Diet plans

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Diet plans

Post by Shrykull »

Not sure if it fits, there isn't really a health forum, but I was thinking about losing some weight, I'm not working or anything right now, so I have lots of time.

Say if you have to burn 3500 calories in a pound. I could get on the cross trainer for a few hours(it's really easy), 2 or 3, I usually keep my calories per hour above 600, so 2 hours would be 1200 3 1800, and I was wondering about metabolism, doesn't your body continue to metabolize faster after you exercise, like how an engine stays hot, and over the next few hours you burn calories equal to amount you burned in your workout, so my total would be 1800 or 2700, plus the calories you burn just be breathing, so I could lose about a pound a day several a month?
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Post by InnerBrat »

Increased exercise does increase you metabolism, yes. Not just aftre the exercise in wquetsion, but in general while you lead an active life.

Don't forget to eat properly, and don't overdo it.
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Post by TheFeniX »

After visting the doctor, I decided that I needed to loose some weight. I went on the Atkins Diet pretty hard and blew off 18 pounds in two weeks.

I had to get off it as of yesterday because my stomach has been turned for a loop after weeks of packing down steaks and eggs all the time, but I've already gone down a belt loop.

This diet is great because I'm too lazy to work out right now. My back still hurts and I want to give it another week or two before I combine the diet with exercise.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

All fad diets are bullshit. Eat a balanced diet and exercise. Also dont fall for the idea that everyone can be thin like on TV. You can be a perfectly healthy and be a few pounds over the "ideal" weight.

Beware of losing weight too fast as well. Its dangerous and just about everyone gains it back after they leave the latest "fad" diet which everyone does sooner or later.
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Post by EmperorChrostas the Cruel »

Fast losses or gains in wieght are not healthy.
Diets DON'T work. They attack the SYMPTOM, not the problem.
The problem is you consume more caolories per day than you burn. However much excess fat you have didn't just show up overnight.
It should not be expected to disapear overnight either. You can clean years of junk out of your garage in one day, but without sugery, you have a limit on how fast you can SAFELY lose the fat.
Oh, and by the way, clear thinking. You do NOT have a WEIGHT problem.
You have a FAT problem. It is possible to gain muscle mass while losing fat, with a net gain in weight.

Throw out your scale, and get a big mirror, and a measuring tape. Take measurements. Keep a log.
How you look and feel are more important than weight.

Think of a window sill, with so many coats of paint, it will no longer close properly.
Every time you ate more than you burned, you added a coat of paint. It took years for the paint to build up.
Think of sandpaper. If you could only sand 5 strokes a day with your abrasive, how many days will it take to get down to the wood?
That depends on how many "coats of paint" you are "sanding."

Then there is the Belt sander! (liposuction)

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Post by Macross »

I just lost 60 pounds in 8 months, with no special diets, no gym or health club memberships, and no drastic alteration of my lifestyle.

Heres what I did, no real trick to it. it just takes a bit of willpower.

1) Cut back on the junk food. This doesnt mean you have to entirely stop eating junk food just means you limit the quantity and frequency. If you consume a certin ammount of junk food a day, cut that amount in half, then change the frequency to every other day, then once a week, etc.

The point is, you can still enjoy the foods you like and lose weight.

2) Eat more fruits and vegatables. We have all heard this before, but this really does a make a differance.

3) Water is your friend. Drink a full glass of water before each meal, and another full glass during the meal. This will fill up your stomach faster, and trick your stomach into thinking its full.

4) Exercise. You dont have to go to an expensive gym and spend hours working out each day. A simple thirty minute walk around the block each day is all that it took for me.

5) Willpower. Starting a diet is the hardest part of all. The first few weeks will be rough, as you need to experiment to find the right balance of food and exercise. Take it slowly, losing a pound a day is very difficult and may be unrealsitic. Doctors recommend losing one pound a week, I did it a bit faster. At the height of my diet I was loseing weight at a rate of 2.5 pounds a week. Find a realtstic rate that you are comfortable with.

Dont get discouraged if you find yourself only loseing a pound or less a week, any weight loss is still progress.

Good luck.
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Post by Howedar »

The Atkins Diet works; you will lose pounds.

However, you will harm your body in doing so.
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Post by TheFeniX »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:All fad diets are bullshit.
If you're talking about Atkins, 30 years is one Hell of a fad.
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