amigocabal wrote:Ever wonder why woman goes back to a man who beats and abuses her? Or question why supposedly smart women can’t make up their mind whether to dump boyfriends that impregnate someone else? How about ex-girlfriends who call endlessly? Then, there is the scary extreme of stalkers.
Because men never do any of this? Wait, if they do and we don't have any wonder-drug to blame.... are men just complete assholes?
Since casual hookups and broken relationships can cause such emotional harm, would not early marriage, like before eighteen years, avoid this?
Let's go way out on a limb here and say the premise is true and that all the emotional harm comes from from this wonder drug our body produces: what business do we have protecting people from their own bodies without their consent? Are adrenaline junkies and other sports players that slog through mediocre games for the one great hit, put, throw, turkey, etc that gives them an endorphin release such a danger to themselves we need to remove their ability to chase naturally occurring highs?
This would still be a social issue more than a legal one. Alcoholism is bad, but we don't force people into rehab unless their addiction causes harm to others such as drunk driving. Women who portrayed these "dangerous addictive tendencies" would need counseling to remove the addiction rather than marrying them off to solidify it.
It's like curing alcoholism by giving the addict a life-time supply of beer and thinking that would completely remove his desire to purchase any other alcohol for some "fun on the side."