Thought exists, thus is real.
The problem lies in classification, as not all classification are correct. Nonetheless, even incorrectly classified things exists and is real.
Even if I dream without knowing it, it is real because I can NOT say it does not exist. The dream obviously exist because I think it.
If I'm forever dreaming, it is reality. Dreams and "this existence" are seperated by their relationship but not ultimate reality, as it is impossible, since no possible existence sort of omnipotence can be considered "final".
There is always a matrix above (not necessarily sentient or anything) all non-omnipotent observers, but they are irrelevent. Perfect mapping of all reality onto minds are impossible, but mapping of relevent reality onto minds are done all the time, and that is what should be done.
I believe idealism = materialism. (just like transformating polar to cartesian cooridnates, it give all the same answers but starts at a different spot) I don't believe other words do you believe in idealism, materialism, or dualism?