This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6 DOOMerWoW
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
I always knew that these Bible prophecy people were crazy, but this guy was just plain messed up. It's pretty much the same World Leader Antichrist Conspiracy stuff many of them use, but he was just plain wierd with the "I only HEARD Bush was a Christian" part.
I was under the impression that the Anti-Christ came from the Carpathia Mountains in Romania... At least this is what my strongly Christian neighbor tells me.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Nero Caeser was the Anti-Christ.
That's what six-hundred and sixty-six means.
um how is Nero related to the number 666, he ruled over a hundred years after the year 666 AUC, i dont see whereelse that number comes from, can you inform us?
AUC = Ab Urbe Conditia, translated to "From the founding of the city", this is one of the two roman dating systems, begining with the founding of rome by romulus. Our current dating system is based on AUC in that a monk in the 7th century determined that year 1 AD = 753 AUC.
Also the name is spelled Caesar, not Caeser.
Furthermore, you violate roman naming convention there
Nero's name was
Nero Claudius Caesar
or to be more specific
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Saying Nero Caesar is incorrect in that you are giving the prenomen (equivalent to first name, there are a very limited number of these, examples = Gaius, Marcus, Decimus, sextus) and cognomen (sorta a closerfamily name, that is the Caesar in his name).
No roman is identified by only prenomen and cognomen. The convention is to either use the Prenomen and nomen (for nero it is, Nero Claudius, claudius is his nomen), just the Cognomen (so simply caesar but in some cases like this one it tends not to be used due to the frequency of said cognomen.), or as would be used in place of a too frequently used cognoment an Agnomen such as Britannicus or Germanicus or Octavionus)
Nero's name by birth was "Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus" and the Augustus was added to his name in place of Drusus when he gained the title Imperator (ie when he became emperor). When it was Drusus Germanicus, it meant his great grandfather was Drusus, and his grandfather was Germanicus, these both qualify as his Agnomen, the agnomen of his grandfather germanicus and the agnomen of his great grandfather drusus.
[edit] you can sorta tell im a rome freak, but the basic message is using the name "Nero Caesar" is incorrect for meaning the emperor Nero however come to think of it there was a Nero Caesar, one of the emperor's maturnal uncles born 6 ad died 30 ad, but that isnt his full name either just how he is known right now, same way we talk of Julius Caesar but that is a very odd combination using the Nomen and Cognomen, more accurate would be C. Julius (for Gaius Iulius, yes Gaius was abreviated C because in early roman history the alphabet didnt make a distinction between C and G) or simply Caesar[/edit]
i figured it might actually not have been a typo thats why i mentioned it thats all.
but saying it equals the man named Nero (Caesar) confuses it because do you mean the emperor or his uncle? and i would love to know which of the many permutations of his full name were used, was it just Prenomen, nomen, and Cognomen to equal 666, if so was it the name he was born with or the one he adopted upon being adopted by Claudius, OR did they use the full name (so Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) and if so which (Augustus or Drusus)
Any suggestions on where I could get info on this subject? you have sparked my curiousity as to whether these people were stupid and used the wrong name, or what name they used to describe him
According to heinlein the number isnt 666 its 6^6^6 or 6^36, read Number of the Beast.
I know it's not the most repudiple of sources, but it was in a programme about the Anti-Christ on the History Channel.
As far as names, they really didn't get into any detale other than it was just the Roman emperor Nero. The reason the show gave was because Nero pretty much started the persecution of Christians (I think), which was at the same time Revelations was written.
Every Bible and other source I've ever read/heard says the number is six-hundred sixty-six. I've never heard of the Heinlein theory, and it sounds iffy at best.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
Heinlein said that it was a simple mistranslation from the greek to the latin, i think it was just for the purposes of his story, but im not sure about that.
History Channel ehh? ahh well. But persecution of christians is an interesting matter for nero to have done since until about 853 AUC, ie 101 ADish (-10years +20) there were no christians as far as the romans were concerned, officially they considered christians to be mearly a sect of judism.
Bush is nonevil and an idiot. The antichrist is suppoesed to be extremely evil and have more than 3 functional brain cells.
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
Post #666: 5-24-03, 8:26 am (Hey, why not?)
Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion