htg wrote:LMSx wrote:*blah blah*
Don't post that response.
Yeah, after re-reading that it's not how I would have wanted to present a response at all. In light of that I won't try and frame a new response, just address htg's points.
The first, and biggest problem with it is that it violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Since your argument seems to depend on a temporally infinite but spatially finite universe, it would long since have suffered Heat Death. After the first few cycles you'll have run out of usable energy, and the universe will have turned into a low-temperature mist of radiation and matter. Even the conversion of energy to matter must involve an increase in entropy (though I'm not sure how. Does someone out there know?)
What I failed to point out in the topic is that the universe wouldn't be temporally infinite. Imagine an y/x graph of space/time. At 0,0 there is the singularity/cosmic egg, at 10,10 there is the maximum the universe will ever expand. You're imagining the universe as a continuing parabola, from 10,10 the universe will shrink to 0,20 then to 10,30 and so forth. Instead, think of a single line from 0,0 to 10,10.....which then goes straight back to 0,0. On the trip from 0,0 to 10,10 (the one we are in) the universe would move forward, as would time. (and entropy, since you brought it up) Once it hits 10,10 the universe will begin contracting and move back, as would time and entropy. Cause and Effect would not be affected (har) since in an expanding universe the future always has a greater X value and in a contracting universe the future would have a smaller X value-so Effect wouldn't proceed Cause. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle would make sure each "trip" is different.
net amount of time (+x -x) = 0
net amount of distance (+y -y) = 0
net amount of entropy (+e -e) = 0
Pretty smooth total. If The Nomad is true, tack on a net amount of energy = 0 and if I'm slaughtering physics principles here now, it's worth pointing out to stop me.
Second, the vast majority of matter/antimatter pairs annihilate each other right after they are generated (their opposite electrical charges attract them back to each other). The only exception to this rule I know of is close to the event horizons of black holes (the famous Hawking radiation) and that is insufficient to re-generate the matter of the universe in a reasonable time frame.
Now, I wrote that ---->assuming<---- that there was no rational reason why energy converted into matter (I use that term generally) would prefer our version of matter over antimatter. If that assumption is true, then there would be an equal quantity of antimatter *somewhere*. If not, well, hopefully someone will poke a hole in it.
Fourth, unless I'm gravely mistaken, even photons exert gravitational influence on the universe in direct proportion to their energy (m=E/c^2). Thus the total gravitational pull on the universe will remain constant, and it will continue to collapse to singularity.
The end result of a contracting universe would be a higher temperature as matter is converted into radiation/energy. (Like the fusion in stars, except m/am is 100% efficient) The higher temperature would produce a growing expansive effect, and the cosmic egg serves as the point where the gravitational force and the expansive force are equal.
EDIT-FUBARed the space/time coordinates