PeZookia, near the eastern border
The access road was nothing but a path, cleared at some time in the Middle Ages, and then made slightly more permanent by repeated wagon-runs.
Milan's sedan was built for driving on paved city streets and highways: it really couldn't handle such roads very well. To say this was a bumpy ride was an understatement of the century.
"Is this the place?", Basil whispered from the back seat. They couldn't see much - the headlights only illuminated the road, some trees to its sides, and nothing more.
"Yes. A couple more kilometers, and we'll get to the meeting point.", Milan was as nervous as they all were - this point was the most risky. His contact said he'd take care of the UAVs and other patrols - but could he really do that? Or would he betray them and turn them in?
No...because then his involvement would float to the surface, he thought. He hoped nothing else went wrong tonight, though.
500 meters up, at the same time
The Predator drone was rather old, bought from Shinra and refurbished several times during its lifetime. The PeZookian police and border guard were well funded, but also required a lot of assets to monitor the eastern border - so its drones were overworked, and still too few.
This day, however, five of them were patrolling a single stretch of the border at the same time, guided in by police EW choppers tracking a cell phone transmission. Few people knew that with good equipment, a cell phone could be located to within a tolerance of less than 10 meters. Some models transmitted even when turned off, making them even more of a liability for criminals.
This particular drone was slowly making its rounds above access road no. 5 - one of barely traversily forest clearings, used by the border guards to traverse from their bases to the border proper - when it detected a hot car engine with its IR camera.
The operator, sitting in a heated room more than 30 kilometers away, zoomed the camera and fiddled a bit with the resolution settings. He couldn't make out details, not with trees partially obscuring the view, but it obvoiusly wasn't a Border Guard SUV.
He checked the latest location update from a police helicopter circling the area and smiled.
Oh yeah...we have them now!, he thought, and called over his supervisor.
(OOC: Yes, PeZookian police have EW helicopters. They are really well funded - part of the reason why I'm not spending ridiculous sums on the military
PeZookian eastern border, meeting point, at the same time
Kowalski was pacing around, listening to his portable radio. The SUV was well hidden, its engine cold as a stone, and he took care to remain under trees. The border fence was a scarce twenty meters away.
There was something odd happening, he knew. His radio usually remained quiet throughout most nights, but now it was full of chatter: patrols were exchanging location reports, guards were reporting on the state of access roads, and UAVs apparently were being redirected.
He fiddled with the radio a bit more.
Did I miss a general announcement? What the hell is going on?, he kept asking himself,
Ah, doesn't matter. They're late, anyway. Two more minutes and I scram, and fuck the goddamned slave runners.
"Attention all border patrols! The suspect vehicle has been spotted on access road no. 5, heading towards the border! All units in the area, report in!"
Kowalski cursed - loudly and harshly. So he
did miss a general announcement, probably when he was helping the driver camouflage his goddamned truck. Now his idiot of an employer got discovered, and there was nothing Kowalski could do to help him.
He panicked, briefly, and considered running.
No, he thought,
They will spot my truck and start asking questions.
There was only one way to do this. He depressed the 'transmit' button on his portable radio.
"This is 0-4-1, reporting in, I'm in the area 100 meters from the access road. Awaiting instructions.", he spoke into the microphone.
"0-4-1, locate and observe the suspect vehicle, but do not, repeat,
do not intervene. The suspects likely have a hostage with them. Ther are airborne police units approaching your location now."
"Roger that, observe and report, do not intervene. 0-4-1 out."
Kowalski opened the rear hatch of his SUV and pulled out a Beryl assault rifle. If he was to get away with this, he had to get rid of the witnesses.
Ten minutes later
"Kowalski!", Milan screamed into the night. His subordinates were busy dragging the female cop out of the trunk. She was bruised and battered, but it didn't matter - her pain would end soon enough.
"Kowalski!", he shouted again when he was met with no answer
Goddammit, where the hell is he?!
The whole situation sent shivers up his spine. He was pretty sure they were in the right spot: he could see the border fence through the bushes, sticking out against the night sky.
"Milan, what's wrong?", asked Kosta. Basil and Roman stood the hostage up and half-walked half-carried her towards their boss.
"I don't know. Our contact should be waiting here. Basil! Check around, see if the truck is somewhere around.", he commanded the young hot-headed man, hoping that it was just Kowalski who bailed on them, "Kosta, there's a gun in the glove compartment. Bring it to me."
He checked the small Makarov pistol and waited for Basil to come back. The forest at night was a scary place, and every minute spent between the trees, listening to the various misterious sounds made all four men even more nervous.
Suddendly, there was a shout, and a brief scuffle.
"Border Guard! Hold it right there!"
They all heard the shout, directed at someone nearby, and all three men cursed at the same time. Milan raised his pistol and aimed it at the bushes.
"Back to the car! Quickly!", he screamed at Kosta, who grabbed the hostage along with Roman and started dragging her towards the sedan.
"Leave the bitch! Back to the car!"
As Milan turned his attention back to the bush, he saw Basil run out onto the road. Judging from the sound, somebody was chasing him.
"Milan!", Basil shouted, obviously relieved upon seeing his boss.
"Into the car!", Milan grabbed him and ran back to his sedan.
All bets are off, he thought. He was finished in this business, and all he could do was try to escape with his life.
He practically threw Basil onto the back seat, and risked one last look behind before getting in himself. And what he saw made him boil with rage.
Sergeant Kowalski was walking slowly towards them, holding an assault rifle.
"You! What the fuck are you doing?!", he screamed at the man.
"You tell me that, you fucking idiot! Half the place heard you screaming like an injured cow, now there is a patrol heading straight for us!"
"They know something is up. My cover is blown, and your driver ran away. We're on our own.", Kowalski was tense, but he didn't let it show. He had to play his cards right.
"Fuck!", Milan screamed into the night
"Shut up, for fuck's sake! We have to kill the cop and get the hell out of here!"
Milan nodded. She was of no use now, and she could betray them all. He walked over to Amanda, tied up and gagged, who was now desperately trying to break out from her restraints. He looked at her, writhing, fighting for her life, and raised his weapon.
It was then that he's heard the helicopters.
"What the hell are you waiting for?! Shoot her and let's go!"
"No!", Milan turned to him, "I have a better idea! The border is right there, if we cross it - they can't follow. Basil! Kosta! Roman! Get over here, quickly!"
Kowalski cursed under his breath. The idiot just destroyed his entire plan. While Milan's subordinates were picking up Amanda and grabbing whatever supplies they could, Kowalski measured the situation carefully.
On one hand, if these clowns managed to get across the border, the problem would solve itself. On the other, if police
did decide to pursue them into Sjenska...
He couldn't risk it. As Milan and his colleagues turned to run, he raised his rifle, steadied his aim and opened fire.