Also, too late to claim that "nobody knows", Lonestar.
At least Wilkens does.
Lonestar wrote:"…Finally, we all know that the Old Dominion has been intentionally collapsing Shepistani bunkers rather than helping the Shepistani citizens and military personnel tapped inside. We also know who you have locked up in one of your own bunkers. I'm sure there are people who would like to see the 'Killer of Astaria' put on trial…this is just a short list of actions Wilkonia will take. So, what's it going to be?"
So, Wilkonia knows that. It should be in it's intelligence archives somewhere. I'll love to see the King's conscience - if he still has any! - wiggle around that little fact. No doubt Wilkonia will deny everything, but I will have personal consolation.
Deep in his heart, Wilkens game alter ego will have
nightmares because he's covering the equivalent of Hitler in service of the MESS now.
Want to have even worse news? My good friend Heraclius, who has been booted the fuck out of the MESS, has been there (at that time) and overheard Wilkens' threats:
MESS Conference wrote:"We've done a lot for the Old Dominion, Matt." Greg said finally. "Everyone here has." Lonestar scowled at that and glanced at the Byzantine Emperor, who had the grace to look mildly embarrassed. "This is a poor way of showing gratitude."
Lonestar now leaned forward, intertwining his fingers and putting his hands on the table.
Even a fucking idiot would put 2+2 and "the Butcher of Astaria" is fucking direct and precise.
Lonestar wrote:"BIOCOMM claims that they've found no evidence of an active BW program." Lonestar pointed out. Blitzschlag snorted, but didn't speak out. Work on the SNYDER project continued, and BIOCOMM had yet to find and shut it down. Of course, part of the reason was because the OD had waved some of it's HERV findings to the public, but there were facilities that remained buried in the deep places of the earth...
So, at least you
ran forbidden research.
War criminals:
Lonestar wrote:Lonestar shrugged. "If it's any consolation, I understand that the pilot of the nuclear strike was originally in the Shepistani SAC…"
No need to explain anything.
Lonestar wrote:Colonel Hoare, formerly of the Shepistani ISI smiled as he watched the chemicals being loaded into the C-27Js, the small tactical transports that were manufactured by Sirnoth's only surviving aerospace firm, Aeritalia. If he had had any doubt that the so-called "Rhee Anh Sheppard" was really Mark Sheppard, it was gone now.
He would lead the operation himself, of course.
Some goons also know. Damn.
So, this is not that super duper one-man knowledge of a secret.
And I'll find a way to
kindly ask Heraclius corroborate my claims. You'll become a pariah state when people hear about that little "conference" of yours and the words Wilkens uttered
RogueIce wrote:If Hitler had a brother who had nothing to do with Nazi Germany and in fact left to escape Adolf persecuting him (I think that's sorta the backstory Rhee Ahn got) would we hold him as guilty as Adolf himself?
Too bad you didn't make Wilkens hold his tongue during that MESS conference back in the day,