I think the shortlist for class names right now are:
Moderator: Beowulf
I think you're overestimating the scale of the ship somewhat. The Empire State Building is taller than an Imperator when the spire is included and, if included in the central "skyline" section, would extend upward beyond the height of this ship's bridge tower. The "skyscrapers" appear to be only about 50-70m tall.Crossroads Inc. wrote:As a EasterEgg, I think you should put in the 'Skyline' of towers in that shot, A too scale rend of the Empire State Building
What do you base that on? This ship has way more firepower and volume than the executor. I think Fractalsponge refered to it as "what the Eclipse could have been".fusion wrote:I see a city is being built!!! I guess this ship this ship is going to be a sector command ship like the Tichy, hence the city scape? But cannot fill the role of a regional commandship like the Executor? (wow, that came out garbled)...
Indeed. Note:Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:I think you're overestimating the scale of the ship somewhat. The Empire State Building is taller than an Imperator when the spire is included and, if included in the central "skyline" section, would extend upward beyond the height of this ship's bridge tower. The "skyscrapers" appear to be only about 50-70m tall.Crossroads Inc. wrote:As a EasterEgg, I think you should put in the 'Skyline' of towers in that shot, A too scale rend of the Empire State Building
I think it's a bit questionable to claim that any ship the size of a Mandator "cannot" fill the role of a regional commandship. Rough estimate of a Mandator puts it at about half the power of an Executor, which means if it shares a similar power to weight ratio, a Mandator has an available volume that can be scientifically stated as the natural log of a fuckload of cubic meters. Possibly it was a more combat oriented design, possibly not, and obviously they do fill the roles of private ship of the line in Kuat's sectorial fleet, and presumably also in certain squadrons of the Imperial Navy, but that doesn't mean they weren't also the regional flagships of the empire for the twenty years before the first Executors came off the slipway.Thanas wrote:What do you base that on? This ship has way more firepower and volume than the executor. I think Fractalsponge refered to it as "what the Eclipse could have been".fusion wrote:I see a city is being built!!! I guess this ship this ship is going to be a sector command ship like the Tichy, hence the city scape? But cannot fill the role of a regional commandship like the Executor? (wow, that came out garbled)...
wThanas wrote:I doubt that you'd really need that many offices for fleet ops- the Allegiance was capable of coordinating the assault on MonCal by its lonesome, despite being much much smaller. IMO the Executor is pretty much a carrier wiht lots of LTLs in combat.
However, from what the EU tells us, it is supposed to be the command ship of Grand Moffs and Grand Admirals. I view it more as a moving oversector capital world instead of a purely combat-oriented flagship.
Why? This is a universe with 300km deathstars. This ship is peanuts against that.Havok wrote:While very cool, it seems to be bordering on the level of ridiculousness.
fractalsponge1 wrote:I'm going to use deliberate ambiguity for that for the momentThanas wrote:Is that a smaller version of the spinal superlaser I see at the bow?
It's not the size, just the fact that it is almost completely covered with weapons. It's very fanboyish. Like I said, cool, but for me, on the verge of ridiculous. It just doesn't mesh visually with Star Wars for me.Thanas wrote:Why? This is a universe with 300km deathstars. This ship is peanuts against that.Havok wrote:While very cool, it seems to be bordering on the level of ridiculousness.
Well, to be honest, the Executor and the Death star were all covered with a lot of stuff/weapons. Compare this one to the cityscape on the Executor - it looks far more covered than this.Havok wrote:It's not the size, just the fact that it is almost completely covered with weapons. It's very fanboyish. Like I said, cool, but for me, on the verge of ridiculous. It just doesn't mesh visually with Star Wars for me.Thanas wrote:Why? This is a universe with 300km deathstars. This ship is peanuts against that.Havok wrote:While very cool, it seems to be bordering on the level of ridiculousness.
Fair enough, but I doubt that would be the case we were all used to seeing an Executor model that used detailed turrets instead of featureless bumps. Visually, that ship is unarmed. The number of turrets here are a consequence of what weapons are necessary to use the reactor output, which is calculated by scaling from an ISD, with a fair bit of consideration for what actually looks reasonable; I think it'd be rather worse if I went with a featureless sea of armor with 2 rows of four barely visible turrets that just happened to output 50 petatons apiece.Havok wrote:It's not the size, just the fact that it is almost completely covered with weapons. It's very fanboyish. Like I said, cool, but for me, on the verge of ridiculous. It just doesn't mesh visually with Star Wars for me.Thanas wrote:Why? This is a universe with 300km deathstars. This ship is peanuts against that.Havok wrote:While very cool, it seems to be bordering on the level of ridiculousness.