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STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 05:16pm
by Coyote

It is a period of uncertainty in the Galaxy.

After the rebirth of the CLONE EMPEROR at BYSS, all the major remnant factions of the GALACTIC EMPIRE came together to assault the fledgling NEW REPUBLIC. All Major characters were killed in a dramatic assault on CORUSCANT, just two years ago.

Left behind were many smaller Factions of worlds that banded together for mutual security in the new era of uncertainty. Some tried to rebuild the EMPIRE; some tried to rebuild REPUBLICS; some tried to re-ignite the SEPARATISTS; while some remained INDEPENDENT.

Now, these Factions try to survive in a turbulent future, where politics, wars, diplomacy and brinkmanship could determine survival for the GALAXY...

Theed Palace, Naboo


Queen Saviya looked up at the men before her. The shortest of them was still a head taller than her in physical stature, but they were all assembled together today because she had managed to be the biggest person in the room. Saviya herself --at 14, still slender; boyish, in fact, and unusual among Naboo Queens in having a very dark complexion-- had only been crowned just four months ago, but had immediately set to work forging the alliance represented before her now.

It had not been easy.

"Gentlemen," she said, her voice calm and mature, enough so to unsettle those not used to the Naboo way-- "I would like to thank you all for being here today. I think that each of you will find that the choices made, while difficult, are the best ones. For all of us. Like it or not, our destinies are now met."

"Any port in a storm," the Republic officer, Admiral Gavriel Antilles muttered before he caught himself. It was the phrase he'd used before downing a shot of Moddellian brandy and pitching this idea to his own officers.

Nearby, the Imperial officer, Admiral Taylor DeClann, glanced at his Rebel counterpart with narrowed eyes, declining the opportunity to upbraid him for his lack of professionalism. The Queen, her face caked under the thick layer of Naboo Royal Court makeup, fixed him with a glare of her own that spoke volumes.

"Admiral Antilles," she said, "We've discussed that at length, and you agreed with my predecessor, the former Queen Amidala-II, that this was the best course to take."

"Yes, Majesty," Antilles said, "And I stand by that. I just..." he trailed off, and glanced at the other officers in the room. Not just Admiral DeClann, leading what was left of Sector Group Chommel, but Commander Alor Tasko, ranking officer of the Imperial Customs Service for the sector, and the assembled Naboo Royal Guardsmen; General Kasaa of the Gungan Grand Army, and the former Queen and now Senator, Pooja Naberrie, and the semi-retired Moff of the Sector, Moff Panaka. "I... just wonde rif this is really going to work," he said, "Your highness."

"It'll work if we put our shoulders to it," Admiral DeClann growled. He'd accepted, reconciled, and internalized the decision; now it truly was his decision to stay at his last duty post... after letting any other ship in his command go to wherever they wanted, releasing them from duty. He now had abouty 1/3rd of his former command left under him... and he was pledging his service to the government formed by the plucky little Queen before him. Commander Tasko, as well, had decided to stay.

After all, there was no more Empire to go to.

"It will work," Queen Saviya said, with a subtle hand wave towards Panaka, who was about to speak up on her behalf. "The Galaxy is in a state of chaos. We are an island of calm. We will rebuild security; we will rebuild trade; and we will... watch out for one another. In the absence of law and order, you can rest assured that forces of incivility and destabilization will begin to move. The Hutts, pirates, crime syndicates, warlords with a thirst for conquest. You have all chosen to remain here and take a stand against these forces. Our alliance is now your home. You each have as take in it. Take your stand... or not, and begone."

The room seemed to roar with silence.

"We are here to serve the Mid-Rim Alliance," Admiral DeClann said. No one else said anything, but many nodded.

"Very well," the Queen said, "Our first order of business will be to sign the Concordat of Alliance, and pledge ourselves to the stability of our new government. Welcome," she said, as she signed the book with the agreement writ in it --a formality, of course, the actual alliance was already agreed to, but even these days people liked seeing "the document"-- and passed th ebook around. Gravely, they all signed it, promising their fleets, the governments, their corporations, whoever they represented... to the new Alliance.

"Thank you," Queen Saviya said as the book made its way back to her, given to her with a regal bow by Moff Panaka, "We've taken our first steps into a larger world."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 06:11pm
by darthkommandant
Cato Neimoidia
Trade Monarch Mar Tuuk was a very happy Neimoidian. The latest report on the combined fleet of the Skakoan Neimoidian confederacy looked very promising. 2 Greivous class Battleships, 2 Droid control ships, 25 Leviathan class Battleships, 2 Gunray class carriers plus their various destroyers, frigates and corvettes made up one of the most impressive fleets of separatist ships seen since the end of the clone wars.

As Mar Tukk read the report he reflected on how the last 2 years had allowed the Neimoidais and the Skakoans to regain their independence. Following the death of the reborn emperor on Coruscant and the collapse of Imperial power many systems were left to their own devices. When the imperial fleets left Neimoidia here were no wild celebrations. While there was no love lost between the Neimoidians and the Empire due to the dissolution of the Trade Federation following the clone wars many realized without a strong central government pirates and other brigande were now free to move on the trade routes and on unprotected systems. Realizing they needed to re arm in order to to be competitive, the governments of Skako and the 2 of the Neimoidias banded together. With few imperials willing to work with former seperatists the only option was to re activate the droid armies and fleets that the imperials had overlooked. At the same time old droid factories and the few remaining shipyards were quickly retooled and put back to work.

With a fleet and army ready there was a debate whether they government should go fully separatist or should stay neutral as they had achieved de facto independence. Eventually a compromise was reached where neutrality would be maintained but those factions whom wanted to restore the CIS would get preferential treatment when it came to weapons sales and diplomatic recognition. However this does not mean that other factions will be barred from business, indeed it was agrees that it was very bad business practice to turn away willing customers.

Mar Tukk's thoughts were interrupted by a OOM series battle droid informing him of the latest status of the Providence class destroyer "Pride of Wealth" With the fleet still lacking in organic forces many ships were entirely manned by droids. While this kept costs down this had the potential disadvantage of being too literal when it came to following orders. Howevr as mos Neimoidians were still somewhat cowardly and the Skakoans needing expensive suits to leave their homeworld this was a problem that was not likely to go away in the near future. For now Mar tukk thought the droids would have to do for now.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 06:29pm
by Karmic Knight
Concourse of the Confederacy, Drev'starn, Bothawui

"I call this, the Second Congress of the Confederacy, to order," said the authoritative voice of Council Chairman Albert Arc of Bestine IV. Sitting on either side was the Councillor from Dressel, and the Councillor from Bothawui itself. The three Councillors sat at the junction and focal point of all of the Concourse, as was designed, offering Chairman Arc complete view of the assembled body that made up the Congress of the Confederacy, a boisterous name for the giant bureaucratic machine that operated the undercouncillors and their staffs, ruled by the Central Council of Confederate Affairs.

The Dresselian and the Bothan were both different beings than the Councillor that had ended the First Congress in a ceremony similar to the one that had just been preformed by Chairman Arc, the Bothan was the third to have held his position, the first, having been caught up in a Hutt Scandal that had inflamed relations with the Hutts after the purchase of Ylesia, retired in shame during the First Congress, and the second had failed to secure support of a majority of the Bothan families that held a massive amount of clout in the local circles, not that the Congress cared about the Bothanwui local politics as anything but a highly entertaining comedy, with ham actors and all.

The Dresselian who had been replaced had not sought to return to the Congress, choosing to instead lead the Dresselian Task Force for the Confederate Navy.

"I would like to make a statement before we continue our long march to prosperity," Chairman Arc, "We sit here, nearing the second anniversary of the destruction of the Old Regimes and the rise of us, the Warlord States, with the knowledge that we are organized, knowledge that we know what our goals are, and how we plan to accomplish them. My only fear is that we will not see our goals as long term, but as short term. We must look to the future, the farther future than most of us would like, and we will thrive. We must seek out other 'Warlord States' and accept the new status quo, while working quietly for our preferred one, only then may we rest... Undercouncillor Chairman of Foreign Affairs, please issue your recommendations."

The Undercouncillor Chairman leaned into the microphone at the corner of his chair, "Chairman Arc, The Other Councillors, Undercouncillors, The Council of Foreign Affairs recommends contacting the Mid-Rim, and Rim Alliances to network with fellow Republicanist factions. We would like to begin testing the waters of the Correlians and the Kuati, as their shipbuild capacity should augment our own, and allow us to turn civillian yards to military purposes if need be, the League Militaire falls with the later group as much as the former."

"Thank you Undercouncillor Chairman," Chairman Arc coughed as he prepared his 'official' voice, "Congress to discuss foreign policy based on the proposal of the Foreign Affairs Council. The Undercouncillor of Kothlis has the floor."

OOC NOTE: The Opening Meeting of the Congress of the Confederacy is not open to the public.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 09:22pm
by Agent Sorchus
Planetary Defense First Wing Headquarters, Former Governor's Skyhook; Balmorra

The bay below the meeting hall overlook was filled with both organic and inorganic beings as the Commodore observed in anticipation of her guests arrival.

Of course her guests were almost all their and it was time to start. Turning she caught sight of the collection of scoundrels that represented the older order of mercenary guilds and protection agencies. Speeches might not have been one of her strong points, but it was necessary part of the job.

"As most of you know the remnants of all major fleets have finally ceased activities. Most commands have finally settled into local groups that are not particularly hostile to one another. Of particular interest is the state of play in the rim, where once hostile groups seem to be resting in each others arms. Unfortunately TSAB command cannot yet justify sending out actual officials of the government to our neighbors, and any military escorts would either be to likely to cause a resurgence of violence or be to light to help."

With a sigh she swept her red eyes across the group. To many of them were old colleagues and associates from the old company's time in the guilds, and now she was sending them into the still reeling galaxy. "That is why we called you all, to deliver simple correspondences to our neighbors and any other stable state you come upon out there. We wish you all the best of luck," she said as one of her Wookie aides passed around the mission data-pads.

Turning she left the hall along with all the memories and old friends, she had only the next day to look forward to. Hopeful the next day wouldn't bring another riot to suppress.

OOC: informal diplomats sent out to everyone. Feel free to flesh them out yourself.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 10:32pm
by Coyote

"Governor," the man said, with a twinkle of familiarity in his eye as he gave a polite but unnecessary bow to the man before him. Panaka made a tch noise of faux imaptience.

"Oh, don't stand on ceremony for me just because I have a new title-- and can't seem to retire and let go," th eman said. "What is it, Taryl?"

Lucius Taryl, as a Captain, was now the senior Ubiqtorate man left in the sector. He found his position as spymaster in chief to be one of wry amusement. "We've received a report that a government of some sort is forming in Bothan space," Taryl said, "They appear to be solidifying their power at least as effectively as we have. They may be open to trade."

"Or at least, we should make sure they're not interested in war," Panaka said. "We've heard spacer reports of envoys being sent... I think one from Balmorra is supposed to arrive before too long. Let's dispatch a ship to Bothan space and see wht they are all about."

"Yes, sir... Governor," Taryl said. "One of the Imperial ships?" he asked, "Or one of the Rebel ones?"
"Either one sends a message," Governor Panaka said. "Send one of each. A FarStar pocket carrier and one of our CR-90s. Let them see that we are a unified command.. and they can make what assumptions they want from that."

"Very well, sir..."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 10:34pm
by Master_Baerne
Imperial Palace
Bilbringi, Northern Continent, Black Isle
Star Empire of Manticore


It was in a darkly-furnished room deep within the newly built Imperial Palace on Bilbringi that Emperor James met with his closest advisers over a light breakfast composed of rainbow fruits and a Caridan cheese. The Emperor had taken breakfast while being briefed by his subordinates during his time as a naval officer, and the habit had stuck.

"And to conclude, Your Majesty, Governor Varris of Thyferra reports an increase in bacta production due to the location of a Rebel equipment stockpile. Production is up in almost all categories, and the populace - Especially of Bilbringi and Carida - has shown a fifteen-percent rise in general morale." For a man who had been a low-level bureaucrat three years previously, the Minister for Internal Affairs radiated a formidable aura of competence and general efficiency.

"Excellent, Minister Tullius. We are quite pleased to see that Our reconstruction programs are finally bearing fruit. Admiral Harrington, the state of the Fleet?" The Emperor wiped his lips on a white napkin before steepling his fingers expectantly.

"Well, You Majesty, there's not much to add. All the Venators have had their TIEs replaced with Hunters, so we're actually ahead of schedule in that area. Imprinter is due to finish working up tomorrow. Second BatRon's gunnery scores are up, finally, and Fleet readiness levels are about as high as they can be, since we had to draft so many new spacers." Honor Harrington had been the Emperor's flag captain at 2nd Coruscant, and was not at all discomfited by the setting of the morning meeting. She popped a vibrantly-hued cube of fruit into her mouth, blinking her almond-shaped eyes slightly at the sourness of her particular fruit.

"Thank you. Now, Minister Alexander, We understand we've received an ambassador from the Balmorrans?"

"No, Your Majesty. Rather, we have, but he insists that he's not an official ambassador."

"We have had quite enough of backroom deals between powers. Inform him that we would appreciate the extension of official contact to a sovereign star nation."

"Your Majesty." Alexander bowed his head in acquiescence.

"Additionally, if you would be so kind as to extend an offer of ambassadorships to the Kuati and Corellian Empire."

"Your Majesty."

"Is that all? Excellent. Ladies, gentlemen, good morning." Emperor James swept out of the room accompanied by a chorus of "Good morning, Your Majesty!"

Imperial Manticoran Communique to the Council of the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra

Your Excellencies,

It is the opinion of His Imperial Manticoran Majesty that backroom dealings and "unofficial ambassadors" are at least in part responsible for the current sorry state of the galaxy. Therefore, we would appreciate if Your Excellencies would extend the common courtesy of an accredited ambassador to another sovereign nation.

William Alexander, His Imperial Manticoran Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs


Imperial Manticoran Communique to the Kuat Imperium and the Corellian Empire

Your Imperial Majesties,

In it's current state, the galaxy is a shattered mess of rogue fleets and nascent rebellions. We, the three states most loyal to the vision of the New Order, are best placed to see that the debacle of the Fracture is not repeated. To that end, We propose an exchange of ambassadors to foster closer ties between our nations.

James I Manticore
Emperor of Manticore, etc.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-14 11:16pm
by Karmic Knight
Zarathustra Corellian Gunship, Bothan Space

"That is something," said the Dresselian currently in charge of the Gunship's sensors, "two ships, definitely military, one Republican, the other Imperial."


"Nope, just jumped in from hyperspace, choreographed to well to be coincidence."

"Shorter sentences. Send a message to the Justice and keep them within easy intercept, all the trappings."

"Yes sir," answered the proper crew members.

"Any communication coming from them."

"Not yet sir, remember they just got out, it was blind luck that they were spotted, give them a chance to see us first," a short pause, "there it is, 'We are representatives of the Mid-Rim Alliance, we would like to contact the local ruling authority for discussions of mutual benefit.' It's going on, but that's the gist."

"Alright, throw that to the Justice also."

Justice, Imperial I (Republican I) Class Star Destroyer, Bothan Space

As word of the Mid-Rim Alliance's ships filtered to the on duty Bothan Spy Network official on board the Justice, a retired fleet admiral who owed many things to the SpyNet, the news was surprising indeed. The Mid-Rim Alliance was taking the initiative, that would have to be justified by the SpyNet, who was the voice of caution during the first Congress. The other odd thing was the symbolism, the ships were Imperial and Republican, which sent an odd message, in the retired admiral's sage opinion. The symbol could be taken to mean that they were a unified organization, after only survival, or the symbolic action could represent their compromise on the Imperial-Republican split, which would be... interesting.

The problem was, the goals of the Confederacy required cordial relations with the Republican factions, which would be hard enough for the Paranoid state, but if the Republicanists from other factions were compromising with Imperials, gambits would change, plans would be discarded, cast aside, or revised, turmoil, and the Spynet would get both a large share of the work and a large share of the blame. This would require more research before the admiral made a decision either way, but it was looking grim for the SpyNet.

The Foreign Affairs Council quickly approved of letting the ships come to Bothawui to meet with some Undercouncillors, or ambassadors, but that part wasn't important, what was was finding out more about the Mid-Rim Alliance's actual political structure, and this would require activating agents, odd diplomatic tricks, or trade, most likely all of the above.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-15 12:23am
by Agent Sorchus
The Night Tutor had finally came to a rest at the Palace hanger Complex. The wind of the night and the mist of the waterfalls was a comfort to the old Naboo national Sabrin's vulpid ears. The message she carried was simple:

Code: Select all

The TSAB council would like to congratulate the Crown of Naboo for the success at bringing former enemies to peace.  This is one of the many hopes that the council has for the Galaxy, and would like to talk at greater length with your majesty about the future of the Galaxy.
TSAB Minister Internal Cirrus Writhe and the blessings of the Council
Old Capt. Pter had just had his ear chewed out by Commodore Testarossa, after having been dragged over the coals by representatives of the Foreign Ministry of HIM James' government. Still it had been good that he had been able to get the signal through from Frozen Silk and that he hadn't needed to take a long trip back. Alicia had given him just enough advise on how to be diplomatic. Still one last smoke before going back into the Political Jungle.

Code: Select all

Your imperious Majesty, we are sorry that you perceived our action as hostile.  However we have had to resort to this less than perfect method do to the inexperience and small size of our current diplomatic corps.  As it is all we hope to do is extend the hand of friendship and to pave a path of communication between our nations.
Sincerely Commodore Alicia Testarossa, Planetary Defense Corp HQ
To: The Imperium of Kaut; the Skakoan Neimoidian Confederacy; The Barras Pact; and The Second Corellian Empire
As your close neighbors we invite you to a meeting over Balmorra for the opening of our latest Yard. It is our hope that we can have a productive relationship as the Successor States decide the Fate or the Galaxy.
Lead Diplomat Signus, Arthur with the blessings of the Council

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-15 12:36am
by darthkommandant
To the leaders of the Skakoan Neimoidian Confederacy would be glad to send the prime minister of Skako to meet with representatives of The Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra. We hope to build good solid relations with our neighbors.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-15 03:49am
by RogueIce
Master_Baerne wrote:***********************************

Imperial Manticoran Communique to the Kuat Imperium and the Corellian Empire

Your Imperial Majesties,

In it's current state, the galaxy is a shattered mess of rogue fleets and nascent rebellions. We, the three states most loyal to the vision of the New Order, are best placed to see that the debacle of the Fracture. To that end, We propose an exchange of ambassadors to foster closer ties between our nations.

James I Manticore
Emperor of Manticore, etc.
Capitol Building, Coronet City, Corellia


Amidst the bustle of other activity, the Imperial Minister for Foreign Affairs presented the Manticoran communique to His Imperial Majesty. The Emperor read it over with some interest, and nodded his head.

"I would be quite honored to assist my fellow defenders of the New Order," he told the Minister. "See to it that an appropriate response is sent."

"At once, Your Highness."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-15 04:52am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Kuat, Kuat system


In high orbit in the office of the Company President of Kuat Drive Yards, Hadrian Kuat of Kuat felt at home. No politics, and no bickering. Here, he was the supreme authority of Kuat Drive Yards. He looked over the map display. Rothana Heavy Engineering remained part of Kuat Drive Yards. The workers, engineers, scientists and executives and the civilian authorities pledged their allegiance to Kuat Drive Yards, and thus the new Kuat Imperium. The same applied to Gyndine. Akios and Elauran of the Kuat Sector remain under the control of Kuat. The rest of the Kuat sector must be dominated and brought to heel. Rothana and Gyndine were well placed to allow the Kuat Imperium to achieve influence in the vicinity.

He reviewed the communiques brought to him. The Star Empire of Manticore and the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra requested an ambassador. One would be sent to each. An ambasador would be sent also to the Shadow Empire and the Second Correllian Empire. These were empires with Imperial leanings and perhaps business could be done. He then started to compose the communiques...

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-15 03:26pm
by Mr Bean
1520 Local Time
Unknown Location

....So who's next on the list?
This human here
...Do we have a more recent photo of him?
No we do not, our last photo of him is just after he was named Captain under Warlord Zsinj
...Zsinj? That madman? How he end up as Admiral?
He has an excellent record, did his first cruise under Pellaeon right before Hoth, served well with the fleet at large under various postings. He came to our attention when he was named to the Death's Head list as Tactical Officer for the Executor.
... Yes, looks like he lucked out for that, missed his death by a month when the Executor was called away to be part of the second Death's Star's escort.
After that we lost track of him till he appears here as XO of the Victory Class Star Destroyers which Isard later sent away from Coruscant. Shortly after this his ship the Crusader defected to Zsinj where he was named Captain after its former owner was executed by Zsinj for treason.
...And from Zsinji he serves under Thrawn and his ship was used as part of a system defense fleet... trust issues?
Not to our knowledge, however he did not see combat again until the Byss situation where he fought well and was given a raiding group and a promotion to Captain of the Line. He's the main reasons why Borleias was hit so hard. The total destruction of the under construction defenses there and the capture of so much material from the orbiting depots was enough to earn him a brevet promotion to Admiral.
...And after the Fracture, he seems to have decided he deserves the rank. So what of his little empire this... Core Protectorate he's set up?
To be honest we still only have general information on it. Because of the ban...
One of the first things he did after he gained control of power was chase all Bothans out of the sector, not that there were not precious few to begin with. As well as all Twi'lek's, which were non-existent outside Brentaa. Any time a ship is intercepted by one of those damn Corvette groups. They check the ships for either then remove any refugee's and then either send them to the nearest non-aligned world or simply turn the ship back. We are still able to get some information out because the bans do not extent the planets themselves. We can still visit Corulus's mining platforms for example but while there the local authorities are always kind enough to assign "guides" It's rather had to do any intelligence gathering when an entire squad of stormtroopers or local CPA toughs is acting like your the head of house Alya
Rather than following us they put ten or so soldiers to "guide" us. What they do instead is act as if their your personal bodyguards, Too many to slip away from and because they do it so openly it's impossible to object directly to their reasons for the guides in the first place.
...Which is?
Which is to "protect us" from all the anti-Bothan racism the CP planets have. According to them if we simply walked down the street we'd have half a dozen daggers in our back before we hit the next crossroads. It's totally untrue of course but the reason is so absurd that the local population buys it and looks favorably on them for doing it to us.

That is rather clever... almost as good as something we might do. Do we have any indications of the Rowan's political prowess?
We have so little which till now we've taken to mean he was an apolitical... However we believe now we heard so little because he just might be very good at it. He survived Zsinj and the Reborn Emperor both remember? Beyond that we are still investigating his background
...You've done good work, make a better to insure we get more agents on the ground, we need to know this.. "CP"'s long term plans and how they affect us.... Now then let us get away from the CP for the moment.....

Gumbus Orbit
Brentaal System
2300 Galactic Standard Time

Captain Jarvis of the tramp freighter Sun Diamond swore as the trio of Corvette's came around one of Gumbus's many moons at a hard burn already spreading out to bracket his YT-1930 class Freighter. At 150 meters each the Corvette's were several times the size of his ship and a dozen times better armed to boot. Worst of all from his prospective however, they were faster as well. This was going to be tough give these Imps the slip....

On the CPS Rickenbacker, Commander Doral smiled as the YT freighter that hard tried to slip by them jumped forward like a spooked nerf as his sister ships and he bore down on her. The Freighter had little chance to escape but was running away which meant he was either on one of the old Imperial death-mark lists or he wanted to reach space before dumping his cargo. Either way it was going to cost her. He turned nodding to a his flight officer, "Launch the fighters" he said.

Outside the Rickenbacker, where escape pods hung on most other CR-90 Corvette ships where instead four far different objects. To casual observes they might appear the same, but to any trained Captain they would set off all sorts of alarm bells. Seconds later when those "escape pods" drifted slightly away from the Rickenbacker before cutting on their Twin Ion Engines and roaring towards the YT frieghter it was made clear what those were.

Captain Jarvis swore as the additional contact popped to life behind him. Corvette's were either transports, police craft or system defense craft. Pocket carriers they were NOT supposed to be. His chances of getting away with terrain following had just decreased to almost nothing as the Corvette's could follow him above while the TIE's followed behind giving them status updates and making ducking into a deep cavern or cave impossible. Defeated he cut speed and brought his ship off the surface of the moon and finally acknowledge the repeated hails ordering him to stand too for boarding.

"Good work men" the Commander said to his men. "That's out third successful intercept this week which puts us ahead of the other five groups in this system. "Keep this up men and we might win the chance to pull Refugee escort for a few months" the rest of the men on the cramped bridged smiled. Refugee escort was one of the easier missions available to the hardworking system forces of the CP and one of the few that got to leave the CP's boarders. It was so well liked not for how easy it was but for the fact it's crews got a chance for RR on both legs of the journey, both sitting around waiting for another refugee group to get big enough to require escorting, and on arrival at their destination where the ships always stayed at least two weeks to ensure the local authorities were going to take the refugee's in not simply wait until the CP's ships left the system and turn the shuttles and freighters right back around as had happened before. The only way to land refugee escort missions which only a handful of hundred plus corvette's got to do was to be good at their primary job. Which was to run down every tramp freighter, independent liner or unknown contact that appeared anywhere in the CP. For all intents and purposes they were fulfilling a law enforcement role and were a key part of Admiral Rowan's long term PR strategy as every time one of the Corvette's chased down a slaver or saved a refugee ship from pirates they not only cleaned up the system but also generated tons of positive PR as the captains of the ships after a major intercept would be brought back to do interviews and the local press would have a chance to meet some of the crewmen who had done the track or members of the boarding party itself.

This in turn generated more positive feedback when said crewmen fresh from stopping a Hutt aligned slave ship would be given a two day pass on the local planet and be kicking back more free drinks then he knew what to do with as the local population came to look on the hard working Corvette crews as part of them. The crews in turn had been taught to do everything to endear that feeling both because it was good for the CP, and frankly because it was good for them. After all who doesn't love feeling like a hero?

Which is exactly the reason why Admiral Rowan had broken up nearly all his Corvette's into these little groups to begin with....

Chandrila System
Orbit of Chandrila
CPS "Serenity" Allegiance Command Class Star Destroyer
0900 Galactic Standard Time

Admiral Rowan looked up from his desk as his steward peaked her head in the side room. "Yes?"
"Message for you sir, CPS Archon reports they are escorting a diplomatic flagged vessel in system from the Star Empire of Manticore bearing a message for you sir" she said.
He considered a moment "Direct the Archon to direct them to Quenus and have a shuttled prepped to take me to... " he tapped on the data pad. "...The CPS Gale, tell Captain Jan he has until then prep the ship for departure, we might as well make an exercise of this"
His steward frowned "That won't give them much time to get ready, she just got out of the yards after those modifications you ordered done on all our Corvette's" she said.
Turning to face her the Admiral grinned, "I know, which is exactly why I'm using the Gale, Jan needs to have a fire light under him from time to time. Think how prepared he would be if one of those factions chose now as the time to attack"

He turned away as his steward turned to go then called after her. "Rachael?"
She turned, "Yes Admiral?"
He smiled again a glint in his eye "After you give the good Captain the news ask him if he requires the Admiral walk extra slowly to the shuttle bay"
Rachael turned back a hint of a smile on her serious face and made a mental note to turn the volume down on the comm station before she made the call.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-16 07:33pm
by DarthShady
Imperial Palace, Koros Major, The Shadow Empire
Lord Terest moved through the dark hallways of the Imperial Palace, escorted by a group of Stormtroopers, he was on his way to see the Emperor. He reached a large door guarded by the Emperors Elite Guard, he ordered his soldiers to stay behind and entered the Throne Room alone.

"I bring good news master.", he said and knelled before the Emperor, "An ambassador has arrived from the Kuat Imperium. It seems that the period of chaos is over and that the old pathways are slowly being reestablished. Communication with other newly forged Empires is expected to increase."

"Good...", the Emperor said, "I will meet with this ambassador personally. In the meantime, I have a mission for you."

"I await your orders master.", Lord Terest said.

"You are to take the First Imperial Fleet and go to the world of Shakari.", the Emperor said, "They have refused our offer and instead they decided to kill our ambassador. This insult must not be allowed to stand. I want you to make an example of them."

"They will share the fate of all other enemies of the Empire.", Lord Terest said.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-18 12:38pm
by Siege

Palace of the Dominion, Tiss’Sharl

The room was furnished in the plush manner that befitted the Governess of the Gordian Dominion. The four walls were lined with all the usual items you’d expect in the headquarters of the governing entity of four worlds: star charts, flags, data storage libraries, a fine view over Giedt, the planetary capitol. As far as offices of galactic leaders went, then, it was fairly ordinary.

What wasn’t ordinary, however, was the way this particular galactic leader abased herself before the man who had contacted her. A secure hypercomm set projected onto the Kriin-wooden desk a blue hologram. The picture, flickering slightly with static, displayed man of indeterminate age, dressed in dark robes over some sort of ceremonial garment. The man appeared astoundingly handsome and charismatic, at least as long as ‘dark and brooding’ was your cup of tea.

“My Lord”, Governess Marlos Durell began hesitantly. “I’m afraid the negotiations with Mirial have stalled. Our propaganda campaign is working, but a select cadre within the Miralian government still heavily resists our offer of joining the Dominion.”

In his sanctum on remote Korriban, Hariman Jacht nodded thoughtfully. “Of course they do. They always have to make it difficult for themselves. Who leads this resistance?”

“A man named Ossus Druul. He is the high senator of the Miriali League, a nationalist, and quite charming. He could undo all that we worked for!” The governess’ voice acquired a distressed tone. She desperately did not want to disappoint her sworn master. He had given her so much…

“There’s no need to worry, Marlos”, the Dark Lord spoke kindly, his voice unnaturally calm and soothing even these many light years away. “This man is nothing, a mere speed bump. He will not trouble you much longer.”

Durell seemed immensely relieved to hear that. Still she frowned. “How will you-?”

“You needn’t concern yourself with such details”, Jacht said reprovingly. “My assurance is enough.”

“I would never question you, my Lord”, the governess’ seemed hurt by the implication.

“Good. Now, what about the other matter?”

“We have sent out our diplomats, Lord”, Durell reported dutifully. “I expect to hear from them anytime now.”

“Excellent. You have served me well, Marlos. We shall speak again soon”, before his hologram disappeared the Sith lord smiled and winked briefly, the simple gestures causing a torrent of impossible, orgasmic joy to sweep through the governess.

Back on Korriban, Hariman Jacht turned away from the holoprojector and smiled. People were so easy to manipulate… The Dark Lord strode out of his sanctum, two of his acolyte-bodyguards forming up behind him and pacing him like ghosts.

“Veicht”, he addressed one of them, not bothering to turn around as he did so. “I have a mission for you. You will take an Infiltrator, and head to Mirial…”

Results: Introductions are made, the Gordian Dominion sends out diplomats to various powers to ‘test the waters’, and the Dark Lord dispatches a Sith Assassin to Mirial.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-18 02:21pm
by darthkommandant
Tul Setka, Prime minister of Skako looked over the new plans for the new 2200 meter shipyard located at Skako. When complete these shipyards should be able to enable the construction and maintenance of ships up to the size of Provicence class destroyers. He was interrupted by a call from the Neimoidias. Apparently he was needed to represent the Confederacy at the opening of the newest shipyard of the TSAB. Hopefully there would be some business to be conducted there.

Results: A 2200 meter CIS shipyard is under construction and The prime Minister of Skako is sent to the opening of the TSAB's newest shipyard for diplomatic reasons.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-18 06:57pm
by Coyote
Karmic Knight wrote: Justice, Imperial I (Republican I) Class Star Destroyer, Bothan Space

As word of the Mid-Rim Alliance's ships filtered to the on duty Bothan Spy Network official on board the Justice, a retired fleet admiral who owed many things to the SpyNet, the news was surprising indeed. The Mid-Rim Alliance was taking the initiative...

The Foreign Affairs Council quickly approved of letting the ships come to Bothawui to meet with some Undercouncillors, or ambassadors, but that part wasn't important, what was was finding out more about the Mid-Rim Alliance's actual political structure, and this would require activating agents, odd diplomatic tricks, or trade, most likely all of the above.

RNS Nannika

Captain Weyn acknowledged the message directing the ships to Bothawui. He kept his communications crisp, clean, and military, just like he'd learned at the Academy back on Coruscant. His devotion to duty was all he had left, now; his family had been killed on Coruscant and all his personal ties that remained in the Galaxy were on his small command --his first command-- like many others in his crew.

The Nannika was an older CR-90 that had been assigne dto Sector Group Chommel. Most of his crew were Core Worlders and had lost much in the war, but when given the chance to remain on station and fulfill theri service they leapt at it. The Queen of Naboo had negotiated directly with the Admiral and now, she had a chunk of a Sector Command at her disposal because of it. The hardest part for many of the Imperial Remnant crews was working side-by-side with the Rebels they had once fought.

But these Rebels had been part of the Arbra base, a small detachment that needed a home as surely as the Imperials did. Imperial and Rebel, it mattered little now, or so it seemed. They'd made their choice, and Naboo welcomed each of them without prejudice.

"Mister Ambassador, we'll be arriving in the Bothan Capitol in twelve minutes," Weyn said.
"Thank you," the Ambassador said, a native of Naboo named Garen Hirra. He'd started out as a minor functionary in the Trade Ministry of the Palace; now the war and the resulting leadership vacuum had made him an Ambassador.

"Sir, we're entering Bothan heliopause now," the navigator said after a few minutes had passed. The two ships jumpe dout of hyper in well-coordinated fashion.
"Excellent," Captain Weyn said, "Let Bothan orbital control know of our approach and ask permission to land, let them know we have an Ambassador aboard."
"Right away, sir."

They were cleared for landing, and the two corvettes were soon touching down, their metal making little hollow ping sounds as they cooled after reentry. The ramps lowered and the Captains of each ship stepped out.

The Bothan greeting party saw two men, each in uniforms of similar cut. One was clearly Imperial, with just the insignia changed to something newly-minted and shiny that resembled the Naboo royal crest. The other man was in the Republic version of the same uniform, sporting the same badge. The Bothans shared a curious glance, but made no murmurs or moves to indicate anything other than solid professionalism. The next person to come down the ramp was anothe rhuman dressed in civilian clothes of obvious and recognizable Naboo fashion.

The civilian stepped forward, and greeted the Bothans in their own language.

"Good day," he said, "I am honored to finally be back on Bothawui; especially to be here representing my Queen, Her Majesty Queen Saviya of the Naboo. I am Ambassador Garen Hirra, and this is Captain Weyn, and Captain Frinn, my escorts here. They represent a new beginning in Naboo-- former Imperials and former Republic working together for a new, independent and free government. Hopefully, we can establish friendly relations with the newly-established Bothan Confederacy and usher in an era of mutual rebuilding..."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-18 09:14pm
by Thanas
Imperial de-facto Capital De-Purteen, Ord Cantrall, Imperial Remnant.

Seat of the Imperial Ruling Council
Session 712

“....and I am pleased to report that the reconstruction of Axum has been a full success. Resources are now focused on Anaxes and some have been redirected to Coruscant. Rationing on all major worlds except Coruscanthas been called off as we now produce more than enough food to serve all and rationing would only harm our economy at this point.” Not to mention the purse of Lord Praji. The words were not said, but nearly everyone in the room thought them.

Ragez D'Asta nodded at his protege. “Thank you, Moff Saenger. And may I say, too long has Axum's voice been absent in this chamber.” Small, but polite applause followed the sentiment expressed by the regent. He did notice that one arm had already been raised, the universal gesture of wishing to be heard. “Yes, prime minister?”

Gaeriel Captison stood up with her usual grace. “My fellow colleagues, I would very much appreciate it if more resources can be redirected towards Coruscant immediately. I once again have to stress the importance of that planet and the enormous suffering - “ “We've already talked about it. Anaxes and Axum control the access to Coruscant. Without them, we cannot defend it. Without them, Coruscant cannot be protected while reconstructing – therefore they have priority.”

Everyone had noticed the disregard for protocol by one Lord Praji, but D'Asta decided not to check him this time. Captison deserved it after all for bringing up a topic that had been discussed – and decided – at length. She looked at Praji with the eyes that had earned her the title “mirror Isard” among her detractors - one a blazing green, the other a confident grey. But Praji simply smirked back. After all, he had faced the Dark Lord's stare a thousand times.

Before this continued, the Regent interceded. “Councilmembers, before we return to business as planned, Commander Sinn has a special report for us on the state of the galaxy that you will find most interesting. Commander?”

While Sinn prepared herself, information was being transmitted directly into the datapads of the councilmembers. The former Rebel officer had adapted well to the new age – as well as anyone who lost their entire unit could have had.

“Fellow councilmembers, these past months have seen a lot of development in the galaxy. We thought we were the only government left with cross-galactical reach. While this still seems to be the case, other nations have arisen, rivalling us in power and influence. In this report you will see the best information our spies could find – and by spies I mean the meagre cadre of washouts you so graciously provided me with. A detailed information on each empire is included at the end, I will instead stick to the basics.

In the mid-rim, the so-called Concordat alliance has recently been formed, centered around the planet Naboo. It is a mixture of local, former Imperial and Rebel forces. Moff Panaka has joined them, as has Admiral Declann. The leader appears to be the young Queen of Naboo, Saviya. The Core Protectorate is another Imperial Splinter Group centered around Chandrila. Many among us here felt that Admiral Rowan would have been a worthy addition to this council. Instead, he has carved out his own empire among the core worlds. He is also bordering our worlds. Rumours are circling that he has wishes of expanding, but where to, I have no idea. The Star Empire of Manticore is well-known to all of us as our convoys from Bakura pass near their territory. They most graciously helped us when one of our freighters suffered a hyperdrive malfunction four months ago.

The Neimodians have had a remarkable resurgence, centered around Cato Neimoida. We do not know a lot about them, but it appears their leader is one called Trade Monarch Mar Tuuk. We know even less about the proceedings in the Bothawui sector, but as usual the Bothans are up to something. Rumours are abounding of a Confederacy of sorts. Kuat has declared independence and is now under the rule of the autokrat Hadrian Kuat of Kuat. Rumours are that he is actually a sith lord, but our spies have not been able to confirm it. The Rim alliance – not to be confused with the mid-rim alliance - is currently a more minor power but holds the planets of Kamino and Geonosis. The Temporal Stellar Authority of Balmorra is a group of former mercenaries. We are not able to predict what they will do next.

The League Militaire is composed largely of remnants from the republic fleets. One might say they are the counterpart to us and are formed around Fondor. I wish they do not feel the need to enact revenge – I fear some of my former colleagues are among them. Little is known about the second Corellian Empire, except that they are – well – Corellian. The free democratic republic of Haven is largely comprised of assets of the former Sienar Fleet Systems coorporation. We are currently at a loss on how to approach them.

We know equally little of the Gordian Dominion, or the Barras Pact. The Shadow empire, is, as you know, the only openly sith state in the galaxy and another one of our neighbours. Although it is ruled by a darksider, they have not approached our borders in force.

That is all, thank you for your time.”

After some time contemplating the results, Praji spoke up. “It is clear to me that we need a bigger intelligence budget. However, it would interest me what the head of our diplomatic corps would recommend?”

With a nod, Feena produced a datapad. She and Mirith have been cooperating....again

“ Gentlebeings, the time of pretending that we are the only real state in the galaxy is over. We have to live with the others, and we have to do it now. My plan therefore calls for a massive utilization of our greatest talents – ourselves.

I would suggest the following approaches:
I myself will take the D'Astan fleet on a diplomatic tour to the Star empire of Manticore. They have been good neighbours and it is time we formalize relations with them. Moff Saenger will visit the Core Protectorate. Marshal Jir will visit the Second Corellian Empire and the Free Republic of Haven. Lord Praji will approach the Shadow Empire and the Empire of Kuat. I strongly advise him to take the Red guard with him, their Yalsamiris will prove useful if the rumours are true. Commander Sinn will try and approach the TSAB and the League Militaire, utilizing her contacts to maximum potential. President Captison will visit theConcordat alliance and Bothawui. Clan Leader Secura will visit the Rim alliance and Neimodia. As for the Gordian Dominion and the Barras Pact, we feel they are too unknown to ínitiate direct contact. We will sent a communique asking for an ambassador instead via probe droid.
Our goals should be at least securing possible diplomatic relations and even trade agreements, whenever possible. We will use different ships broadcasting clear diplomatic codes in order to avoid any misunderstandings. I think the Regent can deal with the empire for a while without us. Plus, this should not take long.”

The meeting returned to business as scheduled, however by the end of the day the ambassadors were on their way. On the way out, Lord Praji approached his friend Jir and asked him to take a little detour on the way home....

- Feena D'Asta with D'Astan fleet (1 Marauder Corvette, four squadrons of D'Astan Starfighters) on her way to the Star Empire of Manticore.
- Marshal Jir on the way to the Second Corellian Empire on board the Vindicator Cruiser “Ensnarer”.
- Lord Praji on the way to the Shadow Empire with the ISDIII “Stormfront” and the Red Guard (Yalsamiri equipped guard unit).
- Commander Sinn on the way to the TSAB on board the CR-90 corvette “CF-1” with orders to proceed as cautiously as possible.
- Moff Saenger on the way to the Core Protectorate on board the Vindicator Cruiser "Crusader"
- President Captison on the way to the Concordat Alliance on board the VSDII “Arrow”.
- Clan leader Secura on the way to the Rim alliance on board the Nebulon-B frigate “Harkness”
- Probe droids sent to the Gordian Dominion and the Barras Pact, asking for an ambassador.
- All ships underway will use clear diplomatic codes and jump into the systems at the edge of the systems in order not to scare anyone. They will not behave in an aggressive manner and turn back at the slightest sign of trouble.

- Regent D'Asta will stay behind in order to receive any surprise visitors/ambassadors.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-18 09:36pm
by Karmic Knight
Coyote wrote:The civilian stepped forward, and greeted the Bothans in their own language.

"Good day," he said, "I am honored to finally be back on Bothawui; especially to be here representing my Queen, Her Majesty Queen Saviya of the Naboo. I am Ambassador Garen Hirra, and this is Captain Weyn, and Captain Frinn, my escorts here. They represent a new beginning in Naboo-- former Imperials and former Republic working together for a new, independent and free government. Hopefully, we can establish friendly relations with the newly-established Bothan Confederacy and usher in an era of mutual rebuilding..."
"Ah," said the minor official, his job was only to get the diplomat to the Director and get back to his work, "I apologize, but I am only here to escort you and your party to the office of the Director of the Confederate Diplomatic Corps, as we have been preparing for our own diplomatic missions. If you would follow me to the director's office," without waiting for the answer, the official walked off toward the lifts with purpose, leading the Ambassador to the offices of the Diplomatic Corps, and still to the office of the Director deep within the bowls of the building. The Bothan said little to the Ambassador, simply stating directions, and noting buildings built solely by the Confederation to the Ambassador.

The Director, a Dresselian, the Bothan knew before telling her secretary that the Ambassador from the Mid-Rim Alliance was in the outer office, internally the official scoffed at the Dresselian, until the Director had shaped the Confederate Diplomatic Corps from its sorry state before integration of non-Bothans into organizations.

Rlohk, the Director was sitting behind her desk as the ambassador entered, "This is Ambassador Garen Hirra of Naboo, speaking on behalf of the Mid Rim Alliance."

"Thank, you may return to your work," the Director said to the Bothan in heavily accented basic before turning to the Ambassador, "Ambassador Hirra, I am Director Rlohk of the Confederate Diplomatic Corps. I apologize profusely for being unable to meet you at the spaceport, but my work at the time required my personal approval, and it was very time sensitive. Now, what, in practical terms, can the Bothan Confederacy do for you?"

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 03:57am
by RogueIce
Froz System, Corellian Sector

The small squadron of CR-90 corvettes were gathering in the Froz System on the edges of Corellian space. Noirmally, the corevettes would be known by an alphanumeric designation. However, since they were now in diplomatic service, the ships received proper - if temporary - names.

Aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer (MkII) Peacekeeper a holoconference was being held between the ship captains, senior diplomats, and the Emperor himself. Aeron Bell, a former Imperial Admiral and now Emperor of the Second Corellian Empire gave his final instructions.

"Gentlemen, ladies," he began. "You all know what to do. Try to establish trade ties and friendly relations. If nothing else, get what information you can on the other factions. The beings of our Sector have placed their faith in you, in all of us. Don't let them down."

And with that, it was time to depart. As the ships broke formation, the Emperor waved the the Peacemaker's captain over. "Intelligence indicates that others have arisen from the ashes. Send probe droids to find out what we can about them."

"At once, Your Majesty."

All ships are CR-90 Corellian Corevettes. I don't feel like coming up with names, so I'll give gender and species and you can make something up. Or just send me a PM and we'll work it out.

CR-90 Nova (Human Male diplomat, Human Female captain) -> Star Empire of Manticore (Master_Baerne)
CR-90 Pride (Human Male diplomat, Human Male captain) -> Imperium of Kuat (Fingolfin_Noldor)
CR-90 Starflare (Human Female diplomat, Human Male captain) -> Core Protectorate (Mr Bean)
CR-90 Arrow (Human Male diplomat, Human Male captain) -> Imperial Remnant (Thanas)
CR-90 Swift (Human female diplomat, Human Female captain) -> TSAB (Agent Sorchus) [Will attend opening of latest Yard]
CR-90 Hope (Selonian female diplomat, Human Male captain) -> Mid-Rim Alliance (Coyote)

Probe droids sent to other factions. Will burst transmist and self destruct if spotted.

If you sent diplomats and/or a message, send me a PM or give me a heads up in OOC and I'll give a name for a corvette and information. I tried to get everyone I saw open up contact with me, but it's possible I missed you! Also, if you're an Imperial leaning faction I would have sent somebody as well.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 05:14am
by Mr Bean
Chandrila System
Orbit of Chandrila
CPS "Serenity" Allegiance Command Class Star Destroyer
Secure Meeting Room
0915 Galactic Standard Time

Officially the group of civilians and military officers gathered in the conference room tucked away behind the Admiral's quarters had no official designation. Unofficially they these meetings were know to the crew of the CPS Serenity as the "Midnight Run" so named because that's normally when the meetings ended up stopping regardless of when they had started. Among themselves this group thought of them simply as the Backup group. The groups membership shrank or grew depending on the subject. But chiefly there were five primary members besides the Admiral himself. One was Captain Ellis Tabori of the CPS Hyperion a Victory-II Class Star Destroyer, next to him sat captain of the Serenity itself Ron MacMillan across from him sat Jenilee Grenn, Imperial Governor of Brentaal, slightly behind her who sat almost slumped in his chair was an odd sight, a Shistavanen by the name of Tasin, a long-time spacer and on again off again smuggler. Last of all sat a medium sized man with dark features, his helmet sat beside him, one of the last survivors of the original 501st, having served under Vadar for some six years and then relocated to Byss itself was Colonel Fox of the 501st.

Each had a place and a reason for being here aside from the obvious. Captain Tabori had been the Admiral's second in command during much of his time as Captain. He had also however unlike Admiral Rowan spent two full tours on Courscant and had taken to that planets politics with a natural grace. He in turned advised his long time superior on the political ramifications of decisions. Captain MacMillian had spent most of his time in the service hunting on the Rim, and then hunting Rebels there. He had been passing successful at it too even if he received praise and reprimands in equal weight due to his light touch on native Rim worlders Only his successes had prevented him from being recalled and shuffled off to a desk job. He however had picked up both plenty of combat experience but also a great understand after spending years enforcing tariff laws, chasing down smugglers and locating and destroying Rebellion shipments. Governor Grenn's place was obvious as Brentaal was currently the richest member of the CP and years spent as solo authority in Brentaal had turned the former Imperial Sector Governor into an unofficial Minister of Trade for the system. Being at the center of two of the galaxies main hyperspace routes had brought much chance for the Governor to influence things and over the years she had learned more about finance from a practical standpoint than any formal education could have ever hoped to teach her.

Any informal group made up of these three would have made sense. Colonel Fox and Tasin were the two odd people out. True Colonel Fox was a veteran of a dozen campaigns and had executed more combat drops and live fire missions then most men would in a dozen life-times. The simple fact was that Admiral Rowan's "Army" was largely a theoretical one. His Navy was where his power lay. If called on he could perhaps move half a million soldiers at the ready, which was just about enough to take a minor moon say and secure that. To take any serious world would take a hundred times the forces and even then it would be unlikely to work as outside the 501st itself, the only Army to speak of was local garrison units, more design to keep the peace then fight wars. What the Colonel could bring was a keen mind and the ability to expect the unexpected. Mostly because that unexpected had happen to him so often he planned for things other people would never consider. Tasin on the other hand was a bad planner, but... he was not at these meetings to plan, Tasin had the singular ability to make contacts wherever he went. Something about his hunter's instincts all Shistavanen are famous for having, enabled him to within hours of planet fall discover any kind of vice or corruption one could require. While Governor Grenn had some contact with the underworld, Tasin reveled in it, and he had keen instincts about where weakness could be ferreted out, where information could be obtained, and were certain bits of rare information could be found.

Take for example the four long furry lizard like animals which lay quietly on frames which were attached to the walls of the room.

Ysalamir were very hard to get-off Myrkr, as the knowledge of how to transplant the creatures and what they were useful for had been very effectively repressed by the New Republic after Grand Admiral Thrawn's death. However, for stopping Jedi or Sith for that matter tricks, nothing else worked as well. However, aside from the three others that Admiral Rowan kept near his person, those seven where not near enough. Not near enough for the Admiral's needs.

Which was the second reason this meeting had been called a few days ahead of schedule.

OOC, Introducing some of the other players in the Admiral group, and an intro to my conflict with RR

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 10:58am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Kuat Drive Yards offices


Hadrian Kuat of Kuat inspected the works going on at Kuat Drive Yards. Workers were busy gathering the raw material and components for the next few big projects, chief among this were 2 1600m long shipyards to be constructed at Kuat itself. The plans were not firm but they ought to be approved at the next board meeting. More shipyards were likely be built at Gyndine and Rothana, but that depended on whether the board preferred to build solely at Kuat or to diversify their holdings. To Hadrian Kuat, either was fine with him, but he saw merits of distributing the shipyards out.

His chief aide arrived by his side and brought a datapad. More requests for ambassadors, and emissaries would be sent to the Core Protectorate, the Concordat Alliance, and the Bothan Confederacy. "I approve. Send communiques to the the ambassadors as required. I will personally visit the Shadow Empire, and meet the ambassador from the Imperial Remnant." The aide nodded. "I shall send note to Admiral Macaroth to begin readying your flagship for the Shadow Empire."

Summary of Results:
- Emissaries and Ambassadors sent to
  • Second Correllian Empire
  • Shadow Empire
  • Concordat Alliance
  • Bothan Confederacy
  • Core Protectorate
  • Imperial Remnant
  • Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra
  • Star Empire of Manticore
- 2 1600m shipyards are likely to be constructed at Kuat.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 12:33pm
by Thanas
Outside the star empire of Manticore
The D'Astan fleet dropped out of hyperspace at the outer frontier of the Star Empire of Manticore and began broadcasting diplomatic codes. Feena D'Asta was very confident that the would be met in a friendly manner. After all, the contacts between the two powers had been infrequent, yes, but also cordial whenever they had occurred.

Core Protectorate
Moff Saenger's ship, the Vindicator class cruiser "Crusader" likewise arrived at the Core Protectorate and started sending out diplomatic messages.

Border of the Kuar System, the Shadow Empire
ISD MKIII Stormfront

Lord Praji stood at the bridge of his ship and wished he had anything to do. But like any good fleet commander he knew when the time had come to turn into a statue in order to project confidence into the hearts of his men. Not that they needed it, he notied - like the crew of veterans they were, they went about their tasks dilligently and in a calm manner, apparently not disturbed by the prospect of venturing into Sith territory. Although, maybe the presence of the Red Guards had something to do with it.

Imperial Red Guards on maneuver

Praji glanced over at them. Dressed in stormtrooper-like armour, the Red Guards were the official council guards of the Remnant. The reason they had been taken along was that every fifth man carried a Yalsamiri on his back. However, to a trained observer it was obvious that half the animals were old and would not survive much longer. In fact, of the 400 Yalsamiris they had taken along with them on this trip, 14 had already died.

We will need to secure a new sources of Yalsamiri soon. I wonder how to do this....

Any further thought was stopped by the exit from Hyperspace and Praji immediately watched as the captain went into action.

"Action Stations. Launch all fighters. All batteries, stand by." As per standard operating procedure, the shields had already been raised before reentry.

After it was clear that no force was waiting for them in ambush, Praji took over. "Have all fighters form parade formation around us. Send the standard diplomatic signal and inform our neighbours that we wish to discuss possible diplomatic relations."

- the first three of my ambassadors have arrived. I'll leave the meet and greet to you, my fellow players.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 01:35pm
by Coyote
Royal Palace, Theed, Naboo
Royal Dining Reception Hall
Diplomatic Dinner

The TSAB: Theed
The Night Tutor had finally came to a rest at the Palace hanger Complex. The wind of the night and the mist of the waterfalls was a comfort to the old Naboo national Sabrin's vulpid ears. The message she carried was simple:

"The TSAB council would like to congratulate the Crown of Naboo for the success at bringing former enemies to peace. This is one of the many hopes that the council has for the Galaxy, and would like to talk at greater length with your majesty about the future of the Galaxy.
TSAB Minister Internal Cirrus Writhe and the blessings of the Council"
Gordian Dominion:
“We have sent out our diplomats, Lord”, Durell reported dutifully. “I expect to hear from them anytime now.”...

Results: Introductions are made, the Gordian Dominion sends out diplomats to various powers to ‘test the waters’, and the Dark Lord dispatches a Sith Assassin to Mirial.
Imperial Remnant:
- President Captison on the way to the Concordat Alliance on board the VSDII “Arrow”.
The Corellian Empire:
CR-90 Hope (Selonian female diplomat, Human Male captain) -> Mid-Rim [Concordat] Alliance
Kuat Imperium:
Summary of Results:
- Emissaries and Ambassadors sent to
...Concordat Alliance

Queen Raynaa Saviya was resplendant in her layered Naboo Royal gowns of maroon and scarlet, the thick cake of traditional makeup carefully applied to allow her face to be neutral and appear unperturbed by any news, no matter how dire-- or to avoid the appearance of over-amusement, as well. A blank slate was the Queen; reflecting all the people of Naboo rather than just one. In Queen Saviya's case, it was a challenging blend, since her skin was naturally darker than previous Queens, but even her mocha tones were made up to Royal perfection.

Before her, in the Diplomatic Reception Hall, were the assembled Ambassadors and Envoys that had arrived so far. The Queen recognised the importance of ceremony even though she felt that the current state of the Galaxy did not allow much time for overbearing delicacies-- best to do it all at once, she'd decided, and allow them to get to know one another as well.

It had been a whirlwind tour of diplomacy in the Hall, the Queen figured, and she had been immensely pleased at the way things had turned out. Delegates had arrived from nearly a half-dozen new governments, and so the last few days in Theed had been a parade of envoys. Queen Saviya had also heard some reports of other contacts far beyond the current collection of governments, and wondered where that would lead.

But for now, the rounds of meetings and greetings had continued, while the Palace chefs produced very tasty and tasteful platters of foodstuffs not only native to both Naboo and the rest of the Concordat but from the visitors' homeworlds as well.

The Queen and Governor Panaka were among the many present to greet the ambassadors and envoys. And the Queen had hinted that a Bothan Ambassador might be interested in further negotiations after the initial excitement of first contact had died down, and she planned to take everyone to the Lake Retreat, a beautiful resort area that was supposed to have been Padme Amidala's favorite place on all of Naboo.

"So, your Majesty, I was wondering, what were the Concordat's plans regarding expansion?" one of the Ambassadorial assistants asked from the far end of the dinner table. Throughout the Royal dining chamber, noise levels dropped appreciably. Queen Saviya wondered if the aide had really drawn a short straw, or if the wine had finally loosened his better judgement.

The Queen politely finished the mouthful she'd been chewing and dabbed at her mouth with one of the fine silk napkins before replying.

"Our neighbors are free to pursue whatever interests best suit them," the Queen said, "The nature of the Concordat is not one of force and coercion, but of mutual partnership and cooperation," she explained, "We have all agreed to take no contracts or actions that woud harm one another, or interfere with one another's interests," she went on, "And we pool our resouces to provide for a common defense and foreign policy. But there is no dictatorial hierarchy telling anyone, inside or outside the Concordat, what they can or can not do." The entire assembly seemed to relax at that-- one less faction to worry about as an aggressive, expansionist power.

"So you would align yourself as a Republic, or 'anti-Imperial' faction?" another voice spoke up.

"No, I would not," the Queen stated flatly, "The Concordat is the Concordat, we look out for our interests and the interests of our friends. If we had to identify ourselves as 'anti' anything, it would be domination and corruption from various criminal or Hutt syndicates."

"So you would work with Imperial factions?" yet another voice asked. The Queen made an expansive gesture towards the heavens.

"We would work with anyone who is primarily interested in peace, respect for the rights of sentient beings, and justice. The rule of law, while important, cannot be the end-all of civilization. Law applied justly is the hallmark of civilized peoples," the Queen said.

"So Imperial factions are out," the first voice said. Weren't these people supposed to wear nametags? the Queen wondered. She sighed and took a delicate sip of fine, red wine before replying.

"If you show me an Imperial faction that lives up to those standards and ideals, then yes, I'll show you an Imperial faction I can work with," the Queen assured, with nods of approval from the other representatives of the Concordat. Members from Arbra, Umgul and Dargul, Chommel Minor, and other worlds were there, as well as Governor Panaka and Admiral DeClann.

"I believe there was an Imperial faction that held fast to those ideals," one person, obviously a bit tipsy, said, "It was called 'Old Republic'." A murmur of appreciative laughter swept the room-- appreciative, because it broke the mounting tension brought on by the talk of politics.

"Indeed," the Queen said, smiling, and raising her glass in toast. The rest of the delegtes, envoys, and hangers-on did the same, "A toast, then-- to justice, peace, rights... and law."

And nobody in the assembly could ignore the order in which those words were given as they drank their toasts.

Diplomacy underway at Naboo.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Rlohk, the Director was sitting behind her desk as the ambassador entered, "This is Ambassador Garen Hirra of Naboo, speaking on behalf of the Concordat Alliance."

"Thank, you may return to your work," the Director said to the Bothan in heavily accented basic before turning to the Ambassador, "Ambassador Hirra, I am Director Rlohk of the Confederate Diplomatic Corps. I apologize profusely for being unable to meet you at the spaceport, but my work at the time required my personal approval, and it was very time sensitive. Now, what, in practical terms, can the Bothan Confederacy do for you?"

"Good day, Director," Ambassador Hirra said in well-spoken Bothese, "I represent the interests of the Concordat Alliance, centered primarily in Chommel Minor with member worlds such as Arbra, Karbala and Hosk Station, and the Umgul-Dargul System. Her Majesty the Queen is interested in diplomatic relations with the Bothan Confederact."

"I see," the Director said, perking up at the human-accented Bothese. With the flat faces and smaller sinus cavities, no human could ever truly reproduce the tone sof Bothese properly, but this one made a decent go of it, although he would always have an accent. "And why would Her Majesty be interested in an alliance with the Bothan peoples?"

"The Bothan reputation for intelligence services is beyond reproach," Ambassador Hirra said, "And both the Confederation and the Concordat are in a region of space quite close to the Hutts-- and the Outer Rim region is also a known haven for pirates and criminal syndicates. We have much to gain by watching out for one anothers' backs, if you know what I mean."

The Director thought about what the human said, her eyes narrowing to take him in.

"Your Bothese is quite good," she said.
"I studied at the University of Kothlis for four years, getting a degree in xenoarchaeology," Hirra said, "I studied the Sith Tombs at Hanoon for my thesis work. During that time I essentially lived among the people and students... my girlfriend at the time was Bothan, and we communicated regularly in Bothese."

"The Kothlis accent," she said, fur ruffling in recognition, "Now I place it. Northern provinces?"
"Indeed; University of Sol'tyam."
"I know it," she said, but added no further information. "So, a combined Republic-Imperial government, the Concordat?"

"Independent of either restrictive dogmas," Hirra assured, "We are working with establishing Imperial military efficiency with a Republic's sense of justice... under the rule of an enlightened constitutional monarchy."

"A potentially turbulent mix," Director Rlohk said. "Who else were you thinking of in this... coalition against the Hutts?"

"There are other governments forming that may have interests in the region," Ambassador Hirra said, "The Imperial Remnant claims Ryloth, for example, and their representative is at Naboo now... there's the Rim Alliance, also on the fringes of Hutt influence."

"I see a great many competing interests with such a mix of governments," Rlohk said.
"Her Majesty is intrigued by the challenge."

"She will have to be..."

Ambassador Hirra lays out the Concordat vision to the Bothans.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 01:38pm
by Master_Baerne
Aboard HIMMS Invictus
Allegiance-class CSD
Flagship, Bilbringi Fleet
Admiral Honor Harrington Commanding


Three envoys in one day was a bit much, by any standards. Fortunately, Admiral Harrington thought, these overwhelming numbers signaled peace, rather than bloodshed. They were all passed through the system defense gauntlet into planetary orbit, there to be taken down by shuttle to see the Emperor.


Imperial Ministry of Finance
Budget for Fiscal Year (Whatever It Is)

Upkeep of Imperial Manticoran Navy...377 Economic Units
Remaining......................................................1623 Economic Units

New Construction:
2x Imperial Research Stations.................40 Economic Units
18x Golan III Defense Stations................252 Economic Units

1x 2200m Shipyard...................................400 Economic Units
2x 1600m Shipyard...................................520 Economic Units
2x 1200m Shipyard...................................300 Economic Units

3x Escort Carrier...........................:...............30 Economic Units
8x Nebulon-B Frigate.................................24 Economic Units
4x Lancer Frigate........................................12 Economic Units
10x VT-49 Decimator Assault Ship........5 Economic Units

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-05-19 02:12pm
by Thanas
Royal Palace, Theed

Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison stood up, having had barely time to change into one of her Bakuran dresses before approaching the palace. The queen had made a short speech outining that Naboo was looking to preserve certain values and was not committed to any ideology per se. Gaeriel knew this to be a sensible position, for it was exactly the one she and her world had taken.

And wearing the Bakuran simple gown she was now, she knew that as duly elected prime minister in her own right, she was the one to answer the toast as second highest-ranking official.

Here's hoping the Nabooans haven't changed diplomatic protocol.

Gaeriel stood, raised her glass and started.

"Your Majesty, I wish to thank you for the skilful manner in which you outlined your vision. Justice, peace, rights and law...those are the same values we Bakurans fought for when under my leadership, we drove the Empire out of our system. Since then, our democray has upheld those values and our fleet under the command of my husband is currently fighting for them against slavers and pirates. I applaud your determination to protect those values.

Two years ago, a Bakuran peace convoy enroute to help the populace of Coruscant was attacked by pirates and it was only due to the assistance of D'Astan and Imperial forces that I am able to stand here today. Since then, the Imperial Remnant has been a force willing to do everything possible to protect the innocents in these territories. Sure, we squabble, but in the end we try to do the right thing - and succeed at it, if I may add. I am glad that today we are joined by you, if not in ations at least in spirit.

Your Majesty, based on my personal experiences as a freedom fighter and on the track record exhibited by my government, I feel confident that our two people may be joined soon. Talk of specific offers is inpolite in public, therefore I shall restrict myself by saying an age-old toast in which I hope the rest of my esteemed colleagues will join me in:
Long live the Queen."

The Manticorean Star Empire

"If possible, I would like a word in private with your leader", Feena D'Asta remarked as she walked away from her shuttle. "Maybe after the official meeting is over?"