verilon wrote:And this is acceptable, even through Separation of Church and State?
Of course not, but it is apparently legal. Good luck trying to get that practice tossed out like it should be. Perjury happens no matter what you make people swear on, so you should just let them swear on whatever they wish (mother's grave, father's eternal soul, anything).
Also, like the new av, though I prefer the Marathon Infinity and Tempus Irae looks better.
Marathon: EVIL was probably one of the best games I've ever played. And besides, this is Durandal's avatar throughout the entire series.
Damien Sorresso
"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
- The Onion
verilon wrote:And this is acceptable, even through Separation of Church and State?
Of course not, but it is apparently legal. Good luck trying to get that practice tossed out like it should be. Perjury happens no matter what you make people swear on, so you should just let them swear on whatever they wish (mother's grave, father's eternal soul, anything).
I thought not.. but given this country.. [shrugs]
Also, like the new av, though I prefer the Marathon Infinity and Tempus Irae looks better.
Marathon: EVIL was probably one of the best games I've ever played. And besides, this is Durandal's avatar throughout the entire series.
I liked Sin, to tell you the truth... But Marathon rocks, anyhow.
NapoleonGH wrote:anything that gets people off the most heinous, immoral, and uncivilized punishment invented, is a good thing. Good for that guy.
Yes...what right does our evil government have to prevent him from getting on with the upright, moral, civilized business of murdering people and attempting to murder anyone who tries to intervene.