C.S.Strowbridge wrote:
I'm 1/32 Indian. Does that count?
As long as you have census papers, IMO. OR can trace back oyur family. Either way, that's Indian enough for me.
But oh, wait, I don't have a say....I'm not full blood.
Should've been Black. We go by the One-Drop Rule.
IOW, if you have one drop of Black blood in you, you're Black. It doesn't matter if you're 100 percent or 1/100 percent.
Of course, that means that we must now force-feed Black Music to you. Soul, Funk, and much of early R&B is good, but if someone tries to push Jay-Z on you, feel free to kill them.
I really don't like: Fundies (especially the racist ones), people who have been homeless for more than two years (I figure that ANYONE can get a job of some kind, during that time), and people who are ridiculously overweight (would it kill you to take a walk once in a while?).
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul
Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner
"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000
verilon wrote:MoO: Sometimes it is harder in some places than others. Just letting you know.
If it's hard, then it won't be required as often. There is NO reason why anyone should be more than 100 or 150 pounds overweight. After a point, it seriously does start to affect one's life, to the point where it is impossible to function normally. Once it gets to that point--where they know they're fat, realize that it's causing them immediate problems, but STILL don't decide to do anything about it, then it begins to grate on me.
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul
Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner
"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000
Darth Wong wrote:Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
Who wouldn't? I don't want to see any mini-mes running around...freaks me out too much.
So I take it that this means you're not going to clone an army of mini-verilons to conquer the world? Because I'm pretty sure that several of the others on this board plan something like that. Sea Skimmer probably has several batches of ruthless clone warriors already.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
verilon wrote:MoO: Sometimes it is harder in some places than others. Just letting you know.
If it's hard, then it won't be required as often. There is NO reason why anyone should be more than 100 or 150 pounds overweight. After a point, it seriously does start to affect one's life, to the point where it is impossible to function normally. Once it gets to that point--where they know they're fat, realize that it's causing them immediate problems, but STILL don't decide to do anything about it, then it begins to grate on me.
Darth Wong wrote:Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
Who wouldn't? I don't want to see any mini-mes running around...freaks me out too much.
So I take it that this means you're not going to clone an army of mini-verilons to conquer the world? Because I'm pretty sure that several of the others on this board plan something like that. Sea Skimmer probably has several batches of ruthless clone warriors already.
God no! I have other ways of conquering the world, of which you will not be able to delve into; it would require ESP.
verilon wrote:I hate it when people are too much like me.
Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
I hate knowing people that are too much like me--makes me see the things that annoy me about myself. I'm usually too conscious of those things anyway, so another reminder isn't really necessary.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
verilon wrote:MoO: Sometimes it is harder in some places than others. Just letting you know.
If it's hard, then it won't be required as often. There is NO reason why anyone should be more than 100 or 150 pounds overweight. After a point, it seriously does start to affect one's life, to the point where it is impossible to function normally. Once it gets to that point--where they know they're fat, realize that it's causing them immediate problems, but STILL don't decide to do anything about it, then it begins to grate on me.
Whoops...I didn't clarify. I meant the job thing.
Oh, okay. I didn't know what you were talking about.
Here in San Francisco, I see a lot of homeless people that have lived on the streets for five, ten, even fifteen or twenty years. Many of them are always complaining that the city isn't doing enough for them. They even worked to shoot down a measure to provide them with more non-monetary benefits, while removing a small portion of their monetary allowance. Obviously, the only reason you would need money instead of superior services would be if you were spending the money for drugs. I also grew to hate one particular man who one of my reporters frequented. In one of our stories about a measure to take in homeless people, give them a job as a street-cleaner, and pay them for their services while removing most non-working transients' benefits, he was quoted as saying, "I wouldn't be able to live here [in San Francisco] if they did that."
[smacks forehead with hand] That's kind of the point. Maybe I'm being heartless, but in a city where the PIGEONS are overweight, I don't see any reason why anyone can't get a job for years on end unless they don't want to be working. I think that they should have to work to get money. I don't think we need to be giving them any more free-lunches.
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul
Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner
"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000
Darth Wong wrote:Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
I hate knowing people that are too much like me--makes me see the things that annoy me about myself. I'm usually too conscious of those things anyway, so another reminder isn't really necessary.
Is it my imagination, or do a lot of people here suffer low self-esteem? I don't mean it as an insult, but it seems to me that a lot of people on the board report feelings or issues that are consistent with self-esteem problems.
Maybe this is due to the youth of the population; self-esteem problems are always more common in youth.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
Master of Ossus wrote:Oh, okay. I didn't know what you were talking about.
Here in San Francisco, I see a lot of homeless people that have lived on the streets for five, ten, even fifteen or twenty years. Many of them are always complaining that the city isn't doing enough for them. They even worked to shoot down a measure to provide them with more non-monetary benefits, while removing a small portion of their monetary allowance. Obviously, the only reason you would need money instead of superior services would be if you were spending the money for drugs. I also grew to hate one particular man who one of my reporters frequented. In one of our stories about a measure to take in homeless people, give them a job as a street-cleaner, and pay them for their services while removing most non-working transients' benefits, he was quoted as saying, "I wouldn't be able to live here [in San Francisco] if they did that."
[smacks forehead with hand] That's kind of the point. Maybe I'm being heartless, but in a city where the PIGEONS are overweight, I don't see any reason why anyone can't get a job for years on end unless they don't want to be working. I think that they should have to work to get money. I don't think we need to be giving them any more free-lunches.
That makes quite a bit of sense, but here in Albuquerque, it's a vicious cycle....I have a few friends that just can't seem to get off the streets. They can't get a job unless they have a place to live, and can't get a place to live unless they have a job. There is a place for youth under 21, where they are allowed shelter during the day, and they provide food and help finding obs and housing, but there isn't much for people older than that.
Coyote wrote:Another thing I am prejudiced against: polotically correct scolds who automatically assume that absolutely, positively 100% of everything that the United States does is irredeemably evil. They automatically stick up for every despotic tyrant regime, make excuses for shits like the Taliban and other craphounds in the world.
Of course, none of these jerkoffs will actually go to live in places like North Korea, Iraq, whatever. Oh, no-- they want to stay in the US and sip cappucinos and drive their minivans or SUVs and wear their fashionable clothes-- but it amazes me how the people that once circulated internet petitions about the Taliban's treatment of women and others (people who once demanded that the US 'do something' about it) suddenly start screeching from the rooftops about how the tyrannical US is bombing the Taliban, who 'only want to defend their culture'.
I just want them to stay in the suburbs and STFU.
Hm, ok I was about to feel included in this group of people but your second paragraphs mentions how these peoples want to stay in the US, so since I'm not from the US and I think the US is evil, then I'm okay.
Darth Wong wrote:Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
I hate knowing people that are too much like me--makes me see the things that annoy me about myself. I'm usually too conscious of those things anyway, so another reminder isn't really necessary.
Is it my imagination, or do a lot of people here suffer low self-esteem? I don't mean it as an insult, but it seems to me that a lot of people on the board report feelings or issues that are consistent with self-esteem problems.
Maybe this is due to the youth of the population; self-esteem problems are always more common in youth.
Not so! Some people (myself and Zaia included) are just a bit too self-conscious. Others feed on attention (we all know who that is). That's all. Generally, I have quite a high self-esteem (unless I, for whatever reason, am depressed...).
Darth Wong wrote:Why would you hate it when people are too much like you?
I hate knowing people that are too much like me--makes me see the things that annoy me about myself. I'm usually too conscious of those things anyway, so another reminder isn't really necessary.
Is it my imagination, or do a lot of people here suffer low self-esteem? I don't mean it as an insult, but it seems to me that a lot of people on the board report feelings or issues that are consistent with self-esteem problems.
Maybe this is due to the youth of the population; self-esteem problems are always more common in youth.
It seems likely that a good portion of the internet-population in general has low self-esteem, and that most of the people who bring up their personal problems (out of the ones here) will suffer from a low self-esteem. I think they might just be the ones you tend to notice, on the board.
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul
Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner
"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000
It seems likely that a good portion of the internet-population in general has low self-esteem, and that most of the people who bring up their personal problems (out of the ones here) will suffer from a low self-esteem. I think they might just be the ones you tend to notice, on the board.
I think it's rather unfortunate that there are so many people in the developed world who enjoy the luxuries of first-world life, who are healthy and who have a whole lifetime ahead of them, but who knock themselves down and get depressed in spite of it all. It seems so pointless.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
It seems likely that a good portion of the internet-population in general has low self-esteem, and that most of the people who bring up their personal problems (out of the ones here) will suffer from a low self-esteem. I think they might just be the ones you tend to notice, on the board.
I think it's rather unfortunate that there are so many people in the developed world who enjoy the luxuries of first-world life, who are healthy and who have a whole lifetime ahead of them, but who knock themselves down and get depressed in spite of it all. It seems so pointless.
This reminds me of an old Aesop fable.
Two bulls are pulling a heavy cart. The cart's wheels squek a lot. After a while, the driver says out loud "Why do these wheels make so much noise? The oxen have to pull the cart, and they are silent!"
Moral: Often, those who do the least cry out the loudest. (or somethnig like that)
-Those damn trendy white boys.
-Racist monkey fuckers who are prejudiced against whites.
-All the goody-two-shoes who think that being prejudiced is wrong.
-People who refer to other people as goody-two-shoes.
-Idiots that refers to others as "people".
-When someone calls another me an idiot.
-Over-sensitive people who can't take an insult.
-Everyone who thinks I'm over-sensitive.
You get the drift.
Disclaimer: this isn't serious so fuck off, idiot racist monkey-fucker goody-two-shoes.
Nobody cares about your stupid disclaimer <edit>you over-sensitive twat</edit>!
Last edited by Slartibartfast on 2002-11-16 07:30pm, edited 3 times in total.
It seems likely that a good portion of the internet-population in general has low self-esteem, and that most of the people who bring up their personal problems (out of the ones here) will suffer from a low self-esteem. I think they might just be the ones you tend to notice, on the board.
I think it's rather unfortunate that there are so many people in the developed world who enjoy the luxuries of first-world life, who are healthy and who have a whole lifetime ahead of them, but who knock themselves down and get depressed in spite of it all. It seems so pointless.
Actually, it makes sense. People in developed countries have all the nessecities of life, so they have plenty of time to think about how pointless all their running around is.
data_link has resigned from the board after proving himself to be a relentless strawman-using asshole in this thread and being too much of a pussy to deal with the inevitable flames. Buh-bye.
Slartibartfast wrote:-Those damn trendy white boys.
-Racist monkey fuckers who are prejudiced against whites.
-All the goody-two-shoes who think that being prejudiced is wrong.
-People who refer to other people as goody-two-shoes.
-Idiots that refers to others as "people".
-When someone calls another me an idiot.
-Over-sensitive people who can't take an insult.
-Everyone who thinks I'm over-sensitive.
You get the drift.
Disclaimer: this isn't serious so fuck off, idiot racist monkey-fucker goody-two-shoes.
Nobody cares about your stupid disclaimer!
It seems likely that a good portion of the internet-population in general has low self-esteem, and that most of the people who bring up their personal problems (out of the ones here) will suffer from a low self-esteem. I think they might just be the ones you tend to notice, on the board.
I think it's rather unfortunate that there are so many people in the developed world who enjoy the luxuries of first-world life, who are healthy and who have a whole lifetime ahead of them, but who knock themselves down and get depressed in spite of it all. It seems so pointless.
Speaking from my own experience with depression, I would say that it's the easy lives we lead that allow the luxury of feeling sorry for ourselves. Nothing puts things in perspective more than the sense of self preservation.