"Ask this idiot to explain why entropy causes sin, pain, and evil."
It doesn't. Entropy causes things to die, break down. It is the effect of The Fall and not its cause.
Wrong. There is more entropy in a healthy adult male's body than there is in a corpse shortly after death. I am so goddamned sick and tired of ignorant creationists misinterpreting entropy.
You can pour boxes of Lego onto each other at very high speeds but energy along won't build anything.
Of course not, since Lego, unlike chemicals, does not have innate self-bonding characteristics. This is a false analogy.
You also need a purposeful design (or do it randomly with intelligent constraints ie. straight up).
Notice the circular logic; he states his conclusion as a premise. In reality, order forms all the time without anything but mindless energy or pressure. Crystals form in ice as it freezes. Diamonds form a lattice structure. No intelligence is required.
One DNA molecule contains more info than Encyclopedia Brittanica. How is that much different into (not like ice crystals) going to come about randomly? And for millions of different species?
Notice how he doesn't explain
why it cannot (or why he can arbitrarily dismiss the example of ice crystals as spontaneous order); he simply states his conclusions as premises again. Why does he feel that billions of years of evolution could not produce a DNA molecule? And why does he feel that the massively overcomplex DNA molecule (most of which is filled with genetic junk code) is proof of intelligent design, when it is actually proof of jury-rigged unintelligent design? The same question applies to all of the sheer number of species. A self-proliferating system makes sense; intelligent design does not.
Moreover, all know compilations of info have intelligence behind them.
Wrong again. There are complex geological patterns, for example, which form without intelligence. There are complex metallic microstructures, for example, which form without guiding intelligence.
Information as complex as that in your genes. If you took all carbon in the universe, put it together and let it ceact as rapidly as possible you have a 1/1EGO chance of having 1 protein molecule after 1 billion years.
Notice how he assumes completely random reactions, but chemical reactions are deterministic. Oldest dumb-ass creationist argument in the book.
(Re: fossil record) circular reasoning - these family trees are drawn on the assumption that the aforementioned species are related then used to prove the assumption
ROTFLMAO!!! This idiot just accused the entire scientific method of being circular reasoning. Explain it to him very slowly; we hypothesize, and then see if the hypothesis fits observation. The fossil relationship is the hypothesis. The fossil record is the observation. There is no circular logic, since the premise is validated by objective reality, not self-references (unlike
his arguments, which are almost entirely circular since he states conclusions in order to prove themselves).
Why would God "reinvent the wheel" for each species?
If not for direct inheritance, why would God copy mistakes from species to species in one family tree but not another, where that mistake had never cropped up in the first place (see backward-wired mammal eyes)? Why would God lay out the species so that their migration patterns coincidentally match those that we would expect from evolution? A practical joke?
THere were no dangers in Eden
Using a belief in order to justify a belief. No attempt to reference objective reality. Typical.
Disease didn't exist until after The Fall. People were healthier then too.
Proofs of the Bible: testable promises (Matthew 6:33 "seek first [God's] Kingdom and His Righteousness and all these things [your daily needs] will be given to you as well." I have found this and other promises to be true.
The only testable prediction is one which makes precise, objectively verifiable predictions. None of the so-called "Biblical prophecies" qualify. What a moron ...
Another promise is that Jesus will come back (shortly before the world ends) and take those who are His. This one is waiting for fulfillment.
Too bad Jesus said it would happen before his disciples died ... two thousand years ago.
You should swing it back to the original subject and focus on entropy. One subject at a time. Ask him to explain how a healthy adult male can contain more entropy than a corpse, given his idiotic claims. Also ask him to explain the fact that ice has less entropy than water, since it's not difficult to freeze stuff.
There are fulfilled prophecies (Daniel predicted the conquest of Persia be the Greeks (Alexander the Great).
Not inconceivable. Too bad he couldn't make a truly prescient prediction, such as the Jews being annexed by the Romans (whoops; that wasn't supposed to happen, was it?)
Other religions: you wanted my answer. Where they agree with Christianity they are right. Otherwise they are wrong.
I love the way he says shit like this and pretends to be objective and rational.
If God were bound by the physical laws He created then He wouldn't really be God.
Tell him to come here and make us a bargain. I will insult him, his parentage, and his religion in the most vulgar language possible. He will pray to God to change my mind. I will stop only when that happens.