SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

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SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »

This thread is specifically for partial or completed posts describing a nation- especially statistics like NCPs and military point counts. Fluff about your country is permitted here, but we're going to be using this as a reference guide, so don't clutter it up with random inane things.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Akhlut »

The Hegemon of the Gray Kritarchy

National Statistics
NCP: 30

Home Sector (9 NCP) (7 + 1 GDP increase + 1 warp gate)
The Sector of Hivapo, named after their home planet, is by far the largest and most important sector within the Hegemony. It is a bustling system, filled with nothing but stellar systems owned and inhabited by the Grays.
$17000 GDP; population of 57 billion

Core Sector (5 NCP) (5)
Zaosuv, the next eldest of the sectors and the first sector colonized outside of Hivapo. It is another sector inhabited solely by the Grays.
$10000 GDP; population of 37 billion

Core Sector (6 NCP) (5 + 1 warp gate)
Navipa, a sector filled with servitor races. One stellar system is Scumdogia, a mercenary filled system ruled over by the Scumdogs of the Universe, who are on a permanent retainer to the Kritarchy. At the opposite edge of the system is the entirely different Philosopher's Kingdom. Inbetween the two polities are three Gray systems.
$11000 GDP; population of 42 billion

Core Sector (6 NCP) (5 + 1 warp gate)
Tlali, a sector named after the primary species' homeworld, has four systems ruled by two species of sentient dinosaurs, the Kipaktli and the Moxli. An additional stellar system is ruled by the Grays directly.
$11000 GDP; population of 35 billion

+4 Trade Routes (+$8000 GDP)(+4 NCP)

GDP total: $57000

Constituent States
The Gray Kritarchy: The ruling power over the autonomous satraps, the Grays are the most numerous members of the Hegemon and are ruled over by the Kritarchs, a group of judges cum executives, who preside over the state. The Kritarchs act as both the judiciary branch and as part of the executive branch. The military has its own hierarchy, but ultimately answers to the Kritarchs. The Kritarchy is ruled by three supreme Kritarchs, who rule through majority-rule (ie, 2-1 decisions). The Gray Kritarchy has been on the wane for the last several thousand years, though it is still a power not to be trifled with. The Grays themselves have been around for a very long time; there is some speculation that they are responsible for the transport of the Union State of Four Stars into their borders, either through directly uplifting dinosaurs from earth over 65 million years ago, or by using a now lost technology to cut through the veils of the multiverse and bring them here tens of thousands of years ago. The Hegemon has a powerful military, though that is mostly on the end of their navy and use of robotic infantry. Individual Grays are rather fragile creatures.In their own language, they call themselves the Hoavi, while they call their government the Voadau.

Scumdogia: The Gray Hegemon some centuries ago acquired a lawless stellar system filled with the scum of the galaxy; every horrible assortment of mercenary, criminal, sociopath, and pervert fill the habitable planets, moons, stations, and asteroids of this system with their filth and corruption. The main reason the Hegemon has not tried to scour this system of its inhabitants is precisely because it is filled to the brim with scum. It exists as a prison for the worst members of Hegemon society, as well as an implied threat to outsiders who disobey the Hegemon. Additionally, Scumdogia provides wonderful cannon fodder for the Hegemon in any war. Though formerly lawless, Scumdogia has recently seen some form of government arise, though it is even more horrible than the sum of its inhabitants' excesses: the Scumdogs of the Universe. A group of the most powerful mercenaries in the system, and possibly the galaxy, they have brutalized any rivals into submission or death and have proclaimed all within the system to be their Bohabs (slaves). Led by the ferocious Oderus Urungus, who claims the planet of Scumdogia as his birthplace, he has instituted a brutal bureaucracy on the system with his golden battle barge and army of bohabs. The Kritarchy interacts with the Scumdogs of the Universe on very limited basis, but the Scumdogs at least agree to entreat with the Kritarchy and have done so for decades now.

Union State of Four Stars: The four stellar systems are united under one government that exists under the Hegemon's beneficence; this government is made up of intelligent dinosaurs of two species: the Kipakt, a group of allosaurian dinosaurs, the Moxi, a group of oviraptoran dinosaurs. They are a very advanced society.The Kipakt provide a very large contingent of reliable and powerful infantry for the Hegemon's military.

The Philosopher's Kingdom: Composed of three stellar systems, the Philosopher's Kingdom is composed the genetically altered humans that the Grays have been abducting for millennia from earth and other planets, which the Grays have always had every right to do with complete impunity. The Grays have long probed and analyzed humans and decided to try and make them perfect servants for the Grays. The Kingdom is a sort of constitutional monarchy which owes its fealty to the Kritarchy.

Biology, Culture, and Psychology of Constituent Species

Gray Aliens (Hoavi): The Grays evolved on a world steeped in perpetual twilight and darkness due to enormous cloud cover, which is responsible for much of their physiology. Their eyes are enormous, in order to capture every available photon, while their eyes can handle large light loads without going blind due to frequent thunderstorms. Their planet is relatively low gravity, leading to a fairly light frame and relative frailty in comparison to other organisms. Due to as of yet unknown reasons, the entire species (indeed, the entire ecology of their homeworld) lacks any psychic activity. They are as psychically blank as any unliving matter, and, as such, no psychic can read the Grays' minds or influence their thoughts. They can still crush their bodies or use pyrokinesis on them, but anything to do with the thoughts that the Grays have are as remote and untouchable to a psychic as they would be for one without the psychic gifts.

The Grays are also externally fertile, much like fish, insects, or amphibians, leading to sex and romantic affection being relatively unimportant, unlike for humans and other internally fertile creatures. They can also replace their numbers fairly quickly as a result, though they tend to keep their numbers relatively low on purpose, preferring to use eugenics methods to prevent undesirables from breeding.

Modern Gray culture is built upon an idea of species wide superiority to the other races of the galaxy, though most of their animus is directed towards humanity, which they see as having gained too much control without offering due reverence to the Grays. The Grays due see fit to engage in trade and normal diplomatic relations with most other species, though (including humans), but they do tend to make it clear how they see the relationship: the superior, enlightened Grays deigning to aid the more unfortunate dregs of life out of moral compassion. Most species still accept such treatment, though only the weakest species accept it on face value; others happily “agree” to the Grays' superiority while ignoring them when they aren't around and simply use the trade for personal benefit.


The Scumdogs of the Universe: Not so much a single species as an assortment of unusual, and possibly unique, individuals. The Scumdogs of the Universe are a group with five members, nominally led by Oderus Urungus, with the remainder consisting of Beefcake the Mighty, Balsac the Jaws of Death, Jizzmak Da Gusha, and Flattus Maximus. They are an ultraviolent group, hellbent on taking slaves and making war solely for the sake of it. The Kritarchy keeps a rein on them mainly by appeasing them through allowing a moderate amount of piracy against nations too small to do anything about it and interdicting pirates themselves. This outlet keeps the Scumdogs as loyal as they probably can be to the Kritarchy without ruining the Kritarchy's standing in the galaxy. The Scumdogs also send out their Bohabs to proxy wars for the Kritarchy, as well as selling out some of their services to nations that the Kritarchy allows (the Kritarchy prevents them from selling services to some entities solely by making higher offers than the 'competition' or by directly bribing the Scumdogs with drugs and money). It seems that being able to hire out their services has made them a bit less of a stain on the Kritarchy, as other polities can use some of their firepower for themselves on occasion.

The Scumdogs have a very simple philosophy and style of rulership; they want the most money for themselves, as well as the most sex partners, drugs, and fighting. Their laws are simple (Obey us!) and they are very direct and brutal in their dealings with their underlings. They are followed out of a combination of fear and the great riches promised to their followers (which is delivered upon on a frequent enough basis).

The Kritarchy views them as being very loathsome, but tolerable enough due to their extreme usefulness.

Zombie Army: The Scumdogs, on some now forgotten planet, found Robert I, Zombie King, and harvested from him his terrible zombie virus, which turns the dead into the walking undead and can infect the living via bites or scratches from the zombies (minus those with a thoroughly powerful constitution). Aside from Robert I, all zombies created from the zombie virus are total imbeciles, with even the smartest being barely able to manipulate simple tools. However, because of their enormous ranks, even though only one in one thousand can handle a simple ray gun correctly or drive a battle tank roughly correctly, there are enough wielding weapons and driving heavy equipment to cause problems. All of the rank and file of the zombies, though, live in giant holding pens on Scumdogia unless called to war, in which case they are herded onto vast cargo ships with vast separation between them and the crew of the ship. They are dumped unceremoniously onto the battlefield and are naturally attracted to the sounds of warfare. Because they attack indiscriminately, they are usually dumped behind the enemy whenever they can. If that cannot be arranged, however, cities full of civilians are often used instead because it creates a larger army of zombies, ruins infrastructure to some extent, weakens the pool of recruits available for the enemy, and forces them to waste ammunition on an army that no one really cares about.

Order of Battle


$300 CIC Ship x 10 = $3000
Cyberwarfare ships dedicated to a combat information role; it is the strategic center of any fleet and relies on screen ships to prevent destruction by much larger ships. It is well-armored and fitted with large sensor arrays (active and passive) and also performs debilitating actions on enemy ships (through use of computer viruses, signal jamming, and similar functions).
Class: Hivapo's Light

$700 Dreadnaught x 6 = $4200
Capital ships designed to throw themselves at any problem and win. Powerful, well armed and well armored, and the most cutting edge ships produced by the Kritarchy.
Classes: Warlord, Overlord

$400 Dreadnaught x 15 = $6000
A smaller capital ship designed to handle smaller threats, but still be a formidable ship. More widely produced than the Warlords and Overlords, they are more often seen and a reminder of the power of the Kritarchy.
Class: Worldshaker

$350 Carrier x 14 = $4900
A carrier-battleship built and serviced by the vassal NenAltKik state; half of its value is dedicated to the transport of fighters, while the other half is a fairly powerful battleship. It is a welcome addition to the Kritarchy's navy.
Classes: Ikal (“Hive”), Xikoti (“Bee”)

$200 Battleship x 27 = $5400
A large battleship designed to supplement the dreadnaughts in battle and to go on patrols against pirates.
Classes: Rider, Knight

$150 Battlecruiser x 20 = $3000
The largest ship built by the Philosopher's Kingdom, it is a nimble weapons platform designed to outmaneuver any opposing ship and blow it to hell and back. It was built on a mentality of fencing, and is named as such, with different classes focusing on different weapons, such as ion cannons, missiles, and railguns.
Classes: Epee, Sabre, Foil

$125 Cruiser x 30 = $3750
The NenAltKik's cruiser, designed to intercept other small ships and harass larger ones engaged with the Kritarchy's dreadnaughts and battleships.
Classes: Mohlabani (“Warrior”), Daigwan (“Chief”)

$80 Light Cruiser x 50 = $4000
The other main ship built by the Philosopher's Kingdom; another nimble ship, though much smaller, designed for harassing destroyers and single-purpose carriers (ie, those that are not cruiser/battleship carriers).
Classes: Dagger, Stiletto

$50 Destroyer x 60 = $3000
The NenAltKik's destroyer; a small fleet escort and anti-fighter ship.
Classes: Kohwat (“Serpent”), Kwetzpa (“Lizard”)

Mercenary Fleet
Total: $9550

An ancient ship owned by the Scumdogs of the Universe; at one point, it was the most powerful ship in the galaxy, perhaps the universe, and despite its antiquity, it is still a powerful ship, capable of delivering fatal blows to many ships in the galaxy. Its lost a great deal of power, having had to be retrofitted hundreds, if not thousands of times, with many replacement drives, guns, and armor plates. It still somehow runs and fights, though it is no longer as powerful as it was a thousand years ago, both due to the wear and tear it has seen, and the constant technological evolution of other nations' ships.
Ship: Zog's Golden Battle Barge

The mercenaries have purchased, captured, and stolen dozens of older military ships from around the galaxy and upgraded them as best they can. They range from ancient dreadnaughts that are no longer as combat effective as modern ones, but still pack enough of a punch to be dangerous to smaller ships to modern battlecruisers won through subterfuge and theft.

A number of large, repurposed merchant ships that have been uparmored and have had many cargo holds filled with torpedo bays. They're dangerous, though a bit fragile in combat.

Navy Total = $46800

Naval Doctrine and Fleets

The Kritarchy has shrunk in the relatively recent past to consolidate itself into a more defensible position by uprooting colonies and have the populations reintegrate into the core of the Kritarchy. In doing so, the Kritarchy has made itself far less susceptible to piratical interference and outside aggression. Now, the Navy of the Kritarchy and its satraps has a doctrinal focus on trying to overpower incursions through a relatively large number of moderately-sized to large-sized vessels. The relatively concentrated territory makes this an ideal strategy, as it is easy for naval assets to travel from one end of the Hegemony to the other (especially for the larger dreadnaughts, as they can access the warp gates that are present in three quarters of the Hegemony's territory).
Troop ships are 0-point entities, as the Kritarchy utilizes other ships to defend troop ships preferentially for landing actions.
The navy is divided into several fleets; 4 sector defense fleets, 2 heavy mobile response fleets, and 3 light mobile response/patrol fleets. If an offensive war needs launched, a mobile defense fleet can be used, and modifications can be made to sector defense fleets to prepare a better offensive fleet.
Hivapo Defense Fleet
300 CIC x 2 = 600
700 dreadnaught x 2 = 1400
400 dreadnaught x 3 = 1200
350 carrier x 2 = 700
200 battleship x 3 = 600
150 battlecruiser x 3 = 450
125 cruiser x 4 = 500
80 cruiser x 4 = 320
50 destroyer x 5 = 250
Total: 6020

Other Sector Defenses
300 CIC x 1 = 300
400 dreadnaught x2 = 800
350 carrier x 2 = 700
200 battleship x 3 = 600
150 battlecruiser x 3 = 450
125 cruiser x 4 = 500
80 cruiser x 5 = 400
50 destroyer x 5 = 250
Total: 4000 x 3 = 12000

Heavy Mobile Response Fleets
300 CIC x 2 = 600
700 dreadnaught x 2 = 1400
400 dreadnaught x3 = 1200
350 carrier x 3 = 1050
200 battleship x 5 = 1000
150 battlecruiser x 2 = 300
125 cruiser x 4 = 500
80 cruiser x 5 = 400
50 destroyer x 6 = 300
Total: 6750 x 2 = 13500

Light Mobile Response/Patrol Fleet One
300 CIC x 1 = 300
200 battleship x 3 = 600
150 battlecruiser x 2 = 300
125 cruiser x 2 = 250
80 cruiser x 7 = 560
50 destroyer x 8 = 400
Total: 2410

Light Mobile Response/Patrol Fleets Two and Three
200 battleship x1 = 200
150 battlecruiser x 1 = 150
125 cruiser x 2 = 250
80 cruiser x 7 = 560
50 destroyer x 10 = 500
Total: 1660 x 2 = 3320


Kritarchy Ground and Air Forces
Hoavi Task Force
20,000/$ x2 kit
2.99 million troops
The Hoavi Task Force is basically a group of saboteurs, spies, and special forces (in addition to any other 's' words that imply superiority). They do NOT do well in knock-down, drag-out fights over open terrain, or other situations that imply “fair fight.” Rather, the HTF destroys infrastructure, assassinates officers, conducts cyberwarfare, and otherwise fights as dirty as possible. As such, their cost shows their efficacy at operating as stealth commandos rather than as elite troops who can hold a machine-gun emplacement for days against the cream of the crop of other armies.

Guardian/Reconnaissance Armored entitY (GRAY)
50,000/$ x2 kit
25 million assorted robots
The GRAY are robotic weapons platforms, aerial drones, and other assorted mechanical 'troops' to be used as front-line warriors in any wars the Kritarchy is in, as the life of any Hoavi is too precious to waste in front-line combat against lesser races.

NenAltKik Military
Tlenamakakli (“Sorcerers”)
15,000/$ x6 kit
1.25 million troops
The Tlenamakakli are the pinnacle of troops in the NenAltKik, a group of psychic kipaktli given the absolute best weapons and the best training in the Union State. They have powered armor that can amplify their psychic powers, an assortment of weapons to deal with any problem, and the most advanced armored vehicles. They are ferocious, tenacious, and supremely capable.

Keta (“Strong”)
20,000/$ x5 kit
4 million troops
The Keta are the most superbly trained non-psychic soldiers in the NenAltKik. They are also the most heavily equipped, with individual kipakt soldiers having power armor, potent weapons, and vehicles as advanced as the Tlenamakakli.

Tukwali (“Soldiers”)
50,000/$ x4 kit
16.25 million
The “basic” soldiers of the NenAltKik are the kipaktli regulars. They are very well equipped, as it is recognized by the Kwatlatoxli that the kipaktli are too large, too strong, and too well-rooted in military tradition to not give great training and equipment to.

Philosopher's Kingdom Soldiers
The Magi
30,000/$ x2 kit
15 million
The psychic soldiers of the Kingdom; they operate as a sort of psychic 'artillery' that seeks to break the front lines of opposing soldiers and then exploit that opening.

The Companions
50,000$ x2 kit
25 million
The best soldiers in the Philosopher's Kingdom, they represent the ideal of the “soldier-citizen-saint” of the state. They are obedient but intelligent, kind but strong, gracious and magnanimous in victory, and a stranger to defeat.

The Men-at-Arms
100,000/$ x1 kit
130 million
The standard soldiers of the Kingdom, they aspire to be as good as the Companions, but are not quite as well-trained or as well-equipped; they are thoroughly adequate, but certainly not to be trifled with, either.

The Mercenaries
The Scumdogs of the Universe
5/$ (including Kit)
Each of the Scumdogs is a veritable one-man army, being equipped with ancient magitech and modern technobabble; it is unknown if any of them use psychic powers, however, when each of them are living cyclones capable of dismembering even the most elite troops of other nations as if they were baby rabbits, it is quite academic whether they do it through superhuman abilities that may or may not be psychic. Each of the Scumdogs has lived through several direct nuclear blasts and other assorted atrocities (sometimes self-inflicted for sick, sexual thrills), and they seem no worse for it. They are ridiculously powerful and are thus able to assert themselves as the top mercenaries in Scumdogia, if not the entire galaxy.

The Most Loyal Bohabs
10,000/$ x10 kit
50,000 troops
Oderus Urungus has rewarded his most loyal followers well, giving them the most ludicrously powerful weapons that have been stolen in raids against armies, weapons manufacturers, and other sources. The men and women themselves are also very capable, having been honed by decades or centuries of warfare, in addition to a few being clones of such notables as Attila the Hun, Morbo, and Khan Noonien Singh combined with a few implants to increase bloodlust and ruthlessness. They have been following the Scumdogs since prior to their retaking of Scumdogia.

Elite Bohabs
50,000/$ x1 kit
50 million troops
These Bohabs are the reorganized groups of the most successful mercenaries who were in Scumdogia prior to the arrival of the Scumdogs; they are well-trained, and generally giant assholes, but the better equipment is all siphoned toward the Scumdogs and their Most Loyal Bohabs, leaving them under-equipped for their training.

200,000/$ x1 kit
125 million
These mercenaries are as well-equipped as regular soldiers, but lack most of the discipline and courage of regular soldiers. They fight marginally well, but are generally just cannon-fodder for the Elite Bohabs and the Most Loyal Bohabs. They are as well-equipped as they are due to getting a fair amount of coin from being hired out all the time, either by the Kritarchy or other groups.

500,000/$, x 0.5 kit
500 million
Unintelligent, walking quasi-corpses. The Scumdogs found a zombie-virus and intentionally used it in their raids and captured the recently turned undead for use as the ultimate in cannon fodder. Nearly any other army could easily wipe the floor with them on an equal numbers basis, but they are useful because they make the enemy waste ammo and can terrify civilians. They're also cheap as free to equip! The main reason they're even as dangerous as they are is because of how horrifying they can be and also the extreme virulence of the zombie-virus.
The Scumdogs usually lock them into giant holding pens when not in use and drop cows or imported NenAltKik brontosauruses or people who piss them off in once in a while to keep them fed. That's about the extent of how much is spent on them.

Army Total: $10,200
Last edited by Akhlut on 2012-06-07 11:26pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »


Clarification: trade routes need not be attached to any particular sector. They don't represent a thing or group of things located at a place the way GDP boosts do, they represent commerce and things moving around throughout your space and your trade partner's space. What you (eventually) need for your trade route is a partner; that will be sorted out after we have a map.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Imperial528 »

The Confederate of Cerna


The Confederate of Cerna was originally founded by the survivors from a lost colony fleet which was brought to this universe by means unknown to all but the most knowledgeable in technobabble. The refugees originally settled the world of Cerna as a temporary place to make a living until they could find out how to return to their lost home. However, as the decades passed and little progress was made, the members of the old generation grew weary of their repeated failures and false hopes, and they began to focus more on developing what they had. The prime driving force in this was the influence of the new generations; those born on Cerna had never lived in the great stellar civilization their parents sought to return to, so for them there was no loss.
Since then the Confederate began to act as its own nation; nearby systems were colonized, space explored, and contact made with neighboring civilizations. All that remains of its original intent is its name: even though most of the populace had never been to the parent nation, there is still a cultural connection with the old Confederation where the original settlers hailed from. It is possibly because of the influence the stories told to the first children born on Cerna, then passed on to theirs, that the Confederate is still officially trying to contact the far away nation they came from.


Castorians are in appearance similar to humans, the only major differences being a lack of body hair, and wildly different skin and eye colors. The average skin color is a dark green, with dull red eyes. Other skin tones and eye colors, respectively, are white (the color) and light blue, gray and yellow, and tan with light green. Hair color is usually some shade of brown or black, although sometimes the hair color will match the skin tone. They are an artificial species, first designed to be a sort of more robust human, and as a result of this they have on average stronger, more resilient bodies, and slightly faster reflexes. A few liberties were also taken in terms of efficiency, such as moving nerves or blood vessels into more logical positions, and in sometimes outright eliminating biological functions. The major difference between a Castorian and a human, though, is that Castorians are biologically immortal, in that they will not die of old age.


Cerna's government is composed of three offices: the High Governor, the Legislative Council, and the Popular Assembly.
The High Governor is the supreme executive official in the Confederate. The Governor acts as the embodiment of the will of Cerna, and has direct control over the military. In terms of powers, domestically the Governor moderates the Council and can halt any proceedings unless overruled by either the Council or the Assembly. Externally, the Governor can sign treaties on behalf of Cerna and it will be in full effect, unless the treaty affects domestic affairs, then the Council must also sign it.
The Legislative Council is the government body that makes and passes laws. The Council has little authority on its own, any authority it has comes from either the Governor or the Assembly, although traditionally laws are passed on only the approval of the Governor, as a law does not require active approval from the Assembly to be passed. The Council also has the authority to declare war by its own decision, although the other two offices can move to block the decision.
The Popular Assembly is the newest office of the government and was created in the wake of the Homeland Revolution. In essence the Assembly is composed two parts, the first of which being a group representatives elected from the general populace. At any one time there can be as many as a thousand representatives, or as few as one hundred. Total number of representatives is decided based on popular vote. Representatives are considered to be a direct voice of the people, and there are few requirements for being elected. One must only be a citizen and have never been a member of the other offices of government in the past. The Assembly's purpose is to maintain a watch on the Governor and the Council, and while it can only act as a limiting body of the power of the other two offices, this makes it the most powerful office, as its authority cannot be overturned by the other two.
The second part of the Assembly (Known as the Second Assembly) is the entire populace. Every citizen of Cerna is considered a member of the Second Assembly. The Second Assembly elects members for every office in the form of popular elections. It is Second Assembly that is the most powerful branch of government, as it posses absolute and total power. While it is rare, the Second Assembly can pass laws at a whim if the vote is in favor, even if the Governor, Council, and First Assembly are against this law, the same goes for striking down laws or blocking laws from being passed. Furthermore, the Second Assembly can force officials out of office, and if need be order the military to remove officials from power by force. Most Second Assembly votes are called on the basis of a majority, although the more drastic ones are often decided when the vote is near-unanimous (85-95% in favor).



NCP Distribution:

Home sector, 8 NCP (7+1 GDP increase), Population: 45 billion

Core sector, 5 NCP, Population: 40 billion
Core sector, 6 NCP (5+1 Warp Gate), Population: 37 billion
Core sector, 5 NCP, Population: 33 billion
Midrange sector, 3 NCP, Population: 22 billion
Midrange sector, 3 NCP, Population: 18 billion
Colony sector, 1 NCP, Population: 2.7 billion
Trade route to the Chi-Squee-Squeek, 1 NCP
Trade route from the Chi-Squee-Squee
Trade route to the Stellar Nation, 1 NCP
Trade route from the Stellar Nation
Total GDP: $66000

Cernan Order of Battle:

((Some class names pending))

Aerospace Fighters:

Fighter; 0.25 Points
-Light fighter for interception of troop ships and general air control, enough space capability to fight in low orbit.

Bomber; 0.5 Points
-Heavily armored craft for use as air support, can be deployed by orbiting ships but lacks much ability beyond entering atmosphere and entering low orbit.


MkII Interceptor; 1 Point
-Heavy fighter equipped with a short-range hyperdrive and meant to operate out of carrier craft, capable of in-atmosphere fighting as well.
Heavy Bomber; 3 Points
-Originally just a space-worthy version of the bomber, the heavy bomber is now a much more powerful craft capable of threatening starships and also possess the ability to enter hyperspace using a short-range drive.

Light Ships:

Light Corvette; 10 Points
-Cheap, fast and nimble craft equipped with dedicated anti-fighter weaponry. Capable of taking out larger ships via swarming, although not effectively. Little combat shielding.

Corvette; 25 Points
-Long range, shielded ship armed with weapons capable of decimating lighter craft and taking on large foes. Less maneuverable than its smaller cousin, however it makes up for it in firepower, armor, and shielding.

Scout Frigate; 35 Points
-A dedicated long-range scout, the Scout Frigate is more heavily armed than a corvette, but is mostly intended for rapid strikes, information gathering, or quick response to raiding parties. Designed to strike fast at the enemy so as to make up for the low durability it has for its hull size.

Medium Ships:

Frigate; 60 Points
-A tough ship designed to act as an escort for larger vessels, or as a reasonably fast raiding ship.

Destroyer; 100 Points
-Larger escort meant for combat in large fleet actions, occasionally used in raiding groups or first-strike groups.

Heavy Ships:

Cruiser; 150 Points
-Long-range ship capable of operating far from the chain of supply. Used as a powerful capital escort in fleet combat, and sometimes as flagships for long-distance raiding operations.
-Class types:
Andromeda, fast, well armed cruiser optimized for both escort duty and long range strikes.

Battlecruiser; 200 Points
-Powerful ship capable of fighting against larger ships. Often armed with long range weapons and equipped with heavy armor and shielding at the cost of maneuverability. Powerful main engines allow the ship to be fast, but is ill suited to making rapid, unplanned course changes. Used primarily as a line escort for larger, slower ships.
-Class types:
Salvation, Heavily armored ships designed for long and close range combat.
Vindicator, Faster ships that fit the more conventional definition of a battlecruiser, and in practice are more akin to a fast missile cruiser.
Halberd, variant of the Andromeda equipped with a heavy particle weapon, giving it the firepower of a battlecruiser. Less flexible design limits most of its use to fleet combat or raids accompanied with a cruiser escort.

Capital Ships:

Battleship; 375 Points
-Huge vessels capable of repelling raids on their own and being a significant threat to all but the largest task forces. Used as a fleet flagships for smaller fleets, and main line combatants in large war fleets and armadas. Often carry a significant troop detachment, depending on the class, and a fighter wing.
-Class types:
Warlord, carries 15 points of ground units and 40 points of interceptors. 320 combat points.

Battlecarrier; 500 Points
-Ships dedicated to carrying large fighter wings that are also formidable opponents of their own.
-Class types:
Whirlwind, carries 350 points of fighter units, often 200 interceptors and 150 heavy bombers. 150 combat points.

Dreadnought; 650 Points
-Massive vessels that are often used as fleet flagships and sector command ships, often equipped with fighter wings and even a small army.
-Class types:
Aquitas, carries 25 points of ground soldiers, 50 interceptors and 25 bombers. 550 combat points.

Super-Capital ships:

Super-dreadnought; 800 Points
-Gigantic ships capable of subduing an entire world, given time. Those few that exist are part of the Home Fleet or are the flagships of major armadas. These ships are rarely used beyond their stationed sector.
-Class types:
Castor, 50 points of ground soldiers, 100 points of fighter craft. 650 combat points.
Cerna, 100 points of ground soldiers, 150 points of fighter craft. 550 combat points.

Cernan Navy:

10p Light Corvettes: 400; Cost: $4,000
25p Corvettes: 200; Cost: $5,000
35p Scout Frigates: 20; Cost: $700
60p Frigates: 100; Cost: $6,000
100p Destroyers: 60; Cost: $6,000
150p Cruisers: 40; Cost: $6,000
200p Battlecruisers: 30; Cost: $6,000
375p Battleships: 20; Cost: $7,500
500p Battlecarriers: 10; Cost: $5,000
650p Dreadnoughts: 6; Cost: $3,900
800p Superdreadnoughts: 4; Cost: $3,200

Total: $53,300 spent on fleet.

Cernan Army:

Basic Army: 1,007,500,000 in number; x1 modifier; Cost: $10,075
Marine Army: 10,000,000 in number; x3 modifier; Cost: $600
Guard Army: 2,250,000 in number; x6 modifier; Cost: $450
Elite Guard Army: 537,500 in number; x20 modifier; Cost: $1,075

Total $12,200 spent on army.
Note: This is sort of preliminary, at some point I will divide the spending further for vehicular forces and such.

((This is still a WIP, sector descriptions and ground OOB is still in the works, along with starting fleet.))
Last edited by Imperial528 on 2012-05-01 07:29am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »

Be advised that populations per sector are guidelines, relevant only for your own purposes, and you may want to revise them up or down depending on how you envision your own people living.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by OmegaChief »

Life never had much luck on Adjora, or it might be said that it had more luck then it had any right to have. The planet itself is the sole surviving object of planetary mass in its system (Though the presence of two asteroid belts and the initial orbital trajectory of Adjora when the Authority started mapping the system indicate there once were other terrestrial and gas giant planets in the system at some point in the past) which unfortunately was on a very slow spiral out of the system, and by the point that intelligent life had evolved it was well on it’s way to becoming locked in an ice age of ever plummeting temperatures.

By the time intelligent life had reached its equivalent of the information age a mass extinction event was well underway and ‘Those Who Came Before’ as the Capellans call them had instituted a wide range of projects to try and deal with their looming frozen apocalypse.

Project Capella seemed to be the only one that worked to start with, the goal was to create a new intelligent species that could survive the worsening conditions, at least long enough to try and find their own solution. The new people (Capellans as they would later dub themselves) awoke to find only the expansive computer libraries and medical facilities of their creators with no sign of the beings themselves.

Quickly mastering the technology and information the first born set up the foundations of Capellan society, culture and the physiologically distinct castes as they set about repopulating the barren planet with their tank bred progeny.

The ever worsening conditions helped accelerate the nascent space flight programs, and with easy access to the stunningly resource rich asteroid belts the pace continued to quicken, and before long the newly christened Authority began the most important megaconstruction project it would ever attempt, the gravitational lenses.

These vast structures were built in orbit of both Adjoras poles, their vast spidery arms seeming to be a pair of gigantic clawed hands holding the planet in position… which once they were actually complete and activated they more or less did, locking the planet at last into a stable orbit (Albeit one at the utter edge of the habitable zone, even for the Capellans). A most curious side effect was discovered not long after all the celebrations had finished, and luckily before anyone could raise the infamous question of ‘what next’, it seemed that the lenses could be tweaked in a way to hurl objects to far distant places in the blink of an eye, or put more simply the Capellans had inadvertently built a pair of Warp Gates over their Homeworld.

What to do next seemed pretty obvious, and brave volunteers hurled themselves to other systems with no apparent way to get home, but were none the less quite happy to give the attempt a try, many of these brave explorers are still unaccounted for to this day. Eventually this phase came to an end when one of the colonies founded this way was stumbled upon more conventional ship scale hyperdrive, and upon returning to the Homeworld, the long process of finding and uniting all their previously scattered colonies, along the way however the Authority stumbled upon the greater galactic community, and things have never been the same since.

While still a relatively young nation, and lagging behind in several areas compared to the galactic standard, they have never-the-less thrown themselves onto the galactic scene with much enthusiasm and optimism.


The Capellans are a bipedal humanoid-shaped species, designed to survive in the arctic and sub-arctic conditions found on terrestrial planets at the edge of a systems habitable zone, as such their colonisation options are a little more limited then other races, and unmodified Capellans require environmental suits to operate sustainabley on earth-like planets out of the artic regions.

Notable features of the Capellans are their pale skin, large eyes, small ears, mouths and noses, lack of hair (Until encountering human polities, see Culture). Their language has an additional layer of complexity brought on by their most notable feature; Every Capellan has a unique set of bioluminescent markings on their faces and limb extremities, the colour and colour pattern of which can add as much to a conversation as tone of voice, and so to the Capellans the rest of the galaxy speaks in a rather monotone kind of way. A side effect is that Capellan humour also tends to rely on this, resulting in Capellan stand up artists being regarded by the other races of the galaxy as universally terrible.

The Apex Caste
Are the leaders, the tallest (Measuring in at between five and six feet), most dashing, most attractive and over the top members of the species. Tasked with providing guidance and answers as well as direction to the rest of the species the Apex caste also naturally became the political face of the authority once contact with other nations was made, though they rarely serve as ambassadors for long due to perusing more active and adventurous roles, such as running their principalities or serving as fleet admirals.

The Shield Caste
Are the rarest and least individualistic of the Caplleans, standing uniformly at five feet tall, with broad well muscled frames, and also lack any non-vital organs (Of which they have multiple redundancies). The Shields are more or less super-soldiers, who have existed since the dawn of the Authority (Though exactly why the Authority felt it needed soldiers despite having no internal enemies beyond aggressive wildlife is an open question).

The Cog Caste
Is everyone else, and as such they are stunningly diverse (Though never exceed five feet in height) and often found with a great deal of physical variance as they fill every role in the Authority that isn’t the upper echelons of leadership or supersoldiery, as such the Cog caste are the Pilots, Regular Soldiers, Officers, Scientists, Doctors, Workers, Programmers and just about every other role imaginable. What’s more is although each Cog is grown for a specific role, they are allowed to follow their hearts and change to any other role if they gain the qualifications they require. Most Capellan Embassies are crewed exclusively by Cog Caste member specifically tweaked to operate in the environment of the nation they’re dealing with, to allow them to go without the enviro-suits their visiting Apex Caste superiors require, as a way to help improve relations.


Capellan culture is a strange beast that can at times seem contradictory from an external perspective, and is best understood by examining the Capellan maturation process.

A Capellan is born (Or more accurately climbs out of the birthing tank) as a more or less blank slate, they already have all the required knowledge to do the task they were grown for but little else. After a brief testing and assignment period to ensure there are no problems and to ensure that all the required knowledge is in place an individual is sent out to do whatever it is they were made to do.

The driving force of the Authorities culture springs from what happens next, as during assigned break periods and rest days, the new members of society are encouraged to learn about anything and everything that takes an interest, from foreign pop culture trivia to advanced hyperspatial physics.

As they learn more the blank dull slates of young Capellans begin to develop their likes and dislikes, and from this springs the spark of individuality. This spark is fanned and fuelled by the Authority in general, who are more then willing to subsidise and legally support the actions its citizens take to reinforce their individuality, be it the ease of legally changing given names to the state run tattoo parlours who are legally forbidden from repeating the exact same design more then once.

Sidenote: Upon the discovery of the various human polities, hair and facial hair became something of a fad among the Capellans, the more outlandish the styles and colours the better in their opinions.

The second great driving factor behind Capellan culture is what they call ‘The Weave’ (Also: Narrative Weave, The Great Story and The Reason For All Of This), when the thirteen progenitors of their people crawled from their birthing tanks at the dawn of their civilisation, they had a vast computer library of every piece of fiction and non-fiction work from Those Who Came Before, the problem was that the progenitors didn’t quite understand what the difference between fact and fiction, it seemed to them that all the stories in the archives had some sort of narrative to them, even if some were less straightforward and harder to find.

From this misunderstanding sprang the belief in ‘The Weave’, which is as close to a native religion (Even more or less state sponsored) as the Capellans have. The basics of belief in The Weave are fairly simple, with reality being structured by some vast narrative, they must seek to find and fulfil their roles in it, be it hero, villain, innocent bystander or henchman the hero kills in the first five minutes of the episode to show off. All of these are considered honoured parts to play in the grand scheme of things.

A secondary result of this somewhat blurred line between fact and fiction, which most Capellans eventually grow to be able to discern better as they age, is that the Authority takes a nations fiction and pop culture very seriously when dealing with it, to the point that particularly offensive memes or villainous characters in fiction can receive harsh diplomatic statements from the local embassy, and it’s best not even starting to get into the arguments Capellans get into on Extranet fan forums.

Names: Every Capellan has two names; the first is their Identification name, which consists of the sector, principality, facility grown in, caste and an alphanumeric string. This is only ever used on official documents and identification, to help keep track of things due to the malleability of the second name.

The second name is the personal name, while traditionally this is a description of favoured aspects of the self or what they would like to be seen as, many Capellans (Especially those on ambassadorial duty) have taken to pulling names from other cultures that they also identify with. Personal names are decided on by the person themselves, and are free to be changed at almost any time, and is almost always changed after major life altering events happen, the average Capellan goes through about five personal names in a lifetime.

Tourists: Given the conditions that the Capellans are designed to enjoy, and the difference between these and the conditions most peoples of the galaxy find comfortable, immigration out of the Authority is very low. Tourism to every part of space however is very very high.

There are very few places in the galaxy that have not seen the visit by at least one enivo-suited bright eyed and somewhat naive Capellan tourist stumbling around and taking local legend as indisputable fact. Or at least, that’s the stereotype, actual Capellan tourists are not quite so naive, but they are not as far from the stereotype as they would like to think.

Shield Worlds: The Authority has something of a problem, a significant fraction of its population belong to the Shield Caste, and as such are grown for the express purpose of being soldiers, but until the discovery of the other galactic powers the Authority had no external enemy on which to deploy them.

The solution was the Shield Worlds, a variety of planets colonised and having infrastructure developed solely for the purpose of then unleashing a variety of Shield Caste ‘Teams’ onto it to fight each other (To the death naturally) for various objectives or settle disputes.

These mini-civil wars (With no hard feelings of course, its just to let the Shields fill their roles in The Weave) became very popular once someone had the bright idea of recording them, and as such the Authority now exports some of the most realistic war movies in the galaxy.


In most aspects the Authorities tech-base can be described as ‘Average at best’, with most areas being just at or lagging slightly behind galactic standard, with the notable exception of gravity manipulation technology and its related field in which the Authority is one of the front runners in known space.

The reason for all this is the Authorities youth as a civilisation, coupled with almost all their earlier research efforts being thrown into what would eventually coalesce as the Gravitational Lenses, leaving other fields of study lagging behind. As such these leaves the Authority at a disadvantage that it attempts to counter by importing large quantities of high quality technology that is far superior to what their own efforts have thus far produced, typically traded in exchange for the Authorities various gravity and anti-gravity devices (Capellan brand anti-grav sports cars being a particular favourite among the rich and famous of other stellar nations).

Sidenote: The Authority never internally developed a Hiem-Drocher drive equivalent, and as a people still have not widely adopted them, this has created an exploit that various Dual Drive using pirates on the fringes of Authority space have used to run rings around task forces sent to deal with them.

Capellan ships tend to be lightly shielded, reasonably armoured and take heavy advantage of their gravitational tech to be more manoeuvrable then might initially be expected. This coupled with a design aesthetic that unfortunately favours form over function leaves the Authority with ships that while no less vicious and deadly then those of other nations, tend to be lacking in staying power, causing the Authority to attempt to stay away from protracted campaigns and multi-day long engagements.

In terms of weapon systems, the primary long range weapon for Authority warships is the gravition beam cannon, which tears the impact point apart with localised massive gravity distortions (While smaller ships can be shorn apart by this effect, larger warships tend to be able to shrug off these shots due to the weapon lacking penetration).

Medium and CIWS weapons are typically filled in by rapid fire turret mass accelerator weapons, while missiles (Owing to lagging behind in guidance and ECCM hardware) tend to be either used as dumbfire close range, desperation or flat out bombardment weapons, and as such while found on most ships tend not to be seen being used (And typically carry high yield fusion warheads).

On the more personal scale, Authority weapons tend to be of the mass accelerator kind (With missiles and the odd particle beam showing up as heavy or vehicle mounted weapons) with troops wearing armour (Unpowered for Cog Caste Troopers, Powered for Shield Caste) supported by a range of anti-grav or mass lightened vehicles, all of which are typically dropped from orbit.

All of these can routinly be seen in action (Along with field tests of new technology and weapon systems) on many of the Shieldworlds through Authority space, much to the joy of intellegence anaylsits everywhere who can justify watching Capellan war movies as legitmiate research into thier capabilities.


Politics are the almost exclusive domain of the Apex Caste (Though several Cog Caste members have earned voting-only positions throughout history), each member of which rules a Principality (Which may have been chosen as it gives each one of them the title of Prince or Princess), which can cover anywhere from a single city to half a continent or an entire orbital colony.

All the Apex Caste members of a planet/system/sector are summoned to attend a debate anytime an issue arises (Though attendance is not mandatory for anything other then an Authority wide decision), these debates are the Authorities way of deciding policy.

For each debate, a champion is chosen For and Against each issue and a challenge is set (Typically martial in nature, such as a duel, though games are also popular) which both champions must compete in while they debate their points. The issue is decided either when the observing Princes vote (With the exact majority required dependant on the issue at hand), when one champion beats the other at the challenge selected or when one champion is able to persuade the other of their choice.

As such, Authority political television is surprisingly popular.


Adjorian Sector (Home Sector) O-24
The ever so inventively named sector containing the Capellan homeworld Adjoria and a very dense belt of the early gravity lens founded colonies (And the various graveyards and scattered debris of those failures lucky enough to transition back into real space). This sector contains the various political, social and scientific hub worlds of the Authority and has benefited from constant growth and attention throughout the past three hundred years, and shows no sign of ceasing this development anytime soon.

Isidorian Sector (Core Sector) M-24
A surprisingly young sector given its development level (At least by Authority standards) the Isidorian sector has more foreign influence then any other sector in the Authority, due to its advantageous point as halfway stop between the Holy Empire and Volscian Confederacy along the local triangular trade routes. As such the sector also hosts the second best defensive forces in the Authority.

Szorenian Sector (Midrange Sector) N-24
One of the earlier sectors colonised due to favourable hyperspace routes running through it between the Adjorian and Isidorian sectors. Aside from favourable travel conditions for non-military grade hyperdrives helping to funnel trade between the neighbouring sectors there is very little of actual note in this sector beyond patiently expanding Capellan colonies.

Cecelian Sector (Midrange Sector) N-23
Colonised as part of the continuing Szorenian expansions, the Cecelian sector would be another barley notable sector in the Authority (Lacking even the favourable hyperspace routes of it’s founding colonies) were it not for the fact that the charting of this sector started the chain of events that lead to contact with the Holy Empire, and as such Haruiist influences are stronger here then anywhere else in the Authority.

Oramian Sector (Midrange Sector) O-25
While lacking the ease of colonisation (Due to previously mentioned favourable routes) of its sister sector of Szorenian, Oramian was actually more quickly colonised for one very simple reason. Resources. The sector is among the most resource rich in the Authority, with a belt of second and third generation stars running down to what would become the Umbrian sector, all of which helping to feed the rapidly expanding young nation with its constant hunger for more raw resources.

Pyrian Sector (Midrange Sector) P-25
Founded for the purely pragmatic reason of creating a buffer between other nations and the resource heaven of Oramian, the Pyrian sector has rapidly become one of the more militaristic and conservative sectors in the Authority, a fact helped along by its proximity to the Hellenic polities, of which the occasional scuffles with the more aggressive have helped to harden and develop local tactics. Also of note is that the naval academies in Pyrian and Isiorian are locked in an eternal feud over which of them is superior, with local defensive forces likewise competing for the coveted title of ‘2nd best in the Authority’ (Neither dares to suggest they might be better then the Adjorian forces)

Umbrian (Colony Sector) O-26
More an outgrowth of the Oramian sector then a colony in its own right, the few worlds along the Black Dragon nebula that make up the Umbrian sector were still resource rich enough to cause the creation of the 7th fleet to defend it. Recently a full scale colonisation initiative was announced, and as such the Oramian sector is gearing up to send more colonists here, this was however delayed by the sector proving more difficult to map then previously expected due to local conditions, and according to local superstition monsters from beyond the edge of the map, while usually dismissed the sector does have a higher ship disappearance rate then the rest of the authority (By almost 10%!) so perhaps there is some grain of truth there.

Order of Battle


.25pt Interceptor
-Covers multiple classes of strikecraft, all sharing the roll of combating enemy strikecraft.

.5pt Heavy Fighter
-Covers multiple classes of strikecraft, all of the multi-role space superiority type.

1pt Heavy Bomber
-Tactical Space and Strategic Planetary assault craft, designed to take down or support attacks against hardened enemy targets, has a short range hyperdrive for extended range operations.

20pt Corvette
-Pugna Infinita Class
-Light patrol and escort ship, designed to function in groups or to cover larger ships against smaller and faster foes.

35pt Bombardment Frigate
-Malleus Deus Class
-Exclusive planetary assault ship, designed to offer fire support to ground forces as well as neutralize orbital defences, exclusivly deployed by the Planetary Assault Forces, not the Fleet.

50pt Frigate
-Legionnaire Class
-Standard picket/screening ship, designed to make up the bulk of the Authorities fleet and support the heavier combat ships, can easily slip into a multitude of battlefield roles, but ends up not being very good at any of them.

82pt Assault Ship (22pts Fighters 20pts Troops)
-Summitatem Hasta Class
-Fighter Compliment (40 Interceptors, 20 Heavy Fighters, 2 Bombers)
-Built for deploying troops to the most heavily defended worlds in the galaxy, and supporting them once they're there, both directly and with fighter cover. Can also be deployed for situations where deploying carriers to support ground ivnasions is strategically unwise.

85pt Patrol Frigate (25pts Fighters)
-Phalanx Class
-Fighter Compliment (40 Interceptors, 20 Heavy Fighters, 5 Bombers)
-Anti-piracy and heavy policing ship, rarley found on frontlines, but present to cover offesnive fleets supply lines from raiders.

150pt Cruiser
-Decretum Class
-Standard light line ship, typcially anchours frigate lines, good general combat ship.

275pt Battlecruiser (75pts Fighters)
-Centurion Class
-Fighter Compliment (120 Interceptors, 60 Heavy Fighters, 15 Bombers)
-Speedy linebreaker and hunter-killer of light-medium warships, can also be used to suppliment heavy firing lines.

300pt Battleship
-Sagitta Luminis Class
-Primary heavy warship of the Authority, establishes firing lines, anchours flights of smaller ships and goes head to head with hostile heavy warships.

475pt Fleet Carrier (300pts Fighters)
-Serna Ira Class
-Fighter Compliment (400 Interceptors, 200 Heavy Fighters, 100 Bombers)
-Primary source of a fleets fighter screen, while they do show on the battlefiled they tend to be second and third line warships, though in dire situations they can perform cruiser roles.

550pt Flagship (50pts Fighters)
-Inevitabilis Victoria Class
-Fighter Compliment (80 Interceptors, 40 Heavy Fighters, 5 Bombers)
-While technically a single class, each flagships specific design and capabilities are unique, each one is custom designed for the admiral who commands thier fleet from these ships, given Capellan combat doctrine this means thee ships form the spearhead of any and all combat operations.

700pt Flagship of the Authority (100pts Fighters)
-Superbia Capella Class
-Fighter Compliment (60 Interceptors, 80 Heavy Fighters, 30 Bombers)
-This unique ship is the largest and most powerful ever constructed by the Authority, built for any potential major conflict they may be invovled in, it is deisgned to co-ordinate multiple deployed fleets, as well as theoretically enagage enemy super-capitals.

Planteray Forces

Cog Infantry (100,000/$, x2 Modifier)
-The standard fighting force of the Authority on the ground, each member of the Cog Caste designed (Or who chooses) to serve is asgined good quality equipment with atmosphereic sealed armour to support them (Due to temperature differences between what Capellans cans tand and what most of the rest of the galaxy finds comfortable) along with heavy weapons and a wide range of anti-grav, amss lightened and traditional armoured units.

Shield Infantry (25,000/$, x5 Modifier)
-The Authorities super-soldeires, designed, built and trained for no purpose other to be the best they can possibly be before being given the best weapons, powered armour and support units the Authority can provide, the Shield Caste are teh first choice to assault hardened enemy targets or for shows of strength.

3pt Floating Fortress
-Volans Arce Class
-A rare super heavy ground unit deployed only against the strongest of defended worlds, designed for siege-breaking or countering other units of comprable scale, the Floating Fortress can also be deployed as a base for long term occupation on hostile worlds. Notibley it wields a light Graviton beam cannon, the only ground unit in the Authorities arsenal to utilsie thier signature weapon, in theory this means it can fend off ultra-light enemy warships or suppliment ground-to-orbit defences.

Total Starting Points: $59,000


Fleet ($40,000)

Flag Fleet ($1,040)
1x Flagship of the Authority ($700)
2x Cruiser ($300)
2x Corvette ($40)

1st Fleet ($5,000)

1x Flagship ($550)
2x Fleet Carrier ($950)
3x Battleship ($900)
2x Battlecruiser ($550)
6x Cruiser ($900)
2x Patrol Frigate ($170)
36x Frigate ($900)
4x Corvette ($80)

2nd-7th Fleets ($5,000 each, with identical make up to the 1st)

Patrol Forces
-Grouped up in an ad hoc basis (Typcially 1 Patrol frigate a 3-4 Crovettes) depending on the needs of teh authority, otherwise evenly distributed across Authority controlled space.

24x Patrol Frigate ($2040)
96x Corvette ($1920)

Planetary Assault Forces ($19,000)

12x Assault Ship [$984]
28x Bombardment Frigate [$980]
12x Floating Fortress [$36]
500 Million Cog Infantry (100,000/$, x2 Modifier) [$10,000]
35 Million Shield Infantry (25,000/$, x5 Modifier) [$7,000]

NCP Distribution:

1x Home Sector + 1 Warp Gates ($15,000 Income, 9 NCP Cost)
1x Core Sector ($10,000 Income, 5 NCP Cost)
4x Midrange Sectors ($24,000 Income 12 NCP Cost)
1x Colony Sector ($2,000 Income 1 NCP Cost)
3x Outbound Trade Routes [Chamarran Hierarchy, Stellar Community, The Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya] ($6,000 Income 3 NCP Cost)
4x Inbound Trade Routes [Chamarran Hierarchy, Stellar Community, Chi-Sqee-Squeek, Bastian Star Empire, The Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya] ($2,500 Income, 0 NCP Cost)

Total GDP Income: $59,500
Last edited by OmegaChief on 2012-05-16 09:25am, edited 9 times in total.
This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? Three decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die?
-Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front, NTF Iceni, 2367
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by White Haven »

The League of Thought

Historical Overview:

I. The League is a nation that was formed under extreme adversity. Born of a Manhattan-project-style crash weapons development program into the creation of weapons-grade psions, the forefathers of the League weren't quite ready for active service in time to save their creators. They were awakened in the midst of a hail of fusion bombs and kinetic-bombardment projectiles as a last-ditch effort to stave off total annihilation. This attempt failed. The vast majority of the newly-awakened psychics died under the orbital strikes that destroyed their progenitors. The survivors were, simply put, the program's greatest successes, those individuals with the capability to manifest sufficient personal and collective defenses to stay alive.

Even then, they could well have perished in followup strikes, had they not managed to band together under the leadership of a few rare minds capable of coordinating such disparate talents. Forming what are to this day rather unimaginatively called 'groupings,' they were able to combine their strengths and shield their weaknesses, and in so doing became a force that the bombarding fleet did not initially even comprehend and, ultimately, that it could not counteract. After seizing the remaining hostile bombardment vessels, the proto-Leaguers turned them against their own creators, combining their own unique abilities with the remaining bombardment munitions still aboard their stolen ships to burn their homeworld's killers from existence.

At this point, it's entirely probably that someone said something along the lines of, "Well, now what?"

With their creators, their creator's enemies, and the war they were created for all quite thoroughly demised, the survivors began to build a new home for themselves amidst the ashes of both dead civilizations. Now, centuries later, the relatively minor spat between two single-system polities seems almost quaint compared to the far-flung empire that the League of Thought has become.

II. Of course, to arrive at the present day, the League first had to survive its infancy, and for a whole host of reasons they very nearly did not. A vast host of potentially-insurmountable problems faced the founders, not least of which the simple fact that they were weapons. They had been, by and large, soldiers and naval officers before their induction into the experimental program that rebirthed them. Even those memories, though, were vague, disjointed, often crumbling more and more as time went on due to the side-effects of the various procedures. In the space of time it would take them to chew through what supplies they could loot from two blasted star systems, they had to learn how to build, how to farm, how to create or repair and maintain an entire infrastructure to provide for themselves.

Their own desire for vengeance was very nearly their undoing. Several skirmishes were fought over relatively-intact structures on the surface of the planet they'd murdered, some of the League's founders attempting to destroy them out of undirected rage, others attempting to keep them intact in the hopes that they could contain something useful. Had the destroyers won more often, the League would have likely been unable to recover priceless texts and databases from several intact universities and libraries, information that ultimately proved vital to the birth of their nascent civilization. The two sparring factions would eventually grow into Murderous Rage, which serves the present-day League of Thought in much the same way a military does a more normal nation, and Cool Thoughts, which serves to direct the League's policies in much the same way as a government. The recognition in hindsight of just how close Murderous Rage came to aborting the League in its infancy has formed the foundation of Cool Thoughts' dominance of the League's decision-making process ever since.

The wreckage of two annihilated civilizations provided a tempting target for pirates and looters. The sudden destruction happened too fast for more than a very few people outside either system to realize exactly what happened and how, and so the first outside contact the League had came from salvagers looking to prey off the corpses of two worlds and raiders looking to prey off the salvagers. Both groups of visitors were unpleasantly surprised to find the ruins occupied, and in many cases attempted to dislodge the new occupants after seeing them apparently poorly-armed and few in number. Many lives were lost on all three sides before the local independents finally accepted that the twin systems were firmly off-limits, and that an 'unarmed transport' crewed by the League was anything but. Having now had its turn to save the League from destruction, Murderous Rage became cemented as both the protectors of the League of Thought and its striking arm, should such be necessary.

III. The third and most dire threat to the slowly-stabilizing nation arose over a decade later, and from a direction no one expected. When their children exhibited no psychic abilities, the League's founders had simply assumed that the experiments that had produced them were simply modifications to their bodies and minds, rather than something that would prove hereditary. As the first generation of children began to enter puberty, however, they discovered how tragically wrong that assumption had been. Adolescent minds developed in new and decidedly unusual ways, psychic abilities manifesting at just the time when their owners were swamped in hormones and suffering under typical teenage impaired judgement. That would have been an interesting trial for almost any civilization, but the powers manifesting themselves in the children of the League were of a type with those of their mothers and fathers, terrible weapons fully capable of a dizzying array of different kinds of devastation.

Progress on infrastructure and growth ground to a halt as the League's attention was focused exclusively on trying to both survive their own children and protect them from themselves. The grim reality was, however, that there simply were not and could not be enough people capable of shielding of sufficient strength and endurance to make do. The sheer stress of the situation only made things worse, especially in the cases of more strongly-telepathic children who were fully capable of picking up the fact that adults -- even their own parents -- were desperately afraid of them. Finally, having run through an array of possibilities without any significant success and with mounting casualties, Cool Thoughts was forced to enact a plan that made no one happy, but was perhaps the only way to survive not just as a society, but at all. Exile.

Children about to enter puberty were to be transported to habitable locations, at first on-planet in remote areas, eventually (in more modern times) to other worlds entirely. They would be dispersed to limit deaths from collateral damage, and provided supplies and regular deliveries of texts and lesson materials in the hopes that at least some would continue schooling during their exile. No one would be allowed home until their brains had finished developing and the fireworks had stopped. It was a horrible solution, and the League almost tore itself apart over the issue of adopting it even in the face of mounting deaths both from and of their own children...but finally, it was adopted as the solution of last resort.

It worked. But to this day, the League's puberty mortality rate is sickeningly high.

IV. The need to provide sufficiently-dispersed locations to exile children to has dictated much of the League's foreign policy for most of their history. Due to their growing population and the relative scarcity of inhabitable worlds, the League expands at an aggressive pace, favoring regions of space with high numbers of terracompatible worlds over the more common qualifications of strategic location or valuable resources. Accordingly, their space is at best loosely-connected, strung together via multiple warpgates to provide some semblance of swift strategic mobility for the purpose of defense. Their own industry and technological base remains relatively crude, placing great pressure on them to import from outside their borders. At the same time, strong distrust of outsiders makes such dealings difficult, especially with human nations. Their primary trading partner, through which they import most of their high-grade microelectronics and other such delicate, high-precision products, is the Great and Bountiful Empire of Goddamned Bees, who are sufficiently alien, sufficiently calm, and sufficiently...small... for the League to feel comfortable dealing with.

They also import a great deal of honey from the bees, finding it a quite calming additive. This goes a great distance towards explaining their generally-cordial relationship.


The League possesses roughly one and a half languages in common use. As a very high percentage of League citizens are functional telepaths, there is of course a telepathic component to much League conversation. Names, particularly of organizations, are usually translations of projected mental images that form the actual, proper identity of the group in question. This patois of telepathically-projected images and English would probably be the only language in use at all, but for the fact that the very strongest members of Murderous Rage often can't manage telepathic communication simply due to massive scale issues. A mind capable of peeling a tank like a banana can sometimes have trouble with the more delicate things in life. Accordingly, much of League business is still conducted in purely vocal or written communication.


Driven by the necessity of keeping billions of combat psions from tearing each other apart, the League’s legal code bears at most a passing resemblance to that of most other nations. What other polities view as high crimes -- murder, grand larceny, and the like -- are still crimes, but their severity relative to offenses along the lines of mass fraud or inciting a riot are drastically different. Attempting to incite a riot or acting to harm vast bodies of people all at once are utterly unacceptable in a society where a riot could very well mean devastation on a scale normally reserved for weapons of mass destruction. Similarly, in situations such as wide-ranging financial or political malfeasance, the risk of angering an entire society of League-grade psykers is too grave to even contemplate risking, and the need to publically satisfy and calm public anger demands that such punishment be draconian -- often capital. At the same time, false conviction and execution can produce even more public anger, which leads directly to both the astronomically high pay and perks package of state prosecutors, and the equally-enormous turnover rate therein.

No one wants that kind of pressure.

The obvious solution, mass censorship, is sadly impractical in a society where a very large fraction of the population consists of telepaths. The League government learned early on that being caught lying was not an acceptable substitute for avoiding a given topic.

The issue as a whole is not as pressing in modern times as it was in the past, simply due to the resulting stringent social taboos with regards to fraud and corruption and the inevitable risk of vigilante justice and collateral damage from the same.

Astrography/NCP breakdown:

1x Home Sector + GDP Boost + Warpgate = 9 NCPs = $17000
2x Mid-Range Sectors + 2x Warpgates = 8 NCPs = $14000
15 Colony Sectors = 15 NCPs. Yes, there's a reason the League has this many bloody colony sectors. = $30000
1x Trade Route, linked to the Great and Bountiful Empire of Goddamned Bees, for the purposes of importing high-quality microelectronics that the League's relatively crude industrial base can't manage. = 1 NCP = $2000
1x Incoming trade route from BEEEES = $500
Total GDP


The League, even to this day, is relatively sparsely-populated in comparison to bodies that don't have to deal with a crippling death rate among every generation of children. Accordingly, the current census pegs the League of Thought at roughly 22 billion individuals despite their expansive territory.

-Murderous Rage (Military-equivalent)
The most violent, most potent minds in the League gravitate towards Murderous Rage, the rough approximation of the military maintained by most polities. Once so identified, their powers are honed by like-minded mentors, encouraged to focus on their best areas, developing into mental weapons of the highest calibre. Without exception, this training is done on uninhabited colony worlds, preferably ones that haven't yet been rebuilt from the last group of children to graduate from them, so as to avoid damaging pristine property. Their ships are little more than transports for their lethal cargo, providing living space, engines, sensors, and the like. They're minimalist structures, lightly constructed to avoid interfering with their crews as much as possible. On the ground, they're simply themselves, nothing more really needs to be said.

-Fury of the Void (Space Arm) ($32500)

The 'naval' side of the League, as much as it can be called that, is properly identified by a mental image of a human figure standing on the hull of a ship, hurling light outwards into space. It's comprised of those affiliates of Murderous Rage who find that they can manifest some combination of long-range psionic attack, exceedingly strong shielding, esper-sense, and strong telekinesis. They are typically deployed in simple transports, making up the offensive and defensive systems of the ships with their own minds. Cooperation under the direction of a single mind is by far the most difficult aspect of training for new members, given the individualistic nature of the League's society, but it's one of the few inflexible requirements for admission.

--Phoenix Rising ($600)
The most potent assembly of psionic power in the Fury of the Void is always identified by an image of figures rising from the surface of a scorched planet, surrounded by flaming avian silhouettes, in memory of the founders of the nation. More than one bitter feud has raged between rival groups over the years for the right to claim the image, but one thing has never changed: the mental power available to any grouping identifying itself thus has never known any equal.

--Born of Ashes ($500)
After one particularly intense rivalry for the Phoenix Rising title, the displaced rival took as its own icon an image of an enormous bird, wings outstretched, sitting low on a blasted plain, glimmers of firelight shining through the thick coat of ash covering it. While the image doesn't carry with it the same amount of prestige and pride as that of the rising phoenix, time has seen it mature into a respectable, potent role that is closely tied to that of its more illustrious counterpart, to the point that in one incarnation, two groups of psykers traded the two images back and forth several times throughout their careers.

--And Hell Followed With Him ($400) 32x400=$12800
An image taken from one of the more vivid passages of a storybook recovered from the wreckage of the League's cradle, it depicts a trip of crouched men, dark red flames sliding upwards off of them in slow motion. This image is not an exclusive one, instead encompassing a number of the most potent psyker groups numbered among Fury of the Void.

--Orangutan Death Squadron ($250) 52x250=$13000
The second tier of the Fury of the Void forces is identified by a somewhat more bizarre mental image than the rest of the grouping: an orangutan made entirely of fire leaping forewards towards the viewpoint. While they might be the least potent psionic amalgamations operating in the spaceborne arm of Murderous Rage, they are by no means weak, they're simply the least powerful force that can typically survive the intense competitive atmosphere within Fury of the Void; most most others fragment and blend with And The Sky Rained Fire rather than remain. The image's inherent oddity reflects the fact that even the groupings that remain at this level tend to be the least mentally stable ones, due to the intense strain of trying to keep pace with their more potent brethren.

--Charge of the Lightning Brigade ($200, +$100 troop capacity) 28x200=$5600
A relatively recent development inside of Murderous Rage, these groupings identify themselves with a looping image of figures wreathed in crackling lightning charging through a pass filled with cannonfire. Unusual among Murderous Rage groupings, the specific physical vessels they are attached to actually matter. They possess (relatively, given the League’s overall weak industrial base) sophisticated sensors and other paraphernalia that make them uniquely suited to relatively precise planetary bombardment. Relative, on the scale of the League’s more customary ‘shame about that continent’ policy. Doing double-duty, those same capabilities also prove invaluable for the combat landing forces embarked on this particular class of starship. As these are both some of the most powerful of League ground forces and by far the most well-equipped, they are easily capable of unassisted orbital insertions; however, they tend to employ dropships to conserve their strength for ground combat.
In space, these vessels and groupings are biased towards extreme close-range engagements, very often including opposed boarding actions in mid combat, a role for which the heavy assault contingents are quite capable as well.

-And the Sky Rained Fire (Ground arm) ($31000)

The ground combat arm of the League identifies itself via a mental projection of individuals, encased in globes of burning light, falling through a cloud layer. Those who identify with Murderous Rage and possess the combination of raw destructive force, physical defenses, and telekinesis needed for an effective League planetary warrior form the core of any ground operation. Particularly important, unlike Fury of the Void, is that these abilities need to be concentrated in single individuals, rather than dispersed throughout a group.

All arms make use of individuals who have chosen to return to And the Sky Rained Fire after a tour in Fury of the Void. These individuals serve in an assortment of roles depending on their specialization, everything from theater shielding to artillery to remote recon to anti-space weapons capability. On top of those combat roles, they also serve as advanced trainers and as recruiters for Fury of the Void or, in the case of We Are Legion, for the other ground arms. These individuals are almost uniformly poor at close-combat due to simple questions of scale and as such are typically kept away from direct engagement. Those very, very rare instances where that is not the case result in some of the most terrifyingly powerful individuals in Murderous Rage as a whole.

--Black in Back (4000/$1, x8 kit=500/1$), $4000 - 2,000,000
Identified by the image of a figure in armour, seen from below while freefalling away from a massive fireball, the soldiers of Black in Back are the closest Murderous Rage ever comes to having a conventionally-equipped military. Their name’s sardonic reference to an ancient Human battle hymn betrays the fact that they are also the only League ground forces to rely on equipment the League can’t build itself, specifically their armour. Their predecessors simply used conventional space suits, but far too many were lost to simple suit punctures, FAR too often caused not by enemy action but by collateral damage from their own abilities. The League needed proper space-armour and a mechanism for properly channeling the wearer’s psychic abilities reliably outside it, and they simply did not have the capability to produce anything even remotely that sophisticated. Xenophobic distrust almost ended the entire program; the idea of purchasing such crucial hardware from an out-League source was anathema to the suspicious League (and especially Murderous Rage) leadership. Finally, however, a supplier capable of researching, developing, and producing a product matching the League’s exacting specifications was found, the identity of which is a closely-guarded secret. The final product is a lightweight, strong suit of vacuum-sealed armour with integrated life support and, more importantly, obscenely expensive channeling systems designed to relay psychic abilities outside the armour without risking a breach.
Given the absurd expense of developing and procuring such equipment, only a minority of the very best soldiers Murderous Rage can supply are ever so equipped. The majority of those are attached to Charge of the Lightning Brigade vessels.

--Sky and Light (5000/$1, x1 kit=5000/1$), $8000 - 40,000,000
Self-identified as an image of a clear blue sky, occupied by a swathe of figures supported in mid-air by beams of light, Sky and Light comprises those among And the Sky Rained Fire who can manage independent flight in combat. Relatively few among the League can effectively manage takeoff and landing safely and reliably, never even mind the stresses of combat maneuvers and doing it all efficiently enough to be combat-applicable. Those that can, however, make up a force that seamlessly blends the concepts of tactical air support and jump/drop infantry into a lethal combination. While they don’t need anything like the sealed vac-armour of Black in Back, they do often equip themselves with high-altitude survival gear to take some of the weight off of their own abilities at high altitude.

--You Shall Not Pass (7000/$1, x1 kit=7000/1$), $12000 - 84,000,000
A figure stands in a narrow mountain pass, battered and bloody, but upright. Behind him, grass and flowers wave in a cool breeze. In front of him is Hell, a blackened, charred moonscape choked with smoking corpses and flaming vegetation. Beyond that lurk shadowy figures, massing for another charge. He is You Shall Not Pass, and he represents the vast majority of And the Sky Rained Fire’s ground forces. They disdain flight, they’re only equipped with basic light body armour and life support (because their own powers often make the areas around them unsuitable for habitation), and they are among the most deadly massed ground troops to be found anywhere in the galaxy.

--We Are Legion (30000/$1, x1 kit, 30000/$1) $7000 - 210,000,000
Black silhouettes covering a field as far as the mind’s eye can see, each one with fire streaming from its eyes. We Are Legion is somewhere between a militia and a training cadre, one that’s used as both a military force and as a long-term program to hone the abilities of its members. The best are often skimmed off by the more specialized, heavy arms of And the Sky Rained Fire, particularly after heavy losses. A more generalist arm, We Are Legion contains elements of both You Shall Not Pass and Sky and Light’s specialties--Black in Back is obviously not represented simply due to their own equipment requirements.
Last edited by White Haven on 2012-03-30 03:25pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

The Commonwealth

Formed 1000 years ago in a pact of equals, The Commonwealth slowly mutated into a oligarchical mess of political entanglements and economic bravado. The terms on the Concordat of Commonwealth are withheld on charges of state secretes by the Port Authority and Mutliglobal United, ZLC.

What is released about the Concordat is that it occurred between the 4 Powers of The Commonwealth, The Most Serene Republic, the Port Authority, Multiglobal United, ZLC, and the Wards.

The Most Serene Republic of Newsylvania

The true arbiter of The Commonwealth, the truth, is the primary concern of the Most Serene Republic. With system-wide bases in each sector, the news is covered from every angle by the many news teams of the Most Serene Republic. The primary base in the vast space station The Newsroom, which is connected via a massive network of satellites to the many subsidiary news broadcasting organizations throughout The Commonwealth.

In reality, the MSR came into existence 10 to 15 years after the signing of the Concordat, and it’s creation was in fact a stipulation placed by magnate and criminally insane founder Charles Foster Hearst. The MSR manages to attempt to live up to it’s stated goals in a climate of high tension, where powerful men and women vie for control of more and more power.

The Port Authority

The masters of shipbuilding and general workingman’s rights, the Port Authority is the largest and most-inclusive organization of workers in The Commonwealth. Dominated by the various peoples of the Wards, the Port Authority acts as an acceptable vessel for the views of the varied peoples of The Commonwealth.

In reality, the Port Authority is dominated by the successors to the various large-scale shipping conglomerates that formed the backbone of settlement by humans of the lands that make up the Wards. Membership in the Port Authority is mandatory in many sectors, mostly related to labor, but not actual representation exists for members of the Port Authority.

Multiglobal United, ZLC ©

Multiglobal United, ZLC is the majority producer of The Commonwealth, and primary presenter of the Concordat as the founding document. MU, ZLC takes great pride in it’s connection and influence in the lesser civilized Wards and strives to build up What Makes The Commonwealth Great ©.

In reality
, Multiglobal United is the majority owner of many of the factory and heavy industrial zones of The Commonwealth, it’s Board of Directors live like a combination of mobsters of ancient times and kings of the same. Hosting elaborate parties where they mingle and often conspire against each other hoping to make just one more billion.

The Wards

The great resources of The Commonwealth are tended too by their native inhabitants through the Concordat’s system of Wards, each dedicated to a single species or system and act as guidelines based on elder recommendations to the Port Authority and Multiglobal United, ZLC.

In reality, the Wards are simply designated ‘zones’ for species that haven’t been destroyed by the humans of the pre-Concordat days. 1000 years is a long time to be under the thumb of a barely restrained exploitative regime, and the Wards show it. Every 100 years a Ward ‘redistricting’ occurs based on the population numbers of the species within each Ward. Currently only 7 Wards remain, dedicated to various species within each Ward.

The Commonwealth...


A unified culture does not exist across The Commonwealth, existing more as a series of independent locals organized together for no reason other than fear of the scary things outside The Commonwealth. This lack of homogeneity leads to various stereotypes to be more pronounced within The Commonwealth than outside. Thus the common stereotype of the empathy lacking cutthroat businessman from The Commonwealth, is a common stereotype, and many people misjudge just how densely populated The Commonwealth is, assuming it to be filled to brim with both people and rancorous assholes. This feeling is exacerbated by the Port Authority’s influence into daily life within The Commonwealth, as all shipping is done via the Port Authority, and Port Authority agents are the ones seen by tourists and diplomatic representatives.


The Military of the Commonwealth is most closely related to a feudal system where the various powers within The Commonwealth band together and call upon armed forces based on their own needs, and pledge to defend the entire Commonwealth during times of duress. The primary sources of man-power and machine are the Port Authority, which all Commonwealth pilots are required to be a member of, and Multiglobal United ZLC, whose private military forces rival some minor system-fleets.


Despite numerous attempts at crowning a Space Pope, Space Anti-Pope, or other religious figure within The Commonwealth, the peoples remain relatively untouched by the various religious forces that pierce the galaxy. The Stellar Nation is allowed free access to the uninhabited and unexploited portions of space, and converts flow freely, only occasionally becoming associated with criminals based on local experiences.

Species Information (Non-Human)

Stellar Geography:

Sector 0

Sector 0 covers the very centre of the ‘compass’ of The Commonwealth, centered around the mysterious space station The Newsroom, whose real purpose is clouded by massive public relations campaigns set by the General Manager.

The primary systems of the Sector are Ward 1, a Ward stretching between two systems within the Sector, Alpha and Beta. The System that surrounds The Newsroom, and a pair of heavily inhabited systems that include the headquarters of the Port Authority, the homes of the Board of Directors of Multiglobal United, ZLC and the Council of Wards. This system is reffered to as the Bourgeois Belt among leftist circles.

Sector North

While not as densly populated as Sector 0, Sector North has the distinction of being the primary reason for repeated re-assigning of the Ward numbers, the tumultuous slums of Ward 99, the group of three heavily populated systems are a headache for census takers from The Commonwealth every 100 years.

Ward 14 and 8 also exist in this Sector.

Sector South

Ward 3 and 6 exist in this Sector.

Sector West
While the Corporate Headquarters of Multiglobal United rests in Sector 0, the manufacturing headquarters rests in the highly corrupt Ward 11.

Sector East
Sector East was the first human settled land in The Commonwealth, and the bulwark of the population retains the human, or near-human genetic stock. No Wards exist in this Sector, as the was cleared of prior to the Concordat.

Roll = 7
25 + 7 = 32 NCP

Sector 0 - Home Sector (7 NCP, 7 Total)
Sector North - Core Sector (5 NCP, 12 Total)
Sector South - Core Sector (5 NCP, 17 Total)
Sector East - Core Sector (5 NCP, 22 Total)
Sector West - Core Sector (5 NCP, 27 Total)
Addition to Sector 0, Warp Gate (1 NCP, 28 Total)
Addition to Sector West, GDP Boost (Multiglobal United ZLC Central Processing Facility) (1 NCP, 29 Total)
Trade Routes, 3 (3x1 NCP, 32 Total) (1x to the Bastian Empire, 1x to The Chi-Sqee-Squeek, 1x The Sultanate of Klavostan .)

Order of Battle: MultiGlobal United Defense Partners

Class 0 Corporate Partner: Wholly Owned Subsidiaries and Divisions
‘Great White Shark’ Program, Independent Armaments Division
The Great White Shark Program of the Independent Arms Division has created numerous advances in the realm of Commonwealth arms. The 4 prototypes and test-beds for the project AN: All Evidence Points against these being prototypes. are massive almost mile-long dagger-shaped ships hold numerous AN: Read ~500 or so equally innovative mobile drones AN: About a 5 metre across ball, weird gravionics based motion, foldable manipulators and weapons.
- Magu Tapa ~ AN: Currently Patrolling, under command of some fuck-up.
- Sheamus ~ AN: Currently operating in the South Region.
- Richard Kiel
- Shark From the Movie Jaws

Class 1 Corporate Partner: Publically Traded Company in which Multiglobal owns plurality.
- Commercial Defense Force;
180 Gunboats, 5 points.
500,000 CDF Soldiers, (1/200000 x 1.4933)
- Commercial Transport Force;
20 Transport ships, 10 points
- OoKBT Corporation (High Powered, both through Psionics and Cyberware, the Order of the Knights of Black Tar's Corporate Partnership Name)
~5,000, Knights of Black Tar (1/15000 x 10 points)
15, OoKoBT Transports, 60 points

Class 2 Corporate Partner: Publicly Traded Company in which Multiglobal owns less than plurality, <33%
- Port Authority Private Partnership Alliance: (Corporate Partner Name of the Port Authority)
1250 Port Authority Long Range Strike Craft, 3 points
500 Port Authority Combat Craft I, 75 points
16 Port Authority Combat Craft II, 200 points
4 Port Authority Command Craft, 500 points
- Professional Incorporated
500 Ships, .5 Points
100 Large Defense Ships, 20 points

Class 3 Corporate Partner: Publically Traded Company in Which Multiglobal owns <1%
- Big Tony’s Official Defense Force
1,000,000 Personnel, (1/200000 x 1.4933)
500 Ships, .5 Points
- Newslvania (Corporate Partner Name of the Most Serene Republic of Newslyvania
500 News 'Vans,’ 5 points
50 News Defense Fleet Cutters, 10 points
Talon Conglomerate
10,000,000 Soldiers (1/200000 x 1.4933)

Class 4 Corporate Partner: Private Contractors
- Over 5,000,000 Cases (1/200000 x 1.4933)

Class 5 Corporate Partner: Personal Contractors
- Uncountable personal accounts for personal defense.

Revision History
Sun Mar 25 2012, ~6:20 EST, Added Maths and Stellar Geography.
Fri Apr 6 2012, ~12:00 EST, Added The Commonwealth..., Section from Non-Human Species
Sun Apr 8 2012 ~9:15 EST, Confirmed External Trade Routes
Sat Jun 16 2012 ~5:30 EST, Confirmed final external trade route.
Sat June 16 2012 ~6:00 EST, Added (Incomplete) Mathematically Unnecessarily Complex Order of Battle, MUCOOB.
Last edited by Karmic Knight on 2012-06-16 05:53am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Esquire »

Hellenic Confederacy
34 NCP
1 Home Sector with Warp Gate
2 Core Sectors
4 Midrange Sectors
1 Colonial Sector
3 Reciprocal Trade Routes: Bastian Star Empire, Chi Squee Squeek, and the Centrality
3 Inbound Trade Routes: Arcadia, Bees and the Stellar Nation

Political Institutions

The Hellenic Confederacy (also called Hellas, denonym Hellenes, Confederates) is a loose alliance of culturally-related states, ranging in size from parts of continents to multisystem empires. Each state is referred to as a polity. The polities send delegates appointed according to their individual constitutions to the Assembly of Confederates at the temple of Pythian Apollo on Delphi, where issues are put to a simple vote – one state, one vote. The Assembly is presided over and moderated by an Archon elected from among the delegates by a simple majority vote at the start of every legislative session, which last for five years. The democratic form of the interpolity government is slightly deceptive; a few powerful polities are nearly almost able to attract clusters of votes large enough to obviate the opinions of smaller, less important ones. The extremely limited nature of the Confederate government keeps the weaker polities from being dominated by the ones in control of it, as does the fact that if one polity tried to conquer the others overtly, it would be destroyed by the combined forces of the rest of the Confederacy.

The main duties of the Confederacy are foreign affairs, mediation of internal disputes, providing aid in severe disasters (natural or otherwise), and the operation of the Hellenic Confederate Navy and Army. These last two draw recruits from every polity, and is funded by contributions the polities make according to their size and GDP. The largest polities provide not money but warships and troops. These ships and soldiers are not members of the Confederate armed forces, exactly, but rather of their own polity’s Army or Navy seconded to them. All direct (i.e, not national personnel seconded) recruits take an oath to serve the Confederacy before their polity, which is the main difference between Confederate personnel and those from the national navies—there is no expectation that members of, for example, the Delphian navy would follow an order to abandon Delphi to an invasion in order to protect another polity.

Cultural and Religious Institutions

The Hellenic polities that make up the Confederacy share a culture and a religion that set them apart from the rest of the galaxy. Hellenes worship a pantheon of gods remarkably similar to those of the ancient Greeks on Earth, but the Hellenic worlds were not settled from Earth, at least as far as can be determined. The earliest settlements Hellenic archaeology has uncovered are prehistoric ones in a region on Delphi called ‘the Islands of the Blessed,’ just off the largest continent. From there, it appears, settlement spread across Delphi and to the rest of the Hellenic worlds—but without any parallel efforts by other cultures; the Hellenic civilization that came to dominate Delphi was the only one on the planet.

The pantheon of gods, goddesses, and heroes is extremely diverse. There exists a minor divinity for nearly every aspect of life, simple or complicated, and a hero for nearly every place, however insignificant. All the major gods of the ancient Earth religion are present, Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and so on, along with the great heroes such as Heracles. Their worship is directed by priests of various stripes, some of whom inherit their positions and some of whom are appointed to them by their polity. The main function of the priesthood is to perform sacrifices and to conduct the festivals that serve as the great unifying force of Hellenic culture. Most polities observe at least one festival unique to it, one unique to their ‘tribe’ (either Doric, Aeolic, or Ionic; subgroups of Hellenes that trace their ancestry to one of the cities founded in the initial diaspora from the Islands of the Blessed and that city’s colonies), and the Pan-Hellenic festivals such as the Olympic Games, the Confederate Dionysia, and others.

Perhaps because of the importance religious observance plays in the average Hellene’s life, Hellas never developed science the same way as the other human civilizations did. They hold to the idea that all things are composed of fire, water, dust, and air, in various proportions and subtypes. Somehow this hasn’t stopped Hellene natural philosophers from competing on an equal level with more traditional scientists. Philosophers are generally educated according to one of three main traditions, which are detailed below. Many philosophers have mastered powers which would be referred to in other nations as psychic in nature. A philosopher with such abilities is said to have 'studied the metaphysics,' referring both to the discipline of metaphysics (from the Hellenic words 'meta,' meaning either 'after' or 'together with,' and 'physis,' meaning 'nature) and its most important work. The Metaphysics written by Aristocratistotle after taking over leadership of the Academy, details the ways that the normal laws of physics can be bent by a metaphysical philosopher, and his speculations as to why these things are possible.

The Smiteocratic philosophers follow the teachings of Smiteocrates, who emphasized a method of learning through questions and
physical abuse. Condemned to death by the government of Athens for corrupting the youth, of which he was indisputably guilty, Smiteocrates punched the judge in the face and proceeded to argue the jury into submission. Once acquitted he founded his Academy for the purpose of teaching young men how to argue, fight, and drink properly. Smiteocratics tend to be clean-shaven, so as not to give the enemy anything to grab onto during the traditional post-argument bar fight.

Pluto was a student of Smiteocrates, and took over management of the Academy when he died. Pluto remained an important philosopher for decades before students of his, led by Aristocratistotle, ousted him from his position at the Academy and demoted him to the position of high school teacher. His teachings focused less on fighting and more on skillful arguments than Smiteocrates'.

Aristocratistotle and his followers rejected the Smiteocratic ideal of being "ever-ready for a knock-down blow" and grew their beards to truly fantastic lengths. As well as the Metaphysics discussed above, Aristocratistotle was responsible for dozens of works on as many subjects, ranging from a discussion of ethical practices to a collection of his own iambic verse and an argument for its being the best of all possible poetry. Aristocratistotelians are the most common philosophers involved in what passes for Science among the Hellenes.

Interstellar Warfare

The design and typical tactics of Hellenic ships vary widely from polity to polity. There are, however, similarities along tribal lines: Aeolic ships tend to be fast and cheap, befitting their history as pirates both terrestrial and interstellar. Aeolic commanders make great use of fighters and distracting maneuvers to split enemy fleets into manageable chunks and then concentrate their faster ships to destroy exposed foes. Doric ships, on the other hand, are typically heavily-armed brawlers able to stand a frightening amount of punishment before succumbing. This is a good thing, as the Doric naval stereotype is one of inflexible commanders and captains willing to die rather than consider retreating, even when the occasion would not merit such stubbornness. Ionic ships tend to be somewhere in between and Ionic shipbuilders and commanders are often inventive and willing to use their ships’ flexibility to the utmost.

All Hellene ships use roughly equivalent technology. The sublight particle drives common to all polities are capable of providing fantastic amounts of energy, though their potential is limited in practice because of the dangers of going beyond certain safety limits: the particle drive works by smashing subatomic particles into each other and directing the resulting energy against superdense deflector paddles to vector or push the ship. The particle cannon used by many warships are merely another application of the same principles, with a stream of charged particles being directed against the hull or shields of the enemy. Most cannon add a visible ‘tracer’ effect, to ease targeting should the ship’s computers be knocked out during battle. The power required for such systems is provided by an antimatter reactor which uses hydrogen to enable refueling in most planetary environments.

Oddly, Hellene warships are described by the number of engine assemblies they possess, rather than their size or class. Generally, larger Hellene ships have more engines than smaller ones, but even here there is confusion: a ‘pentekonter’ is a type of light corvette in the Royal Lacedaemonian and Attic Navies, and draws its name from the fifty ion drive ports on the vessel’s stern. Normally, such a ship would be called a monoreme, from single assemblage of engines. Natural philosophers remain surprised that oar-based propulsion ships do not function in the luminiferous aether that fills space outside of the atmospheres of planets, but assume that the aether is composed of a much higher percentage of the essence of Air than pre-space philosophers suspected.

Planetary and Stellar Warfare

Unlike naval warfare, Hellenic armies are largely similar, perhaps because a specific sort of martial virtue is an important part of Hellenic culture. While the traditional idea of warriors fighting duels for the prize of their opponent’s armor has had little application since Delphi’s Iron Age, Hellenic soldiers remain noteworthy for their courage and ferocity. Modern power armor, ironically, has done much to return Hellene ground warfare to its traditional roots: the shield systems of light power armor suits are mutually-reinforcing, so units cluster together in a cross between an ancient phalanx and an almost-as-old Napoleonic firing line, and heavier types of armor (called hoplahero-on in Hellenic, or battlemechs in the rest of the galaxy) allow for duels straight out of the myths. Armor design reflects these mythic origins, with horsehair crests and brightly-colored cloaks being essential parts of at least the dress uniforms of Hellenic armies.

Major Polities

Delphi is a single-system polity that occupies the planet Delphi, numerous orbital habitats and industrial facilities, a partially-terraformed planet called Doria farther out in the system (also called Delphi), and Doria’s naturally-habitable moon Zephyr. Its population includes members of all tribes, most of whom live in conditions that would be called ‘first world’ on Earth. Delphi’s heavy industry is largely orbital or underground, giving its worlds a pristine appearance out of place for the closest thing Hellas has to a capital. There is a warp gate at one of the Lagrange points of Delphi and Zephyr, which is operated jointly by the major polities.

Lacedaemon was the first Hellenic colony founded, using sleeper ships. It grew very quickly, both due to the fact that Delphi spared no expense on the initial expedition and due to its first leader, Lycurgus. As colonial governor he established a strict meritocracy unlike any other Hellenic government and focused disposable income on the creation of a navy, which allowed Lacedaemon to establish its independence from Delphi very quickly. It controls two systems, Lacedaemon and Boeotia. Inhabited planets and moons in Lacedaemon include Sparta, Tegea, and Aegina, while Boeotia contains the planet Thebes and its moons Plataea and Livadeia. The population of Lacedaemon is mostly of the Doric and Aeolic tribes.

Attica is a two-system polity of very unusual topography. The Athens system contains no planets but for a trio of gas giants, whose moons are in varying stages of terraforming. The moons are split into eight groups—“demes”—of roughly-equal numbers and population which elect representatives to the Attic Assembly. The other Attic system is Piraeus, a much more typical system with a naturally-habitable planet and a very large asteroid belt rich in minerals. One would expect Piraeus to be densely habituated, but the Attic people prefer their demes to planetary living, and Piraeus is used mostly for mining, food production, and naval facilities. Citizens are referred to as Attics or Athenians interchangeably. Attica is largely Ionic.

Corcyra was founded by exiles from Delphi just after the Hellenes discovered FTL drives. Its inhabitants soon turned to piracy to supplement their existences on barely-habitable Alkinoos, and so developed a powerful navy out of proportion to their population or wealth. It was only with the aid of Lacedaemonian warships that Corcyra was subdued by Delphi in what was called the Corcyraean War. Lacedaemon promptly allied with Corcyra and helped terraform the planet Corcyra to more human-friendly standards than Alkinoos, removing much of the reason for the piracy in the first place. Alkinoos is now mostly uninhabited except for the Corcyraean fleet bases scattered around the surface. The Corcyraean are Aeolic, mainly, with some Doric-descended citizens as well.

Corinth is polity controlling a system and planet of the same name. Corinth was settled from Lacedaemon after the Corcyraean War, a product of growing Lacedaemonian power and influence. While it was a close ally of Lacedaemon for many years, Corinth never adopted the Lacedaemonian social structure and so drifted apart from its founder. Corinth is usually seen as something of a spokesman for the smaller polities, and is the smallest polity to contribute ships and troops to the Confederacy, rather than money. Corinthians are almost without exception Doric.

Oikos is the home sector of the Hellenes. Its five populated systems are divided between the polities of Delphi, Lacedaemon, and Attica.

Pyrgos is a core sector home to Corinth, as well as many minor polities that do not exceed a continent in size.

Okyro is a core sector, like Pyrgos. It includes Corcyra, and the sector shares the piratical tone of its most influential polity, even respectable traders cultivating a roguish air.

Basidzo is a midrange sector divided between minor polities who contribute money, rather than warships to the Confederacy.

Limenas is another midrange sector containing no large polities.

Korio is another midrange sector containing no large polities.

Toikos is another mirange sector containing no large polities.

Frourio was an independent nation until ten years ago, when the religious extremism of its government irritated the larger polities enough that they forcibly integrated it into the Confederacy and replaced the ruling priestly class with a democracy. The former rulers fought as fiercely as fanatics dedicated to Ares can be expected to, and the state of the sector is dire indeed.

Orders of Battle
Hellenic Navies: 53,500 Talents Total

Confederate Astral Navy: 22,500 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 10,500 Talents
3x Confederate Forty, fleet carrier. Double-disk hull, weapons and engines alternate along the edges of the disks. Designed for rapid launch; very large hangar openings allow nearly all of the ship’s complement to be released simultaneously. 500 points per (450 for fighters), 1,500 total.

10x Confederate Deceres, dreadnought. Sword-shaped, with heavy particle cannon along the ventral and dorsal surfaces in superfiring positions. Ten engine assemblages on the stern and back of the ‘hilt’ give the ship its name. 400 points per (50 for fighters), 4,000 total.

20x Confederate Enneres, battlecruiser. Sword-shaped, about 2/3rds the size of a deceres with nearly as much firepower and the exact same shield banks. Sacrifices armor, fighters, and several heavy cannon. Class has known powergrid problems; firing all turrets at once causes the ship’s lighting to go out for a few moments. Technicians are baffled as no other systems are affected. 200 points per, 4,000 total.

5x Confederate Octeres, battle carrier. Double-y hull, with the two sections pointing opposite directions. New class intended to complement Confederate Forties. Fighters are carried in bays at the base of the 'arms' of the hull sections, with fuel, munitions, and crew quarters at the ends. The central pylon where the two halves meet houses the ship's engineering and command spaces. The octeres mounts very light weapons but has good shielding. 200 points per (175 for fighters), 1,000 total.

Light Combatants: 12,000 Talents
80x Confederate Quinquereme, cruiser. Cylindrical with five engine pods at the stern, hence the name. Very modular; depending on shipyard of origin, year of production, and current mission, quinqueremes can range from fast carriers to heavy bombardment ships. 100 points per (fighter complement varies), 8,000 total.

25x Confederate Hexareme, cruiser. Designed to replace the quinquereme, hexaremes have six engine pods at the stern and two more modular mission pods on the flanks. These mission pods are much easier to swap out than the internal modular sections of the quinquereme and allow the hexareme to have a much sturdier hull. As a result, the hexareme mounts heavier particle cannon than its smaller brethren. 160 points per (fighter complement varies), 4,000 total.

Patrol Craft: N/A—the Confederate Navy does not field any ships lighter than the quinquereme.

Delphian Astral Navy: 6,000 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 1,750 Talents
2x Aeolic Forty, battle carrier. The Aeolic Forty is a perfect embodiment of the tribe’s penchant for speed and confusion. The ‘hilt’ of its sword-shaped hull is packed with swarms of fighters while the ventral and dorsal surfaces bristle with heavy cannon. 250 points per (100 for fighters), 500 total.

1x Ionic Forty, dreadnought. Slower but sturdier than the Aeolic Forty, the largest Ionic capital ship mounts a tremendous particle cannon armament including a spinal mount often referred to as ‘Zeus Who Is In Particle Cannon’s best friend.’ 500 points per, 500 total.

1x Doric Deceres, dreadnought. This ship embodies the Doric reputation for ponderous destructiveness. The single most powerful ship fielded by any Hellenic navy, it is capable of blasting the crust off a planet or shattering entire fleets in a few salvoes. 750 points per, 750 total.

Light Combatants: 4,250 Talents
15x Aeolic Deceres, battle carrier. The X-shaped hulls of these ships are lightly protected but exceptionally maneuverable and surprisingly survivable—munitions and fuel for the fighter complement is stored at the tips of the X, rendering the rest of the ship mostly impervious to secondary explosions. 150 points per (125 for fighters), 2,250 total.

5x Doric Trireme, cruiser. The cylindrical hull common to most Doric ships is packed to the brim with particle cannon and missile tubes. This ship, unusually for the pugnacious tribe, is perfectly content to stand off beyond cannon range and pound away at its targets with sustained missile fire. 100 points per, 500 total.

15x Ionic Quinquereme, cruiser. As modular as the Confederate standard version of the same class, the Ionic cruisers can mount anything from cloaking fields to fighter forces to massed missile banks. 100 points per (fighter complement varies), 1,500 total.
Patrol Craft: N/A—the Delphian Navy does not field any ships lighter than the trireme.

Royal Lacedaemonian Navy: 8,250 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 3,750 Talents
5x Doric Deceres, dreadnought. 750 points per, 3,750 total.

Light Combatants: 3,000 Talents
10x Aeolic Deceres, battle carrier. 150 points per (125 for fighters), 1,500 total.

15x Doric Trireme, cruiser. 100 points per, 1,500 total.

Patrol Craft: 1,500 Talents
75x Doric Pentekonter, corvette. These tiny ships are used by the navies that field them to patrol territory, hunt down pirates, and protect merchant ships. Swarms of them are occasionally seen in battles, screening heavier ships from fighters and missiles. 20 points per, 1,500 total.

Attic Navy: 6,250 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 3,000 Talents
4x Ionic Forty, dreadnought. 500 points per, 2,000 total.

4x Aeolic Forty, battle carrier. 250 points per (100 for fighters), 1,000 total.

Light Combatants: 2,500 Talents
25x Ionic Quinquereme, cruiser. 100 points per (fighter complement varies), 2,500 total.

Patrol Craft: 750 Talents
50x Aeolic Pentekonter, corvette. Slightly more fragile than the Doric version of the same ship. 15 points per, 750 total.

Corcyraean Republican Navy: 6,000 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 2,000 Talents
2x Doric Deceres, dreadnought. 750 points per, 1,500 total.

2x Aeolic Forty, battle carrier. 250 points per (100 for fighters), 500 total.

Light Combatants: 4,000 Talents
10x Aeolic Deceres, battle carrier. 150 points per (125 for fighters), 1,500 total.

25x Ionic Quinquereme, cruiser. 100 points per (fighter complement varies), 2,500 total.

Patrol Craft: N/A. The Corcyraean Republican Navy does not field any ships lighter than the quinquereme.

Astral Defense Force of the Republic of Corinth: 5,000 Talents

Heavy Combatants: 1,500 Talents
2x Doric Deceres, dreadnought. 750 points per, 1,500 total.

Light Combatants: 3,500 Talents
35x Confederate Quinquereme, cruiser. 100 points per (fighter complement varies), 3,500 total.

Patrol Craft: N/A. The Astral Defense Force of the Republic of Corinth does not field any ships lighter than the quinquereme.

Hellenic Armies: 17,000 Talents Total

Confederate Army: 8,000 Talents
Line Forces: 6,000 Talents
340 million Regulars. The brigade is the smallest independent regular unit of the Confederate Army, and exists in infantry (hoplite), artillery, armored, and aviation variants. Each brigade includes a battalion of light infantry, called peltasts—in infantry brigades these supplement the heavier troops, and in artillery and armored units they serve as organic defense for the more valuable units. There are eight battalions in a Hellenic brigade, typically one support batallion (supply and medical, as well as the headquarters company), the aforementioned peltast battalion, and six more determined by the specialization of the brigade. It is not unheard of for brigades, especially artillery and aviation units, to exist as administrative units only, with their forces attached to isolated infantry or armored brigades. 85k per, x1 equipment modifier, 4,000 total.

14 million Hoplaheres. ‘Hoplaheres’ (singular ‘Hoplaheron’) refers to the large combat mechs that are operated by Hoplaheron units. These vehicles are often fashioned after famous ancient warriors, and tend to be ‘themed’ by unit: a Hoplaheron battalion might be equipped with machines all designed to imitate ancient Lacedaemonian hoplites, complete with red cloaks made from enough fabric to cover a sports field. Hoplaheron units are typically deployed as battalions attached to regular brigades, or as brigades attached to divisions or corps. The average mech stands six meters tall at the shoulder and mounts a powerful shield generator as well as heavy particle cannon or missile launchers. 35k per, x5 equipment modifier, 2,000 total.

Special Forces: 2,000 Talents
1,000 Polyphemes. The Polypheme is a massively powerful war machine, able to devastate entire armies at once. Created as a form of mobile fortress, it exists to terrify enemy troops as much as it does to destroy them. Confederate generals typically use them as command posts and bullet sponges. A Polypheme can be counted on to draw the fire of every enemy unit on the continent it is deployed on—and to survive that fire. Typically, a Polypheme is hexapedal and armed with starship point defense-grade particle cannon as well as huge artillery batteries and missile banks. 1 per, 1,000 total.

7.5 million Furies. A long step up from the regular army and a longer one down from the Sacred Band, the Fury battalions serve as special forces outside the Confederacy and often provide the guards for Hellene embassies. Limited metaphysical training is not unusual, particularly among the non-commissioned and officer ranks. 50k per, x5 equipment modifier, 750 total

One million Sacred Band. The Sacred Band is comprised of veterans from the Confederate and national armies, and is almost ridiculously competent. Unfortunately, because of the expense and symbolic value of the Sacred Band, it is rarely deployed outside the Confederacy, generally providing guard forces for Confederate officials and important buildings throughout Hellas. At least, that is what the general public believes—in reality, the Sacred Band is an internal security force dedicated to eliminating threats to Confederate unity. The majority of the Sacred Band has metaphysical training. 20k per, x5 equipment modifier, 250 total

Delphian Army: 2,000 Talents
Line Forces: 1,750 Talents
140 million Regulars. Delphian troops operate almost exactly the same as Confederate. 85k per, x1 equipment modifier, 1,750 total.

Special Forces: 250 Talents
2.5 million Hypaspists. The Hypaspists are a uniquely Delphian institution, an odd mix of heavy infantry and Special Forces. They function as something of a highly militarized SWAT team, working to maintain order in the ‘vigorous democracy’ that is Delphi. During wartime they are often deployed behind enemy lines, causing damage out of proportion to their numbers. 50k per, x5 equipment modifier, 250 total.

Royal Lacedaemonian Army: 3,000 Talents
Line Forces: 2,500 Talents
150 million Regulars. Lacedaemonian regular troops are better trained and motivated than comparable units in other Hellenic armies. 75k per, x1 equipment modifier, 2,000 total.

3.5 million Hoplaheres. Hoplaheres units have an important place in the Lacedaemonian army. 35k per, x5 equipment modifier, 500 total.

Special Forces:
3.5 million Hippeis. Called ‘cavalrymen’ out of tradition rather than out of any real similarity to pre-space horse-mounted warriors, the Hippeis are the bodyguards of the Lacedaemonian royal family and its most terrifying soldiers. Many of them have metaphysical training. 35k per, x5 equipment modifier, 500 total.

Attic Army: 2,000 Talents
Line Forces: 1,750 Talents
140 million Regulars. Attic troops operate almost exactly the same as Confederate. 85k per, x1 equipment modifier, 1,750 total.

Special Forces: 250 Talents
2.5 million Hoplites Astron. Uniquely trained for zero-gravity operations, the Hoplites Astron (Star Infantry) are nevertheless perfectly capable of planetary operations. They are the only infantry unit with organic hyperdrive capability. 50k per, x5 equipment modifier, 250 total.

Corcyraean Republican Army: 1,000 Talents
Line Forces: 1,000 Talents
100 million Marines. Reflecting its history as a pirate nation, Corcyra does not field a conventional army. Rather, it provides a tremendous number of Marines to the Confederate Navy. Corcyraean Marines are generally undisciplined by the standards of Lacedaemon or other large polities, and are therefore less individually effective but also cheaper to train. 100k per, x1 equipment modifier, 1,000 total.

Terran Defense Force of the Republic of Corinth: 1,000 Talents
Line Forces: 1,000 Talents
42.5 million Regulars. Corinthian troops operate almost exactly the same as Confederate. 85k per, x1 equipment modifier, 500 total.

3.5 million Hoplaheres. Hoplaheres units have an important place in the Corinthian army. 35k per, x5 equipment modifier, 500 total.
Last edited by Esquire on 2012-04-25 07:32am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Vanas »

A quick guide to Bees


The Bees don't really have a great grasp of their early history. As far as they can tell, they were created a long while ago in a series of deeply unfortunate accidents involving a renegade geneticist and psychic DNA. The super-organism that now forms the capital hive first gained true consciousness amidst the ruined colony of whatever species had created it. Having a reasonable tech base to work from, they eventually mastered the technologies that were lying around and began quietly expanding around their local sectors in order to expand their acquirable resources, thanks in part to the Without any sign of local sentients, they've consolidated a few sectors and have some outlying colony worlds that have put the fear of God and, indeed, bees into independents and pirates who considered using them as waystations.



More specifically, the Bees form a series of hive minds. Each Bee in a particular swarm is a mere component and broadcaster for the greater superorganism and is inherently expendable. This leads to some unusual aspects; a single hive city of Bees is essentially a single being, while each spaceship has a crew of, effectively, one. The various hive cities are connected by numerous methods, from video uplinks to sending packets of data (in the form of Bees) to each other via a very small maglev system. In general, the largest city on a planet can be considered the 'government' to outsiders.
Outside their planets, Bee ships in squadrons and fleets tend to swap collections of Bees when docked in order to gain a better understanding of how the combined fleet will operate in the field.

The Bees have a fairly good tech base, all things considered. As well as their traditional exports of honey and Bees, they've got a fine line in specialised microelectronics, from psionic regulators and human-sized power armour to spaceship components to tiny, tiny laser guns and spacesuits. Not that they'd ever use such things, of course.

An Entire Goddamn Empire of Fucking Bees
NCP: 31

Home Sector (8 NCP) (7 + 1 warp gate)
$15000 GDP; population of Many, many, many Bees. ((Seriously, if you want to do the maths for billons of human equivalents, go ahead. There's just a metric fuckton of bees here.))

2x Core Sector (5 NCP)
$20000 GDP Total; Population: Many, many Bees.

4x Midrange Sectors
£24000 GDP Total; Population: Many Bees each.

1 Trade route to the League, supplying delicious honey and certainly nothing else. ($2000)

1 Trade route from the League, containing delicious, delicious, slightly atomised nectar. ($500)

1 Trade route from the Nation, swapping resources for supplies ($500)

1 Trade route from the Bastian Star Empire ($500)

1 further trade route to anyone who has a pressing need for delicious, delicious honey or anything small and fiddly. ($2000)

GDP total: $64500

Bees: A Field Guide


Bee colonisation tends to happen in pulsed waves; being social creatures they dislike only having a single colony on a planet. As such, their colony fleets tend to be large and make tempting targets for pirates. After losing an entire colony fleet to pirates, the Bees embarked on a militarisation programme to defend their fleets, colonies and all Beekind.

While the initial warships were little more than their spindly scoutships up-armoured and armed, over the last few centuries the Bees have devised more practical vessels. Angular and festooned with manouvering fins, Bee ships are small, quick and scootch around the battlespace like a bat out of hell. While they have certain hull types and basic layouts, they have an idosyncratic design process that leaves each squadron looking at least slightly unique. Traditional bee colour schemes involve large quantities of bright colours in random, chaotic patterns. Red, yellow, ultraviolet and green are always popular, as are black and yellow stripes.


Bees hate being alone. While sme species may deploy a frigate to perform minor duties, the Bees rather send a squadron of smaller ships to take a look. This logic follows up their entire fleet chain; cruiser pairs are the largest single unit deployed by Bees for any eventuality. Most of the time, they're found in large, amorphous fleets that cruise around their sectors, splitting and reforming as they go.

Individual squadrons count as a single vessel; the swarms crewing them have been training together and have decades, if not centuries of experience working as part of that squadron. As such, they can't easily integrate back into an undamaged squadron. i.e. While one side may have a damaged ship, a Bee equivalent is getting a ship or two in the squadron blown away.

Bee ships are practically unsheilded; they exist, but only as defence against micrometors and small space debris. Instead, Bee ships tend to be loaded with jammers. So many jammers. Electromagnetic, optical, psionic, whatever. They don't blank themselves out, just make themselves hard to hit; a shimmering swarm of false contacts and optical befuddlement. Combined with their manouvering capacity, they find it's an acceptable alternative to soaking hits. ((Think Eldar.))

Bee ships, on the whole tend towards the logic that missiles are good. And if missiles are good, *MORE* missiles would be better. In combat, seemingly inexhautsible missile racks rise out of their concealed ports and rain nightmarish swarms of high explosive and armour piercing death upon their targets. Because it's obvious that missiles aren't always the solution, Bee vessels also mount a reasonable collection of beam guns. Unlike most species, they tend to leave theirs in a single-shot mode of explosive carnage rather than a cutting beam, soley to avoid revealing their position too closely.

Naval Forces: $48369

Frigate Analogues:

Because individual ships simply aren't social enough, quintets of corvettes fulfil general frigating roles for the Bees. They used to deploy specialised vessels dedicated tasks, but recently they're being phased out in favour of the newer multirole vessels that combine both aspects in a slightly larger hull. Go, progress! The remaining specialists are typically found in fleetblobs, supporting their larger bretheren.

126 x Multipurpose Corvette Squadron @ $25
12 x AA Specialist Corvette Squadron @ $20
10 x AS Specialist Corvette Squadron @ $23


Destroyer Analogues:

Quartets of frigates make up this leyer of Bee ships. Like their smaller counterparts, the specialised are being slowly phased out in favour of a more generalist fleet.

115 x MP Frigate Squadron @ $100
20 x AA Frigate Squadron @ $80
20 x AS Frigate Squadron @ $90


Cruiser Analogues:

Trios of Destroyers form destroyer flotillas. The AA specialised variants were phased out a long while ago owing to the fact they were getting a little useless compared to the lighter vessels. The newer multi-role vessels are rather more capable, although some of the anti-ship variants remain in operation, supplying additional firepower to fleets.

70 x Multirole Destroyer Flotilla @ $210
15 x AS Destroyer Flotilla @ $189


BB Analogues:

Amongst the largest ships fielded by the Bees, Cruiser flotillas comprise a pair of vessels that are the heaviest single group typically deployed by Bees outside a fleet. A pair of anti-shipping cruiser flotillas are all that remains of the previous generation.

30 x Multirole Cruiser flotilla @ $250
2 x AS Cruiser Flotilla @ $225


Other Vessels:

Assault Group: Consisting of an Assault Cruiser and a pair of heavily armoured Escort Destroyers, an Assault Group is the Bee idea of an armed invasion barge. It approaches it's target at a reasonable clip and fills the target vessel with bees.

6 x Assault Group @ $200 + $30 troops + $70 fighters = $1800

Carrier Group: A Bee carrier group consists of a through-deck destroyer, one unarmed carrier and a pair of escorting frigates. Their main job in battle is to cover heavier vessels with flights of interceptors.

15 x Carrier Group @ $80 + $70 Fighters = $2100

Ground Forces:

Bee ground forces are well equipped and suprisingly varied, whe you consider that, well ,they're mostly Bees. As Bees in general aren't particularly vicious, the more combatative swarms have spent years working out the best ways to deal with it. Much like their spaceborne counterparts, Bee vehicles tend to be, manouverable, riotously colourful and equipped with jammers, leading to shimmering nightmares leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

BEEEEES: (100000/$1, 1x kit=100000/$1), $8000 - 800 million human equivalents. (or about 8x10^14 Bees)
That's a lot of goddamn Bees. You know why they're classes as being so well equipped? Lasers. Tiny, tiny lasers, micro-satchel charges and tiny little armoured spacesuits. And the stinging. Always the stinging.

Bee Power Armour: (50000/$1, 2x kit = 25000/$1), $4000 - 100m units

Faster, (slightly) stronger and better than a human being, Bee power armour is a 6-foot assemblage of parts and armour, toting plasmafausts, jamming fields and all the other fun kit that lets them survive on a modern battlefield.
Image Basic models, before painting and addition of *suprising toys*

Goddamn Bee Tanks: (20000/$1, 4x kit = 5000/$1), $3000 - 15m units.

We asked Cappellan tourists what would be worse than a nightmarish swarm of armoured bees descending upon you with tiny lasers and explosives. Oddly, the answer did not include 'Bees in giant spider-like tanks bounding and skittering over buildings and firing beam weaponry from their armoured carapaces' Which is quite unfortunate, given that there's millions of the damn things ready to haunt your nightmares.

Bee Psi-Mech: (5000/$1, 8x kit = 625/1), $1131 - 706875 units.

When the League came to the Bees regarding their Black in Back super-suits, at least one swarm looked at their own psychic network and went 'hmm'. As the Bees own innate psionics are nowhere near as advanced as the Leagues, the suits are rather larger to acheive MORE POWER which also allows them to mount conventional beam and missile weapons. While perhaps not as potent as the League's elites, these new vaguely humanoid suits have only recently entered production given an official order of 'why not?' Attempts to fit the 7m tall mechs with foghorns and searchlights to further render them scary are underway.

TOTAL COST: $64500

Note: Will audit trade routes in the morning, I may have more incoming.
Last edited by Vanas on 2012-04-04 02:36pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Panzersharkcat »

The Bastian Star Empire

25+2d6 came up with 10, for a total of 35 NCPs.

7 NCPs: 1 home sector
10 NCPs: 2 core sectors
6 NCPs: 2 mid-range sectors
9 NCPs: 9 trade routes
3 NCPs: 3 warp gates

Outbound trade routes: Hellenic Confederacy, Bees, Screworlder Collective, Braxian Collective, Republic of Arcadia, Stellar Nation, Centrality, Capellan Authority
Inbound trade routes: Hellenic Confederacy, Screworlder Collective, Braxian Collective, Republic of Arcadia, Stellar Nation, Centrality
GDP Total: Home sector and warp gate (15000) + 2 core sectors and two warp gates (22000) + 3 mid-range sectors (12000) + 9 trade routes (18000) + 6 trade routes back (3000) = 70000 GDP

Legend has it that well over four thousand years ago, the Neithians were visited by beings of fire who uplifted them from their early attempts at space travel and guided them towards a primitive form of faster than light travel before leaving their charges to their own destiny. Hundreds of years later, after much exploration and further refinement of their FTL drives, the Neithians discovered the planet, Bastet. Certain areas of Bastet were on the verge of an industrial revolution. The Neithians, remembering the assistance of their dragon gods, decided to follow their example and uplifted the Bastians and incorporated them as partners in their civilization.
The Bastians thrived under the tutelage of the Neithians. Bastian explorers spread out, colonizing several worlds, including Sobek, a pre-industrial world occupied by a species of ten-foot-tall reptilians. They were uplifted and incorporated into the Neithian Union. In time, the faster-breeding Bastians overtook their slow-breeding, if long-lived, Neithian masters in population. They then revolted against their rule. Though they were treated fairly in most aspects of life, a major point of contention between the species had been the fact that in all conflicts and wars the Union had fought since incorporating the Bastians was that Bastian soldiers were the ones who took the brunt of casualties. As the Neithians believe in only total war with those involved euthanised for PTSD, they instead used the Bastians and later, the Sobekians, as their primary fighters in brushfire wars.
The Bastians won the Civil War, despite the Neithians pulling out the stops in their arsenal of biological weapons. Though they continued to be the majority of casualties in wars, it was more acceptable to them under Bastian rule. After all, their reasoning went, if they're the ones doing the fighting, they should be the ones in power. Still, out of gratitude that the Neithians were the ones who uplifted them in the first place, the Neithians were not persecuted under the new regime, and in fact kept a great deal of autonomy in dealing with their own affairs.

Bastians are a species of bipedal digitigrade felines shorter than the average human (approximately 5'4" or or 1.63 meters for Bastian males, with females slightly shorter). Though they are physically more frail and not as strong as humans, they possess far sharper senses of smell and hearing, as well as superior vision at night, at the cost of inferior vision during the day, and courtesy of the Neithians, can see into both the infrared and ultraviolet. They are also significantly faster and more agile than humans. They are obligate carnivores.
Bastians are susceptible to a very rare mutation that causes growth into a eight-foot-tall (or 2.44 meters) hulking brutes with degrees of mental retardation. All Bastians with that condition are seized by the state and trained into soldiers further augmented by power armor. They are the reason abortion is illegal for Bastians and a major item on the agenda of the current reformist Emperor.
As they are covered with fur and lack secondary sexual characteristics, the only way to differentiate between male and female Bastians without asking is by smell or by peeking under the hood. The latter is rather frowned upon.

Sobekians are a species of bipedal digitigrade reptilians who stand, on average, approximately ten feet (3.05 meters) tall with approximately twelve-inch-long (30 cm) claws with a majestic set of horns and a spiny back and tail. Their thick resilient hides offer them a good degree of protection against knifes and pistol-caliber chemical-propellant rounds. Though their sense of smell and hearing is superior to that of humans, their vision is poor. They lack vocal chords and can mimic speech in the same manner a parrot would. Like the Bastians, they are obligate carnivores. Due to tinkering by Neithian geneticists, however, they, too, can see in the infrared and ultraviolet.

The closest analog the Neithians have to any class of animal from Earth would be cephalopods. They stand, on average, approximately six feet (1.83 meters) tall with eight legs. They are easily the most intelligent species in the Empire and are capable of surviving on both land and water. They are entirely deaf, however, with their own language communicated through color bands on their heads, some of which go into the ultraviolet and infrared. Though not all Neithians are biologists, the species has a not undeserved reputation for being virtual wizards when it comes to biotechnology. It is their skill with that which enabled them to alter the eyes of the Bastians and Sobekians into seeing beyond the visible light spectrum. As that did not change the fact that they are deaf, lip-reading and sign language are methods taught to facilitate communication between the three species.

Political Institutions

Imperial Armed Forces





Last edited by Panzersharkcat on 2012-03-31 05:25pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Vanas »

Oops. This wasn't supposed to be here. My bad, can a mod delete this?
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Zor »

The Unified Imperium
The Unified Imperium is a unitary democratic state notable for their political nationalism and ambitions. The name of this state belies its ideology. It is not united but unified, it is not many entities working as one, but many entities made into one. It is an Imperium not because of a hereditary monarch, but because it was born form chaos by the sword, using force to bring others into line to prevent future bloodshed. Imperialistic and Expansionist, the ascendant Imperium has become a major power on the galactic stage.


The Foundational Age: In the early days of mankind's extrasolar expansion, Herschel Sector and the surrounding areas was targeted by numerous classical Terran Nation states and private interests (amongst them a few "experimental" groups) deploying colonization ships and fleets to lay claim in relatively short amount of time. On the same note three sapient species were established, the Radials, the Drell and Hivers. Resources were plentiful and the settlements were for and the early settlements quickly became profitable settlements. Thanks to some thoughtful planning, conflicts were resolved fairly quickly and with only a minimum of tensions which were handled with treaties. For 250 years, fifty one small scale states grew and prospered with armed conflict being limited to a few anti-terrorist actions, anti-piracy campaigns, the occasional bit of sabre rattling and six low intensity wars that ended with treaties within six months of being declared in what was then call the Herschel Region.

The Age of War: However, this peace would eventually break down. It started due to a number of factors that happened at exactly the wrong time relating to piracy, the politics of the Republic of Nuwa and the Neo Aegean Democratic State and the leader of the NGDS's Localist Party going along with what a few radical pundits were suggesting, there was an increased military buildup which led to increased political tensions, a small scale arms race and eventually the two states declaring war on each ending in Nuwa being placed in economic vassalage. This caused major disruptions to local trade, as well as souring the image of the Neo Aegeans, leading eventually to war between the NADS and two other states. This caused piracy to further increase as a tactic used by both the Neo Aegeans and their enemies was to give letters of marque to attack shipping causing a general military buildup across the Herschell Regions. Radical politicians became more common, especially after the Sacking of Johan's Gambit by a Pirate Fleet under the command of Warlord Gergor Hannibal. Alliances were forged, rivalries which had in the past been at best peaceful and a few drops of bad blood enraged seas. Over the next twenty years, numerous was broke out. While things did eventually lul, the Herschel Region was plunged into over three centuries of bloodshed. No faction had the resources to attain total victory and alliances shifted constantly.

The Church of Divine Vision: As wars dragged on, a growing number of people became dissatisfied with the existing political systems (which were Democratic in some manner, with a couple retaining constitutional monarchs of at best marginalized power) and ideologies. More and more people shocked by the horrors of war turned to more radical solutions. A few militaristic dictatorships established themselves in the Herschel Region, as did extreme nationalism, a few religious revivals and a smattering of fringe movements. Amongst them was a fringe faith known as the Church of Divine Vision. Emerging out of the psionically inclined human population starting around 220 years into the Age of War. Preached by the prophet Belisarius Karydi, he declared that Psionic Potential was a gift from the divine and those born with it were chosen to rule over mankind. The group was fairly small at first, only a few hundred individuals, but it grew. Numerous enclaves were set up where-ever possible. For the sake of security, they screened their recruits quite thoroughly, using secondary agencies to gather recruits as well as cloning loyal followers. Their main objective was to gain power and the best way to do that was to make the nations of the Herschel Region destroy themselves. Their overall presence was minimal, but they were responsible for setting up a few terrorist activities, helped funnel weapons to raiders and rebel militias and actively worked to bring nations into wars.

The Three Stars' Block and Unificationalism: Two hundred and thirty eight years into the Age of War, five roughly allied nations based out of three star systems (Darwinia, Shin Hokkaido and Aquatica), after a series of particularly destructive wars created a loose federal body in charge of a joint military known as the Three Stars' Block. This act made them into the most powerful nation in the Herschel Region. It also resulted in a couple of wars in response by their rivals, which only served to diminish their military forces. For the first two decades, this body was simply on the defensive, protecting its territory. However, gradually political pressures encouraged expansionism. Thirteen years after it's creation, the Three Stars' block moved forth and annexed the Yggdrasil system, which was caught in a bloody civil war and had become a breeding ground for pirates. Fearing any one member state having exclusive oversight of the occupied territory and wanting to avoid the inevitable conflicts that would have arose from sectioning off territories for occupation, Yggdrasil was put under the administration of military authorities and run by a Bureaucracy answering to the Imperial Diet.

This led to the Foundational War to break out. A conflict between the Three Star's block and an Ad-Hoc alliance of neighbouring states, fearing the rise of this new power. This conflict would last some thirteen years and would see an increased degree of standardization and economic co-ordination, as well as expanding the political influence of the Three Stars Block. This led to a decade of setting policy. Releasing the five systems which they had annexed was not an option, as it would mean inevitable re-armament, as such continued occupation was seen as the best alternative. After the war the economic situation improved considerably despite the expenses of running occupational Armies. Trade increased thanks to a decrease in pirate activity and industry had a constant supply of government projects to keep it working.

Resistance to persisted, but eventually was put under control. The plan for these new territories eventually settled on integration. They would be kept under control and the education and media system would be used to promote a new ideology, that having a single unified government was superior to constant warfare. Censorship was put into place in these newly acquired territories and rebels, when they were captured, were reprogrammed into loyal people who whole heartedly believed in the cause of uniting. At the same time routes were opened up to gain status. Eventually the success of these programs drove a new set of views. Using the power gained, bring all the various worlds of the Herschel Region under their banner, stabilize its population and integrate into one Unified nation. Thus bit by bit emerged the idea of Unificationalism.

The Rise of the Imperium

With the economic boost from increased trade, taxes from subject areas, expanded industrial base and decline in piracy, the Three Star's Block gained the economic resources to wage war of conquest after war of conquest. System by system was conquered piecemeal, with temporary alliances being forged to gain the upper hand. To make the most of its human resources, citizenship was offered to Subjects who served in the Military for periods of twenty years. Four nations peacefully gave in without a fight and were fairly quickly integrated.

As this happened, more and more the political forces in the Diet saw the need for stability. Forty five years after the creation of the Three Star's pack After a 62-38 referendum, a new constitution was adopted and many things were codified into law. With this, the Three Star's Pact (now Eleven major systems in size) was formally restructured into a new Nation. This new state was given a new title drawn from ancient Terran States, the Unified Imperium. A new calender was put into place for government functions, declaring it to be the Forty Fifth Imperial Year.

By the year 21IA the Herschel Region was united under the banner of the Unified Imperium. With that began a period of stabilization and assimilation that would last for the next hundred years. Despite that, some activities would continue, most notably from the Church of Divine vision. The Church resisted the Imperial Authorities tooth and nail at every chance they got, engaging in Terrorism, assassinating military figures and Imperial Bureaucrats, Psionically torturing captives into serving their ends, selling drugs and other such activities. These were met with a crackdown and the introduction of Violent Fundamentalism Control laws and Psionic Regulation Laws. Eventually, the Church of Divine Vision was neutralized as a political entity in the Imperium, splintering into several subgroups that were either dispatched or forced to leave Herschel Space.

The Accelerated Evolution Initiative

As time went on, the Imperium ruled over a stabilized nation, it became peaceful and prosperous. Ethnic conflicts were kept at a minimum and the economy prospered. Occasional terrorist activities were suppressed and localism died away. Eventually a new project arose amongst the people of the Imperium, that of moving to the next stage of evolution, several methods were considered, but Cybernetics won out in the end. Various

The Imperium Today

In the last 100 years, their has been a revival of Unificationalism. Historians debate on what exactly caused it, but most agree that a combination of romanticism, a belief that conquest would improve the conditions on surrounding nations (which it has, by in large) and due to a economic recession. This has resulted in several campaigns of conquest, these have been so far been against some fairly minor powers. This revival of expansionism is not the most popular move, but it has brought in four new sectors. This sentiment remains strong amongst the citizen population of the Imperium.

The Imperium is comparably diverse. Active discrimination based on species (at least in regards to the current species of the Imperium) does far more harm than good.

Posthumans: Posthumans are Humans that have been cybernetically modified, typically having their organic elements being reduced to their brains and spinal cords with various cybernetic implants and interfaces inside a synthetic casing, which can be put into a variety of bodies, humanoid or otherwise. Most posthumans. These make up about 25% of the Citizen Class of Terragen Dissent. Posthumans are either humans (Baseline or other) converted into posthumans, or are commissioned and grown in tanks.

In addition to Posthumans, their exist Postdrell, Postradials and Posthivers.
Baselines: Homo Sapians Sapians with a minimal of cybernetic modification.
Duals: A genetically engineered strain of humanity created by a program called the Eden Initiative, a Program created by a group of scientists to give rise to several new strains of Humanity. In the case of duels, the result was to try to create a race of Functional Hermaphrodites. When clothed, Duals look more or less like a somewhat more heavily built version of baseline women.
Aquatics: A genetically engineered strain of humanity adapted to live in an aquatic environment that bear a resemblance to the Merfolk of Terran Myth.
Radials: Radials are Radially Symmetric creatures about 1.5 meters across. They have eight limbs,four legs and four arms with a Leg between each arm and vice versa. Each arm has four digits. Their body has four "spines" with a sensory stock on top, giving them a 360 degree field of view. The brain is located inside the torso. Their mouth is located on the underside and has four jawparts on a flexible retractable mouth. Radials have three genders: Inseminators, Conveyors and Gestators.
Drell: 1.2 meter tall humanoids native to Tarla, a heavy gravity planet (1.6g at sea level) with considerable deserts. Were at a level of technological development roughly comparable to Earth in the mid 19th century CE when first contact was made with humanity, with their planet was united under one Empire.
Hivers: Centauriod eusocial creatures ranging in size from being around the same size of a German Shepard to being the same size as a Shetland Pony. They have thick featherlike fur, four eyes, four jointed limbs. They live in hives of up to 15,000 individuals, though 4,000 to 8,000 is more common. Unlike bees, Hivers do not have a Hive Mind. Instead they are programmed to behave in certain manners for the good of the hive and have a very strong sense of loyalty to their extended hive. Six castes exist: Artisans (workers, farmers, engineers, scientists and technicians with very fine motor control, dexterous hands, grasping frontal legs and a patient, methodical approach to in preforming function), Soldiers (Soldiers and Police known for being the second largest caste, known for being brave, quick running and reacting), Nurses (Care for young as well as serving as medics, generally known for empathy), Drones (Males, unlike bees these also serve as multipurpose odd job men and don't die after mating), Administrators (Bureaucrats, Clerks, Ambassadors as well as being able to serve in multi-function roles) and Queens (which lay eggs and don't do much else).

That said, their are two legally defined classes of people in the Imperium: Citizens and Subjects

Citizens: Citizens represent the core of the Imperium's population that has been completely integrated into Imperial Society. The Citizen class has political franchise as well as a greater degree of legal protection and mobility. Citizens inhabit the Provinces.
Subjects: Subjects represent the sections of the population that have yet to be fully integrated into Imperial Society. While they do posses a few basic rights under Imperial Law, they still have less rights than the citizen population and are also placed under a greater degree of scrutiny. That said, numerous avenues exist to attain citizenship in Imperial society. Subjects inhabit Special Reconstructional Zones. Subjects are divided into three grades: Grade-1 Subjects have the most freedom, including the right to vote in municiple elections in their SRZs. Grade-3 Subjects are the most confined and restricted, representing populations that have been recently conquered and have proven to be beligerent.


Herschel Sector (15,000 GDP, 50 Billion People, Warp Gate) Also known informally as the Imperial Sector, Capital of the Unified Imperium (8 Points)
Yamato Sector (10,000 GDP 37 Billion people) (5 Points)
Tarla Sector (10,000 GDP 38 Billion People) (5 Points)
Xin Chongqing Sector (6,000 GDP 23 billion) (3 Points)
Ny Norge Sector (6,000 GDP 23 Billion) (3 Points)
New Washington Sector (6,000 GDP 22 Billion) (3 Points)
Speranza Sector (6,000 GD 5 Billion) Newly Conquered: Special Reconstructional Zones (3 Point)
Lada Sector (2,000 GDP 7 billion) Newly Conquered: Special Reconstructional Zones (1 Point)
Joeson Sector (2,000 GDP 5 billion) Newly Conquered: Special Reconstructional Zones (1 Point)
One Trade Route (2,000GDP) (1 Point)

65,000 GDP.

Government of the Imperium

The Imperial Government is a Parliamentary Republic, the Imperial Diet is the supreme legislative body headed by the Supreme Committee, thirteen individuals who serve as head of government. Thanks to cybernetic interface, this allows the Committee the ability to debate and discuss issues quickly and efficiently. In general, the culture of the Imperium strongly dislikes the idea of a cult of personality. Local governments are based around democratic provincial, Prefectural and Municiple councils, though the system is unitary.

An important factor is the Imperial Civil Service. In addition to some fairly normal Bureaucratic tasks, the ICS also administrates over a fair section of the Imperium's territory to oversee programs of normalization, assimilation and stabilization, as well as handling other more mundane projects and day to day administration of Special Reconstructional Zones. As such, the Imperial Civil Service is notable for being large and a powerful play in Imperial Politics.

An visible aspect of the Imperial Government is that of the Imperial Avatars. These are a set of Robotic bodies that speak on behalf of the Supreme Committee.. Several of them exist, including one modelled after a tall human female, an Aquatic, a Drell, A Radial and a Hiver. If one is destroyed, it is replaced. This is not to say that Individual Committee members never are seen or speak publicly, but since the faces of the voice of government have not changed in centuries, they represent continuity and an unchanging face for their nation.

The Imperial Unified Armed Forces (IUFA)

Military affairs fall under the authority of the Ministry of Defence and Expansion (MODE)

Imperial Unified Star Navy
The Senior most sevice in the Imperial Military responsible for all space based combat.

Leviathan Class Dreadnought: The Leviathan class Dreadnought is the heaviest hitter in the Imperial Star Navy. It has Sixteen heavy turrets, each mounting a single heavy charged particle cannon, a devastating long range weapon as well as Forty Eight torpedo tubes (Twenty four forward and six per broadside) while being heavily armored and shielded with hundreds of Gatling Laser turrets and counter missiles launcher. The result is a platform capable of a formidable long range assault and dispatching ships at a distance. In addition, the Leviathan carries a force of Samurai gunships.
550 Points (50 points carrying capacity)
10 Ships (5,500 points)

Victory Class Battleship: Intended to provide the best combination of durability, armament and cost, the Victory class battleship is the backbone of the Wall of Battle. It carries an offensive arsenal of eight Heavy particle cannons and Twenty. Unlike the Leviathan, it does not have parasite capacity nor broadside torpedo tubes.
300 Points
30 ships (9,000 points)

Triumphant Class Battleship: the Triumphant class battleship is an old class, having some 160 years of service. In its day the Triumph class was state of the art multipurpose battlewagons, the backbone of the Wall of Battle. Large numbers of them were manufactured. Never the less, technologies changed and gradually these ships were overtaken by the Newer Victory class. That said, they were recently re-activated and re-fitted for the modern era. The engines were given a major overhaul, parasite bays and support facilities were stripped out to make room for additional capacitors and the weapons and shield systems were updated.
The refitted triumphant class now supplements the wall of battle by carrying in. It mounts an energy arsenal comparable to that of a Victory class ship, though it’s torpedo arsenal is smaller with only twelve forward tubes and much less magazine space. The main intent is that the triumphant class ship is to augment the energy range as well as helping to re-enforce.
250 points
12 ships (3,000 Points)

Midway Class Fleet Carrier: The Midway class carrier provides mobile Gunship and Fighter support to the Imperial Wall of Battle. While it is capable of defending itself in battle against lighter craft, the Midway stays away from combat.
50 points (200 Points EVA)
12 ships (600 Points)

Huntress Class Light Cruiser: The Huntress is designed to function away from the main lines. It mounts four battleship scale particle cannons as well as six destroyer scale particle cannons and sixteen torpedo tubes, though its magazine space is limited. Unlike most Imperial Warships the Huntress is designed for speed over durability, keeping its distance in battle. They are intended to operate behind enemy lines and devastating targets to force the enemy to respond, spreading their forces thin
150 points (10 EVA)
16 (2,600 Points)

Godslayer Class Destroyer: Heavily armored and shielded for a ship its size, the Godslayer is a general purpose workhorse. Armed with twelve medium particle turrets and eight missile launchers, it is capable of long range combat.
100 points
72 ships (7,200 Points)

Welshman Class Torpedo Frigate: A mobile torpedo battery, the Welshman carries sixteen torpedo tubes, as well as a point defense arsenal. Its purpose it to serve as a mobile long range missile platform, operating in small formations
50 points
120 Ships (6,000 Points)

Tercio class Lance Frigate: Built around two battleship scale beam cannons, the Tercio Class Lance Frigate is designed to do two things: Augment the wall of Battle’s firing capacity as well as forming fast moving formations of lance frigates. These ships lack anything other than point defense weapon and are thus vulnerable to craft of similar or smaller size. Under normal combat scenarios Tercio Frigates fire off both cannons at once for the first volley and then switch between firing one cannon with 75% the recycle rate of a single cannon mounted on a Battleship or dreadnought. Their shielding systems are mostly frontally focused, making them quite durable
50 points
120 ships (6,000 Points)

Gladius class Frigate: A generalized Frigate built to engage other frigates and smaller vessels. It has six turrets (four beam cannons and two forward mounted quick-firing Gauss Cannons), four medium range torpedo launchers and a sizable point defense arsenal. The Gladius Class is designed to escort duty and to function in small groups as commerce raiders.
50 points
60 ships (3,000 Points)

Vanguard Class Advanced Troopship: The Vanguard Class Advanced troopship is an advanced transport/landing craft designed to deliver advanced forces to rapidly take lighter planets, as well as providing orbital support. The streamlined form of a Vanguard ships are capable of entering a planetary atmosphere. Each Vanguard ship can carry up to 200,000 Expeditionary Corps soldiers into battle, or a detachment of skyships. Heavier operations require more dedicated transports.
40 points
6 ships (240 points)

Scuntum Class Point Defense Corvette: A small craft, the Scuntum class is designed as a mobile point defense platform. It is armed with twelve Gatling laser turrets and numerous counter-missile launchers as well as a large number of sensory equipment to detect and intercept enemy fire. Against fighters and oncoming missiles it is devastating, even if it poorly equipped to deal with ships of comparable or larger size.
25 points
140 Ships (3,500 Points)

GS-20 Samurai Gunship: The main category of strike craft employed by the Imperial Star Navy, the Samurai Gunship is a five man craft that can be outfitted with three light gatling laser turrets and hardpoints for either six anti-ship missiles, two gauss cannons for close range firepower and racks of countermissiles.
(.5 points each)
4,590 Gunships (2295 Points)

F-5 Ashigaru Fighter Drone: Cheap and disposable, the arrowhead shaped Ashigaru Fighter drone is designed to engage enemy fighters in dogfights, destroy oncoming missile barrages, attack shipping and harassment. They are quick and maneuverable and are armed with two energy mounts (either laser weapons or Plasma weapons, depending if range or firepower is deemed more important), an internal magazine carrying six countermissiles, 2 hardpoints for light anti-ship missiles and an several laser rods for Kamikaze attacks.
(0.1 Point each)

Imperial Unified Expeditionary Corps

The IUEP is one of three ground forces and is designed for the offensive. Its purpose is to level armies and enemy opposition. Most of its forces are heavily mechanised and intended. Largely composed of Elite Posthuman soldiers, the Expeditionary Corps has a reputation for its skill in battle.
3,000 Points (50,000/5 Equipment) 30,000,000

*Skyships: Skyships are heavy support vehicles employed mainly by the Expeditionary corps. Heavy countergravity vehicles between 100 to 200 meters long. Skyships are divided into two main classes, Ariel Cruisers and Ariel Battleships. These vehicles are heavily shielded, armed, armored and mobile. While expensive to field, a Thor Class Ariel Battleship can easily lay waste to entire armored divisions.
500 points
(250 Points for Ariel Cruisers 0.25 points each, 1,000 total)
(250 Points for Ariel Battleships 0.5 points each, 500 total)
Imperial Unified Armed Keepers of Order

The purpose of the Armed Keepers of Order (AKOs) is a defensive second line, although AKO forces are uses invasions when additional manpower is required. AKOs mostly exist to garrison conquered territories and quell local terrorist forces. Their equipment, while not of the highest quality is generally above average, including an SR-52 Gauss Rifles, Testudo APCs and Marius Main Battle Tank. AKO forces for the most part have considerably less heavy support than the expeditionary corps.
8000 points (100,000/2 equipment) 400,000,000 AKOs total
Automated Forces

To supplement Imperial soldiers, large numbers of disposable robotic forces are used. Technically these are not considered separate to the AKO or Expeditionary Corps, but are rather considered part of them. Never the less, only a fool would dismiss the role that these machines play on the battlefield for the Imperial Military. There are two main categories of Automated Forces used, Attrition Series Infantry Robots and Rigs. Attrition Robots are Meter tall quadrupedal robots are a common sight on the ground with both AKO and Expeditionary Corps infantry forces. They have a top mounted turret which can be fitted with a variety of weapons, from Gauss Machine Guns to RPG launchers. Rigs are lightly built unmanned counter gravity vehicles weighing about 9-15 tonnes. These are armored against small arms and can achieve a speed of 300 km/h (though some of heavier variants can only reach 200 km/h). Seven main combat models of rigs exist, troop transport (which has a single Gauss machine gun for defense and can carry six Attrition robots into the field), Tankbuster (carrying a 90mm anti-tank railgun for anti-tank work), Flak (having a pair of twin linked 20mm gauss autocannons), Howitzer (having a 120mm Rail Howitzer and the least common), Sensors (outfitted with a Gauss machine gun for defense and a sensor suite), Mortar (120mm automortar) and Rocket Laucnher (having 24 rocket tubes to bombard enemy forces). Shrike Support drones are employed for air support. Attrition Robots are designed to work under supervision of sapient soldiers at least at the Cohort level, and usually at the strike team level.
4000 Points (300,000 per point/0.8 equipment modifier) 1,500,000,000 Robots

Imperial Unified Advanced Recon Service
Imperial Intelligence Service.
(More to come)
Last edited by Zor on 2012-07-11 02:24am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

The Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya

The short version: An entire region of space dominated largely by anime references, as stated by Simon_Jester himself.

The Math

25 + 2d6 = 25 + 10 = 35 NCPs

7 NCPs: 1 Home Sector
10 NCPs: 2 Core Sectors
9 NCPs: 3 Midrange Sectors
5 NCPs: 5 Colony Sectors
1 NCP: One Warp Gate
1 NCP: Outgoing trade route to the Capellan Authority
1 NCP: Outgoing trade route to the Technocracy of Umeria
1 NCP: Outgoing trade route to the Volscian Confederacy

Receiving incoming trade routes from: Bees, Capellan Authority, Republic of Arcadia, Technocracy of Umeria, Volscian Confederacy

GDP: [1(14000) + 3(10000) + 2(6000) + 3(2000) + 1(1000) + 3(2000) + 5(500)] / year = $71500 / year


Kansai (Home Sector)
Warp Gate present

Sector capital world: Hyogo
Other inhabited worlds: Kyoto, Mie, Nara, Osaka, Shiga, Wakayama
Total population: >56 billion people

Kanto (Core Sector)

Sector capital world: Greater Kanto
Other inhabited worlds: Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, Saitama, Tochigi
Total population: ~42 billion people

Reach (Core Sector)

Sector capital world: Reach
Other inhabited worlds: Aigburth, Circumstance, Frieden, Katagalugan, Tribute
Total population: ~36 billion people

Albion (Midrange Sector)

Sector capital world: Great Britannia
Other inhabited worlds: Caledonia, Hibernia, Nova Australis, Transvaal
Total population: ~25 billion people

Cyrannus (Midrange Sector)

Sector capital world: Caprica
Other inhabited worlds: Gemenon, Pisceron, Tauron
Total population: ~20 billion people

Eridanus (Midrange Sector)

Sector capital world: Eridanus Primus
Other inhabited worlds: Eridanus Secundus, Harvest, Madrigal, Victoria
Total population: ~25 billion people

Arcadia (Colony Sector)

Sector capital world: Arcadia
Other inhabited worlds: Emerald Cove, Juno, Paradise Falls, Seldor
Total population: ~10 billion people

Axis (Colony Sector)
Partially controlled; disputed territory with Belkan Empire, Neo Zeon

Sector capital world: Leonis
Other inhabited worlds: Virgon
Total population: ~4 billion people

Onyx (Colony Sector)
Partially controlled; disputed territory with Covenant

Sector capital world: Onyx
Other inhabited worlds: Heian, Substance
Total population: ~6 billion people

Ragnar (Colony Sector)

Sector capital world: Aquaria
Other inhabited worlds: Aerilon, Canceron, Libran, Sagittaron, Scorpia
Total population: ~12 billion people

Sera (Colony Sector)

Sector capital world: Vekta
Other inhabited worlds: Mayonaka, Risea, Sera, Tartarus
Total population: ~10 billion people


Numbers and names are preliminary and subject to change.

.125-pt Fighter
• STL multi-role UCAV
• SQF-8 Ghost

.25-pt Fighter
• Last-generation STL manned fighter, now primarily used for anti-ship and anti-planetary attack
• SF-18E/F Super Nightmare

.5-pt Fighter
• Current-generation STL manned fighter, used for aerospace superiority and long-range interception
• SF-26 Messiah, SF-28 Lucifer

1-pt Gunship
• Current-generation FTL multi-role gunship
• SA-7 King Tiger

60-pt Frigate
• Patrol, sensor picket, antipiracy, light planetary bombardment, miscellaneous operations other than war
Aya Hirano class
• 240 ships ($14400)
• Constant production of new Hirano class ships (at least 20 per year?)

90-pt Destroyer / Escort Carrier / Dock Landing Ship
• Destroyer: 90-pt warship hull
• Escort carrier: 30-pt warship hull + 60-pt STL UCAV and manned fighter force (192 x SQF-8 Ghost, 36 x SF-26 Messiah, 36 x SF-28 Lucifer)
• Dock landing ship: 30-pt warship hull + 58.5-pt STL manned fighter and FTL gunship force (36 x SQF-8 Ghost, 72 x SF-18E/F Super Nightmare, 36 x SA-7 King Tiger) + 1.5-pt Imperial Marine Corps landing force
Wendee Lee class destroyer, Monica Rial class escort carrier, Lisa Ann Beley class dock landing ship
• 128 ships (64 Lee class, 32 Rial class, 32 Beley class) ($5760 + $2880 + $2880)

180-pt Cruiser
• Light line combatant, counter to light planetary fortifications
Nagaru Tanigawa class cruiser
• 64 ships ($11520)

250-pt Fleet Carrier
• Primary line support carrier
• 100-pt warship hull + 150-pt STL UCAV and manned fighter and FTL gunship force (192 x SQF-8 Ghost, 72 x SF-18E/F Super Nightmare, 72 x SF-26 Messiah, 72 x SF-28 Lucifer, 36 x SA-7 King Tiger)
Amuro Ray and Kira Yamato classes
• 16 ships (8 Ray class, 8 Yamato class) ($2000 + $2000)

250-pt Planetary Assault Ship
• 120-pt warship hull + 120-pt STL manned fighter and FTL gunship force (96 x SQF-8 Ghost, 144 x SF-18E/F Super Nightmare, 72 x SA-7 King Tiger) + 10-pt Imperial Marine Corps landing force
Ushijima class
• 8 ships ($2000)

360-pt Fast Battleship
• Primary line combatant, counter to all but the heaviest planetary fortifications
Bouken Desho Desho class
• 32 ships ($11520)

480-pt Supercarrier
• Carrier task force leader
• 120-pt warship hull + 360-pt STL UCAV and manned fighter and FTL gunship force (288 x SQF-8 Ghost, 144 x SF-18E/F Super Nightmare, 216 x SF-26 Messiah, 216 x SF-28 Lucifer, 72 x SA-7 King Tiger)
Kamina class
• 8 ships ($3840)

750-pt Super-Heavy Battleship
• Next-generation line combatant, designed as a cheaper alternative to the Takamachi class (see below)
Mio Akiyama and Homura Akemi classes
• 2 ships (HSS Mio Akiyama, HSS Homura Akemi) ($1500)

900-pt Super-Heavy Battleship
• Preposterously expensive next-generation line combatant, mostly shelved in favor of the Akiyama and Akemi classes (see above)
Nanoha Takamachi class
• 2 ships (HSS Nanoha Takamachi, HSS Fate T. Harlaown) ($1800)

SOS Imperial Guard
• 75000 troops/$1, 2.5x kit multiplier
• 135 million troops ($4500)

SOS Imperial Marine Corps
• 40000 troops/$1, 5x kit multiplier
• 36 million troops ($4500)

SOS Imperial Special Operations Command
• 4000 troops/$1, 16x kit multiplier
• 100000 troops ($400)
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2012-07-11 06:18am, edited 16 times in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Well, I worked up my own too. So here you go...and it is rather long...(by my standards):
EDIT: Changed Mobile Fleet to the Furling Navy.

The Republic of Arcadia

I. Founded a ‘long time ago’ the Republic of Arcadia is made up of mostly humans. They are descendents of people from the ‘fabled homeland of Terra’. They have a fiercely democratic/liberal style of government. That being said, the Arcadians are surprisingly lenient when it comes to other forms of government, and don’t have a set religion (the shear number of religions precludes that). They were formed from the survivors of a mass-exodus from Earth, and thus are very independent.

II. The Republic did not have an easy time getting to their current power. They had faced multiple attacks from marauding pirates and other, older, nations. This meant that while the Arcadian’s are welcoming of new people/ideas, they are very leery of people who they don’t know.

III. Once the Republic was consolidated, they set about forming a permanent government. All that their ancestors had given them was a set of guidelines…democratic, liberal, and for the Love of God (TM) do not let crazy people get a hold of nukes or bio-weapons. Even with these rather small ideas, the Republic was able to form a surprisingly stable government. They have a large Senate, with each of the systems represented, with High Senators for the Sectors themselves. They are all ruled over by the Grand President, elected from a massive political race involving all the systems of the Republic. But generally Arcadian’s proper win, since their Sector is the largest. The current President is from Kursk Sector however, for the first time in one hundred years.

IV. The military is formed by the Arcadia Space Defense Fleet, and the Arcadian Army:

Arcadian Navy:

.5 point Fighter:

• DF-05: Dragon

1 point Gunship:

• DG-02: Creuset

15 point Escort:

Serana Class (10 point hull/weapons)

• (+5 points of gunships)

• Number Operational: 300 ($3,000)

• Blade shape, with small wings on the side

• Escort vessel, used to patrol the Republic’s territory

50 point Frigate:

Amagi Class

• Number Operational: 170 ($8,500)

• UNSC Frigate clone

• Frigate, escort for destroyer squadrons

80 point Destroyer:

Tiger Class

• Number Operational: 100 ($8,000)

• Wedge design (B2 in SPAAACE)

• Smallest line warship, escort for Heavy Destroyers

95 point Heavy Destroyer:

Lion Class

• Number Operational: 80 ($7,600)

• Larger version of Tiger class

• Heavy Destroyer…leads destroyer flotillas in patrol missions

160 point Cruiser:

Musai Class

• 150 point hull, 10 in fighter/gunships

• Number Operational: 60 ($9,600)

Normandy SR-2

• Most efficient warship design, more powerful than average cruiser

200 point Battlecruiser:
Kiev Class

• Number Operational: 28 ($5,600)

• Super sized Daedalus class

• Smallest capital ship, used to swarm larger battleships

250 point Battleship:

Furling Class

• 200 point hull, 50 points in mixed fighter/gunships

• Number Operational: 15 ($3,750)

• Battlestar Pegasus clone

• Mid-range Arcadian cap-ship, powerful, but still produced in decent numbers

380 point Dreadnought:

Valkyrie Class

• 350 hull, 30 points in fighter/gunships

• Number Operational: 8 ($3,040)

• ISD clone

• Second most powerful Arcadian Cap-ship, very powerful warship

600 point Super-Dreadnought:

Asgard Class

• Number Operational: 5 ($3,000)

O’Neill class clone

• Most powerful Arcadian cap-ship…flagship for the various fleets.

900 point Furling Super-Dreadnought:

Naverra Class

Naverra ($900)

• Destiny from SGU…but 5 kilometers long

• Found drifting around the Furling Capital of Reach, the Naverra was the most powerful warship built for the Furling Empire. The Arcadians were feeling generous at the time, so they gifted it to the fledgling Furling Navy as their Flagship.


Arcadian First Fleet:

Home Base: Arcadia Sector


Asgard Class S-D Thor

2 Valkyrie Dreadnought

4 Furling Battleships

7 Kiev Battlecruisers

12 Musai Class Cruisers

15 Lion Class Heavy Destroyers

20 Tiger Class Destroyers

30 Amagi Class Frigates

50 Serana Class Escorts

Arcadian Second Fleet

Base: Reach Sector

Same as above

Third Fleet

Base: Kursk Sector


Fourth Fleet

Base: Miyazaki Sector


Fifth Fleet

Base: Spread among Berlin, London, and Nome Sectors


Furling Navy

64 ships of various classes

Based near the Arcadia Warp Gate to allow fast transit.

The Navy that Arcadia graciously built for their Furling Minority. Smaller than any single Arcadian Fleet, it is still a force to be reckoned with. It includes the most powerful warship in the Republic...the Furling Super-Dreadnought Naverra.

Detached Fleet of the P-23 Outpost

600 points overall

1x Musai Class Cruiser (Flagship)

160 points

ARS Kodzuki

3x Tiger Class Destroyers

240 points

ARS Leopard

ARS Panther

FES Marana

2x Amagi Class Frigates

100 points

FES Marsa

FES Savan

6 Serana Class Escorts

100 points (more or less)

ARS Blitz

ARS Slaget

ARS Svard

FES Masa

FES Nasan

FES Jarana


Arcadian Army:

Home Army:

• 200,000 troops/$ X2 modifier

• 301 million (3,100 points)

Republican Guard:

• 100,000 troops/$, X2 kit multiplier

• 150 million (2,000 points)

Furling Marines

• 50,000/$ X3 modifier

• 25 Million troops (2,000)

• Total Force: 476 million troops

V. Arcadia may not be large, but it is an economic powerhouse. A lot of focus goes towards the Economy and the sciences. It is a highly advanced power that has a strong economy because of that. Four trade routes are open however, and they are tied to the Bastian Star Empire, the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya, the Hellenic Confederacy, and the The Republic of New Romulus. Part of the population isn't human though, they are a near-human race with a name that no human can pronounce. The closest translation is Furling (yes lifted from Stargate). They are a blue-skinned race with brilliant green eyes and dark hair (lifted from my SG/SW fic). They are a minority, mostly clustered on Reach, where they were found recovering from an attack by an unknown enemy. Their population is roughly 4 billion.

Law: The Law of the Land in Arcadia is similar to the United States Law of the 21st Century. In other words, the Death Penalty is only for extreme crimes, and you have a right to a jury even in those cases. But there is one major change…if you do anything to endanger your people, you will face prison time at the LEAST. The Republic is very serious about keeping its people safe.

Language: The main language is English, but each Sector has a dominant tongue, relating to where they are descended from. Reach is dominatingly English, Kursk is Russian, Miyazaki is Japanese, Berlin is German, etc.

Overall GDP: $60, 000

Four Trade Routes: Bastian Star Empire (bilateral), The Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Hellenic Confederacy, and The New Romulus Republic.

One Warp Gate: The Arcadia Gate (Arcadia Sector)
The Furling Empire:

I. Arcadian Historians are still known to get into vicious debates on this subject. When the first colonists arrived in what would become the Republic, they found the ruins of an older race all over the place. All of them showed signs of battle damage, indicating a massive war at some point. But since the main goal was colonizing the planets, a lot of the ruins were demolished or re-built to allow settling from the human colonists. A handful were kept around for research purposes, but only a few. It was only a matter of time until the newly formed Arcadian Republic found the ones who built them though…

II. Those people were the Furlings, a race of blue skinned humanoids. They were first encountered on the planet Reach, which was one of the first to be colonized after the Republic was formed. The original theory was that they had evolved on that planet, and had never achieved any notable technical achievements. But the Furlings themselves had quite a different story when they were finally able to learn the various Arcadian languages (refer to ‘History of Arcadia’ page 245 for more information). The Furlings claimed to have once controlled all of the territory that now belonged to the Republic, in addition to several nearby sectors. This was hard to believe for the Arcadian historians, naturally, but the Furlings claimed to have a way to prove it.

III. The way they proved it was getting access to the building that would soon become the Grand President’s Mansion on Arcadia herself. The building had at one point been the Museum of History for the Furling Empire, and its basement still held the archives. The most important Furling Historian alive at the time was able to activate the mainframe and show the history of his people to the various Arcadians present.

IV. The Furling Empire had first risen to power seven thousand years before the publication of this volume (3298). They were a powerful society, which controlled a dozen sectors. But they were not a violent race by nature, having cast off that particular nature when they reached the stars. In point of fact, the first thing they had done once gaining power was to proclaim themselves ‘Guardians’ for any underdeveloped race near their territory. That would lead to conflict with the Gray Kritarchy, the Bastian Star Empire (OOC: Or would it still be the Neithan Union at that point?), and the Kryptonians. The Gray’s wanted to experiment on the people of Sol, while the Bastians (OOC: or Neithans) wanted to uplift them. The Kryptonians were somewhere in the middle. But the Furlings refused to make distinctions…they saw it as their duty to protect the Humans on Earth from interference, of any kind.

V. Unfortunately this is where Furling history ends, as they were wiped out by someone soon after this record was compiled. No one, not even the Furlings themselves, know who did it. All that is known, is the once mighty Furling Empire was reduced down to Reach and Cestus, and they were stripped of all spacecraft. But a renaissance of sorts has started, as the Furlings are reaching for the stars once more as a part of the Arcadian Republic. See ‘Arcadian/Furling Alliance’ by Hans Brumer for more details.


NCP usage: (30 to start with)

One Home Sector: 9 NCP (7 on HS, 1 on GDP increase, one on Warp Gate),

Arcadia Sector: Named after the homeworld of Arcadia, the AS is the oldest sector in the Republic. Oldest is a relative term of course, since the Republic is a newcomer (relatively speaking) to the Galactic front. This is the most developed sector in the Republic, and as such has the highest GDP and one of only two Warp Gates. It is also the most well respected. There are four main systems, Arcadia, Horizon, Farsight, and Makar. In addition to that, there are a large number of space colonies.

Population: 52 Billion

GDP: $17,000

One Core Sector: 6 NCP (5 on CS, 1 on GDP increase)

Reach Sector: The second sector colonized by the Arcadians, Reach is slightly smaller population wise than Arcadia herself. But it has the second strongest economy, which gives it large clout in the Arcadian Senate. It is also home to the largest shipyards in the Republic (more detail later). It has four main systems, Reach, Cestus, Bakar, and Seranna.

Population: 41 billion

GDP: $12,000

One Core Sector: 5 NCP

Kursk Sector: The more recently (relatively speaking) founded of the Arcadian Core Sectors…the Kursk sector is the outlier of the pair. It has a smaller population, and a weaker economy. But it is still a powerful sector in its own right, just not on the level of the older races (and older Republic sectors). Mostly populated by Russian Colonists. There are four main systems, Kursk, Moscow, Kiev, and St. Petersburg.

Population: 38 billion

GDP: $10,000

One Mid-Range Sector: 3 NCP

Miyazaki Sector: The only Mid-Range Sector in the Republic, the Miyazaki Sector is mostly populated by the Japanese portion of the Arcadian Republic’s population. It is small by most anyone’s standards, but since its people came from a small nation, they don’t care. The MS is fiercely independent, thus any attack on it, be it from pirates or another nation, is met with fierce reprisals. This also makes it hard to control from Arcadia. There are four main systems, Miyazaki, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo.

Population: 26 billion

GDP: 8,000

One Colony Sector: 1 NCP

Berlin Sector: The oldest Colony is the Berlin Sector, but it is still newly founded. It is small, very small, but still as well populated as it can be considering its age. It has the strongest economy of the colonies, but that isn’t saying much. If it weren’t for patriotic fervor instilled in all Arcadians, they would have declared independence by now. Three major systems, Berlin, Danzig, and Hamburg.

Population: 2 billion

GDP: $4,000

One Colony Sector: 1 NCP

London Sector: The London Sector is the second colony sector, thus it doesn't have much tactical value. All it does have is space for an expanding population, from its three major systems, London, Canterbury, and Wales.

Population: 1.7 billion

GDP: $3,000

One Colony Sector: 1 NCP

Nome Sector: Named after a famous Alaskan city from the ‘fabled homeland of Terra’, the Nome sector is the furthest out of the Arcadian Colonies. Thus it was given to the New Furling Empire as a gift. Very few people actually lived in Nome, so it was soon re-populated with the Furlings.

Population: 6 billion

GDP: $2,000

One Colony Sector: 1 NCP

Marsa Sector: The first sector given to the New Furling Empire, the Marsa sector is the furthest out the Furlings ever expanded. Thus it was never colonized by the Arcadians, leaving it as an easy addition to the New Furling Empire.

Population: 8 billion

GDP: $2,000
Last edited by Skywalker_T-65 on 2012-06-26 10:13pm, edited 20 times in total.
SDNW5: Republic of Arcadia...Sweden in SPAAACE
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Scottish Ninja »

The Volscian Confederacy

Vast, sprawling, and run-down, the Volscian Confederacy was once dominated by its native humanoid Volsci people, though waves of human, near-human, and other humanoid settlement have since diluted their control over what was once their sole territory. They accepted the immigrants, however, and so all natives of the Confederacy now call themselves Volsci, no matter their race.

The Confederacy has been in a long decline, however, and many of the people who once settled the "infinite worlds of the Volsci" hope for the opportunity to leave for greener pastures. There are still many fortunes to be had, though...


The Volscian Confederacy is theoretically ruled by the Congress of the Volsci, acting as a single legislative, executive, and judicial body, with various members appointed to manage the ministries and courts. In practice, the Congress has lost much of its authority and ability to control outlying regions; many seats in the Grand Hall are left unfilled and many others simply fail to show up; the remainder has grown increasingly erratic despite the efforts of a few reformers. The people theoretically have the ability to denounce a member of Congress and have him ejected, through the ancient custom of a crowd filling the plaza before the Congressional Palace and shouting for their removal; this is one reason the Plaza of Confederation is so stupidly huge.

Much administration therefore falls to more local administrations, which to a large extent achieve a basic competency of keeping the electricity and water flowing, the garbage picked up, and the streets policed, whether these are legitimate governments operating under some semblance of Congressional authority, major corporations stepping in to maintain some stability, or organized crime keeping the peace - some of these even in districts of Corioli City. Outlying areas have greater difficulties, to the extent that many are largely ungoverned at all.


The Volscian Army and the Volscian Navy are theoretically the only legal armed forces of the Volscian Confederacy; again in practice, these two heavily atrophied arms have been insufficient to actually defend the Confederacy and they have been complemented by a vast array of local defense forces, militias both private and public, corporate militaries, private military corporations (as the more legitimate mercenaries prefer to call themselves),,less pretentious mercenaries, pirates moonlighting as mercenaries, and pirates.


25 + 12 NCPs: 37 total ( :P )

2 Core Sectors (10 NCP, 20000 GDP)
5 Midrange Sectors (15 NCP, 30000 GDP)
8 Colony Sectors (8 NCP, 16000 GDP )
1 Colony Sector + GDP boost (2 NCP, 4000 GDP)
2 Trade Routes (2 NCP, +4000 GDP)
"If the flight succeeds, you swipe an absurd amount of prestige for a single mission. Heroes of the Zenobian Onion will literally rain upon you." - PeZook
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »


Due to its expansionistic tendencies, the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya has come into conflict with several minor nations.

Mod permission has been obtained to keep their orders of battle secret.

Belkan Empire

The short version: Ace Combat IN SPACE, plus liberal helpings of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Killzone, and Valkyria Chronicles.

The long version: The Belkan Empire started life as a splinter state formed from remnants of the Zeonic Federation and exiles from the Zodiac Alliance. After settling in the Belka Sector, they largely renounced the usage of mecha, which they believed were a major contributing factor to Zeon and the Zodiac's ultimate defeats at the Holy Empire's hands; their military was subsequently reorganized along more conventional lines, with a distinct emphasis on starfighter combat and ESPer training. Their own expansionistic tendencies have led them into repeated conflicts with the Holy Empire, though they have still managed to carve out a significant niche for themselves, with control over the entire Mid-Childa Sector and portions of the Axis and Al-Hazard Sectors; an attempt to colonize the Sera Sector was thwarted by a combination of Haruhiist interference and the sector's own native fauna. In recent years, Belkan leaders have begun setting their sights on the neighboring Volscian Confederacy, as well as other independent settlements in their immediate vicinity...

In the modern age, Belka has attained much notoriety for its mercenary ESPers and starfighter pilots, who are among the best soldiers that money can buy; as such, there is often high demand for Belkan mercenaries, and the prices they charge for their services can be just as high.



Sector capital world: Greater Belka
Other inhabited worlds: Anea, Helghan, Usea, Verusea


Sector capital world: Mid-Childa
Other inhabited worlds: Carnaaji, Fedikia, Ruwella, Vaizen

Partially controlled

Sector capital world: Al-Hazard
Other inhabited worlds: Galea, Shutra

Partially controlled; disputed territory with Holy Empire, Neo Zeon

Sector capital world: Valahia
Other inhabited worlds: Alzas, Supools



The Covenant

The short version: The organization of the same name from Halo painted with broad strokes, with some elements of the Tau from Warhammer 40K added for additional flavor.

The long version: In centuries past, the various alien races that comprise the modern-day Covenant were thralls of an advanced spacefaring civilization, who were overthrown and subsequently genocided in a massive slave revolt. The nascent Covenant then descended into an equally bloody and lengthy civil war, during which even more races were wiped out; two of the more influential slave races, the San 'Shyuum and the Sangheili, ultimately formed an alliance and brought an end to the civil war by using a combination of reclaimed technology and superior martial prowess to force the other survivors to submit. United under their belief in the "Great Journey," the Covenant took to the stars, conquering more planets and assimilating more races into their fold.

That all changed when their colonizing fleets encounted those of the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya. The ensuing war between the two was long and bloody, though it ultimately resulted in the Covenant being forced to halt their conquests for the time being. Much of their time is now spent replenishing their losses and covertly expanding into unclaimed sectors of space, waiting for the proper moment to bring down the heretics and their pathetic empire.



Known inhabited worlds: Basis, Doisac, Eayn, Janjur Qom, Palamok, Sanghelios

Partially controlled

Known inhabited worlds: Decided Heart, Joyous Exultation, Weeping Shadows of Sorrow

Partially controlled; disputed territory with Holy Empire

Known inhabited worlds: Ariadne, Meticette, Zavarov


Known inhabited worlds: Balaho, Michtam, Miltia, Te, Zohar



Neo Zeon

The short version: Gundam pastiche.

The long version: Neo Zeon is the last surviving remnant of the old Zeonic Federation. Though largely confined to a single planet (Axis) and a smattering of space colonies within the Axis Sector immediately after the conclusion of the Zeon-Zodiac War, Neo Zeon has managed to recolonize the Federation's former heartland in the Zeon Sector, though its grip on these territories is considered tenuous at best. They are considered by both the Haruhiists and the Belkans as backwards, pathetic, and generally not worth the effort of conquering. Even so, they still maintain a considerable standing military for a nation of their size, though much of their equipment is considered behind the galactic standard.


Partially controlled; disputed territory with Holy Empire, Belka

Capital world: Axis
Other settlements: Various space colonies within the Axis system


Sector capital world: Zeon
Other inhabited worlds: Dacia, Karlsland, Moesia, Ostmark, Venezia


Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2012-04-28 02:54am, edited 2 times in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Darkevilme »

The Chamarran Hierarchy
"That there exists a nation whose reason for existence could be cynically summarized as 'Revenge' is a fact that perturbs me almost as much as that there exists a species who can harbour a grudge undimmed for a millenia."
Maximalipus, Scholar

The Hierarchy is a relatively new nation in the galaxy formed some forty eight years ago by the arrival of the Chamarran invasion fleet and the grand army of the subjugation. Even the republic of Makay the greatest of the second frontier states was unprepared for so large and unified an adversary. At the time little was known about the Chamarrans beyond their dogmatic desire to subjugate humanity, a task at which they only relented when further conquest would leave their forces unable to consolidate their control. Once the Hierarchy's borders had stabilized however the full story was revealed as the Hierarchy agreed to accept diplomatic overtures.

The Chamarran species are the product of a human genetic engineering program to create super soldiers. This program was aborted when the results proved insufficiently obedient however as it turned out said results objected to the termination this would entail. The problem was thought eliminated when timely weapons fire resulted in a thoroughly spectacular hyper-drive accident as the ship the results were aboard transited to hyperspace.

As it happened the assumption of their death was somewhat premature. The Chamarrans were transported far beyond mankind's knowledge and over the subsequent near millenia the Chamarrans built their own civilization and technologies. All while developing a warped ideology based on surpassing their creators and in doing so gaining the power to render a natural order in which they would be the masters to their creators. The vast distance would of kept them from realizing their goals however were it not for the discovery of the Perseid gate. The Perseid's from what the Chamarran's were able to piece together were an alien race that either went extinct or abandoned this area of the galaxy leaving certain pieces of technology intact in their wake such as a warp gate network.

Using this network the Chamarrans were able to enact their conquest of the worlds of man, a flotilla of ships were transited through the warp gate near their homeworld and assembled a framework of their primitive faster than light engines around the gate. That done they set the gate on a course towards Earth that would last many centuries. Forty eight years ago the gate came to rest in orbit around a singularly uninteresting star that was noteworthy only for being a point at which the intricate mathematics of subspace would allow the gate to establish a link to its distant kin and the assessment of its on board computer that the chances of discovering another such point of convergence before reaching earth or the last of its engines expiring were unfavourable.

It was from this gate that the Chamarran invasion fleet emerged, all human worlds in its vicinity now the property of the Hierarchy and their population thralls of the myriad clans.

Organizationally the Hierarchy lives up to its name in being a feudal dominance Hierarchy of clans. The standing of the various clans is a complicated mix of achievements, number of vassals and holdings and general prestige. Each clan swears fealty to a clan above it in the Hierarchy in a pyramid that is capped with the Queen. The queen is a member of house Kithandra which descends directly from Kit who was the sister of Cham, the liberator of their species. Humans in the Hierarchy are in general treated well, the Chamarran's warped sense of surpassing their creators thankfully extended to being more ethical masters, however this treatment is somewhat offset by the severe curtailment of freedoms. Any rebellion against the Hierarchy by a human is punished with execution with the reason given that “It is exactly the standard you set for us.” and no humans are permitted to function in the Hierarchy without swearing fealty to one of the clans.
Diplomatic relations with nations generally depend on the standing of humanity within them. Nations that are human dominate are generally filed under 'future targets' while nations with humanity in a less dominate role are generally considered 'Hierarchy like enough' to satisfy the Chamarran ideology.

One exception to this principle is the League of Thought, both cause the Chamarran's are pragmatic enough to know that subjugating the League is never going to be feasible and because the origins and nature of the League lend credence to the groups that advocate considering them a breed apart.

Alien societies are dealt with on a case by case basis as the Chamarran mindset was not prepared to discover known space teeming with non human life when they returned. In all honesty this like many areas of the Hierarchy's social outlook is still solidifying so early after their formation.

The Hierarchy maintains no diplomatic contact with the Perseus arm. One third of their population chose to abandon their liberator's great commission and remain behind and while they parted without conflict it was agreed that as their goals have now diverged they will have no more to do with eachother.

Territory: 35 NCP GDP: 69000

7 Home sector x1 ($14000)
5 Core sector x1 ($10000)
9 Midrange sectors x3 ($18000)
11 Colony sectors x11 ($22000)
1 relocated Perseid warp gate(x1): $1000 gdp
2 trade routes: $4000 gdp
Capellan trade route
UISC trade route

Capellan trade route reciprocal: $500
UISC trade route reciprocal: $500

Chamarran warships:
The initial appearance of Chamarran ships caused the humans to under estimate them during the crusade. The curved, streamlined, shapes trimmed in gleaming metal looked more like pleasure vessels than warships. The invading forces did not take long however to disabuse humanity of this misconception. Swift and armed with lethal beamcannon emitters, thermonuclear missiles and mass drivers every Chamarran warship proved capable of inflicting swift and dire injuries on the forces that opposed them.

17600 for 44
Dominion class destroyer: 400 pts (250/144/6). Complement: 24 packs of prowlers (144 craft, 1pt each) Dominion's are the backbone of the Chamarran fleet, powerful warships with the power projection ability to exert control over a sector.

19200 for 192
Predator class cruiser. 100 pts. (100/0/0). Predator's are designed to enter fleet engagements in packs and are depended on to play a significant role in breaking the strength of the enemy. Their over emphasized forward arc makes them work best engaging targets their own weight or larger.

7200 for 90
Carnivore class missile cruiser. 80 pts (80/0/0)
When what became the Hierarchy was fully conquered and peace was secured the chamarrans were left with a great many cruisers lost or heavily damaged and an infrastructure and tech base from captured territories that was unsuited to the creation of their own divergent technology. The Carnivore was a stop gap measure, built using native tech the Carnivore is a missile cruiser built as a stand in for the more sophisticated Predators. As such the Carnivore entirely lacks direct fire armament and will be served poorly by short range engagements.

4980 for 83
Hunter class stealth cruiser. 60 pts. (60/0/0)
A nightmare during the crusade war the Hunter is a stealthed raider of convoys, supply bases and other targets of opportunity. Activity of these warships greatly contributed to the lack of a human counter offensive.

3020 for 151
Shadow class stealth carrier. 20 pts (8/12/0). Complement: two packs of prowlers (12 craft, 1 pt each)
The Shadow was originally tasked as a pocket carrier intended to add mobility to Chamarran prowler packs. However the Chamarran mindset led to these vessels becoming light warships in their own right and capable of performing their original task without being seen.

Prowler $1 each
The Standard Chamarran FTL fighter with a crew of two. Modular mounts allow for the craft to perform a variety of roles though typically they serve as scouts, interceptors or bombers.

Ground forces: 18000
Chamarran infantry are well equipped by the galactic standard, personal shields and beam rifles make for a powerful combination that puts your average feline warrior on par offensively and defensively with power armour. This shield technology can be extended to any legged vehicle and in turn increases the potency of their actual power armour and mecha forces.

Armies of the noble clans: 14000 Regular quality 700 million personnel equipment: x2
Each clan can pledge warriors to the service of their leigeclan and in turn earn that prestige. As a result each of the noble clans has a hierarchy of warriors at their command which can be fielded beyond the Hierarchy's border at the Queen's request.

Grand army of the subjugation: 4000 Guard quality 50million personnel equipment: x4
The Grand army of the subjugation is a holdover from the crusade era and originally represented the entire Hierarchy planetside force structure. When the crusade ended the personnel and other resources of the clans were re-allocated to form their own armies. The queen of the era chose to preserve the grand army and offer pride to those unwanted souls who were not being taken for their leigeclan's forces. Now smaller the grand army is maintained directly by the queen's purse and takes recruits who pledge themselves for the duration of their enlistment to the royal house over any other clan affiliation. They are unified, highly trained, well motivated and most of all very heavily armed.

Technological marvels of Chamarran superiority:

Bounce ports: called bouncers or 'ports depending on who you're talking to.
Bounce ports are a form of teleporter that uses a dimensional ricochet to reach their destination, hence the name. A bounce port can operate station to station or station to receiver. The latter has the advantage that said receivers are far cheaper and rugged enough to survive being used in boarding torpedoes or dropped from orbit. The downside of receivers is that while a station to station port can be conducted without protection anything taking a to-receiver bounce without a forcefield will be significantly damaged. This goes some way to explain the prevalence of mecha in the Chamarran ground force arsenal. Tanks are too small to use starship shields and have too much ground contact to employ a scaled up version of the personal forcefield. Therefore a mecha can be deployed to the battle field much faster even if a tank is both equally potent and cheaper.

PU: Power Unit or Pocket Universe
A potent piece of dimensional engineering power units create a closed off bubble of space time that is not confined by normal geometry. As energy is added the internal volume expands without raising the diameter of the bubble. Power Units are used in place of antimatter or other forms of power to provide the necessary energy densities to sustain space combat. Each Power Unit is capable of storing a theoretically infinite amount of energy due to the variable volume. However as stored charge increases so does inefficiency of increasing the charge, after a certain point power units are deemed too wasteful to be charged up further. When damaged Power Units have a safety system that can eject them lightyears away by virtue of the aforementioned Bounce Port technology conducting a destination'less port. However should damage be sufficient to damage both the safety system and power unit simultaneously the bubble would collapse back into realspace in the vessel's interior. The results of this are typically spectacular.

Beam technology:
Beam weaponry employs exotic particles that have the unique property of behaving without inertia when exposed to a certain energy field. This makes their acceleration to near lightspeed a trivial matter and makes beam weaponry potent indeed and a mainstay of Chamarran armaments. Beam cannons mounted on starships are capable of generating the necessary particles in the moments before firing. Beam rifles and most vehicle beams however must get their particles from stabilized particle canisters, which serve as ammunition for chamarran ground forces.

Rip generator:
A weapon mounted on the bow of each Chamarran destroyer the Rip generator can create a dimensional 'Rip' in proximity to enemy starships. These rips are capable of ravaging starships with the emissions of exotic radiation and even of drawing in entire vessels which are then never seen again. Luckily for human captains the monstrous energy requirements and significant lead time of the Rip generator leads to the Chamarrans being disinclined to use these nightmarish weapons with any degree of regularity.
Last edited by Darkevilme on 2012-04-29 10:40pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Rabid »

They live among the Stars in gigantic starships, roaming around the galaxy, always moving, never settling anywhere.
They are everywhere, and the races composing their society are too many and too diverse to count.
Their culture is ever changing and more diverse than a human mind could conceive.

They are the Community. They are the Stellar Nation.

The Doxa is :
1 – The Religion
2 – The Holy Book
3 – The “Government” and its body of law
of the Stellar Nation

Sectors under protection of or belonging to the Stellar Nation :

Terminus / “Journey's End”
[colony sector + warp-gate ; $3000 GDP]

Only the “Home” system is inhabited by the Community. It contain the planet Revelation (“Where He Saw The Light”), spiritual center of the Doxa. The system contain a non-negligible amount of the Nation's shipyards, and most of its military ones, which benefit from the abundant resources of the system's asteroid belts.
The sector and the neighboring ones are one nearly continuous hyperspace shoal, only a few pathways allowing safe if slow passage from the rest of the galaxy into the “Home” system. This makes the warp-gate of Home the only viable way to travel between the system and the rest of the galaxy.
Pirate activities on the fringes of the Shoal in the neighboring sectors are high.
“Where He Saw The Light” / Revelation :

The only “habitable” planet in the nominal possession of the Stellar Nation.
It is the spiritual center of their whole Civilization.

Revelation is a rough translation of the Stellar name of the planet, of which one of the closest translation is “Where He Saw The Light”, in reference to the fact that it is the planet on which the Prophet was revealed the teachings of the Flame.

It is a barren world, too close from its sun for human comfort, with a global mean temperature of around 30°C, and with spots around the equator where the temperature can locally go well over 100°C. Archeological evidences demonstrate that this world was inhabited millions of years ago by a xeno-civilization, the craters dating back from this period suggesting a possible reason as to why the planet was found uninhabited.
The atmosphere of Revelation is mostly residual, the planet's biosphere slowly dying out as the planet move toward its sun. Its relative thinness and low level of oxygen force the use of re-breathers when outside for long periods of time or when executing physically intensive tasks.

It is one of the Pillars of the Doxa that each Believer has to go on a pilgrimage to Revelation at least once during its lifetime, and as such the planet see hundreds of millions of pilgrims each years. When not following the Trail, they stay at the only city on the planet, situated at its south pole. Catering to the Pilgrims is the only industry of the city, and by extension the planet.

Only the Believers are allowed to set foot on the planet.

Revelation's Star System : “Our Collective Home” / Home

(all names are rough translation from the Stellar language)

Star : 1 => “Light” - Type G1, 0.9 Sun Masses. 'Naked' eye color : yellow tending toward red.

Planets : 5

1 : “Gehenna” : Closest planet to the system's sun. A neptune-class gas giant in the latest stages of its transformation into a Chtonian planet [ref :]. Very bright in the night-sky. Emit a dull red glow from the nocturne side.

A : Inner Asteroid Belt : Mostly composed of Iron & Nickel. Present a large amount of heavy elements. One the Nation's main hub of Shipbuilding Activities, with the system's Second Asteroid Belt and the shipyards of “The Hub”

2 : “Where He Saw The Light” / Revelation : on the inner edge of the system's Goldilock zone. The planet has no moon.

3 : “The Sprite” : This tiny planet devoid of any atmosphere and presenting a lunar surface is theorized to have been the moon of Revelation before the series of cosmological event which radically changed the face of the system.

B : Second Asteroid Belt : Similar composition and mass in the same order of magnitude as the inner belt. Important center of shipbuilding activities. See “inner asteroid belt” above.

4 : “Gate” : Jupiter-class gas giant.
The Warp-Gate in low orbit, at the bottom of the planet's massive gravity-well, and the fact that the whole sector and the neighboring ones are hyperspace-shoals make it the only viable entry into the system. Fusion torches burning the atmosphere of the gas giant produce the energy necessary to power the gate.
Extremely well-defended, Inward (against possible intruders coming from the Gate) and Outward (from people having crossed the shoals in normal Hyperspace and who want to attack the Gate).

C : Outer Asteroid Belt : very thin, mostly composed of various kind of ices. Likely to be the remains of a gas giant.

5 : “The-Planet-That-Is-Death” / Death :
Far from the star, in the cold expanses of the system's Kuiper Belt, lay a solitary planet. Almost nothing is known for sure about it, as any object approaching it closer than one AU is destroyed or simply disappear. Stranger, Hyperspace does not exist in the corresponding region of space surrounding Death. It is theorized that the planet is the source of the hyperspace shoals in this region of the galaxy, which span this sector and the neighboring ones.
Individuals of higher-than-average psionic potential tend to suffer from various headache-like symptoms when less than 7 AU away from the planet, symptoms which progressively worsen to include hallucinations, paranoid delusions and heightened aggressiveness the closer they get to Death.
The only things known for sure about Death is that the planet's surface is totally covered in metallic constructions, the celestial body's exceptional brightness in the infrared spectrum suggesting that whatever lay in it is producing incredible amounts of energy.
For fear of what sleeping giant may be awoken, the Nation has been ensuring since its birth that no one try to trespass an exclusion sphere of 8 AU around Death.
The Nation has a deep and superstitious fear of “The-Planet-That-Is-Death”, and it has left a profound impact on their culture.

The Hub
[core sector + 2 x GDP upgrade + warp-gate ; $15,000 GDP]

This sector holding a central position in the known galaxy is the commercial and cultural hub of the Stellar Nation. It contain the planet on which the Prophet was born (Cradle / “Where He Was Born”).
The sector is bustling with activity originating from the constant flux of people and merchandise traversing it.
Aside from Cradle, which is under a special regime, the few other inhabited planet of the sector are independent from the Stellar Nation, if under its protectorate.

Ascension / “Where He Became One With The Flame”
[colony sector + warp-gate ; $3000 GDP]

In this nebula full of young & nascent stars, it is said that the Prophet ascended to another plane of existence and became one with the Flame.
The sector is empty of habitable planets, but is full of harvestable resources for the Nation's industries.
It also contain a black-hole, remain of the supernova which gave birth to the Sector's nebula.

The Stellar Nation has also ten Nomad Fleets, distributed amongst ten “Nomad Sectors”, pieces of unclaimed territories scattered around the galaxy.

10 x Nomad Sectors
[colony sector ; $2000 GDP each, $20,000 GDP total]

"Trade Routes" of the Stellar Nation

Outbound (from us to them, + $2000 GDP for us, + $500 GDP for them) :
- Capellan Authority (Allies)
- Goddamn Bees (Allies)
- Arcadia (Allies)
- Cerna (Allies)
- The Commonwealth
- Hellenic Confederacy
- Bastian Star Empire
- Volscian Confederacy
- The Rats (name ?)

Inbound (from them to us, + $500 GDP for us, + $2000 GDP for them) :
- Capellan Authority (Allies)
- Bastian Star Empire

Doxa's Navy

Doxa's Annual GDP : $60,000

13 x Sector Fleet (2500 points each ; 32,500 point total )
1 x Reserve Fleet (26,500 point total)

Sector Fleet :

1 x 200-point Battleship (serve as Sector HQ for defense purpose)
5 x 100-point Cruiser
10 x 80-point Escort-Cruiser [60-point own armament ; 20 point => 10 x 2-point gunboat]
20 x 50-point Frigate

Reserve Fleet :

15 x 500-point Pacifier
20 x 200-point Battleship
60 x 100-point Cruiser
100 x 80-point Destroyer
20 x 100-point Escort-Carrier [40-point own armament ; 60 point => 30 x 2-point gunboat]

Total number, hull-type :

15 x 500-point Pacifier
33 x 200-point Battleship
125 x 100-point Cruiser
20 x 100-point Escort-Carrier [40-point own armament ; 60 point => 30 x 2-point gunboat]
130 x 80-point Escort-Cruiser [60-point own armament ; 20 point => 10 x 2-point gunboat]
100 x 80-point Destroyer
260 x 50-point Frigate
Last edited by Rabid on 2012-04-06 11:26am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Dark Hellion »

The Chi-Sqee-Squeek

Space rats... in SPAAAAAAACE!

Kind and friendly, the Chi-Sqee-Squeek (or Sqee as they are generally called) are a group of rodent-like sentients who over the last few hundred years have built a thriving polity based on interstellar trade and mediation. The Sqee as slightly shorter than a meter tall and look to most humans like large anthropomorphic rats. They are ambidextrous and have hands capable of very fine movement which makes them experts at the manufacturing of precision parts, microcircuitry and other miniaturized systems. Their feet also have opposable toes and can be used to hold things in zero-gee with dexterity around what an untrained human could muster. They have a tail which helps them balance in low-gee environments and is capable of some mild prehensile operations.

The Sqee are highly cautious, to the point of appearing cowardly to many other nations but this has rendered them as very capable peacekeepers and traders.


Sqee Sector
[Home Sector 7pts; $14,000; Population 500 billion rats]

Chi Sector
[Core Sector 5pts; $10,000; Population 360 billion rats]

Nyork Sector
[Core Sector 5pts; $10,000; Population 400 billion rats]

ChiTown Sector
[Midrange Sector 3pts; $6,000; Population 245 billion rats]

Colony Sectorsx6
Names to be determined
[Colony Sectors x6 1ptsx6; $2,000x6; population ~75-100 billion rats each

Trade Routes
Outbound $2000 us + $500 them
Stellar Nation
Hellenic Confederacy
Space Bees (Delicious Honey)
Dwarven Conclave

Inbound $500 us + $2000 them
Stellar Nation
Hellenic Confederacy
Dwarven Conclave
Taking offers from everyone but those sneaky, predatory cats!

OOB ($1000 unallocated)
GDP: Current $64,000

Sqee Navy $40,000

Badger Class Battleship
$100x50 = $5,000 total

Snake Class Battleship
$90x50 = $4,500 total

Capybara Class Cruiser
$75x60 = $4500 total

Muskrat Class Heavy Destroyer
$50x100 = $5000 total

Weasel Class Stealth Destroyer
$50x60 = $3000 total

Chipmunk Class Assault Carrier
$5+$25 Gunboats+$20 Fighters; $50x60 = $3000 total

Rabbit Class Fast Patrol Ship
$25x150 = $3750 total

Groundhog Class Assault Transport
$5+$15 Troops+$5 Fighters; $25x100 = $2500 total

Ermine Class Stealth Frigate
$25x150= $3750 total

Mouse Class Frigate
$10x500 = $5000 total

Mantis Gunboat
$2x? = total [in carriers]

Wasp Missile boat
$1x? = total [in carriers]

Beetle Heavy Fighter
$0.5x? = total [in carriers]

Dungbeetle Heavy bomber
$0.5x? = total [in carriers]

Butterfly Aerospace Superiority Fighter
$0.5x? =total [in carriers]

Ant Fighter
$0.1x? = total [in carriers]

Sqee Army $11,000

PDF: 200,000/$ x1 Equipment
$5000 total = 1 Billion Troops

PDF Reserves: 500,000/$ x =1 Equipment
$1000 total = 5 Billion Troops

Marines: 100,000/$ x 2 Equipment
$2500 total = 125 Million Troops

Mobile Infantry: 50,000/$ x2 Equipment
$1000 total = 25 Million Troops

Special Forces: 50,000/$ x5 Equipment
$500 total = 5 Million Troops

Battlemice Mechanized Infantry: 30,000/$ x10 Equipment
$1000 total = 3 Million Troops

Special Combat, Assassination, Vengeance, Espionage Nest [Scaven]
Navy $10,000

Honey Badger Class Stealth Battleship
$150x10 = $1500 total

Rattlesnake Class Heavy Battleship
$150x10 = $1500 total

Otter Class Stealth Cruiser
$100x10 = $1000 total

Wombat Class Heavy Assault Carrier
$10+$40 Gunboats+$40 Fighters+$10 Troops; $100x5= $500 total

Platypus Class Stealth Destroyer
$75x10 = $750 total

Weasel Class Stealth Destroyer
$50x25 = $1250 total

Rabbit Class Fast Patrol Ship
$25x40 = $1000 total

Groundhog Class Assault Transport
$5+$15 Troops+$5 Fighters; $25x50 = $1250 total

Ermine Class Stealth Frigate
$25x50 = $1250 total

Praying Mantis Gunboat
$3x? = total [all in carriers]

Hornet Missile Boat
$2x ?= total [all in carriers]

Army Ant Strike Fighter
$0.5x? = total [all in carriers]

Army $4000

VERMIN [Very Elite Rat Mechanized Infantry Nest]: 20,000/$ x 5 Equipment
$3000 total = 12 Million Troops

VERMIN Battlemice: 20,000/$ x 10 Equipment
$1000 total = 2 Million Troops
Last edited by Dark Hellion on 2012-05-01 05:57pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Beowulf »

The Clans of Tirnanog
23 NCP
1 Core Sector ~40 billion citizens
5 Midrange Sector ~24 billion citizens ea
1 Warp gate
2 Trade Routes - Umeria & TBD
$45k ~162.7 billion citizens

Short form: The Clans
Demonym: Clansmen

The government of the Clans is complex, in part due to the fact that while the King is supreme, he is also only as strong as his ability to rally the Clan heads to his banner. If he cannot maintain control, then he is quickly, and semi-ceremoniously, replaced with someone the Clan heads trust more. The King's primary duties are to keep conflict between the Clans to a low simmer, and to provide a united face to the galaxy at large.

The Clans administer the various planets through a feudal system. A Great Clan typically controls multiple systems, but only one directly. The remaining systems they control are administered by lesser, subsidiary Clans. Systems occasionally change hands, whether by main force, or by a lesser clan changing allegiance.

There are currently 5 Great clans: Sung, Tang, Hong, Fang, McSweeney. Each controls roughly a sector.

The clans did not initially begin as clans. Rather, it started off as a rather straight-forward democracy. There was a president, a bicameral legislature, an indepedant judiciary, et al. Then a brilliant group of criminals had an idea: if they completely controlled the government, then they wouldn't be criminals. Everything they did would be legal. And so they set about to do just that. It took some time, but by the election of 2556, they had amassed enough people in various positions to stage their takeover. When the dust settled, the five major crime families had set themselves up as undisputed masters of the land. To arbitrate between them, they chose an unaligned person, and set him up as President for life. Several decades later, a different president chose to rename his position to King.

It is possibly notable that four of the five major crime families were from a group known on Old Earth as the Triads. The last was an export from the United States, loosely connected with the Irish Mob.

The Clans tend to be prickly about honor. This doesn't necessarily mean that they'll shoot you dead for insulting you, but does mean that they'll do what they say, even to their detriment. One of the defining quotes they have adopted is: "Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather." An Admiral will cheerfully send millions of men to the death, if it services a military object that requires such. Suicide missions are easily contemplated.

In the late 2700s, the technology necessary to bring back someone from the dead was perfected, and made available to all. The ability to do so depends heavily on technomagic, and relates to the belief that humans have a soul, as well as the belief that those who don't have a soul should be destroyed.

They still rely primarily on fusion and solar power as primary energy sources. Secondary storage devices are dominated by Torque Converters, which store energy in magitech based micro-torsion cells. They are less weight efficient than anti-matter, approximately 1/5 as much energy per kilogram as anti-matter. They share a slight disadvantage, in that loss of containment can result in

Small arms:
Drilling - The drilling is the standard long arm used by the Clansmen. It has 3 separate barrels, used for micro grenades, solid slugs, as well as laser beams.

The military consists of the Royal Spaceforce, as well as the forces of the 5 clans. The Royal Spaceforce is theoretically neutral in conflicts between Clans. However, since it recruits from the forces of the Clans, this is fairly theoretical. It is rare for RST ships to take part in conflicts though, but rather officers will take leave to participate. Clan forces are relatively standardized within a Clan, however, there are significant differences between the Clan forces. A notable characteristic is a relative lack of heavy ships. Although heavy ships can be cost effective at swatting down lesser vessels, the relatively high churn rate prompted by Clan warfare has contraindicated their building by all the clans, favoring instead warships that are essentially disposible. No Clan operates a warship that can't be replaced in a year or less. Only the Royal Spaceforce is willing to put the money into building heavy warships, and tends to build them over lighter forces.


[Data Masked]

[Data Masked] is [redacted]
Last edited by Beowulf on 2012-04-18 09:38pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Umerian Starting Order of Battle

Post by Simon_Jester »

Umerian Order of Battle
I'm going to assume I get two trade routes coming back to me- I can scale up or down a bit if need be, but let's work with that as a starting point: 63000$/year GDP.

I want the majority of the budget to go to starships, I'm going to start with a budget of 48000$ for the space force, and 15000$ for the ground forces.

Umerian Space Security Force
(a.k.a. "SpaceSec")

I'm going to begin by deciding what kinds of ships I want, and what kind of force structure I imagine for them, then figure out how much of those forces I can afford. Within each category of ship, I may have multiple classes and make fluffwise distinctions among them, but for practical purposes they're interchangeable- I don't want to worry about whether I have 2X 60-point cruisers or X 63-point cruisers and X 57-point ones.

I've tweaked some of my ship classes a bit on further consideration since my last post on this subject- mostly a function of adapting to the carrier rules. Note that I will be spending points on some ships which are still in the building slips- they are not complete or ready for service. I'm still paying points for them; that ties into the naval construction rules, which I have not yet addressed.

15-pt Cutter Tender
• Wildly multirole
• 5-pt hull plus 10-pt squadron of 20 0.5-pt FTL cutters
• Mothership for FTL cutter squadrons
AGP-3700 and earlier series

30-pt Frigate
• Patrol, sensor picket, operations-other-than-war, antipiracy and light planetary bombardment
FF-6700 through FF-7000 series

40-pt Destroyer
• Pure fleet escort platform
Emilie du Chatelet, Karl Wilhelm Scheele, and Renata Fields classes

60-pt Light Cruiser
• 'Destroyer leader' role, screen coordination and C3I for small craft operations.
Metropolis, Conductor, Empress, and Hero classes

80-pt Strike Cruiser
• Planetary assault ships
• 40-pt warship hull, plus 10-pt force of 40 0.5-pt FTL cutters, plus 10-pt force of 100 0.1-pt STL drone fighters, plus 20-pt Strike troop ground force
• (plus plus plus plus :D )

100-pt Axial Cruiser
• Mid-range naval combat, counter to light planetary fortifications
Patriot and Bombardier classes

175-pt Battlecruiser
• Based off dreadnoughts: more lightly armed, with lighter bow armor and higher agility. Still intended as a line combatant.
Tornado, Explorer, and Haruna classes

200-pt Fleet Carrier
• 50-pt carrier hull plus 150-pt swarm of 1500 0.1-pt STL drone fighters
• Battleline support carrier
Aviary-class, other class names undetermined

250-pt Ion Battlecruiser
• Design variant based off Vindicator-class ion dreadnought.
• Hulls are structurally complete but currently undergoing modification on the building slips, to be refitted with [CLASSIFIED "DAM OF LANCES," LEVEL BURN BEFORE READING]

400-pt Dreadnought
• Primary line combatant
Myrmidon and Titan classes

650-pt Ion Dreadnought
• Next generation line combatant, deliberately intended to match or overpower most probable opponents' largest capital units one on one
• First wave of hulls are still under construction and will be for some time.

So, what force structure do these ships fit into? My view of Umerian fleet doctrine is that there are three very different roles that SpaceSec is called on to fill.

The first is what might be called 'garrisoning:' the task of keeping up routine patrols, survey work, flag-showing, and implicitly things like antipiracy sweeps. For economic reasons, it would not make a lot of sense to use powerful, expensive battleships for missions like this if I don't have to. So there will be one type of SpaceSec "unit," a squadron-sized formation, that exists mainly for this kind of policing and garrison duty. They will have a handful of relatively low-powered and lightweight ships, not necessarily of the newest classes, designed for long endurance, patrol, and coordinating small craft operations. I decide that they also have a relatively large force of FTL "cutters," my gunboats; this way, cutters can be based out of every system I control, which makes it much easier to move gunboats around within my space, to bring them to bear on an enemy, and to take put together far-flung sweep lines and patrols that a handful of full-sized warships would not be able to handle.

They will not be especially powerful in a fight, but having many of them will thicken the defenses of my star systems against light attacks. Plus, this makes it easy for me to explain where a naval response is coming from in the event that interesting things happen in or around my space- there are always SpaceSec units present to defend a Umerian system and investigate threats to it. Back in my nation's Golden Chrome Age, the days of raygun and slide-rule and atomic rocketships, this would have been stated as "The Patrol is always there!" Umeria is a tamer country these days, but the idea is present.

I will call one of these squadrons a...

System Control Group
2x 60pt Light Cruiser
4x 30pt Frigate
6x 15pt Cutter Tender

Total cost: 330 points.

Since I have ten sectors, which I infer to contain fifty star systems, I should purchase enough ships to form fifty System Control Groups. This will cost me 330*50 = 16500$, leaving me with a budget of 31500$.

Okay. Now, obviously, the System Control Groups can't do everything. They have minimal troop-landing abilities, and no ships with individual point value comparable to the defenses of even the weakest planets. While the sort of thing I'd normally call a band of pirates would probably not be able to defeat them, it's entirely conceivable that a single-planet nation could have a large enough GDP to pay for a naval force stronger than a System Control Group. Plus, by nature, the SCGs are pinned down to my systems. I can pull individual ships off the systems they garrison to go do something else, but my navy would be very reluctant to strip large chunks of space of their defenses entirely to amass a fleet for war against a tougher opponent like a single-sector micronation.

So we need something bigger- with larger, more powerful ships, something that can go in and conquer a lightly defended planet (i.e. minor one-planet states), or at least secure a beachhead for ground forces. It needs ships designed to tangle with defensive forts or enemy warships built up to cruiser scale, too. But at the same time, it will still need a "screen" of lighter warships of the same general size range as what goes into the SCGs.

Since I imagine the Umerians using these things much like the US would use its "Amphibious ready groups," I want to give it a name that suggests its mission. I will call one of these a...

Intervention Task Force
3x 100pt Axial Cruiser
4x 80pt Strike Cruiser
2x 60pt Light Cruiser
6x 40pt Destroyer
6x 15pt Cutter Tender

Total cost: 1070 points. I think I would like to have about... five of these task forces, total cost 5350$, leaving me with a budget of 26150$.

Incidentally, the "Strike" and "Axial" cruiser classes were invented specifically for this mission. The "Strike Cruiser" is the Umerian version of an amphibious warfare ship, carrying a corps-sized formation of elite troops. The "Axial Cruiser" is so named because it's the smallest Umerian ship to mount their very large spinal proton cannon- which, incidentally, is the thing that makes Umerian capital ships so long and spindly, sort of like this:
Thanks to Darkevilme, who made this image

However, even the Intervention Task Forces are pretty lightweight when you think about it. A couple of big honking battleships would blow right through one of them, and even if the ITF won the battle, the fact that it's sending many small ships up against few big ones almost guarantees that the small ships will take a lot of losses to the big bruisers' powerful weapons. Plus, this is Umeria, and you can never have a big enough energy weapon, because SCIENCE!

So we need something larger and meaner. It won't necessarily have the troop landing mission- it exists purely to march up to enemy battlefleets or space fortresses or whatever and beat the tar out of them, clearing a path for whatever else SpaceSec needs to have happen. These squadrons will be built around more powerful types of capital ship, the big spinal-beam dreadnoughts and battlecruisers, and the "fleet carriers" that are designed to cover the flanks of the spinal-beam ships against attack using massive swarms of sublight drone fighters.

Doctrinally, I have decided that the Umerian navy draws a distinction between two classes of spinal-beam capital ship. One is the "dreadnought," so named partly for tradition and partly because that's the point: Umerian dreadnoughts are not supposed to be afraid to engage anything in space, including things that outgun them. The Umerian fleet might order a huge swarm of destroyers not to pick a fight with a giant enemy monster-ship, even if they thought the destroyers could win, because many destroyers would be killed. But they will always order a sufficiently large dreadnought force to engage, because the dreadnoughts are designed to engage single targets and overpower them. Their design history dates back to an old war where half a dozen ships of this type were custom-built specifically to take on a huge battlestation that nothing else Umeria had could defeat, and win.

Thus, the mainstay of my capital ship force is built around the dreadnoughts, which are grouped in pairs for purposes of organization into a:

Battle Division
2x 400pt Dreadnought
1x 200pt Fleet Carrier
2x 60pt Light Cruiser
6x 40pt Destroyer
6x 15pt Cutter Tender

Total cost: 1450 points. I decide I want ten of these formations, for a total cost of 14500$, leaving me with a budget of 11650$

However, there are some obvious limits to dreadnoughts. They're expensive, and due to [technobabble] they're maybe not as fast and agile as they could be, which is an obvious disadvantage for a ship whose main guns only point one way. They're really good at blowing up things in front of them, and avoiding being blown up by things in front of them, but if you hit them from several directions at once they get into trouble.

So for very logical reasons, SpaceSec decided they wanted to experiment with something faster and dodgier. So they design something very much like a dreadnought, but with less mass devoted to armor plating and fewer of the big spinal proton cannons. They call it (for much the same reasons the name evolved historically) a "battlecruiser," and put them in trios where the dreadnoughts would be used in pairs.

Now, I've decided that I want Umerian battlecruisers (or at least the ones commissioned before game start) to be something of a disappointment. They are tactically and strategically faster, more agile than the dreadnoughts, but what they gain in speed, they pay too high a price for in durability. Their main battery is still powerful, their proton cannons are a threat even to nominally stronger and more dangerous ships, but they're too easy for a "real battleship" to kill, even going head-to-head like Umerian ships are supposed to. So SpaceSec never built quite as many as they'd hoped, they're seriously considering not building any more of the things, and probably would if it weren't for those jerks at the Ministry of Finance keeping a chokehold on the construction program. At least, that's how SpaceSec would tell the story.

Of course, it's not all bad news. The battlecruisers are a little faster, better suited for a quick, rapid response over interstellar distances. And because SpaceSec views them as more expendable and less vital to the hard core of the fleet, it uses them to give Umeria a capital ship raiding force, which is nice to have in war as a supplement to the battle divisions. Three battlecruisers, plus the usual screen of carrier and smaller ships, will be assembled into a

Fast Division
1x 200pt Fleet Carrier
3x 175pt Battlecruiser
2x 60pt Light Cruiser
6x 40pt Destroyer
6x 15pt Cutter Tender

Total cost: 1175 points. I decide I want eight of these formations, for a total cost of 9400$, leaving me with a budget of 2250$. BUT that's not enough to pay for everything else I want to pay for, so I'm going to sacrifice a Fast Division- chalk it up to, say, casualties lost during a major rebellion I had a few years back, plus odds and ends, plus one battlecruiser getting stolen by heavy metal pirates for reasons strange and disturbing. So instead I have seven fast divisions, leaving me with a budget of 3425$.

This gets spent on odds and ends, and ships under construction but not finished, which I'm going to edit into the post.
Last edited by Simon_Jester on 2012-04-04 03:48pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Centrality Military Forces SDNW5

Post by Force Lord »

The Centrality
National Statistics
Sector Data
Total NCP: 32

Sector Name: The Center
7 NCPs: 1 Home Sector - GDP Total $14,000

Sector Names: Aybeem, Dovan
10 NCPs: 2 Core Sectors - GDP Total $20,000

Sector Names: Novadon, Maschtek, Hissgerd
9 NCPs: 3 Midrange Sectors - GDP Total $18,000

Sector Names: Foxa, Clankor, Blackagar, Rimland
4 NCPs: 4 Colony Sectors - GDP Total $8,000

1 NCP: Trade Route: +$2,000 ($500 extra due to trade partner [BSE]), Located at Foxa Sector

1 NCP: Warp Gate: +1,000, Located at The Center Sector

Total GDP for Centrality: $63,000+$500
Units of the Centrality's Military Forces
Central Star Navy
Points assigned to CSN: 50,000 GDP

3x$900 Superdreadnoughts (Black Star-class)

3x$900 Ultracarriers (Stormfront-class) - $450 0.2pt. Fighters (2,250 Droid and Piloted total), $450 1pt. Gunboats (450 Droid and Piloted Total)

6x$500 Dreadnoughts (Nova-class)

6x$500 Supercarriers (Tiger-class) - $250 0.2pt. Fighters (1,250 Droid and Piloted total), $250 1pt. Gunboats (250 Droid and Piloted Total)

12x$300 Battleships (Disruptor-class)

12x$300 War Carriers (Doomstack-class) - $150 0.2pt. Fighters (750 Droid and Piloted total), $150 1pt. Gunboats (150 Droid and Piloted total)

24x$150 Battlecruisers (Dragon-class)

24x$150 Battle Carriers (Thunder-class) - $75 0.2pt. Fighters (375 Droid and Piloted total), $75 1pt. Gunboats (75 Droid and Piloted total)

48x$80 Cruisers (Thesus-class)

48x$80 Fleet Carriers (Gallant-class) - $40 0.2pt. Fighters (200 Droid and Piloted total), $40 1pt. Gunboats (40 Droid and Piloted total)

96x$40 Destroyers (Schwartz-class)

96x$40 Light Carriers (Outpost-class) - $20 0.2pt. Fighters (100 Droid and Piloted Total), $20 1pt. Gunboats (20 Droid and Piloted total)

192x$20 Frigates (Blitz-class)

192x$20 Escort Carriers (Locust-class) - $10 0.2pt. Fighters (50 Droid and Piloted total), $10 1pt. Gunboats (10 Droid and Piloted total)

58x$10 Corvettes (Hardshell-class)

58x$10 Carrierettes (Stinger-class) - $5 0.2pt. Fighters (25 Droid and Piloted total), $5 1pt. Gunboats (5 Droid and Piloted total)
Centrality Ground Forces
Points assigned to CGF: $13,000 GDP+$500 GDP from trade partner (BSE)

Central Army: 800 million soldiers, 200,000/$4,000 cost, "conscript" training, x1 modifier

Central Marines: 350 million soldiers, 100,000/$3,500 cost, "regular" training, x2 modifier

Central Guards: 150 million soldiers, 50,000/$3,000 cost, "guards" training, x4 modifier

Centrality Special Forces: 60 million, 20,000/$3,000 cost, "elite" training, x8 modifier
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Re: SDNW5 Nation Description Thread

Post by Eleventh Century Remnant »

Just the numbers for reference, fluff to follow-

Incirinnean Exody,

34 NCP;

three core sectors- one with GDP boost from a relatively recent supernova scattering valuable heavy metals throughout nearby space. Ur, Brighteye (the nova) and Promise.

Four mid range sectors- Blue Zone, Rimward, Onward and Horizon.

Six colony sectors- Look Good Once It's Done Up, Move It To The Left A Bit, I'm Not Sure About The Colour, The Creatures Here Are Ticklish, Who Put That Meteor There, and I'm Sure Nature Knows What It's Doing.

No 'battle' fleet as such, everything repurposed planetary- engineering, no ground forces as such at all;

seventeen Operations Groups, each nominally

four 200pt Factory Ships,

eight 100pt Crust Modifiers,

sixteen 50pt Surface Effectors,

forty- eight 15pt Prospectors,

one hundred and seventy- six 5pt Surveyors.

All are essentially planetary/stellar engineering oriented, not really purposed for war- additional points may be spent to 'militarise' them, if that flies, upgrade in play.
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