Not posting the whole list here because its bloody long, but just click on the link and its all their. Anyway, I thought this would be a useful thing to post for future reference.After Monday’s bombshell news from the World Health Organisation that bacon, ham and sausages are carcinogenic, you can be forgiven for wondering just what exactly is safe for you to come into contact with – let alone eat.
Handily, the International Agency for Research on Cancer – a body that collects and publishes cancer figures worldwide – has a list of the 116 substances and activities (for some of them are more verb than noun) that are now considered to cause cancer.
Processed meats rank alongside smoking as cancer causes – WHO
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Red meat isn’t on the list – that only probably causes cancer. This is the IARC’s group 1 list – the stuff it says definitely is carcinogenic. The IARC splits the list into three categories, which it calls “exposure circumstances”, “mixtures” and “agents”.
Frankly, I'm surprised its only 116, but again, this is only what's confirmed to be carcinogenic.