Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

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Aspiring Author
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Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by Aspiring Author »

This idea for SD.Net is to role play as Greek/Egyptian/Norse/Celtic, whatever style gods with our own purviews/domains and abilities in which to compete with each other, common enemies, and other NPCs. I have at least two different game mechanics systems for this. One is s called "Heroes". To reiterate, none of us would ever be omnipotent, there would be a lot in the universe to compete with us, but we would take part in a cooperative story telling narrative.

Here's the first system, which is called "Heroes".

The First Turn: Spoiler
As typical in the Heroes games, you will not have your domain and full divine power in the first turn. It will be awarded to you, based on the actions that you take in your quest for divinity in the first turn. You may invent locations, monsters, peoples, anything you wish. Remember that those are not creations of your gods; they already exist in the world and the characters explore them/meet them for the first time. The only other thing I ask of you is to make the quest epic, yet challenging. Your character can do great things, but he still has to earn his power.

Also, you may make an Artifact during the first turn for free. This must be connected to the domain you are attempting to earn, and will probably be incredibly important to the god and their followers - like the sword of the god of war, or the never-ending cornucopia of the fertility goddess.

Character Creation:
Name: (Add titles/nicknames here if you want.)
Domain: (You start with one.)
Abilities: (You start with two.)
Themes: (Archetype, concept, core. Sum up your character, give me a feel for him in a couple of words. Trickster God; Proud King; Fertility Goddess; Airship Pirate God, etc.)
Description: (You get anywhere from one to five paragraphs to make me excited about your character. The skirt rule applies here - short enough to keep me interested, long enough to cover the important parts.)

The Rules: Spoiler
Original rules by Ipphli, modifications by Raz_Fox and Omnik

*Every player gets 3 Major Acts, 3 Minor Acts and 1 Ceremony every turn. These can be saved up from turn to turn. However, only 6 unused Major Acts, 7 unused Minor Acts and 3 unused ceremonies can be saved at a time.
* Turns begin every week, more or less. The time a turn lasts will depend on the pace of the game and my own judgment.
* Gods have mortal bodies. They can be killed like any other mortal, but they do not age any more than they want to. Their innate magic makes their physical abilities more-than-human, but they still tire and bleed like mortals - it's just harder, as befits the gods made flesh.

A Single Major Act can be used to:
* Gain a Domain (once/week). Domains are your sphere of influence, and the way your magic expresses itself. Having a domain allows a god to claim that it is definitively the "God of X". See below for Domain Ranks.
* Gain an Ability (once/week). Abilities are specific ways that magic works, innate powers of the gods that express themselves in a variety of ways. Though Domains define the power of the gods, Abilities define their knacks and supernatural skills.
* Up a Domain. Each domain starts at Rank 1. (once/domain/week) Ranks are rough rankings of power; a Rank 2 God is more attuned to their domain than a Rank 1 God. The higher a Rank rises, the more powerful and focused the god becomes. (In short, Ranks are just there to measure relative power. It will be especially useful if two gods have the same domain or opposite domains (such as creation and destruction).)
* Create an Artifact. Artifacts are the tools and weapons of the gods, each unique and possessing supernatural powers. Though they are made through the wielding of a god's will, they can be stolen or given away, used by rivals or by mortals. This can be dangerous, as Artifacts are powerful things indeed.
* Create an Exarch. Exarchs are divinely-empowered mortals, champions and companions of the gods. At the moment of their empowerment, they gain an Ability of the god's choice. Though they do not possess enough power to battle a god and win, they are far superior to any mortal.
* Alter an existing race. Whether the changes are purely cosmetic or deeply intrinsic to the race's being, the gods are capable of shaping the bodies of an entire population however they wish with a mere expediture of power.
* Create a new monster race. Though few would admit to doing so, the gods are capable of creating entire new species of monsters. They spread quickly, but tend to hunt mortals whether or no they are ordered to do so.
* Change landscape, major (no more than the size of Texas if on land, or raise an archipelago about the size of Indonesia)

Two Major Acts can be used to:
* Create a Realm. A Realm is a magical place created by the gods, much like Valhalla or the underground cities of the Tuatha de Danann. You specify the environment and supernatural traits that the Realm has - anything goes. Some Realms are of the world, while others are truly portals into other worlds, but no world seems to have the balance and spark of divinity that the Central World has.
* Create a completely new sentient race. Life, true life, is a precious gift indeed. The created race is immediately created in numbers ranging from a hundred to thousands; they typically have a strong tie to the domains of their creator, though they are not intrinsically bound to him.
* Create a type - or school, or path, or technique - of Magic. Magic is incredibly powerful in the right hands, and the creation of a new type of magic is a complex and demanding art. Though a type of magic must have weaknesses, it is still a reality-warping force.

Three Major Acts can be used to:
* Beget a demigod. Though the children of a god are destined to become great heroes, only by expending great amounts of divine power can a Demigod be created; they are to Exarchs what Exarchs are to normal mortals. At creation, a Demigod gains two Abilities. It is the god's choice whether to bestow the power directly after birth or to wait to ignite the power within their blood within their youth or even older ages.
* Create a divine sanctum. A divine sanctum is a special type of Realm, attuned only to you, and has the following attributes: Spoiler
- Your domains are increased by 1 while in your sanctum; other gods have their domains decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
- You may send a god away from your sanctum as a free action (you cannot in a Realm).
- Divine servants need the permission of the master of a sanctum to enter it.
- A Sancum is infinitely mutable, and it can be whatever you wish it to be, whenever you want it to be that way.

One Ceremony can be used to:
* Have two or more gods collaborate to do anything requiring one or two minor or major acts together. They can add in a bonus to whatever they do based on their domain, but all gods involved must sacrifice one ceremony to do so. Ceremonies are more powerful than Major Acts, representing the amazing heights a god can achieve in perfect unity with his fellows, forming something greater than the sum of its parts. Of course, a god can also taint or manipulate his Ceremony without the knowledge of his fellows, so it is something done only with full trust.

Minor Acts can be used to:
* Minor changes in the landscape (scorch an entire forest, fill a valley with water, etc.). With but a wave of their hand, the gods impose their will on the very land around them, and it changes easily to meet their wishes.
* Bless the population of a mortal land. In addition to increasing the mortal population, the population that finds themselves under the pleasure of a god will find their crops prosperous and their ways smoothed, as the subtle magic of the god is worked in their favor.
* Curse the population of a mortal land. In addition to decreasing the mortal population, the population that finds themselves under the curse of a god will find their crops barren and their land blighted, as the subtle magic of the god works against them.
* Teach a population, for example, spreading a philosophy. Also used to increase (slightly) skill in magic, as well as create religions.
* Create out of magic anything that isn't strongly magical or sentinent. Tea, for instance.
* Create a city or several towns. The gods create the citadels of their servants, raising up stones and forming streets with all the ease a mortal would paint a picture. They are not inherently magical, but the god may craft them however they wish.
* Create a small number of servants of moderate power (around lvl 6 in D&D 3E).
* Create one servant with greater power (around lvl 14).
* Teach your followers a magic not of your own creation.
* Anything else not on the list - just ask me first.

Every God can do/have the following:
* Grant magical spells within their domains - any spell, as long as it's thematically tied to their domains - in any magic their people know, and cast from any type of magic that they have come into contact with and studied.
* Remote Sensing - My god-senses are tingling. Basically, sense the location of anyone with a divine spark. It must be noted, however, that this power can be blocked or led astray by the divine spark in question, should they turn their will to eluding your own divine senses.
* Send messages to each other via divine magic - unlike earlier versions of this, I am requesting that all such communication be thematically tied. No immediate telepathy, please.
* Send divine servants (those created by minor acts only) anywhere. Divine servants, unlike gods, need a permission from the master of a sanctum to enter it.

Complete list of Abilities:
Rank 2 abilities are unavailable at the beginning, and are prefaced with a "-" symbol. They also have the ability directly above them as a prerequisite. If a Rank 2 you want doesn't exist and you see an opening for it, feel free to ask.

Rank 3 abilities are the stuff of divine legend, and will not be available for some time.

Melee Expertise (Weapon): You are a master of one melee weapon and are especially skilled in taking down single opponents.
- True Master: You can achieve incredible feats with your chosen weapon and can apply powerful magical effects to your blows.

Ranged Expertise (Weapon): You master one ranged or thrown weapon type and are especially skilled in taking down single opponents.
- Supreme Archer: You can achieve incredible feats with your chosen weapon and apply powerful magical effects.
- War God: When you fight alongside legions of mortals or supernatural servants, you inspire greatness and strength in them. You are a master tactician and general, and none can hope to oppose your might in war. (This requires either Melee Expertise or Ranged Expertise.)

Bloodlust: You fight like a beast. Divine rage overcomes you in battle, enabling you to ignore injury and rip apart your foes.
- Blood Curse: You may instill the supernatural rage that flows through your veins into others at your whim.

Divine Athletics: Your endurance and skill in movement is unparalleled. You may make "impossible" feats of acrobatics or athletics with ease.
- Mightiest Athlete: You leave even other gods in the dust behind you; if you wish, you may run as fast as the wind, climb mountains in moments, or even lift them and move them out of your way.

Divine Inspiration: Like a Muse, you inspire your followers to make great works of every art.

Divine Charm: Mortals admire you and will do whatever pleases you. Other gods are more prone to listen to you or even fall in love with you.
- Mass Euphoria: One word out of your mouth may cause chaos in the population of an entire city, if you so wish. This effect is temporary and will disappear immediately if the god or goddess leaves the area.

Reality Manipulation: You alter the perception of mortals and gods alike, whether it be beguiling them with illusions and dreams or reaching into their heads and adjusting their view of the world.

Nature Affinity: You are a powerful druid/shaman who a link to some inhabitants of the natural world. You may also take the shape of animals or plants (magical beasts are excluded).
- Spirit of the Land: You are one with the earth. You feel what it feels; mass deforestation, pollution are some of the things that hurt you. You may manifest in any natural environment whenever you wish, and command any natural environment as you will.

Sorcery: A catch-all term for special branches of magic, such as Healing, Psychopompy or Oneiromancy; Sorcerers master one type of magic and can wield it as they wish with expertise that beggars even the creators of such a magic. (For direct offense/defense, see below. This is "utility" magic.)

Battle Magic: You have mastered the offensive magics, whether they be of lightning or fire or other, stranger ways. Your spells have one purpose: to kill. In this, they are unparalleled.

Warding Magic: You have mastered the defensive magics, whether they be of air or force or other, stranger ways. Your spells have one purpose: to protect. In this, they are unparalleled.

Item Creation: You are a master creator. Your items are of a superior quality, even by the standards of the gods.
- Formidable Artisan (prerequisite: 3+ artifacts created): You can create greater artifacts which are nigh-impossible to destroy and have world-shaking powers. Speak with the GM before making greater artifacts.

Elemental Mastery (choose an element: air, earth, fire or water): You are extremely at ease in your chosen element, and can call it to obey your wishes.
- Elemental Purity (choose an element, the same as you EM skill; you may not take Elemental Purity if you have more than 1 EM skill): A god with Elemental Mastery controls one element. With Elemental Purity, you are that element. You cannot be harmed by that element.
- Celestial Mastery (prerequisite: all four Elemental Mastery skills): You understand that the four classic elements cannot exist without the highest power. The Celestial Element is the ultimate force, where the four elements meet and mix.

Polymorphy: You are a master of many forms. You shapechange at will, partially or wholly, and be undetectable until you so wish to be discovered.

World Alteration: You may shape the world with more ease. You may use two Change Landscape, minor as part of one minor action.
- Cataclysm: You may now use a major act to create a greater cataclysm. This includes turning a fertile country into desolate earth, flooding an entire island, create a living storm that spans many miles, etc.

Lifegiver: Your goal is to protect all life from corruption, and an aura of life and plenty surrounds you. Once a week, for the the cost of only one minor action, you may increase two separate populations.
- Great Creator (prerequisite: 1 monster race or 1 full race created): You master the complex magic that allows the creation of life. Each race you create is empowered (equivalent of one additional major act).

Harbringer of Death: Either you understand the necessity of death or you revel in murder. Once a week, for the the cost of only one minor action, you may blight two separate populations.

Constructive thoughts, and criticisms?
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Re: Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by DaZergRock54444 »

This certainly seems interesting. Time might be a bit of an issue for me, but it would be an interesting thing to follow.

One note: because of an update from 2017 or so, spoiler tags have been broken, so you might want to put the character creation into another post.
Instead of foodservice equipment, let's play with large format projectors.
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Re: Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by Jub »

I don't know how much-sustained interest I'd have. I love the idea, but don't know if I could see it through the long term.
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Re: Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by Aspiring Author »

DaZergRock54444 wrote: 2019-01-16 10:05am This certainly seems interesting. Time might be a bit of an issue for me, but it would be an interesting thing to follow.

One note: because of an update from 2017 or so, spoiler tags have been broken, so you might want to put the character creation into another post.
Jub wrote: 2019-01-16 10:27am I don't know how much-sustained interest I'd have. I love the idea, but don't know if I could see it through the long term.
Well, I'm glad I'm at least getting some modest interest and attention, rather than none at all.
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Re: Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I'm certainly intrigued, I haven't really done much collaborative writing in the fantasy genre, just sci-fi, so it might be fun to branch out somewhat.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Interest Check . . . (SD.Net Divinity Role Play)

Post by Aspiring Author »

The Rules:
Alright folks, the rules for character creation are below.
Original rules by Ipphli, modifications by Raz_Fox and Omnik

*Every player gets 3 Major Acts, 3 Minor Acts and 1 Ceremony every turn. These can be saved up from turn to turn. However, only 6 unused Major Acts, 7 unused Minor Acts and 3 unused ceremonies can be saved at a time.
* Turns begin every week, more or less. The time a turn lasts will depend on the pace of the game and my own judgment.
* Gods have mortal bodies. They can be killed like any other mortal, but they do not age any more than they want to. Their innate magic makes their physical abilities more-than-human, but they still tire and bleed like mortals - it's just harder, as befits the gods made flesh.

A Single Major Act can be used to:
* Gain a Domain (once/week). Domains are your sphere of influence, and the way your magic expresses itself. Having a domain allows a god to claim that it is definitively the "God of X". See below for Domain Ranks.
* Gain an Ability (once/week). Abilities are specific ways that magic works, innate powers of the gods that express themselves in a variety of ways. Though Domains define the power of the gods, Abilities define their knacks and supernatural skills.
* Up a Domain. Each domain starts at Rank 1. (once/domain/week) Ranks are rough rankings of power; a Rank 2 God is more attuned to their domain than a Rank 1 God. The higher a Rank rises, the more powerful and focused the god becomes. (In short, Ranks are just there to measure relative power. It will be especially useful if two gods have the same domain or opposite domains (such as creation and destruction).)
* Create an Artifact. Artifacts are the tools and weapons of the gods, each unique and possessing supernatural powers. Though they are made through the wielding of a god's will, they can be stolen or given away, used by rivals or by mortals. This can be dangerous, as Artifacts are powerful things indeed.
* Create an Exarch. Exarchs are divinely-empowered mortals, champions and companions of the gods. At the moment of their empowerment, they gain an Ability of the god's choice. Though they do not possess enough power to battle a god and win, they are far superior to any mortal.
* Alter an existing race. Whether the changes are purely cosmetic or deeply intrinsic to the race's being, the gods are capable of shaping the bodies of an entire population however they wish with a mere expediture of power.
* Create a new monster race. Though few would admit to doing so, the gods are capable of creating entire new species of monsters. They spread quickly, but tend to hunt mortals whether or no they are ordered to do so.
* Change landscape, major (no more than the size of Texas if on land, or raise an archipelago about the size of Indonesia)

Two Major Acts can be used to:
* Create a Realm. A Realm is a magical place created by the gods, much like Valhalla or the underground cities of the Tuatha de Danann. You specify the environment and supernatural traits that the Realm has - anything goes. Some Realms are of the world, while others are truly portals into other worlds, but no world seems to have the balance and spark of divinity that the Central World has.
* Create a completely new sentient race. Life, true life, is a precious gift indeed. The created race is immediately created in numbers ranging from a hundred to thousands; they typically have a strong tie to the domains of their creator, though they are not intrinsically bound to him.
* Create a type - or school, or path, or technique - of Magic. Magic is incredibly powerful in the right hands, and the creation of a new type of magic is a complex and demanding art. Though a type of magic must have weaknesses, it is still a reality-warping force.

Three Major Acts can be used to:
* Beget a demigod. Though the children of a god are destined to become great heroes, only by expending great amounts of divine power can a Demigod be created; they are to Exarchs what Exarchs are to normal mortals. At creation, a Demigod gains two Abilities. It is the god's choice whether to bestow the power directly after birth or to wait to ignite the power within their blood within their youth or even older ages.
* Create a divine sanctum. A divine sanctum is a special type of Realm, attuned only to you, and has the following attributes: Spoiler
- Your domains are increased by 1 while in your sanctum; other gods have their domains decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
- You may send a god away from your sanctum as a free action (you cannot in a Realm).
- Divine servants need the permission of the master of a sanctum to enter it.
- A Sancum is infinitely mutable, and it can be whatever you wish it to be, whenever you want it to be that way.

One Ceremony can be used to:
* Have two or more gods collaborate to do anything requiring one or two minor or major acts together. They can add in a bonus to whatever they do based on their domain, but all gods involved must sacrifice one ceremony to do so. Ceremonies are more powerful than Major Acts, representing the amazing heights a god can achieve in perfect unity with his fellows, forming something greater than the sum of its parts. Of course, a god can also taint or manipulate his Ceremony without the knowledge of his fellows, so it is something done only with full trust.

Minor Acts can be used to:
* Minor changes in the landscape (scorch an entire forest, fill a valley with water, etc.). With but a wave of their hand, the gods impose their will on the very land around them, and it changes easily to meet their wishes.
* Bless the population of a mortal land. In addition to increasing the mortal population, the population that finds themselves under the pleasure of a god will find their crops prosperous and their ways smoothed, as the subtle magic of the god is worked in their favor.
* Curse the population of a mortal land. In addition to decreasing the mortal population, the population that finds themselves under the curse of a god will find their crops barren and their land blighted, as the subtle magic of the god works against them.
* Teach a population, for example, spreading a philosophy. Also used to increase (slightly) skill in magic, as well as create religions.
* Create out of magic anything that isn't strongly magical or sentinent. Tea, for instance.
* Create a city or several towns. The gods create the citadels of their servants, raising up stones and forming streets with all the ease a mortal would paint a picture. They are not inherently magical, but the god may craft them however they wish.
* Create a small number of servants of moderate power (around lvl 6 in D&D 3E).
* Create one servant with greater power (around lvl 14).
* Teach your followers a magic not of your own creation.
* Anything else not on the list - just ask me first.

Every God can do/have the following:
* Grant magical spells within their domains - any spell, as long as it's thematically tied to their domains - in any magic their people know, and cast from any type of magic that they have come into contact with and studied.
* Remote Sensing - My god-senses are tingling. Basically, sense the location of anyone with a divine spark. It must be noted, however, that this power can be blocked or led astray by the divine spark in question, should they turn their will to eluding your own divine senses.
* Send messages to each other via divine magic - unlike earlier versions of this, I am requesting that all such communication be thematically tied. No immediate telepathy, please.
* Send divine servants (those created by minor acts only) anywhere. Divine servants, unlike gods, need a permission from the master of a sanctum to enter it.

Complete list of Abilities:

Rank 2 abilities are unavailable at the beginning, and are prefaced with a "-" symbol. They also have the ability directly above them as a prerequisite. If a Rank 2 you want doesn't exist and you see an opening for it, feel free to ask.

Rank 3 abilities are the stuff of divine legend, and will not be available for some time.

Melee Expertise (Weapon): You are a master of one melee weapon and are especially skilled in taking down single opponents.
- True Master: You can achieve incredible feats with your chosen weapon and can apply powerful magical effects to your blows.

Ranged Expertise (Weapon): You master one ranged or thrown weapon type and are especially skilled in taking down single opponents.
- Supreme Archer: You can achieve incredible feats with your chosen weapon and apply powerful magical effects.
- War God: When you fight alongside legions of mortals or supernatural servants, you inspire greatness and strength in them. You are a master tactician and general, and none can hope to oppose your might in war. (This requires either Melee Expertise or Ranged Expertise.)

Bloodlust: You fight like a beast. Divine rage overcomes you in battle, enabling you to ignore injury and rip apart your foes.
- Blood Curse: You may instill the supernatural rage that flows through your veins into others at your whim.

Divine Athletics: Your endurance and skill in movement is unparalleled. You may make "impossible" feats of acrobatics or athletics with ease.
- Mightiest Athlete: You leave even other gods in the dust behind you; if you wish, you may run as fast as the wind, climb mountains in moments, or even lift them and move them out of your way.

Divine Inspiration: Like a Muse, you inspire your followers to make great works of every art.

Divine Charm: Mortals admire you and will do whatever pleases you. Other gods are more prone to listen to you or even fall in love with you.
- Mass Euphoria: One word out of your mouth may cause chaos in the population of an entire city, if you so wish. This effect is temporary and will disappear immediately if the god or goddess leaves the area.

Reality Manipulation: You alter the perception of mortals and gods alike, whether it be beguiling them with illusions and dreams or reaching into their heads and adjusting their view of the world.

Nature Affinity: You are a powerful druid/shaman who a link to some inhabitants of the natural world. You may also take the shape of animals or plants (magical beasts are excluded).
- Spirit of the Land: You are one with the earth. You feel what it feels; mass deforestation, pollution are some of the things that hurt you. You may manifest in any natural environment whenever you wish, and command any natural environment as you will.

Sorcery: A catch-all term for special branches of magic, such as Healing, Psychopompy or Oneiromancy; Sorcerers master one type of magic and can wield it as they wish with expertise that beggars even the creators of such a magic. (For direct offense/defense, see below. This is "utility" magic.)

Battle Magic: You have mastered the offensive magics, whether they be of lightning or fire or other, stranger ways. Your spells have one purpose: to kill. In this, they are unparalleled.

Warding Magic: You have mastered the defensive magics, whether they be of air or force or other, stranger ways. Your spells have one purpose: to protect. In this, they are unparalleled.

Item Creation: You are a master creator. Your items are of a superior quality, even by the standards of the gods.
- Formidable Artisan (prerequisite: 3+ artifacts created): You can create greater artifacts which are nigh-impossible to destroy and have world-shaking powers. Speak with the GM before making greater artifacts.

Elemental Mastery (choose an element: air, earth, fire or water): You are extremely at ease in your chosen element, and can call it to obey your wishes.
- Elemental Purity (choose an element, the same as you EM skill; you may not take Elemental Purity if you have more than 1 EM skill): A god with Elemental Mastery controls one element. With Elemental Purity, you are that element. You cannot be harmed by that element.
- Celestial Mastery (prerequisite: all four Elemental Mastery skills): You understand that the four classic elements cannot exist without the highest power. The Celestial Element is the ultimate force, where the four elements meet and mix.

Polymorphy: You are a master of many forms. You shapechange at will, partially or wholly, and be undetectable until you so wish to be discovered.

World Alteration: You may shape the world with more ease. You may use two Change Landscape, minor as part of one minor action.
- Cataclysm: You may now use a major act to create a greater cataclysm. This includes turning a fertile country into desolate earth, flooding an entire island, create a living storm that spans many miles, etc.

Lifegiver: Your goal is to protect all life from corruption, and an aura of life and plenty surrounds you. Once a week, for the the cost of only one minor action, you may increase two separate populations.
- Great Creator (prerequisite: 1 monster race or 1 full race created): You master the complex magic that allows the creation of life. Each race you create is empowered (equivalent of one additional major act).

Harbringer of Death: Either you understand the necessity of death or you revel in murder. Once a week, for the the cost of only one minor action, you may blight two separate populations.
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