SD.Net World(RAR!) MK III
Posted: 2008-05-22 12:26pm
Begin!Zor wrote:Another thread on these lines.
Today, Q has decided to give the established members of Forum some power, but decides not to have it contested among other Humans, here each established (50+ posts and not banned) board member is given control of a human state on an earthlike planet somewhere far far away. You can bring twenty five humans with you as well as a house full of stuff, as well as a linkup
The planet in question is would be considered paradice by most people's standards. It has terran ecology transplanted onto it and differs from earth geographically, instead of continents, it is a complex maze of seas and islands, most of which are tropical to temperate due to ocean currents and such. Technology level is basically that of modern day earth, with plenty of fossil fuels. The planet is populated with humans, which are basically a good solid mix of ethnic groups from all over earth with religion being done with one quarter being worshipers of moderate versions of Earth Religions that get along well enough with the rest being either atheists or agnostics.
They assume the title of King/Tsar/Imperator/Ceaser/Whatever, a constitutional monarch. You get a nice Palace in a capital. There is a parliament, but that handles internal affairs. You also have connection to Earth to see how things are going, and for a vacation if so you desire, although only you and your 25 relocated people are allowed to go between worlds with only the cloths on their backs and a backpack worth of stuff.
The size and prowess of your nation is based on your status and postcount. All nations have water barriers.
50-1,000 posts (or having a negative custom title) -Dutchy
-An island between 7,500 Square KM
-Either 250,000 people at a first world level of income or 500,000 at a second world level
-A military of 1,000-2,500 personel (depending on US) and a basic fleet of a couple of Patrol boats and choppers for naval policing. You can de-militerize if so you desire, as is the case with every one of these nations.
-Able to meet local demands for basic foodstuffs, as well as having a single industry/resource export of note, GDP $6,250,000,000 USD per year
1,001-2,500 posts-Principality
-An Island/Island chain with 35,000 square kilometers
-Population: 2.5 Million first world, 5 million second world
-A military with 15,000-30,000 personel with a couple of jet fighters, a dozen or so APCs and other light AFVs and a pair of Halifax-class frigate to go along with a fleet of patrol ships
-Able to meat local food demands, as well as having some local manufacuring of consumer goods and resource export, GDP $62,500,000,000 USD per year
2,501-5,000 Posts-Kingdom
-Total Land Area, 250,000 square kilometers
-Population: 15 million first world, 30 million second world
-Military, 100,000-200,000 personel, Comprable armored/motorized deployment to Royal Army, 150 Jet Fighters, 10 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers, 40 Halifax Class Frigates and 10 modern Diesel submarines
-Able to produce enough food for export, with industry capable of producing largescale goods such as cars, modern arms industry and some shipbuilding, GPD-$375,000,000,000 USD per year
5,001-20,000 regular posters, Senators and mods minimum-Tsardom
-Total Land Area, 500,000 square kilometers
-Population: 30 million first world
-Military, 400,000 personel, Comprable armored/motorized deployment to double the Royal Army, 300 Jet Fighters, 20 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers, 60 Halifax Class Frigates and 20 modern Diesel submarines
-Able to produce enough food for export, with industry capable of producing largescale goods such as cars, modern arms industry and shipbuilding, GPD-$750,000,000,000 USD per year
20,001+, Supermods and Administrators-Imperium
-Total Land Area, 1,000,000 square kilometers
-Population: 60 million first world
-Military, 800,000 personel, Comprable armored/motorized deployment comprable to that of the Russian Federation in scale, 600 Jet Fighters, 40 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers, 120 Halifax Class Frigates and 20 Virginia class Attack subs, one Nimitz class Carrier
-Major food exporter, with industry capable of producing largescale goods such as cars, modern arms industry and shipbuilding, GPD-$1,500,000,000,000 USD per year
There are no other Humans in the star system beyond us and (sorry shep) none of these nations is as of yet has a nuclear arsenal. Each palace is also linked together with a central political web-forum thing for international diplomacy.
1-What do you do with your nation?
2-What happens to this world?
EDIT-On Request of RougeIce, you can modifiy your fleet acordingling...
2 Halifax FFGs Can be exchanged for a 1 Burke DDG
2 Burke DDGs can be exchanged for 1 Ticonderoga CG/Kirov CGN
2 Ticonderoga CGs/Kirov CGNs can be exchanged for 1 Nimitz CVN
2 Modern diesel submarines can be exchanged for 1 Virginia SSN