Don't force me to go all out to destroy a monolith.PeZook wrote:I'm half tempted to throw a wrench in these works, too
Nope. Different ship, different day. He won't be chasing Glowworm into the upper atmosphere, for reasons you'll soon understand all too well.Shroom Man 777 wrote:God damn, Jester, that was really great. MIGWAZZA!
So, does this mean that the ship he chased to the upper atmosphere and shot at until he lost breath was the Glowworm?
You know something? Before I knew for sure that the Bragulans were going to be space bears, I was imagining Imperator Byzon to essentially be Raul Julia as M. Bison IN SPACE! Knowing you, you could have been able to make that work too.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Well, I'm not going home. I'm gonna get on my ship, and I'm going up river, and I'm going to kick that son of a bear Byzon's ass so hard that the next Byzon wannabe is gonna feel it! Now, who wants to go home... and who wants to go with me?
The exact history and structure of Belka proper will be fleshed out at a later date. Needless to say, there will be plenty of starfighter pilots and psionic lolis.Belka Sector Statelets
The Belka Sector, also known as Sector P-24 on most standard galactic maps, is home to several small nation-states. Though they have access to interstellar drive technology, they generally lack the financing to expand into nearby sectors. The Belka Sector does enjoy constant investment, however, for the same reason it is allowed to persist as an independent sector to this day: It lies between the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya, the Pfhor Empire, and the various Koprulu states.
Belka System
Belkan Empire
Capital: Dinsmark
Government type: Military dictatorship (nominally constitutional monarchy governed by European civil and common law)
Head of state: HRH Erich I, Emperor of Belka
Head of government: Grand Admiral Vladimir Rald, Imperial Belkan Star Force
Territories: Entire system of Belka, numerous extra-solar planetoids
Halkeginia System
Map of the planet of Halkeginia (dark green = Qumar, blue = Liberion, red = East Gallia, sea green = Azadistan, teal = West Gallia, lavender = Tristain)
Emirate of Qumar
Capital: Qumar City
Government type: Military dictatorship (nominally constitutional monarchy governed by British civil and common law)
Head of state: HM Yasir al-Assad, Emir of Qumar
Head of government: General Khaled al-Saachez, Royal Qumari Army
Off-world territories: 5% of Halkeginia's moon
Federal Republic of Liberion
Capital: New Coventry
Government type: Federal republic governed by American civil and common law
Head of state and government: President Nicholas Fitzhugh
Off-world territories: 20% of Halkeginia's moon, 50% of main asteroid belt, mining and resource colonies on one other planet in system
Gallian Imperial Alliance (East Gallia)
Capital: Amiens
Government type: Military dictatorship (nominally constitutional monarchy governed by European civil and common law)
Head of state: HRH Field Marshal Maximilian Gaius von Reginrave, Emperor of Gallia
Head of government: Field Marshal Berthold Gregor, Imperial Gallian Army
Off-world territories: 30% of Halkeginia's moon, 25% of main asteroid belt, mining and resource colonies on two other planets in system
Islamic Empire of Azadistan
Capital: Ghazvin
Government type: Constitutional monarchy governed by mixture of sharia and British civil and common law
Head of state: HM Hossein Khatami, Shah of Azadistan
Head of government: Prime Minister Marina Ismail
Off-world territories: 5% of Halkeginia's moon
Principality of Gallia (West Gallia)
Capital: Randgriz
Government type: Constitutional monarchy governed by European civil and common law
Head of state: HG Cordelia van Randgriz, Princess of Gallia
Head of government: Prime Minister Maurits van Borg
Off-world territories: 10% of Halkeginia's moon, 25% of main asteroid belt, mining and resource colonies on one other planet in system
Principality of Tristain
Capital: Tristania
Government type: Constitutional monarchy governed by European civil and common law
Head of state: HG Henrietta de Tristain, Princess of Tristain
Head of government: President Charles Cromwell
Off-world territories: 10% of Halkeginia's moon
I know that, but I was at my wits' end trying to describe just how Halkeginia was divided up, using the same framework you used to describe the Fynn Sector Statelets. What constitutes a primary, secondary, or tertiary continent, anyway? Bleh. Just treat it as an abstraction to point out general territorial locations and such; I don't think I'd be able to come up with a better map from scratch, so... yeah.Steve wrote:Eh, having a duplicate Earth, or near-duplicate, is a bit out there IMHO....
I was already planning on using Strangereal's map for space Belka. As implausible as Halkeginia currently being a cut-up version of Earth is, having Halkeginia and space Belka be identical topographically would be just plain ridiculous.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Boo, you should've used Strangereal's map... buddy.