him: hi
Bilateralrope: hi
http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=119150 < this is the thread where I'm asking for help with your problems with the WTC collapse
Bilateralrope: does Surlethe answer your points well enough ?
him: not as to why all models indicate the core would stand after the floors pancaked
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 3263850613 < this video shows something standing for a few secoudns after the collapse
Bilateralrope: would that be the core ?
him: most likely. it should have been able to take it though
him: the fact it collapsed so fast is suspicious
Bilateralrope: even after the steel was down to 70% of its strength ?
Bilateralrope: sorry, down to 30%
http://www.jnani.org/mrking/writings/91 ... c144446007 < also, read this
him: it's freaking steel. It should be able to survive an effin fire
him: even at 30%
him: there has only been one time a steel building has collapsed from fire
him: Ever.
Bilateralrope: even though the core was recieving a type of load it was not designed to take ?
Bilateralrope: show me the caluclations to back up this claim of yours
Bilateralrope: and it withstood a larger plane. It was the fire that finished the tower off
Bilateralrope: a fire spreading multiple floors
him: I still think steel should hold at 30% capacity
him: they build towers with redundancoes
him: *redundancies
Bilateralrope: in other words, you don't have any calculations to back up your claim, just faith ?
him: it's insulting to the builders to claim FIRE took out their tower
Bilateralrope: and why didn't you bring this up yesterday ?
him: there has only been one time a steel building has collapsed from fire
him: well
him: I consider repeated experiments
him: to prove that fire can't kill a steel building
him: and you seem to be ignoring the point
Bilateralrope: what experiments ?
him: the various fires in steel buildings
Bilateralrope: be more specific so that I can find out what differes between those fires and the wtc collapse
him: Every time that a freaking steel building has been on fire.
Bilateralrope: I'll look into that
Bilateralrope: do you have any other claims that you didn't bring up yesterday ?
him: nope
Bilateralrope: do you have any calculations to back up:
him: it's freaking steel. It should be able to survive an effin fire
him: even at 30%
Bilateralrope: or your claim that the core collapse was too fast ?
him: I'm sorry, but I left my engineering degree at the office
Bilateralrope: I'll accecpt calculations performed by someone else
Bilateralrope: and you will probably understand them better than me
Bilateralrope: but without calculations, both of those claims are worthless
him: I think my claim of past fires still holds
Bilateralrope: I'll need to look into those fires
him: well it's simple enough; no fire has ever collapsed a steel building, except for the WTC
Bilateralrope: I'm expecting to see differences in the tempratures those fires reached and/or the load above the fires
him: FEMA was at the WTC the day before the collapse
bomb sniffing dogs were not there for the weeks beforehand, when they usually were
him: more evidence
him: the cameras were shut down beforehand
Bilateralrope: if you don't have evidence to back up those claims, they are wortheless and will be ignored
him: no evidence beyond eyewitnesses
Bilateralrope: well show me their statments
him: thats the problem. We're fighting on uneven terms. You have the "official story" which is "evidence"
Bilateralrope: I havn't used the official report as evidence here.
Bilateralrope: so are you going to actually give me the witness statments, or are you just going to make claims about what they said ?
him: im trying to bloody find them
Bilateralrope: so you took those statments as fact without questioning them ?
Bilateralrope: and then expected me to do the same ?
him: no im putting them forward. On their own they mean nothing
him: because I agree
him: they are nothing more than speculation. BUT. They add weight to my arguments
him: and consider this:
Bilateralrope: only if you have evidence to back them up
Bilateralrope: without evidence they are worthless
Bilateralrope: and if they can be shown to be incorrect, that hurts your credibility
Bilateralrope: so without evidence, at best they do nothing for you, at worst they hurt you