SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

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SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »

This thread is specifically for formal, in character diplomatic statements between nations. It might be nice to put them in here so they don't get lost in the shuffle over in the OOC commentary threads. Anyone who's already made such posts might want to duplicate them in here.
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

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A message from the Republic of Arcadia to the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya:

The Republic would like to sign the agreement regarding the Centralist International.

Our peace loving people are not as much at risk as other nations closer to the Centrality, but we will not stand for subversion of their governments.

As such, the Republic is ready and willing to join the High Contracting States, and will follow the Articles to the letter.

And additionally, we will willingly let other nations join our envelope of protection, should they so choose.

Dr. Sven Gustav,

Minister of Foreign Affairs
(And we start the diplomatic fun :) )
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by OmegaChief »

Responce to the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya's Centralist International opposition proposal.

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Given the threat to not only our own nation, but to all nations, posed by the operations of Centralist International we of the Capellan Authority have decided to side with the High Contracting States of this agreement.

It would be our honour to stand as one of the beacons of light against the endless dark waves of Centralism.

White Queen
Princess of Capella City, Adjoria
This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? Three decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die?
-Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front, NTF Iceni, 2367
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

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A message from the Republic of Arcadia and the New Furling Empire:

The New Furling Empire is opening one of its planets in the Marsa Sector as a neutral meeting point. Any nations that wish to establish embassies on Narrana may direct a request to the Republic of Arcadia embassay in your capital, or directly to the central government in Arcadia and Marsa.

Dr. Sven Gustav,

Minister of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Arcadia)

and Dr. Savan Masa

Minister of International Affairs (New Furling Empire)
(OOC: What can I say, I was bored... :P )

EDIT: Also, I am NOT trying to form a Space UN here, just make myself too important to be a big target. Plus a place where all the nations can meet to talk things out can be fun right? :D
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Zor »

To Empress Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya

We recognize the threat posed to the advancement of civilization by CENTINTERN and we would be willing to provide aid in intelligence. The Imperium is in possession of information in regards to Centrist.

However, on the same note we had noted that a minority of Subscribers to Haruhiism in Lada SRZs have engaged in violent insurgency against Imperial Authority. Despite the fact that the Imperium has brought to them the gifts of Civilization and Prosperity and ended their persecution by the Ladan Orthodox Church, these individuals fight against order and stability. A large number of innocent civilians have died in the crossfire generated by these rebels and others have been left in misery and sorrow. You are in a posistion to convince these individuals to stand down and let them and thus end much needless suffering. We ask that you make this action and that we shall reciprocate.

The Imperial Supreme Committee
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Akhlut »

The Kritarchy of the Hoavi sends its most sincere greetings to the diplomatic corps of the Centrality.

We have noticed the revulsion that your conspecifics have for you and we feel their responses to your eminently reasonable and kind political philosophy is entirely unwarranted. The Hoavi have seen how the Centrality treats its citizens and feels that humanity would only benefit under the benevolence of your political teachings. To that end, we wish to extend a friendly hand for mutual aid, as, contrary to popular opinion among humanity, we do not have universal loathing for the human species (as many of them would clearly see if they only paid attention to our dealings with the Philosopher's Kingdom, the Belkan Confederacy, and the many human groups on Scumdoggia).
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Force Lord »

Akhlut wrote:The Kritarchy of the Hoavi sends its most sincere greetings to the diplomatic corps of the Centrality.

We have noticed the revulsion that your conspecifics have for you and we feel their responses to your eminently reasonable and kind political philosophy is entirely unwarranted. The Hoavi have seen how the Centrality treats its citizens and feels that humanity would only benefit under the benevolence of your political teachings. To that end, we wish to extend a friendly hand for mutual aid, as, contrary to popular opinion among humanity, we do not have universal loathing for the human species (as many of them would clearly see if they only paid attention to our dealings with the Philosopher's Kingdom, the Belkan Confederacy, and the many human groups on Scumdoggia).
Centrality response to the Kritarchy:

Your offer intrigues us greatly. We have indeed been having serious problems in our relations with most of the rest of humanity. Our allies are few and scattered. Our rivals are banding against us, forming this so-called Anti-Centintern Pact. We are greatly concerned by this. Any additional help would be most welcome.
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

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A message to the Capellan Authority, the Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya, the Chamarran Hierarchy, and the Hellenic Confederacy;

The Republic of Arcadia and the New Furling Empire would like to establish a trading outpost and small Naval base in Sector P-23 to protect our shipping to your nations. We feel that having a trading outpost in the Danzig System will allow us to base our trading fleets in a place safe from pirates. The Naval base would be entierly defensive in nature, and only for protection from pirates and McKay remnants that attack our ships voyaging into Chamarran space. We look forward to your replys,

Dr. Sven Gustav Minister of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Arcadia)


Dr. Savan Masa, Minister of International Affairs (New Furling Empire) 
(OOC: No, I'm not trying to change the map...this is for story purposes unless Simon feels the map should reflect it. And of course, that assumes that Shinn, Omega, Dark, and Esquire let me do this.)
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Esquire »


From the Assembly of the Confederacy of Hellenes, to the Republic of Arcadia,

Greetings, O Favored Of Pan**, May Demeter Make Fertile Your Worlds and Zeus-Who-Rules-the-Aether Protect Your Ships,

The Assembly, having heard your most honorable request, finds that it cannot in good faith agree to a foreign military base so near Hellas without guarantees of its purpose and use. Nonetheless, your goal is worthy and one the Assembly wishes to see brought to fruition, and if the Republic would allow a small liason from the Confederate Navy to be stationed at the prospective base, the Assembly would be able to agree to support it. Perhaps the closer cooperation between the Confederate and Arcadian Navies would spark a closer friendship between our great nations?

Given this day in council after appropriate sacrifices to Athena-Of-Diplomacy and Zeus-Who-Rules-the-Aether

*The Hellenic hypercomm system is referred to as the megatelephonoi, from the Hellenic roots 'mega,' meaning great, 'tele,' meaning distant or distance, and 'phone,' meaning voice. Taken together, the word translates as something like 'device for very distant speech,' with a gender-neutral ending in the instrumental dative case.

**Arcadia, (the region of the Hellenic homeworld Delphi, not the current star nation) is the home of the god Pan in myth.
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by OmegaChief »

Reply to the Republic of Arcadia:

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After some breif deliberation, we have decided that we have no objection to the request for a base in this region, on the condition that we may attach a liasion and staff to the base, to potentially co-ordinate any anti priate action with our own patrol forces.

These forces are also offeered to extend thier patrols into the afformentioned sector to help with any anti-priacy action so close to our core worlds.

White Queen
Princess of Capella City, Adjoria
This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? Three decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die?
-Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front, NTF Iceni, 2367
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Vanas »


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Greetings, [friend/partner/associate] non-hive entities. Following news recieved by Bees of a [world-nectar/honey] storage [harbour/facility], Bees believe that supporting such an endeavour can only provide ease of [world-nectar/honey] transport throughout nearby [void/space].

Establishment of a Bee [envoy/deployment] will also allow for [world-nectar/ electronic nectar] banking services to be provided, to the benefit of all. An escort [swarm/squadron] will naturally be established in nearby [void/space] to ensure safety of Bees.
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Re: SDNW5 Diplomatic Communique Thread

Post by Karmic Knight »

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Open Communication to Republic of Arcadia
Subject; Purchase of a Berth on Clusterfuck Station. 

MultiGlobal Inc. ZLC. would like to purchase space on the planned Clusterfuck Station, for the purpose of monitor Commonwealth trade that would be diverted into this new post. The current request stands at a cube of space with the volume of 100 meters cubed for development by the Station Development wing of MultiGlobal. We are will to pay average planetary market value for the space on the station, and will pay more for additional space to build a small craft docking port attached but not part of the 100 meters cubed development territory. 

In Summation: MultiGlobal would like to purchase:
- 100 cubic meters of space on Clusterfuck Station
- The Option to build a docking port of currently indeterminate size next to and attached to the aforementioned Space.

Electronic Signatures: 
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