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Post by Coyote »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Nice, Coyote. I hope you and the others can make a cohesive history like what me, PeZook, Fingolfin, Shady, Karmic, and a few others are doing. Tie-ins, mang!
I left it vague on purpose since histories are still being written, and right now they're spread all through this whole thread. Once we get them consolidated (in Fingolfin's proposed thread, I'd guess) it'll be easier to make parallels.

I'm tossing in more ancient history stuff; like the Qalquayyid Empire as a mostly Egyptian-ish empire with a lot of Roman/Byzantine/Qing type additions.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Hey, it's cool. My country is also an amalgamation of Old European dickishness :)
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Coyote wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Nice, Coyote. I hope you and the others can make a cohesive history like what me, PeZook, Fingolfin, Shady, Karmic, and a few others are doing. Tie-ins, mang!
I left it vague on purpose since histories are still being written, and right now they're spread all through this whole thread. Once we get them consolidated (in Fingolfin's proposed thread, I'd guess) it'll be easier to make parallels.

I'm tossing in more ancient history stuff; like the Qalquayyid Empire as a mostly Egyptian-ish empire with a lot of Roman/Byzantine/Qing type additions.
Throw in some trading contacts, a Byzantine diplomat, and we can have fun. :P At least start up some precursor relationship that at least makes the formation of the MESS plausible.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

And dickish Shroomanian colonial involvement!

The Fungal Foreign Legion! The Kanissia Korps!
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2008-08-01 02:06pm, edited 1 time in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Karmic Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Here is version Three:
The Valley
The (Revised) Colonial History of the Vineyards

The Vineyards were founded by the Shroomainian Isolationist Colonial Company (SICC) in an attempt to both enrich the great nation of Shroomainia and acquire a place far away from the constantly warring Old Continent. The Continent at the time was gearing up for the Gaymean War.

The Shroomainian Government ceded SICC a small isolated Valley on the Continent of Frequesue in 1777. The Valley that would eventually become the Vineyards is bordered on either side not open to water by mountain ranges, the treacherous Mountains of Valor covering the Northern and Eastern border while the shorter Isolator Highlands act as the border between the Vineyards and the politically unstable nation to the south.

Upon landing, SICC began to work on building a port on the southernmost shore, naming the port, Port One, began a naming convention that would last until the end of SICC. SICC set-up mining survey teams to look for natural resources to tap. Meanwhile, in the valley, settlers were finding the ground to be very conductive of growing grapes and other fermentable plants. This discovery, along with early problems funding the survey teams, led to the colony becoming dependent on its alcohol production to finance itself. The alcohol production became so great, that a second port willed itself into existence, finally officially becoming Port Two in 1817. Port Three was founded fourteen years later, on a city sized island in the center of the lake in the center of the valley.

This prosperity would not last, though, as Greek Wines were being chosen time and time again over the “colonial slop,” leading to a collapse of the Vinish economy in 1900. By 1904, a the Shroomainian government found the colony did not meet expectations dictated by the Shroomainian Remobilization Program As such, Shroomainian recognized the Vineyards as an independent state, and withdrew armed support from that corner of the world. So, on October 13, 1904 the Vineyards became an independent nation

The Post-Colonial History of the Vineyards

The price of independence was not only economic hardships, but also an intense loss of centrality and unity amongst the settlers. The small valley became a war zone, with each wine-making family literally able to burn the fields of their fiercest rival. This led to a shortage of Vinish wines, which caused a slight increase in demand. By October of 1905, over four hundred million grapes were destroyed in the Vinish Civil war. The spike in demand, did force the families to meat in Port Three, now renamed Sheoth, and discuss the possibilities of working together to create a stable nation. Upon word reaching Ports One and Two (Syl and Thadon, respectfully), the two ports began to work together against the now semi-unified Grower- Families. The VCW fundamentally changed from a war of competition, to a war of ideology, whether the Vineyards should be industrialized, or continue being a producer of alcohol.

The Vinish Civil War and Beyond

Following the unification of the Growing Houses, the VCW took quite a turn. Syl and Thadon quickly proved to have better military technology, knocking the Houses out of Sheoth and back to the fields in the summer of 1925. The Houses, undeterred, began to plan a military operation that would get them back to being the dominant power in the Valley.

In the Lowlands, the battles were just heating up during the fall of ’25, with mass desertions of the Syl-Thadon-Sheoth Armies during the winter leading to a lull in the fighting, a lull that lasted until the summer of 1930, with a force of under-trained, under-gunned, under-fed Growing House troops marching on the uncommitted town of Traven, located on Thadon’s Great Road. The first battle was short and too the point, it captured the major buildings in the city with minor amounts of bloodshed. The STS’s attempt to take the city, on the other hand, began with a massive artillery strike, followed by a short, bloody invasion. The battles brought animosities back to surface, and warfare was out in the open again. The STS armies were no longer filled with loyal members of the Growing Houses, and the Growing Houses were beginning to receive better arms from San Doradan military merchants. Both sides were evenly matched, with neither side able to gain even a slight edge that could tip the scales in either’s favor. Though, philosophically speaking, the Syl-Thadon-Sheoth alliance had already won the war, with the Growing Houses trying to industrialize, just as the STS wanted.

Unbeknownst to the Valley dwelling belligerents the trading city of Azzan would be entering the VCW. Azzan had always maintained an independence born of differences between the Azzanian economic structure, and that of the Lowlands economy. Thus, when economic hardship ensued, Azzan remained literally and figuratively above it all. Azzan also had a much larger Colonial Militia influence over the course of its history, being a major mountainous trade city it had to maintain security of its assets somehow. When the VCW started, the Colonial Militiamen located in areas that they were not directly loyal to, found their way back the CM headquarters in Azzan. As the troops poured in to the City, the CM leaders began to worry for the welfare of their business, as they only had stockpiled enough wines to last until the next harvest, though the next harvest was looking farther and farther away. So the Colonial Militia Head, Michael Iron, ordered planning and building of factories in the city of Azzan, along with plans to seize nearby fields and mines, it was a plan to turn the city into an independent state. While this was going on, Mayor B. M. Marts was becoming more and more worried by the thuggish nature of CMH Iron, and began appealing to private citizens and foreign traders for assistance. One such citizen was Brandon Michael, a failed writer with a trustworthy face and a hidden agenda. Mayor Marts hired Mr. Michael to assist in removing the megalomaniacal CMH. Mr. Michael hired San Doradan mercenaries to assassinate CMH Iron, and told Mayor Marts to name a new CMH, a trustworthy CMH, someone who would live up to the expectations of the Mayor’s Office. Mayor Marts named Brandon Michael Head of the Colonial Militia in 1942.

By January of 1950, almost the entire Valley was fighting, companies of irregular conscripts marched down the winding roads that littered the Valley. In the Mountainous North, CMH Michael was willing to wait a few more months before launching Operation Unity, but his staff was getting impatient. In February of ’50, the Colonial Militia, in conjunction with San Doradan Mercenaries, and with purchased aid from rukbati pirates, marched from Azzan down the Great Road to the Fork, the location where the major highway spilt into two roads heading for each port. While CMH Michael lead an army to the South, his Second-in-Command, General J. MacMillan, a former member of Clan MacMillan, both armies were successful in both goals of Operation Unity, as they were able to garner support of the populace, and they were able to win military victories, victories that cemented the Colonial Militia, now referring to itself as the Vineyard Guard as the dominant political and military force in The Vineyards. Thus, the book closes on the Vinish Civil War, referred to as the War for Booze by some Shroomainian Historians.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

All because of booze... wow :)

I'd imagine the place would be like New Zealand... but with a history as bloody as any godforsaken nation in Africa :D
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:All because of booze... wow :)

I'd imagine the place would be like New Zealand... but with a history as bloody as any godforsaken nation in Africa :D
The first few hundred years were good, just when Shroomainia left the place went to shit with no government. Completely understandable.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

I added my own history to the thread for all to read. I guess PeZook, you could start adding the first bits of your history.
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Post by PeZook »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I added my own history to the thread for all to read. I guess PeZook, you could start adding the first bits of your history.
Yeah, I think I'll just make the history post in the thread and edit it as the history builds itself.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

PeZook wrote:I still don't know if anything analogous to WWI would happen on this planet, though. Who would be on which side? :)
Perhaps neither was clearly victorious; WW1 probably would have ended with a stalemate and negotiated peace in 1919 had it not been for the idiotic intervention of the United State, so why can’t that happen here? It would also explain why we had no WW2 equivalent. I mean really I think something like WW1-WW2 IS necessary, as it marks the transition from war just being another means of politics to the top world powers all living in fear of another all out conflict. Something like it is bound to happen in any advanced industrial society with multiple large power blocs.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by RogueIce »

I was thinking there should be some form of cooperation between the MESS nations pre-alliance as Fingolfin said (and I had the thought before I saw his suggestion :P ) to give us a reason to have banded together.

Actually for the world war idea I'd say it might've been looser than our world war...instead of massed alliances doing it, a war between two large enough powers kicks off and others, smelling blood, jump in. Some temporary alliances were formed, but the whole thing was messy. Hence why organizations like the MESS and FUN came into being, in part to prevent these sorts of things and also to firm up trade relations and such, making it Bad for Business (TM) to get into another free-for-all.

I have a few ideas in that regard but I need to hear back from a few people first.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

I think this is good for a full history.

The History of The Vineyards

The (Revised) Colonial History of the Vineyards

The Vineyards were founded by the Shroomainian Isolationist Colonial Company (SICC) in an attempt to both enrich the great nation of Shroomainia and acquire a place far away from the constantly warring Old Continent. The Continent at the time was gearing up for the Gaymean War.

The Shroomainian Government ceded SICC a small isolated Valley on the Continent of Frequesue in 1777. The Valley that would eventually become the Vineyards is bordered on either side not open to water by mountain ranges, the treacherous Mountains of Valor covering the Northern and Eastern border while the shorter Isolator Highlands act as the border between the Vineyards and the politically unstable nation to the south.

Upon landing, SICC began to work on building a port on the southernmost shore, naming the port, Port One, began a naming convention that would last until the end of SICC. SICC set-up mining survey teams to look for natural resources to tap. Meanwhile, in the valley, settlers were finding the ground to be very conductive of growing grapes and other fermentable plants. This discovery, along with early problems funding the survey teams, led to the colony becoming dependent on its alcohol production to finance itself. The alcohol production became so great, that a second port willed itself into existence, finally officially becoming Port Two in 1817. Port Three was founded fourteen years later, on a city sized island in the center of the lake in the center of the valley.

This prosperity would not last, though, as Greek Wines were being chosen time and time again over the “colonial slop,” leading to a collapse of the Vinish economy in 1900. By 1904, a the Shroomainian government found the colony did not meet expectations dictated by the Shroomainian Remobilization Program As such, Shroomainian recognized the Vineyards as an independent state, and withdrew armed support from that corner of the world. So, on October 13, 1904 the Vineyards became an independent nation

The Post-Colonial History of the Vineyards

The price of independence was not only economic hardships, but also an intense loss of centrality and unity amongst the settlers. The small valley became a war zone, with each wine-making family literally able to burn the fields of their fiercest rival. This led to a shortage of Vinish wines, which caused a slight increase in demand. By October of 1905, over four hundred million grapes were destroyed in the Vinish Civil war. The spike in demand, did force the families to meat in Port Three, now renamed Sheoth, and discuss the possibilities of working together to create a stable nation. Upon word reaching Ports One and Two (Syl and Thadon, respectfully), the two ports began to work together against the now semi-unified Grower- Families. The VCW fundamentally changed from a war of competition, to a war of ideology, whether the Vineyards should be industrialized, or continue being a producer of alcohol.

The Vinish Civil War and Beyond

Following the unification of the Growing Houses, the VCW took quite a turn. Syl and Thadon quickly proved to have better military technology, knocking the Houses out of Sheoth and back to the fields in the summer of 1925. The Houses, undeterred, began to plan a military operation that would get them back to being the dominant power in the Valley.

In the Lowlands, the battles were just heating up during the fall of ’25, with mass desertions of the Syl-Thadon-Sheoth Armies during the winter leading to a lull in the fighting, a lull that lasted until the summer of 1930, with a force of under-trained, under-gunned, under-fed Growing House troops marching on the uncommitted town of Traven, located on Thadon’s Great Road. The first battle was short and too the point, it captured the major buildings in the city with minor amounts of bloodshed. The STS’s attempt to take the city, on the other hand, began with a massive artillery strike, followed by a short, bloody invasion. The battles brought animosities back to surface, and warfare was out in the open again. The STS armies were no longer filled with loyal members of the Growing Houses, and the Growing Houses were beginning to receive better arms from San Doradan military merchants. Both sides were evenly matched, with neither side able to gain even a slight edge that could tip the scales in either’s favor. Though, philosophically speaking, the Syl-Thadon-Sheoth alliance had already won the war, with the Growing Houses trying to industrialize, just as the STS wanted.

Unbeknownst to the Valley dwelling belligerents the trading city of Azzan would be entering the VCW. Azzan had always maintained an independence born of differences between the Azzanian economic structure, and that of the Lowlands economy. Thus, when economic hardship ensued, Azzan remained literally and figuratively above it all. Azzan also had a much larger Colonial Militia influence over the course of its history, being a major mountainous trade city it had to maintain security of its assets somehow. When the VCW started, the Colonial Militiamen located in areas that they were not directly loyal to, found their way back the CM headquarters in Azzan. As the troops poured in to the City, the CM leaders began to worry for the welfare of their business, as they only had stockpiled enough wines to last until the next harvest, though the next harvest was looking farther and farther away. So the Colonial Militia Head, Michael Iron, ordered planning and building of factories in the city of Azzan, along with plans to seize nearby fields and mines, it was a plan to turn the city into an independent state. While this was going on, Mayor B. M. Marts was becoming more and more worried by the thuggish nature of CMH Iron, and began appealing to private citizens and foreign traders for assistance. One such citizen was Brandon Michael, a failed writer with a trustworthy face and a hidden agenda. Mayor Marts hired Mr. Michael to assist in removing the megalomaniacal CMH. Mr. Michael hired San Doradan mercenaries to assassinate CMH Iron, and told Mayor Marts to name a new CMH, a trustworthy CMH, someone who would live up to the expectations of the Mayor’s Office. Mayor Marts named Brandon Michael Head of the Colonial Militia in 1942.

By January of 1950, almost the entire Valley was fighting, companies of irregular conscripts marched down the winding roads that littered the Valley. In the Mountainous North, CMH Michael was willing to wait a few more months before launching Operation Unity, but his staff was getting impatient. In February of ’50, the Colonial Militia, in conjunction with San Doradan Mercenaries, and with purchased aid from rukbati pirates, marched from Azzan down the Great Road to the Fork, the location where the major highway spilt into two roads heading for each port. While CMH Michael lead an army to the South, his Second-in-Command, General J. MacMillan, a former member of Clan MacMillan, both armies were successful in both goals of Operation Unity, as they were able to garner support of the populace, and they were able to win military victories, victories that cemented the Colonial Militia, now referring to itself as the Vineyard Guard as the dominant political and military force in The Vineyards. Thus, the book closes on the Vinish Civil War, referred to as the War for Booze by some Shroomainian Historians.

The Reconstruction and Today

Following the victories at Syl, Thadon, and Sheoth, the Vineyard Guard set about becoming a real nation, First, the Guard Named Brandon Michael King of The Vineyards, Brewmaster of the Valley, Lord of Thadon, Duke of Syl, Prophet of Sheoth and Leader of the Vineyard Guard. The Vineyards was now a unified nation, under King Michael, and his first act as King was to enact a series of Reconstruction polices, policies that would eventually bring The Vineyards into the Modern era. The plans involved a major over haul of the wine industry, starting with nationalization and ending with studies to attempt to create a better, more intoxicating, more addictive alcoholic product. His second reconstruction policy involved the Vinish Navy, he planned to but multiple ships and hire specialists through San Doradan Contacts, this plan was similar to his Air Force program, purchase from San Dorado while attempting to get some native industry going. This system was brought to many native underachieving industries, and by 1986, the year of Michael I’s death; the country had connected every major city in the Vineyards by rail and open its first automobile factory. The First Automobile to come off of Vinish assembly lines was immediately sold to an unspecified Collector.

The Vineyards Reconstruction was not limited to rebuilding the broken cities, but also to reintroducing The Vineyards to the global political scene. The Vineyards initially petitioned for entry into a Commonwealth of Nations that was born from the ashes of the Shroomainian Empire. Thanks to problems setting up the Foreign Ministry, entry was delayed until 1970. The Vineyards found stiff competition in the wine market from Greek breweries, but the Alcoholic Reconstruction Program proved effective, and many of the international elite were addicted to Vinish wines. At least, from the Vinish position they were, many breweries were unable to meet demand, causing a brief scare amongst the Vinish Court, but when Brandon Michael II was crowned in 1980, the demand had evened itself out with supply.

King Michael II not only continued his father’s plans for a prosperous Vineyard, but he proceeded to give the citizens more rights, rights that had been staples of the larger nations for centuries. King Michael II’s bill of rights included the rights to Assemble, of Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of The Press. Simple rights like that were enough to garner more than enough support for the new monarch, solidifying the government as a Monarchy, and not a Single manned dictatorship.

This brings us to life today in the Vineyards: a stable government, a growing economy, and nothing is attempting to usurp the Thrown, so, in essence, life in the Vineyards is worth living.
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Post by Coyote »

Hey, if anyone wants to pile some of this in, I'm game-- I'm planning on expanding Canissia to be something of a former Napoleonic/WW1/Bismarck-ian style former empire and might add in some minor Imperialism here & there, spurred by the need for he "Caprican Merchants" to expand their trade.

Basically, Canissia will be a land where we had a period of great power and respect and were major players in the local version of the early-to-mid-1800's, and dabbled in some minor Imperialism (so if anyone wants to be a former Canissian colony, we'll work something out).

While we've been eclipsed as a power, we still have a sort of Bismarckian legacy.

The templates I'm thinking of for Canissia is a sort of cross between Bismarck German, Spain, and modern Israel glommed together (with a bit of Venetian Merchants thrown in for Caprica). Instead of ancient Romans stomping around in our territory, we had the Egyptian-esque "Qalquayyids", who anyone can lay claim to (or we can leave as an NPC).

Another idea is, we may have sold weapons or traded with any of the smaller colonies seeking independence from othe rpowers, mostly so the Caprican Merchants Guild could get their hooks into small markets.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Post by RogueIce »

Since I'm an island nation, the Navy would be a big thing with me I'd think. I'd have an Army, of course, and in the modern era I'd be able to deploy them where needed, but by and large it's meant for homeland defense.

As I result, while I would have had some colonies, they would've been more "cooperate with the natives" rather than supplant them, as we didn't really have the philosophy to ship out the troops in the numbers needed to quell native unrest. By the same token, any colonies that wanted to split off would probably do so fairly amicably, since we're not shipping troops overseas to put them down. Of course they may lose their protection via the Shinra Republic Navy and could face trade difficulties if the split was less-than-friendly.

There may have been one or two colonies we tried the "restore order with the troops" thing but public sentiment simply wasn't there to do it; the Army was very much the junior member of our Armed Forces so there wasn't the willingness to commit them in great numbers. Which would have shaped our future policies in just "letting them go" with or without loss of protection/trade sanctions.

These could easily be handled with NPCs (the natives started to not like us so we pulled out, etc.) or maybe a Duchy or two if they want to be a former Shinra Republic colony. Something for the island-nation minded people to do...and if they made their split agreeable enough, that would help with the "can a Duchy survive as an island?" question because they'd have had the backing of me (and anyone else I'm friendly with through the years) to keep them going.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Karmic Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Would the Shinra Republic like to discuss a possible trade agreement of wines and other alcoholic beverages for a very reasonable price and Naval assistance?
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Post by RogueIce »

Karmic Knight wrote:Would the Shinra Republic like to discuss a possible trade agreement of wines and other alcoholic beverages for a very reasonable price and Naval assistance?
You're going to bribe us with cheap booze?

I think something could be worked out... :D
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Karmic Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

RogueIce wrote: You're going to bribe us with cheap booze?

I think something could be worked out... :D
Wars have been fought over this stuff, so you know it is good.
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Post by RogueIce »

Karmic Knight wrote:Wars have been fought over this stuff, so you know it is good.
You could tie it in with your Civil War: whoever comes out on top gets the Shinra Republic to come in and guaruntee their ships protection, while the other families are on their own, giving whoever got us on their side a huge economic advantage...and if some of the "pirates" we dealt with were really just rival families, well, these things happen.

I'm also working with Coyote in that the land-based elements of my colonies and other overseas involvements get dealt with by him, so in addition to the Naval help you'd get Canissian Marines and/or mercenaries to "restore order to your troubled lands" or long as Canissia gets a cut of the profits, as well. Whether that's directly or you just make a deal with us and we bring Canissia into it ourselves (acting as a middleman in this arrangement) can work either way.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

RogueIce wrote: You could tie it in with your Civil War: whoever comes out on top gets the Shinra Republic to come in and guaruntee their ships protection, while the other families are on their own, giving whoever got us on their side a huge economic advantage...and if some of the "pirates" we dealt with were really just rival families, well, these things happen.

I'm also working with Coyote in that the land-based elements of my colonies and other overseas involvements get dealt with by him, so in addition to the Naval help you'd get Canissian Marines and/or mercenaries to "restore order to your troubled lands" or long as Canissia gets a cut of the profits, as well. Whether that's directly or you just make a deal with us and we bring Canissia into it ourselves (acting as a middleman in this arrangement) can work either way.
I like that, working with your navy in hopes of getting the upper hand in the war leads to massive advantages, as you bring in other powers to assist you in dealing with the military challenges you deal with.

EDIT: Also, you can operate a naval base in one of the Vinish ports, if you would like.

Also, Also: Are we going with the Duchies get 300 Billion USD and using the Point system?
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Post by Beowulf »

My suggestion:

Imperium 20k posts
$5 trillion GDP (PPP)
1 million km^2 (suggested)
120 million population - (suggested,
1st world living standard)
3000 pts

Tsardom 5k posts
1/2 imperium
1500 pts

Kingdom 2.5k posts
1/2 tsardom
750 pts

Principality 1k posts
1/2 kingdom
$750 billion GDP (PPP)
420 pts

Duchy 50 posts or negative CT
1/2 principality
$400 billion GDP (PPP)
210 pts

+1 for mods & senators (including mini-mods)
+1 for longevity (only if really close to breakpoint)
-1 for dicks (looking at you, Shep)

military points:
carriers - 16
large LHA/LHD - 8
cruisers - 6
small LHA/LHD - 6
destroyer - 4
AOE - 4
AO - 2
AKE - 2 (resupply vessels)
frigate - 2
LST - 2
corvette - 1
attack submarine - 2
nuclear costs double (yes, this means a CVN costs 32 points)

5th gen fighter flight(x4) - 4
* F-22 or F-35
* limit: 1% of your points, rounded to nearest point
4th gen fighter flight(x4) - 2
* teen series american, MiG-29/31, Su-27, JAS 39
3rd gen fighter flight(x4) - 1
* F-4, MiG-23/25
lightweight fighters cost 1/2 what other fighters of their generation do
* F-18Es are not lightweight; F-18As, and F-16 block 52 and earlier are.
* attack aircraft are lumped in with corresponding gen of fighter
* ex: A-10 is a lightweight 4th gen. A-4 is a lightweight 3rd gen.
Strategic bomber - 2 (>45,000 lbs payload)
* B-1
tactical bomber - 1 (<45,000 lbs payload)
* F-111
tanker - 1
* KC-135 et al. Not buddy tankers like KA-6D
heavy AWACS - 2
* E-767
light AWACS - 1
* E-2
trainer flight (x4) - .5 (does not count two seat fighters, ex: F-16B)
* T-6, BAe Hawk, etc
strategic transport flight(x4) - 4
* C-5
tactical transport flight(x4) - 2
* C-130
heavy maritime patrol flight(x4) - 4
* ex: P-3
light maritime patrol flight(x4) - 2
* S-3
recon same as whatever it's base is, or 2 if there is no base

3rd Gen MBT (x60) - 4
* ex: M1
2nd Gen MBT (x60) - 2
* ex: M60
1st Gen MBT (x60) - 1
* ex: M48
3rd Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - 2
* ex: M2/3
2nd Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - 1
* ex: M113
1st Gen AFV(non-MBT) (x120) - .5
MLRS artillery (x27) - 2
Heavy SP Artillery (x16) - 2
* ex: 8 in guns
Medium SP Artillery (x16) - 1
* ex: PzH 2000, M109
Field SP Artillery (x16) - .5
* ex: MOBAT
Medium Towed Artillery (x18) - .5
* ex: M198
Field Towed Artillery (x18) - .25
* ex: M119
Heavy Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 3
* ex: S-300
Medium Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 2
* ex: Patriot
Light Air Defense Artillery (x16) - 1
* ex: M6
Heavy Lift Helicopter (x30) - 3
* ex: CH-47, CH-53
Utility Helicopter (x30) - 1
* ex: H-60
Attack Helicopter (x24) - 2
* ex: AH-64
Light Attack Helicopter (x24) - 1
* ex: AH-1
Professional Infantry (x1000) - 1
* highly trained and equipped (body armor et al)
Conscript Infantry (x2000) - 1
* not so well trained, decently equipped (helmet, no body armor, et al)
Untrained Infantry (x3000) - 1
* Screaming horde with AK-47s and RPGs
Marines (x900) - 1
* like professional infantry, but trained to do amphibious assaults
Paratroopers (x900) - 1
* like marines, but paid to jump out of perfectly good airplanes
Engineers (x800) - 1
* combat engineers *boom*
"Elite" Special Forces (x60) - 4
* SEALs, CCT, etc.
"Moderate" Special Forces (x60) - 3
* Rangers

Nuclear infrastructure, but no nuclear weapons.

Weapon systems must either currently exist in service, or be straightforward extrapolations of in service weapon systems. Bonus: systems that are in prototype status can be taken in limited quantites. Example: F-35 can be acquired in low numbers, but can't be in widespread service. Limit is 1 flight of aircraft, or 1 battalion or equivalent of other weaponry. Ballistic and cruise missile submarines don't exist.

You can choose any nations weapon systems for your own. You can mix and match (have Russian tanks and American IFVs)

Time scale: 1 month = 1 year. Year begins on the first of the month.

Ice's spreadsheet to help organize all this is at: ... cation.xls

I'll put up examples of regiments to make it a bit easier to create an army, since it's currently running fairly complicated.
Last edited by Beowulf on 2008-08-03 05:18pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Karmic Knight »

So a duchy gets .3125 trillion?
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Post by RogueIce »

Karmic Knight wrote:So a duchy gets .3125 trillion?
No, you get 400 billion, or .4 trillion if that's how you want to look at it.

Just like the military points weren't straight half for the lowest two levels, neither are the GDPs.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Karmic Knight
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Post by Karmic Knight »

RogueIce wrote:No, you get 400 billion, or .4 trillion if that's how you want to look at it.

Just like the military points weren't straight half for the lowest two levels, neither are the GDPs.
Ah, alright.
And I was just too lazy to move the decimal.
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Post by Karmic Knight »

RogueIce wrote: You could tie it in with your Civil War: whoever comes out on top gets the Shinra Republic to come in and guaruntee their ships protection, while the other families are on their own, giving whoever got us on their side a huge economic advantage...and if some of the "pirates" we dealt with were really just rival families, well, these things happen.

I'm also working with Coyote in that the land-based elements of my colonies and other overseas involvements get dealt with by him, so in addition to the Naval help you'd get Canissian Marines and/or mercenaries to "restore order to your troubled lands" or long as Canissia gets a cut of the profits, as well. Whether that's directly or you just make a deal with us and we bring Canissia into it ourselves (acting as a middleman in this arrangement) can work either way.
How does this sound?
Following the third Sacking of Sheoth in 1929, Lord Michael began to get worried, the noble houses were tearing the country apart. With a new vigor, he began planning a reinvasion of his homeland, using the troops he had on hand, and many of the experienced mercenaries who had fought to liberate Frequesue from Coilerburg, the Lord of Azzan found that his forces would barely be able to retake Sheoth, let alone the ports of Thadon and Syl. Lord Michael began searching the international landscape, hoping to find a country willing to assist in his bid for the Vineyard Throne, He found an ally in the Shinra Republic. The Shinra Republic was willing to not only perform naval blockades of the two war torn ports, but also land a ‘peacekeeper’ force to assist Lord Michael in his attempt to unify The Vineyards, in exchange, Lord Michael agreed to the building of a Republican Naval base near Syl, along with a favorable trade agreement with the Republic.
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Post by Coiler »

Karmic Knight wrote: How does this sound?
Following the third Sacking of Sheoth in 1929, Lord Michael began to get worried, the noble houses were tearing the country apart. With a new vigor, he began planning a reinvasion of his homeland, using the troops he had on hand, and many of the experienced mercenaries who had fought to liberate Frequesue from Coilerburg, the Lord of Azzan found that his forces would barely be able to retake Sheoth, let alone the ports of Thadon and Syl. Lord Michael began searching the international landscape, hoping to find a country willing to assist in his bid for the Vineyard Throne, He found an ally in the Shinra Republic. The Shinra Republic was willing to not only perform naval blockades of the two war torn ports, but also land a ‘peacekeeper’ force to assist Lord Michael in his attempt to unify The Vineyards, in exchange, Lord Michael agreed to the building of a Republican Naval base near Syl, along with a favorable trade agreement with the Republic.
Date's waaaaay off. Iler's War did not begin until 1969, and ended in late 1975. To have mercenaries that fought in Iler's War take part in an event not so long after 1929 would be like having WWII vets fight a war in 1905.
Visitor of five museum ships.