SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the First.

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K. A. Pital
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Palace of the Soviets, CSR
- They overdid it, - Stanislav laughed. - Tian Xia's terms were more harsh than what the PRSF military branches would realistically accept.

He looked at Yuri Andropovsky.

- What is more important is that Shepistan has agreed to give the PRSF Navy basing rights in one of their ports.

Yuri slowly put down his cigarette.

- What of the Livorno naval base?

- Actually, it does not matter, - Stanislav smiled. - I have a new, and far superior plan.

He picked up his blood-red phone.

- Hello, operator? Yeah, Tanya, that's me. Yeah, yeah. Get me Shepistan...
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
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Post by Raj Ahten »


The ISIA had just lost an operative. The spymaster in Shroomania, Mr. Dever, wasn't surprised that Krueger had fucked up, as he was fairly useless as a spy. Hence why he had been stuck as basically a glorified delivery man.

Dever was surprised that Krueger was assassinated instead of arrested though. Shroomanian counter Intel didn't act like that. This looked like NOD; they loved to pitch things as car accidents. Luckily the damage was limited.

Their source for the information was still intact, and they knew he was legitimate as real weapons plans had come from the source in exchange for cash payments. At least the source was more circumspect than Krueger; the ISIA didn't even know who he (or she) was. That was probably why the source was still intact. Time to set up another drop, this time using some outsider contractors, as there might be leaks in the department. He would handle their recruitment personally, through a coded phone call to an old friend. Dever would then send through the normal channels that the drop was happening, and if NOD or whoever it was showed up again, they would be walking into an ambush. More importantly, Dever might then be able to find the source of the leak.

Part of the team recruited by Dever's friend reviewing photographs
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Ninhursag Evening Post

Kun-lun Arcology undergoing conference preparations
The government complex of the Kun-lun Arcology is undergoing standard security sweeps and procedural cleaning in preparation for a possible trilateral conference. The talks are expected to be held at the cabinet level and space for foreign troops is being allocated.

First Family leaves hospital
President Vohu Manah, his wife and first born son have now been released from the hospital after a scheduled caesarian section birth. The First Family's son was four kilograms at birth and fifty four centimeters in length. His given name has still been withheld. The President's Press Secretary made sure to inform the public in a press release that at no time was the President relieved of his duties as a result of his child's birth.

Preliminary FY2009 budget includes air defense expansion
The first publicly available budget plan for financial year 2009 includes a line-item acquisition of two to four heavy air defense batteries. The justification stated in the budget is increase our control of territorial airspace. The measure is expected to pass however the public is permitted to comment at the Ministry of Finance website.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Official Communique from The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag to the Crimson Star Republic and the Byzantium Empire

If our governments concur in regards to the necessity of talks concerning the Black Sea we agree to host such talks within our borders within one months time. Per our diplomatic protocol we believe that cabinet level talks between our three states would be appropriate to permanently resolve any possible issues regarding control of this vital resource we all share.

As such we agree to host such talks in our nation's capital, the Kun-lun Arcology. Space in a secure facility will be provided for your cabinet level representative, their personal staff and family, and any additional support personnel deemed appropriate to the mission. Your diplomatic transport will be provided an appropriate escort within our borders and barracks for as many as 40 armed soldiers to protect your diplomatic personnel will be provided in addition to our nation's soldiers assigned to your mission.

Any other concerns regarding these arrangements may be sent to our Minister for Foreign Affairs. If these arrangements are not to your liking please feel free ask for modifications you deem appropriate.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Private Communique
FROM: His Grace Duke James of Baerne
TO: His Excellency President Vohu Manah, President of the Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag

Congratulations on the birth of your son.


Baernish Ministry for Finance, Economics, and Industry
Internal Records
SOURCE: Office of TFEI
FILE: Project Mereen Construction Notes

Construction proceeds more or less on schedule for the city. Main roads are leveled, and excavation is complete for sewer and power systems. However, the collapse of one of the partially constructed housing units injured three workers and their supervisor, delaying completion of that particular building by approximately three months. Suspected cause: substandard materials in the steel bars that were responsible for bearing the weight of the section that collapsed.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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K. A. Pital
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Post by K. A. Pital »

PCIA Confidential Letter, sent to Shepistan via diplomatic channels.
It has come to the attention of the CSR that blatant violation of sovereignity and previously-discussed peace agreements by Tian Xia leads us to the conviction that a Naval Base for replenishment is desireable in a stable nation capable to defend itself from foreign agression in the Western Hemisphere.

We feel your nation conforms to the criteria.

The base can be opened in any port of your choosing. It needs to have piers of necessary size to accomodate aircraft carriers and heavy missile cruisers and nuclear command ships of the Crimson Star Navy. A small airstrip for service and maintenance works on naval fighters and helicopters is required. Drydocks for submarines are desireable, but not required.

In exchange, the CSR can provide a likewise naval replenishment facility for Shepistani Navy vessels, surface and submersible alike. The specific requirements that Shepistan may have regarding this facility should be filed to the PCIA for a proper agreement.

We are also offering defense contracts to boost Shepistani defense capabilities, which are to be discussed properly in a face-to-face meeting.

With respect, Crimson Star Republic, PCIA Director Yuri Andropovsky.

PCIA Open Letter, to the Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag
We are willing to discuss the Black Sea status and are dispatching our diplomatic personnel to your capital for the talks.

Order of the Crimson Banner Northern Fleet base, Severomorsk
- Faster, faster, faster! - screamed the lieutenant.

Fifteen large Ivan Rogov-class landing ships were taking battalions inside their massive bellies.

- So where' we heading?
- Frequesque.

Livorno, P.R.S.F.

A large line of people stood in front of the Crimson Star Republic embassy. But they were not applying for refugee status. Instead, the PRSF citizens were applying for CSR citizenship.
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-09-03 11:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

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Post by phongn »

Tonkin Intercorporate Advisory Committee for Aerospace Development

"Frequesue just launched a test satellite into orbit. FREQUESUE. You know what they used? A liquid-fueled rocket with design dating forty years ago! Look at this thing! Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide fuel! You can bet they're going to start hawking this thing on the world arms market with the claim that theirs has been proven in space, even if our own DF-series is better in every way that matters! "

" We are still a week from launching TIROS-1, and meanwhile everyone with a radio is listening into the San Dorado national anthem. We are the laughingstocks of the aerospace world right now, with nothing to show the world. "

The director paced around, his subordinates and scientists terrified into silence. " What do you have? "

A pause, and then - " sir, frankly, we won't beat them, no matter how hard we try. Moon exploitation is a waste of money with any technology foreseeable for the next few generations. We ran the numbers, and we just can't see how to do anything useful, plus the moon is, well, small. Our suggestion, " - and then the man took a deep breath - " is to do the unthinkable, and skip this generation. "


" We will be running test systems and conducting espionage and whatnot to consider the needs of space, " he continues, " but I don't quite expect to see much else than conical or spherical capsules. We propose to beat them with something better, more usable and more flexible. To whit, we have already begun research - and we hope to acquired test data on the Shepistani/Japanistani project - and we have several proposals. "

The scientist advanced the slide.

" Ladies and gentlemen. Project 464L "
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Post by Vohu Manah »

FROM: President Vohu Manah (vohu.manah@electedgovernment.msrn)
TO: Thiago Fearghas, Minister of Defense (thiago.fearghas@electedgovernment.msrn)
SUBJECT: Civilian Deployment of Military Assets - Valeria Region

I know you don't like being told how to do your job, but I ask you humor me for once on this. Although a request may not be made formally we will be providing military assistance to a scientific expedition led by the United Kingdom of Zoria in Valeria. You will provide 6 platoons of BTR-3Us (for a total of 60 vehicles) as soon as possible to include all operationally necessary personnel and supplies (including ammunition). These forces should be drawn equally from both GSDF commands and are effectively on loan for the purpose of this mission. As we will be supporting an otherwise civilian operation you will make use of civilian charter shipping to transport the necessary supplies. Please remember that our own citizens will be taking part in the expedition outside of the military forces you'll be providing.

I have already spoken with the Prime Minister and she will ensure your ministry is reimbursed for appropriate expenses. Please respond quickly with any questions as anything less than a timely response will cause greatly unnecessary delays.


Vohu Manah
President of The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag

P.S. I am well aware you know your job, I thank you once again for your patience in this regard.
Last edited by Vohu Manah on 2008-09-04 01:51am, edited 1 time in total.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Co-authored by Beowulf and myself.

Livorno Harbor
People's Republic of South Frequesque
3 AM

The sailors prepared to sortie. Their destination: The Vineyards, and hopefully safety. They hoped the cover of night would protect them from Tian Xia attack. They would soon find out how brutally their hopes would be dashed.

Cutthroat Bitch and Sweet Sixteen
Outer BARCAP flight
Well outside Livorno Harbor

Cutthroat Bitch's powerful APG-71v1 radar was set for synthetic aperture radar mode. With it, Flash, the WSO could clearly see the ships begin to move.

"People's Republic Navy, you are hereby ordered to return to port. Your ships are operating in violation of the armistice agreement. Failure to follow this order will result in the destruction of your task force. As a note, Tian Xia was planning on selling your ships and applying the proceeds towards reparations. The beancounters predict that your ships could entirely negate the reparations," Flash radioed to the still slowly moving ships. The pilot, Cougar, was being careful to stay outside the expected SAM radius. Even if the Peeps launched, they were carrying EW FAST packs. "This is your only warning."

The response from the fleet was merely this: "Go whine to someone who cares, you imperialist dogs!"

Flash shrugged, as the flight moved off to a safer distance to track the battlegroup. "Hey, it's only a couple billion down the drain. You know, those crews would probably mutiny if they knew they were going to their deaths, for no gain whatsoever."

TXS Vigilant
South Frequesque Sea
150 nautical miles from land

"Sir, BARCAP reports that the Peep Navy is moving from harbor," said the intelligence officer.

General Mahan put down the book he was reading. "Very well, launch Operation Sinkex."

The carrier accelerated back to 35 knots, after cruising for quite a while at 25 knots, to save fuel in the Tian Jiao ships. The aircraft were already bombed up with munitions. There was no other possible mission except the destruction of the Peep Navy, if it sortied. An alpha strike took some time to launch, being almost 60 aircraft. The Tomcats launched first, having more fuel available to burn. After them the SLUFFs launched. They circled as the rest of the strike force formed up.

Nearby, the TJN carriers launched their own birds. 44 aircraft was the total being launched from those decks. They circled themselves as the strike package worked itself together. Then, after all planes were launched, and had tanked themselves to a reasonable fuel state, they headed west, before turning north towards the PRSF carrier group.

Willington Air Force Base

"Come on people, lets move! It's not as if we've had any other job to do since we took out the air defense!" The F-16 pilots hopped out of their bunks, and ran towards their waiting aircraft. They'd been on 1 hour alert since they'd been assigned the mission. It didn't take very long for them to launch themselves down the runways and into the air. The target was the same as the naval aircraft.

60 nautical miles south of the PRSFN battlegroup
25 minutes after strike launch

The Tomcats were flying at 52k feet. Their job: protect the strike package, localize the battle group, as well as drop the finishing blows. Not much lower was the F/A-18Fs, providing solely top cover for the force. Over 30k feet below them, was the actual strike package, loaded with Harpoon missiles.

"Sinkex 1: battlegroup found. Prepare to launch on my mark. Launch." With that one command, the 62 aircraft of the strike package began ripple launch of their missiles. The return calls "Bruiser, Bruiser, Bruiser" signified the launch of 308 harpoon missiles. The Hornets and SLUFFs that made up the package then

The Slava cruisers picked up the incoming Harpoons first. They had the longest range SAMs, and the most power to spare for radars. Unfortunately, long range missiles also have low manueverability. They were also limited to engaging only 4 missiles at a time, for 8 engagements per cycle. The Slava's had 6 minutes to engage before their SA-N-6 missiles could no longer fire close enough. In those six minutes, they were able to make The 128 missiles the Slavas carried only shot down 28 of the incoming missiles, leaving 280 of the incoming left.

Next up were the Sovremenny's missile systems. The Sovremenny's carried SA-N-6 missiles, which began engagement at 31 miles out. They carried enough missiles to complete 8 engagements, and resulted in only 188 incoming Harpoons. The Neutrshimy's tried valiantly beginning at the 9 mile mark. The four of them carried another 128 missiles, and could guide against 4 targets at a time each. They could make another 62 Harpoons splash.

The Slavas continued the defense at 6.2 miles, with 80 SA-N-4 missiles. Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to employ all of them, before the Harpoons went below their minimum engagement range. They splashed only 21 more Harpoons, leaving over 1/3 of the original launch through to meet the CIWS.

With the CIWS, and indeed engaging beforehand, was a last-ditch act of desperation. Every single gun on the ships that could bear was engaged with anti-aircraft shells, filling the skies with flak against the subsonic cruise missiles. From the maximum range of the guns could engage, 130mm and 100mm, a somewhat incredible total of seven missiles were taken out by the flak. The CIWS in turn worked as effectively as can be expected. Which is to say, they knocked down a good 3 dozen more Harpoons on the way in. However, that still 62 Harpoons coming in to impact the 12 ships of the battle group. It was now the turn of the decoys and electronic countermeasures.

The former was particularly effective against the -D missiles of the TJN forces, and 20% of the surviving missiles were decoyed away; of the TXN missiles of the more advanced -F type, however, only the ECM was really effective and just 10% of the missiles were decoyed clear without locking onto another target in turn. In all, 52 missiles impacted their targets. 15% of the -Ds to hit were duds, 10% of the -Fs to hit were duds, but more -Fs impacted. In all, 6 missiles, launched at long range to avoid SAM engagement of the strike package, impacted as duds and due to the expenditure of most of their fuel did negligible damage. The remaining 46 missiles were hot and detonated on impact.

The outer screen was hammered as usual. One unlucky Neutrashimy succeeded in taking ten live Harpoon hits, plus one dud. The ship was instantly alight from stem to stern, most of the crew butchered to port by the impacts and the survivors above decks all at starboard side stations. They took to the water immediately without an order to abandon ship, where out of 62 men, 17 were torn apart by the screws, still making revolutions for 30kts. Auxiliary steering was however intact, and the lieutenant posted there, with no idea of the severity of the damage, kept the ship on station and tried to take control of the damage control effort that the men belowdecks were organizing. Within two minutes, as reports of the damage were being brought by runner, it was however obvious that the ship would have to be abandoned. The order to abandon ship was given, and the men from belowdecks began to fight their way above while the engines were brought to a stop. They had wasted to much time, however; the decks were completely engulfed and the fires were spreading rapidly through the hull. More importantly, they reached the SS-N-25 boxes. A series of detonations tore their way through the hull, killing most of the crew belowdecks. Two men made their way out of the aft steering room. The rest of the crew perished, as did half those to make the water, having abandoned ship with few life rafts.

A second Neutrashimy was struck by six harpoons and her two of her SS-N-25 boxes were detonated instantly. Superstructure torn apart and on fire at every level, damage control parties nonetheless succeeded in jettisoning the other missiles and keeping the ship together as she careened out of formation and slowed, heading for shore. The fire soon engulfed all of the ship except the fantail, where the survivors gathered as she finally drove herself into the land which the Task group had been angling toward to mask themselves in the terrain. The third Neutrashimy was enormously lucky; two of the four harpoons which struck her impacted in her empty hangar, the helicopter having been flown off before the last sortie. Another was low on the waterline and caused a huge hole with flooding, but no fire. The fourth struck well aft and the fire was quickly brought under control since the missiles had little fuel to add to the fire. The ship proudly signaled the flagship "maintaining thirty knots with fires under control!" and held her place in formation.

The fourth Neutrashimy was struck by two harpoons, also one in the hangar and aviation spaces which had been emptied of flammables and served to minimize the damage. The bridge was destroyed by the second harpoon, but aft steering took over and she also held her place in formation. Twenty-four harpoons impacted and detonated against the interior force. Twelve of them bored straight in toward the Gorshkov-class carrier; the two Slavas were masked behind her. They impacted in a rippling series of explosions which tore through the entire upperworks of the ship. Admiral Consiglieri in command of the squadron was however in the lead Slava and not killed as the carrier was heavily damaged and consumed in flames.

She had however been designed to take damage when she was filled with flammable aircraft, avgas, and their munitions. All had been emptied from the hull before she sortied, and this saved her from a raging inferno which would completely destroy the ship. She was on fire, flames licking out and bellowing into the night with smoke, but held course and speed. The remaining twelve missiles impacted with four striking one of the Sovremenny's, another one hit by three, two by two, and one by a single missile. In the lead case the ship's heavy anti-ship missile box launcher was directly hit by one of the four missiles; she never stood a chance. The explosion of four sunburns blew off the bow at the bridge instantaneously. The aft portion of the ship dug into the water with its engines running, enough force of water slamming into the interior bulkheads to tear them apart as she submarined straight under. Two men out of the entire crew, both posted to the after upperworks, survived; the rest perished.

The other four destroyers rode through the impacts, one heavily damaged but holding formation, the other three still at least in part fighting fit. At a signal from Admiral Consiglieri, however, all the ships still in formation fired off their anti-ship and anti-sub missiles and rockets and jettisoned their torpedoes. Long range radar showed that the next wave coming in was also aircraft. The enemy would not close and risk their ships in a surface engagement, and the Kilos were covering them against submarine attack; it was more worthwhile to jettison those flammeables than to keep them aboard and risk another horrible explosion.

60 nautical miles west of the PRSFN battlegroup
30 minutes after strike launch

The outer BARCAP picked up the incoming second strike package, then datalinked the position of the fleet to the F-16 wing.

"Sinkex 2: Launch on my mark. Launch," ordered the Wing Commander. Although numerically fewer than the naval strike group, it carried nearly as many Harpoons, and now there was nearly nothing in the way to stop them. "Bruiser, Bruiser, Bruiser," went the call, and 240 more Harpoons left towards the doomed People's Navy. The Vipers then turned back towards base.

What was incredible about the defense by the People's Navy was that they managed to down with their remaining missiles--and in the process, completely expended them--a great number of the incoming, and then still used their guns and CIWS and their chaff and flares and ECM to spoof more of the missiles, while running at full speed now very close to shore. It wasn't enough. 84 missiles hit the surviving ships of the Peep force, and 75 detonated, especially since all of these missiles were the better -Fs.

The last two Neutrashimy's ceased to exist under the barrage, more or less, hit by so many missiles that they were torn apart in their places, the water ripping their battered hulls through, with eight survivors between the two ships despite the jettisoning of their SS-N-25's. It was never known how many missiles hit each other; there had been so many that an accurate tally was not kept by anyone. So to was the fate of the most damaged of the remaining Sovremenny's, hit by another twelve Harpoons. Consumed in flames from stem-to-stern and with her side rent open by numerous low hits at speed, the destroyer sank with the loss of all but sixteen hands.

The third destroyer to perish, hit by eight more harpoons, took a long time to die. She was consumed in flames but largely undamaged below the waterline, and her crew fought back against the damage even as internal strikes had taken down her engines, and the crew slowed the ship to try and avoid the spread of the fires. But they were impossibly severe, even with the missiles having been fired from extreme range and having no fuel to add to the blaze. The Captain, who survived, reluctantly ordered the ship brought to a stop to allow the crew to evacuate, and 204 survivors succeeded in their orderly escape, leaving the burning hulk drifting in the water to attract missiles from the incoming Tomcat strike. Two more Sovremenny's were both struck repeatedly, but with all of their missiles and torpedoes expended or jettisoned and carrying no helicopters, fuel for them, or munitions, were able to contain the damage from the Harpoon warheads without fuel to add to the blaze. They held their places in the formation, even when Admiral Consiglieri ordered them to increase speed to thirty-two knots.

By that point, the Gorshkov at the centre of the formation was no more. She had been struck by somewhere close to a dozen and a half additional Harpoons, possibly even more, and where before she had held formation reasonably well, now she was doomed. Burning, completely engulfed in fire, and listing sharply, she lost power and drifted out of the formation while her crew attempted to escape. Only the two Slavas, still incredibly undamaged by their hiding behind the carrier, and the two Sovremmeny's, survived, but the four ships were on course straight on to soon enter Vineyard's territorial waters.

10 nautical miles south of the PRSFN battlegroup
40 minutes after strike launch

The Tomcats finally had their chance to add to the carnage. They distributed amongst themselves the targets of the remaining ships, and launched their Skipper III laser guided missiles. The LANTIRN pods they carried shone laser beams in the dark, marking where carnage would fall. A fair number were baited into attacking the clearly visible burning cripples, with the target situation being confused this close into shore, where the Peeps were risking running aground, trusting the skill of their pilots against the shore, to protect themselves from the missiles.

Incredibly, they did some damage, too. Some of the F-14s got in close enough to be engaged, and by a lucky strike, anti-aircraft fire from the trailing Slava, damaged in the previous engagement, actually saw flak sucked into the engine of one of the F-14Es and killed it; the bird aborted without launching its missiles and returned to the carrier on one engine, though forced to ditch rather than land, the sole damage that the Peep navy inflicted upon its assailants.

The remaining F-14s launched on the squadron. They tore through the remaining ships with their missiles, and each of the Sovremmeny's was struck by 4 missiles. The lead Slava was hit by eight; the trailing Slava, by six. The eight bombs tore deep into the hull of the lead Slava, Admiral Consiglieri's flagship, with six of them detonating and the 1000lb bombs tearing up deep into the ship. She lost power and slowed under the immense damage, rendered a crippled target. The trailing Slava only saw four of the bombs detonate, however, and retained power, though one struck well forward and she was soon down by the bow and only making 20kts.

Both the Sovremmeny's had at least two bombs detonate, and this finished one of the already heavily damaged ships by adding deep penetrating detonations that damaged their machinery. She also fell out crippled. The other ship saw the bombs detonate further up, and she retained the capability to make 26kts. With their Admiral dead, both ships separated and made best speed for for the Vinish coast.


It took some time to muster and organize the second strike, but muster and organize it they did. The problem was locating the targets along the coast now, after the massive electronic warfare engagement, the continuous use of flares and chaff and how close to the coast they were running, it was no longer possible to precisely tell the ships apart from each other and from the coast. The next strike ended up slamming the cripples into pieces, but the two battered ships lurked their way into Vinish territorial waters. By that point the trailing Slava was so far down by the bow that she had to turn around and run in reverse, in an act which would remind the naval historians in the group of rulers of Seydlitz's escape from Jutland. The Sovremmeny kept her head above water and succeeded the next morning in entering the nearest Vinish naval port, where the eight Kilo[/]-class SSKs had also arrived.

The Slava and her captain, Carlotta Pisano, was gently grounded on a sandbar, completely overwhelming and consuming the inner harbour of the small Vinish fishing hamlet of Rykanjik, with three-fourths of the crew surviving. Their ship was scoured by fire and pock-marked by hits, but her machinery was fully intact and with her bow repaired she'd sail again. For the moment, Carlotta faced the amused look of the local constable as he went aboard to impound the ship, by himself, in a little rowboat supplied by a few volunteer fisherman to haul the oars.

"Madame Capitaine," he offered a bit unsteadily at what would surely be the greatest bit of surprise and excitement his life would offer, "I must inform you that under the laws of war and international affairs, your ship and crew is to be interred. But first of all, I have contacted the district hospital at Siranjvk and asked them to send out helicopters to take off your wounded."

"Thank you kindly, Constable. We will, of course, remain aboard the ship. Do you wish us to dump our personal arms overboard?" Carlotta was, at this point, half in shock from the events of the past eighteen hours.

"No, no, keep you swords," he remembered that line from a movie, "and we'll catalogue them later. Ah, if you wish, there is a cafe in town for you and your officers.."

Carlotta looked around the ruined--but still repairable, she dared to hope--cruiser and smiled faintly. "Thank you, Constable, but we must start repairing all the damage we can. I faintly imagine that she will be, a year or so hence, in the service of your Navy, and we'll work to that end, for she saw us through a night of hell and deserves to once more see the open ocean. And I must see to my crew besides, so I will decline."

"Then, I will take your word that you won't disembark, and return to shore. Expect the helicopters shortly."

"You have my word."

"Then, ahh, good-day, Captain." The shaken Constable returned to his rowboat, avoiding looking to much at the charred piles of bones and clothes and flesh on the deck that had once been men, while the crew of the ship were almost nonchalant in their shock. But they had survived, and escaped.

Returning to her shattered bridge and staring through the pieces of broken windows back at a haggard face a decade older, that was flecked in blood, she was at least relieved to hear that their executioners had shown the humanity to send SAR assets to fetch as many of the survivors out of the water as they could, from the sole working radio that was simply listening to the local news report. Her mind was jerked back to activity only by the knowledge that there was still flooding to be stopped, and reversed.

The Death Ride of the People's Navy was finished.
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In 1966 the Soviets find something on the dark side of the Moon. In 2104 they come back. -- Red Banner / White Star, a nBSG continuation story. Updated to Chapter 4.0 -- 14 January 2013.
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Post by TimothyC »

Alaskan National Security Council Emergency Briefing, Elmendorf Air Base, Just north of Anchorage

"As you all know, for years the Republic as been using time signals broadcast from ground stations on the LORAN Network to provide relative positioning data for Alaskan Ships and air craft. The system has been rather crude, and to be blunt, as inaccurate as a Shepistani IRBM."

A Laugh went around the room

National Security Adviser Slade continued "The Recent launch of a Fresque satalite, has shown that signals can be transmited down with a fair degree of accuracy. This means that it is possible to use a system, similar in concept to the one we use today, only in space."

General Jonson, the Army Cheif of Staff, had his interest piqued. "So this system, would it be able to be used for ground forces, as well as ships and aircraft?"

"Yes General it would, the limiting factor is that while the signals would not be blocked by clouds, they would be Line-of-sight, and thus they could be blocked or degraded by terrain features."

"It would be better than what we have now correct?"

"By several orders of magnitude."

"So Soldiers could be medivaced faster." The general thought for a moment, realizing just how well it would help his boys in combat "The army will fully support this measure. Tell me Doctor, how accurate are we talking here then. Could it be used to direct artillery?" He asked longingly.

"Not at the present time, but it is something that could be deployed eventually"

"We've got all three branches supporting a project, that has to be a first" observed The Directory or State Department intelligence.

"Doctor" Secratary of the Economy Brown interjected "This sounds like a very expensive system. How do we plan to pay for it?"

"Excellent question. It is the recommendation of my office that we immediately begin talks with friendly nations about deploying a joint system. We recommend approaching Shepistan, the IRT, the Nations of the MESS, and Cascadia of course. A Global Positioning System, or GPS if you will, would be in the interests of everyone."

"This GPS system doctor, I presume that it would be available in a slightly degraded fashion for civilian use?" asked Vice President Palin

"While we could do that, there is no compelling national security read to do so. It simply makes the system more complex."

President Cizadlo, who had been silent for the entire presentation, now spoke.

"Doctor, You 'GPS' is intriguing, and is to be given a high priority. I hereby direct the Department of State to begin contacting the nations mentioned, about inclusion in such a project. I also Direct all three military departments to your office for this project.

This meeting is adjourned"


Effects - The RoA is now seeking partners in a GPS project.
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Moderatorial Post:

The PRSF Navy suffered 3,100 fatalities; another 600 men reached shore along the PRSF, and another 100 men along the shore of the Vineyards. 650 survived on the two surviving ships to reach Vinish ports. The remaining 800 sailors present with the fleet were recovered by TXN/TJN search and rescue operations and detained. In addition to that, the complete crews of all eight Kilo-class SSKs survived and brought their vessels undamaged into Vinish ports.

Of the PRSF Air Force, all 18 x Tu-95s make it to Indophal, 4 Su-25s, 24 MiG-23s and 14 Mig-21s get to Baerne, and the rest of the force, 5 x Mig-29Ks, 7 Mig-23s, 3 Mig-21s, 15 Su-25s, and 15 Su-39s land in the Vineyards, as do about 100 helicopters of various types and some transports (8) and other support aircraft (12). A couple more transports (6 in all) and a 36-aircraft Su-15 training group make it to Indophal as well, and a 24-aircraft Su-17 training group make it to Baerne. About twenty-four basic turboprop trainers escape to the Vineyards (I just added the trainers they should have had, and apportioned them).

That's it, folks, as they say.
The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth. -- Wikipedia's No Original Research policy page.

In 1966 the Soviets find something on the dark side of the Moon. In 2104 they come back. -- Red Banner / White Star, a nBSG continuation story. Updated to Chapter 4.0 -- 14 January 2013.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Palace of the Soviets, CSR

- I can't believe I trusted those Frequesquean nations for even one minute.

- He'll pay for it dearly, - Andropovsky broke a pencil in two. - Our force is now trailing around Shepistan.
Stanislav murmured some calculations.

- This adventure has already costed us quite a lot, but frankly, some 10 million on naval and aerial operations so far is not unacceptable.

Yuri shrugged.

- The involvement of Westchester's colonial master crippled the PRSF. Just who the fuck did Selin support? Those pussies could not even properly debate their position. The former leaders were still not much better when they launched a botched assault attempt against the enemy Navy, but perhaps deposing them was a mistake. They may have fought harder and make the PRSF a partisan hell for the enemy.

- Ah. Where's Selin?

- He's demoted and will spend the rest of his days trailing papers in Rovno.

- Very good, - Stanislav made a slight nod. - Who's in charge of the operations now?

- Korabelnikov.

- Good choice, - the President put his hands on the map. - Now, we need this base.
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-09-04 04:42am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

(OOC sorry I didn’t get to this sooner)
Japanistan Approves FASTA Flyover Reguest

Provided that the space booster and payload meet the approval of Japanistani military representatives assigned to inspection Japanistani hereby authorizes unmanned FASTA over flights of its territory below the 10,000 kilometer ceiling for the purpose of scientific research with ballistic space boosters. Japanistani authorization will remain standing for future research flights until further notice or a failure of the inspection regime, provided that not less then 2 weeks notice is given of each launch. Any violations of this policy will be considered an act of war.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

Atlas-Sputnik orbital test launch delayed

Due to Japanistani inspection requirements, and the obvious security problems they would pose at the Comrade Stanislav Missile Factory testing range, the first Atlas-Sputnik orbital test launch has been moved to the Jerusalem Space Center.

The launch will take place from a temporary launch site, capable of handling the Atlas-Sputnik rocket. Mission control will be handled by Comona Island.

The orbital test launch will involve throwing a 1000 kilogram lead weigh to a low earth orbit: a succesful test will prove the capability of the Atlas-Sputnik (8K72, R-7) rocket family to enter earth orbit in a controlled fashion. An unmanned weather satellite launch will follow, and later - unmanned and manned flighs of the Mercury capsules.

The orbital test flight from Jerusalem Space Center is planned for September 10th.

JSC construction accelerates

What was once a stretch of unused land, too far away from any settlements to be of any use, has now become a place of frantic construction work.

Jerusalem Space Center, current state

Preparing an Atlas-Sputnik launch pad and the necessary support facilities for the planned September 10th test launch, construction workers are at the same time erecting dozens of other buildings: power plants, housing facilities, laboratories, communications facilities, machine shops, a Vertical Assembly Building and heavy launch pads.

While the Atlas-Sputnik launch pad will be completed quickly, the entire facilitiy will take more than 18 months to complete, owing mostly to the incredibly complicated vehicle assembly and launch system for the huge 1000+ tonne rockets necessary to deliver a lunar lander to Selene.

Technology: Mercury space capsule

While the Atlas-Sputnik rocket is not yet considered ready for manned launches, FASTA contractors are already hard at work designing the first true space ship on Earth: the Mercury capsule.

A one-man craft, the Mercury is a testbed for many important systems necessary for spaceflight: most notably, life support, re-entry and recovery, orientation, data recording and orbital tracking.

Cutaway diagram of the Mercury capsule

This pioneering design uses novel techniques and materials which have only become available recently: a truly breakthrough design, out of which an entire generation of future starships will be born.

Tracking station contracts decided

Anticipating a need to expand the orbital tracking network, FASTA issued inquiries to the following countries:

- Cascadia
- Incorporated Republic of Tonkin
- San Dorado
- Duchy of Langley

To gain permission for the construction of radar and communications center, to aid the tracking of FASTA orbital spaceships.

Construction of these stations will be contracted to local companies.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

PRAVDA: The CSR is planning to launch it's first solely controlled batch of satellites
They will form a constellation called the M.K.R.C. Legenda suite, a "Sea Control Radar Complex", with the purpose of weather monitoring.

Kosmos-1 to 5 satellites will vary in type. Kosmos-1 and 2 are US-A type nuclear reactor-equipped active radar satellites, while the Kosmos-3 to 5 satellites are of the US-P solar battery equipped for passive surveillance.

The satellites are intended to help CSR mariners in weather prediction, charting ways and sea lanes, as well for general synoptic needs.

The mass of US-A type is 3800 kg, and it's orbit is in the 250-270 km range, while the mass of US-P type is 3300 kg. The satellites are to be assembled at the Stasograd "Polyot" factory which concerns itself with precise space equipment.

So far the CSR does not field a missile or rocket capable of lifting such mass into orbit; however, the recent advances in FASTA space technology which are shared among members allow us to plan and project into the future.
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-09-04 11:01pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Steve »

In the spirit of international cooperation on bringing Mankind toward the stars, the Republic of Cascadia agrees to aid FASTA in looking for a suitable site for a radar tracking station upon Cascadian soil.
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"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Post by PeZook »

Royal Palace, Orena

Paul enjoyed seeing Arik again, especially since he seemed in good health. Although both heads of state were vastly difference when it came to their age, for some reason this didn't form a barrier. Maybe that's the result of spending 40 years trying to rebuild a destroyed world, Paul thought, pondering the issue. Other things were more important now, though.

"I remain skeptical about Japanistan. For one, I'm not sure it's even Skimmer who is running it - for all we know, it may be another 'NPC' state. Their goals are quite obviously in line with an agressively expansionist imperial power, though. Add to the mix the fact their leadership is massively racist, xenophobic and arrogant - and prodding them may result in an explosion easily."

Paul looked around the reception hall, full of 'specially invited guests' - all sorts of elites from around PeZookia. Arik's consorts had to leave him momentarily, so nobody heard the mention of 'Skimmer'.

"Then again, I remain confident that, at the current state of things, a war would spell nothing but disaster for them. We should probably aim to tie Japanistan to us economically in such a way which would not offend them, while discouraging war."

"Aside from those matters, I wanted to probe you on an idea I had...I wonder what do you think about an open border agreements between PeZookia and Canissia?"
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Siege »

Station One: San Dorado’s News Source Supreme

* The Board of Directors has granted the FASTA space agency permission to base an orbital tracking station on San Dorado soil. The tracking station will most likely be based on the Camp Kittyhawk Rocketfields, which is also the primary launch site for FTO space launches.

* A stunning first look at San Dorado’s jungle development plans! Station One was granted exclusive access to project site REAL EIGHT, where engineers of Blues Bros Steel & Shipping and MacMillan Megacorp are working ceaselessly on one of the biggest machines the world has ever seen:

The Titan Trasher, a huge vehicle designed for simultaneous jungle clearing and strip mining of valuable resources.

* Tanstaafl gurkhas arrive at REAL EIGHT, safeguarding the project against the perils of the deep jungle! They may soon be joined by Indhopalis as the government of Indhopal has expressed interest in the exploitation program.


* Vicious riots have erupted yesterday in San Dorado, turning the area between 45th street and the Thousand Temple Park into a warzone. The rioters protest against what they perceive as ‘unnecessary’ foreign expansion by the Board of Directors. After two hours of progressively more violent disturbances the Armed Interdiction Police finally clamped down on the riots. Three people have reportedly been killed, with dozens more injured.


* Universal Motors unveils its latest and greatest, the Shadow Phantom limousine. At a cost of a mere $ 140.000 you too can own this piece of rolling heaven! Bulletproof chassis comes standard; rocket launchers, flame throwers and a variety of other anti-riot measures are optional extras. According to Universal Motors, the Shadow Phantom will soon be available world-wide!


* The first elements of 2nd Mechanized Brigade are now arriving at Bangassou airport in the Central Frequesuan Republic. The airport and nearby city is controlled by the Provisional Government of Eastern-Occidental, a CFR province bordering the Great Lakes desperately struggling to maintain order in the face of bloodthirsty rebels and other scum. Station One has been informed that the provisional government is delighted to see the SDA come to its rescue.

An SDAF C-130H-30 Hercules landing at Bangassou.

* Brave troops of Citidef battalion 3 deploy to the San Dorado – Costa de las Cinqo Muertes border to suppress rebel activity in the area. With military units either returning from the Vineyards, or being transferred to the CFR, it is up to these brave volunteers to defend San Dorado’s southern border from the brutal southern militias and ensure the safety of the peasants living in the border regions!

Citidef troops deploy from a UH-1 Bad Penny helicopter, just south of the border.

Station One will be right back with the latest news, after these commercial messages…
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Post by DarthShady »

Shady News

USSR scientists to join Zorian Scientific Expedition

A group of USSR scientists will be joining the Zorian Expedition in Valeria, they will be accompanied by a small group of soldiers for their protection against Valerian wildlife.

An-12 aircraft carrying the scientist has left for Valeria

Peacekeeping operation continue

USSR forces continue their presence in the former Zagor Empire and the Sargonian Republic. Rebuilding is an ongoing process and there is much to be done to bring the two countries back in order.


The people are relieved that the war is over and that they can once again feel safe in their homes knowing that fellow shadow soldiers are there to protect them.

The criminals will pay

Trials for the former Zagor officials and their Emperor continue in Sarajevo. These men were arrested by the USSR for charges of ethnic cleansing and mass murder. It is expected that the first sentences will be made within a week or two.
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Post by PeZook »

PeZookia, near the eastern border

The access road was nothing but a path, cleared at some time in the Middle Ages, and then made slightly more permanent by repeated wagon-runs.

Milan's sedan was built for driving on paved city streets and highways: it really couldn't handle such roads very well. To say this was a bumpy ride was an understatement of the century.

"Is this the place?", Basil whispered from the back seat. They couldn't see much - the headlights only illuminated the road, some trees to its sides, and nothing more.

"Yes. A couple more kilometers, and we'll get to the meeting point.", Milan was as nervous as they all were - this point was the most risky. His contact said he'd take care of the UAVs and other patrols - but could he really do that? Or would he betray them and turn them in?

No...because then his involvement would float to the surface, he thought. He hoped nothing else went wrong tonight, though.


500 meters up, at the same time

The Predator drone was rather old, bought from Shinra and refurbished several times during its lifetime. The PeZookian police and border guard were well funded, but also required a lot of assets to monitor the eastern border - so its drones were overworked, and still too few.

This day, however, five of them were patrolling a single stretch of the border at the same time, guided in by police EW choppers tracking a cell phone transmission. Few people knew that with good equipment, a cell phone could be located to within a tolerance of less than 10 meters. Some models transmitted even when turned off, making them even more of a liability for criminals.

This particular drone was slowly making its rounds above access road no. 5 - one of barely traversily forest clearings, used by the border guards to traverse from their bases to the border proper - when it detected a hot car engine with its IR camera.

The operator, sitting in a heated room more than 30 kilometers away, zoomed the camera and fiddled a bit with the resolution settings. He couldn't make out details, not with trees partially obscuring the view, but it obvoiusly wasn't a Border Guard SUV.

He checked the latest location update from a police helicopter circling the area and smiled.

Oh yeah...we have them now!, he thought, and called over his supervisor.

(OOC: Yes, PeZookian police have EW helicopters. They are really well funded - part of the reason why I'm not spending ridiculous sums on the military :P)


PeZookian eastern border, meeting point, at the same time

Kowalski was pacing around, listening to his portable radio. The SUV was well hidden, its engine cold as a stone, and he took care to remain under trees. The border fence was a scarce twenty meters away.

There was something odd happening, he knew. His radio usually remained quiet throughout most nights, but now it was full of chatter: patrols were exchanging location reports, guards were reporting on the state of access roads, and UAVs apparently were being redirected.

He fiddled with the radio a bit more. Did I miss a general announcement? What the hell is going on?, he kept asking himself, Ah, doesn't matter. They're late, anyway. Two more minutes and I scram, and fuck the goddamned slave runners.

"Attention all border patrols! The suspect vehicle has been spotted on access road no. 5, heading towards the border! All units in the area, report in!"

Kowalski cursed - loudly and harshly. So he did miss a general announcement, probably when he was helping the driver camouflage his goddamned truck. Now his idiot of an employer got discovered, and there was nothing Kowalski could do to help him.

He panicked, briefly, and considered running. No, he thought, They will spot my truck and start asking questions.

There was only one way to do this. He depressed the 'transmit' button on his portable radio.

"This is 0-4-1, reporting in, I'm in the area 100 meters from the access road. Awaiting instructions.", he spoke into the microphone.

"0-4-1, locate and observe the suspect vehicle, but do not, repeat, do not intervene. The suspects likely have a hostage with them. Ther are airborne police units approaching your location now."

"Roger that, observe and report, do not intervene. 0-4-1 out."

Kowalski opened the rear hatch of his SUV and pulled out a Beryl assault rifle. If he was to get away with this, he had to get rid of the witnesses.

Ten minutes later

"Kowalski!", Milan screamed into the night. His subordinates were busy dragging the female cop out of the trunk. She was bruised and battered, but it didn't matter - her pain would end soon enough.

"Kowalski!", he shouted again when he was met with no answer

Goddammit, where the hell is he?!

The whole situation sent shivers up his spine. He was pretty sure they were in the right spot: he could see the border fence through the bushes, sticking out against the night sky.

"Milan, what's wrong?", asked Kosta. Basil and Roman stood the hostage up and half-walked half-carried her towards their boss.

"I don't know. Our contact should be waiting here. Basil! Check around, see if the truck is somewhere around.", he commanded the young hot-headed man, hoping that it was just Kowalski who bailed on them, "Kosta, there's a gun in the glove compartment. Bring it to me."

He checked the small Makarov pistol and waited for Basil to come back. The forest at night was a scary place, and every minute spent between the trees, listening to the various misterious sounds made all four men even more nervous.

Suddendly, there was a shout, and a brief scuffle.

"Border Guard! Hold it right there!"

They all heard the shout, directed at someone nearby, and all three men cursed at the same time. Milan raised his pistol and aimed it at the bushes.

"Back to the car! Quickly!", he screamed at Kosta, who grabbed the hostage along with Roman and started dragging her towards the sedan.

"Leave the bitch! Back to the car!"

As Milan turned his attention back to the bush, he saw Basil run out onto the road. Judging from the sound, somebody was chasing him.

"Milan!", Basil shouted, obviously relieved upon seeing his boss.

"Into the car!", Milan grabbed him and ran back to his sedan. All bets are off, he thought. He was finished in this business, and all he could do was try to escape with his life.

He practically threw Basil onto the back seat, and risked one last look behind before getting in himself. And what he saw made him boil with rage.

Sergeant Kowalski was walking slowly towards them, holding an assault rifle.

"You! What the fuck are you doing?!", he screamed at the man.

"You tell me that, you fucking idiot! Half the place heard you screaming like an injured cow, now there is a patrol heading straight for us!"


"They know something is up. My cover is blown, and your driver ran away. We're on our own.", Kowalski was tense, but he didn't let it show. He had to play his cards right.

"Fuck!", Milan screamed into the night

"Shut up, for fuck's sake! We have to kill the cop and get the hell out of here!"

Milan nodded. She was of no use now, and she could betray them all. He walked over to Amanda, tied up and gagged, who was now desperately trying to break out from her restraints. He looked at her, writhing, fighting for her life, and raised his weapon.

It was then that he's heard the helicopters.

"What the hell are you waiting for?! Shoot her and let's go!"

"No!", Milan turned to him, "I have a better idea! The border is right there, if we cross it - they can't follow. Basil! Kosta! Roman! Get over here, quickly!"

Kowalski cursed under his breath. The idiot just destroyed his entire plan. While Milan's subordinates were picking up Amanda and grabbing whatever supplies they could, Kowalski measured the situation carefully.

On one hand, if these clowns managed to get across the border, the problem would solve itself. On the other, if police did decide to pursue them into Sjenska...

He couldn't risk it. As Milan and his colleagues turned to run, he raised his rifle, steadied his aim and opened fire.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »

Sea Skimmer wrote:Official Protest and Declaration from the Government of Imperial Japanistani to the Government of Canissia

Japanistani issues a most serious protest against the illegal and unprovoked actions Canissian attack aircraft over sovereign Japanese colonial territory on Velaria...
The government of Canissia expresses its regret over the misunderstanding between the Royal Air Force and the Zunpuntra Militia. The problem stems from the lack of up-to-date maps that clearly spell out Japanistani claimed territory.

Until recently, the Canissian government had no idea how extensive Japanistan claims into the continent of Veleria extended; without adequate guidance we presumed that a fifty-mile zone around the stated mining claim would serve until more up-to-date information was provided. Witht he new maps provided, we see now that Japanistan intends to claim all territory right up to the border of the Katangwa Free State, and include the Zunpuntra tribal lands in that claim.

This is an ambitious claim, however, the area was largely unclaimed before and therefore open to exploitation.

In addition, Japanistan has observed the unilateral Canissian construction of a reprehensible apartheid barrier in Velaria before any formal agreement on the status of al-Akharabat has been reached. The path of the barrier already divides Zunpuntra lands which straddle north and south al-Akharabat as well as Japanistans colonial territory, and can only be considered a grave breach of the spirit of international peacekeeping which has made Canissian commitment to a negotiated solution highly doubtful.
Please do not read into the territorial demarkation berm any more than what it is-- a territorial demarkation berm in anticipation of a peaceful settlement. The berm follows what is regarded as th ehistoric dividing line between Caravo and Katangwan tribal territories, territories which have been acknowleded for generations when solving inter-tribal disputes or divisions of hunting lands. The government of Canissia is very aware of the potential for upsetting tribal sensitivities and have consulted with elders from both border tribes in construction of th eberm.

It is felt that, due to the current tensions between Caravo and Katangwan communities, and the declaration from President Addeed that all foreign forces be out of Caravoland, it was necessary to mark exactly where the Kantagwa Free State ended and Caravoland began. This is done in the intersts of preventing navigational errors that result in unfortunate incidents-- like the Zunpuntra incident mentioned above.

Careful inspection will show that the berm is not fortified, mined, or even fenced, and can in no way be described as a serious attempt to enforce any sort of apartheid. The existing roads that bisect the berm are not being blocked, nor are there checkpoints or barriers established-- it is nothig more than an acknowledgement of land division that will make peaceful settlement of the issue much easier to facilitate.

In view of these provocations, lack of faith and the unilateral division of al-Akharabat, Japanistan has no choice but to now formally accepted a Zunpuntra petition to consider all tribal members to be part of the Co Prosperty Sphere and thus Japanese colonial subjects under the direct protection of the Emperor. The marginalization, oppression and breakup of the Zunpuntra tribes will no longer be tolerated. Construction of the Al-Sukin- Kivangali railway is hereby suspended, and resources will be directed to building a new line from Al-Sukin into the new Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region. All foreign peacekeepers are hereby excluded from this Region which will be patrolled exclusively by Japanistani and Zunpuntra Volunteer Defence Force soldiers. Regular Japanistani forces will remain on patrol throughout al-Akharabat until a settlement is reached, and any and all apartheid barriers will be dismantled upon discovery.
If actual 'apartheid' barriers are discovered, they shall be torn down by Canissian Engineers as well. However, I am sure that you will find the truth in the above statement of the Canissian government that there is nothing to the territorial marker berm that impedes movement, and so cannot be descibed as a 'barrier' of any sort.

As for the Zunpuntra tribal concerns, it is unfortunate that they have chosen their own political and social form of apartheid from their former neighbors, however, that is their perogative. It is unfortunate that they do not welcome Canissian Peacekeepers there as well, however, given recent tensions with the Addeed government perhaps it is not surprising that an (unecessary) state of alarm has inflamed opinions across the countryside.

To avoid further violations the territory of Japanistani Velaria colonial holdings and the territory of the Zunpuntra Special Autonomous Region of the Emperors Co Prosperty Sphere have been marked on the following map in red and yellow.

[img= ...]
The borders and claimed areas are duly noted. Please see to it that Japanistani forces on the ground are also aware of these terretories, and maintain the integrity of their established patrol routes within those areas.

Thank you for your consideration in these matters
Royal Canissian Peacekeeping Command
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Coyote »

Royal Palace, Orena

King Paul of PeZookia wrote:"I remain skeptical about Japanistan. For one, I'm not sure it's even Skimmer who is running it - for all we know, it may be another 'NPC' state...."
"True," Arik said, also glancing about for anyone that might hear their 'secret' codes for others in the 'game'. "But the style fits. I looked them up in history on the interweb, here-- they largely stuck to their treaties, aside from the Sumatra stuff in '72. Now, all of a sudden. it's not just al-Akharabat but their whole manner of push-and-bluster that suits Skimmer's style."

King Paul of PeZookia wrote:"Then again, I remain confident that, at the current state of things, a war would spell nothing but disaster for them. We should probably aim to tie Japanistan to us economically in such a way which would not offend them, while discouraging war."
"I've been trying to wean him away from Shep, but I don't think he's taking the bait. They never answered my offer to expand diplomatic contacts or meet to discuss regional trade agrements. We can offer him much more than Shep ever could, but... this is the course he seems to want to take."
King Paul of PeZookia wrote:"Aside from those matters, I wanted to probe you on an idea I had...I wonder what do you think about an open border agreements between PeZookia and Canissia?"
"I'd love the idea," Arik said, relaxing. "We've always gotten along well enough, and I think an open-border agreement would work. This would mean, essentially, a free trade agreement is in the works, as well," he said, raising his glass in miniature salute.

"Something else I was wondering about," Arik said, "This recent war on your borders... do you need any help with peacekeeping, or a neutral venue to keep POWs or hold tribunals? Canissia would love to help-- and we're eager to expand relations on the Continent."

"Well," Paul said, briefly frowning. "I'm not sure how receptive Stanislav will be, see," he replied, "That recent dust-up with Tian Xia has him looking elsewhere for friends."
"Understandable, if regrettable," Arik said, "I'm just concerned about the CSR's open stance on nuclear weapons. It's causing quite a bit of social discord among many groups."

"Yes... but," Paul said, "I hate to say this, but better in th eopen than in secret..."

They were quiet for a moment, each in his own thoughts. This round of the game was, indeed, clearly much harder than the previous one. Suddenly, Arik straightened and smiled.

"Can I interest you in a laser cannon?"
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Somewhere deep in Anatolia underground, secret.

"So you see here, your highness, we have here a few 15KW solid state lasers, and some test 20KW lasers. We have some ideas on how to do beam combining that will achieve near 100% efficiency," said a scientist.

"Show me."

"Certainly Sire." The professor showed him a chart. "Using what we call coherent beam combining where we match the phase of each beam and combine them via a grating. We of course need to phase lock each beam. We do have an alternative technique that is much better, but for now we have a setup that might be able to achieve a similar result with this setup."

"Alright, but as I understand from the papers written, this method has ... some limitations."

"Yes sire, the locking has to be perfect, but there are of course time issues. We could rig some FPGAs to encode the instructions to run them, but they won't run them fast enough within the time scale of nanoseconds."

"Hmm... alright. You said there's another method."

"Yes indeed, but that is somewhat under wraps for now."

"Alright. Show me what you can do with CBC then."

The professor brought him to the setup. "You have the honors sire," gesturing to the button.

The Emperor hit the switch, and 2 15KW beams produced by 2 laser chains fired. The 2 beams were focused using the grating and then guided towards a CCD camera/power meter. The measured efficiency of 99% with M^2 =2.1, producing a 30 KW beam

"Not too bad. If that alternative method you mention does work, we might be able to get 100KW next."

"Indeed Sire."

"Good work."

"Thank You, Sire."

(OOC: The technology here has been mentioned in a number of papers in a journal named Optics Letters. Though not really implemented, or at least shown to the real world because of military secrecy)
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Coyote »

Command Bunker
Location: [CLASSIFIED]
Katangwan Free State

"The Zunpuntra?" Colonel S'vimbi asked, obviously taken by surprise. "We have alsways gotten along well enough with them. They are a smaller tribe, poorer, and live inland, against the jungle. They have always had hard luck because of it."

"Well, Colonel, now they've gone and not only declared support from Japanistan, but consider themselves to be colonial citizens of Japanistan," General Viers said. S'vimbi blinked.

"It must be..." he started, then shook his head. "Well, they are poor and desperate. Their lands are hard to grow on; they have been downtrodden by the Caravos more than we have. They would probably ally themselves with anyone who threw them a rope. But I don't understand, we have always gotten along with the Zunpuntra..."

"The communique issued by Japanistan said they wer etired of being kicked around by both you and the Caravos," Viers said with a shrug.
"Lies!" S'vimba exclaimed, "Japanistani lies!"
"Trust me, Colonel, between your word and the Japanistanis, I trust your word. If they could convince the world that Cornelius Clownshoes was the King of Selene, they'd do it."

"What about the territory dermarkation?" S'vimbi asked.
"It proceeds," Viers said, "Do you want something similar along the Zunpuntra regions claimed on the map?"
"Yes. Let those ungrateful bastards know that if they want to join with the Japanistanis, they will get everything that is coming to them. If they want to be shipped off to the Japanistani slave pits of Sumatra, that will be their reward!"

"Very well, then," Viers said, "We'll stick with the program, in cooperation with your government."

"Good," S'vimbi said. "What about those men that were going off to attack the Caravo village, over by Batoshe village?"
"We intercepted them," Viers said, "They were technically one kilometer in Caravo territory, but since the berm hasn't been built that far yet, we can write it off as a 'navigation error'. But we need to make sure that these things don't flare up again."

"The border mark will take care of that," S'vimbi said with a dismissive wave. "These Japanistanis know how to play hardball, eh? They want all of Western Veleria, it seems. Didn't they lose a war over far-reaching imperial ambitions?"
"Yes, they did," Viers said, "Hopefully, we won't have to repeat that war."

"Well, it seems the initiative is in their court," S'vimbi said. "Let's play their game, then. How about the good people of the Katangwa Free State become allies of the good people of the Royal People's Republic of Canissia? This..." he waved towards the report on his desk-- "this colonial subjects thing that the Japanistanis shove down the Zunpuntra's throats... this is too much like the old days of colonial masters. I want a relationship on an equal footing with my Canissian peers."

"I think the Foreign Office would appreciate that very much," General Viers said.

Katangwa Free State becomes allies of Canissia.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Operation Stabilizer Continues, meets some resistance.

FTO forces have made it into the CFR's capital, Flensburg. There has been very little fighting so far, though there are reports of clashes in the northern suburbs of Flensburg.

A militia Fighter in Flensburg

Many militia members have given up their arms in deals reached with the FTO. There is little sign of Revolutionary Front fighters, however. They melted into the wilderness upon the approuch of the heavy FTO forces.

Indhopal's Reaction to the Death Ride

President Raj Ahten lamented the huge loss of life amongst the PRSFN, calling it a tragic waste. Indhopal also officially offered aid to the Vineyards in dealing with the casualties, search and rescue operations, and the damaged ships that resulted from the Death Ride.