SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

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SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

And so it was... Out in the great mists of the Multiverse, a world was whipped into being. It was Earth, well another one. Plucked and duplicated by mysterious forces... The year was 1350... Everything seemed normal enough, but, THIS Earth had some new inhabitants, some, quite 'fantastic' Across the planet, mostly centered in the north American Continent, Kingdoms and Fortresses sprung up over night. Armies of Mythical Creatures stamped out into the world, each one obeying the words of their "God King".

This Earth would never be quite the same, and this, is its story.
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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Darth Yoshi »

January, AD 1350, somewhere in the Yangtze River Basin

Cai Qi sighed. His forces were settling in well, but he still felt unease at the upcoming revolution. At least his command staff was competent. There was some initial friction between the races under his command, but that had smoothed over quickly enough. Yang Xiaohua's idea to rearrange the barracks so that everyone spent time with members with another race, combined with strict discipline on troublemakers, had worked brilliantly. The satyr really was invaluable, and as soon as she gave the go ahead, the diplomats and traders could set out and ingratiate themselves with the locals.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

January, AD 1350, Lower Laker Erie

From High atop the upper Battlements of Crossroads Castle The High Lord "Mr Xyroadia" Looked out from the hill top to the thickly wooded forests bellow. The air was crisp and cold, grey clouds hung over the immense lake behind them. It had already been a week since arriving, and much of the first few days was simply in organizing everyone and taking the time have, well, the ultimate "Mixer" party... Minotaurs, Centaurs Ursids Orcs and Satyrs spent 3 full days simply getting to know one another.

Now they were finally getting to work. From his view atop the outer wall, he looked down the sheer cliff on the back of the castle to the thick woods bellow. An Immense Minotaur followed next to him, while two Satyrs followed shortly behind him.

"It looks like things are going smoothly M'Lord, Every Ax ye got from dem big hutts was passed out and them putting them to good use!" The Minotaur, a Mr."Deioth" he had been told, said as Mr.Xyroadia watched. Down bellow, stretching out in 5 straight lines away from the castle, Orcs Ursids and Minotaurs hacked at the forests, cutting lines that would form the central roads for the planned town.
"An the group ye sent out beyond the fields already found the white stone ya talked about, Only had to Dig a little bit to get to it M'Lord." The Minotaur said as the tall man next to him spoke finally.

"Good Good, Mark the site and clear it, then send the group back to the castle, I want this area cleared first and the ground cleared." He said before looking over a large piece of paper, one of the few he had with him it would be a long time before he could get more to replace it, and as of now, it held the layout for the town. He looked up, ticking off a list while speaking out-loud.

"Lets see, clear ground, start crops, build extra shelters, lets se... AH! Mr. Deioth, any word from the Centaur group sent to the north east side of River?"

"Eh, the one you listed as 'Ohio' M'Lord? Don't think so, Should tak'em a couple of days to get there an back, but there are fast, they'll do the job fir ya Sir." Xyrodia nodded as he looked out... So much to do indeed, but for now there was plenty of time.

((5 Centaurs sent as Emissary to meet with "Dave"))
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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Mr Bean »

January, AD 1350, Mississippi River near Memphis

The "King" looked down on his troops and saw that it was good. Not only were the ranks on ranks of Orcs in mail a confidence inspiring site, the simple fact that he was here on the waterfront with the two very first expeditions ready to set out just a week after arriving was confidence inspiring. Granted both parties were going just a day and a half's journey up the river in either direction. But it was the simple fact of the start of his grand plan was enough to give him a renewed burst of enthusiasm for this whole idea.

The two equal sized parties facing him were almost identically composed, three hundred and fifty naga in each group, one hundred orcs each, drawn mostly his builders along with half a lance of centaur's with the females acting as scouts with the male pulling packhorse duty. There was some grumbling about that, but in order to carry the needed supplies until normal pack mules and horses could be obtained. Almost as an afterthought the small knot of Satyr's and Ursiods seemed small with over a thousand members of his army gathered up on the green near the river. They would act as contact's in case they ran into any tribes along the way. Best to be polite in his early days, until he had them mapped and found any inter-tribal rivalry's that could be used to weaken them.

No inspiring speeches were needed, no grand words. Not now. He had laid out his grand vision.. or at least as much of it as they needed to know yesterday and they had cheered his name when he proclaim the grand undertaking. They knew he had great things planned for them, they knew these lands were good for farms, good for settling down and raising a family or good for hunting or any of a dozen other things. The rewards he had promised were great... riches and eternal youth and life that would go on for almost forever. Who would not want to live a good long time in the prime of their life? Never growing weak... never growing unattractive... being free of disease and able to stand at the hand of the King for all that time?

No greater reward indeed.....

Behind him gleamed the deep black snake was outline against the dark almost blood red banner, it's coils draped over the hilt and cross guard of a long thin dagger. It flew from the highest point of the fortress behind him in great waves of cloth as the breeze picked up. The soldiers of the Graceland stood waiting as their God-King surveyed them, his eye's inspecting them. Unconsciously, many straitened or tried to stand taller as he walked closer, moving along thier massed ranks until he was equal distance between the two groups. The short female chief of the Naga tribe going south and the tall brown colored Ursiod who was leading the other group north. Both had in their short time struck him as those who knew what they were doing. He had forgotten there names already.

He leaned in close to the Naga to offer final words then stood tall to say simply in a loud voice to that group, "Begin the march, begin the journey. At your labors remember you are helping your kin march to the sea. For if we are to complete our task we must have a strong group there. In two months we will be sending another group south. You must be ready for them. Remember well the goal towards which we work."
Turning he almost opened his mouth his mouth to repeat his speech but the obvious way they were all leaning towards him said they had listened, those that had not could ask their fellows. Instead he simply half turned to the Ursiod leader, clasped his paw in a awkward handshake and then nodded to the scratch band he had managed to assemble over the last few days.

He had to give them this
They were LOUD... not much else besides Loud, but both groups marched away in mostly ragged formation headed to their destinations with their heads high, already seeing that glorious future that he had promised them.

(OOC:The Graceland empire marches on, to be exact two roughly 500 soldier groups are going up and down the river to establish base-camps some twenty miles away, north and south along the river. Road builders are already laboring away at clearing 15 meter roads to those eventual villages with smaller 9 meter roads along the river itself to help with eventual barge traffic. The vast majority of the army is currently drilling when they are not helping with clearing of brush and tree's to make more room and gathering in raw material.)

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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Raesene »

January 1350, on the island that will now never be known as Prince Edward Island. On top of the White Tower of the North.

"... our food reserves are plenty, Markgraf, we will not have any shortages, even when our population grows a lot better than we are used to."

Markgraf Raesene continued to watch a hunting group return through his telescope. The Orc subchieftain giving his report was not exactly pleasing to the eye in his traditional garb.

"Just follow the rules I told you: Keep as clean as possible, don't put your excrements and thrash anywhere but in the designated pits, and let midwives wash their hands before assisting in births."

Turning and looking the Orc into the eyes, he added "You and your kin are the backbone on the Marquisate, everyone of you has a place and is needed - there are things to come we have to be prepared for, Rucinol. I'm very pleased with the progress you made, you really earned your Messer. The path to the harbour is cleared, and the lumberjack parties are felling trees to clear our fields for spring and use the wood to build homes, even though there is a lot of snow. By the way, these log cabins", he pointed at a group of small houses a bit distant from the White Tower, "are exactly to the drafts, so I assume you like to work with the new tools I gave to you ?"

"Much better than our old ones, Durchlaucht, working with them is a pleasure."

"Excellent. Keep up the good work, Rucinol - your tribe is making me proud. We will speak again tomorrow, but now, send up Shanaia and Georgii when you see them please - they should be waiting at the staircase."

OOC: edit: removed the fishing boats as I remembered the Sea is frozen december to april.

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Raesene »

The Orc bowed and left the top platform of the tower. At the foot of the staircase, he told the waiting ursoid and the satyr to move up, "and wrap yourself well, the wind is so today cold, it could freeze your noses off. It's a good thing we have enough space in the tower for the little ones."

Shanaia shrugged and moved towards the stairs. "Winter is my time of the year."

"Thank you Rucinol. Was he pleased with your report ?", inquired the satyr before following his bear-like colleague.

"Yes, cooperation really makes our life easier. Think about it, a few weeks ago, we would have killed each other nearly on sight instead of speaking."

"Indeed. If you need anything, let me know."

The Orc nodded and continued downstairs, while Georgii climbed the stairs upwards. Before exposing himself to the cold wind, he drew his coat tight around his body.

"Durchlaucht ?"
Georgii bowed and waited. The two minotaur guards left and right of the exit ignored him - or rather, wanted him to believe that they ignored him. They took their role as bodyguards seriously.

Markgraf Raesene beckoned him to come closer. He and Shanaia were standing next to the telescope, looking down. Georgii noticed that the ursoid had positioned herself to shield her liege lord from the wind – ‘She develops motherly feelings', the Satyr thought, a bit amused by the very idea.

“Georgii, what news can you offer ? Did the sleigh and ski experiments work as desired ?”

“Durchlaucht, good news. We managed to create a sleigh strong enough to transport logs, and also a few skis to help our scouts. Our junior carpenters are creating them as quickly as they can. However, the straps to fix them to boots still need some refinement to last longer.”
“These skis are very popular, those having them already are training like mad, even staging races.”

“That doesn’t surprise me, not only are they a good way to move in snow, but also fun. I am considering staging a racing competition after we have more of them, to encourage the training. Similar events should be held for archery or harpooning. I want my people training during winter so their skills are honed when spring comes.”

“But now to the task why I summoned you two: Now that we have the Island scouted and found no other sentient inhabitants, I want scouts to travel to the Mainland. I want the natives as allies, so we will offer our friendship and support.”

OOC the Outcome: six scouting parties, mixed orcs, satyrs and ursoids are sent to the mainland. Their task is to have a look at the mainland at the opposite shore of the Northumberland Strait and down towards Amherst and Fundy Bay, contact the Inhabitants and evaluate harbour facilities and places for settlements. A few nonmodern metal tools and knives are taken as trade goods. Some of the scouts have orders to return after establishing contacs, others continue towards Nova Scotia. All groups get maps to mark places of interest.


"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

"We need to make gay people live in fear again! What ever happened to the traditional family values of persecution and lies?" - Darth Wong
"The closet got full and some homosexuals may have escaped onto the internet?"- Stormbringer

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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Solauren »

Januaray 1, 1350 AD (Christian Calender)
Unas 1, 1 LD (New Calander)

I looked out from my massive new tower, considering what to do now.

I knew the situation, I knew my forces, and everything was setup up as I would have wanted it.

However, suddenly finding yourself in the situation was vastly different then preparing for it as a mental exercise.

Also, I had the additional complication of additional beings of similiar nature, but differing agenda's and military capabilities to contend with, either as allies or enemies.

I walked around the circular balcony on my observation tower. It's set-up granted me a 360 degree view of my domain. And I considered.

So much to consider.

Then again, there wasn't much to consider, was there? I was mentally prepared for this after all. My turmiol was more emotional.

For one, my wife didn't come with me. What the hell was I going to do for companionship? What of my wife? Or was I a duplicate like this world? Did it matter?

Ultimately no, it didn't. After all, there was no way back.

This was now my home, and this was now my life. Ultimately, nothing else mattered.

Time to begin.

I turned and re-entered my chamber, and pulled the cord that would ring a bell, summoning my personal servant.

3 Orcs game into the room. Outsider the main door, I could see one of my Ursiod bodyguards.

"Yes, My Master?"

"I believe it's time to begin introducing myself to the natives. After all, it's rude for a being of my power to keep anyone waiting."

"Of course, my master."

"I want all non-humanoid forces, Naga, Centaur, Ursoid, assembled outside the main entrance for an audience with me in 2 hours. They are all to be ready to leave immediately. Inform all unit commanders I want to meet with them in the throne room in 1 hour."

"Thy will be done, my master."

* * *

The assembly had gone well, despite my lack of public speaking skills.

Right now, my fastest moving troops were moving out to contact the natives, and bring representatives back to my citadel, which I was naming 'Castle of Ravens', or 'Ravenloft'. I made a note to myself to refrain from any references to anyone named Strahd, Sergei or Tatanya.

Fortunately, I had an advantage over my fellow Lords of Darkness.

Most of them were focused around the Mississipi river delta. Somewhat unavoidable given that most of the Eastern seaboard of the continent was taken up by that Delta. However, my position at it's most north gave me an advantage.

Some of my Naga would be heading out immedaitely, and begin recruiting tribes on the Northen side of the Great Lakes, up to Lake Ontario, which I would bow out of in favor of my fellow Lord of Darkness, Crossroads. However, the Great plains region was largely mine. I would have to share or conceed some of it to KroLazuxy_87 for the time being, despite my numerical superiority.

In truth, I see no reason to be fighting over the territory that, in my world, was known as the United States. It wasn't worth provoking an alliance against me.

Especially when my fellow Lords of Darkness were the only people I could discuss some subjects with. I mean, who else on this world is going to remember cultural elements from my 'home?'

Quite frankly, my fellow Lords of Darkness were probably the closet thing I'd have on this world to 'comrades'.

Oh well.

So, I focused my efforts within the political borders of North America to (states). The rest, my fellow Lords could have. Unless they did not materialize or take action. In that case, fair is fair. Why waste valuable land, forces, and territories?

No, I'd focus on the North, and my immediate area, and build up over time. Hopefully, there would be no war between myself nad my fellow Lords of Darkness. But if there was, I'd have to be ready, and smart about it.

No, I had lofty, larger goals in mind.

Eventually, in about 150 years, Europe would make contact with this part of the world, and war would break out then.

The Lords of Darkness have 150 years to get ready for that contact and war. And to breed and build up enough forces and resources to commit a polar opposite of what had happened in our world.

The New World would invade the Old.

It was as simple as that.
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It's so when they comment on or approve of something, I know what pages to block/what not to vote for.
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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Darth Yoshi »

Spring, AD 1350, Jade Fortress (Yangtze River basin)

"...bad news is that aside from what we've projected for our own consumption, our stores are pretty much empty for the foreseeable future. The good news, though, is that the harvest looks promising, and unless the gods want us to fail we'll completely replenish our stores with enough surplus to barter with the locals for their best and brightest for a season or two. With that in mind, the Agricultural Corps offers their sincerest gratitude to everyone who helped with the planting, especially the ursoids and Woodshop Team." His report concluded, Yin Daxiong bowed once to the council and took his seat.

Cai Qi nodded. Currently, Woodshop Team was their only source of trade goods. While the local villages were quite intrigued by the trinkets and other assorted gizmos Woodshop Team made, their main concern was meeting the Yuan tax quotas. With crops being offered as trade, and in sufficient quantities to satisfy the government, the locals would be more willing to lend some of their children and young adults to the regency, especially with the promise that they would return to ensure unprecedented crop yields. And to think, the Old Realm has people who are against genetically modified crops. Of course, the training and schooling that the guests would receive during their stay at the fortress helped as well.

Clearing his throat, Qi turned back to Daxiong. "Thank you, Daxiong. As a reminder to everybody, when harvest time comes, we will most likely need to pull personnel from the other corps to quickly take care of the crops.

"Now, before we wrap up this meeting, is there anything else that needs to be brought up?"

Yang Xiaohua raised her hand. "Milord, this isn't terribly pressing, but R&D wants to put a generator in our windmill and has requested permission to begin preparing for it."

The commander of the Nagas, Xie Zhuyin, frowned. "What would that accomplish? We only had enough cable for the castle as it is."

"Well, that's why they consider it prep work. They want to melt down some of the tools for new cab—"

"We'd need to melt down a lot more than 'some,'" snorted Ma Jinjian. "Not to mention the fact that we'd need insulation for all of that cable." He paused. "Um, sorry for interrupting, ma'am."

Xiaohua waved him off, although Qi could tell she was definitely annoyed at the centaur for cutting her off. "R&D apparently thinks they can make a suitable insulator from lettuce. To that end, they want authorization to reserve a portion of the lettuce yields for tinkering. Besides, they don't expect to actually be able to connect the generator until we can secure a source of metal, but they feel it's best to get started now."

Having considered the request, Qi spoke once more. "Fair enough. Do it. Now, is that all? Alright, this meeting is hereby adjourned. Xianghua, stay a moment, please."

(100 each of tools set aside to eventually be turned into cabling)
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Re: SD.Net Lords of Darkness Mk-II "Game Thread The First"

Post by Zor »

Zortropolis (OTL Auckland), New Zealand, January 15th, 1350

The Fortress of Zortropolis had a ring of walls with twelve pointed battlements. Inside its walls sat various armories, artisans’ workshops, forges, warehouses, homes (many of which being redundant) and the Navarch Imperator’s palace. Outside the Palace their were a few buildings, a port town and plenty of work to be done as land was cleared. Forty five hundred orcs, two hundred Ursoid and a hundred Centaurs with over a thousand cattle worked felling trees to make room for farmland and pastures while Timber was collected for charcoal burning parties and lumber. Special provisions had been made for praticularly. Cleared land was being marked by Satyr surveyors and divided up into plots for farmland and pasture. Already a few homes made of stone and wood were being erected while future roads were being dug. At the same time, clay was being dug by a smaller group of Orcs and Naga and kilns manned by those skilled in things ceramic related were turning out bricks for a major project of the Imperator, with carpenters working on a large wheel for the facility which he had provided his artisans blueprints for. A colossal furnace that could make iron far more effectively than a normal forge and in particular produce a new category of tube shaped weapons.

In the fishing town things preceded smoothly as nagas collected fish and shellfish. Three days ago, a pair of small fleets were dispatched, each carrying two hundred orcs, fifty Naga and a Satyr surveyor. One of them moved to an area that would have been known as Huntly, the other to Mount Taranaki. Both had orders to set up camps in these areas to be footholds for more long-term projects involving the bountiful supplies of coal and iron that these locations held. The fishing boats were adequate enough for such trips so long as they stuck to the coastline.

A couple of Proto Maori fishing Villages had also been identified along the coast earlier this week by a pair of smaller scout fleets with twenty five Orcs (a mix of Crossbowmen and swordsmen) and a satyr each as heralds of the Navarch Imperator. These were given gifts of iron knives, metal pots and kegs of rather quickly made but never the less effective liquor, while spreading word of the arrival of the new god while offering requests for trade. There were maybe a few thousand of these people on the whole of New Zealand at this time, but manpower was manpower and the Imperator would need plenty of hands for his upcoming ambitions. Allready he had addressed his minions on the importance of Reproduction to the future of his state and had informed all his minions on the apsolute nessesisity of proper sanitation and especially stressed it to midwives while making use of their talents. His plans involved the other lands that lay across the sea. He had command of a safe, isolated chain of islands, highly defensible and rich in natural resources. He had no threats to worry about that could not be easily handled at this time and could focus on building up his empire.
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