(I think) I was the one who pointed that out. The Hebrews didn't entirely not give a damn about women. Ruth and Deborah were still important figures to them, and it's not often you see written records about a female political leader in the ancient Middle East (Ruth, the only known female Judge).
Of course, I am doing a exageration. But overall the Hebrews give a damn about their women. They are soon to be married, they have to legitim proprety rights, very few times they have right to accuse the husband of betrayal, the man could marry more than one woman, but otherwise was not likely. If you search for the names of the parents they will always say the name of the man and sometimes do not even say the woman name. There was more saying, paraboles about the woman's lack of trust, weak nature etc than about the woman great traits. And having Ruth and Deborah book is a prove of how they look well toward women is unlikely. In more than a thousand years of story, dozens of book look how few have main females rulling.
Eh...Phoebe was an early deacon of the church. Many of the first Christians were women, and dragged their husbands out of Mithra worship to join Christianity. The records for that were just suppressed by the male supremacist Catholic church (sorry to any Catholics who may be on this board, but the hierarchy of the Catholic church is male supremacist).
Hmm, of course there is more sources for women of importance but just the fact the Hierarchy of Catholic church is male supremacist since the early begining (even if they have actually a huge number of female saints among the early christians) shows the bigger importance of the man (which is no surprise, the western world is still machist and we come from this kind of society after all).
It was the medieval period, but I don't believe it was Augustine who started the whole Cult of Mary. It was begun because of the "Christ as Judge" philosophy, which required a more "feminine" touch to balance, so the Catholics added Mary to their prayers as someone to intercede for them with Christ.
I am not sure, so I may be mistaken, but I did not mean the Mary cult but during Agostyne time I think there is a serie of correspondence that he was asked about jesus's brothers and such and if Mary was virgin only before or remained like so and he gave the answer "of course,virgin forever" which started the turnover that lately make the Virgin Mary be a short of divinity herself.
Dunno about 1000 BCE, but Cleopatra ruled Egypt at Julius Caesar's time, and the Native American tribal councils had women in positions of power before the Europeans arrived. In any case, full equality is not necessary for the granting of basic rights such as "not being given away to a mob against your will".
There is of course. But I think Cleopatra was famous for having a masculine role, of the leader mixed with her sexual symbolism. But she is more the expection of the rule. Just look for Example England, who in the last 400 years or so had 3 Queens of great importance (actually they are in the end more important than the males) when you could pick so few example in much longer period of time.
But the Greeks had some cults that the woman had huge importance. The celtics. The romans. But of course the huge number of cultures are male in the power and the hebrews are one of the more male like.
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