Refuting Christian literature

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Refuting Christian literature

Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I decided to have some intellectual fun as well as simply entertain myself while on a week-long vacation at my grandparents, so I am also taking along a Christian book to refute. I will hopefully get the rough draft finished while there still, and when I come back, I can polish it up and open a Geoshitties page for it! :P

It's called "Book Burning", and is by Cal Thomas. Here is the jacket description:
A new wave of censorship is sweeping America. Some of our most basic rights - even rights protected by the Constitution - are being curtailed. Who's responsible? The Moral Majority? The New Rights? Religious fanatics? No.

The new censors are people who claim to abhor censorship! teh real censors are the so-called "liberal" secularists. Surpised? Consider these facts:

- Relgious books consistently outsell general books, but almost never appear on national best-seller lists.

- 86 percent of the "media elite" - reporters, editors, TV producters, news exectutive, etc. - seldom or never attand relgious services.

- Thanks to the efforts of "civil liberties" zealots, smut peddlers flourish while school children are prevented from participating in a Nativity play.

- Feminists have quietly gone about censoring traditional women's roles out of the nation's textbooks, while Christian parents advocating even minor changes in curriculum are often branded as intolerant bigots.

Here is the full story of how the religious and politically conservative point of view - and even the history of our own nation - is being systematically supressed by those who, masquerading as "pluralists," wish to establish atheistic secular humanism as the new national religon.

Book Burning shows how schools, public libraries, and general bookstores routinely discriminate against books which contain religious and tradtional values; how "civil liberties" groups erode our civil liberties; how the media supress the religous viewpoint; how school curriculums give children a distorted picture of the world. And you'll find out how to effetively counteract this wave of humanist censorship. If you care about the future of America, you cannot afford to leave this book unread.
Being the upstanding citizen that I am, I feel simply compelled to read it. :) Judgind from the introduction and first chapter, it shall be quite enjoyable.
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