SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

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SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »

This thread is for military construction budgets. Remember that the guideline is:

Up to 10% for 'peacetime' conditions, though this probably represents a nasty arms race condition or a militaristic planned economy.
Up to 20% for 'wartime' conditions, reflecting a serious mobilization.

Going higher than this is likely to incur penalties- temporary recessions in the civilian economy, political crises, and so on.

I thought I'd start this with my own military construction post, but I haven't got it finished. Heck, I'm not even sure I have my order of battle finalized, though all the major naval units are there.
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Re: SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

Post by Esquire »

O noble Hellenes and misfortunate foreigners, know that the attached document is the right and true Declaration of Naval Construction and Military Recruitment for the Fiscal and Calendar Year of 3001 ASSEDI*. Know that the Confederate and National navies and armies’ budgets shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of their current strength, measured in terms of absolute value in Hellenic talents. Know, Hellenes, that the threat of the barbalien menace to spinward demands no less. Know, foreigners, that we are absolutely not overstating the threat of the barbalien menace to spinward. Know, barbalien menace to spinward, that the forces of Hellas have stood, do stand, and shall continue to stand between you and the rest of the civilized galaxy as long as there remains breath in our bodies.
-Commodore Socrates Popaloplatypus, Officer Commanding, Office of Military Numerology and Oracles (OMNI)

*After Something Somebody Else Deemed Important. The Confederacy converted to the galactic-standard dating system in 2005 and remains unhappy about it to this day.

Pan-Hellenic Construction and Recruitment Budgets:

Hellenic Confederacy

Confederate Astral Navy: 2,250 Talents
• 2x Confederate Forty, Project 1140 Aien Kratein (Always To Rule)-class carrier, Block II. Slightly improved handling relative to Block I. Completion expected April 3003. 500 talents per (450 for fighters), 1,000 total.
• 3x Confederate Octeres, Project 1108 Ouranios Phulakas (Heavenly Guardian)-class carrier. Completion expected October 3001. 200 (175 for fighters) talents per, 600 total.
• 8x Confederate Bireme, Project 1102 Lukos (Wolf)-class destroyer. New class designed under the aegis of the Millennium Universal Fleet Focus Leadership Exercise (MUFFLE) to free up cruisers from patrol responsibilities, allowing heavier formations to be stationed along the Chamarran border. Prototype squadron. Completion expected April 3001. 80 talents per, 640 total.

Confederate Army: 800 Talents
• Millenium Informational/Structural Transformation for the Armies (MISTA) upgrades and assessments. This ongoing program is designed to modernize Confederate and national ground forces with new, better equipment, more exercises, and better doctrine. This round of upgrades will focus on upgrading the equipment of 68 million regular army troops from an international-standard Level 1 to an international-standard Level 2, with appropriate training for their new equipment. Expected completion April 3001. 800 talents total.

Republic of Delphi

Delphian Astral Navy: 600 Talents
• 1x Ionic Quinquereme, Project 1305 Promelete (Forethought)-class cruiser. Expected Completion June 3001. 100 talents per, 100 total.
• 2x Doric Trireme, Project 1203 Logke (Lance)-class cruiser, Block III. Delphian version of Doric tribal design, heavy missile armament in lieu of most particle cannon to better support long-range fighter strikes. Expected completion June 3001. 100 talents per, 200 total.
• 5x Ionic Octeres, Project 1308 Pesmatika Athante (Stubbornly Undying)-class heavy frigate. Updated production run of old design intended to supplement Confederate destroyer program. Spinal particle cannon and a small gunboat complement. Expected completion March 3001. 60 talents per (6 for fighters), 300 total.

Delphian Army: 200 Talents
• MISTA upgrades.17 million regular army troops will receive international-standard Level 2 equipment and appropriate training. Expected completion April 3001. 200 talents total.

Kingdom of Lacedaemon

Royal Lacedaemonian Navy: 800 Talents
• 5x Confederate Hexareme, Project 1106 Basileus Philosophos (Philosopher King)-class heavy cruiser. Close cooperation in recent years between Lacedaemonian and Confederate officers has led to the unprecedented acceptance of a Confederate design for a national navy. Hexaremes in Lacedaemonian service will be locally built, however. Expected completion August 3001. 160 talents per, 800 total.

Royal Lacedaemonian Army: 300 Talents
• MISTA upgrades. 37.5 million regular army troops will receive international-standard Level 2 equipment and appropriate training. Expected completion April 3001. 300 talents total.

Republic of Attica

Attic Navy: 550 Talents
• 1x Aeolic Forty, Project 1440 Smenos (Swarm)-class cruiser/carrier. Expected completion January 3002. 250 talents per (100 for fighters), 250 total.
• 3x Ionic Quinquereme, Project 1305 Promelete (Forethought)-class cruiser, Block II. Attic version of Ionic tribal design. Optimized for ease of crewing, as the Attic Navy has chronic manpower shortages and must recruit patrol ship crews from other polities to free up men for its battle fleet. Expected Completion June 3001. 100 talents per, 300 total.

Attic Army: 200 Talents
• MISTA upgrades. 17 million regular army troops will receive international-standard Level 2 equipment and appropriate training. Expected completion April 3001. 200 talents total.

Republic Corcyra

Corcyraean Republican Navy: 600 Talents
• This year’s construction budget has been reserved towards construction of a new Doric deceres, Project 1210 King Lycrugus I-class dreadnought. Construction will begin at the start of next fiscal year.

Corcyraean Republican Army: 100 Talents
• MISTA upgrades. 10 million Corcyraean Marines will receive international-standard Level 2 equipment and appropriate training. Expected completion April 3001. 100 talents total.

Republic of Corinth

Astral Defense Force of the Republic of Corinth: 480 Talents
• 8x Ionic Octeres, Project 1308 Pesmatika Athante (Stubbornly Undying)-class heavy frigate. Expected completion March 3001. 60 talents per (6 for fighters), 480 total.

Terran Defense Force of the Republic of Corinth: 100 Talents
• MISTA upgrades. 8.5 million regular army troops will receive international-standard Level 2 equipment and appropriate training. Expected completion April 3001. 100 talents total.
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Re: SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Holy Empire of Haruhi Suzumiya Military Construction Budget - FY 3300

GDP: $71500
Proportion of GDP spent on defense: 10%
Annual defense budget: $7150


Aya Hirano class frigate [$60 value]
Construction time: 3 months
Units under construction: 20 total
  • 5 under construction 1 January - 1 April 3300
  • 5 under construction 1 March - 1 June 3300
  • 5 under construction 1 May - 1 August 3300
  • 5 under construction 1 July - 1 October 3300
Total cost: $1200 for FY 3300

Wendee Lee class destroyer / Monica Rial class escort carrier / Lisa Ann Beley class dock landing ship [$90 value]
Construction time: 5 months
Units under construction: 8 total
  • 2 Lee class, 1 Rial class, 1 Beley class under construction 1 January - 1 June 3300
  • 2 Lee class, 1 Rial class, 1 Beley class under construction 1 June - 1 November 3300
Total cost: $720 for FY 3300 [NOTE: Costs of Rial and Beley classes include costs for troops and small craft]

Nagaru Tanigawa class cruiser [$180 value]
Construction time: 9 months
Units under construction: 4 total
  • 4 under construction 1 January - 1 October 3300
Total cost: $720 for FY 3300

Ushijima class planetary assault ship [$250 value]
Construction time: 12 months
Units under construction: 2 total
  • 2 under construction 1 January 3300 - 1 January 3301
Total cost: $500 for FY 3300 [NOTE: Costs of Ushijima class includes costs for troops and small craft]

Bouken Desho Desho class fast battleship [$360 value]
Construction time: 18 months
Units under construction: 2 total
  • 2 under construction 1 January 3300 - 1 July 3301
Total cost: $720 for FY 3300

Mio Akiyama / Homura Akemi class super-heavy battleship [$750 value]
Construction time: 42 months (3.5 years)
Units under construction: 6 total
  • 3 Akiyama class under construction 1 January 3300 - 1 July 3303
  • 3 Akemi class under construction 1 January 3300 - 1 July 3303
Total cost: $250 per unit per year, $3000 for FY 3300 (total costs to be divided over 3 years)

Nanoha Takamachi class super-heavy battleship [$900 value]
Construction time: 51 months (4.25 years)
Units under construction: 1 total
  • HSS Hayate Yagami under construction 1 January 3300 - 1 April 3304
Total cost: $225 per unit per year, $225 for FY 3300 (total costs to be divided over 4 years)



Cost: 75000 troops/$1, 2.5x kit multiplier
Training quality: Regular
Current force size: 135 million personnel
Theoretical expansion capacity: 10% of current force (13.5 million personnel/year)

Expansion for FY 3300
7.5 million personnel
Total cost: $250


Cost: 40000 troops/$1, 5x kit multiplier
Training quality: Guards
Current force size: 40 million personnel
Theoretical expansion capacity: 10% of current force (3.6 million personnel/year)

Expansion for FY 3300
2 million personnel
Total cost: $250


Cost: 4000 troops/$1, 16x kit multiplier
Training quality: Elite
Current force size: 100000 personnel
Theoretical expansion capacity: 5% of current force (5000 personnel/year)

Expansion for FY 3300
5000 personnel
Total cost: $20

$45 left over for discretionary spending
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2012-07-11 07:31pm, edited 1 time in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Republic of Arcadia, Military Construction Budget: FY 3300

GDP: 60,000
Amount of GDP spent on construction: 7%
Annual Defense Budget: $2745 (Split with the New Furling Empire)

Arcadian Navy:

Serrana class escort ($15 per ship)
Construction time: 1 1/2 months
Units under Construction: 20
Expected completion date:
May 3300 (20 Flight 15 Serrana's)
GDP: $300

Amagi class frigate: ($50 per ship)
Construction time: 2 1/2 months
Units under construction: 10
Expected completion date:
March 3300 (5 Flight 3 Amagi's)
June 3300 (5 Flight 4 Amagi's)
GDP: $500

Tiger class destroyer: (80 per ship)
Construction time: 4 months
Units under Construction: 5
Expected Completion date:
May 3300 (2 Flight 6 Tiger's)
July 3300 (3 Flight 6 Tiger's)
GDP: $400

Lion class destroyer: ($95 per ship)
Construction Time: 5 1/4 months
Units under construction: 3
Expected Completion date:
May 3300 (3 Flight 2 Lions)
GDP: $285

Musai class cruiser: ($160 per ship)
Construction Time: 8 months
Units under construction: 1
Expected Completion date:
August 3300 (ARS Kamikaze, Flight 3 Musai)
GDP: $160

1 Asgard class Super-Dreadnought:($600 per ship)
Construction time: 36 months (3 years)
Units under construction: 1
Expected Completion Date:
November 3300 (ARS Aesir Flight 1 Asgard)
Under Construction since November FY 3297
GDP: $600

Arcadian Army:

Home Army


50 million troops (200,000/x2 kit multiplier)

Expansion for defense from SPACE VIKING attacks, and to defend our neighbors from the VIKING hoard

In Training since FY 3292

New Furling Empire, FY 300 NFEE (New Furling Empire Era)

GDP: 60,000 (joint GDP with the Republic of Arcadia)
Annual Defense Budget: 7%
GDP spent on Defense: 1,455

New Furling Navy

Serrana class escort ($15 per ship)
Construction Time: 1 1/2 months
Units under construction: 15
Expected Completion Date:
February 3300 (10 Flight 13 Serrana's)
March 3300 (5 Flight 14 Serrana's)
GDP: $150

Amagi class frigate (350) ($50 per ship)
Construction Time: 2 1/2 months
Units under construction: 7
Expected Completion Date:
March 3300 (3 Flight 2 Amagi's)
April 3300 (4 Flight 2 Amagi's)
GDP: $350

Tiger class destroyer ($80 per ship)
Construction Time: 4 months
Units under construction: 2
Expected Completion Date:
July 3300 (2 Flight 1 Tigers)
GDP: $160

Trotsiga class Pocket-Battleship ($200 per ship)
Construction Time: 10 months
Units under construction: 2
Expected Completion Date:
September 3300 (FES Bredsvard, started in December FY 3299)
November 3300 (FES Forinta)

New Furling Army


79 million troops (200,000/x1 multiplier)

Rebuild of the Furling Army

In training since FY 3294
Last edited by Skywalker_T-65 on 2012-07-15 11:36am, edited 1 time in total.
SDNW5: Republic of Arcadia...Sweden in SPAAACE
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Re: SDNW5 Military Construction Thread

Post by Simon_Jester »

Technocracy of Umeria: 3300 Military Budget

In FY 3300, the Technocracy of Umeria proceeds full speed ahead on its "Fleet 3310" construction program, building new ship types known collectively as the "Century Fleet." GroundSec is kept at maintenance levels of funding, with no expansions planned in the near future.

The lead waves of screening vessels of the latest type have already been completed under the program. Frigate and cutter-tender designs have received only incremental upgrades. The most noteworthy advances found among the Fleet 3310 construction are in the new Renata Fields-class destroyers, which are greatly superior to the older classes in energy-efficiency and component service life. While closely equivalent to the older Scheele and du Chatelet classes in gross measures of firepower and reactor output, their greater endurance and lower operating costs increase their multirole capability. Analysts predict that the Renatas will begin to intrude on the interdiction, patrol, and reconnaissance missions, traditionally the province of the lighter but higher-endurance Umerian frigates.

In addition, the latest Flight III Hero-class light cruisers are updated to carry electronic warfare and C3I systems noticeably in advance over what was practical on the older hulls of the class. Upgrades to the Hero-class show a significant improvement, though not a sea change compared to the Flight I and II designs.

Most foreign observers believe that once an adequate number of Hero Flight III's are in service, SpaceSec will begin retiring the remaining Conductor-class cruisers. These older ships are at best mediocre in the light cruiser mission by current Umerian standards. However, this process may not begin for several years, as there are an enormous number of Conductors among the system control forces. Since all current cruiser construction is devoted to escorts for new capital ships, replacing the Conductors is simply not an option for the next several years, barring an increase to the already liberal construction budget.

Improvements to the FF-7000 and AGP-3700 series frigates and cutter tenders are unremarkable- mostly of interest to the Umerians themselves, rumors of new enhanced-yield missile and torpedo warheads notwithstanding.

Meanwhile, most popular attention regarding the "Century Fleet" focuses on the capital ships: the Vindicator-class dreadnought and Aurora-class battlecruiser. Both classes are equipped with the Mk XV Block 5 ion cannon, which offers roughly a 50% increase in firepower over the older Mk XIV proton guns. The Vindicators enjoy similar increases in shielding, electronic warfare capabilities, and broadside armament, at the price of greatly increased tonnage and considerably increased design complexity.

The Auroras are less changed structurally, representing a predictable scaling up and rearming of the Patriot-class heavy cruiser, in the same way that the Explorer and Tornado-classes evolved from the older Bombardier cruisers. Foreign analysts believe that the Auroras will benefit less from upgrading to the Mark Fifteen, as Umerian battlecruisers are already 'glass hammers,' greatly overgunned for their tonnage and defensive armament; further increasing their firepower out of proportion to the rest of their systems is unlikely to make them all that much more effective in combat. Some have already predicted that the Auroras are going to prove a disappointment.

Possibly in light of this, the Umerian government has ordered a hold on completion of the initial wave of six Auroras. This appears odd, as the ships' structure was almost entirely complete by December 3299. Normally, they would be starting commissioning trials shortly.

Some speculate that they may be spending extra time on internal refits, though security around the Auroras' building slips is even tighter than usual and no one has gotten close enough to be sure exactly what's going on.

This year Umeria is laying down another six Auroras and two Vindicators, with the third Vindicator being delayed on account of disruptions to shipyard schedules because of the delays in completing the lead wave of Auroras. In addition, the Space Security Force will be laying down screen elements for the three new capital ship squadrons approaching completion in the coming fiscal year. As a special budgetary measure, some light combatants are being laid down excess to requirements for that; more on that later.

For detailed descriptions of Umerian warship designations, see the following data.

Umerian GDP: 63000 terastarbucks ($)
Fleet construction budget: 6300 terastarbucks ($)

Capital ship construction:

x2 FY 3300 $650 Vindicator-class ion dreadnoughts:
Laid down January 3300, due to leave yards January 3303.

x3 FY 3299 $650 Vindicator-class ion dreadnoughts:
Laid down January 3299, 250$ of construction completed by game start (paid for in order of battle).
Additional 400$ per ship paid now. Due to leave yards January 3302.

x6 FY 3300 $250 Aurora-class ion battlecruisers
Laid down January 3300, due to leave yards January 3301.
[Analysts predict that like the FY 3300 wave, these ships will be delayed for further systems installation, which would take place in FY 3301]

x6 FY 3299 $250 Aurora-class ion battlecruisers- DELAYED:
Paid for in starting order of battle. Originally due to leave yards January 3300; an additional six months has been scheduled for installation of [CLASSIFIED BURN BEFORE READING], also known as "internal upgrades to electronics fit," at additional cost of $100 each. Build plan thus revised to:

x6 $100 upgrades to FY 3299 Aurora-class ion battlecruisers:
Upgrades begin January 3300, due to leave yards ~May-July 3300

Capital ship cost: 2(650)+3(400)+6(250)+6(100) = $4600

Screen element construction:

x3 $200 Aviary-class fleet carriers, plus fighter complement.
Laid January 3300, due to leave yards ~October 3300

x6 $60 Hero-class light cruisers
To be constructed in three waves of two, entering service at four month intervals throughout the year.

x18 $40 Renata Fields-class destroyers
To be constructed in six waves of three, entering service at two month intervals throughout the year.

x12 $15 AGP-3700-series cutter tenders, plus attached cutter wings.
Continuous production at a rate of one per month, throughout the year.

Screen element cost: 3(200)+6(60)+18(40)+12(15) = $1560

Supplementary construction:

Trans-Frontier Command Expansion:

x1 10$ re-equipping and refurbishment of SCIENCE! vessel Austin Cardynge for long range voyage; see future posts.

x3 30$ FF-7000 series frigates
Laid down in January, February, and March 3300, commissioning in March, April, and May 3300

x2 $15 AGP-3700-series cutter tenders, plus small craft complement
Laid down January and February 3300, commissioning February and March 3300

(additional $10 of fleet procurement budget vanishes into the black budget and/or someone's pants, never to be seen again by the civilized galaxy)



4600+1560+140 = 6300$
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