One number is higher than the other,. Yup. What does that mean in context of the Kevlar vests? Nothing.C.S.Strowbridge wrote:You need that explained to you? That's sad.Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:Statistics. Kindly translate into argument or shut the fuck up.C.S.Strowbridge wrote: Percent of guns bought each year that are stolen. 3.896%
Percent change of the average Joe getting shot and killed: 0.00367%
I don't think I know words small enough if you can't see that one number is vastly higher than the other.
I wouldn't talk about myself if I were you....and it weren't true..... BPV won't help criminals. ....Assumption of CSS-wannabe: BPV stolen at same rate as guns.If BPV as stolen at the same rate as guns, and I see no logical reason to doubt that, number of BPV stolen per oppurtunity to save a live: 1000+
INCORRECT! Guns are easier to steal than BPVs. Logic dictates that one would steal something directly helpful over something that is indirectly helpful, given that all other factors are equal.
Retard. That's pretty much all that needs to be said.
Not necessarily, but at a higher rate.1000 times higher?Therefore guns will be stolen at a much higher rate than BPVs,
Children in Israel (A) Can't afford them (B) get killed by Palestinians every day. Warped logic.Children in Israel don't need BPV.No I don't, because I live in a country where guns are not needed. But I would have one if I lived in a rough neighbourhood. Please refrain from overgeneralizing.You don't need a BPV.
So they WOULDNT go after valuables, by yopur logic.I hope criminals are as dumb as you think they are.Oooh, Mr. Perp would steal my vest over my valuables! Mr. Perp wants to protect himself at the risk of being caught BEFORE the vest can be of any help! Mr. Perp is as stupid as CSS-wannabe is!Criminals would love to steal yours. That's the basics, and it seems to be backed up by the data we have.