other major cities in the Commonwealth. The bands will apparently be starting off every performance with a version of the Commonwealth National Anthem, Death and All His Friends.

Gallows’ Mine Opens in the Vinish Republic of the Saviour’s Hide
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Ministry of Science readies Oceanographic Satellite

Artist's Depiction of the Osprey-I Oceanographic Reserch Satellite in Orbit

Royal Areospace Reserch Headquarters, Victorium-Today, RAR in a joint effort with the Hirohito Institute for the Advancedment of Marine Science have unvieled to the press their design for Zoria's contribution to FASTA, the Osprey-I Oceanographic Satellite. Once Launched, this low orbit Satellite will monitor tidal and weather patterns, as well as monitoring and mapping the ocean floor, helping further enhance the study of this world's Oceans. The Launch date for Osprey-i i still under consideration.
Last edited by Zor on 2008-10-26 03:06pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

Master_Baerne wrote:Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Private Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
TO: FTO Central Command

Your Excellencies and Majesties,

We look with fury upon the recent attempt on His Majesty King Brandon's life, especially since it was committed by the Sons of Sabika, who claim to represent a nation that we have been nothing but gracious to since the late unpleasantness with Coilerburg. We had prepared for the eventuality that the Sons of Sabika could prove dangerous, and the BIS has identified what we believe to be the large part of their camps and bases inside Sabika.

Operation Hammer and Anvil, which was authorized today, pending Your Excellencies and Majesties' approval, will consist of massive airstikes against these camps, followed by ground assaults by the First Marine Brigade, which would be inserted into Sabika via an amphibious operation the night before. Do we have your approval?

Countess Domizia
Private Communique, Priority One

FROM: Dwayne Carmichael, Director of External Intelligence
TO: FTO Central Command

Ladies, gentlemen,

We believe the official and vocal support of the duly elected Sabikan government is critical in this stage of the pacification and as such San Dorado can only greenlight your measures if the FTO has the support of the Sabikan government on this. It is imperative the Sabikan populace does not come to see us as imperialist warmongers who unilaterally violate their sovereignty; it would only generate additional support for the extremists. Rather, we must appear as working with the Sabikans to eradicate this threat to our mutual interests in the region.

Perhaps we can sell the air strikes to the Sabikans as part of a package of measures to help Sabika re-establish its footing on the continent; such a package could include military cooperation together with humanitarian aid and economic stimulation to help the country 'get back in the game', as it were. If we then were to play up the humanitarian and economic aspects and downplay the military angle, we not only would get what we want - the suppression of the 'Sons of Sabika' - but we'd be seen as benefactors by the Sabikans whilst we do it, thus further eroding the power base of the Sons.

Military strikes alone are not enough: It is the firm belief of the External Intelligence Agency and indeed the Board of Directors itself that the FTO ought to pursue a carrot-and-stick policy in dealing with Sabika.

Was cordially signed,

Dwayne Carmichael, DEI, EIA
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Seaside Palace, Canissia

Along with millions of kids around the world, from Messica to Frequesue to the Old Continent, King Arik and his many many kids were watching yet another episode of HUEG KITTENS.


Since it was that time of the year, HUEG KITTENS was having its Halloween Specials.

LIVE on ShroomStratTV
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by RogueIce »

PeZook wrote:After Karol left the room, the King looked at Rufus, "Sounds like a classical excuse...strange...", he cleared his throat, "Anyway, as I was saying..."
As King Paul discussed standards in the design of future spacecraft, Rufus let his mind wander a bit. He couldn't help it; Kamila was, apparently, not feeling well. This triggered his automatic concern for her well-being, although it would be rather odd if he tried to excuse himself to go check on her.

Paul had finished speaking, and was looking at him for a response. Rufus had only half-heard what the PeZookian King had said, but he knew the gist of it, and his answer. "I think that would be a good idea. The peaceful exploration of space should be something all nations can and should work together on. I feel such an endeavor would do much to bring the peoples of the world together in a joint mission to better all of our lives, and secure our future. And before I sound too much like a speechwriter, let me just say I'll pass the word along and see how it goes."

Rufus and Paul finished their meals over other light discussions, and then prepared to head out to meet the crowds yet again.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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