Have any of you heard of the UFO known as the "fast walker"??
According to a Top Secret document leaked to UFO investigator Joe Stefula there is now scientific probability that Earth is being visited by craft which are under extraterrestrial, intelligent control.
At least that is how the evidence is being interpreted by some.
At 14:00hrs Zulu (GMT) on May 4th, 1984 the North American Air Defense Command detected an object sweeping towards the Earth from outer space.
The object was picked up by an ultra-sensitive US Defense Support satellite designed to detect surface launch of ballistic missiles. These satellites are so sensitive they can detect small heat emissions on the Earth, even minor house fires.
This particular object, codenamed "Fastwalker" by the military was no ballistic missile. Its origins were very much in outer-space. Neither did it behave like a meteorite or piece of space debris.
What astounded observers of the data in the leaked document was its heat signature and behaviour.
Fastwalker was hot, it was fast. It was tracked for nine minutes and flew within 15 miles of the satellite. It approached Earth orbit then, somehow, veered away and swept back towards outer space.
The main points to remember about this data is that: natural objects do not behave in this way; meteorites either bounce off the atmosphere or enter it. That Fastwalker was able to change course is indicative that it possessed energy and was able to direct that energy in order to produce that change of direction.
It is also indicative, perhaps, of intelligent control.
It is said that as many as ten thousand of these objects could approach the Earth each week without being detected - such is the fluke this one was detected at all.
There are reports that this is not the only military detection of such objects. There are also opinions out there that the leaked document is a fraud - but they would say that, wouldn't they?
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