I won't even get in too deep to the utter insanity of thinkg that CO and NM are gone when they are polling noticeable but single digit leads while PA has a dozaen polls (including a freaking PA only tracking poll) which has shown a consistent double digit lead for Obama in that race.Most people top in the McCain campaign now believe New Mexico and Iowa are gone, that Barack Obama will win New Mexico and Iowa. They are now off the dream list of the McCain campaign. More interestingly, most top people inside the McCain campaign think Colorado is gone.
So they are now finishing with a very risky strategy. Win Florida. Win Nevada ... And here is the biggest risk of all -- yes they have to win North Carolina, yes they have to win Ohio, yes they have to win Virginia, trailing or dead-even in all those states right now. But they are betting Wolf on coming back and taking the state of Pennsylvania. It has become the critical state now in the McCain electoral scenario. And they are down 10, 12, and even 14 points in some polls there. But they say as Colorado, Iowa and other states drift away, they think they have to take a big state. 21 electoral votes in Pennsylvania, Wolf, watch that state over the next few weeks.
If we start with the 04 map, give CO, IA, and NM to Obama then turn PA to a tossup the math works out as 265(R) and 252(D).
Here is the problem: Flip NV and VA but give McCain PA and its 270-268 Obama
Flip NV and NC its 272-264 Obama
Flip MO and NV and its also 270-268 Obama
Flip IN and NV same deal
Flip either OH or FL and its Obama
Flip ND or MT and NC and its 270-268 Obama
Again this strategy means that McCain has to play perfect defense in OH, FL, VA, NC, MO, IN, and NV (maybe ND too) PLUS play perfect offense in Pennsylvania. I'm betting that he fails to keep either FL or OH (not sure which) and losses both NC and VA in the process of pressinghis offense and spreading his defense so thin. This is essentially pulling the goalie in the final 2 minutes of the game hoping for overtime. Its beyond risky because it means a minimal campaign from Obama nets him all the states which he needed for a fundamentally superior electoral position while only going after the state where he has a better chance of playing defense (between strong surrogates in the Clintons and Rendell plus the ability to try and draw huge turnout from Philly)