Most Wierd Proported Conspiracy Theory

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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Montcalm wrote:One of the many conspiracy i`ve heard,is the unmarked black helicopters in the South West.
But there are unmarked black helicopters in the Southwest. Mind you, they only look unmarked because their color scheme makes it hard to tell their markings.

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Post by Peregrin Toker »

Darth Wong wrote:I have to agree that the various "scientific conspiracy theory" claims are the silliest. Arguing that scientists all strictly support the status quo when fame and fortune in science are derived from changing the status quo is simply ridiculous.
It's silly, but not as flat-out laughable as the conspiracy theory that Kate Moss is a space alien. (Believe it or not, there are actually people who believe this)
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Post by Sarevok »

There are many conspiracy theries out there. The planet X conspiracy was probobly the worst for it's sheer stupidity. It said there was some planet X that would enter the solar sytem and disrupt earth's orbit. Then there was aliens on planet X who orginaly created life on earth and they will return to take over earth. Also there is the twin star of sun that will enter the solar system and add to the mess. While this happens govermenst will fall, world wars will take place and mutants and aliens would be appearing all over earth. Some people actualy believed the bullshit.

The Raelin conspiracy exceeds planet X in many ways. Some nutcase french man claims aliens created life on earth and he is theie emissary. The aliens are said to return in 2037 and we all must submit to Rael by then. The total amount of bullshit in Rael is vast and I can not explain it all. It hurts my head just to think about it. Search the internet for Rael and you will find a good amount of information on the subject.

The moon landing hoax is one that makes me realy angry. Some people are willing to denounce one of the greatest achievments of mankind for the sake of nothing. There is absolutely no evidence that man has not gone to the moon. The worst thing about this conspiracy theory is that the media gives too much attention to it like the fox documentary on the subject last year.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

I heard one where FDR and Winston Churchill co-conspired to get the Lusitania sunk, which served as practice for their underhanded dealings in the Pearl Harbor attack 26 years later.
Mmmm, tastes of paranoia, it does. :)
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

First of all, Atlantis never existed anywhere. Plato made the whole thing up in his dialogue. THe "Atlantis" story was supposed to be a feel good story about the Athenians conquering a much superior opponent and how great they were, something Plato figured they needed after all the plagues and asskicking the Spartans had just dealt them. He made the whole thing up, serious.

I think my favorite conspiracy theory is the Moon Landings Never Happened crowd and how their arguments can be shot down by anyone with a brain. My favorite argument on that front are the ones that claim that the moon landings were faked because you can't see the stars and if you are on the moon you should be able to see stars, therefore it was in a soundstage (and couldn't possibly be because the astronauts were trying to take pictures of the moon itself and set the exposure time on their cameras accordingly).
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

evilcat4000 wrote:The aliens are said to return in 2037 and we all must submit to Rael by then.
I thought the Raëlians believed that they only would return (and in 2025, not 2037) if we build an Art Deco embassy for'em??
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Post by Montcalm »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:
evilcat4000 wrote:The aliens are said to return in 2037 and we all must submit to Rael by then.
I thought the Raëlians believed that they only would return (and in 2025, not 2037) if we build an Art Deco embassy for'em??
Rael want to built his embassy on the holy ground "Israel"
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Post by Ryoga »

Bah, I can't believe nobody's brought up the mother of all conspiracy theories. Two words:

Last Battalion

Anything to do with Hitler, actually, is pretty fucked up. The Last Battalion is a purported super-secret-elite group of Nazis that secretly got Hitler out of Germany before the collapse of the Third Reich, and to a secret base in the South Pole. There they have all sorts of wonder-weapons like UFOs and shit, and are biding their time until they can strike again.

A related rumor is that he actually belonged to something called the Thule Society, and they were actually calling all the shots.

And I found all this shit while researching Persona, can you believe that? :)
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