Letsee, who's the President?
Well, an oil baron, whose his friends? Oil barons!
Lemme see, Oh wait the other 100 Memebers of the Senate and all those fokes in the Courts and the House of Representaives?
Thier friends?
By your reasoning some of Clinton's best friends where Chinese therefor China was realy ruiling the US through him during the Clinton years
Or what about Bob Dole? Guess we are in for 4 years of Miltary Dictatorship if he gets elected!
Wait by your logic if Alyrinium where elected President, the entire US goverment would come out of the Closet as acutaly gay!
You seem to have an illogical hatred of Bush Ted, Why is that?
Oh and the bigest aurgment aginst your little deal
Bushs friends
Texas Oil Barons
What do they make money off of? Oil
What goes down in price when alot of it enters the market?
Who's profits suffer?
Why Bushs Oil Baron friends of Course!
Unless you want to tell me the Oil Barons LIKE shooting themselves in the foot the only thing Bush could do to help them is invade all the Mid East and "accidently" burn all thier oil off, forcing people to buy from Bushs Texas Oil Baron friends, reeping tons of profit
However you see it a War in Iraq or any Mid East oil rich Country will have a big negative effect on Oil prices, be it on acutal increased oil in the market or just speculation of it
So then Ted, Bush is doing EXACTLY what will hurt his Baron friends!
Gee I guess he's not that friendly...