SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the First.
The Free Republic of Astaria Defuses the PRSF Crisis
In the interest of worldwide peace and tranquillity the Free Republic of Astaria will grant asylum to those unfortunate members of the PRSF military forced to flee with their vehicles. For those crew who bring with them their warship, there will be full Astarian citizenship with all that privileges this entails.
OOC: Yes a fairly bald faced attempt to get some new hardware. Astarian citizenship however, especially under such circumstances, would be tempting. Hopefully enough to cause some mutinees.
In the interest of worldwide peace and tranquillity the Free Republic of Astaria will grant asylum to those unfortunate members of the PRSF military forced to flee with their vehicles. For those crew who bring with them their warship, there will be full Astarian citizenship with all that privileges this entails.
OOC: Yes a fairly bald faced attempt to get some new hardware. Astarian citizenship however, especially under such circumstances, would be tempting. Hopefully enough to cause some mutinees.
Norseman's Fics the SD archive of my fics.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Joint Japanistani-Shepistani Space Flight Doesn't Wash Blood Off (Buried suitably as an article in the corner of a main section page detailing the flight's ramifications)
The world is abuzz with the recent achievement of Major Sakai Saburō in achieving low Earth orbit, ejecting, and living to tell of it with talking heads abuzz about the accomplishment smashing the global perception of Japanistan and Shepistan as technologically stagnated societies. It was certainly a great feat of skill and intelligence on the part of the two nation's engineers.
But in the fawning media reaction - along with condescension about the failure of the MESS alliance or the other sophisticated nations of the Old Continent to have anything approaching this feat - the continuous atrocities against the populations of al-Akharabat by the two 'Stans has gone virtually unnoticed. Though there is no authority to determine exact numbers, thousands have been gassed and killed by most estimates while the Japanistani authorities admit hundreds of locals have been deported from their homelands and sent to slave labor in the deadly tropics of New Sumatra. Japanistan has also so far failed to positively respond to King Arik of Canissia in his attempt to secure a peaceful division of the failed state of al-Akharabat while refusing to apologize for their ally's intentional mining of all functional ports outside their control, even the el-Kalim port, which was mined twice after the arrival of Cascadian forces to secure it.
While acknowledging Major Saburō's accomplishment in a press release, the Garrett Administration has also requested that Japanistan soon confirm if it would or would not accept the Canissian proposal to zones of control based around the recently declared states of Caravoland and Katangwaland. The President's Press Office has also announced the provision of aid and support packages to al-Itani and Tanvarika, the states closest to the Japanistani in northern Veleria, that would total over $2 billion over the next fiscal year.
Cascadian government expresses "concern" over continued airstrikes on retreating PRSF forces in Westchester.
The Cascadian State Department has so far continued to maintain a travel alert to Cascadian citizens for travel to the state of Westchester, once again referred to as Tian Jiao, and to the People's Republic of South Frequesue. After over a month of fighting the war seems to have mostly come to an end with a coup against the standing government by South Frequesuian military forces, which declared it was ending the war and withdrawing its troops from gains in Tian Jiao.
According to reports, the Tian Xia and autonomous Tian Jiao militaries have continued to attack forces from the PRSF that have not yet withdrawn over the border. The Cascadian State Department has issued a plea to the government of Tian Xia to "show restraint in success". Tian Xia's own spokesmen have only said that talks with the PRSF to secure a ceasefire were still under way.
The Tian Xia Embassy in Adams Capitol District continues to be ringed by a crowd of protestors from pacifist organizations from the Labor and Socialist Parties, accusing Tian Xia of blatant "imperialism" and of cold-blooded aggression.
Other Actions
Although mine-clearing continues and el-Kalim comes closer to being reopened, the local Cascadian forces are no longer engaged in expanding the local base. Quiet preperations have been made for potential withdrawal of Cascadian units in the event that Japanistan finally gives a positive response to the Canissian offer. (OOC; I'm operating under the presumption that Japanistan is stone-walling while arming that other small northern tribe to make its own landgrab.)
Joint Japanistani-Shepistani Space Flight Doesn't Wash Blood Off (Buried suitably as an article in the corner of a main section page detailing the flight's ramifications)
The world is abuzz with the recent achievement of Major Sakai Saburō in achieving low Earth orbit, ejecting, and living to tell of it with talking heads abuzz about the accomplishment smashing the global perception of Japanistan and Shepistan as technologically stagnated societies. It was certainly a great feat of skill and intelligence on the part of the two nation's engineers.
But in the fawning media reaction - along with condescension about the failure of the MESS alliance or the other sophisticated nations of the Old Continent to have anything approaching this feat - the continuous atrocities against the populations of al-Akharabat by the two 'Stans has gone virtually unnoticed. Though there is no authority to determine exact numbers, thousands have been gassed and killed by most estimates while the Japanistani authorities admit hundreds of locals have been deported from their homelands and sent to slave labor in the deadly tropics of New Sumatra. Japanistan has also so far failed to positively respond to King Arik of Canissia in his attempt to secure a peaceful division of the failed state of al-Akharabat while refusing to apologize for their ally's intentional mining of all functional ports outside their control, even the el-Kalim port, which was mined twice after the arrival of Cascadian forces to secure it.
While acknowledging Major Saburō's accomplishment in a press release, the Garrett Administration has also requested that Japanistan soon confirm if it would or would not accept the Canissian proposal to zones of control based around the recently declared states of Caravoland and Katangwaland. The President's Press Office has also announced the provision of aid and support packages to al-Itani and Tanvarika, the states closest to the Japanistani in northern Veleria, that would total over $2 billion over the next fiscal year.
Cascadian government expresses "concern" over continued airstrikes on retreating PRSF forces in Westchester.
The Cascadian State Department has so far continued to maintain a travel alert to Cascadian citizens for travel to the state of Westchester, once again referred to as Tian Jiao, and to the People's Republic of South Frequesue. After over a month of fighting the war seems to have mostly come to an end with a coup against the standing government by South Frequesuian military forces, which declared it was ending the war and withdrawing its troops from gains in Tian Jiao.
According to reports, the Tian Xia and autonomous Tian Jiao militaries have continued to attack forces from the PRSF that have not yet withdrawn over the border. The Cascadian State Department has issued a plea to the government of Tian Xia to "show restraint in success". Tian Xia's own spokesmen have only said that talks with the PRSF to secure a ceasefire were still under way.
The Tian Xia Embassy in Adams Capitol District continues to be ringed by a crowd of protestors from pacifist organizations from the Labor and Socialist Parties, accusing Tian Xia of blatant "imperialism" and of cold-blooded aggression.
Other Actions
Although mine-clearing continues and el-Kalim comes closer to being reopened, the local Cascadian forces are no longer engaged in expanding the local base. Quiet preperations have been made for potential withdrawal of Cascadian units in the event that Japanistan finally gives a positive response to the Canissian offer. (OOC; I'm operating under the presumption that Japanistan is stone-walling while arming that other small northern tribe to make its own landgrab.)
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
Indhopal let the PRSF defectors enter its territory (Though I would imagine most coming my way would flee into the closer Klavostan). Then the planes and warships were impounded and placed under lock and key until the political implications could become clearer. The crews were allowed to make petitions for political asylum if they wished, or be sent back to their nation. Those that wished to stay were given minders from the ISIA for the time being. Most were quartered in a small naval base off the mainland and shown plenty of respect.
Ther political right In Indhopal welcomed the defectors with open arms, with ,many Independence party politicians in parliment openly enncouraging the PRSF to take their equipment anywhere in the FTO. The government's official position was that it would simply consider offering the PRSF men asylum if they asked for it.
(edited to add some about domestic political scene).
Ther political right In Indhopal welcomed the defectors with open arms, with ,many Independence party politicians in parliment openly enncouraging the PRSF to take their equipment anywhere in the FTO. The government's official position was that it would simply consider offering the PRSF men asylum if they asked for it.
(edited to add some about domestic political scene).
- Coyote
- Rabid Monkey
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- Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!
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Royal Palace, PeZookia
King Arik Coyotus-I of Canissia enjoyed the royal welcome. It was cool in PeZookia this time of year, and he wore an overcoat and a scarf-- but not just any scarf, he was sure to wear the scarf of the winning PeZookian football club from last year's big win. The King rarely admitted it or indulged, but he always kind of liked the bright colors of the football scarves that teams sold, and he felt that the bright orange of the PeZookian Panthers offset his dark official suit quite well-- a splash of color to livel up official business.
Besides, it also covered the fact that he wore a plain, older tie. He hated ties, and would be taking his off the moment he had a chance to get inside the Palace after the big meeting at the airport.
"King Arik, welcome!" King Paul said. The two men shook hands with obvious warm fellowship, and the Canissian leader kissed the hand of the Queen in proper, old-world style.
"Thank you," he said, "It is always good to visit PeZookia."
"And we're glad to have you with us," King Paul said, "Pity that trouble with Frequesne, hmm?" he decided to jump right to the point-- ordinarily, such getting right to business was against normal protocol, but King Paul knew that Arik stood on protocol for the consumption of the media, and was pretty relaxed when off-camera...
...and besides, considering the recent tangle between the Slavic Confederacy and Tian Xia, a MESS member, it was foremost on everyone's minds.
"Hell, what a mess," he said, handing his coat to the butler and removing the colorful scarf, " I swear to thsi day I have no real idea what it was all about, or why anyone outside the FTO region had to stick their noses into it. To be honest, I think anything that diverts our attention from the real issues is just a commercial break."
"The real issues?" Paul asked as they went into the reception room for some snacks and wine. He noticed that Arik had Jia and Katerin with him-- Katerin was his specialist on the Slavic nations, while Jia was his specialist on the Issian nations. Her prescence meant that he was monitoring ongoing events in Issian nations, which probably meant... Japanistan. "Ahh, yes, of course," Paul suddenly said. Arik followed his eyes to see Miss Jia, who was on her cell phone and dictating some notes to Colonel Rassnar, who was writing her words down.
"To an extent," Arik said, "Japanistan his an immediate trouble for me in al-Akharabat, but in general I think they are only trouble when coupled up with Shepistan. Shepistan gives them the courage to act bodly, because the Sheppos will gladly volunteer to do the crazy things that endanger us all." The memory of the attack on the Old Dominion representative, in these very halls, was still fresh on everyone's mind-- and, of course, King Paul had the context of Shep's behavior in the previous world, which went unmentioned in mixed company today...
"You think Shepistan is going to try something?" Paul asked, "Up here in the Old Continent?"
"When is Shepistan not going to try something?" Arik asked with a wry laugh, "No, I don't think he has anything in mind, specifically, beyond the usual bullying. But it pays to be careful. My pojnt of view is that we should all proceed with the continental defense plans, see if the USSR and the CSR are in with us, and see if we're on agreement that Shepistan and Japanistan are likely adversaries-- and if it is destined to be so."
"You think there's a way we can talk Shepistan down from radicalism?" Paul asked.
"Shepland? No. I think they're goingto pursue the course of destruction they always pursue. We might be able to convince Ski-- Japanistan that they have more intersts with us rather than against us..."
King Arik meets with King Paul to discuss continental defenses, and likelihood of Japanistan and Shepistan to pick a fight.
King Arik Coyotus-I of Canissia enjoyed the royal welcome. It was cool in PeZookia this time of year, and he wore an overcoat and a scarf-- but not just any scarf, he was sure to wear the scarf of the winning PeZookian football club from last year's big win. The King rarely admitted it or indulged, but he always kind of liked the bright colors of the football scarves that teams sold, and he felt that the bright orange of the PeZookian Panthers offset his dark official suit quite well-- a splash of color to livel up official business.
Besides, it also covered the fact that he wore a plain, older tie. He hated ties, and would be taking his off the moment he had a chance to get inside the Palace after the big meeting at the airport.
"King Arik, welcome!" King Paul said. The two men shook hands with obvious warm fellowship, and the Canissian leader kissed the hand of the Queen in proper, old-world style.
"Thank you," he said, "It is always good to visit PeZookia."
"And we're glad to have you with us," King Paul said, "Pity that trouble with Frequesne, hmm?" he decided to jump right to the point-- ordinarily, such getting right to business was against normal protocol, but King Paul knew that Arik stood on protocol for the consumption of the media, and was pretty relaxed when off-camera...
...and besides, considering the recent tangle between the Slavic Confederacy and Tian Xia, a MESS member, it was foremost on everyone's minds.
"Hell, what a mess," he said, handing his coat to the butler and removing the colorful scarf, " I swear to thsi day I have no real idea what it was all about, or why anyone outside the FTO region had to stick their noses into it. To be honest, I think anything that diverts our attention from the real issues is just a commercial break."
"The real issues?" Paul asked as they went into the reception room for some snacks and wine. He noticed that Arik had Jia and Katerin with him-- Katerin was his specialist on the Slavic nations, while Jia was his specialist on the Issian nations. Her prescence meant that he was monitoring ongoing events in Issian nations, which probably meant... Japanistan. "Ahh, yes, of course," Paul suddenly said. Arik followed his eyes to see Miss Jia, who was on her cell phone and dictating some notes to Colonel Rassnar, who was writing her words down.
"To an extent," Arik said, "Japanistan his an immediate trouble for me in al-Akharabat, but in general I think they are only trouble when coupled up with Shepistan. Shepistan gives them the courage to act bodly, because the Sheppos will gladly volunteer to do the crazy things that endanger us all." The memory of the attack on the Old Dominion representative, in these very halls, was still fresh on everyone's mind-- and, of course, King Paul had the context of Shep's behavior in the previous world, which went unmentioned in mixed company today...
"You think Shepistan is going to try something?" Paul asked, "Up here in the Old Continent?"
"When is Shepistan not going to try something?" Arik asked with a wry laugh, "No, I don't think he has anything in mind, specifically, beyond the usual bullying. But it pays to be careful. My pojnt of view is that we should all proceed with the continental defense plans, see if the USSR and the CSR are in with us, and see if we're on agreement that Shepistan and Japanistan are likely adversaries-- and if it is destined to be so."
"You think there's a way we can talk Shepistan down from radicalism?" Paul asked.
"Shepland? No. I think they're goingto pursue the course of destruction they always pursue. We might be able to convince Ski-- Japanistan that they have more intersts with us rather than against us..."
King Arik meets with King Paul to discuss continental defenses, and likelihood of Japanistan and Shepistan to pick a fight.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
North Shepistan Aviation -- Shepistan
"So, what can we do to follow up on the JF-21ZhS flight?" asked Ed Heinemann, North Shepistan's Senior Designer.
"Well, our Japanistani friends at Mitsubombi are already planning an improved JF-21ZhS, with abalative coatings, and Rene in various locations to make it capable of a suborbital flight without needing to eject the pilot to ensure a safe recovery," began James Tylzak, North Shepistan's Associate Senior Designer.
"But we can do better, with a clean sheet," continued Tylzak. "I propose a manned, hypersonic orbital aerospaceplane."

"It'll look something like that. Cost will be high, due to the need for expensive high-temperature materials to survive orbital re-entry, but I'm confident, that with Japanistani help, we can do it."
Heinemann thought the proposal over for a few moments before he made his decision. "OK, let's do it."
NAS X-1 is on drawing boards, for an air-launched orbital vehicle.
"So, what can we do to follow up on the JF-21ZhS flight?" asked Ed Heinemann, North Shepistan's Senior Designer.
"Well, our Japanistani friends at Mitsubombi are already planning an improved JF-21ZhS, with abalative coatings, and Rene in various locations to make it capable of a suborbital flight without needing to eject the pilot to ensure a safe recovery," began James Tylzak, North Shepistan's Associate Senior Designer.
"But we can do better, with a clean sheet," continued Tylzak. "I propose a manned, hypersonic orbital aerospaceplane."

"It'll look something like that. Cost will be high, due to the need for expensive high-temperature materials to survive orbital re-entry, but I'm confident, that with Japanistani help, we can do it."
Heinemann thought the proposal over for a few moments before he made his decision. "OK, let's do it."
NAS X-1 is on drawing boards, for an air-launched orbital vehicle.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
Plots and Schemes in Astaria
Cabinet Meeting, Regent's Palace
"They're doing nothing," said Jason Thornwall, "So far all they have done is react, make impotent complaints, and then react again when the Japanistani's and the Shepistani's try something."
"They try to avoid being provocative. After all they claim to be here on a humanitarian mission," interrupted Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Akhtar.
"That is rubbish!" Jason Thornwall said, then he relaxed a little, "With all due respect Sir: the only thing the multinationals are good for right now, is an added buffer zone between us and Japanistan."
"Gentlemen, does any of you have a plan for how to deal with the matter?" the Regent interrupted.
"Yes Excellency," Sir Albert Throckmorton said, "My ministry has developed a plan for evacuating the colony, and..."
"Evacuation is out of the question," the Regent said, "South Velastria is a part of Astaria, we must retain it. Now think of options of how to do that!"
"Some things are already being done, the railway into our new buffer zone," Sir Albert said.
"More importantly military supplies and reinforcements are arriving, more by the hour," Jason Thornwall said.
"That's all well and good, but..." the Regent looked around the table, "We can't afford to lose any of our grip in the region, I want you all, all of you to secure our influence in southern Velaria. There's too many foreigners there already, particularly in Bissauru. I want our sphere of influence restored."
Astarian buffer zone, Velaria
The Verbiest Model L staff car rumbled across the buffer zone separating Astaria from the newly captured. The seats were soft, and the four wheel drive could make it across any terrain. Despite that colonel Al-Icanti found it rather uncomfortable. The road was still more like a well used path through the trees, even if there was a railroad next to it. Moreover every few miles they passed by makeshift graveyards filled with fresh graves.
Al-Icanti's travelling companion, an overheated colonial bureaucrat in a white suit, looked up at the sound, "I say, is something wrong?"
In reply Al-Icanti motioned out the window.
"I see, that, well..." the bureaucrat looked a little confused.
"Such a waste."
"Oh! Yes, yes indeed, but that's the government's money not yours."
"I do pay taxes."
"Ah, yes, quite, the taxpayers money at work, no wonder there's waste."
"But it's necessary."
"Oh yes, quite necessary."
Soon they hear the distant work songs, which rose above the sound of the car, and the clanging of metal. Tens of thousands of voice rose and sank in rhythm, as they laboured to expand the South Velarian railway expanded further into al-Akharabat. Towards el-Kalim. No free labourers could ever hatch their speed, easily an average of five miles a day. You couldn't drive free workers as you could slaves.
"There's two more such railways further east," the bureaucrat said.
"I hope they're working hard, we'll need the improved logistics."
"Oh they're working hard, much faster than any other nation could."
"I hear the slaves are working prisoners to death."
"No matter, you can't drive free labourers like you can slaves, and prisoners? Bah!" the subject made the bureaucrat seem much more confident, "The local terrain, the local diseases, will be completely alien to them. Beside these are trained railroad workers. No one can match our speed."
"Trained workers, such a waste."
"Yes, a pity, but we can afford it. We're training thousands more back in South Velaria."
"I hear you're up for a promotion."
"Good sources."
"It pays never to take such things for granted," Al-Icanti said, "The high command can be insulted."
"Quite so."
North-eastern South Velaria
Captain Umar al-Nasir felt annoyed. After he got out of the jungle he'd joined the Askaris, no small accomplishment that. Then after earning his citizenship he'd become an officer. Every day he'd prayed that he wouldn't go back to the jungle, but Manat was a capricious goddess and so here he was. The jungle in front of them was so bad that neither Bissauru nor South Velaria had seen fit to claim them. Now they had to go into them.
"Move out men!" he yelled, and proceeded to follow the scouts.
After a few yards of dense thickets they entered the jungle proper. Here tall trees reached high up, and the high forest canopy covered the sun and strangled most of the undergrowth. It was dark, like walking around on a cloudy day. Strange bird calls filled the air. The hot humid air made them sweat, until deposits of salt gathered behind their ears.
They kept going for mile after mile, carefully moving forward least some tribal warrior with a bolt action rifle or an AK-47 got the drop on them. Not that they were particularly worried, a full company of askaris was not something any natives were likely to tangle with.
Captain Umar al-Nasir knew that there were at least dozens of other companies making their way across this wilderness. Some of them on foot, others would be carried in by helicopter. Right now he deeply envied them, but the High Command had asked for some companies on foot to get the lay of the land. After all they needed maps of the newly claimed territory between Bissauru and South Velaria.
Astarian Cast of Characters
The Regent - Walter Northmeer (my IC persona)
Minister of Colonial Affairs - Sir Albert Throckmorton
Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs - Harold Smithers, Sir Albert's tall and rather grey looking
The Minister of War - General Jason Thornwall
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Joseph Akhtar
Minister of the Interior
Minister of State Security
Minister of Finance
Colonel Abd-al-khidr al-Icanti
Captain Umar al-Nasir
"They're doing nothing," said Jason Thornwall, "So far all they have done is react, make impotent complaints, and then react again when the Japanistani's and the Shepistani's try something."
"They try to avoid being provocative. After all they claim to be here on a humanitarian mission," interrupted Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Akhtar.
"That is rubbish!" Jason Thornwall said, then he relaxed a little, "With all due respect Sir: the only thing the multinationals are good for right now, is an added buffer zone between us and Japanistan."
"Gentlemen, does any of you have a plan for how to deal with the matter?" the Regent interrupted.
"Yes Excellency," Sir Albert Throckmorton said, "My ministry has developed a plan for evacuating the colony, and..."
"Evacuation is out of the question," the Regent said, "South Velastria is a part of Astaria, we must retain it. Now think of options of how to do that!"
"Some things are already being done, the railway into our new buffer zone," Sir Albert said.
"More importantly military supplies and reinforcements are arriving, more by the hour," Jason Thornwall said.
"That's all well and good, but..." the Regent looked around the table, "We can't afford to lose any of our grip in the region, I want you all, all of you to secure our influence in southern Velaria. There's too many foreigners there already, particularly in Bissauru. I want our sphere of influence restored."
Astarian buffer zone, Velaria
The Verbiest Model L staff car rumbled across the buffer zone separating Astaria from the newly captured. The seats were soft, and the four wheel drive could make it across any terrain. Despite that colonel Al-Icanti found it rather uncomfortable. The road was still more like a well used path through the trees, even if there was a railroad next to it. Moreover every few miles they passed by makeshift graveyards filled with fresh graves.
Al-Icanti's travelling companion, an overheated colonial bureaucrat in a white suit, looked up at the sound, "I say, is something wrong?"
In reply Al-Icanti motioned out the window.
"I see, that, well..." the bureaucrat looked a little confused.
"Such a waste."
"Oh! Yes, yes indeed, but that's the government's money not yours."
"I do pay taxes."
"Ah, yes, quite, the taxpayers money at work, no wonder there's waste."
"But it's necessary."
"Oh yes, quite necessary."
Soon they hear the distant work songs, which rose above the sound of the car, and the clanging of metal. Tens of thousands of voice rose and sank in rhythm, as they laboured to expand the South Velarian railway expanded further into al-Akharabat. Towards el-Kalim. No free labourers could ever hatch their speed, easily an average of five miles a day. You couldn't drive free workers as you could slaves.
"There's two more such railways further east," the bureaucrat said.
"I hope they're working hard, we'll need the improved logistics."
"Oh they're working hard, much faster than any other nation could."
"I hear the slaves are working prisoners to death."
"No matter, you can't drive free labourers like you can slaves, and prisoners? Bah!" the subject made the bureaucrat seem much more confident, "The local terrain, the local diseases, will be completely alien to them. Beside these are trained railroad workers. No one can match our speed."
"Trained workers, such a waste."
"Yes, a pity, but we can afford it. We're training thousands more back in South Velaria."
"I hear you're up for a promotion."
"Good sources."
"It pays never to take such things for granted," Al-Icanti said, "The high command can be insulted."
"Quite so."
North-eastern South Velaria
Captain Umar al-Nasir felt annoyed. After he got out of the jungle he'd joined the Askaris, no small accomplishment that. Then after earning his citizenship he'd become an officer. Every day he'd prayed that he wouldn't go back to the jungle, but Manat was a capricious goddess and so here he was. The jungle in front of them was so bad that neither Bissauru nor South Velaria had seen fit to claim them. Now they had to go into them.
"Move out men!" he yelled, and proceeded to follow the scouts.
After a few yards of dense thickets they entered the jungle proper. Here tall trees reached high up, and the high forest canopy covered the sun and strangled most of the undergrowth. It was dark, like walking around on a cloudy day. Strange bird calls filled the air. The hot humid air made them sweat, until deposits of salt gathered behind their ears.
They kept going for mile after mile, carefully moving forward least some tribal warrior with a bolt action rifle or an AK-47 got the drop on them. Not that they were particularly worried, a full company of askaris was not something any natives were likely to tangle with.
Captain Umar al-Nasir knew that there were at least dozens of other companies making their way across this wilderness. Some of them on foot, others would be carried in by helicopter. Right now he deeply envied them, but the High Command had asked for some companies on foot to get the lay of the land. After all they needed maps of the newly claimed territory between Bissauru and South Velaria.
Astarian Cast of Characters
The Regent - Walter Northmeer (my IC persona)
Minister of Colonial Affairs - Sir Albert Throckmorton
Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs - Harold Smithers, Sir Albert's tall and rather grey looking
The Minister of War - General Jason Thornwall
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Joseph Akhtar
Minister of the Interior
Minister of State Security
Minister of Finance
Colonel Abd-al-khidr al-Icanti
Captain Umar al-Nasir
Norseman's Fics the SD archive of my fics.
- DarthShady
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- Contact:
Location: Temple Prime, Sarajevo, USSR
Kane entered the room and found the president sitting at his desk and fiddling with his laptop. "Always working, Mr.President...", Kane said with a grin. "Unfortunately, yes.", Shady said and they both laughed. "I come with good news.", Kane said, "LEGIONS progress is remarkable." Shady closed the lid of his laptop and smiled, "That is good news indeed, has the issue of sector one been resolved."
"No Sir, but we are making progress. As you know Sector one has had problems since the beginning.", Kane said, "But I assure you, everything will be ready in time." Shady got up and poured two glasses of Vodka, sliding one of the glasses to Kane, "And what of the other sectors?"
"Sectors two and three are ahead of schedule and are progressing quite nicely, and sector four is on schedule.", Kane said and took a sip of his drink, "We estimate that LEGION will be ready to go with in a year, provided that sector one doesn't cause too much trouble."
"I doubt it.", Shady said, "Still we must proceed with caution and secrecy. There is too much at stake here."
"Of course my friend.", Kane said, "LEGION will be a success, you have my personal guarantee."
"Excellent.", Shady said with a smile, "Your guarantee is all I needed."
Both men laughed.
Kane entered the room and found the president sitting at his desk and fiddling with his laptop. "Always working, Mr.President...", Kane said with a grin. "Unfortunately, yes.", Shady said and they both laughed. "I come with good news.", Kane said, "LEGIONS progress is remarkable." Shady closed the lid of his laptop and smiled, "That is good news indeed, has the issue of sector one been resolved."
"No Sir, but we are making progress. As you know Sector one has had problems since the beginning.", Kane said, "But I assure you, everything will be ready in time." Shady got up and poured two glasses of Vodka, sliding one of the glasses to Kane, "And what of the other sectors?"
"Sectors two and three are ahead of schedule and are progressing quite nicely, and sector four is on schedule.", Kane said and took a sip of his drink, "We estimate that LEGION will be ready to go with in a year, provided that sector one doesn't cause too much trouble."
"I doubt it.", Shady said, "Still we must proceed with caution and secrecy. There is too much at stake here."
"Of course my friend.", Kane said, "LEGION will be a success, you have my personal guarantee."
"Excellent.", Shady said with a smile, "Your guarantee is all I needed."
Both men laughed.
- Coyote
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 12464
- Joined: 2002-08-23 01:20am
- Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!
- Contact:
Northern Tribal Areas
Zunpuntra Territory
"What the fuck are those guys?" Buccaneer One asked over the radio. Down below, he could see the bands of tribal warriors moving about on the ground below.
"Let's go take a look," Buccaneer Two said lazily. It was, so far, an easy paycheck-- come to the sun-drenched land of al-Akharabat, and do regular CAPs... easy money, the pilot had decided, easy stick time.
"Looks like we got groundpounders of some sort," Buccaneer One said, "Light infantry, in the open... locals, looks like. Are these Katangwan Militia?" On his leg, Buccaneer Two glanced at their location and did a quick terrain reckoning.
"Negative," he said, "This is outside Katangwan territory. Let's take a closer loook," he said.

The YB-10As swooped down to get eyeballs on the warriors, who had been walking hunched over as if that would protect them from aerial observation. Most of the guys on the ground didn't even have uniforms, or wore an array of mis-matched uniforms. The rifles they carried, however, looked black and new.
"Can you tell what those rifles are?" Buccaneer One asked.
"Oh, hell, no," Buccaneer Two replied, "I dunno who these guys are, but they're not ours, and not Katangwans."
"I'm calling the aerie; see if we got any friendlies in the area. Hey, could they be Jappos or Sheppos?"
"We got no report of Jappo or Sheppo activity in the area," Two said, "This is close to Camp Dog, and what is still technically unclaimed zone."
"Japanistan doesn't have anything down here?" One asked.
"They claim it on the map," Two said, "But then, they claim everything on the map. Anything from base?"
"No friendlies in the area," Buccaneer One said. "Let's make another pass."
The two planes swooped low, getting another close look at the small bands of warriors moving towards the northestern border of Camp Dog.
"Fuckin' amateurs, whoever they are," Two said.
"Cotton balls," Buccaneer One suddenly said. "I got smoke puffs. They're taking potshots at us," One said. "What a bunch of assholes."
"I'm asking for permission to return fire," Two said."
"Orders are, 'fire if fired upon,'" Buccaneer One said.
"That was in case the Jappos or Sheppos started something," Two said, after making the request, "Or the Caravos. These are some new guys on the scene; the brass top dogs may not want us... well, I just got authorization to light 'em up," Two said.
"On it."
A pause.
"Authenticated," Buccaneer Two said, and dove for the band of tribal militia that had fired at them.

"Fucking amateurs,." Buccaneer Two said. Buccaneer One was more succinct.

"Hoo-yeah," One said as a cloud of flame, smoke and dust pancaked out from the impact area where'd loosed a rocket.
On the ground, the unidentified tribals could be seen breaking and running-- the brief pass by the two Royal Air Force planes had actually only killed one man, although most of them were wounded in some manner-- mostly light wounds, allowing them to walk or limp away, but the most important result was that their fighting wind was completely blown out of their sails. The Zunpuntras broke and ran, terrified of the rain of destruction that had been promised them if they didn't back off.
"Look at 'em run," Buccaneer One said, "Fucking assholes, opening up on us. What were they thinking?"
"Well, I know what they're thinking now," Two said, "Ohhh, shit!"
"Either way, let's log it and head back to the barn. Top dogs will want to know what happened."
Bathoshe River Tribal Area
The Katangwan Militia's small force of ASU-57s closed in on the area around the Batoshe River village, moving in careful bounding movements, as Colonel S'vimbi, and then the Canissians, had taught them. Trucks brought up troops behind them, itching for a chance to avenge the Batoshe River settlement.

Eventually, they reached the isolated village-- it was as the village runner had told them; the bodies of the Katangwans were laid out to dry in the sun as the Caravos had left them, to die like pigs.
"Round up the weapons," the Katangwan lieutenant said as he gazed in disgust at the signs of Caravo perfidy. Abandoned AK-47s and bolt-action rifles, and no few machetes, lay on the ground. Also, the Caravos had left one of their trucks behind, a battered old Toyotal HiLux with a bullet hole in the radiator.
"Let's go," the lieutenant said when it became obvious that the Caravos were long gone. He had at his command four of the Militia's ASU-57 assault guns, and four truckloads of troops. He would locate the nearest Caravo village and make sure they learned to respect the territory of the Katangwan people...
Camp Dog HQ
"They did what?" General Viers asked.
"They took off for the nearest Caravo village," the training officer, Captain Rafi Oren, said. "I would have told you earlier, but I just got the radio call now. They had to send a runner back to let the HQ know at Camp Talisman."
"Damn it, let's get a helo over there and try to head those guys off before they pick a fight with the Japanistanis by mistake. They can probably roll up a small Caravo village, but the Japanistanis will eat their lunch."
"I'll get 'em, sir," Captain Oren said, "They're my guys."
"Alright," Viers said, "Get 'em back in Katangwan territory and try to put a lid on this. Damn... I'm going to need to stake out a clear border... pull the roadbed teams off their detail and get dozers to the border with Caravoland... we need to start setting up a berm down there, too. Damn," he said, shaking his head, "I shoulda seen this coming."
RAF issues unavoidable warning to Zunpuntra would-be attackers.
Canissians try to reign in Katangwan Militia.
Canissian Engineers begin building a berm on the Katangwan side of the newly-established border.
Zunpuntra Territory
"What the fuck are those guys?" Buccaneer One asked over the radio. Down below, he could see the bands of tribal warriors moving about on the ground below.
"Let's go take a look," Buccaneer Two said lazily. It was, so far, an easy paycheck-- come to the sun-drenched land of al-Akharabat, and do regular CAPs... easy money, the pilot had decided, easy stick time.
"Looks like we got groundpounders of some sort," Buccaneer One said, "Light infantry, in the open... locals, looks like. Are these Katangwan Militia?" On his leg, Buccaneer Two glanced at their location and did a quick terrain reckoning.
"Negative," he said, "This is outside Katangwan territory. Let's take a closer loook," he said.

The YB-10As swooped down to get eyeballs on the warriors, who had been walking hunched over as if that would protect them from aerial observation. Most of the guys on the ground didn't even have uniforms, or wore an array of mis-matched uniforms. The rifles they carried, however, looked black and new.
"Can you tell what those rifles are?" Buccaneer One asked.
"Oh, hell, no," Buccaneer Two replied, "I dunno who these guys are, but they're not ours, and not Katangwans."
"I'm calling the aerie; see if we got any friendlies in the area. Hey, could they be Jappos or Sheppos?"
"We got no report of Jappo or Sheppo activity in the area," Two said, "This is close to Camp Dog, and what is still technically unclaimed zone."
"Japanistan doesn't have anything down here?" One asked.
"They claim it on the map," Two said, "But then, they claim everything on the map. Anything from base?"
"No friendlies in the area," Buccaneer One said. "Let's make another pass."
The two planes swooped low, getting another close look at the small bands of warriors moving towards the northestern border of Camp Dog.
"Fuckin' amateurs, whoever they are," Two said.
"Cotton balls," Buccaneer One suddenly said. "I got smoke puffs. They're taking potshots at us," One said. "What a bunch of assholes."
"I'm asking for permission to return fire," Two said."
"Orders are, 'fire if fired upon,'" Buccaneer One said.
"That was in case the Jappos or Sheppos started something," Two said, after making the request, "Or the Caravos. These are some new guys on the scene; the brass top dogs may not want us... well, I just got authorization to light 'em up," Two said.
"On it."
A pause.
"Authenticated," Buccaneer Two said, and dove for the band of tribal militia that had fired at them.

"Fucking amateurs,." Buccaneer Two said. Buccaneer One was more succinct.

"Hoo-yeah," One said as a cloud of flame, smoke and dust pancaked out from the impact area where'd loosed a rocket.
On the ground, the unidentified tribals could be seen breaking and running-- the brief pass by the two Royal Air Force planes had actually only killed one man, although most of them were wounded in some manner-- mostly light wounds, allowing them to walk or limp away, but the most important result was that their fighting wind was completely blown out of their sails. The Zunpuntras broke and ran, terrified of the rain of destruction that had been promised them if they didn't back off.
"Look at 'em run," Buccaneer One said, "Fucking assholes, opening up on us. What were they thinking?"
"Well, I know what they're thinking now," Two said, "Ohhh, shit!"
"Either way, let's log it and head back to the barn. Top dogs will want to know what happened."
Bathoshe River Tribal Area
The Katangwan Militia's small force of ASU-57s closed in on the area around the Batoshe River village, moving in careful bounding movements, as Colonel S'vimbi, and then the Canissians, had taught them. Trucks brought up troops behind them, itching for a chance to avenge the Batoshe River settlement.

Eventually, they reached the isolated village-- it was as the village runner had told them; the bodies of the Katangwans were laid out to dry in the sun as the Caravos had left them, to die like pigs.
"Round up the weapons," the Katangwan lieutenant said as he gazed in disgust at the signs of Caravo perfidy. Abandoned AK-47s and bolt-action rifles, and no few machetes, lay on the ground. Also, the Caravos had left one of their trucks behind, a battered old Toyotal HiLux with a bullet hole in the radiator.
"Let's go," the lieutenant said when it became obvious that the Caravos were long gone. He had at his command four of the Militia's ASU-57 assault guns, and four truckloads of troops. He would locate the nearest Caravo village and make sure they learned to respect the territory of the Katangwan people...
Camp Dog HQ
"They did what?" General Viers asked.
"They took off for the nearest Caravo village," the training officer, Captain Rafi Oren, said. "I would have told you earlier, but I just got the radio call now. They had to send a runner back to let the HQ know at Camp Talisman."
"Damn it, let's get a helo over there and try to head those guys off before they pick a fight with the Japanistanis by mistake. They can probably roll up a small Caravo village, but the Japanistanis will eat their lunch."
"I'll get 'em, sir," Captain Oren said, "They're my guys."
"Alright," Viers said, "Get 'em back in Katangwan territory and try to put a lid on this. Damn... I'm going to need to stake out a clear border... pull the roadbed teams off their detail and get dozers to the border with Caravoland... we need to start setting up a berm down there, too. Damn," he said, shaking his head, "I shoulda seen this coming."
RAF issues unavoidable warning to Zunpuntra would-be attackers.
Canissians try to reign in Katangwan Militia.
Canissian Engineers begin building a berm on the Katangwan side of the newly-established border.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
- Master_Baerne
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1984
- Joined: 2006-11-09 08:54am
- Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
TO: All PRSF Forces
It is with great pleasure that we open our ports and airfields to those brave antimperialists who have been forced to flee their homes by the cowardly and corrupt government installed by the CSR.
OOC: Your Grace, would you care to decide who gets what? Also, what exactly did the PRSF have? :OOC
Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
TO: All PRSF Forces
It is with great pleasure that we open our ports and airfields to those brave antimperialists who have been forced to flee their homes by the cowardly and corrupt government installed by the CSR.
OOC: Your Grace, would you care to decide who gets what? Also, what exactly did the PRSF have? :OOC
Conversion Table:
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
Morehead City
After a through rebuild, the 6 PT-76s and 9 BMP-1s were in the best conditions they'd been in years. The 19th Training Battalion proceeded to test their river crossing abilities in Onslow Bay, to great success. They then embarked upon the Centurion, wnet out about 5miles, then performed a successful landing.
They re-embarked upon the Centurion, which left Morehead City to join the ODN vessels taking part in WINTEX.
After a through rebuild, the 6 PT-76s and 9 BMP-1s were in the best conditions they'd been in years. The 19th Training Battalion proceeded to test their river crossing abilities in Onslow Bay, to great success. They then embarked upon the Centurion, wnet out about 5miles, then performed a successful landing.
They re-embarked upon the Centurion, which left Morehead City to join the ODN vessels taking part in WINTEX.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
++++ATTN: Right Honorable Shep++++
The Old Dominion, of recent years, has failed to enforce the 1946 ceasefire agreement with Shepistan. Effective immediately, we shall insist upon Shepistan honoring the agreement. To writ:
(1)In Violation of the 1946 agreement excluding all Shepistani military personnel from the Eastern Shore(known to other nations as the Impact Crater Archipelago) we formally request your military personnel(to include "advisers" depart) San Fuego, West Fuckland Island, and other islands in the "Western" chain.
(2)In Violation of the 1946 excluding Shepistan from exerting political and economic influence on said islands, we insist that you end the "Affiliated Nation" status with San Fuego.
(3)Finally, we must insist that Mr. Al-Tikriti, a.k.a. "Mr. Walid", be extradited to the Old Dominion immediately. In the interests of international cooperation, we are willing to re-try and not use the verdict given in the previous trial.
If Shepistan fails to comply, we will be forced to take the following actions(including, but not limited to):
(1)Closure of the Chesapeake to all Shepistani Merchant Traffic.
(2)Forcible ejection of Shepistani troops from the Eastern Shore.
Thank you and Gawd Bless,
The Lord Fairfax
The Old Dominion, of recent years, has failed to enforce the 1946 ceasefire agreement with Shepistan. Effective immediately, we shall insist upon Shepistan honoring the agreement. To writ:
(1)In Violation of the 1946 agreement excluding all Shepistani military personnel from the Eastern Shore(known to other nations as the Impact Crater Archipelago) we formally request your military personnel(to include "advisers" depart) San Fuego, West Fuckland Island, and other islands in the "Western" chain.
(2)In Violation of the 1946 excluding Shepistan from exerting political and economic influence on said islands, we insist that you end the "Affiliated Nation" status with San Fuego.
(3)Finally, we must insist that Mr. Al-Tikriti, a.k.a. "Mr. Walid", be extradited to the Old Dominion immediately. In the interests of international cooperation, we are willing to re-try and not use the verdict given in the previous trial.
If Shepistan fails to comply, we will be forced to take the following actions(including, but not limited to):
(1)Closure of the Chesapeake to all Shepistani Merchant Traffic.
(2)Forcible ejection of Shepistani troops from the Eastern Shore.
Thank you and Gawd Bless,
The Lord Fairfax
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Operation Stabilizer Begins
Indhopal officially kicked off Operation Stabilizer, whose goal was to bring order to the CFR. The Second and Third Divisions poured into the CFR from positions near the border town of Cartiel. At first there was no fighting; Indhopal's old militia allies controlled the border region these days.

Troops from the Second Division advancing into the CFR
Taking back the diamond mines controlled by the Iron Tigers and other groups was not expected to be easy however. Negotiators were trying to woo the Revolutionary front groups into the fold, but if that failed the Special Reconnaissance Group already had men on the ground scouting out the rebel positions in case an assault was necessary.

An SRG recon team
Indhopal officially kicked off Operation Stabilizer, whose goal was to bring order to the CFR. The Second and Third Divisions poured into the CFR from positions near the border town of Cartiel. At first there was no fighting; Indhopal's old militia allies controlled the border region these days.

Troops from the Second Division advancing into the CFR
Taking back the diamond mines controlled by the Iron Tigers and other groups was not expected to be easy however. Negotiators were trying to woo the Revolutionary front groups into the fold, but if that failed the Special Reconnaissance Group already had men on the ground scouting out the rebel positions in case an assault was necessary.

An SRG recon team
- Master_Baerne
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1984
- Joined: 2006-11-09 08:54am
- Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Baernish Ministry of War
Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Truman, Minister for War
The First Armored Division of the Baernish Ducal Army has been dispatched to aid in Operation Stabilizer.
Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Truman, Minister for War
The First Armored Division of the Baernish Ducal Army has been dispatched to aid in Operation Stabilizer.
Conversion Table:
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
++++ATTN: Right Honorable Lord Fairfax++++
(1)In Violation of the 1946 agreement excluding all Shepistani military personnel from the Eastern Shore(known to other nations as the Impact Crater Archipelago) we formally request your military personnel(to include "advisers" depart) San Fuego, West Fuckland Island, and other islands in the "Western" chain.
Unacceptable to Shepistan. These personnel man sites deemed vital to Shepistani security, in particular, our BIG EYE chain of long range 2D air search radars. This is nothing but a blatant Old Dominion attempt to cripple Shepistan's air defense system in preparation for a sneak attack.
(2)In Violation of the 1946 excluding Shepistan from exerting political and economic influence on said islands, we insist that you end the "Affiliated Nation" status with San Fuego.
The so-called "affiliated nation" status was voted overwhelmingly by the Senate of San Fuego by a vote of 24-1 several years ago. This is nothing but a blatant MESS attempt to interfere in the affairs of other states.
(3)Finally, we must insist that Mr. Al-Tikriti, a.k.a. "Mr. Walid", be extradited to the Old Dominion immediately.
As explained before, Shepistani law forbids extradition of Shepistani citizens. We would certainly be willing to try him on charges in Shepistani courts, if your prosecutors would be willing to share their evidence with us.
(1)In Violation of the 1946 agreement excluding all Shepistani military personnel from the Eastern Shore(known to other nations as the Impact Crater Archipelago) we formally request your military personnel(to include "advisers" depart) San Fuego, West Fuckland Island, and other islands in the "Western" chain.
Unacceptable to Shepistan. These personnel man sites deemed vital to Shepistani security, in particular, our BIG EYE chain of long range 2D air search radars. This is nothing but a blatant Old Dominion attempt to cripple Shepistan's air defense system in preparation for a sneak attack.
(2)In Violation of the 1946 excluding Shepistan from exerting political and economic influence on said islands, we insist that you end the "Affiliated Nation" status with San Fuego.
The so-called "affiliated nation" status was voted overwhelmingly by the Senate of San Fuego by a vote of 24-1 several years ago. This is nothing but a blatant MESS attempt to interfere in the affairs of other states.
(3)Finally, we must insist that Mr. Al-Tikriti, a.k.a. "Mr. Walid", be extradited to the Old Dominion immediately.
As explained before, Shepistani law forbids extradition of Shepistani citizens. We would certainly be willing to try him on charges in Shepistani courts, if your prosecutors would be willing to share their evidence with us.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
National Defense Order 76-08
(1)Shepistan has elected to continue to occupy the Eastern Shore Island chain in violation of the 1946 Ceasefire agreement, which ended WW2.
(2)Shepistan has elected to continue use "Affiliated Nation" status, citing a Senate vote made after the San Fuegan Constitution was suspended
(3)Shepistan has elected to keep the indicted murderer of the Foreign Minister free from justice.
(4)Therefore, with the power invested in me as the Lord Fairfax of the Old Dominion, I am hereby ordering the Chesapeake Bay closed to all Shepistan-bound traffic. ODN and Coast Guard units are permitted to shoot to sink if merchant vessels refuse to be boarded/make a run for the ports of Annapolis and Baltimore.
Alert, UDCG Corvette
"Container ship Waldorf Princess, you are ordered to cease all movement and prepare for boarding!" The UDCG skipper said. A Shepistani voice came back over bridge-to-bridge.
"Fuck you warship 52!"
"Sir, it's accelerating to...7kts." The OOD said. The CO sighed.
"Fine, blow it up the fuck up."
The 57mm fired once, smashing into the bow of the container ship, the Waldorf Princess started to slow and list.
"Fine fine, we surrender!"
Results: The Chesapeake Bay(meaning the ports of Baltimore and Annapolis) are closed to Shepistan bound traffic.
(1)Shepistan has elected to continue to occupy the Eastern Shore Island chain in violation of the 1946 Ceasefire agreement, which ended WW2.
(2)Shepistan has elected to continue use "Affiliated Nation" status, citing a Senate vote made after the San Fuegan Constitution was suspended
(3)Shepistan has elected to keep the indicted murderer of the Foreign Minister free from justice.
(4)Therefore, with the power invested in me as the Lord Fairfax of the Old Dominion, I am hereby ordering the Chesapeake Bay closed to all Shepistan-bound traffic. ODN and Coast Guard units are permitted to shoot to sink if merchant vessels refuse to be boarded/make a run for the ports of Annapolis and Baltimore.
Alert, UDCG Corvette
"Container ship Waldorf Princess, you are ordered to cease all movement and prepare for boarding!" The UDCG skipper said. A Shepistani voice came back over bridge-to-bridge.
"Fuck you warship 52!"
"Sir, it's accelerating to...7kts." The OOD said. The CO sighed.
"Fine, blow it up the fuck up."
The 57mm fired once, smashing into the bow of the container ship, the Waldorf Princess started to slow and list.
"Fine fine, we surrender!"
Results: The Chesapeake Bay(meaning the ports of Baltimore and Annapolis) are closed to Shepistan bound traffic.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Over the Ocean Near Indhopal
Now whenever Japanistani or other aircraft approached Indhopal, they were met by interceptors which closely shadowed them until they left the area. Indhopal also started to fly its own signals collection flights, occasionally even sending planes to the edge of Japanistani territory. Such flights were infrequent as they strained Indhopal's resources.
Mr. Krueger, of the ISIA, was quite happy. He nearly had in his possession the plans for the FUN's "buzzkill" missile, along with several other FUN designs. The Buzzkill was the crown jewel of the Indhopal's industrial espionage efforts. It had been fairly easy to get a source for the operation. Making a project an alliance wide affair also made that project easier to infiltrate.
Mr. Krueger then arrived at the dead drop location in a small park in the Fungal Kingdom. The Buzzkill and other weapon plans were inside a trash bag that had been placed under a bridge. After retrieving the trash bag, Krueger went back to his car and drove back to Indhopal's consulate after checking for tails several times.
Now whenever Japanistani or other aircraft approached Indhopal, they were met by interceptors which closely shadowed them until they left the area. Indhopal also started to fly its own signals collection flights, occasionally even sending planes to the edge of Japanistani territory. Such flights were infrequent as they strained Indhopal's resources.
Mr. Krueger, of the ISIA, was quite happy. He nearly had in his possession the plans for the FUN's "buzzkill" missile, along with several other FUN designs. The Buzzkill was the crown jewel of the Indhopal's industrial espionage efforts. It had been fairly easy to get a source for the operation. Making a project an alliance wide affair also made that project easier to infiltrate.
Mr. Krueger then arrived at the dead drop location in a small park in the Fungal Kingdom. The Buzzkill and other weapon plans were inside a trash bag that had been placed under a bridge. After retrieving the trash bag, Krueger went back to his car and drove back to Indhopal's consulate after checking for tails several times.
Diplomatic Communication from the Shinra Republic to the Kingdom of the Vineyards
We are informing you that we will temporarily be suspending operations from Fleet Activities - Syl due to the rising tensions between the Old Dominion and Shepistan.
While we value and appreciate the cooperation and hospitality shown by your government and people, we do not wish to potentially endanger your populace with the presence of our military forces, should hostilities erupt. As both of our governments are well aware, the Shepistanis are roundly known for their lack of restraint and contempt of the world around them that does not bow to their slightest demands. As such we feel it would be prudent at this time to redeploy our assets in a location that does not present the Shepistanis or their lapdogs to target your fine country.
Once the current climate of tension has passed we would of course like to return and resume the long-standing history of cooperation between our two nations.
Yours in peace and friendship,
Warren Wright
Shinra Republic Secretary of State
We are informing you that we will temporarily be suspending operations from Fleet Activities - Syl due to the rising tensions between the Old Dominion and Shepistan.
While we value and appreciate the cooperation and hospitality shown by your government and people, we do not wish to potentially endanger your populace with the presence of our military forces, should hostilities erupt. As both of our governments are well aware, the Shepistanis are roundly known for their lack of restraint and contempt of the world around them that does not bow to their slightest demands. As such we feel it would be prudent at this time to redeploy our assets in a location that does not present the Shepistanis or their lapdogs to target your fine country.
Once the current climate of tension has passed we would of course like to return and resume the long-standing history of cooperation between our two nations.
Yours in peace and friendship,
Warren Wright
Shinra Republic Secretary of State

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
- Sea Skimmer
- Yankee Capitalist Air Pirate
- Posts: 37390
- Joined: 2002-07-03 11:49pm
- Location: Passchendaele City, HAB
Official Protest and Declaration from the Government of Imperial Japanistani to the Government of Canissian
Japanistani issues a most serious protest against the illegal and unprovoked actions Canissian attack aircraft over sovereign Japanese colonial territory on Velaria. Two such attack aircraft were tracked by radar intruding from al-Akharabat more then 5 kilometers into Japanese territory before bombing positions of the Zunpuntra Volunteer Defence Force. While Japanistani air defence forces held fire in the belief that this attack may have been a navigational error, in the future such intrusions will be dealt with harshly. Japanistan demands assurances that no such future errors will be made. The radar tapes will be made available to Canissian government officials should they wish to press charges against the pilots, though for the time being Japanistan makes no such demand itself.
In addition, Japanistan has observed the unilateral Canissian construction of a reprehensible apartheid barrier in Velaria before any formal agreement on the status of al-Akharabat has been reached. The path of the barrier already divides Zunpuntra lands which straddle north and south al-Akharabat as well as Japanistans colonial territory, and can only be considered a grave breach of the spirit of international peacekeeping which has made Canissian commitment to a negotiated solution highly doubtful.
In view of these provocations, lack of faith and the unilateral division of al-Akharabat, Japanistan has no choice but to now formally accepted a Zunpuntra petition to consider all tribal members to be part of the Co Prosperty Sphere and thus Japanese colonial subjects under the direct protection of the Emperor. The marginalization, oppression and breakup of the Zunpuntra tribes will no longer be tolerated. Construction of the Al-Sukin- Kivangali railway is hereby suspended, and resources will be directed to building a new line from Al-Sukin into the new Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region. All foreign peacekeepers are hereby excluded from this Region which will be patrolled exclusively by Japanistani and Zunpuntra Volunteer Defence Force soldiers. Regular Japanistani forces will remain on patrol throughout al-Akharabat until a settlement is reached, and any and all apartheid barriers will be dismantled upon discovery.
To avoid further violations the territory of Japanistani Velaria colonial holdings and the territory of the Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region of the Emperors Co Prosperty Sphere have been marked on the following map in red and yellow.
[img= ...]
Japanistani issues a most serious protest against the illegal and unprovoked actions Canissian attack aircraft over sovereign Japanese colonial territory on Velaria. Two such attack aircraft were tracked by radar intruding from al-Akharabat more then 5 kilometers into Japanese territory before bombing positions of the Zunpuntra Volunteer Defence Force. While Japanistani air defence forces held fire in the belief that this attack may have been a navigational error, in the future such intrusions will be dealt with harshly. Japanistan demands assurances that no such future errors will be made. The radar tapes will be made available to Canissian government officials should they wish to press charges against the pilots, though for the time being Japanistan makes no such demand itself.
In addition, Japanistan has observed the unilateral Canissian construction of a reprehensible apartheid barrier in Velaria before any formal agreement on the status of al-Akharabat has been reached. The path of the barrier already divides Zunpuntra lands which straddle north and south al-Akharabat as well as Japanistans colonial territory, and can only be considered a grave breach of the spirit of international peacekeeping which has made Canissian commitment to a negotiated solution highly doubtful.
In view of these provocations, lack of faith and the unilateral division of al-Akharabat, Japanistan has no choice but to now formally accepted a Zunpuntra petition to consider all tribal members to be part of the Co Prosperty Sphere and thus Japanese colonial subjects under the direct protection of the Emperor. The marginalization, oppression and breakup of the Zunpuntra tribes will no longer be tolerated. Construction of the Al-Sukin- Kivangali railway is hereby suspended, and resources will be directed to building a new line from Al-Sukin into the new Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region. All foreign peacekeepers are hereby excluded from this Region which will be patrolled exclusively by Japanistani and Zunpuntra Volunteer Defence Force soldiers. Regular Japanistani forces will remain on patrol throughout al-Akharabat until a settlement is reached, and any and all apartheid barriers will be dismantled upon discovery.
To avoid further violations the territory of Japanistani Velaria colonial holdings and the territory of the Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region of the Emperors Co Prosperty Sphere have been marked on the following map in red and yellow.
[img= ...]
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2008-09-03 08:14pm, edited 1 time in total.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
Adams Capitol District
"Are you sure about this?" SecState Parnell followed President Garrett as he prepared to make the public address. "I mean, the Administration's not quite settled into the international community yet..."
You don't know the half of that, the President thought, trying not to smile. "I know, but if any nation with some standing economic links to Frequesue is going to do this, Cascadia is in a good position to do so. And we have the advantage that we can honestly say we've never had more than economic dealings with that continent before."
The President arrived at the podium. There were a number of reporters there, summoned by the announcement that President Garrett was going to make a foreign policy speech.
He did so, and after remarking on the situation in Veleria and touching on the recent Old Dominion invocation of the 1946 Ceasefire with Shepistan, he came to the crux of his intent. "The Republic of Cascadia invites all nations of the Frequesue Treaty Organization and of the world's other great alliances to attend a summit meeting within Cascadian territory to negotiate a standing agreement... that will permit the Frequesian continent to be declared neutral in the affairs of the world's great powers and alliances...."
Cascadian Summit offer is made to discuss an official treaty recognizing the neutrality of Frequesue in the affairs of the great powers, to be guaranteed by the joint action of the Frequesue Treaty Organization. Depending on the states willing to attend the summit, a suitable site in the Republic will be chosen to host the talks.
"Are you sure about this?" SecState Parnell followed President Garrett as he prepared to make the public address. "I mean, the Administration's not quite settled into the international community yet..."
You don't know the half of that, the President thought, trying not to smile. "I know, but if any nation with some standing economic links to Frequesue is going to do this, Cascadia is in a good position to do so. And we have the advantage that we can honestly say we've never had more than economic dealings with that continent before."
The President arrived at the podium. There were a number of reporters there, summoned by the announcement that President Garrett was going to make a foreign policy speech.
He did so, and after remarking on the situation in Veleria and touching on the recent Old Dominion invocation of the 1946 Ceasefire with Shepistan, he came to the crux of his intent. "The Republic of Cascadia invites all nations of the Frequesue Treaty Organization and of the world's other great alliances to attend a summit meeting within Cascadian territory to negotiate a standing agreement... that will permit the Frequesian continent to be declared neutral in the affairs of the world's great powers and alliances...."
Cascadian Summit offer is made to discuss an official treaty recognizing the neutrality of Frequesue in the affairs of the great powers, to be guaranteed by the joint action of the Frequesue Treaty Organization. Depending on the states willing to attend the summit, a suitable site in the Republic will be chosen to host the talks.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Special Republican Guard Armory, 50 km NW of Annapolis
The huge line of Snow Wolf tanks stood at the ready inside the huge enclosed building, their turrets all precisely trained and elevated at the same angle for the evolution now underway.
Using the stored gun tubes in the armory, as well as the internal gantry cranes, the depot workers were converting the Snow Wolfs from their peacetime/training configuration of 125mm guns to their wartime configuration utilizing Japanistani "Hi Power" 140mm guns fed by bustle autoloaders.
[OOC: The US 140mm ATAC was to be swappable, with 120mm tubes used for training, and 140mm used for wartime]
At airbases across Shepistan, TAC and ADC dispersed to their pre-constructed Hardened Aircraft Shelters (HAS) amongst the airbases, while the bigger B-56s dispersed to civilian airports.
The HASes on the airfields closest to the border were built to resist 2,000 pound bombs, while those further away were resistant to 500-1,000 pound class bombs. In every case, blast walls were part of the HAS construction; preventing low-flying precision munitions from striking the HAS doors. High angle PGM drops dropped at an angle to avoid hitting the blast walls couldn't hit the doors at a solid enough angle to avoid bouncing off; making the only option open to the Old Dominion for destruction of HASes multiple hits from 1,000-2,000 pound class bombs on the roof.
Elsewhere on these bases, hardened munitions and fuel bunkers were dispersed; many capable of resisting 2,000 pound bombs.
The runways themselves were hardened; using high-yield concrete mixed in with slag, plus thicker slabs than usual to resist bombs.
[OOC: These hardened runways won't be invincible to cratering; but any damage to them will be much reduced due to bombs not digging deep enough into the concrete before it explodes, and thus disrupting less of the runway; allowing quicker repairs]
Secret auxilary runways were also hidden elsewhere on the base; being runway foundations covered over with one foot of earth and grass.
In keeping with Japanistani practices; the Shepistani engineers who had built the airbases had made the taxi-ways capable of being used as improvized runways in the event of damage to the main runways. These measures had cost a lot of money, but with a fifty year preparation period, there was no lack of time or effort to prepare...
Even though no formal declaration of war had been signed or done yet; due to the tense state of Shepistani/OD relations stretching back fifty years, precaution was warranted...
The huge line of Snow Wolf tanks stood at the ready inside the huge enclosed building, their turrets all precisely trained and elevated at the same angle for the evolution now underway.
Using the stored gun tubes in the armory, as well as the internal gantry cranes, the depot workers were converting the Snow Wolfs from their peacetime/training configuration of 125mm guns to their wartime configuration utilizing Japanistani "Hi Power" 140mm guns fed by bustle autoloaders.
[OOC: The US 140mm ATAC was to be swappable, with 120mm tubes used for training, and 140mm used for wartime]
At airbases across Shepistan, TAC and ADC dispersed to their pre-constructed Hardened Aircraft Shelters (HAS) amongst the airbases, while the bigger B-56s dispersed to civilian airports.
The HASes on the airfields closest to the border were built to resist 2,000 pound bombs, while those further away were resistant to 500-1,000 pound class bombs. In every case, blast walls were part of the HAS construction; preventing low-flying precision munitions from striking the HAS doors. High angle PGM drops dropped at an angle to avoid hitting the blast walls couldn't hit the doors at a solid enough angle to avoid bouncing off; making the only option open to the Old Dominion for destruction of HASes multiple hits from 1,000-2,000 pound class bombs on the roof.
Elsewhere on these bases, hardened munitions and fuel bunkers were dispersed; many capable of resisting 2,000 pound bombs.
The runways themselves were hardened; using high-yield concrete mixed in with slag, plus thicker slabs than usual to resist bombs.
[OOC: These hardened runways won't be invincible to cratering; but any damage to them will be much reduced due to bombs not digging deep enough into the concrete before it explodes, and thus disrupting less of the runway; allowing quicker repairs]
Secret auxilary runways were also hidden elsewhere on the base; being runway foundations covered over with one foot of earth and grass.
In keeping with Japanistani practices; the Shepistani engineers who had built the airbases had made the taxi-ways capable of being used as improvized runways in the event of damage to the main runways. These measures had cost a lot of money, but with a fifty year preparation period, there was no lack of time or effort to prepare...
Even though no formal declaration of war had been signed or done yet; due to the tense state of Shepistani/OD relations stretching back fifty years, precaution was warranted...
Last edited by MKSheppard on 2008-09-03 08:46pm, edited 1 time in total.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
- Master_Baerne
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1984
- Joined: 2006-11-09 08:54am
- Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Private Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia
TO: His Excellency Steve Garret, President of Cascadia, FTO
We gratefully accept your offer to host a series of talks on Frequesque's neutrality, and strongly urge the rest of the FTO to do so.
Private Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia
TO: His Excellency Steve Garret, President of Cascadia, FTO
We gratefully accept your offer to host a series of talks on Frequesque's neutrality, and strongly urge the rest of the FTO to do so.
Conversion Table:
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
Alpha Camp, Five Kilometers upriver, Dragonsnake River Delta, unclaimed eastern Velaria
A week ago, this area was nothing more than a forested Island. It was roughly teardrop shaped, pointing west into the Dragonsnake, four kilometers long and a kilometer and a kilometer and a half wide at it's thickest point. Humans had been here at some point in time in the last fifty years, as a few Kalashnikov spent Catridges and one unearthed weapon had reveiled, and about a Hundred years ago Serenity set up a minor meteorlogical reserch station here, long since reclaimed by the forest.
Now, the Island was alive with the sounds of Bulldozers, Trucks, augers and consruction crews as the Zorian Scientific Expedition began to work. Trees were being felled while Prefab structures for the Island's New population were being assembled. Equipment was being brought in by sea and air as the facillities went up. Centurion Carson Ullmann watched over as things began to form. For defense against whatever threat the natives might have posed, the RZMC was deployed. Several Towers composed of rammed Earth, logs inside what was essentially a steel silo were being set up, two of which was already done and mounted Royal Zordinence Miniguns and searchlight to repell whatever threat the natives existed, with fencing and Razor Wire being set up to where pratical. He watched as a scientist oversaw a labratory going up, a few facillities were already up and being used studying plant samples, but only a fraction were yet up.
The Dragonsnake was a major river, well over a hundred meters across at places near the Delta with dozens of tributaries as it worked inland towards mountains. The river was poorly explored, Reports of man eating savages and insane warrior women killing explorers were quite common of the few survivors that came out of the area during the age of Exploration, as well as a formidable microscopic arsenal of diseases such as Malaria. Now, however, Zoria prepared to delve into this uncharted region of the world.
A week ago, this area was nothing more than a forested Island. It was roughly teardrop shaped, pointing west into the Dragonsnake, four kilometers long and a kilometer and a kilometer and a half wide at it's thickest point. Humans had been here at some point in time in the last fifty years, as a few Kalashnikov spent Catridges and one unearthed weapon had reveiled, and about a Hundred years ago Serenity set up a minor meteorlogical reserch station here, long since reclaimed by the forest.
Now, the Island was alive with the sounds of Bulldozers, Trucks, augers and consruction crews as the Zorian Scientific Expedition began to work. Trees were being felled while Prefab structures for the Island's New population were being assembled. Equipment was being brought in by sea and air as the facillities went up. Centurion Carson Ullmann watched over as things began to form. For defense against whatever threat the natives might have posed, the RZMC was deployed. Several Towers composed of rammed Earth, logs inside what was essentially a steel silo were being set up, two of which was already done and mounted Royal Zordinence Miniguns and searchlight to repell whatever threat the natives existed, with fencing and Razor Wire being set up to where pratical. He watched as a scientist oversaw a labratory going up, a few facillities were already up and being used studying plant samples, but only a fraction were yet up.
The Dragonsnake was a major river, well over a hundred meters across at places near the Delta with dozens of tributaries as it worked inland towards mountains. The river was poorly explored, Reports of man eating savages and insane warrior women killing explorers were quite common of the few survivors that came out of the area during the age of Exploration, as well as a formidable microscopic arsenal of diseases such as Malaria. Now, however, Zoria prepared to delve into this uncharted region of the world.
Last edited by Zor on 2008-09-03 10:35pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
Terran Sphere
The Art of Zor
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
Terran Sphere
The Art of Zor
- Karmic Knight
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1005
- Joined: 2007-04-03 05:42pm
Vinish Diplomatic News
The Vineyards will also offer a refugee program to inhabitants of the PMDCNV, the guidelines on who is and isn’t applicable for refugee status is very strict, and those who do not meet criteria will be deported to a location back in the PMDCNV, with a full report of the person’s whereabouts and skills.
(The Refugee Program was active as soon as the War is Westchester was over.)
News from the Settlement
The Vinish Wilderness Survey has decided to expand the Settlement, planning the Socialtown, a haven for refugees running from the PMDCNV and from the conflict that rocked the area. Socialtown is expected to receive 1,000 full time residents, and 100 military trainees. The new settlement will be placed in south of the Settlement’s Capital, the Settlement itself. Along with the new town, the Settlement’s increase timetable has been moved up, with the Capital’s citizen count reaching 1,212 after the latest batch of citizens. The Settlement’s Millitary Advisor, Joshua Earles has been recalled to handle the redistribution of Royal Forces in Frequesuan, after the completion of a primitive runway.
The Kingdom of Vineyards thanks you for the notification of the suspension of Fleet Activities – Syl, and thanks you for thinking of the civilians of the Syl-Southern Vineyards Region during this potential crisis. The people of Syl will be happy to continue to host the people of Fleet Activities – Syl after this current Shepistani/Old Domnion Crisis is over, and again the people of Syl thank you for both your presence, and your willingness to remove yourself during crisis.
-Foreign Minister
- Stephen Omiril
Conference Room, The Kingdom of Vineyards
“Things do not look good for the FTO,” said the voice calmly.
“I did nothing wrong, Westchester is making a power play, I know it, just give me more time,” shouted the young Eutopian office worker, wearing a simple suit and tie.
“I HAVE no more time left, you don’t think I wouldn’t let you try and come up with the answer because I don’t like you, I just have no TIME left.”
“There must be some motive behind the giving up of sovereignty, just let me try and figure it out.”
“You have until this conversation ends, go”
“Well, Westchester would merely gain the ire of his neighbors by this act, so he must want something deeper than just a far off powerful former colonial master ally.”
“Which would mean that the ally would have to give him a greater reach then his freedom already does, like access to offshore markets. Wait, with free trade, markets are naturally global, though he could be getting better deals in the Tian Xia.”
”Westchester has not gained any advantage in the MESS markets.”
“Wait, the MESS, that is it, they want to get into the MESS, which is pretty hard for a nation to get into, especially one on this war torn continent, but if he gives up his sovereignty, then he gets the Tian Xia’s entrance, plus whatever autonomy he can get his hands on. It would be the perfect scheme, although it makes no sense, he alienates the FTO, where he would lead the damn thing, to get into the MESS, where he will be a spec on the wall. I really can’t follow his processes on that one.”
“Who is he?”
“Westchester’s Emperor, Ezekiel Westchester, or something.”
“Well, thank you for your time, this room will fill with a nerve agent, it will kill you instantly, I’m sorry.”
As the suited gentlemen fell to the ground, he looked at the simple cordless phone that spelled his doom, and before he turned into the dark, he heard, “Alright, team one, secure Mr. Smith, his new life will begin soon, mustn’t keep Director Shrubber, never know when that maniac will get nervous about a routine recruitment...”
News in Brief
Marvin Black, Prime Minister
New VEIL Director Named

Director of VEIL, Roger Shrubber
VEIL Integration, on Time
Converted Fishing Boat Foils Terrorist Plot
Socialist Majority Party
The Vineyards will send occupation forces to the CFR, with the qualifier that if the junta fails to keep the People’s Military Dictatorship of the Country Next to the Vineyards (PMDCNV) stable, we will withdraw forces from the CFR to stabilize our border.Indhopal proposes CFR stabilization plan wrote:
Indhopal unveiled a comprehensive plan to stabilize the CFR with its partners in the FTO. The first phase of the plan is to send an FTO force into the nation to provide stability. Roving militias and bandit gangs plague the land. The plan calls for disarming these groups, through either incentives or force if necessary. Then trust will be built with local communities through humanitarian and reconstruction efforts, and work will begin on an interim government. Indhopal has pledged the 2nd and 3rd divisions for this mission.
The Vineyards will also offer a refugee program to inhabitants of the PMDCNV, the guidelines on who is and isn’t applicable for refugee status is very strict, and those who do not meet criteria will be deported to a location back in the PMDCNV, with a full report of the person’s whereabouts and skills.
(The Refugee Program was active as soon as the War is Westchester was over.)
News from the Settlement
The Vinish Wilderness Survey has decided to expand the Settlement, planning the Socialtown, a haven for refugees running from the PMDCNV and from the conflict that rocked the area. Socialtown is expected to receive 1,000 full time residents, and 100 military trainees. The new settlement will be placed in south of the Settlement’s Capital, the Settlement itself. Along with the new town, the Settlement’s increase timetable has been moved up, with the Capital’s citizen count reaching 1,212 after the latest batch of citizens. The Settlement’s Millitary Advisor, Joshua Earles has been recalled to handle the redistribution of Royal Forces in Frequesuan, after the completion of a primitive runway.
Response Communiqué From the Kingdom of Vineyards to the Shinra RepublicRogueIce wrote:Diplomatic Communication from the Shinra Republic to the Kingdom of the Vineyards
We are informing you that we will temporarily be suspending operations from Fleet Activities - Syl due to the rising tensions between the Old Dominion and Shepistan.
While we value and appreciate the cooperation and hospitality shown by your government and people, we do not wish to potentially endanger your populace with the presence of our military forces, should hostilities erupt. As both of our governments are well aware, the Shepistanis are roundly known for their lack of restraint and contempt of the world around them that does not bow to their slightest demands. As such we feel it would be prudent at this time to redeploy our assets in a location that does not present the Shepistanis or their lapdogs to target your fine country.
Once the current climate of tension has passed we would of course like to return and resume the long-standing history of cooperation between our two nations.
Yours in peace and friendship,
Warren Wright
Shinra Republic Secretary of State
The Kingdom of Vineyards thanks you for the notification of the suspension of Fleet Activities – Syl, and thanks you for thinking of the civilians of the Syl-Southern Vineyards Region during this potential crisis. The people of Syl will be happy to continue to host the people of Fleet Activities – Syl after this current Shepistani/Old Domnion Crisis is over, and again the people of Syl thank you for both your presence, and your willingness to remove yourself during crisis.
-Foreign Minister
- Stephen Omiril
The Kingdom of Vineyards will join the Duchy of Baerne and Cascadia in this Neutrality Conference in the Republic of Cascadia.Master_Baerne wrote:Baernish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Private Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia
TO: His Excellency Steve Garret, President of Cascadia, FTO
We gratefully accept your offer to host a series of talks on Frequesque's neutrality, and strongly urge the rest of the FTO to do so.
Conference Room, The Kingdom of Vineyards
“Things do not look good for the FTO,” said the voice calmly.
“I did nothing wrong, Westchester is making a power play, I know it, just give me more time,” shouted the young Eutopian office worker, wearing a simple suit and tie.
“I HAVE no more time left, you don’t think I wouldn’t let you try and come up with the answer because I don’t like you, I just have no TIME left.”
“There must be some motive behind the giving up of sovereignty, just let me try and figure it out.”
“You have until this conversation ends, go”
“Well, Westchester would merely gain the ire of his neighbors by this act, so he must want something deeper than just a far off powerful former colonial master ally.”
“Which would mean that the ally would have to give him a greater reach then his freedom already does, like access to offshore markets. Wait, with free trade, markets are naturally global, though he could be getting better deals in the Tian Xia.”
”Westchester has not gained any advantage in the MESS markets.”
“Wait, the MESS, that is it, they want to get into the MESS, which is pretty hard for a nation to get into, especially one on this war torn continent, but if he gives up his sovereignty, then he gets the Tian Xia’s entrance, plus whatever autonomy he can get his hands on. It would be the perfect scheme, although it makes no sense, he alienates the FTO, where he would lead the damn thing, to get into the MESS, where he will be a spec on the wall. I really can’t follow his processes on that one.”
“Who is he?”
“Westchester’s Emperor, Ezekiel Westchester, or something.”
“Well, thank you for your time, this room will fill with a nerve agent, it will kill you instantly, I’m sorry.”
As the suited gentlemen fell to the ground, he looked at the simple cordless phone that spelled his doom, and before he turned into the dark, he heard, “Alright, team one, secure Mr. Smith, his new life will begin soon, mustn’t keep Director Shrubber, never know when that maniac will get nervous about a routine recruitment...”
News in Brief
Marvin Black, Prime Minister
New VEIL Director Named

Director of VEIL, Roger Shrubber
VEIL Integration, on Time
Converted Fishing Boat Foils Terrorist Plot
Socialist Majority Party
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
- DarthShady
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1872
- Joined: 2007-09-15 10:46am
- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Contact:
Location: Somewhere in Shroomania
"We have the target in sight."
"You may proceed."
The Indhopal spy never saw what hit him, a large car ran him of the road. He was in pain, his car was burning and he was barely concious. A man approached the vehicle, leaned in and took the small bag which contained the stolen plans.
"Goodbye.", the man said and shot Mr. Krueger twice in the head.
He threw a hand grenade in the car and ran of to his partner who was waiting nearby. The two men drove of as the car of the Indhopal spy exploded.
"We have the target in sight."
"You may proceed."
The Indhopal spy never saw what hit him, a large car ran him of the road. He was in pain, his car was burning and he was barely concious. A man approached the vehicle, leaned in and took the small bag which contained the stolen plans.
"Goodbye.", the man said and shot Mr. Krueger twice in the head.
He threw a hand grenade in the car and ran of to his partner who was waiting nearby. The two men drove of as the car of the Indhopal spy exploded.