Thread Link.
To which I replied:OK, I skipped all the bickering because, well, I've read it all before.
You cannot put all Christians into a single group. If you could then I wouldn't be a Christian because of a lot of the things I do, say and believe. And if you find it fair to generalize people, then I do, to.
All Athiests are Athiests because:
1 - They wanna rebel against their parents/guardians and be a typical teenager.
2 - They can't stand the idea of something being beyond them and find whatever they can to argue the non-existence of God. This can be viewed by many scientific types, claiming that they can't believe in a being that is perfect. What I read is they can't believe in a being that they can't understand or explain, therefore discomforting their existence. Of course, if human thought is flawed, then how can flawed thought understand a perfect being?
3 - They are afraid of the idea of an eternal afterlife. This is not surprising because we are mortals. We understand a beginning and an end. The idea of something not ending is a creepy thought (I can't stand bringing this point up because it just creeps ME out). We are born with an idea of mortality, and immortality frightens us.
4 - Life didn't go their way so they decide God can't exist. Of course, they Bible didn't say God would do everything for you, and it definitely didn't say the Christian's life would be easy.
Now, does that kind towards all Athiests? No, though it does count towards a large percentage. So claiming all Christians believe in God because of faith and nothing more is an insult to me.
Oh, by the way, every Beginning theory that scientists have come up with is flawed beyond the wazoo, from the Big Bang to the Primordial Soup theory (which contradicts itself). I could explain it, but I don't feel like it. It would just create another religion thread that does nothing but hit brick wall after brick wall.
Anyone want to rip his arguments or lack thereof apart?No, I am an atheist because God nor any other type of deity doesn't exist, if he does, he's the Universe's best recluse and also someone that, given the Bible, is not worthy of my praise anyway.
But that's my opinion.
Take it and run.