Venator wrote:Weedle McHairybug wrote:Good work on that scaling regarding the various ground vehicles (plus the Chi-class heavy dropship and Lambda-class T-4a shuttle). I must admit, though... I wonder how that All-Terrain Siege Platform is going to fit in the dropship?
Far be it from me to impose on FS's canon, but I could personally see some kind of carryall clamp on a lander just dropping them straight into action.
The logistics of loading bay height would be a pain, however.
Considering the fact that Gozanti freighters are capable of carrying two AT-AT walkers on their undercarriages, I'd say that monster there would be more than capable.
Also, an AT-SP would probably be loaded into a more dedicated transport vessel than an ISD. Maybe some of them could sit aboard the Executor, but I'm guessing that these things would be the sorts of monsters a general would have to order weeks ahead of a campaign. You don't pull these things out when you want to hit a common Rebel installation or respond to a planetary crisis, you bring them out when you intend to crack a fortress world, secure a major operations site, or end an assault that has been raging on one of your worlds for a month. In those situations, you ask the nearest Grand Admiral to dispatch the
Deathbringer from deepdock, he gives the command and the transport is loaded up with three AT-SPs and the landing craft, she males her rendezvous with the fleet, the Star Destroyers dispatch AT-ATs and Juggernauts for escort and uses their bombers to clear the landing zone, the three AT-SPs make landfall, and thus the real battle begins.