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Post by RogueIce »

Police Advisors Disappear in Mangka

Police advisors from the Shinra Republic and other MESS nations have reportedly vanished after an apparent attack on a police convoy today. Among the missing are two Inspectors from the SRPD, a constable from Wilkonia, and legendary Lonestar Republic lawman Cordell Walker. Found at the scene were the bodies of several Mangka police officers, as well as appeared to be evidence of a massive struggle. It appeared as though most of the attackers bodies had been removed from the scene, however authorities suspect the Triad were involved.

Two unidentified bodies were found, however. Although an official cause of death has not yet been determined, sources close to the investigation claim these men were killed by what appeared to be a "roundhouse kick. To the face."
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Atlantis, the Atlantis Bay, beach in vinicity of the New Conference Hall and the biggest launch complex on New Earth

"Hey, tovarishi!" - Stanislav was riding a jetski off the waves and approached the shore.

Upon walking out, he was immediately hugged by Shroom.

"Stop... hugging... the Great Gen Sec!" - he laughed.

He noticed the King of Pezookia.

"So, how's it doing? I guess you and Shroom get along well, you liked his burly workers, didn't ya, ah-ha-ha!" - the Secretary General winked and went back to the parked jetski.

"So where's your Air Marshall?" asked Shroom.

"She's... up there. She has ... other entertainment" - the GenSec pointed towards the sky, where a T-4 "Model 100" streaked to the airfield. - "She's kinda... militant you know"

Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
Assalti Frontali
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

The Ashford Times

Duke Lelouch forced to shoot and kill own sister

Countess Euphemia, mass murderer extraordinaire?

ASHFORD CITY - In a shocking turn of events, a New Year's Day celebration presided over by Countess Euphemia, younger sister of the Great Leader Duke Lelouch, suddenly turned into an attempted massacre.

The Countess had just finished delivering an address to an audience of approximately 5,000 at Day of Sagittarius Stadium in Ashford City when, according to several eyewitness accounts, she pulled out a revolver and shot an audience member, an Army officer belonging to her entourage, and one of the Royal Guardswomen assigned to her; she then picked up the Guardswoman's dropped P90 submachine gun and proceeded to fire wildly into the crowd, which rapidly dispersed. Countess Euphemia was then shot several times and killed by Duke Lelouch. The exact total body count is still unknown at this point. The other members of the Royal Family are currently unavailable to comment on this incident.

Partial footage of the attempted massacre is available on the Ashford Times' web site.
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2008-04-15 01:14pm, edited 1 time in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Post by PeZook »

Stas Bush wrote: He noticed the King of Pezookia.

"So, how's it doing? I guess you and Shroom get along well, you liked his burly workers, didn't ya, ah-ha-ha!" - the Secretary General winked and went back to the parked jetski.
"Oh, yeah, man - we're all buddy-buddy, nice and close and showering toge...owww!" - the King looked at his wife, who just jabbed an elbow under his rib.

"So, uh yeah, we're getting along fine."

"I'm going to visit the gallery, honey. You stay and chat with your boyfriends." - the King's wife smirked and walked away, heading for the photo exhibition nearby.

"Right. I think we need to cut down on the innuendo." - the King remarked, stripped of his Royally dignified posture - "What attraction are we going to enjoy this evening, huh?"
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

"That is so hot. If your Marshall thinks she's dangerous, she can come up on me hard, zero in on all over my tail anytime, man. Make me crash and burn, right in her..." Shroom noticed that everyone was giving him a weird look. "What? I guess I must've had too much photoshoots with those Top Gun maverick volleyball-playing renegades at the SAF."

"Shroom, you are soooo gay. Or at least bi. Or bi-curious. Definitely bent as a boomerang!" the General Secretary laughed.

"Haha! And congratulations for blasting a man off into space. I should've made a statement, congratulating the great endeavor of mankind... but the robots! And the sea monsters!" the PM looked anxiously at the water. "Anyway, are they here? I'd toast to them, our first cosmonauts."

"Oh, how's your ESOC gonna feel when we blow those killbots up and send them to Robot Hell, anyway -"

Prime Minister Shroom looked at his beeping crotch, since his belt buckle was also a military-grade tactical video-beeper. People looked at him funny as he looked at his groin-o-vision funny.

"Woah. Some chick in Langley just killed some blokes before the Duke blew her away. Damn!"

"So, who wants some Giant Squid Sashimi?"


"Hey, Your Highness! That answers your question! A fifty-foot squid on a charcoal grill!"

[What is the King of PeZook's name?]
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Decue »

After the other world leaders expressed some... "concern" about the skill of the Gottish pilots the High Lord decides to ask the Arch Duke of Vanaheim for permission to base his aircrafts there instead.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Prime Minister Shroom on his cellphone, to the leader of New Gottland:

"Since Vanas really isn't participating as of the moment, I guess FUNGAL AXIS decrees or some-such allows for nations to land warplanes on each other's territory. Besides, bombing those robot dicks in Zablania won't stir any issues - everyone is jumping at a chance to waste those metal motherfuckers." :twisted:
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Lonestar »

Lonestar looked around the meeting suspiciously.

There, a communist. There, a monarchist. There, a socialist. There, a really creepy dude who may or may not be gay. He took a swig from his flask of Liquid Banjo(tm).

Lunatics all. *drink* They think they can send stuff into space and not us? *drink* They think I don't know that they are releasing experiments into the world? *drink* I'll show them. I'll show them all.*drink*


"How long has Lonestar been here?" The King of Pezookia asked.

"He arrived right before you. He's been standing there staring at that painting since then." Stanislav said. "This is his 5th flask he has drunk, I think."

"5th flask?"

"Da. I saw briefly under his coat, he has a, uhm, utility belt of flasks. When he moves you can hear them jangle."

"And he's been standing there staring at that painting since he got here?"

"Da. I am thinkink that perhaps he does not like dogs playing poker."
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Mangka Daily News


President Ma Wishes the Citizens a Happy New Year

[Atlantis] President Y.G. Ma, before the Atlantis New Year's Eve party, has made an announcement to the citizens of Mangka.

In the announcement, besides wishing everyone a happy new year, he restated his determination to lower crime rates, remove corruption, and push on the balance of development in the nation.

Fireworks from the Wanhua 101.

Office of Vice President, Presidential Hall

"Ma'am, this is Yenchin, happy new year and...URGENT NEWS."

"Happy new year. Speak." VP Yuki Amami frowned, and turned off the television. Every time the President is on leave his office aide, Yenchin brings bad news to her.

"The MESS Police Advisors seemed to have been attacked and are missing."

"After the President's announcement? What a good time. Does he know?"


"Alright, phone him immediately. Call the Minister of the Interior, call the Chief Director of the Police, wake up the spokesperson, and you'd better start thinking of something to give the press. The Banana Inquirer would definitely like to toss out some stuff to shame us."

Which in this case, was just a difference between 80% and 100% shame.
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
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"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
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Post by WesFox13 »

Lord Montgomery arrived in atlantis in his small Jet. He wanted it small in order to make it use less fuel. He then comes out of the Jet. However, he's wearing very causal clothes. A Red T-shirt with blue denim jeans. He then says, "Hello my fellow leaders.". He then walks down from the jet and goes into the building where the meeting was being held.
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Post by Decue »

The High Lord answers Shroom.
"Yeah, I guess your right. Maybe if I actually read the papers I signed I would know that. Urr, anyway have fun at that party your attending, it's now like I would like to get drunk for free or anything, I'll be perfectly happy here at home checking out those Canissian boats. Bye."
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Post by PeZook »

Shroom Man 777 wrote: "So, who wants some Giant Squid Sashimi?"


"Hey, Your Highness! That answers your question! A fifty-foot squid on a charcoal grill!"

"Damn! That's one fine attraction right there!"

The King poured a small, clear glass of vodka for himself, and another for Shroom.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:[What is the King of PeZook's name?]
"Paul, dude. King Paul the First."

*clang* *gulp*
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by WesFox13 »

Wes walked in and smiled a bit. He then sat down in a chair with a Coca-Cola in his hand. He was a bit quiet, not knowing what to say, He wondered if Arik had come yet. He looked on seeing Shroom over across the room, Stas sitting down in another chair with a cup of vodka in his hand and Lonestar drinking his 5th or maybe 6th drink. He wouldn't mind if someone came up and talked to him.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

News from the Qudlivun Free State

Confirmation of the completion of six new Kilurki-class patrol boats has been made by Qudlivun's premier shipyard. The six ships will begin their month long sea trials before being placed into full service by the Ministry of Defense. During their shakedown cruises they'll be acting in a reserve capacity and may respond to actual emergencies only if necessary. Barring any unforeseen difficulties the ships will transition to full duty without any formal announcement.

The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport are placing orders for a number of MH-60R Seahawk helicopters. The Ministry of Defense is expected to order 10 helicopters while the Ministry of Land, Infrastucture and Transport is expected to order 4. The orders are expected to be fulfilled by years end and were requested as part of each ministry's line-item budget requests.

The Prime Minister of the Qudlivun Free State has announced that no member of her government will be in attendance at the New Year's celebration on the Atlantis Neutral Zone. "While regrettable," began Prime Minister Armaiti Mazda, "I do feel that the continuing development of our own capabilities in light of the bloodshed and fighting taking place around the world requires our full attention." The Grand Duke of Qudlivun, rarely making any public appearances, released a statement of his own concurring with the Prime Minister.
Last edited by Vohu Manah on 2008-04-15 02:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Coyote »

King Arik Coyotus-I of the People's Republic of Canissia had finally shaken away the hangover, and made his way to the airport. No zeppelin this time; he was taking the jet to Atlantis. Most of his 'assitants' were feeling a little under the weather, so only a couple of them went with Arik this time.

The flight to Atlantis was quiet-- the military was allowed to base out of the Shinra Republic; so he was grateful to be a part of that. Squadrons of F-22s and FB-22s flew by overhead, on their way to the base, airborne tankers already were nearing their positions for the midflight refueling rendezvous. It was a good day to be a part of an international security action.

It was also a good day to be apart of an international party. Arik napped on the plane, wiping away the last vestiges of his headache, and before long they were landing at Atlantis, the new internationally-owned piece of land.

The Royal Canissian Airways 001 pulled up alongside the other international leaders' aircraft, and Arik debarked the plane, headed to the great New Year's meeting. His assistant with the least residual hangover went with him, in a delightful silvery dress.

"Yo, Stas! Where's the party? In Red Technocracy, the Party finds you!" he joked.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by PeZook »

WesFox13 wrote:Wes walked in and smiled a bit. He then sat down in a chair with a Coca-Cola in his hand. He was a bit quiet, not knowing what to say, He wondered if Arik had come yet. He looked on seeing Shroom over across the room, Stas sitting down in another chair with a cup of vodka in his hand and Lonestar drinking his 5th or maybe 6th drink. He wouldn't mind if someone came up and talked to him.
Continuing his rounds about the main dancing hall, King Paul seemed to have been enjoying himself. He danced for about half an hour with his wife, then grabbed himself some grilled Kraken.

He took a tally of all national leaders he shook hands with. Noticing Alrik and Wes, he shook hands with Alrik,and then walked up to Wes.

"What's the matter, man? Not enjoying the party?"

[OOC: Ya know, national leaders should be required by law to party with all the others on each New Year's Eve]
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Mr Bean »

BBC Reports
"We going live to the Grand-Ballroom at the recently constructed International World Leader conference on the island of Atlantis
His Grace, King Blackadder the VI of the UKB arrived shortly before the party began. However the possible upcoming war concerns had kept him busy until now. Despite the fact the island was International Territory, the simple fact that 90% of the construction on the island was funded by UKB tax dollars and the fact that it used to be his own private island let him no choice but to play host of the evening.

Well at least he could still have some fun while he was at it. Motioning to an aide the wandering violinists he had scattered through the cloud began the same tune. Only the first thirty seconds or so but it was sufficient to temporary cut the conversations in the hall. He strolled to the nearby stage set up for this very purpose, glanced at the note attached to the podium and officially opened this function.
"Ahem, my friends welcome, Welcome to Atlantis, here we will strive to solve our differences with words not weapons. Here we will begin our journey to the stars and beyond. Here on this island on this world of island we will make our start, unburden by that which held us back on old Earth. Here we shall make a better world."
Keep it short, keep it positive and get off the stage before you put them to sleep or embarrass yourself, those old public speaking courses have been invaluable since I got here he thought before beginning the official glad-handing required on the part of the host.

Your Highness good to see you here, thank you for your prompt assistance with that issue today.
Nod, Nod, Smile, Nod move on

Your Grace, good to see you showed up, I don't think many Mess members would attend today, Yes I understand how my moves when we first arrived here could have been viewed in a highly negative light, but look at where the Chaos has come from? The OMSK patch nations have all downsized their military and dumped billions into scientific research, Heck Its been a year now and Sheppastains still remains peaceful. How likley did you think that was to happen?
Smile, bow, Nod, Nod, second Handshake, move on

High Lord, glad to have you here, yes the booze selection is not at it's best, we can't exactly call up old earth and order some bottles of wine. In the mean time we do have a wide selection of rather young Vodka's and Scotch's if you like. Yes we all must strive ever ownward to improve our beer and liquor industry I agree completely
Smile, Step back(Seven drinks after an hour? Get a handler on him, Smile Nod, move on

Lord Montgomery, good of you to come, welcome to Atlantis, and yes those satellites should be going up this afternoon. By the time this little meeting is over we should have a full status report on how it went.
Nod, demure smile, Handshake, move on

Prime Minister! So good of you to come, yes I did get the calender thank you. As it happens I had them hang it in outside of the Director's office at White Sand's. Yes it did get quite a few comments, all in good fun I agree. In the meantime however, enjoy yourself and don't hesitate to call on one of the wandering aids if you need something.
Smile(fixed), nod, smile assume thinking pose to dodge third handshake attempt by Prime minster, nod smile, move on

Ahh good Stas, a few minutes of sitting would do me wonders
Stas! Or is it great leader? No formality then if you insist, this little venture of ours is turning out better than I expected, the only one who don't plan on attending is Saddamstain, no reason given but I never expected much luck on that front. What's that? Yes highly successful so far, yes it's simply going to take more money and time before we can expect serious result from that program. Yes we have been lucky with the space program so far.
Security? A four regiments of my finest paratroopers scattered around the island, two of Shep's ABM battery's on lone and a good third of my own fleet. Yes we only have two squadron's on call but they are F-35's and they are being assisted by what you brought with you. Radar dector's and Bomb-sniffing dogs go over the place every hour.

In the entry hall? Yes that was amusing that dog did used to be a drug dog but again, world leader so no harm no-foul from that.

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
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Post by WesFox13 »

PeZook wrote:Continuing his rounds about the main dancing hall, King Paul seemed to have been enjoying himself. He danced for about half an hour with his wife, then grabbed himself some grilled Kraken.

He took a tally of all national leaders he shook hands with. Noticing Alrik and Wes, he shook hands with Alrik,and then walked up to Wes.

"What's the matter, man? Not enjoying the party?"
Wes looked up at Paul and said, "Oh no, I'm Enjoying it it's just, well, I'm a little bit shy but if someone wants to start a conversation with me I'd be happy with that.". He took another sip of his Coke, he did note that it tasted a bit odd. He wondered if someone spiked it. He then said to Paul, "So what do you think of my nation, so far? Is it all right in your eyes?".
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Post by PeZook »

WesFox13 wrote: Wes looked up at Paul and said, "Oh no, I'm Enjoying it it's just, well, I'm a little bit shy but if someone wants to start a conversation with me I'd be happy with that." He took another sip of his Coke, he did note that it tasted a bit odd. He wondered if someone spiked it. He then said to Paul, "So what do you think of my nation, so far? Is it all right in your eyes?".
"Oh, Vulpesia seems all right. By the way, you should try the spa. It's completely awesome...though I think Shroom is in there. Has been for some time, too...heh."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Simplicius »

Location: xxx° North lat.; xxx° West long.; depth: xxx meters

The SSN RSGS Franklin crept through the pitch-dark seas, passing between looming columns and over abyssal depths.

In a cramped berth, His Majesty Simplicissimus I of the Kingdom of St. George turned a small gilt-edged card between his fingers. How long had they been searching? Days, probably. This damned cramped thing reminded him of just why he hated submarines - no space, no peace and quiet, no fresh air - nothing but oppressive dark and pressure outside the steel hull. And to believe that some idiots thought he should replace his beloved Insouciance with one of these pig-boats, for stealth and security.

The 1:125 scale concept model had found its way into the depths, as any good submarine should - the depths of the presenter, and rather forcibly at that.

Enough of this. His Majesty stalked out of the XO's stateroom, appropriated for this trip, and headed for the Franklin's control center.

"Well? Have we gotten anywhere in the past three hours?"

"You can look at the charts yourself, Your Highness. Nothing but seamounts, and beyond that abyssal plains, and those beyond our diving depth," said Franklin's captain. "No unusual contacts, either."

His Majesty brandished the small card. "Keep looking. It has to be around here somewhere. This is an invitation I won't miss."

"Your Highness, may I see that?" His Majesty held out the card, which the captain carefully retrieved. On it, in simple embossed gilt script: "31 December 2008 - 1 January 2009: International World Leaders' Conference and Kickass New Year's Bash. Atlantis."

Frowning, the captain turned to a chart. Still frowning - carefully - he turned back to his king. "Your Highness, do you suppose the invitation refers to the Atlantis that hasn't sunk beneath the sea?"

His Majesty turned and punched the chart table. "Fucking Mapquest."
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Post by WesFox13 »

Wes Nodded and soon finished up his Coke. He then said, "I guess I'll give it a try.". He then walked to the bathroom and went inside it. However he felt strange. He felt a strange feeling in his stomach as he noticed something. He thought, "Did I get taller?". He then felt the warmth then flow all across his body as he began to change. His face stretched out into a canine muzzle as orange and white fur began to grown onto his body. He quickly then went into a stall and locked it. After some groaning. Wes then walked out of the stall and looked at himself. His jaw dropped at what he saw.

Pic of the transformed Wes sort of looks like, just replace the clothes with what I have on and imaigne him with fox colouring on his fur, marking it as NSFW just in case

His shirt had stretched around his body while his jeans had become denim shorts on his body, ending at above his knees. He now topped at about 7' 2". He was a little nervous to come out now. He wasn't sure if he wanted to.
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Post by PeZook »

It was just short of 11 P.M. when King Paul came back to the dance floor with his wife. During a particularly emotional tango piece, he started whispering in her ear, causing her to giggle in a most non-royal way.

He suddendly stopped, though, when he saw a statesman - somebody from Stas's entourage, probably - run screaming from the spa, with nothing on but a towel. He ran through the ballroom and outside, to the gardens.

"Uh, honey?", His Queen asked, surprised, "What's wrong?"

"A naked Communist just ran through the ballroom."

Last edited by PeZook on 2008-04-15 04:29pm, edited 1 time in total.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »

There was drinking, excellent food, music, dancing and the works. Dress ranged from flashy to casual. King Paul talked with a guy dressed in fairly ordinary clothes who turned out to be the leader of Vulpesia.

"Wes Fox, you homie!" Arik said, shaking his hand, "I have to say, I love[/]i the idea of turnig your island into a tourist paradise. Like, um, Bermuda, or Hawaii, back home. Awesome idea."

"Thanks," Wes said, "You know you'd be welcome to stop by anytime." Arik exchanged a smile with his date, who bore a striking similarity to Eva Longoria.
"I may, indeed, have to do that," he said.
"We should host a party," she said, "At the Palace."
"After the rooftop jacuzzi is fixed," Arik said... they moved off as Wes had to go to the bathroom.

Later, screams interrupted the dancing, and a Red Technocracy aide ran --or rather, shuffled fast-- through the room, his pants down.
"Hell," Arik said, "They've started the streaking!"
Last edited by Coyote on 2008-04-15 04:37pm, edited 1 time in total.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by WesFox13 »

OOC: (Just to be clear, the post that Coyote posted happened before I went into the bathroom.)
My Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90

Designation: Libertarian Left (Social Democrat/Democratic Socialist)
Alignment: Chaotic-Good
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Lelouch holstered his Colt .45 and walked over to his younger sister, who was now lying in a pool of her own blood. "Why, Euphemia?" he asked. "Why did you do this?"

"I...don't know," Euphemia replied, her words punctuated with labored gasps for air. "I...honestly don't know...what came over me."

"Don't lie to me, Euphie!" Lelouch spat. "You just tried to kill off 5,000 people, and you're trying to tell me that it was just an impulse?!"

"I'm telling you the truth!" she uttered, the strain of her pronouncement causing her to cry out in pain shortly afterwards. "I'm telling you...somebody...or something..."

Lelouch rushed over to his sister's near-lifeless body and started cradling her in his arms. "Who did this to you?!" he asked frantically. "What did this to you?! What ultimately caused you to try and kill all these people?!"

With her last remaining ounces of strength, Euphemia grabbed her older brother by the collar and whispered her last words straight into his ear: "M...K...ULTRA..."

With that, Euphemia Lamperouge died in her older brother's arms. Kallen Stadtfeld, commandant of the Royal Guard, arrived on the scene shortly afterwards. "Sir, is everything okay here?" Kallen asked.

"I want you and the rest of the Royal Guard to investigate anyone and everyone who has had contact with Euphemia in the past year," Lelouch replied matter-of-factly. "Her last words were 'MKULTRA.' Find out if that means anything. Also, make plans for a funeral."

Kallen saluted. "Yes, sir."

"Damn Libertopians," Lelouch muttered under his breath.


Marquess Schneizel, Marchioness Cornelia, and Earl Clovis made a martially-themed entrance at Atlantis, landing at the airport in an MC-130H Combat Talon II and entering the main hall in the company of several fully-armed Royal Guardswomen. Even though they were forced to give up their arms at the front door to the UKB security detail, it was no small loss; they were there to party on Lelouch's behalf, not to inspect soldiers on the front lines of some distant war.

"Why did Lelouch send us here?" Clovis complained. "He knows we don't know anybody here."

"Would you just try and have fun, little brother?" Cornelia shot back. "Besides, you need the social experience."

"Cornelia's right. We're here to rub elbows with other world leaders, eat some fine food, and get wasted. Let's make the most of it," Schneizel said.

With that, the three nobles fanned out through the hall to sample the best the world had to offer. The now-unarmed Guardswomen trailed shortly behind them, melding perfectly into the crowd and ready to dispense liberal ass-kickings if their charges were to be attacked.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]