C.S.Strowbridge wrote:
Get killed asshole.
That's the odd that a kevlar vest might be useful.
0.00367% is close enough to 0% that it's meaningless. It's a less than a rounding error.
YOU get killed. I survive a shooting while you become another festering pile of corruption upon the streets.
Yeah, and eash Kevlar vest that's stolen from a person who would NEVER have used it is one more in the hands of the criminals.
And the average citizen can't protect his property from theft. Amazing deduction Sherlock Holmes. Or should it be Shithead Whore? You must have had your brains stolen. Or did they fall out when you stuck your head in your ass?
They are. They're stolen from people who will never use them and put in the hands of the criminals who do. Who, in turn, scare the morons who bought the guns to buy more guns, which are also stolen.
And the circle of stupidity is complete.
Yes, the idiot who posted his trash on SD.net, impersonating someone of worth has returned for another owning.
Will you PLEASE walk into traffic, you motherfucking cocksucking shitfaced cockmonkey?
It's called cost analysis. Look into it.
Look into a pile of your shit? No fucking way. Not while you're eating. Not ever, actually.
And besides,
You a fucking idiot. You all are.
TRANSLATION: Mommy Mommy wahhhhhh the big boys are making fun of my needle dick waaaaahhhh
MAy your worthless ass be fucked by a sharpened log .
It's a simple matter of cost effectiveness.
It's simple all right. If you died the world would be a better place.
Negliable benefit + Huge cost = Bad idea.
Saves my life = good idea.
You = retarded idiot spewing his warp[ed masturbations about how the world should be.
Concession accepted, fuckface.