MKSheppard wrote:The Shepistani Government Demands that the Astarian Government:
1.) Abolish All Slavery, Indentured Servitude, etc immediately and recompense all former slaves/servants with $250,000 Shroomanian Dollars.
2.) Sign the Treaty of Ustinov, thereby preventing slavery from ever regaining a hold in Astaria or it's dominions.
These demands are not negotiatable.
Failure to comply shall mean a State of War exists between Astaria and Shepistan.Treaty of Ustinov
Be it resolved that:
1.) The Astarian Government be Dissolved.
2.) All agreements that the Astarian government has reached with other governments be ruled null and void.'
3.) That South Veleria shall become a CSR Protectorate.
4.) That the Astarian homeland be ruled by a multi-power commission consisting of Shepistani, CSR, and IRT delegates.
SHAFT Minister Melchett McMeistervater scratched his head as he read over the Shepistani pronouncements.
"Goddamn Shepistanis," he cursed as he discarded his novelty breasts and went over to Exarch Decius and the Astarian Ambassador Alexander de Montre-Narang. "Fellows, what make you of this latest pile of shite?"
"Let me just say that Byzantium... does not entirely approve of the actions of its principal ally in the SNC," Decius said icily. "Not one bit."
"Then, gentlemen, it's time for us to do something. Alex, why don't you fax this over to your Japanistani friends. I understand that your nation has a treaty with the Japanistanis regarding mutual protection whenever belligerent nations are in the mood for gang-raping either of your nations.
"And Exarch Decius... I believe you've said words promising international aid to Astaria.
"I... was at the loo during that time, so I couldn't hear myself. But, as the Prime Minister just announced, Shroomania and the FUN is poised to do precisely these things to aid Astaria and its people. Astaria will need both of our nations if it is to survive this coming crisis."Exarch Decius wrote:"The problem gentlemen, is this situation requires more than mere propaganda action," said the Exarch as he stood up. Decius looked around and looked at everyone in the eye. "I am with my PeZookian colleagues in that Byzantium opposes attempts to enact regime change in Astaria. More so, the recent attacks on Astaria demands that the rest of the world, who opposes not just the use of biological weapons, but also attempts to terrorize a state."
Gesturing to an aide, the aide brought up a projector and displayed a series of pictures of Firebees. "Byzantine agents, working in Astaria, uncovered many of these drones and sent the samples of the fluids in them to Byzantine labs to examine their contents. We ascertain that a few weeks ago, an attempt was made to destroy Astarian agriculture via the use of biologicals and defoliants. While I understand that many of us here are dead against slavery, we must also understand that the Astarian economy now teeters on the edge of collapse. They have made positive steps towards eradicating slavery, but we must first and foremost aid them in the transition to a non-slave based economy. We cannot expect them to convert to a modern economy where all men have equal rights, when the end result will not be freedom, but bloody anarchy. If we want the Astarians to eradicate slavery altogether, we must instead aid them to develop local industries and to find a way to persuade them to open themselves up to the outside world without destroying their own economy in the process."
Decius paused to let these facts sink in. Then he continued, "Understandably, there is plenty of cloak and dagger going on right now. There are also only so many nations in the world who would use defoliants and biological agents blatantly. While some are impatient for change, but that is simply unrealistic. Either we help them, or the same power that attacked them in such a manner would try again and attempt to starve the population to death. I can only hope that patience is a virtue that everyone would adhere to, and not resort to arms."