I'm interested in the crew requirements - I have my doubts the ship only had the two pilots onboard when it exploded. From its size (my guesstimate would be about twice the length of the corvettes, so about 300-400m, does anyone have measurements?) I'd say a few hundred crew should be minimum.Vympel wrote:It's more of a Venator / Consular cross than an Acclamator / Consular cross - it has some pretty large dorsal turrets.
It's too bad its debut was basically just as a sacrificial lamb. If there's one thing Clone Wars has shown, the Jedi really don't give two shits about their warships, they're simply disposable.
I hope we will see similar cruisers and Grievous' new ship more often and get to know some details about them. Several good-looking ships were shown just once, e.g. the shuttle used by Mace Windu and Kenobi when travelling with Bane, or the Y-wing squadrons. Another Subjugator duelling a few Venators (or a larger Republic vessel) during a space battle would be appreciated.
The new light cruiser would be a great addition to Fractalsponge's ship list... after he finished the Star Dreadnought **whistles innocently**