The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
Moderator: Alyrium Denryle
Given that it's the History Channel are you sure it wasn't some stock footage of children trick or treating as ghosts?StarshipTitanic wrote:
The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
Hehehehe, yeah, I'm sure.Sea Skimmer wrote:Given that it's the History Channel are you sure it wasn't some stock footage of children trick or treating as ghosts?StarshipTitanic wrote:
The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
The KKK dressing their children in their trademark Silly Robes???StarshipTitanic wrote:The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
Ah shit, I just remembered something. I'm moving to the Center of Florida. God save me...Simon H.Johansen wrote:The KKK dressing their children in their trademark Silly Robes???StarshipTitanic wrote:The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
Did the interviewer explain to the donkey-fucker that the baby and every other human being on Earth are all descended from an African ancestor?StarshipTitanic wrote:Hehehehe, yeah, I'm sure.
"Look at this pure white baby. It's the most beautiful thing in the world."
That same "Donkey Fucker" (I'd use Raper, cuz that donkey sure as hell isn't consenting), probably went "Afri-mah-cuh? What the hell is that?!?"Darth Wong wrote:Did the interviewer explain to the donkey-fucker that the baby and every other human being on Earth are all descended from an African ancestor?StarshipTitanic wrote:Hehehehe, yeah, I'm sure.
"Look at this pure white baby. It's the most beautiful thing in the world."
Yeah, they have them come out the cross burnings, etc.Simon H.Johansen wrote:The KKK dressing their children in their trademark Silly Robes???StarshipTitanic wrote:The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
They are creationists, remember. They're "fighting" for WASPs.Did the interviewer explain to the donkey-fucker that the baby and every other human being on Earth are all descended from an African ancestor?
No because donkeys are not a race, they are a different speciesjinx wrote:here's an intresting thought. If klan member in question actualy did fux0r a donkey wouldn't that technicly be inter-racial breeding which he would be very much against?
Nah, they'd tell you to stop with your Derwoodistic popery.Vorlon1701 wrote:That same "Donkey Fucker" (I'd use Raper, cuz that donkey sure as hell isn't consenting), probably went "Afri-mah-cuh? What the hell is that?!?"Darth Wong wrote:Did the interviewer explain to the donkey-fucker that the baby and every other human being on Earth are all descended from an African ancestor?StarshipTitanic wrote:Hehehehe, yeah, I'm sure.
"Look at this pure white baby. It's the most beautiful thing in the world."
They probably don't care - the Ku Klux Klan has always been an organization which appealed more to emotion than to logic.Darth Wong wrote:Did the interviewer explain to the donkey-fucker that the baby and every other human being on Earth are all descended from an African ancestor?StarshipTitanic wrote:Hehehehe, yeah, I'm sure.
"Look at this pure white baby. It's the most beautiful thing in the world."
Nope, I tuned it out when they showed the promos, saying that Neo NazismStarshipTitanic wrote:Did anyone see those two programs? I watched the entire KKK one and the beginning of the Nazi history.
I've never seen a Klansman in person (well, I've never seen one in robes; I may have passed some not in robes, it's impossible to tell). Out of curiosity, where in Central Florida? (Or is Boca where you went to, instead of coming from?) Actually, the NAACP probably wields more power around here than most other political groups.Vorlon1701 wrote:Ah shit, I just remembered something. I'm moving to the Center of Florida. God save me...Simon H.Johansen wrote:The KKK dressing their children in their trademark Silly Robes???StarshipTitanic wrote:The little infants and babies dressed up in their stupid clown costumes made me feel horrible.
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
I thought they merely were buffoons.DPDarkPrimus wrote:You don't want to debate a Klansman. Their idea of a rebuttal would probably involve a baseball bat to your head. Accepting of free thought, they are not.
The program touched upon that. They splintered in order to avoid tax fraud investigations in the future.The image of a unified single Ku Klux Klan is a myth.
There was a little bit of a Klan rally and they were wearing those shirts. I induced a groan-laugh.The only person that I have ever personally seen express racist sentiments in public without hiding under a robe and hood was this huge (about 6'5 and 320 lbs of muscle) biker type who had a t-shirt on with an image of a Klansman on a horse holding a torch and the caption: The original 'boyz in the hood'.
Actually, the different Klan groups actually compete with each other in some cases, meaning that one of the KKK's worst enemies is itself.Glocksman wrote: There's a bunch of groups that use similar sounding names that pattern themselves to one degree or another after the Ku Klux Klan that was founded in the aftermath of the Civil War (or the War of Northern Agression, depending upon your sentiments.)
Yep, during the 1920s the Klan's anger was directed more towards Catholics and immigrants than against black people.They weren't very strong in my area of the state however.
Southwestern Indiana was heavily German Catholic, and the Klan hated Catholics almost as much as they hated blacks.
Oh dear. Oh dear.The only person that I have ever personally seen express racist sentiments in public without hiding under a robe and hood was this huge (about 6'5 and 320 lbs of muscle) biker type who had a t-shirt on with an image of a Klansman on a horse holding a torch and the caption: The original 'boyz in the hood'.