Could someone please indicate me how many stars there are within a 4,000 ly radius around the Solar System ?
What are the most famous stars in this area ( aka things like Deneb, Betelgeuse, Altaïr, Tau Ceti and I-don't-know-what ) ?
What are the remarquable stellar phenomenon that close to our system ?
I'd appreciate to look at any website that provides such data as well as the characteristics of stars... ( even with google I fear that the result of a quick search would be pathetic, so if you have found something interesting please by all means let me know about it )
300 million within 5000 years.
Maybe 150-200 million within 4000 LY.
In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. If I wish, I can smash it all. Around me is a burgeoning empire of steel. From my throne room, lines of power careen into the skies of Earth. My whims will become lightning bolts that raze the mounds of humanity. Out of chaos, they will run and whimper, praying for me to end their tedious anarchy. I am drunk with this vision. God: the title suits me well.
And statistically how many of them are expected to have a planetary system ?
Just an idea, I'm not asking for something very accurate...
Even if it's only 1%, I guess my Human colonists will have a hard time populating all those systems, even relying on puny biodomes and O'Neill/asteroid habitats... 33th century will be hot, or won't be.
The Nomad wrote:
What are the most famous stars in this area ( aka things like Deneb, Betelgeuse, Altaïr, Tau Ceti and I-don't-know-what ) ?
What are the remarquable stellar phenomenon that close to our system ?
I'd appreciate to look at any website that provides such data as well as the characteristics of stars... ( even with google I fear that the result of a quick search would be pathetic, so if you have found something interesting please by all means let me know about it )
The NASA equivalent, ADS, sadly appears to have shut down after its funding was withdrawn.
For a list of the most famous stars, the quickest way is probably to google for the brightest/nearest stars. Deneb, Altair and Rigel are amongst the brightest. Tau Ceti is relatively nearby, at about 12 lightyears away if I remember right.
The Nomad wrote:
What are the most famous stars in this area ( aka things like Deneb, Betelgeuse, Altaïr, Tau Ceti and I-don't-know-what ) ?
What are the remarquable stellar phenomenon that close to our system ?
I'd appreciate to look at any website that provides such data as well as the characteristics of stars... ( even with google I fear that the result of a quick search would be pathetic, so if you have found something interesting please by all means let me know about it )
The NASA equivalent, ADS, sadly appears to have shut down after its funding was withdrawn.
For a list of the most famous stars, the quickest way is probably to google for the brightest/nearest stars. Deneb, Altair and Rigel are amongst the brightest. Tau Ceti is relatively nearby, at about 12 lightyears away if I remember right.
Without doubt, I'd say the most famous star is Alpha Centauri. It has appeared or has been mentioned in almost all media - computer games (alpha centauri - duh... also civilization), movies, tv shows (Lost in Space)... probably because it's the closest star or something along those lines.
Rigel is also a known one. Because if the name... it sounds kinda neat. Ri-GEL.
Slartibartfast wrote:Rigel is also a known one. Because if the name... it sounds kinda neat. Ri-GEL.
I was also the name of a cute little Hynerian Dominar
[Rygel]"You're my bitch now![/Rygel] Hella off topic, but he was great.
Back on topic's really fubared that there is all this up there, waiting to be explored and seen. And at the rate we're going, we'll finally colonize the moon around the 23rd century or something...if even that soon.