STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC
Posted: 2009-05-14 05:16pm
It is a period of uncertainty in the Galaxy.
After the rebirth of the CLONE EMPEROR at BYSS, all the major remnant factions of the GALACTIC EMPIRE came together to assault the fledgling NEW REPUBLIC. All Major characters were killed in a dramatic assault on CORUSCANT, just two years ago.
Left behind were many smaller Factions of worlds that banded together for mutual security in the new era of uncertainty. Some tried to rebuild the EMPIRE; some tried to rebuild REPUBLICS; some tried to re-ignite the SEPARATISTS; while some remained INDEPENDENT.
Now, these Factions try to survive in a turbulent future, where politics, wars, diplomacy and brinkmanship could determine survival for the GALAXY...
It is a period of uncertainty in the Galaxy.
After the rebirth of the CLONE EMPEROR at BYSS, all the major remnant factions of the GALACTIC EMPIRE came together to assault the fledgling NEW REPUBLIC. All Major characters were killed in a dramatic assault on CORUSCANT, just two years ago.
Left behind were many smaller Factions of worlds that banded together for mutual security in the new era of uncertainty. Some tried to rebuild the EMPIRE; some tried to rebuild REPUBLICS; some tried to re-ignite the SEPARATISTS; while some remained INDEPENDENT.
Now, these Factions try to survive in a turbulent future, where politics, wars, diplomacy and brinkmanship could determine survival for the GALAXY...
Theed Palace, Naboo
Queen Saviya looked up at the men before her. The shortest of them was still a head taller than her in physical stature, but they were all assembled together today because she had managed to be the biggest person in the room. Saviya herself --at 14, still slender; boyish, in fact, and unusual among Naboo Queens in having a very dark complexion-- had only been crowned just four months ago, but had immediately set to work forging the alliance represented before her now.
It had not been easy.
"Gentlemen," she said, her voice calm and mature, enough so to unsettle those not used to the Naboo way-- "I would like to thank you all for being here today. I think that each of you will find that the choices made, while difficult, are the best ones. For all of us. Like it or not, our destinies are now met."
"Any port in a storm," the Republic officer, Admiral Gavriel Antilles muttered before he caught himself. It was the phrase he'd used before downing a shot of Moddellian brandy and pitching this idea to his own officers.
Nearby, the Imperial officer, Admiral Taylor DeClann, glanced at his Rebel counterpart with narrowed eyes, declining the opportunity to upbraid him for his lack of professionalism. The Queen, her face caked under the thick layer of Naboo Royal Court makeup, fixed him with a glare of her own that spoke volumes.
"Admiral Antilles," she said, "We've discussed that at length, and you agreed with my predecessor, the former Queen Amidala-II, that this was the best course to take."
"Yes, Majesty," Antilles said, "And I stand by that. I just..." he trailed off, and glanced at the other officers in the room. Not just Admiral DeClann, leading what was left of Sector Group Chommel, but Commander Alor Tasko, ranking officer of the Imperial Customs Service for the sector, and the assembled Naboo Royal Guardsmen; General Kasaa of the Gungan Grand Army, and the former Queen and now Senator, Pooja Naberrie, and the semi-retired Moff of the Sector, Moff Panaka. "I... just wonde rif this is really going to work," he said, "Your highness."
"It'll work if we put our shoulders to it," Admiral DeClann growled. He'd accepted, reconciled, and internalized the decision; now it truly was his decision to stay at his last duty post... after letting any other ship in his command go to wherever they wanted, releasing them from duty. He now had abouty 1/3rd of his former command left under him... and he was pledging his service to the government formed by the plucky little Queen before him. Commander Tasko, as well, had decided to stay.
After all, there was no more Empire to go to.
"It will work," Queen Saviya said, with a subtle hand wave towards Panaka, who was about to speak up on her behalf. "The Galaxy is in a state of chaos. We are an island of calm. We will rebuild security; we will rebuild trade; and we will... watch out for one another. In the absence of law and order, you can rest assured that forces of incivility and destabilization will begin to move. The Hutts, pirates, crime syndicates, warlords with a thirst for conquest. You have all chosen to remain here and take a stand against these forces. Our alliance is now your home. You each have as take in it. Take your stand... or not, and begone."
The room seemed to roar with silence.
"We are here to serve the Mid-Rim Alliance," Admiral DeClann said. No one else said anything, but many nodded.
"Very well," the Queen said, "Our first order of business will be to sign the Concordat of Alliance, and pledge ourselves to the stability of our new government. Welcome," she said, as she signed the book with the agreement writ in it --a formality, of course, the actual alliance was already agreed to, but even these days people liked seeing "the document"-- and passed th ebook around. Gravely, they all signed it, promising their fleets, the governments, their corporations, whoever they represented... to the new Alliance.
"Thank you," Queen Saviya said as the book made its way back to her, given to her with a regal bow by Moff Panaka, "We've taken our first steps into a larger world."